Significant events of April 11. Holidays and events in April

Question for a psychologist:

Hello, it all started when my sister believes in fortune tellers and went to tell fortunes about her husband. They had problems, and I blurted out that she would guess at me and my boyfriend at the time whether we would be together or not. When she came, she said that they had guessed that I wouldn’t, and that it would be completely different with me, but she also told the truth about the guy. I take everything into my head very much. I really don't want to part with him. I cried a lot about this situation, but then they told me that whatever you think will happen, and I forgot about it. After a while, my boyfriend and I decided to get married, everything was fine, my thoughts did not return. But something happened wrong and they appeared again, these thoughts (maybe because I was sitting at home and not working, I was tired of it, so to speak). Again hysterics, tears. Incomprehensible statements in your head, why do you need him, they told you someone else, you won’t be able to do what you did when you were on your own. I love the guy very much. There is a month left before the painting, and my mother tells me that she doesn’t want me to marry, just not him, she wants to marry me off to a foreigner, and I don’t even allow the thought that I will be with someone else. And then again these thoughts of leaving him appeared, it’s not yours, that he’s not exactly the one. Now we are husband and wife, but my soul does not calm down, it is always in some kind of tension. It all started in June and is still going on. Because of all these incomprehensible thoughts, I look at young people and I like them. And as soon as I do this, it hurts me that I have a husband, it’s like betrayal, but I understand that everyone is looking at others, that you can’t gouge out your eyes. I think it's simple new stage in life, that now I have to think not only about myself, but also about my husband. (I didn’t have a relationship before him, and I didn’t date anyone, but I wasn’t deprived of attention.) Just new worries, a new round in life, so to speak. But that’s why I want to give up everything and start life again, without torturing him and myself. Thanks a lot.

Psychologist Irina Urkhovna Surmenok answers the question.

Hello, Victoria!

No one can know in advance what awaits him in the future. Yes, a person plans, dreams, sets goals. Even if the goal is clearly formulated, specific ways to achieve it are outlined, then in this case, the desired result can be influenced by various factors, life circumstances, opinions of others, and possibly some of their actions. Often people who are not very confident in themselves, as well as, for example, people who are in difficult life situation, they begin to doubt themselves, their strengths, the correctness of their actions, the feasibility of their plans just because someone expressed their negative opinion to them, their unfavorable forecasts, doubts, and lack of faith in their strengths. As for fortune-telling and predictions and unsupported forecasts, they tend to “come true” if a person takes them seriously, begins to think about it for a long time, that is, he is “programmed” by fortune-telling, prediction and begins to behave differently, that is, he changes himself, becomes the initiator of changes in relationships with other people, which inevitably leads to a response. Relationships deteriorate, which may lead to their breakup. In such situations, people who have been told something have been told a fortune, and people privy to the situation tend to think that “the fortune-telling has come true.” Perhaps fortune telling and predictions come true. And who does everything possible to make them come true??? In such cases, a person not only makes things worse for himself, but also at the same time increases the “rating” of the fortune teller, maintaining her reputation as a “seer,” since at the subconscious level, being under the impression of predictions, he begins to involuntarily perform actions that lead him to the predicted result. In the situation you described, the following questions arise: “How was your relationship with the young man before, before the fortune telling?”, “Has your attitude towards him changed after the fortune telling? If it changed, why? Maybe the young man has changed for the worse or you didn’t know him enough before?”, “After the fortune telling, did you begin to be biased towards your young man? Or maybe they began to treat him more demandingly, purposefully “looking out” for shortcomings in him? Perhaps your sincere answers to these questions will help you decide whether you should trust fortune tellers so unconditionally. Every person knows himself better than others know him. If you easily succumb to the influence of others, if someone else’s opinion and prediction is so important to you, then perhaps try not to listen to these opinions and predictions.


(1370 — 4.1.1428),
ruler of Saxony, who founded the University of Leipzig (1409).

(1492 — 21.12.1549),
French princess, sister of King FRANCIS I, one of the first women writers in France. Also known as Marguerite DE VALOIS, Marguerite D'ANGOULEME and Marguerite DE FRANCE.

She is considered the patroness of poets and scientists.

1755 - James PARKINSON
(1755 — 21.12.1824),
English doctor.

In 1812, he was the first to name the cause of death in appendicitis as inflammation of the appendix, and five years later he described “shaking paralysis,” which is now called Parkinson’s disease.

1769 - Jean LANN
(1769 — 31.5.1809),
Marshal of France (1804), Duke of Montebello (1808). The son of a peasant, who achieved the highest titles and ranks, was buried in the Pantheon.

1770 - George CANNING
/George CANNING/
(1770 — 8.8.1827),
statesman UK, Tory. Since April 1827, Prime Minister.

1803 - Kozma Petrovich PRUTKOV
(1803 — 13.1.1863),
director of the Assay Office, actual state councilor, holder of the Order of St. Stanislav 1st degree, author of poems, fables, plays and aphorisms.

He was born on April 11 and marked all his printed prose articles with the 11th of April or another month, but with such a mark he commemorated not his birthday, but his remarkable dream, which coincided by chance with the day of his birth and had an influence on his entire life (see section "Events"). Leaving military service, he entered the Assay Office, where he served until the end of his life. The authorities appreciated his jealousy and rewarded him according to his deserts. His subordinates loved him but feared him. But no matter how great his career successes and merits were, they alone would not have given him even a hundredth part of the fame that he acquired through his literary activities.

He won this fame with his courage. Although mentally limited, he gave advice of wisdom; not being a poet, he wrote poetry and dramatic writings; Believing to be a historian, he told jokes; Having neither education nor even the slightest understanding of the needs of the fatherland, he composed management projects for it. - “Diligence overcomes everything!”... Kozma Prutkov’s self-confidence, complacency and mental limitations were expressed especially clearly in his “Fruits of Meditation”, i.e. in his “Thoughts and Aphorisms”.

Birthday famous author given by his “parents” - brothers Alexander, Alexey and Vladimir ZHECHUZHNIKOV and their cousin Alexey Konstantinovich TOLSTOY. Hidden under a collective pseudonym, they (all famous writers, and Tolstoy - the author historical novel“Prince Silver”) and could not have imagined that the parody director of the Assay Office, invented by them as a joke, who was fond of writing in his spare time, would surpass his creators in fame. But their talent was so bright that fictional character healed own life: found a biography and appearance, and many considered him to be a real person.

They first learned about him in 1854, when several issues of Yeralash, a humorous supplement to the Sovremennik magazine, published “The Leisure of Kuzma Prutkov,” and at the beginning of 1863 Prutkov’s death was reported. Fyodor DOSTOEVSKY then wrote: “We now have one wonderful writer, the beauty of our time, a certain Kozma Prutkov. Its entire drawback lies in its incomprehensible modesty: it has not yet published full meeting of his writings." Such a collection was published in 1884 and was finally decorated with a portrait of the author. 30 years earlier, censorship banned its publication, suspecting “a mockery of any real person.” If the first circulation was only 600 copies, then later Prutkov’s circulation reached hundreds of thousands. To our daily life included the phrases: “What we have, we don’t keep; having lost it, we cry”, “You cannot embrace the immensity”, “A specialist is like gumboil: its completeness is one-sided”, “Having lied once, who will believe you?”, and isn’t this best reward to the one who said them first?!

1825 - Ferdinand LASSALLE
/Ferdinand LASSALLE/
(1825 — 31.8.1864),
German socialist, one of the founders of the General German Workers' Union.

Having taken part in the revolution of 1848-49, at the same time he met Karl MARX and Friedrich ENGELS, he considered himself one of their supporters, but the “Communist League” in Cologne did not accept him into its ranks. Lassalle continued to correspond with Marx, but their paths diverged. Lassalle believed that the time for revolutionary action had passed and that one should follow an evolutionary path within the framework of existing laws, which is why he began to be considered an opportunist by Marxists. And they were right, since Lassalle entered into correspondence with Chancellor BISMARCK and negotiated with him. Lassalle hoped in this way to achieve a law on universal electoral law, and Bismarck needed allies in the fight against the liberal opposition. Elected president of the Workers' Union, Lassalle supported Bismarck's aggressive policies.

1854, 155 years ago - Maria Gavrilovna SAVINA / born. SLAVIC/
(1854 — 21.9.1915),
actress of the Alexandrinsky Theater.

Her parents were provincial actors, and she has been on stage since she was 8 years old. She played in Kharkov, Kazan, Saratov, Orel in a variety of genres, from 1874 to Alexandrinsky Theater, where she was prima for the rest of her life. Her first husband was actor N. N. SAVIN, her second was a prominent theatrical figure A. E. MOLCHANOV.

Savina was one of the organizers of the “Society for benefiting needy stage performers” (1883), which 11 years later turned into the Russian theater society. She was also among the initiators of the 1st All-Russian Congress of Stage Workers in 1897, and a year earlier she created a Shelter for Elderly Actors, which later received her name (now the House of Stage Veterans in St. Petersburg).

1893 - Dean Gooderham ACHESON
/Dean Gooderham ACHESON/
(1893 — 12.10.1971),
American statesman, Secretary of State 1949–53.

He was very sensitive to political trends in Washington: during the war he advocated cooperation with Soviet Union, after TRUMAN came to power, became one of the main heralds cold war, tough confrontation with the USSR. He is one of the main authors of the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, under him NATO was formed and war broke out on the Korean Peninsula. Subsequently he criticized any steps to defuse international tension.

1894, 115 years ago - Emil Teodorovich KIO /GIRSHFELD-RENARD/
(1894 — 19.12.1965),
famous artist circus, illusionist. National artist RSFSR (1958), creator of illusion performances, designer of circus equipment.

As an artistic pseudonym, Emil Keogh chose a modified Hebrew word from a synagogue prayer.

Father of illusionist Igor Emilievich KIO.

1908 - Masaru IBUKA
/Masaru IBUKA/
(1908 — 19.12.1998),
one of the founders of the Japanese company Sony.

Largely thanks to his talent, foresight and organizational skills, the country's electronics industry was created from the ruins of Japan's war-torn economy, which quickly gained leading positions in the world market.

1911 - Stanislava VALASHEVICH /or Stella WELSH/
/Stanislawa WALASIEWICZ/
(3 or 11.4.1911 - 4.12.1980),
1932 Olympic champion in the 100 m race.

Her fate was replete with bizarre twists and turns. At the age of two she ended up with her parents in the USA, but then international competitions competed for her homeland - Poland. In 1932 it became Olympic champion in the 100 m race, and four years later she became second, losing to the American Helen STEPHENS. The leaders of the Polish team then said that rival Walasiewicz ran too fast for a woman and that she was actually a man. An examination carried out by German doctors showed the absurdity of these accusations. Many years later, this story had an unexpected continuation.

Performing in the USA under the name Stella Welsh, she became the national champion 41 times. various types athletics, repeatedly broke world records, competed until 1954, and in 1975 was inducted into the American Athletics Hall of Fame. In 1980, she was killed by a gangster's bullet during an armed robbery in mall Cleveland. The autopsy showed that in fact Stella-Stanislava had... male sexual characteristics and her (his?) body had both female and male chromosomes.

1928 - Yuri Nikolaevich KALACHNIKOV
(1928 — 4.10.1998),
designer of artillery weapons (MLRS "Uragan", "Smerch", artillery system "Nona"), laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes.

1936 - Dmitry Vasilievich BOBYSHEV, poet, literary historian, professor at the University of Illinois. First reaction: who is this?

And there are no questions when you find out that in March 1966, the coffin with the body of Anna AKHMATOVA was carried by four: Evgeny REIN, Anatoly NAIMAN, Joseph BRODSKY and Dmitry Bobyshev.

1948 - Marcello LIPPI
/Marcello LIPPI/,
Italian football coach. He was also a good football player: the Sampdoria defender was recruited to the national team, but became famous as a coach when he headed Juventus. Today he leads the Italian national team.

1948 - Georgy Alexandrovich YARTSEV, football player, top scorer in the 1978 USSR Championship (18 goals), coach of the Russian national team in 2003-2005. Somehow, everything is wrong: he appeared in Spartak (and then the national team) at an age when others had already finished playing, and actually became the head of the Russian national team without any coaching experience.

In the first case, he managed to refute stereotypes, in the second, he didn’t jump over his head...

1954 - Chris DIFFORD
/Chris DIFFORD/,
English rock musician, one of the founders and leader of the band Squeeze (guitar, vocals.

1954, 55 years ago - Valery Borisovich GARKALIN, theater and film actor, artist of the Moscow Theater of Satire (“Katala”, “Shirley-myrli”).

Character comedian. His finest hour The comedy “Shirley Myrli” (1995) became a cinematic success, where Garkalin played three twin brothers, the Shniperson-Krolikovs (plus the black steward Patrick Krolikow).

1956 - Efrem Grigorievich AMIRAMOV, poet, composer, performer and television producer. He made his first recording of songs in 1987. In 1989, thirty-five songs were recorded at the Nika studio. Seventeen songs were included in the first magnetic album “Last Debut”, the remaining eighteen were included in the album “P.S.” Both albums were in the hit parade of the Smena newspaper for six months, under the “Urban Romance” heading.

The YOUNG set his teeth on edge, he has no strength :) A song for the ages.

1958 - Nikolay ARUTYUNOV, Russian rock musician.

Leader of the Blues League group.

1966 - Lisa STANSFIELD
English singer.

1968 - Sergey Vasilievich LUKYANENKO, science fiction writer, author of the tetralogy “Night Watch”.



1512 - In a bloody battle near the walls of Ravenna, the French defeated the troops of the Holy League, but their commander Gaston de Foix, Duke of NEMOURS, fell in battle, receiving 16 wounds.

1611 - The gathering of troops has been completed near Moscow zemstvo militia. The siege of the Poles and traitor thieves settled in the city began.

1713 - The first of a series was signed in Utrecht peace treaties, called the Peace of Utrecht and ending the War of the Spanish Succession, which lasted 12 years.

France and Spain were opposed by Great Britain, the Dutch Republic, Prussia, Portugal and the Duchy of Savoy. According to the terms of the peace, PHILIP V BOURBON, grandson of the French king LOUIS XIV, became the king of Spain, Sicily, Monferrato and part of the Duchy of Milan were transferred to Savoy, Great Britain received possession of Gibraltar, Minorca and special rights to trade with the Spanish colonies (including a 30-year monopoly for the import of slaves), a number of French possessions in North America. Prussia also acquired some territories, and France recognized the title of “King of Prussia” for the Elector of Brandenburg.

The Peace of Utrecht was added to next year Peace of Rastatt between France and the Holy Roman Empire. In 1715, Spain and Portugal made peace with each other, and five years later Spain and the Holy Roman Empire.

1805 - A Russian-English convention was concluded in St. Petersburg on the intention to create a pan-European coalition against Napoleonic France. Austria will later join the convention.

1823 - On the night of April 10-11, returning home late from a comradely drinking party and barely laying down on his bed, he saw in front of him a naked brigadier general in epaulettes, who, lifting him from the bed by the hand and not allowing him to get dressed, dragged him silently along some long and dark corridors, to the top of a high and pointed mountain, and there they began to take out various precious materials from the ancient crypt in front of him, showing them to him one by one and even placing some of them on his chilled body. Prutkov awaited with bewilderment and fear the outcome of this incomprehensible event; but suddenly, from the touch of the most expensive of these materials, he felt a strong electric shock throughout his body, from which he woke up covered in perspiration.

It is unknown what importance Kozma Petrovich PRUTKOV attached to this vision. But, often talking about him later, he always became very excited and ended his story with a loud exclamation: “That same morning, as soon as I woke up, I decided to leave the regiment and resigned; and when my resignation came, I immediately decided to serve in the Ministry of Finance, in the Assay Office, where I will remain forever!”

1909, 100 years ago- Tel Aviv was founded and took its name the following year.

1929, 80 years ago- Germany refused to provide political asylum to Leon TROTSKY.

1945 - Buchenwald is liberated by the US Army. Celebrated as International Day for the Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camp Prisoners.

During the Second World War, 14,000 concentration camps operated (in addition to prisons, ghettos, etc.) on the territory of Nazi Germany, in the allied countries of the Third Reich and in the territories occupied by them. Nazi prisoners were burned in crematorium ovens (sometimes alive), poisoned in gas chambers, blood was taken for Wehrmacht soldiers, terrible medical experiments were performed on them, new drugs were tested, tortured, raped, starved and forced to work until complete exhaustion.

1963 - The comedy film “Queen of the Gas Station” by Alexei MISHURIN and Nikolai LITUS with Nadezhda RUMYANTSEVA in the title role was released.

That's for sure - who doesn't know her...

1964, 45 years ago- Georgy DANELIY’s film “I’m Walking Around Moscow” was released.

All the time I tried to imagine Nikita MIKHALKOV without a mustache. I looked, imagined, and was touched. This is what he was like 45 years ago! Nikita... :)))

1984 - Konstantin CHERNENKO became Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.