The meaning of the proverb is not sought from goodness. What does the expression “They do not seek good from good” mean? See what “good is not sought from good” in other dictionaries

Everything is relative,
Only a friend is known in trouble.
It is difficult for prophets and geniuses,
It was always and everywhere.

In all centuries and eras,
The laws of the jungle say:
It’s bad for the weak to be bright,
The strong ones will eat it quickly.

Bright is noticeable and should,
Ready to meet the enemy.
Being brave won't help,
If you are a coward, then strength is wise.

But the human world is worse than the jungle,
After all, the evil is more insidious in him.
In it the strong are weak before the bullet,
And the wise man is a sucker compared to the businessman.

Bright in mind and beautiful,
It is the envy of people that destroys him.

Friends, acquaintances, acquaintances
We meet so many of them along the way.
We go through life reasoning
That a friend in need is ready to come.

But he doesn't always come to the rescue
As was customary to say at a feast.
And those, friend or acquaintance
Ready to replace a friend in the “circle”.

It happens that we often confuse ranks
We mistake acquaintances for friends.
And just a request, arranges on the “shelves”
Buddy, friend, “pour me a glass.”

Valery Kurolenko.

Dear friend, you have been sick for a long time,
But I couldn’t save you!
Death turned out to be stronger than me.
Forgive me, I beg you!

You always protected me!
I will never forget
How you growled at the evil dogs,
Attacking us from the bushes.

Even though you were small in stature,
You could protect me
From cruel hungry wolves,
From criminals and thieves!

The children grew up with you.
We all lived as one family!
You have always been obedient
Even though I scolded you sometimes!

And now my soul hurts,
Like conscience...

Everything is known in comparison,
If you have something to compare with.
Having an opinion about everything,
We will not be able to comprehend EVERYTHING.

While the nature of death is alive,
Don't understand, don't solve.
Believe in at least something during your life,
What awaits there - you will never know.

The macroworld is huge for us,
The life of the Universe cannot be understood.
Let's dissolve in it, drown,
Eternity cannot be grasped with the mind.

We don’t feel the microworld
Too small - incomprehensible.
We don’t know if there is any intelligence in him,
Can't see it with a microscope.

It is known by comparison,
What can we feel...

Pouring out your troubles to each other,
And considering them to be the cause,
We crush the dregs of thoughts like water in a mortar,
But the soul cannot be deceived.

Without accepting the Truth, knowledge
Fencing off consciousness with fears,
We collect empty opinions into a bouquet,
Thus we waste our lives in vain.

And although other people's opinions have long been dead,
But we keep them for peace of mind
And, if necessary, we pass them off as our own,
Not knowing that they are dead.

While we hold opinions with a death grip,
We have a tough lesson ahead of us.
I can barely drag my feet with sadness.

Trouble doesn't come from there,
Where do you always wait for her?
Like a despotic whim
Fate, trouble breaks in.
No caution, no knowledge
It's not enough to get away from meeting her
Leave. And why is she more unexpected?
The more difficult it is to defeat her.
But the worst of all is another bad thing:
There will come a turn somewhere,
When trouble comes from there,
Where I was always waiting for her.
You will see her from afar.
And you will understand everything right away. And you will go out
Towards her. And you will take the fight
In which the top is not yours.

A friend told a story
About unhappy love:
Women bring us only trouble
Spoil the psyche and blood

And solemnly swore
End your life single.
I didn't try to argue
Do you want freedom? Be alone

It won't happen, I know
Experienced everything myself
Stray dogs dream
About the chain and the kennel

A friend ceases to be a friend.
Everything is still moving in circles,
And congratulations to New Year
We are still in a hurry to send to each other.
We are still looking for mutual meetings.
But suddenly the conversation becomes lengthy.
And speech, you see, is no longer speech -
Diplomatic notes.
When someone else takes a risk with me
Blaspheme him with an open soul,
Having crushed the patina of alienation,
I still rush to the defense.
But in silence, alone
With myself and my conscience,
Direct question: “Is he my friend?” -
I don’t dare ask myself any more.

There are many songs, poems and legends about friendship. Every person has friends, and only through friendship can a person show the best traits of his character...

“If a friend suddenly turns out to be neither a friend nor an enemy, but so...” - remember these wonderful words from the song of Vladimir Vysotsky? The author very accurately noted the situation when someone “suddenly turns out to be” a friend. But how can you understand that a person who seems to live in your interests is really ready to go through fire and water for you?

In fact, situations in which a friend saves a friend from certain death are rare. But various annoying little things often happen, and it is in these little things that true human relationships are revealed. For example, the weather outside is bad, you have a cold and are lying in bed, but you don’t have aspirin. You can wait until mom or dad returns from work. You can defeat yourself and, despite the fever, go to the pharmacy yourself. Or you can call a friend who lives in a neighboring house and ask him to buy aspirin. A true friend will not refuse such a little thing, and you will receive your medicine on time.

Let's give another example. A friend urgently needs your presence, and at this time you are watching an interesting TV program. How to proceed? Of course, hurry to your friend! But do we always do this? Do we sometimes refuse to help even the most bosom friend? If in such a situation you preferred to watch TV, then this means that you have not passed the simplest test of friendship.

“Friends are made in adversity” - everyone knows this saying. But few know that much more reliable friends are known in joy. If you have reached great success in any matter, then many will envy you, and only a true friend he will simply rejoice with you.

Friendship is very complicated feeling. Mixed with it are the most different shades: respect, love, ingratiation, patronage and so on. There is no, so to speak, “friendship in pure form" And that's probably a good thing.

By entering into a friendly relationship with another person, we learn to be faithful this word, we get rid of selfishness, begin to sympathize with other people's grief and rejoice in other people's joy.

This is how we become better, purer, kinder, and our character becomes more integral, deeper, and finally, more mature. Let's not forget that friendship teaches insight - the ability to see true essence person.

And when trouble comes, we don’t need to be afraid of it - friendship conquers trouble, because it is stronger than anything in the world.

    I've known this girl since first grade. Now she's mine best friend, her name is Liana. She will turn 13 on February 8th. Liana is quite tall for her age. She rarely has Bad mood, so you can often see a radiant smile on your face...

    Aristotle also wrote that “friendship is the most necessary thing for life, since no one would wish for himself a life without friends, even if he had all the blessings.” And indeed, it is difficult for a person in life if he is alone, if there is no faithful friend nearby. How can I find him...

    Each of us has at least one boyfriend or girlfriend. For example, I have many friends. We go to school together, go for walks, go to the cinema, go to the school disco. They often come to visit me. We play a variety of games together, on the computer....

    Hello, Egor! Finally got around to writing to you, Lately I'm terribly tired, endless things to do, some kind of continuous fuss, you know, it turns out. Yes, by the way, yesterday I met Peter on Sretenka, he bows to you, invites us to visit him in Zhukovka,...

    Friendship awakens the most in a person best qualities. A true friend will not leave you in trouble; he will be by your side in joy and sorrow. How joyfully Pushkin greeted his lyceum friend Ivan Pushchin, who, despite the strictest ban, was not afraid...

Friend is known in trouble- Russian proverb that the only true friend is the one who will not leave you in trouble.

This idea is indicated in several Russian proverbs in the book " " (section - " "): “You recognize a horse in battle, but a friend in trouble,” “Without trouble you cannot recognize a friend,” “A friend is known in misfortune,” “A friend is known in battle.” yes in case of trouble."

IN English language There is a similar proverb: Friend in need is a friend indeed (a true friend is the one who remains a friend in your need). This proverb is usually translated into Russian as “A friend is a friend in need.”

A similar proverb was known in ancient Rome: Amicus certus in re incerta (lat.) - A faithful friend is recognized in a wrong matter.

The expression is found in the tragedy “Hecuba” by the Roman poet Ennius Quintus (239-169 BC). Later, these words were quoted by the famous Roman orator, writer and statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC) ( encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. Serov V.V., 2003).


Yu. Laptev

"The path is open": "" A friend in need is a friend indeed!" - these words are correct, but unfortunately, not all people interpret them correctly. Many, for example, do not understand that a true friend, no matter how much he sympathizes with you, will not bend his heart and indulge your weaknesses (i.e. treat them leniently).

A. Stepanov

"Zvonarev Family": "I always knew that the most faithful friends found out in trouble. A simple person himself knows what a pound is worth (he knows what trouble is), and he will not let anyone down."

“The Word Living and Dead” (1972): “In different translations Over the years, S. Maugham’s story “A Friend in Need” appeared in our country. The name is “Friend in need” - half of the proverb (in Russian - a friend in need is a friend indeed). But almost the fifth translation in a row was titled in a serious literary organ: “Dear Friend.” And the meaning is distorted - and why bother Maupassant’s shadow? Why should a modest short story compete with a long-known novel?"

“Handwritten notes of the Empress” - Catherine about Peter III - “To this he answered me that only True friends are recognized in need, that in this attire he is ready to act in accordance with his duty, that the duty of a Holstein officer is to defend the ducal house against all his enemies by oath, and since I am not feeling well, he hastened to my aid. "

Cool! 11

I once heard the words that a friend is a friend in need. Then I didn’t quite understand how it was. And why does a disaster have to happen in order to know a friend? I didn’t even understand that I still needed to get to know my friend. I thought that if this is a true friend, then he became such precisely because you already know him well. But time passed and I understood these words.

I have a friend, Vasya. We became friends with him for a very long time. And we always enjoyed spending time together. It turned out that we have the same interests. And we look at many things the same way. Of course, we also had disagreements. But we decided that friendship is more valuable than any quarrel.

And then one day my dog ​​broke off his leash and ran away. I called Charlie, but he didn't listen to me. I couldn't catch up with the dog. I told Vasya everything. My friend reacted very strangely to my words. He didn't console me. All he said was that I should find a photo of my Charlie and come to his house.

That's exactly what I did. It turns out that Vasya wrote an advertisement where he described my dog ​​in detail and asked those who found it to call. Together with the photo, the ad looked very convincing.

But Vasya did not want to stay at home and wait for someone to will find the dog and will call. He offered to go together in search of Charlik. And although it was not so easy to look for the dog, it helped that we did it together.

Charlie has been found. He was in next door. But I was also pleased that I realized that Vasya is my true friend! I expected him to support me only verbally. And Vasya actually helped. He understood how to act correctly and organized a real search service.

Now I know for sure that a true friend will not brush you off when you have problems. He will do everything to get these problems resolved. Even if he is very busy, or he himself is having a hard time, a friend will never remain indifferent to the fact that you feel bad. He will help in trouble.

Essay for grade 5 - A friend in need is a friend

Every person is surrounded different people. Be it comrades, neighbors or just acquaintances. Among these persons there are close people. These are my friends. Not everyone can be a friend.

I used to think that I had many friends. But after a while I realized that not everyone can be called this word. I always heard from my mother that a friend is always in trouble. One day I was sprayed by a car. The guys walking nearby laughed. But only my close friend Vova took a handkerchief from his briefcase and offered to wipe his face. Even then I wondered if this was what my mother was talking about. After all, when I invite everyone to my birthday, they come. Because this is a joyful event. But as soon as I needed help, everyone turned away from me. That day it was autumn weather outside the window. It was quite cool. By the time I got home wet, I was very cold. The next day I wasn’t feeling well and stayed home sick. When classes ended, I thought the guys would come to see me. They'll bring it homework. And then the doorbell rang. Vovan was alone behind the door. I was extremely happy for him.

That day I decided for myself. A friend is not the one who walks and laughs next to you, but the one who comes to Hard time. Since then, I have explained my mother’s words to myself. And now I know for sure, a friend is known in trouble.

One dictionary explains it this way: “same, equal, different me.” A friend is not just a person with whom you are interested. The meaning of this concept is much deeper and broader. understand without words. They can think out loud, talk as if to their reflection in a mirror. Founded strong friendship on love, sincerity, trust. Poems, songs, and films are made about this beautiful facet of human relationships. In one work, friendship is described as follows:

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Not in joy with a magnificent feast,

And in a long separation, in captivity,

In a life-threatening environment.

How accurately these lines convey the meaning of true, faithful and devoted friendship. After all, when everything is good, there is health, money, stability, and respect from everyone. Everyone loves you, appreciates you, wants to be closer. And when misfortune happens, there comes a test of whether this is a real friendship. Even in small things you can see who truly loves and appreciates you. Who needs you just because you exist in this world. Friendship has nothing to do with betrayal, deception, selfishness and a sense of profit.

What is a true friend?

“Friends are known in adversity” - how to understand and see the meaning of this expression in practice? A friend in need will never leave you, no matter what happens. Even if the whole world is against you, close person will be there no matter what misfortune comes your way. loves at all times - both in favorable and difficult times. Of course, situations between life and death rarely happen when one saves the other. Or even risks himself, his life for the sake of dear person. But everyday little things, in which friendship is also tested, happen all the time. It is in such little things that friends are known. It all starts with small things, because if you are faithful in small things, you are also faithful in many things. And a friend who does not let you down even in something insignificant will be there even in serious troubles.

Friends in deeds, not in words

For example, the following situation may arise: the temperature has risen sharply, and there is no necessary medicine at home. It is in such small things that a friend is known. He doesn’t need to be asked or persuaded. Having learned that you feel bad, he himself will offer his help and ask what you need. It will only be a joy for him to help. A friend finds himself in trouble - and perhaps even to his own detriment, because for him the interests of the other are higher than his own. – around the clock, at any time of the day, your friend’s shoulder is nearby. Friendship knows no boundaries and distances; this is not a hindrance to it.

In separation, friendship only grows stronger, and a friend is truly known. Throughout life, someone passes into the past, new people appear. Sometimes friendships just end and they go their separate ways. But there are also those who remain in your heart and life forever. They become not just friends, but family. And there's nothing best friendship, which is time-tested. With such a person, he will not leave you in trouble either through fire or water. There is nothing scary with him, you feel confident in him, like in yourself. It is through time that a friend gets to know each other, going through certain situations.

Friendship is very strong feeling which requires a lot of effort and gives a lot of joy in return. This concept is two-way. Everyone wants it, but it’s also important to be such a person yourself. Friendship helps to reveal all the best qualities, it eliminates selfishness, and teaches you to live for others. Great happiness lies in giving, sympathizing, and being supportive. The ability to be friends makes you kinder, cleaner, better.

A friend is known not only in misfortunes, but also in joy. The ability to enjoy other people's successes is equally important. A true comrade will always be sincerely happy about achievements, victories, and ups. Friends are not rivals, but collaborators. They do not envy each other, but, on the contrary, help in achieving goals.

A friend in need will always lend a helping hand. You can cry and laugh with him. Better one, but real, than ten “fake” ones. And this is one of best gifts life.