What do involuntary drawings mean? What do our doodles say? Ears and nose

From infancy, a child can draw various doodles. By showing these scribbles to a specialist, you can find out the real condition of the child. The choice of color, size of the drawing, location, pressure when drawing has special meaning. If you come to see a psychologist for the first time, you may be asked to take a test and draw some kind of picture. According to this picture professional psychologist will be able to assess your psychological and emotional condition, identify problems and “read” the subconscious.

What do you “unconsciously” draw during times of psychological stress or just sitting at a meeting? All drawings can contain certain information that can be “read”. But only a specialist can accurately interpret the information. In a drawing, everything matters; every movement is associated with certain processes. nervous system. Often a person unconsciously projects his experiences and hidden complexes into a drawing.

There are several stages in interpreting drawings. First of all, an overall assessment is given for the entire drawing. It can be unusual, harmonious, complete or, on the contrary, incomplete. All this makes it possible to determine a person’s mental abilities, talent, and culture.

Then the specialist looks at the location of the drawing. So, for example, if the drawing is located in the center, this means that the person likes to defend his interests and finds compromises in various situations. But if the picture is higher, then this indicates a desire to dominate or inflated self-esteem. The drawing at the bottom of the sheet indicates low self-esteem, a depressed or dissatisfied state. If the picture is on the right side of the sheet, then this indicates that the person is very active and active. The location of the picture on the left side of the sheet says that this person has a stronger emotional sphere and he thinks that all the good things are in his past.

General emotional background drawing, as well as detailed analysis images by parts and lines can give more information about the author. To do this, you need to have information on interpreting the drawings that psychologists and scientists study.

For example, if you “unconsciously” draw:

Various flowers, sun or bright garlands.

So you have this moment not everything is as fun as it seems. You need tenderness and friendship. Flowers and leaves are drawn by kind and sympathetic people.

Various patterns.

It may indicate the routine of your life and a thirst for change.

Waves, circles and spirals.

According to experts, people who are currently experiencing a crisis and do not care about their surroundings paint this way. They are secretive and do not like people prying into their souls.


Grids are drawn by those who find themselves in an awkward position and hide their resentment from others.

Hearts (intertwined).


Crosses and crosses can be drawn by those who feel guilty or depressed.

Various little people.

Such a drawing may be a sign of helplessness, or maybe you just don’t want to do something.

Geometric shapes: triangles, rhombuses, squares and others.

It is very difficult to trick a person who draws geometric figures. After all, he has his own beliefs and goals in life. He is open and focused. Symmetrical figures indicate that this person is neat, loves order and knows how to plan everything.

Honeycomb or bee house.

By drawing honeycombs, you show your desire to create your own home and family, so that life is in harmony and tranquility.

Chess field.

People who hide their complexes and want to solve emerging problems according to their own plan draw a chessboard. They may be in a very difficult situation at the moment.

Circles that intertwine with each other.



If a person is upset, he can draw a tree with bare branches. But if a tree has many branches and a thick trunk, then on the contrary, the person is very calm and happy.


Frequent drawing of eyes indicates introspection and an inability to make decisions. At the same time, small eyes are a desire not to notice the problem, but big eyes– high control of the situation.


A fan of painting on paper is usually depressed or fixated on himself and problems.

Don’t be upset if your drawing turned out to be not so “successful”; you always have the opportunity to change your destiny in better side. In any case, for a detailed and correct interpretation of your drawings, it is better to contact a specialist.

Try this test yourself: draw a house, a tree and a person. You are given 5 minutes for each drawing.

Now we look at your creativity and analyze it.


Drawing scale
What proportion does the drawing occupy relative to the sheet? If less than 1/3, then psychologists believe that the author has low self-esteem. The size of the drawing corresponds to the place that a person assigns to himself in the world around him.

Let's look at the number of windows in the house. Psychologists believe that it approximately corresponds to the number of people who are significant to you. If someone drew a deserted hut without windows, without doors, then everything is clear with him.

The ratio of the size of the roof and the rest of the house speaks of a person’s imagination. The larger the roof share, the more developed a person’s imagination is. The typical roof to house ratio is approximately 1:3.

Cottage or apartment building?
If a person depicts an apartment building, especially a skyscraper, then he feels like he is part of society. This is a social person, a collectivist, as opposed to an individualist who depicted a personal dacha, estate or hut.

Look, is there a big door (and is there a door) in the house? Is it open? Is it easy to get into the house? All this speaks of a person’s openness, of his desire to cooperate with the outside world. If a high staircase leads to the door, it is not easy to get through to the inner world of such a person. If there is a barn lock on the door, this person is tightly closed from everyone.

Is it a residential building?
Are there curtains in the house? Is there smoke coming from the chimney? Are the flowers blooming on the windowsill? All this speaks about a person’s sense of self in a family. If the house is dead and boarded up, it looks like the person is depressed. It’s even worse if the house is dilapidated.

Are there many repeating parts in the house?
If there are many windows of the same type in the drawing, the roof tiles, bricks, etc. are carefully drawn, then this can be interpreted as anxiety or pedantry. Anxious people calm down by depicting similar objects. By the way, this can be understood without a test, by observing what kind of scribbles a person writes on a piece of paper while talking on the phone (if he has such a habit). Repetitive details may indicate a tendency to get stuck in certain situations and behaviors.

Are there extensions to the house?
The abundance of extensions, buildings such as wells, sheds, gazebos also indicate human anxiety. He needs extra protection to regain his confidence.


Coniferous or deciduous?
Psychologists believe that a coniferous, thorny tree is a sign of a person who is not easy to approach. If a person has drawn some kind of exotic tree, then he feels “out of place” and is worried about something.

Is the crown lush?
A crown rich in foliage indicates a powerful vital energy and readiness for action. A stunted tree is a sign of loss of strength and depression.

Does the tree grow fruit?
If a tree is abundantly strewn with fruits, a person is actively thinking about procreation, about children.

Is the root of the tree visible?
A pronounced root indicates a person’s responsibility and confidence in the decisions made.

The shape of the tree trunk indicates the current life situation person. If it is wide and straight, then a person’s life follows a well-trodden track. If the trunk is bent, life has taken a wrong turn. If the trunk bifurcates, the person is faced with some important choice and cannot yet make a decision.

If there is a hollow in the trunk, then something is bothering the person, perhaps an illness or some kind of fear.


Portraying abstract person, according to psychologists, you are drawing yourself.

If the gender of the person drawn does not match the gender of the author, then this indicates a discrepancy between one’s social self-identification and generally accepted standards. A man portraying a woman demonstrates his heightened emotionality and sensitivity, while a woman portraying a man demonstrates impulsiveness and aggressiveness.

Head size speaks volumes about self-esteem intellectual capabilities. Small or extremely big head indicates some complexes.

Aggressive instincts are manifested in the depiction of hands. If the hands are not clearly drawn, this is a manifestation of aggression. If hidden in pockets, aggression is hidden, contained. If a person holds something in his hands, this indicates his need for protection. If the arms go around the waist, the person is trying to match general requirements and rules.

The presence or absence of sensory organs (eyes, nose, mouth, ears) indicates a person’s desire to contact the outside world. That is: if there are only eyes, then a person is an observer in life; if there is a mouth, then he likes to talk; if he also has ears, he is ready to hear others; if he has everything, including a nose, a person is in full contact with the outside world.

A hairstyle that covers the face speaks of a person’s closedness from the world.

If the legs are unfolded, feet and shoes are visible, then the person demonstrates a feeling of stability and confidence in making decisions. Hidden or bare feet indicate defenselessness and lack of self-confidence and position in the world around us.

Well, now that you have tested yourself, you can practice on your loved ones, acquaintances and colleagues. Remember that these interpretations of the drawings are not the ultimate truth, they are derived for the average person according to a large number observations and experiments. But each of your subjects is a bright individual, and not all of the above suits him exactly. Much also depends on the person’s current mood, attitude towards you and your task.

Drawings automatically drawn while talking on the phone. According to an unusual study conducted by German psychologists, two-thirds of callers, while talking on the phone, automatically draw with a pen on paper all kinds of figures that express them in a symbolic form internal state. Once in the hands of an experienced specialist, these random patterns and scribbles, otherwise called psychography, can tell a lot about the “artist”: sometimes even something that a person is not even aware of. However, by glancing at random drawings, not only a specialist can learn a lot about the character of their author.

Spirals, circles, wavy lines.

Other people's problems do not concern the author too much; they seem burdensome to him. His attention is now completely focused on himself. Perhaps he is going through some kind of crisis and must make a serious decision. In such a state, a person can easily lose his temper and offend his interlocutor.

Flowers, suns, garlands.


The person feels that he is in a risky or awkward situation. Each determined thick line is an attack that he does not choose to undertake. If at the end the drawing is outlined, it means that the problem is over, at least externally. Most likely, the author is inclined to swallow resentment and irritation. This is dangerous: disappointment accumulates in the soul, the further, the more unhappy a person feels.

Patterns like wallpaper.

Sharp corners and smooth ovals are combined into a motif that is repeated ad infinitum. This pattern indicates that you are bored, tired of the conversation, or maybe even your entire lifestyle. You can start with a trifle: say, allow yourself something extravagant, something that you have always wanted, but did not allow yourself to do. This will break the monotony that depresses you.


The crosses express a feeling of guilt that most likely arose during the conversation. Something is weighing you down: either you reproach yourself, or your interlocutor reproached you. You must definitely discuss the reason, otherwise you will suffer for a long time.

Little people.

Don't let their cheerful appearance fool you. This image is a sign of helplessness or a desire to evade some responsibility. People usually draw little people at the moment when they should say a decisive “NO”, but they cannot bring themselves to say this word. So you need to take the little man as a warning and say to yourself: “Don’t give up! Give up, otherwise you will later regret your own weakness!”

Squares, triangles and others geometric figures.

One thing is clear: you won’t be fooled easily. You have clear goals and beliefs, and you almost never hide your opinions. You rarely experience fear of opponents and competitors. The more angular the geometric shapes, the more aggressive you are, although this is not always noticeable outwardly. This quality fetters your imagination and does not allow you to relax. Try to look at things more simply.


They talk about the desire for peace, harmony, and an orderly life. They may also mean a desire to start a family. It is possible that your problem is a reluctance to realize the existence of such a dream.

Chess fields.

Apparently you find yourself in an unpleasant or difficult situation. You dream of a clear and reliable path that will lead you out of it. If such images appear frequently, then you most likely suffer from hidden complexes.

Interweaving circles.

The thought of stable personal connections? Maybe. But more often such a drawing means a desire to participate in something. IN currently you feel like you are outside of events. Maybe you want to help someone, but don't know how. Try to figure out why you are offside and correct the situation.


Complex drawings that cannot be deciphered due to large quantity completely unrelated characters that “get along” on one sheet. Such drawings were called "flex"

Spirals and springs

Spirals, springs and other similar forms are often drawn by people with an egoistic and ambitious character. They can be vindictive and angry, especially when others do not recognize them as a leader. The drawings themselves symbolize rotation around himself perceived as something very significant. Spirals are often drawn by influential people - " the mighty of the world this" - or those who consider themselves as such.

Wavy and peaked lines

Wavy and "peak" lines are most often a temporary phenomenon caused by circumstances that are currently out of control. The sharper the peak, the more difficult the problem. As the problem is resolved, the lines acquire an increasingly rounded shape and sometimes turn into springs, meaning: the circumstances that caused the crisis are left behind.

Corners and trees

Corners, trees and similar signs indicate that a person is busy with something that he does not like, but he is forced to do it due to certain circumstances. Hence the sharp corners, often combined into one line-chain. This type of automatic drawing may be associated with a person’s internal lack of composure and “ruffiness,” which causes him to have difficulties communicating with people of a different type.

Stars and fireworks

Stars and fireworks are depicted by individuals striving to achieve something in life: happiness, fame, wealth. But they can also indicate daydreaming, a penchant for flights of thought, etc.

Flowers and leaves

Flowers, especially if they are drawn in a sweeping manner, speak of a romantic nature, sensuality and a penchant for fantasy and exaggeration. The more rounded the shape of the petals and leaves, the more these qualities manifest themselves in a person. Flowers with pointed petals or those shaped like claws and diamonds are usually drawn by people inclined to mysticism and the occult. They can also indicate nervousness and eccentricity.

Sun and clouds

The sun is a love of life and joy, a sign of a person looking optimistically into the future. And clouds appearing near the sun often signal some kind of obstacle that darkens life, especially if they are shaded or drawn together with rain.


Circles and generally rounded shapes, intersecting and touching each other, clearly indicate non-recognition and deprivation. A person who draws similar figures. strives to participate in some activity together with everyone, but he is undeservedly (from the point of view of the author of the picture) ignored and deprived of friendship. Many circles mean melancholy, loneliness and, perhaps, unrequited love.

Lattices and meshes

A grid drawn with strong pressure means that a person feels like an animal driven into a corner. Each line is a rebuff, which, however, remains only on paper. From the point of view of character as a whole, the grille reveals a person who is not stupid, who lacks the determination to declare himself.

Chess cells

Chess squares are a sign of forgetfulness and short memory. The person drawing them constantly tries not to lose the thread of the conversation and at the same time thinks about the answer to the question asked much earlier. Each cell is an unspoken word, an unexpressed thought. Usually they draw a simple chessboard, but sometimes they make complex patterns out of shaded squares, indicating inattention, perhaps inspired by boredom.

Houses and symmetrical figures.

Symmetrical figures symbolize neatness, prudence and love of order even in small things. The person who draws them is smart and knows how to defend his point of view. He clearly sees the task set for himself and will never do anything he doesn’t want to do, unless, of course, it is necessary to achieve the goal. Sometimes such a person can be very stubborn, and if you try to lead him off the intended “course,” you may regret it later.

Psychologists have long used various drawing tests and methods. In their opinion, the meaning of reflecting a person’s inner world on paper is this: any of our thoughts, processes, ideas in the psyche ends in movement. So, our fears, unconscious desires, feelings, emotions accumulate in the form of a certain energy in the muscles, and when a pencil and paper appear in front of us, the hand itself, as it were, splashes all this onto the surface of the sheet.

Even the position of a drawing relative to the free space on the paper can tell a lot about a person.

If it is located closer to the top edge, then you have very high self-esteem, but at the same time you may be dissatisfied with your position in society, at work, and feel a lack of recognition from others.

The picture at the bottom means that you are insecure, indecisive, or uninterested in increasing your own self-worth.

If the pictures are predominantly on the left, you are emphasizing your past experiences, focusing on past experience.

The right edge of the sheet is drawn - this indicates a desire to quickly bring the events of the future closer; your life and emotions are always turned to something in the future.

What do the painted flowers mean?

When a person draws on something that will not retain his drawing for long, such as sand or dust, he puts his innermost thoughts and feelings into the drawing. Flowers are one of the most common and widespread designs on sand or dust.

If a person constantly draws the same thing in the sand - a primitive flower with petals and a circle in the center on a stem with a leaf, then this does not mean at all that he cannot draw anything else. It’s just that such a person is “fixated” on one state (most likely, this is a state of a personal nature like love interest or mental anguish, and sometimes even depression) and are unable to get out of it on their own.

The same flower, repeated several times, also speaks of a person’s real or spiritual loneliness, of his craving, but the impossibility of communication for some reason.

Psychologists interpret the image of flowers similar to real ones in a completely different way, with precise drawing of petals, stamens, the shape of leaves and stems - such flowers speak of an extraordinary mind, originality, and the inner desire of a person (the author of the picture) for beauty and self-improvement.

The image of several beautiful flowers on one stem is a sign of a person’s spiritual openness, sincerity, and sometimes even excessive gullibility. Such a person is always easy to communicate with, seeks agreement and understanding with people, always tries to reconcile those at war, loves children and animals.

A flower is undoubtedly a confirmation of the benevolent and kind nature of the person who painted it.

Trees of Fate

Trees symbolize life and destiny. And if during a conversation a person draws trees, then this can tell a lot about his character and current situation.

The crown is round, similar to a cloud: a kind person, easily gets along with people. Perhaps now he is the happiest in the world!

The sheets trembled, flying around, the clouds of the sky covered the beauty: sometimes you have to restrain your emotions. In general, he is an ambitious person and knows how to achieve success.

Both leaves and fruits: a simple soul, you like to have a good time. And you are usually in a good mood.

We took a Christmas tree home from the forest: a very energetic person! A person is not like others, and on every subject he has his own categorical opinion.

Palma: want to escape from responsibilities? Looking for adventure on your own?

Something shaggy and shady: most likely you are worried right now or you lack self-confidence. But this is temporary, it will pass soon.

Doodles in the margins: interpretation of drawings

If you draw stars, then you want to be the center of attention; it is important for you to be bright and always noticed. But if your star has too many rays or you depict them separately from her, this may indicate depressive experiences.

When you draw patterns like on wallpaper, it means that you are bored, tired of a telephone conversation or a lecture, or maybe even your entire lifestyle. Come up with something new, buy an interesting thing or clothes that are unusual for you, do an extravagant act - and the melancholy will go away by itself.

Build a honeycomb on paper - you strive for peace, harmony, and want to streamline your life. It is also quite likely that you are thinking about creating a family nest.

Spirals, circles or wavy lines mean that other people's problems do not concern you much or do not interest you at all. Maybe you are even experiencing a slight emotional crisis: you are walking in a circle of your ambiguous experiences. Now you need to monitor your behavior so as not to lose your temper and lash out at others.

Squares, triangles and other geometric shapes - you have clear goals and beliefs, you almost never hide your opinion, you are always persistent and stubborn. You are usually overly vigilant and cautious, so try to keep things simple.

The figure of a circle (especially one empty) symbolizes a tendency towards secrecy and isolation. You close your inner world and do not want to give information about yourself. You don’t like it when not only strangers, but also fairly close ones, meddle in your life and your affairs.

If you are constantly shading something or drawing grids, then you are probably in an awkward situation or have entered into a risky business, and in such a situation you will not take the initiative into your own hands, but will agree to whatever is offered to you, endure the insult and contain your irritation.

The picture resembles a lattice - you feel driven into a corner or are trying to isolate yourself from such an obstacle.

Women's drawings: home furnishings

Many women like to draw furniture, chandeliers, boxes, beautiful curtains... Such drawings say a lot about inner world and hidden motives.

Sofa or bed - yours low self-esteem, usually people pin their business on you, and you, having a gentle character, cannot refuse them.

A table with sharp corners - self-esteem could be higher, there is not enough initiative: it is easier for you to support other people’s initiatives, but you are still able to stand up for yourself, sometimes in a very harsh manner.

Round table - you try to avoid conflict situations, prefer negotiations to conflicts.

A beautiful vase - you have graceful manners, you strive for beautiful life, but lack your own ideas, so you willingly accept advice; separation from your loved one breaks your heart, you go through quarrels for a long time.

Chandelier or lamps on the ceiling - you know how to create a mood for people, but sometimes there is not enough measure; you are afraid to let people get close, you are easily offended; If a man comes too close, you act decisively, and yet it is difficult for you to resist rude insistence.

Window - current situation you are not satisfied, you are not used to understanding the reasons for what is happening - it’s easier to mentally escape somewhere.

Box - you like courtship, perhaps even a little old-fashioned, you play with men, luring and slipping away, but decisive actions on their part baffle you.

Curtains on the windows (light and transparent) - you need support, feeling male power nearby, but sometimes this addiction bothers you; you are easy-going and have a cheerful personality.

A box with a lock - you like external effects, you like to attract attention, but you are not enough for long and deep relationships - you attract new adventures.

What do the lines of the drawings say?

If the lines of someone’s drawings are “shaggy” and bold, then perhaps the person drawing is worried about something or is very worried about some unresolved problem. Weak and thin “web-like” lines indicate energy savings, body fatigue and psychological exhaustion.

If the drawings are rather angular, the lines are perpendicular, then this indicates some unexpressed aggression, that it is currently difficult for a person to adapt to something or someone new. Serrated, uneven lines reveal insolence and hostility. And if the lines are smooth, rounded, then the person who drew them is a soft, calm, feminine person.

When someone “pulls” one contour for a long time, outlining a figure in one movement, this means that the person requires solitude, he strives for isolation from external events.

Sometimes it happens that we shade some fragment of our drawing. Short strokes indicate an excitable person, long strokes indicate a measured and calm person.

The strokes are straight and clear - a person is persistent and persistent, and if they are sketchy and light, he is slightly alarmed and unsure of himself. When a person slowly and rhythmically shades a fragment, this indicates looseness and a sense of freedom. Horizontal strokes mean femininity and weakness, while vertical strokes mean stubbornness and determination.

Drawings and violence

The degree of aggressiveness is expressed by the number, location and nature of sharp corners in the drawing, regardless of their connection with a particular detail of the image.

For example, the outline of a drawing is interpreted as a relationship with the outside world and surrounding people. The upper circuit is associated with superior people who actually have the ability to impose prohibitions and restrictions. The lower circuit is associated with subordinates, or dependents. The lateral contours indicate an uncertain danger and readiness to defend any order and in any situation. Sharp angles on the contour of the figure indicate an aggressive defense, corresponding to the contour value noted above.

By the way, readiness for an unclear threat is evidenced by protective elements (like weapons) located not along the contour, but inside it on the body.

If an animal is drawn, then it appearance and the immediate impression of the drawing are very important for distinguishing between direct and defensive aggression. By its appearance one can judge whether it is drawn as scary, evil or not scary at all, harmless; does it intimidate or kill coldly; attacks and eats or intimidates.

Any obvious accessories of attack, drawn, but not declared as such, are a manifestation of aggression, and precisely one’s own, and not defensive aggression.

But the fear of aggression is very characteristic of the gigantic size of the animal. The drawing itself may be small, but in the story about it the author can tell the size of what was drawn.

Fear of aggression can also manifest itself in the emphatically expressive aggressiveness of the depicted animal. In this case, the author is identified not with the drawn animal, but with the danger itself, fear.

A mouth with teeth is a symbol of verbal aggression, usually defensive.

Also, signs of protection and aggression are all kinds of coverings (scales, combs, armor) or horns.

When chess fields appear on your piece of paper, then, apparently, you find yourself in a very unpleasant or at least difficult situation. If such images appear frequently, then you most likely suffer from hidden complexes associated with the inability to resolve some situation or are in search of yourself, your life path, doubt the correctness of your life.

Interweaving of circles - it seems to you that you are outside of some important events, you want to take part in something, join some community. But the intertwining of hearts means that you are overwhelmed with feelings and are ready to give love and warmth to the whole world. Don't hold back, and those around you will reciprocate.

If you draw crosses, then perhaps you are worried about a feeling of guilt towards a loved one or are burdened by some problem for which you feel responsible.

The labyrinth expresses the search for life harmony, one’s life path.

If you often draw sabers, pistols or other weapons, you have accumulated a lot of aggression, perhaps you are very angry with someone or are generally angry with life.

Build small houses on paper - you lack something solid, for example, a strong and strong shoulder, care and support.

If you draw flowers, the sun or something similar, this does not mean that everything is beautiful and cloudless; most likely, you need affection, close relationships, tenderness and friendship. Try to communicate more often with relatives and friends in the near future.

If you are trying to depict a landscape, you are a sentimental and vulnerable person.

The arrow is the vector by which you navigate in life. The arrow is directed up - orientation towards other people, down - towards yourself, to the left - look into the past, to the right - hope for the future.

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Eyes can tell the most intimate things about a person. After all, as they say, eyes are the mirror of the soul.

We invite you to take a personality type test. You need to choose two eyes. The first one that attracts you. The second one I don't like the most. Relax and look at the image of all the eyes, try not to peer for too long, because the first glance is the most accurate.

The first picture will tell you what personality trait you accept in yourself. The second is what you can’t stand about yourself and other people.

So let's get started!

1. Open soul

You are always very friendly with everyone, ready to make new acquaintances. You are convinced that it is better to take a chance and get hit a couple of times than to wall yourself off from the world. You will never show that you are scared or defenseless. You try to solve your problems yourself. But you will not leave another without support; you will come to the rescue with a smile, even if at that moment it is not easy for you yourself. You will always find strength within yourself if others need your help.

2. Conscious

You try to live up to good expectations and do everything you do conscientiously. Live with the confidence that all your actions affect the lives of others. You are a little withdrawn - you will never show if you are upset about something. You have seen enough misfortune and injustice and carry all your experiences within yourself. You high ideals, and you yourself strive to be a person, worthy of emulation. It's the least you can do for our planet.

3. Badass

You are a person with a reckless past that haunts you even now. There's nothing you can do about it, but at least you don't take life too seriously. You never show others your gloomy mood. You silently endure all adversities and keep your thoughts to yourself. And always look to the future with confidence. You are a master at getting out of trouble (which you most often create for yourself).

4. Philosopher

You are a person who thinks about everyone and everything. It's important for you to understand deep meaning of things. You are constantly in your thoughts, and sometimes it is difficult for you to escape from them. You will never show if you doubt something. Even if you didn't come to final opinion on any issue, you will demonstrate complete confidence. For you, life is like a puzzle: you like to put the pieces together into a complete picture. And, although you cannot be completely sure of the true purpose of the world, you feel comfortable in it.