Nicolas Cage memes. Funny photos and screenshots from movies

Memes about the always overacting Nicolas Cage amuse people all over the Internet, but make the actor himself sad. Cage said that he creates each of his crazy images on purpose and carefully thinks through it, but the audience does not understand his work. But he strives for the level of the classics of cinema and the Western version of the Kabuki theater.

Nicolas Cage, known for his many roles in films of the nineties and zeros, is dissatisfied with his status as an Internet legend: in his opinion, fans did not pay attention to what was important to him. He spoke about this in an interview with IndieWire. The most memorable images with his participation have become so firmly ingrained in Internet culture that it is already difficult to perceive them in isolation from memes, and Cage is not happy with this.

A still from the movie “Vampire’s Kiss” that became a meme You don’t say

Cage believes that due to the fact that for many viewers he has long become primarily a meme actor, the audience will look for the same exaggerated emotions in the new film with his participation - “Mandy” from director Panos Cosmatos. Many viewers felt that the thriller was filmed only to give Cage a setting in which his performance would be appropriate - that's why they liked it.

With the advent of the Internet, these mashups appeared, where they select certain moments and show them without the context of the whole film, it turns out to be a kind of memeification, one might say. These [cuts] are called "Cage's rage" and they depress me.

In Mandy, the actor truly gives free rein to his artistic quest for what appears to be a bout of madness. Consider his heart-rending cry of “You tore my shirt!” addressed to one of his opponents, or the scene where Cage’s hero in shorts and with a bottle of vodka in his hand writhes in sobs for several minutes, without saying a word. However, according to the artist, this is not at all important in the film.

I'm sure this is very frustrating for Panos, who created a very lyrical, sincere and poetic work of art, and [on social media] his film is only seen as "Cage's rage." I'd like to think I could continue to work with Panos, but the internet has done the film a great disservice.

Cage does not at all consider moments from films that are turned into memes to be overacting, although many viewers will not agree with him. People often judge these moments out of context, he says, without looking at why his characters behave the way they do. At the same time, Cage claims that throughout his career (and he managed to be both a star and an actor in a series of failed films), he specifically chooses heroes with the most unusual behavior. While playing their roles, the actor experiments with his own skills and with different styles games.

I confess honestly. I sometimes made the choice to fulfill my abstract and ontological fantasies about acting in films, playing the roles of people who were crazy, or people on drugs, or possessed supernatural powers. This, one might say, gave me the right to reveal the style of German expressionism in my acting, or the style of Western Kabuki - as you prefer to call it.

Even to the strip unsuccessful films In the 2010s, Cage consistently played characters who behaved unnaturally, which audiences often perceived as poor acting. But Nicholas assures that he carefully ensured that his characters turned out to be so specific. What looks like overacting or unsuccessful improvisation, in his mind, is part of a carefully thought-out plan. And some of the strangest roles he calls are based on how classic cinema worked.

I chose the role of Peter Lowe [in The Vampire's Kiss], a literary agent who goes crazy and believes himself to be a Nosferatu, to try out a style of acting like Max Schreck [one of the most famous German actors of the 1920s and 1930s]. I cast the role of Terence in Bad Lieutenant, who takes cocaine to use drugs - not literally - and I added something of James Cagney's performance [mid-20th century Hollywood star]. There is some reason behind all this. All this is very thought out and carefully planned.

Classic movie legends in general often inspire Nicholas, judging by his reaction to the words of actor Ethan Hawke. Several years ago, Hawke compared him to the "troubadours of the past" and said that Cage is the only artist since Marlon Brando who brought something new to the art of acting. When IndieWire reporters asked what he thought about this, the actor replied that Hawke's words were very pleasant for him.

Look at James Cagney in White Heat when he says, “I'm on top of the world, Ma!” Was it realistic? Not a damn thing. Was it exciting and believable? Hell yes. One could go on and on about these ancient troubadours who devoted themselves to such charismatic and grandiose stylization. Such greatness, one might say.

True, from the artist’s explanations it is still unclear what his idea was when he was dressed in Kazakh folk clothes, and in response he made such a suffering face, as if he had just seen a portion of memes about himself.

But no matter what explains Cage’s performance, audiences still love the actor for his memetic facial expressions. Some even make pillows with his face - however, if you handle such a pillow incorrectly, it will... And Cage isn't the only actor whose weirdness is endearing him to fans. Actor and director Tommy Wiseau made the film “Room”, which is considered one of the worst in history, but his unconventional behavior was so loved by the audience that now they enjoy watching it.

The actor often makes himself known in the media and in many films. Often seen in big-budget films, but after 1996, when he won an Oscar, his performance, to put it mildly, left much to be desired. Incredible overacting and twisting of facial muscles caused the creation of memes with Nicolas Cage. The actor holds the record for the most nominations for the Golden Raspberry, an award for the most outstanding failure in acting. He can not lose heart, because fame on the Internet will not leave him for a long time.

The very first meme with Nicolas Cage

Actor career Nicholas started a very long time ago, back in 1981. But he received his first “meme” fame in 1988, starring in the film “Vampire’s Kiss.” In one of the scenes, he played bewilderment extremely convincingly, which provoked the analysis of the picture into memes, quotes and screenshots. The most famous shot was the moment in which the character of the Nicolas Cage meme said: “What did you say to me?”

Since the Internet was not particularly developed in the late 80s, everyone forgot about this moment. The film gained new popularity with the advent of modern imageboards - forums where users communicated on various topics and discussed films. Memories of the film resonated, which provoked the emergence of memes with Nicolas Cage. They express satirical attitude to the hero of the picture and the actor himself.

Nicolas Cage - kumiss meme

The actor’s trip to Kazakhstan deserved special attention. There, dressed in folk attire, he passed as one of his own. Look for yourself, if you didn't know him, you would be able to understand that Nicolas Cage is one of the most expensive actors modernity?

Be that as it may, the audience began to say that the actor had too much kumiss, and in the morning he ended up in Kazakhstan. What can you do there? Of course, go to the Astana Film Festival. The actor held a photo shoot, trying on a chapan and fur hat. He took photographs with prominent Kazakh film figures and also signed autographs. Memes with Nicolas Cage have not left the Internet yet for a long time, and some fans have not stopped coming up with photoshopped images of the actor, giving the work the status national treasure Kazakhstan.

Other memes with the actor

In addition to these works, the actor was mentioned in other memes and photoshopped images based on large quantity works Internet personalities loved it actor play(especially facial expressions) in films such as "Ghost Rider", "Face/Off", "The Wicker Man", "The Leftovers". The films, of course, are bad, but Nicolas Cage’s overacting makes them simply hilarious, which ensures the success of the films.

Nicolas Cage is good Hollywood actor, which in Lately something is removed from every slag. I followed the path of Bruce Willis and takes the lead not in quality, but in quantity. A very large number. Which is very different low quality. But let’s not talk about sad things, but just look at one popular Internet meme with Nicolas Cage. It’s immediately clear that this meme came from a movie, but which one?

The photo shows the actor with a sarcastically amazed expression on his face that seems to be telling you: “Come on!!!”

It is used in cases where you need to show your interlocutor that his statement is so banal and obvious, or so absurd that you just want to say: “What are you saying.” As a matter of fact, they call this meme with Nicolas Cage “Come on,” or, to use its original name, “You don’t say?”

Where does the “Come on” meme with Nicolas Cage come from - from what movie?

So, what movie did the "Come on" Nicolas Cage meme come from? In the photo with the meme, an attentive viewer will immediately notice that the film is not very new, and he will be absolutely right. The movie from which the “Come on” joke originated is called “Vampire’s Kiss,” and it came out way back in 1988. It tells the story of an ordinary employee named Peter who meets the one and only. True, a certain abnormality was then discovered in the relationship, connected with the fact that the unique one turned out to be a vampire, as a result of which all the fuss arose. We won’t spoil it, but we suggest you watch this film. With the film, the situation seems to have become clearer, we can even indicate more precisely where the “Come on” meme with Nicolas Cage began to wander around the Internet - this is about the forty minute of the film.

Nicolas Cage or Yes, okay meme, No, damn meme, Yes, what are you saying meme. These are all the names of one complex joke that can be found on the World Wide Web. However, before continuing, I would like to recommend you several sensible articles, for example, the origin of the interesting meme “Stoned Fox”, the popular meme You can’t just take and..., what Zalet means in army slang, how to understand the term Tightness, etc. P.
In fact, the huge popularity of this joke lies in its versatility. This picture is usually posted when they want to show their sarcasm, for example, in the case when the answer was known in advance and the actions are obvious.

Nicolas cage meme- this joke has gained its popularity due to its versatility of use, it can be used in almost any situation

The origin story of the Nicolas Cage meme, Yeah, okay

Many individuals are often interested in Nicolas cage meme from which movie is the frame taken? The answer is as simple as five Soviet kopecks, this screenshot was taken from the comedy film “The Vampire’s Kiss”, which was released on cinema screens in the distant past 1988 year. Since the topic of necrophilia is still in great demand in the West, it is not surprising that Nicolas Cage starred in one of these films.
The plot of the film is quite ordinary and banal, one guy named Peter falls in love with a vampire, that is, a dead man who must drink blood to maintain his existence. After meeting the ghoul, Peter begins to notice changes occurring in his body, he thinks that he is turning into a vampire, although the viewer does not know whether this bitch bit him, or these are his usual fantasies.

The frame itself from the film was taken from 42 minutes of the film. Needless to say, Nicolas Cage played an excellent role in this film, although the film itself turned out to be so-so, third-rate. If compared with modern "Twilight", the actress Kristen Stewart plays practically with a straight face, so memes with her participation are not of particular interest.

Until recently, no one really knew about this film, or about young Nikolos, who subsequently gained great popularity. The popularity of this meme was given by one of the artists who draws for a well-known image board in narrow circles." Reddit", and one day, while reviewing "The Vampire's Kiss", he noticed a very emotional Cage and took a screenshot of this moment. After that, he converts the frame into vector format and uses it as the ending of his comic. These events took place in 2009 year, it is from this time that the countdown of ever-increasing popularity can begin meme "Yeah, okay".

The very first comic with Nikolos's face characterizes all subsequent memes. The essence of this very first comic is that the king tells her alpha boy that she learned that the Moon shines with light reflected from the sun. This turned out to be a surprise for her, apparently, like for many Pindos. To which the brutal man sarcastically answers her with a phrase, which is the highlight of the entire meme, the quintessence, so to speak - " you don't say?".

Famous actor Nicolas Cage knows how to become a millionaire - if, of course, you are a billionaire! More recently, the actor’s fortune was estimated at $150 million, significant even by Western standards. Today it does not exceed 20 million - and all because of the actor’s penchant for senseless spending of money on expensive toys- from old mansion with ghosts to a luxurious Lamborghini that used to belong to the Shah of Iran.

Some time ago, Nicolas Cage was one of the most highly paid actors Hollywood, earning a fortune of $150 million with his film roles. But then Nicholas was overtaken by crazy shopaholism. He bought everything from villas for $25 to dinosaur skulls, dried pygmy heads and other meaningless souvenirs for a lot of money. The result is predictable: Nicholas’s fortune has decreased to $25 million, while he must pay $14 million of it to the state tax service. It's no surprise that Cage is now taking on any roles to pay off his debts.

At one point, Cage owned 15 homes, including a $25 million oceanfront villa in Newport Beach, California, a $15.7 million villa in Newport, Rhode Island, and an $8.5 million Las Vegas mansion. , as well as chalets in Aspen, Colorado and homes in San Francisco, New York and Venice Beach.

In addition, in 2006, Cage bought for $3.45 the sad famous mansion LaLaurie in New Orleans, where, according to legend, there are ghosts. It is believed that in the 19th century it belonged to socialite and the serial killer Madame LaLaurie, who tortured her black slaves to death, and their spirits still haunt the walls of this house.

Cage is also the owner of the pyramid, which was built on his order in New Orleans, not far from the LaLaurie mansion. The tomb is carved with the Latin inscription 'Omnia Ab Uno' (All from One). The actor did not explain why he needed the pyramid. According to rumors, he built it in memory of the filming of the film “National Treasure”.

Early in his career, Cage began collecting exotic animals. He has a pair of albino king cobras, which he purchased for $270,000. He spent another $150,000 on an octopus. In addition, he has a shark and a crocodile.

In 1997, following the success of the film Face/Off, Cage purchased a 1971 Lamborghini Miura SVJ at auction for $450,000. The car, which had only traveled about 3,000 kilometers, was previously owned by the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. It was commissioned by the Shah and secretly delivered to his chalet in St Moritz before the Shah went there to ski during the Christmas holidays of 1971.

Nicolas Cage once bought a Tarbosaurus skull at auction, which was about 7 million years old. In the fight for the relic, he even beat out his friend, actor Leonardo DiCaprio, paying $276,000 for the dinosaur skull. Later, however, it turned out that the skull was stolen, and Cage had to return it to the Mongolian state.

As an unnamed source from Cage’s circle told secular reporters, the actor acquired a collection of dried pygmy heads for unknown purposes. According to pygmy beliefs, by drying the head of the enemy, the warrior forced his spirit to serve himself. It is not clear whether Cage shares these beliefs, or simply keeps the collection at home as an exotic souvenir, but, one way or another, he did not spare a tidy sum on it.

Until recently, Cage was the owner of a comic book collection worth more than $1.6 million. It included the first edition of the first Superman comic, released in 1938. According to rumors, this book alone cost the actor $150,000. In addition, his collection included a comic where Batman's assistant, Robin, first appeared. In 2011, however, Cage had to sell the first Superman comic. It was then that it turned out that comics were an extremely profitable investment: the book brought the actor about $2 million.