Up down right left concept. Mathematical lesson "The concepts of “up”, “down”, “right”, “left”

Topic: The concepts of “up”, “down”, “right”, “left”.


    Learn the concepts of “up”, “down”, “right”, “left”.

    Strengthen your ability to use these concepts.

    Learn to navigate on a sheet of paper.


    Counting sticks

    Colored pencils


During the classes.


1) - Let's check the house. Rear

The first place will be taken by the one who found the most proverbs or sayings with the words “more”, “less”. Those who can read will read it themselves; those who cannot read, I will read it. First, count how many proverbs and sayings someone has.

2) Mini-test work.

Task 27.

On the second apple tree, draw fewer apples than on the first apple tree.

Draw more apples under the second apple tree than under the first apple tree.

Task 28.

- Cross out the unnecessary...

2. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1) Physical pause. Game "Charging"

- Get up and do the exercises I ask you to do. (these controls contain the words “up, down, left, right...”) Whoever makes a mistake sits down. The one remaining will be the winner.

    Lift up right hand(lower)

    Close your left eye (open)

    Turn left (back) – i.e. to the window

    Lean to the right (straighten up) – i.e. to door

    Jump up 5 times (stop)

    Look to the right (straight)

    Squat down (stand up), etc.

We reward the winner. Why did some children have to sit down?

SLIDE 1 . (ARROWS in different directions)

What do these arrows mean? (directions – up, down, ..).

So what mathematical concepts will we talk about in today's lesson?

    Lesson topic message.

- Today we will work on the concepts of “up”, “down”, “right”, “left”.

SLIDE 2. ( Characters - Ivashka, Stargazer, Bunny, Baba Yaga, run in different directions and the directions are shown by arrows)

    Who do you see in the pictures? Who is moving in what direction?

    Task No. 29 in a notebook.

What figure did you see? (red circle)

Draw three green ones on the left

On the right are 4 yellow

At the top are 2 blue ovals

Below are 5 gray

SLIDE 3 ( From the previous lesson, a picture of Stargazer and Ivashka flying on a broom)

5) Our friend Ivashka had so much fun playing hide and seek with the Astrologer, flying on a broom across the starry sky, that they alarmed all the inhabitants magical forest. And the animal that was most frightened was the one that we will now try to depict in a notebook, using keywords our lesson. Ready?!

Task 30. (bunny)

We move from the point. We count and move along the line of cells. (begin to show on the board or slide)

    One to the right

    3 down

    1 right

    3 down

    1 left

    3 down

    2 right

    1 down

    11 left

    1 up

    2 right

    1 up

    1 right

    1 up

    1 left

    1 up

    1 left

    1 up

    1 right

    1 down

    Place the eye + at the intersection of the cells where you think it should be.

    Who got it? (bunny)


    - The bunny quickly jumps into the field -

    Lots of fun in the wild!

    We imitate the fidgety bunny - kids!

    Gray bunny sitting

    And he wiggles his ears.

    It's cold for the bunny to sit

    We need to warm our paws.

    It's cold for the bunny to stand

    The bunny needs to jump.

    Someone scared the bunny, the bunny jumped and galloped away!

    Lesson summary.

    What concepts did we work on today?

    (“up”, “down”, “right”, “left”)

    Raise your right hand, show your left ear.

    What's at the top? - At the bottom?


    Paint overSun , if you understand the material of our lesson,

    Blot, if you haven't understood everything yet.


    Draw with graphic dictation, which the parents will dictate, according to the cells in the notebook, the figure of any object..

Called in violin playing a movement in which the bow touches the scabs first with its lower end and finally with its upper end (on the cello and double bass, a stroke to the right); its opposite is the upward (left) stroke. For strong accents... ... Musical dictionary Riman

CLASS Cephalopods (CEPHALOPODA)- Cephalopods are the most unusual, large, predatory and most advanced of mollusks. Cephalopods have reached high degree development. These are a kind of primates among the invertebrate inhabitants of the sea. Externally, at first glance, they are cephalopods... ... Biological encyclopedia

Microsoft Paint- Paint Component of Microsoft Windows ... Wikipedia

Universe X- This article or section needs to be revised. Please improve the article in accordance with the rules for writing articles... Wikipedia

spiral- noun, f., used. compare often Morphology: (no) what? spirals, what? spirals, (I see) what? spiral, what? spiral, what about? about the spiral; pl. What? spirals, (no) what? spirals, what? spirals, (I see) what? spirals, what? spirals, about what? about spirals 1.… … Dictionary Dmitrieva

Phoenix probe

Phoenix (KA)- Phoenix The Phoenix apparatus (artist’s drawing) Organization NASA Manufacturer Lockheed Martin Objectives descent vehicle Launch vehicle Delta II 7925 NSSDC ID 2007 ... Wikipedia

Phoenix (spacecraft)- Phoenix Device “Phoenix” (artist’s drawing) ... Wikipedia

Phoenix (probe)- Phoenix The Phoenix apparatus (artist’s drawing) Organization NASA Manufacturer Lockheed Martin Objectives descent vehicle Launch vehicle Delta II 7925 NSSDC ID 2007 ... Wikipedia

AGRAPHIA- (from the Greek a negative part, and grapho I write), writing disorder due to loss of the ability to use written conventional signs, symbols of words, phrases, etc. (“character symbols”). Most often it is associated with aphasia (see), ... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

Arrow (symbol)- This term has other meanings, see Arrow. Arrow is the name of a series of typographical symbols that look like an arrow, for example: ← → ↓. In Unicode 5.1 there are 322 characters containing the word ARROW in their description, 6 characters, ... ... Wikipedia


  • Right-left, up-down, O.N. Zemtsova. The author of the books in this series is Olga Nikolaevna Zemtsova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of the Center preschool development and raising children. The goal of the method developed by the author is a comprehensive... Buy for 43 rubles
  • Right-left, up-down. Let's orient ourselves in space. For children 3-4 years old, O. N. Zemtsovaa. Author Zemtsova O.N. - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Center for Preschool Development and Education of Children. Based on her methodological developments a universal development system has been created and...

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Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/382835540_442027319.pdf-img/382835540_442027319.pdf-2.jpg" alt=">To the left of Murzik is the cat Tishka, to the right of Murzik the cat Kuzya. Murzik gray. Say,"> To the left of Murzik is the cat Tishka, to the right of Murzik the cat Kuzya. Murzik is gray. Tell me what color Tishka and Kuzya are.

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/382835540_442027319.pdf-img/382835540_442027319.pdf-3.jpg" alt=">To the right of Alyosha is Seryozha, and to the left of Alyosha is Misha. Show me"> Справа от Алёши стоит Серёжа, а слева от Алёши - Миша. Покажи этих мальчиков. Скажи, кто в какую рубашку одет.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/382835540_442027319.pdf-img/382835540_442027319.pdf-4.jpg" alt="> In which picture is the vase drawn between the teapot and the pan? Tell me how located"> На каком рисунке ваза нарисована между чайником и кастрюлей? Расскажи, как расположены предметы на других рисунках.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/382835540_442027319.pdf-img/382835540_442027319.pdf-5.jpg" alt=">Which toy is to the left of the pyramid? And to the right? Which one is above the pyramid , and which one is under"> Какая игрушка находится слева от пирамидки? А справа? Какая над пирамидкой, а какая под пирамидкой? Какая игрушка между шариком и машинкой? Какая между шариком и мишкой? Объясни, где находятся остальные игрушки.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/382835540_442027319.pdf-img/382835540_442027319.pdf-6.jpg" alt="> Who is standing behind the tree? And in front of the tree? Who is standing to the left of Christmas trees?"> Кто стоит за ёлкой? А перед ёлкой? Кто стоит слева от ёлки? А кто справа?!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/382835540_442027319.pdf-img/382835540_442027319.pdf-7.jpg" alt=">Which raft is closer to you, and which raft is farther from you? IN"> Какой плот ближе к тебе, а какой плот дальше от тебя? В какую сторону плывёт ближний плот, а в какую дальний?!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/382835540_442027319.pdf-img/382835540_442027319.pdf-8.jpg" alt="> Find a portrait in which all the animals are depicted in the correct order. Tell , How"> Найди портрет, на котором все зверята изображены в правильном порядке. Расскажи, как они изображены на других портретах.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/382835540_442027319.pdf-img/382835540_442027319.pdf-9.jpg" alt=">Who is in front of the bunny in the picture? What is behind? What is to the left of the bunny , And what"> Кто на картинке впереди зайчика? Что сзади? Что слева от зайчика, а что справа? Что у зайчика в правой лапке, а что в левой? Кто вверху, а кто внизу?!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/382835540_442027319.pdf-img/382835540_442027319.pdf-10.jpg" alt=">Find a picture in which a triangle is drawn to the right of the square and below the circle ; square on the left"> Найди картинку, на которой треугольник нарисован справа от квадрата и под кругом; квадрат слева от круга и над овалом. Расскажи, как расположены фигуры на других картинках.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/382835540_442027319.pdf-img/382835540_442027319.pdf-11.jpg" alt="> Find all the piglets in the picture. Tell me where they are."> Найди всех поросят на рисунке. Скажи, где они находятся. Используй в речи слова ≪справа≫, ≪слева≫, ≪около≫, ≪перед≫, ≪далеко≫, ≪близко≫, ≪за≫, ≪на≫, ≪под≫.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/382835540_442027319.pdf-img/382835540_442027319.pdf-12.jpg" alt="> Find and name the object: the one on the far left on the top shelf; the one on the far right"> Найди и назови предмет: крайний слева на верхней полке; крайний справа на нижней полке; крайний слева на средней полке; между ведром и утюгом; справа от вазы; слева от матрёшки. Расскажи, как расположены остальные предметы.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/382835540_442027319.pdf-img/382835540_442027319.pdf-13.jpg" alt=">List the items that are shown in the picture. Where are they located? Use words: “on the left”,"> Перечисли предметы, которые изображены на картинке. Где они находятся? Используй слова: ≪слева≫, ≪справа≫, ≪вверху≫, ≪внизу≫, ≪ближе≫, ≪дальше≫.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/382835540_442027319.pdf-img/382835540_442027319.pdf-14.jpg" alt=">Who is the tallest on the Ferris wheel? Who is the lowest? Who is between the hare and the squirrel?"> Кто на ≪колесе обозрения≫ выше всех? Кто ниже всех? Кто между зайцем и белкой? Кто между кошкой и лягушкой? Расскажи, где находятся остальные зверята.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/382835540_442027319.pdf-img/382835540_442027319.pdf-15.jpg" alt=">Show me the car that drives ahead of everyone? Which one drives behind everyone? Which one after green? Which one"> Покажи машинку, которая едет впереди всех? Какая едет позади всех? Какая после зеленой? Какая перед синей?!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/382835540_442027319.pdf-img/382835540_442027319.pdf-17.jpg" alt=">END">!}

The easiest way to move around a document is to use the arrow keys. They are also called cursor keys because they control how the cursor moves around the screen. These keys are used both independently and in combination with others ( , etc.). Using keyboard shortcuts, you can easily move from one part of a document to another.

When using the cursor keys on the keypad, make sure the indicator is turned off. To do this, press the key . If the indicator is not turned off, the cursor will not be able to move around the screen - numbers will be entered instead.

The four main cursor keys are the up, down, left, and right arrow keys. On the additional numeric keypad these are the number keys 2,4, 6 and 8.

If you press the key and then, without releasing it, press one of the arrow keys, the cursor pointer will jump over several characters at once. This is, let’s say, the mode of reactive cursor movement (the name is not scientific, it is not necessary to remember).

Press the key and then, without releasing it, press the arrow key. Release both keys. Don't press too hard; use just like a key , when you press it simultaneously with the letter key to capitalize a letter.

  • You cannot move the cursor beyond the document limits. You will not be able to scroll the text “above” the first and “below” the last line of text; you should not even try to click the mouse on the strip separating the pages.
  • If you wish, you can force Word to beep whenever you try to move the cursor beyond the document's delimiters. Run the command Tools>Options, click on the tab Are common dialog box Options, and then select the Event audio checkbox and click OK. Now Word will remind you loudly enough whenever you want to move your cursor off the page.
  • When the cursor moves over the text, characters are not destroyed. To remove unnecessary characters, use the keys And , which can be read about in

Municipal educational institution
Secondary school No. 7

Development of a lesson for 1st grade
in the course “Informatics in games and tasks”

We study the concepts of “up”, “down”, “right”, “left”

Lesson prepared and conducted
additional education teacher

Art. Voronezh

2007 – 2008 academic year

Progress of the lesson.

I.Warm up.

Teacher: Good afternoon, guys! Sit comfortably, put your hands on the table, be careful, let's start warming up.

Warm-up tasks:

1. Three brothers have one sister. How many children are in the family? (Four)

2. Name three days in a row without using the names of the days of the week or numbers. (For example, yesterday, today, tomorrow)

3. Take the wand in your hands. How can you use just one stick to form a triangle on the table? (Put it on the corner of the table)

4. How can you use two sticks to form a square on the table? (Attach them to the corner of the table)

5. In the quiet backwater of a pond
The house was built by a beaver.
The whole family is on the bench.
I looked into the water
And I saw a family there:
Beaver-father, Beaver-grandfather, and cheerful guys -
Five played riddles
And one playful beaver
Made Beaver's mother happy.
Help me count:
How many children are there in the Beaver family?
Did you catch a mosquito? (0)

II.Solving attention problems.

1. Game for attention.

Children are divided into 2 teams, line up in 2 lines facing each other and complete the teacher’s tasks:

Wave your left hand

Look up

Stroke your right palm

Bend your left leg at the knee,

Close your right eye

Clench your left hand into a fist,

Wink with your left eye

Look down

Shake your neighbor's right hand.

III.Work in a textbook-notebook

Exercise 1.

Name which mask (left or right) in each picture is different from the mask in the frame.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/084/images/image003_18.jpg" width="492" height="216 src=">

https://pandia.ru/text/78/084/images/image005_22.jpg" width="652" height="166 src=">

Task 4.

Teacher's explanation.

In order to write down the actions that will be needed to draw a square, starting from the indicated point, you can use arrows and numbers:

https://pandia.ru/text/78/084/images/image007_9.jpg" width="589" height="195 src=">

Possible Solution:

https://pandia.ru/text/78/084/images/image009_7.jpg" width="642" height="278 src=">

IV.Physical education minute.

This is the right hand

This is the left hand.

On the right is a noisy oak grove,

On the left is a fast river.

We turned around, and behold -

It's the other way around:
On the left is a noisy oak grove,

On the right is a fast river.

Has she really become right?
My left hand.

V.Computer work.

Program "Labyrinth".

1. Repeat safety precautions.

2. Teacher's explanation.

Today you will learn to move cursor on the screen using the keys: up arrow, down arrow, right arrow, left arrow, and also use the key .

Cursor– a movable mark on the monitor screen. It can be compared to a pointer in the hand of a teacher. The cursor can look different - like a dash, strip, arrow, rectangle, cross, or picture (for example, “hand”). You can move the cursor around the screen using the keyboard or using the mouse.

“Enter” is translated from English as “enter”, “enter”. Key - one of the largest on the keyboard so that it cannot be confused with other keys. We press a key to give the computer a signal that we have finished typing text on the keyboard or have typed a command on the keyboard (selected on the screen), and now the computer should perform the desired actions.

3. Working with the Labyrinth program.

VI.Summary of the lesson.

1. What have we learned today? (record actions using arrows and numbers, move the cursor around the screen using the arrows on the keyboard, press a key at the right time< Enter>)

You did a good job today, everyone completed the tasks successfully. I'll see you in a week, goodbye.

When preparing the lesson, we used the Educational and Methodological Kit in Informatics for Primary secondary schools. It includes:

1. Toolkit in computer science for 1st grade teachers of secondary schools. Authors,
St. Petersburg, "BHV-Petersburg", 2005

2. Textbook-notebook on computer science, 1st grade.
Authors, St. Petersburg,
"BHV-Petersburg", 2005

3. CD with a package of pedagogical software tools “Fantasy Country” for 1st grade.