Description of the painting Rylov’s flowery meadow with expressions. Description of Rylov’s painting “Flower Meadow”

Description of Rylov’s painting “Flower Meadow”

I know that the artist painted this picture in 1916.
I liked this picture not only because it depicts a warm summer day.
I love summer, and like all children I love to spend summer holidays in the countryside, in the fresh air.
After all, that's where you get the charge fresh air, with your emotions.

In the picture we see an image of a forest in the distance, a field strewn with daisies, and birch trees.
The sky is not strewn with clouds, and the artist shows us his play of shadows.
We see that at moments the sun peeks through the clouds that have blocked it.
Looking at this work it becomes warm.
And even though a blizzard is blowing outside the window now, I know for sure that if I close my eyes, I can find myself in this beautiful meadow.
I can run barefoot on the grass and pick these beautiful daisies.
I can imagine that I am there not alone, but with friends and we are racing towards the forest.
Collecting daisies along the way.

There is nothing more beautiful than being able to dream.
And now I dream most of all about summer.
I want to take a walk along the warm bank of the river, I want to Sun rays warmed my delicate skin.
I don’t like winter, I’m always a little sad in winter, probably because the winter and summer sun are different.
As a child, it always seemed to me that in winter an evil sun was shining on us, which was frozen, and it was offended at us because we did not like winter, but in the summer the clear sun came out and delighted everyone with its warmth.
Many will agree with me that summer is the most beautiful time of the year.
Even when it rains.
Although in fact everyone sees good moments in their own way, someone thinks well if they took their grandmother across the road, and someone laughs at this action.
We are not the same and we shouldn’t pretend to be someone special, we need to remain who we are.

Arkady Rylov is a Russian artist who gained fame and recognition thanks to his landscapes. He looked for inspiration among places that were painfully familiar and dear to his heart. The artist did not have to go somewhere far from the capital to find interesting stories for future work. It was enough to leave the capital for a day, and hundreds of ideas immediately appeared in your mind.

The main feature of Rylov, which made him an extraordinary creator, once again lies in his unsurpassed ability to find beauty in the ordinary, to see elegance and novelty in what others daily look away from.

In 1916, he created a landscape that literally sank into the soul of the audience. This canvas " flowery meadow", which depicts a typical summer day in a forest in central Russia. What is rather surprising here is the moment at which the artist wanted to turn to a calm, life-affirming landscape: already two many years Human blood was shed in the battles of the First World War, a revolutionary upheaval was brewing in Russia.

Passions were boiling, and Rylov creates joyful landscape depicting the beauty of nature. But, according to the artist, it is native nature is a source of peace, quiet joy and happiness for any person, no matter what hardships befall the country at this moment.

In the foreground there is a bright green meadow with many white small flowers. The grass is painted so naturally that it seems that you can step over the frame of the picture and find yourself right in this meadow. Rylov used various shades green, which allows you to highlight almost every blade of grass, making it perceptible even to a quick glance.

The middle plan of the picture is given to a small birch grove. The background presents us with barely visible tree trunks of a dense, huge forest. Judging by the white spots, these are also birch trees.

The artist’s work with light deserves special attention in this picture. The canvas shows the trees in the center of the picture and even the forest in the distance perfectly illuminated, while a giant shadow falls on the meadow. Most likely, it comes from the artist’s easel. The shadow is elongated, which means the sun is approaching the ground, that is, the day is nearing the end. This is an evening landscape. Although it is possible that the artist, on the contrary, began working at the beginning of dawn. After all, the rising sun also gives a somewhat extended shadow.

Creamy and pinkish clouds move across the blue sky: this heavenly illumination also hints that the viewer, thanks to the artist’s skill, has witnessed the birth of a day or, on the contrary, its fading.
This work allows those looking at it to relax mentally, makes them break away from everyday problems, switches them from daily worries and seemingly insoluble difficulties to admiring the beauty of the world. She calls for preserving the purity and unsurpassedness of Russian nature, not destroying it with senseless wars and other clashes.

In the summer, everyone gets tired of the stuffiness of the city - and just wants to plunge into the colorful herbs and wildflowers. Many people strive to escape into space, which is so often lacking within the stuffy walls concrete jungle. If you were unable to enjoy the beauty summer day, Rylov’s wonderful painting “Flower Meadow” will help you with this.

Most The paintings are occupied by meadow grasses, among which wildflowers hide comfortably. In some places there are timid crowds of trees that resemble girls gathered together. Of course, the trees do not object to such a pleasant neighborhood, but they do not stop chatting among themselves.

The artist chose for this canvas only light colors, which give the whole image purity and serenity. On such days it seems that summer will never end, and happiness will last forever in life. Even the sky above the meadow was clear and cloudless. It takes you further away from reality, throwing you into a fantasy world where everything is fine and troubles never happen.

This picture allows us to relax our souls, break away from everyday life, and switches us to the beauty of nature. The fact is that a person often does not notice what surrounds him. The picture allowed me to feel all the charm of a summer day and helped me relax in the open air.

Only a truly Russian artist could convey the beauty of a Russian field with traditional birch stakes so tenderly and with such love.

From time immemorial, Russia has been famous for its endless meadows with the most diverse and unique in their simplicity wildflowers and fragrant herbs. And any Russian person’s heart always ache a little at the sight of their relatives


The very name “flowery meadow” indicates that the author considers his main task to draw attention to the flowers, to the meadow, despite the fact that this is not the only image captured on the canvas. It is important that the author chose the epithet “colorful” and not “colorful” for the word “meadow”; he cares about flowers, not colors. Why, since there are not so many of them depicted and, in general, there is no variety?

The meadow is represented for the most part by the same type of flowers, white, in some places only glimpses shine through purple shades. What is interesting is not so much the color rendering as the formal expression. The shape that Rylov meadow takes on resembles a stream running through the thickets, meandering, looking for a way. A White color meadow flowers and, taking this form, are similar to fabulous milk rivers that are often found in Russian folklore.

Just as a person is ready to endlessly admire the seas, rivers and lakes, he can also admire the endless flowery meadows.

Essay based on the painting “Flower Meadow” by A. Rylov

Most of all, the artist Arkady Rylov loved to depict landscapes of Russian nature - it was thanks to the glorification of the fullness of its charms that this talented painter became famous. Sincere love for his native land was his main source of inspiration - that is why Rylov’s paintings evoke such genuine admiration from every viewer. One of his famous works is “Flower Meadow” - surprisingly summer and warm picture, filled with kindness and sunshine.

This work was created at the height of the First World War - however, this terrible incident did not stop Rylov from writing such a delightful and cheerful canvas. “Flower Meadow” is a real ode to summer; the painting depicts a landscape typical of central Russia at the height of this time of year. Rylov had great talent to the color scheme - the color scheme of each of his works is chosen just perfectly. “Flower Meadow” is no exception: there are no unimportant elements here, attention is paid to every nuance, shade or shadow. The artist notices the smallest details, giving his paintings a very special character.

The landscape seems quite simple - a wide green meadow, completely strewn with white flowers, smoothly turns into a sparse and light birch forest. On blue sky pinkish clouds are visible: most likely, the artist depicted the time of sunset or dawn, when the glow in the sky gives such a hue. The long shadows that hide the foreground. The forest behind is well lit, it is literally flooded with sun.

In the hot summer, early morning is a surprisingly pleasant time, giving freshness and vigor. The painting “Flower Meadow” conveys exactly this mood; it is filled with joy from the daily awakening and blossoming of nature. This painting by Ryleev is positive, light and bright, it shows the beauty of the most ordinary corners of Russia, in which the master saw that very pristine and original beauty, incomparable with any other places.

In the summer, everyone gets tired of the stuffiness of the city - and just wants to plunge into the colorful herbs and wildflowers.
Many people strive to escape into space, which is so often lacking within the walls of a stuffy concrete jungle. If you were unable to enjoy the beauty of a summer day, Rylov’s wonderful painting “Flower Meadow” will help you with this.
Most of the picture is occupied by meadow grasses, among which wildflowers hide comfortably. In some places there are timid crowds of trees that resemble girls gathered together. Of course, the trees do not object to such a pleasant neighborhood, but they do not stop chatting among themselves.
The artist chose only light colors for this canvas, which give the whole image purity and serenity. On such days it seems that summer will never end, and happiness will last forever in life. Even the sky above the meadow was clear and cloudless. It takes you further away from reality, throwing you into a fantasy world where everything is fine and troubles never happen.
This picture allows us to relax our souls, break away from everyday life, and switches us to the beauty of nature. The fact is that a person often does not notice what surrounds him. The picture allowed me to feel all the charm of a summer day and helped me relax in the open space.

Essay based on Rylov's painting "Flower Meadow".
The first impression when you look at Rylov’s painting “Flower Meadow” is lightness.
We see small clouds, a soft blue sky, and a slightly noticeable haze. The feeling of clean air, breathing deeply, does not leave the viewer.
The painting shows summer meadow, completely dotted with blooming daisies. In the middle of the meadow there are small clearings with birch trees, a little further you can see a dense forest. This is the typical nature of the Central Russian area. The painting is painted so vividly, so brightly and cheerfully that you want to lie down in this meadow, turn over on your back and look at the sky with the artist, looking at the passing clouds.
The canvas exudes summer serenity, light memories; it seems to attract only bright thoughts. On days like these, as depicted in the picture, a person usually experiences joy and fullness of life. I want to sing and laugh, dance, read poetry, confess my love. It is not for nothing that the most mischievous and cheerful holiday in Rus' is Ivan Kupala Day. It falls exactly in the first ten days of summer, when the sunny day becomes the longest of the year. And this sun is a symbol of life, eternal joy, awakening and blossoming.
Like the flowers in the meadow, I want to “bloom”; in the meadow, spreading fragrant smells, not thinking about anything bad, dreaming and fantasizing. It’s not for nothing that our artists and poets glorify nature so much. After all, all inspiration ultimately comes from her. On such a day you will go outside, look at the sun, flowers and trees, take a deep breath of fresh air filled with aromas, and poetic lines or new melodies will come to your mind.
I also love nature and everything connected with it. That's why I'm attracted to this painting. I feel spiritual closeness with the artist. It seems to me that he also feels nature, like me. I like the colors used in the canvas, these changes in light and shadow, these subtle shades of colors, reddish and pinkish tones in the forest and clouds.
It seems that the summer day is so tender, blooming that on his “cheeks”; even a blush appears.
And I really want to “get in”; into a picture, run through the meadow barefoot, especially if you look at it on a stormy, gloomy, winter day.