This is not the time to smile. “Great Beautiful Russia”: time to smile? Vasya Lozhkin now

Size manhood excited the minds of the fair half at all times. Many myths and stereotypes about manhood have been born among women, and some are sure that this can be determined by external signs men. But is this really so?

Stereotypes about manhood

It is believed that the size of a man's reproductive organ depends on his race. And this is true: according to research, the average size male dignity has the most impressive size among representatives Negroid race– the leaders in this indicator are the residents of Congo and Ghana (18 and 17.7 cm, respectively).

Latin Americans are located nearby; for example, the male population of Ecuador has an average penis size of 17.5 cm.

As for European men, the range in this part of the world is simply enormous. The most “worthy” men in Europe are Icelanders and Hungarians - 16.5 and 16.2 cm, respectively, but men from Romania cannot boast of their size - their average size does not exceed 13 cm.

The situation for other Europeans is as follows:

  1. Italians - 15.9 cm;
  2. Swedes - 15.4 cm.
  3. Germans - 14.5 cm;
  4. English - 14 cm;
  5. French - 13.5 cm;

Among the men of the CIS countries, Georgians have the greatest dignity - 16.7 cm, Russians and Ukrainians confirm their brotherhood in this indicator - their average size is 15.7 cm, but the Belarusian brothers are a little behind - 15.4 cm. The Baltic states have something to be proud of: Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians have an average size of 16 cm.

Men South-East Asia they are the owners of the smallest penises: the Chinese have it 11 cm, the Thais and Indians have 10 cm each, and finally, the Koreans have the smallest manhood - 9.8 cm.

In addition, scientists calculated the average size of a man's penis - 13.1 cm. This figure was derived from the calculation of the entire male population on the planet.

Myths about manhood

As for the myths that some women believe, the situation is not so clear-cut. Almost all myths about manhood have been scientifically dispelled. We will discuss only the most famous of them.

Shoe size

Many argue that the size of the “pepper” directly depends on the size of a man’s legs. They say that you can estimate the size of any person’s feet.

Some adherents of this theory even have formulas: the length of the foot is subjected to arithmetic operations, the result of which is supposedly the most accurate size of manhood. However, studies have proven that there is almost no connection between the size of the foot and the penis.

Distance between thumb and index finger

Another myth says that the size of the penis is equal to the distance between the tips of the large and index finger arms that are spread out so that the hand forms the letter L.

This method of determining size was invented by a famous sexologist, and it is quite accurate. It is not known how seriously that sexologist took his “discovery,” but research has dispelled this myth. In fact, the distance between the fingers of most men does not differ much, and it is approximately equal to the normal size male organ.


Surely many people compare a person’s height and the size of his penis, believing that lanky guys have an impressive device. As with shoe size, this is nothing more than another myth. Studies have shown that tall men have the dignity of average size.

Typical results of a penis length test:

The table and chart below show the percentage of men who have certain length penis.

Penis size Percentage of men
Less than 10.1 cm 1,9%
10.1 – 11.4 cm 2,8%
11.4 – 12.7 cm 6,4%
12.7 – 13.9 cm 10,4%
13.9 – 15.2 cm 13,7%
15.2 – 16.5 cm 20,5%
16.5 – 17.7 cm 15,2%
17.7 – 19 cm 10,5%
19 – 20.3 cm 7,0%
20.3 – 21.5 cm 6,1%
21.5 – 22.8 cm 3,4%
22.8 cm or more 2,1%

This specific data was obtained from a study of 3,000 men aged 18 to 55 years. As you can see, most men fall into the middle category with a size of 5.5 – 7 inches (13.9 – 17.7 cm) when fully erect. The standard measurement method used was from the base to the top of the head of the penis, measuring from top to bottom (NOT bottom to top as the top method is more accurate).

Best Product to Increase Penis Size:

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Basic information about VigRX Plus: VigRX Plus is the most recommended product for increasing penis size. If you want your penis to be longer than average, we recommend that you take VigRX Plus tablets.

How can I measure my penis size?

How To Properly Measure Yourself

Measuring the size of your penis is quite simple, but you must remember how to do it correctly. Therefore, when measuring the length of the penis, it is important to remember that the measurement must be taken from top to bottom from the base of the penis.

You will need a soft tape measure, or preferably a tailor's yardstick. Tailor's meter can be bought in sewing stores, they are very cheap.

To measure the length of the penis, make sure it is 100% erect, then place the beginning of the meter at the base of the penis, where it meets the torso. Measure the length to the very tip of the head of the penis (apex). This is the desired value! To measure girth size, place the meter at the widest part of the penis and wrap the meter around it until it touches starting point measurements. The desired value will be located at the overlap of two parts of the meter.

Now you know the size of your penis. Don't forget to write down your measurements to track your results!**

** We will soon be adding a simple, easy-to-use chart that can be downloaded from our website so that you can easily track the results and size of your penis when using penis enlargement products. You will see how much your penis has increased in length, and also compare your size and the average penis size. Visit our website, soon here you will be able to download a table of penis sizes for free!

Many modern parents are wondering what kind of life should boys and teenagers have at different ages. And this is not an idle interest - the development of secondary sexual characteristics must be timely, correct and harmonious. While certain deviations from the norm are allowed, too significant developmental lag in the future may become young man a real problem. So adequate control over penis enlargement will ensure the boy has a healthy adult life.

Penis size in teenagers

When does the size of the penis begin to change?

Starting from the age of 11-12 years, little boys experience perhaps the most serious changes in their lives - complex mechanisms associated with hormonal changes in the body are launched. The result of these changes is the beginning of enlargement of the genitals and the formation of sexual characteristics in general. In particular, at the age of 12 the following begins:

  • increased hair growth on the face and pubic area;
  • an increase in the size of the scrotum due to an increase in the volume of the testes (testicles);
  • change in the length and thickness of the penis;
  • formation of the foreskin of the penis.

Starting from the age of 11-12 years, boys begin to experience hormonal changes in their bodies.

Monitoring the progress of these changes in a boy as he grows up is very important, since only in this way can one notice in time the fact of potential disorders and hormonal disruptions associated with excessive low level production of the male sex hormone testosterone. It is this hormone that influences the formation and development of secondary sexual characteristics, which, if they do not meet certain standards (in particular, standards for standard penis sizes), can lead to pathological problems in the sexual sphere of the future man.

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When tracking changes in penis size in adolescents from the age of 11-12 years, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the increase in length, but also to how the volume changes, since this parameter is also significant and should increase evenly.

Standard parameters for changing penile size in adolescents

The male penis is a part of the body, the size of which depends solely on heredity and the level of testosterone produced by the developing body of the fetus during its stay in the womb, as well as by the body of the person himself during the period of maturation. It is obvious that in one individual the size and thickness of the penis will differ from the same indicators in another male. However, in children and adolescents age category from 12 to 17 years old, the data is averaged, as evidenced by the size table.

The size of the penis in adolescents at the age of 17 may change towards a decrease in length (usually within 0.5-1 cm), but this occurs due to an increase in thickness and is a natural process. In the table you can see that at the age of 14 years (more precisely, at the turn of 14-15 years), the size of the penis in a calm state changes slightly (by 0.5 cm), however, the same period is characterized by an increase in the length of the penis in a state of erection. This is explained by the development of the tissues of the cavernous bodies that form the penis and a change in their ability to increase, filling with blood when excited.

Interesting: in adolescence not only the size, but also the bends of the penis are formed and changed (although experts note the presence of cases of bends formation even before the onset of puberty). Most often, this parameter is so insignificant that the penis is recognized as straight (in 56% of cases), in 29% of adolescents the organ has a slight bend to the right, and in 13% of children - to the left. Less than 3% of cases are diagnosed with a curvature of the penis that is more than 20° relative to the body, directed in any direction.

What affects the development of the penis

Smoking among teenagers slows down or deforms the process of healthy penis enlargement.

Various factors can pose a problem for normal enlargement of the genital organs in boys and adolescents, including:

  • genetic predisposition (heredity factor);
  • environmental problems that have a suppressive effect on the hormonal background of the future man;
  • transferring traumatic effects to the genitals;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • bad habits (especially smoking).

Smoking like negative factor associated not so much with the problems created for hormonal changes, but with blood circulation. Components of tobacco smoke cause nicotine poisoning of the body with damage to blood vessels (reduced elasticity of artery walls). Lack of blood supply to the genital organs leads to a slowdown or deformation of the process of healthy penis enlargement.

Healthy nutrition is not just a guarantee of health for the developing body of boys, but also the main condition under which this process generally becomes possible. Doctors note that in a child with excess body weight, the development of secondary sexual characteristics and the reproductive system as a whole will be slower and will begin later than in a child of the same age in the average weight category. And for those parents who are not only worried about their son’s insufficient penis enlargement at 16 years old, but also cannot find a relationship with such a teenager mutual language, it is also recommended to pay attention to proper nutrition. Healthy food with a significant amount of vitamins and complex carbohydrates, the exclusion of chocolate, coffee and other products that have a stimulating effect on the body of adolescents, and there will be no problems either with the psyche of future men or with their developing genitals.

Modern doctors consider it right for parents to take an interest in sensitive issues about the proper development of the genital organs of young boys and adolescents, as this allows them to detect potential problems in time and prevent serious pathologies. However, on the other hand, many psychologists say: increased attention to this topic, as well as discussions about the correct and incorrect sizes of the penis at a given age, can “drive” boys into complexes. Be that as it may, no information is superfluous, so parents most often find it necessary to know about the norms of their sons’ development.

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The average length of a man's penis (regardless of the man's nationality) is about 13.1 cm. The average girth or circumference of the penis is about 11.91 cm (almost 12 cm). The average length of a non-erect penis is approximately 9.16 cm. These measurements correspond to a study conducted by the British Journal of Urology International (BJUI).

The countries with the largest average male organ size - 18.03 cm - are Sudan and DR Congo. The country with the smallest average size - 9.43 cm at the time of erection - Thailand (Faculty of Medicine. Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, 2013).

American Jonah Falcon has the record size for his manhood. The length of his penis is 34.29 cm during arousal and 20.32 cm when at rest. His penis is so long that the US Transportation Security Administration once mistook it for a bomb. The length of his reproductive organ is equal to the length of three iPhone 4 located one after another.

Another owner of the “largest penis” is a man from Mexico who was not born with outstanding dimensions, but enlarged his organ himself (more about him in the video above).


According to the Presidential hospital of Russia (Moscow), in 2015, the average size of the male penis of Russians was 9.6 cm at rest in length with a girth of 9.4 cm. At the time of erection, the length is 14.16 cm with a girth of 11.73 cm. Research Herbenick D., Reece M. Schick V., Sanders S. A. shows that Americans have almost the same parameters.

According to 2011 data (Journal of Urology), in Belarus the length of the penis in men is 11.2 cm in a calm state (girth 9.1), and with an erection - 13.98 cm (girth 11.38).

An Irish University survey found that the average penis length Ukrainian men equals 13.97 cm. Data from another survey in 2015, where respondents themselves determined the size of their dignity, say that the length of the penis in a calm state among Ukrainians is 9.7 cm, the girth is 9.8 cm, and when excited, the length is 14. 2 cm with a girth of 12.28 cm.

The results of the 2015 Genital size measure survey showed that the average length of the penis in men in Kazakhstan is 9.3 cm (volume 9.1), and in an erect state - 13.46 cm with a thickness of 11.34. Men in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan have almost the same indicators.


African men have the largest penises in the world. Sudan (17.95) and Democratic Republic Congo (17.93). The top three also include representatives South America, the average male size in Ecuador is about 17.59 cm. The top ten owners of large penises also include men from another republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville), Ghana, Venezuela, Lebanon, Colombia, Cameroon, and Jamaica. These men lead in the length of their erect manhood (from 17.95 to 16.30 cm).

Men from Thailand have the smallest penises North Korea, Cambodia, Nepal, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Korea and the Philippines. The average size of their manhood at the time of arousal does not exceed 9.43–10.85 cm.

Average male size: table by country (according to another source)

Sudan 18.034
Congo 18.034
Ecuador 17.526
Belgium 16.256
France 16.002
Egypt 15.748
Brazil 15.748
Italy 15.748
Denmark 15.24
Netherlands 14.986
Sweden 14.732
Greece 14.732
Scotland 14.732
Chile 14.478
Israel 14.478
Germany 14.478
Norway 14.224
Türkiye 13.97
England 13.97
Canada 13.97
Spain 13.97
Australia 13.208
Japan 13.208
Russia 13.208
USA 12.954
Ireland 12.7
China 10.922
India 10.16
North Korea 9.398


Sometimes they claim that you can guess the length of a man’s manhood by a man’s arm, leg, height, nose and even ear. However, according to a 2006 study, there is no connection between penis size and physical condition. In several other observations, experts have derived a relationship between the size of the buttocks and the penis, but this does not look convincing.

Does height affect the size of a man's penis?

Scientists have not found a connection between these two parameters. Most likely, a man's height has no effect on the length and thickness of his penis. For example, the owner of the world's largest penis, Jonah Falcon, is only 175 cm tall.

Watch the video: Elena Malysheva about manhood (program “Live Healthy”)


The BJUI review used data from 17 studies involving 15,000 men. Scientists have found that only 5 out of 100 men have a penis longer than 16 cm. Similarly, only 5 out of 100 have an erect penis length shorter than 10 cm. Other studies have yielded similar results.

The review, published in the Journal of Urology, also found that the length of the male penis at rest does not affect the size of the penis during erection. In other words, different men may have the same length of erect penises, but the sizes of their organs in a calm state will differ.

On average, women consider the normal male size to be 13.8 cm, and the ideal length is 15.8 cm. For men, judging by surveys, medium length the penis is 14.1 cm, and the ideal organ is 16.6 cm.

The Journal of Urology defines a deviation from the norm as a penis length of less than 4 cm at rest and less than 7.62 cm at the time of arousal. With such parameters, after consultation with a urologist, a man may be recommended.


According to BJUI magazine, women are more focused on a man's appearance and personality; Penis size is not a priority for them. Many men whose manhood is 12-13 cm or less when aroused begin to doubt their size. This is a common belief that can lead to self-esteem issues and feelings of insecurity. 12-13 cm are the average indicators of manhood, which are not a deviation from the norm.

Plus, length isn't that important: Nearly 90 percent of women prefer a penis with a larger girth than a longer one, according to two studies.

Does the size of a man's dignity matter: girls' opinions

However, the survey University of California showed that 68% of women whose men have a penis size below the average or national average wish their partners' manhood was larger. At the same time, the majority of female respondents in the study (85%) said that they were still satisfied with the size of their partner's penis.

In the same study, men were asked to self-assess the size of their assets. More than half of respondents (66%) rated their penises as average. 22% considered their penises to be large, the remaining 12% considered their penises to be small. Men who rated their reproductive organs as large also tended to consider theirs appearance overall more attractive. This may mean that penis size affects a man's confidence in his own attractiveness.

Women's opinions about male size were also studied in the Mister Poll survey. 81% of more than a thousand female respondents would reject a very attractive man with a small penis in favor of a man with an average appearance but a large organ. In the same survey, 75% of respondents thought that penis girth and length were very important. In addition, 61% of them admitted that they would refuse to communicate with a man if the size of his penis did not meet their expectations and was smaller.

More than a thousand men also participated in the survey. They were asked how they felt after reading the women's responses regarding penis size. The results showed the following:

  • 44% are confident that their penis size is normal,
  • 19% are absolutely sure that their manhood can satisfy most women,
  • 17% are not sure about their size,
  • 9% are not sure about the size of their penis, but believe that they can satisfy a woman,
  • 8% are absolutely confident both in size and in the fact that they will be able to satisfy their partner.

Accuracy of research and measurements

Despite careful study, there is still a huge margin of error when measuring penis size, especially when the measurement is taken by men themselves. In addition, some factors can affect erection: temperature environment, mood, age, mental state.


How to measure your penis correctly?

There are two ways to measure. The first method is measurement at the moment of excitation. The second is a measurement in a calm state. The results of both approaches will differ by a few millimeters.

To find out the length of the penis, take a ruler. Place one end of it in the bone area above the penis. Be sure to press down on the ruler until you feel the bone. This is necessary to pubic hair and the layer of fat did not interfere with the measurement. Measure the length from the bone to the tip of the penis.

To get girth data, you can use a measuring tape. Wrap it around the thickest part of the penis; it could be the middle or the bottom. If you don't have a tape measure, but you have a ruler, you can measure the length of your manhood using a strip of paper, marking the girth on it, and then applying the paper to the ruler.


An experienced doctor can perform surgery to increase the thickness and length of the penis. Pills and other home remedies advertised on the Internet in best case scenario will not bring any result. You can also lengthen the frequency converter using or, but you will have to use them regularly and for at least a year.

If a man's dignity is close to average, perhaps a more positive outlook on things will help him get rid of his inhibitions and avoid unnecessary surgery.

  • Focus on the characteristics and body parts that you like about yourself. For example, broad shoulders or a pleasant smile.
  • Maintain a healthy weight and include strength training in your weekly exercise routine. If you feel healthy, then your inner feeling will improve.
  • Penis size is really not that important in order to satisfy a partner.
  • Don't compare yourself to celebrities, models, athletes, and especially porn actors. Their artificially created images are exaggerated and unrealistic.

Researchers have revealed the average size of dignity and named the worst lovers in the world

A new study calculating the average size of the male genital organ has confirmed... Once again results of previous studies this issue. On average, as it turned out, the size of a man's penis is 14.2 centimeters. Scientists arrived at this figure by taking measurements (length and girth) of the manhood of more than 1,660 study participants.

Many studies have been devoted to determining the optimal size of the penis. There are countless legends, myths and other fables about the size of manhood. But how do things really stand? Does penis size really matter that much when choosing sexual partner?

Some studies have shown that women who experience vaginal orgasm during sex achieve it more consistently and productively, provided that the penis is large enough. Other research suggests that more is not always better. The ideal penis size, as found in one study, depends on a person's height. In another study, it turned out that it is not the length that matters more, but the girth.

In a recent study conducted by researchers at Indiana University, men were asked to measure their genitals in order to create the perfect condom that would provide maximum comfort without falling or pressing. The sizes of penises turned out to be very different: from the smallest - 4 centimeters in length when erect, to the largest - 26 centimeters. The girth averaged 12.2 centimeters.

Meanwhile, it should be noted that erections are not always the same. During oral sex, for example, the size of the penis reaches its maximum size than during the “invasion” of sexual fantasies that overcome a man during a whirlwind romance.

The worst lovers in the world

The peculiarities of sexual relations between people from different parts of the planet never cease to interest psychologists. Another recent study yielded very interesting results. Thus, researchers have found out where in the world the most sexy women, and where you can meet the worst lovers.

“Germans were recognized as the worst lovers on the planet. These are the results of an international survey on the global network. Most women consider representatives of the stronger sex of this nationality to be “too odorous,” the publication reports.

Meanwhile, the best lovers, according to the majority of women (from 20 countries), live in Spain.

The survey also revealed that New Zealand women are especially sexy. Over the course of a lifetime, the number of lovers women in this country have is about 20.

Among men, a similar record was recorded in Australia: there, during their lives, representatives of the stronger sex manage to enter into intimate relationships with approximately 29 women.

And women in Australia have broken all records for bust size: they have the largest busts in the world. According to the publication The Sun, approximately 40% of Australian women wear bra sizes 4 or larger.