May apricots from house 2 now. Life after the show

Former star of the reality show "Dom-2" - May Abrikosov eight years after leaving the project, he made a loud confession. 33-year-old Roman Tertishny (real name of the ex-star. - Ed.) said that while participating in the TV show he used illegal substances together with the producer of the project Alexey Mikhailovsky. According to May, it was Alexey who got him hooked on the powder. The young people “sniffed” in the producer’s rented apartment, but this stopped when Abrikosov noticed a video camera in the house and suspected that their meetings were being recorded:

“During one of the “friendly” conversations, I looked into Alexey’s room and saw a tiny video camera charging there,” Abrikosov writes on his website in notes dedicated to participation in “House-2”.“He noticed my attention to her and became very nervous. Then I realized that he was secretly filming some of our conversations. I drew conclusions and took countermeasures. I give Alexey permission to post on the Internet everything he filmed then! I have nothing to fear! I don’t blame Alexey for getting me hooked on powder. It's only my fault."

By the way, this is not the first revelation of the behind-the-scenes of the “TV production” published by Abrikosov on his Internet resource. The reason for the long “Internet war” waged by the ex-star of “House-2” with the project management is money. According to May, producer Mikhailovsky embezzled 125,000 rubles, which were once allocated to Abrikosov by the management of Dom-2.

“Several years ago, my family and friends had a fire. Among them are children - a six-year-old girl (disabled group 1) and an 11-year-old boy. I turned for help to the management of “House-2” - Valery Komissarov. He immediately responded and gave me 250,000 rubles through Alexei Mikhailovsky. But the “noble” producer, after delaying for 2 months, reluctantly gave me only 122,000 rubles. Mikhailovsky knew about the fire, knew why I needed help, and his hand did not waver!” — Abrikosov explains his actions.

The man also demanded that television producers immediately conduct a drug addiction test among the participants and employees of “House-2.” Abrikosov himself was the first to do this, publishing the results of his own tests, indicating that he is not now suffering from drug addiction. Abrikosov went for a medical examination voluntarily after he was accused of inadequacy after his actions. unusual “selfies”.

“Once again I openly appeal to the management of the TNT channel with an insistent proposal - the entire “House-2”, the presenters, all participants and organizers urgently undergo the same drug tests, take tests to identify if there are any drug addicts among them with a single or long-term experience and systematic drug use! —

Ex-participant of “House-2” May Abrikosov was remembered by the audience as a somewhat aggressive young man who could express his opinion at any moment. Behind him and high-profile novels with the brightest inhabitants of the television set - Alena Vodonaeva and Olga Solntse. After leaving the project, the young man realized how much the role of a participant in a reality show affected his reputation, people’s attitude towards him, and even his attitude. After some time, May, whose real name was Roman Tertishny, left for his native village and began to lead a secluded life. The choice of this path somewhat puzzled the public - some concluded that he was tired of attention to himself, others decided to dub him a hermit, and still others even believed that he had problems with the law. For quite a long time, the man refused to communicate with media representatives and explain the reasons for such a drastic change in lifestyle.

However, particularly persistent journalists wanted to make exclusive material about his family so much that they even broke into the territory of Roman’s house with cameras without permission. This situation greatly upset Tertishny’s mother, her blood pressure rose, and elderly woman I had to call an ambulance. The ex-participant of the TV show invited the police so that law enforcement officers would record the incident.
The preparation of this material coincided with difficult events, but Roman found the strength to talk with StarHit and be as open as possible. The ex-participant of the TV show told how he feels about the Dom-2 project, why he left Moscow and why people completely unfamiliar to him are trying to turn his life into hell.

Roman, you rarely get in touch with journalists... Why are they so tired of you? What did you have to face that you are now cautious about?

- I don’t like their obsession. Not all journalists manage to be sensitive, demonstrate their ethics and professionalism, and not descend to slander when working on materials. A recent paparazzi attack on my house resulted in the police being called and a criminal case being opened. We live in the 21st century, where there are modern methods connections that the press should be able to use. Nowadays, many people themselves are happy to share facts from their personal lives, start microblogs, and offer publications reports about themselves. To obtain information, journalists do not necessarily have to go to the addressee, break into a home, or break laws.

One writer called you a “hermit” because you lead a lifestyle that is atypical of many reality TV stars. If you compare, where do you feel more comfortable: in a village or in the capital? Would you like some social life, parties?

- Look up the meaning of the word “hermit” in dictionaries. I don't think this applies to me. A person living in a village, but with a population of several thousand, who has his own page on Instagram and an official website, where his own essays, photos and videos are often published personal, can hardly be called secluded and detached from the world. If you think about whether I sit and suffer in Moscow, then there is no such thing. I received offers to go to the metropolis again, but rejected them because constancy and stability are important to me. I led a riotous lifestyle in the capital, I don’t want to go back to parties, I guess I just grew up.

- You write poems, songs, scripts... Where do you find inspiration?

- Depending on the periods and events of my life, creativity was different. Of course, the main inspiration comes from love. And writing articles to order brings me not only pleasure, but also income, albeit small, but enough for everything. I'm not picky about my requests. Sometimes they want ideas for advertising from me, they ask me to help, and it’s also not free. Recently developed advertising campaign For famous network cafe: wrote slogans, designed a photo shoot, and generally supervised the process.

- Do you collaborate with any directors, singers, or TV channels? Or are all works written “on the table”?

- Yes, in currently I am negotiating with two TV channels at once. As I already said, I want to solve everything in a more profitable and stable way. The fact is that I have ready-made concepts for TV shows, which I am gradually implementing.

-Have you thought about starring in any film? Are you going to auditions? Do you follow film news?

- Of course, I would like to try to perform in different roles. I go to auditions, I agree, I experiment, I only turned down a role of an unconventional nature. There was already such an image in my filmography; I’m no longer interested in it. Sometimes it happened that I was suitable for the director, but not for the channel that ordered the TV film. That's when it was truly offensive. I try to avoid low-quality TV series and sitcoms; I’m past that age. Among the actors I like Khabensky, Bezrukov, Makovetsky, Sukhorukov, Gurchenko, Tatyana Kravchenko. I recently watched the film “Collector” with the participation of Konstantin Khabensky, it’s impressive.

Do you often remember your participation in the Dom-2 project? Doesn't it irritate you that many people associate your name primarily with reality TV?

- I consider participation in “Dom-2” to be my personal decline and creative collapse. I wasted my time and harmed myself. Yes, mentions of the project irritate me. If I had the opportunity to turn back time, I would prefer to finish my last six months at the Academy of Arts, and otherwise would develop my profession. Then, I remember, I was seriously passionate about directing...

- Do you maintain relationships with any of the guys from the TV set? Do you follow the fate of your former comrades?

- I don’t specifically follow their fate; sometimes I read news on the Internet. If this can be considered communication, then I follow some former participants on Instagram and exchange messages with them periodically. I have no enemies among the Dom-2 players. Even fleeting quarrels that arose on the project happened only because I was forced to be active and bright.

Why do you think this project is so popular to this day? What can you say about the new members, many of whom have become real stars?

- I left “House-2” with a dubious reputation, so I don’t presume to judge the success of this show. I don't know any new stars. I think only the “oldies” are worthy of attention, since they are already in to a greater extent understand what they want to get from the show in their next return.

- In your opinion, who are they, the viewers of “House-2”?

- People who, out of habit, watch a project from the first episodes or from the middle, and then, out of inertia, continue to follow it. And some turn on “Dom-2” while doing household chores so that the TV speaks in the background.

How was your relationship with the show's hosts? Did you feel any pressure? How did you react to the appointment of Olga Buzova to the post of project host?

- My favorite presenter was Ksenia Sobchak. In fact, it is a myth that supposedly we didn’t get along. At least, on my part, I did not feel any hostility or pressure. And I always considered Ksenia Borodina a kind and simple girl. The third presenter, Olga Buzova, fit right in big picture project. It was an absolutely correct decision by management to entrust her with this position. I don’t see myself as the host of “House-2”. I think it’s not a man’s business to run around on benches, whisper, discuss gossip and wash the bones of lovers.

Do you generally follow Olga’s fate? Over the past few months, her name has been in the headlines of dozens of publications due to conflict in the family. What can you say about this?

- I read about family conflict, and about the hacker attack on Olga Buzova. It’s a sincere pity, because it’s probably unpleasant when they pry into your personal life and take out your underwear. Sorry. Soon everything will be forgotten, a new positive streak will begin for her, I’m sure of it. Buzova’s break with Tarasov surprised me. It seemed that their popular couple would withstand any test. But alas... If such things happen, run, Olga, it’s not yours! I don't feel sorry for her. Why is it necessary? She is a fighter, a warrior, a workaholic, she will get up, dust herself off and move on. I consider Olga Buzova to be at the top of the list of all former participants of “House-2”. She has achieved a lot and I think she will not stop there.

What do you think motivates the ex-participants of “House-2” when they continue to live in ostentation, posting sometimes very intimate moments of their lives on social networks? And why do you personally run social networks?

- I lived for show, apparently because there wasn’t enough worldly wisdom. It seemed to me that the more scandalous my behavior, the more successful I was. In the end, it turned out that he simply trampled on his own reputation. I have often been asked by readers of my essays to create a page on a social network, and it is also very convenient for work; I receive messages with suggestions. Sometimes I share my news, jokes, photos and other material.

Did you find it difficult to quit drugs? In one of your posts you said that during the project you allegedly became addicted to illegal drugs...

- Today I lead absolutely healthy image life without drugs and alcohol. I even try to eat natural and healthy farm products. Physical labor has replaced the fitness center for me. Work for fresh air It really helps to put your thoughts in order and recharge your energy like a sip of morning coffee.

- Do you live with your mother? How is your relationship?

- Unfortunately, it so happened that my only close relative in this life was my mother. I promised my father never to leave my mother, so I took her into my house. I have to fight with my parent, I ask her to leave work, because she is already a pensioner. It's hard for me to understand, but maybe work is a certain incentive to feel young. She enjoys socializing, although she seems to work more out of habit. No matter where I live, there is always a spacious room for my mother in my house. This is even beyond any discussion. That's what I decided. I will let her go if only she gets married again. I don't mind her thinking about herself. My mother is a world-class mother, she doesn’t ask unnecessary questions and doesn’t persistently teach with advice.

- What is family to you? Are you afraid of loneliness or are you consciously trying to get away from the crowd?

- Family for me is the key to happiness, success, and the meaning of my existence. I'm afraid of loneliness. It is important for me that there are always people close to me, whom I love and who love me. I need them. The older I get, the more I feel it.

- What are your plans for the next five years?

- The main plans are connected with my family, with their well-being. As for the rest: I really want to implement the concepts own shows. We think, we decide, I spend a lot of time organizing new projects.

IN next year The popular television project “Dom-2” turns 10 years old. During this time, more than 100 participants attended the program. But viewers remember only the brightest and most extraordinary. This was the participant with unusual appearance and a positive outlook on the world of May Abrikosov.

May Abrikosov is remembered as a handsome, slender guy with luxuriant hair. He built a relationship with Olga, who was called the Sun, and also courted Alena Vodonaeva. Journalists found a guy who disappeared from the silver screen about three years ago. How does Mai Abrikosov live now?

After leaving the Dom-2 project, the guy began to be rude to others, including colleagues and producers. As Ksenia Sobchak, who at that time was the host of the Dom-2 project, diagnosed, the guy star fever, so it completely blows the roof off. Immediately after finishing participation in the project, the young guy was offered to host a program about mystical events. However, he did not last long and disappeared somewhere from TV screens. Since then, no one has heard from the handsome boy. Some project participants tried to call May, but he did not pick up the phone. Rumor has it that Abrikosov became a hermit and now lives in a village bathhouse. Some fans even said that he had ended up in a sect, others that he was seriously ill, and the third that May drowned last spring.

The journalists decided not to torment themselves with guesswork and went in search of May Abrikosov to his homeland. They decided to start the search from the village of Petropavlovka in Voronezh region. As it turned out, Abrikosov’s mother works in the store. Journalists were able to talk to local residents who were sitting on the bench. They showed the house to May's mother, but she sells it and moves to live with her son, because he cannot do it alone. They also reported that Abrikosov, after returning from Moscow, was not all right in the head. He sits at home and doesn’t go out anywhere, except to the store, and even then extremely rarely. One day he appeared in a store, and the saleswomen decided to play a joke and asked for an autograph, so he abandoned his purchases, turned around and ran away with tears in his eyes.

Where does May Abrikosov live now?

Local residents pointed to the house where Abrikosov lives. This is a small house with colorful squares that May himself painted. Many saw him sitting all day with a brush in his hands and painting the house. About the mention young man grins and quiet giggles begin between the residents. When asked how Mai lives, they say that he does not work anywhere, but lives at the expense of his mother, who works part-time and has her own small garden.

When the journalists tried to knock on the door, no one answered, and then came the familiar voice of Abrikosov from the television show, who nervously shouted for everyone to go away and leave him alone. Then, to be convincing, he poured a bucket on the journalists cold water, and after a few seconds he threw out the bucket itself.

Why is the television handsome man from rising star turned into a hermit and hysterical, the villagers have their own answers to this matter. Some claim that the guy was greatly affected by the death of his father, whose kidneys failed 3 years ago and he died. The latter blame the Dom-2 project for everything, saying that it is not easy to be under the lens of television cameras for so long. While still on the project, May came to native village with her Olya Solntse and surrounded by dozens of television cameras, but as they kicked me out of the project, but it didn’t work out on TV, I had to return with nothing. Local residents immediately started joking, saying that if he starred and that was enough, he fell into a deep depression.

Still others say that May went to the Dom-2 project for his dream - living space in Moscow, and when the producers announced the continuation of the project, he wilted and quarreled with his Olya. And then it was announced new competition, the main prize of which was an apartment in Moscow. According to the results audience voting Olga Solntse won. This put even more pressure on Abrikosov.

This is what the Dom-2 star looks like now

But about the possibility of taking illegal drugs, local residents They completely deny it. They say that he never smoked or dabbled in alcohol or drugs.

Ksenia Tumakova, a specialist at the psychoneurological dispensary, was asked to comment on Abrikosov’s condition. Abrikosov’s insanity can be recognized only after a thorough examination; it could just be prolonged neurosis or depression, or maybe something more serious. One thing is for sure, you shouldn’t leave one person in this state, you never know what could happen.

Is Roman Tertishny getting married?

Not long ago, May Abrikosov told StarHit the good news for fans - he is going to tie the knot with a mysterious young lady, whose name and face are kept in the strictest confidence.

Roman told the press that there is never a dull moment with his girlfriend - they will either run away or come together again in a violent fit of passion.

According to May Abrikosov, his girlfriend has the citizenship of another country, works in a government agency, and is not a public figure at all. All that remains is to wish former member"Dom-2" success in your personal career, because your own happiness is always more important and valuable than petty squabbles with a person dear to your heart.

Next year marks the 10th anniversary of the longest-running project on Russian television- “House-2”. Over the years, several hundred participants have appeared in the show. But viewers remember only the brightest. This was May Abrikosov.

A tall, handsome man with luxuriant hair built a relationship with Olga, nicknamed the Sun, and courted Alena Vodonaeva. We found a guy who disappeared from the screens three years ago...

Cried and ran away

After May was kicked out of the project, he began to be rude to everyone, including his colleagues and producers. “The guy has star fever, this is causing him to go crazy!” – said Ksenia Sobchak, who was still the host of the show at that time. Abrikosov was invited to host a program about mysticism on the decimeter channel, but he did not stay there. Since then, nothing has been heard about the textured boy.

“I can’t reach him - he changed his phone number, apparently he doesn’t want to communicate,” ex-participant of “House-2” Stepan Menshchikov shared with us. - They chatted that May had become a hermit and lived in a village bathhouse.

Fans of the project even instilled fear: Abrikosov ended up in a sect, was sick, and even allegedly drowned last spring. We went to the homeland of the ex-star, to the Voronezh region. The search began in the village of Petropavlovka. There, as it turned out, May’s mother works in a local store.

“There’s his mother’s house,” local men, drinking beer near the store, showed us. - But now Natalya is selling it - she is moving to live with her son in the neighboring village of Korotoyak.

“He can’t live alone,” one of the drinkers said mysteriously.

- Yes, this May is not all right in the head! – the guys in Korotoyak told us. – He doesn’t work anywhere, he’s locked himself at home, he only goes out to the store, and then rarely. And he's afraid of people. The saleswomen in the store somehow joked and asked for an autograph. Tears appeared in his eyes, Abrikosov turned around and ran away, abandoning his purchases. And this winter, we remember, he walked down the street in an expensive coat (apparently, he bought it while he was still earning money in House-2), a snow-white scarf and dirty sneakers of size 45. He saw that we were looking at him, pulled his head into his shoulders and ran.

He poured water on him and threw him with a bucket

Neighbors down the street pointed to the house former star, giggling at his owner like a village fool:

– And there is his house - white with multi-colored squares - they were painted by May, whose real name is Roman Tartishny, he sits on the street for hours with a brush. What does he live on? So the mother earns something, grows something in the garden... But he does nothing. He didn’t marry, and who would marry him!

We knocked on the Abrikosov gate for a long time. But no one opened it to us. Only the cats meowed. Although it was clear: the owner of the house. “Get out of here!” – suddenly there was a bass sound, familiar from the TV show. There were hysterical notes in the voice. A few seconds later, water splashed out from behind the fence right at us, followed by a bucket.
Why did the television handsome man suddenly turn into a neurasthenic and lock himself in four walls? The locals have several versions on this matter.

First. Three years ago, May’s father suddenly died – his kidneys failed. His death was a big blow for the TV star.

Second, it’s all the show’s fault. It’s not easy to bear it when the whole country is watching you from morning to night for several years.

“I remember how Romka came home as a king,” Volodya, a neighbor of the ex-burglar, told us. – I was with my Olya-Sun, accompanied by dozens of cameras. He was so pleased, he liked the attention so much. But when he left Dom-2, the attention ended, and beautiful life. It didn’t work out on TV, I had to return home to the village. And then they teased him: they say, he starred in Moscow, and he’s good. And he fell into depression.

Third, the guy was devastated by the fact that he had lost his dream of housing in the capital. On the reality show, May, like many, went for a prize - a plot of land with a house in an elite area of ​​the Moscow region. As they say in the village, “Roma was never particularly interested in women.” But then he had to “build love” on camera. For the sake of the prize. And he built. But one day it turned out that none of the participants would get the house - the show would continue. May wilted, I found a reason to quarrel with my Olya... And suddenly the producers announced a new competition, the winner was an apartment in Moscow. The audience chose, and they voted for Olga, abandoned by Abrikosov. She got square meters in the capital. If Mai had stayed with her, maybe she would have shared it, but not so.

But the version that Abrikosov was secretly taking something forbidden was completely rejected by the locals.

– He had a friend from school, they only went together. Both never abused anything - they didn’t drink or even smoke. I’m telling you this for sure,” concluded neighbor Volodya.

“He must admit that he is sick himself!”

We asked Ksenia Tumakova, ex-director of a psychoneurological boarding school in the village of Orlovka, Voronezh region, to comment on the condition of May Abrikosov:

“It’s impossible to tell by his behavior whether he’s sick or not—the person needs to be examined.” He may have either an ordinary prolonged neurosis or more serious illness, which usually begins with a decrease in interest in everything that happens around. In any case, close people should always be nearby - help and control, anything can happen.

Former star of the reality show "Dom-2" - May Abrikosov eight years after leaving the project, he made a loud confession. 33-year-old Roman Tertishny (real name of the ex-star. - Ed.) said that while participating in the TV show he used illegal substances together with the producer of the project Alexey Mikhailovsky. According to May, it was Alexey who got him hooked on the powder. The young people “sniffed” in the producer’s rented apartment, but this stopped when Abrikosov noticed a video camera in the house and suspected that their meetings were being recorded:

“During one of the “friendly” conversations, I looked into Alexey’s room and saw a tiny video camera charging there,” Abrikosov writes on his website in notes dedicated to participation in “House-2”.“He noticed my attention to her and became very nervous. Then I realized that he was secretly filming some of our conversations. I drew conclusions and took countermeasures. I give Alexey permission to post on the Internet everything he filmed then! I have nothing to fear! I don’t blame Alexey for getting me hooked on powder. It's only my fault."

By the way, this is not the first revelation of the behind-the-scenes of the “TV production” published by Abrikosov on his Internet resource. The reason for the long “Internet war” waged by the ex-star of “House-2” with the project management is money. According to May, producer Mikhailovsky embezzled 125,000 rubles, which were once allocated to Abrikosov by the management of Dom-2.

“Several years ago, my family and friends had a fire. Among them are children - a six-year-old girl (disabled group 1) and an 11-year-old boy. I turned for help to the management of “House-2” - Valery Komissarov. He immediately responded and gave me 250,000 rubles through Alexei Mikhailovsky. But the “noble” producer, after delaying for 2 months, reluctantly gave me only 122,000 rubles. Mikhailovsky knew about the fire, knew why I needed help, and his hand did not waver!” — Abrikosov explains his actions.

The man also demanded that television producers immediately conduct a drug addiction test among the participants and employees of “House-2.” Abrikosov himself was the first to do this, publishing the results of his own tests, indicating that he is not now suffering from drug addiction. Abrikosov went for a medical examination voluntarily after he was accused of inadequacy after his actions. unusual “selfies”.

“Once again I openly appeal to the management of the TNT channel with an insistent proposal - the entire “House-2”, the presenters, all participants and organizers urgently undergo the same drug tests, take tests to identify if there are any drug addicts among them with a single or long-term experience and systematic drug use! —