Literary and musical composition of front-line letters. Scenario of the literary and musical composition “letters from the front”


1 reader : - So the Nativity of Christ has come - a great, bright and joyful holiday

2 reader : - At this time, the angels in heaven rejoice and people rejoice, because everything that is bright, peaceful, high, holy in our lives, all this is a gift from Christ the Savior born in the city of Bethlehem!

Reader 3: — On these holy days, everything around is filled with special solemnity and silence!

Reader 4: — Again and again we hear the story about the events of the Nativity of Christ! And long January evenings Christmas stories and fairy tales sound.

Reader 5: — Today we will tell and show you one of these stories. It is based on a fairy tale by the Belgian writer Maurice Maeterlinck and is called...

Choir "Blue Bird"

Scene 1

A curtain. There is a room on stage: a fireplace, a clock, a table, a bed. Children decorate the New Year tree.

Mytil: - Today is Christmas?

Til : - No, not today, only tomorrow. Christmas night is coming.

Mytil: - Is it true that a miracle always happens on Christmas night?

Til: - Of course, the truth is the miracle of Christmas! There is a service in all the churches, everyone remembers how Christ was born in the city of Bethlehem. Angels in the sky glorify the Birth of the Child.

Mytil : - Oh, how I would like to do something good in honor of the Nativity of Christ, to help someone!..

There's a knock on the door. Auntie enters.

Auntie : - Hello children! Are you getting ready for the holiday? For Christmas?

Mytil : - Yes. Come in and look at our Christmas tree!

Auntie: - Really good! And that’s why I’m coming to you. Do you have a Blue Bird?

Til: - (at a loss) Birds?.. There is a bird, but it’s not blue...

Mytil : - Take a look. (points to the cage with the bird)

(aunt puts on glasses and examines the bird)

Til: - I won’t give her away, she’s mine!

Auntie: - (taking off his glasses) Such a bird won’t help me - it’s not blue enough.

Mytil : - Why do you need it?

Auntie: — I’m looking for her for my granddaughter: my granddaughter is very sick. A Blue bird brings health and happiness. My girl wants to be happy so much!..

Til: Where does this bird live?

Auntie: She lives far away. There are many countries to go through.

Mytil: (thoughtfully) Perhaps today, on Christmas night, we will be able to find the Blue Bird. Let happiness enter every home.

Til: “I would also like to help your granddaughter.”

Auntie: —Are you ready to go on a difficult journey?

Children: (in unison) Yes.

Auntie : Thank you guys, you will do a good deed. (Leaves).

Music, children getting ready to go, mysterious music - the Soul of Light appears.

Children: Who are you?

Soul of Light : I am the Soul of Light. Look how my clothes shine. And I came to help you find the Blue Bird.

Mytil: We are ready, but we cannot find it alone.

Soul of Light: No, be afraid, I will guide you on your way, because today is Christmas night time miracles. Do you remember what happened many, many years ago on the same night in the city of Bethlehem? (to the hall)

There's a song playing

Soul of Light: The miracle of Christmas repeats itself every year. And today you have a difficult journey ahead of you, so you need to take your friends with you. Til, hold the bell. He's not easy. As soon as you ring it, miracles will begin to happen around you. Try.

Til rings the bell. The dog runs out

Dog: My master!.. Hello!.. Finally I can speak!

Til: (To the Soul of Light). Who is this?

Soul of Light : Didn’t you recognize him?.. This is your dog Tilo!

Dog: I want to go with you. Master, I love you so much! I will help along the way.

Music of reviving bread

Bread: And I will be useful to you. I am bread.

Music to revitalize water.

Water: And I will be with you. I am water.

In chorus Bread and Water (in chorus):As long as there is bread and water, it’s not a problem.

Music to revive the fire.

Fire: Have you forgotten about me? No wonder they say: good fire- joy to the traveler.

Soul of Light. Well done! But you, Fire, don’t come close to anyone, you, Dog, don’t pester, and you, Water, try not to splash... (Giving Bread a cage for the Blue Bird.) Bread, you will carry the cage for the Blue Bird.

Dog: Hurry, hurry, don't waste a minute!..

Scene 2

On stage there is a blizzard on the throne, a doze, snowflakes and children below

Til: The blizzard was getting serious.

Mytil: Keep up, Til.

Dog: Go ahead, master.

The curtain opens.

Blizzard . My faithful servants, what should I do? Til and Mytil want to find the blue bird and bring happiness to people.

Hey, Sandman, couch potato, go to the field, find a boy and a girl, sing to them, let them sleep forever.

Sandman : Ah-ah-ah, there you are. Now I'll put you to sleep.

Mytil: I want to sleep.

Til : Let's go, Mytil, let's go (falling asleep)

(Sings a song:

Sleep animals, sleep children.

Sleep is dearer than anything in the world.

It will be sweet for you tired

Sleeping under a snow blanket.

Sleep sleep.)

Fire: (takes the bell in his hands and rings):

Candle fire, fire fire,
The fire of a mighty fire.

I will wake you from your sleep.

Mytil: Oh, we almost fell asleep forever.

Bread: And it's still a bad blizzard.

Water: She doesn't want us to find the Bird of Happiness.

Children (in chorus): Thank you, Fire, for helping us out.

Everyone wakes up, joyful music sounds, everyone goes to the right half of the stage.

Scene 3

Mytil: Soul of Light, where are you? Where should we go?

Soul of Light: There, to the land of memories, where you will meet your family and friends.

Mytil: There are our grandparents.

Til: Yes, that's them.

Grandfather: (addressing Grandmother). I have a feeling that our grandchildren will come to visit us today...

Grandmother: They are probably thinking about us...

Til and Mytil (run out from behind the tree). We are here!.. We are here!.. Grandfather, Grandmother!.. It’s us!.. It’s us!..

Grandfather: I knew they would come today...

Grandmother: Til!.. Mytil!.. It’s them!..

Grandfather, Grandmother and children kiss deeply.

Grandfather: (admiring his grandson). How you have grown!..

Grandmother: Why do you visit us so rarely?.. This is such a joy for us!..

Til. Today we are with you only thanks to the Soul of Light.

Mytil: Did the Blue Bird fly to you? We need her to bring happiness to a sick girl.

Grandmother: No. The Blue Bird flies to us, but we never see it.

Grandfather: So today we are waiting to see if anyone will come to see us...

Grandmother: When we met in last time?.. Ah, I remembered: on Easter, when the church bells were ringing...

Grandfather: Every time you think about us, we see you...

Til: So we don’t have to think about you in order to meet you?

Grandma Til: But you yourself know this very well...Pray for us more often!

Grandfather: Praying means remembering...

Grandma Til: Yes Yes! Remember us more often!

The clock in the house is striking.

Mytil: What is this?

Grandfather: The clock is striking.

Til. We completely forgot, the Soul of Light is waiting for us... This is extremely important... We must go...

Grandma Til. Where are you going?.. What about the pie?.. Stay with us a little longer!.. We see each other so rarely!..

Til. Nothing can be done... We promised to find the Blue Bird this Christmas night!

Mytil (Hugs Grandfather and Grandmother tightly). Farewell!.. Now we will often remember you...

Grandmother. We are so happy when you visit us - it’s a holiday for us...

Til. Farewell!

Mytil. Farewell!..

Grandfather waves his hand to the children, Grandmother waves her handkerchief, Tiltil and Mytil slowly leave. It's getting dark. Til, Mytyl freeze in place, sounds magical music, two angels come out and hang their wings on the bird.

Mytil: Look, our bird is becoming unusual.

Til: She got blue wings. What does this mean, Soul of Light?

Soul of Light: You visited your family and friends. Miracles continue.

Mytil: Now where do we go?

Soul of Light: I will lead you to the garden of joy, invite your friends.

Children: Bread, water, fire, come here.

Soul of Light: Everyone is welcome in this country, but be careful: there are different joys and pleasures, real and false joys live there. Don't confuse them.

Dog: So the bird of happiness is there? Hurry up, hurry up and hit the road.

Scene 4

The joy of eating delicious food.Here! Here! Welcome to the table!

Til. Who are they?

Soul of Light. Beware! It's a joy to eat deliciously and sleep sweetly. You will get to them and forget everything in the world.

Mytil. What if they have a Blue Bird, and they feed and water it?

Soul of Light. Hardly. The Blue Bird could have flown here only by accident.

Bread. Can you try at least a piece of this huge cream cake?

Til. Do not forget, that we are looking for the Blue Bird, not cream pies.

The joy of eating delicious food.Let me introduce you to my brothers (points his hand at the brothers): The joy of sleeping sweetly and the Joy of being idle, and I am the joy of eating deliciously.

Mytil: So what are you doing here?

The brothers bow (lazily, coyly and condescendingly).

Joy Sweet Sleep: All we do is do nothing... We never rest... We have to drink, we have to eat, we have to sleep. This takes all the time...

Children (in chorus). And aren't you bored?

The Joy of Idleness:No, it's not boring! And then you still won’t find anything else to do on Earth...

Mytil. You are wrong to think so!.. And in general, we cannot have dinner with you! We are in a hurry! We are looking for the Blue Bird...

Soul of Light. Til, ring the bell quickly to see real joys.

Til rings the bell. Music sounds, girls come out in a round dance.

Til. What's happened? Where are we?..

Soul of Light. You are still in the same place, only now you have seen real Joy.

Mytil. How beautiful!.. You would think that it’s summer now... Oh, look...

Joys are dancing

Til. Hello. Who you are?..

The joy of being at home.You didn’t recognize me?.. I am the main Joy of your home, and that’s all - the Joys living in your home...

Til. So, Joy lives in our house?..

The Joy of Being Healthy.I am the Joy of Being Healthy!

The Joy of Loving Parents.I am the Joy of Loving Parents. It's sad that I am often underestimated.

Til . Are you always so beautiful?..

The joy of being at home.Certainly! And in every house where Joy lives, it is always warm and sunny! Don't forget us! And now it's time for us.

Joy embraces children.

Til. Have you seen the Blue Bird?

The Joy of Loving Parents.If the Blue Bird of Happiness were here, we would certainly catch it and give it to you... Look, children, look for it everywhere.

Joy: May the Joy of Believing, the Joy of Hope, the Joy of Loving, the Joy of Understanding the Beautiful always help you on your journey.

The curtain closes and the song is performed. An angel hangs a bird's breast

Soul of Light: Christmas night is ending. The morning dawn is about to flare up. It's time for you to return.

Mytil. And the Blue Bird? We didn't find her, did we forget about her?!

Til. What to do? Auntie will be so upset.

Soul of Light. I can no longer help you.

Mytil. Soul of Light, stay with us!

Soul of Light. Don't be sad, my dears! I will talk to you in every sunbeam, in every star tenderly looking at you, in every dawn, in every pure and clear thought of yours... And now Til, ring the bell to return home.

Til rings the bell, the curtain opens - scene 1, house.

Til: Here we are at home.

Mytil : It’s already dawn.

Neighbor. Hello! Happy holiday to you! Merry Christmas!

Til. Hello, auntie.

Mytil. Auntie, we didn’t find the Blue Bird...

Neighbor: I believe that you really wanted to.

Til. Maybe I'll give her mine, although it's not blue, it sings.

Mytil: Til, look at your bird. But she's blue!..

Til. When we left, she was not so blue!.. This is the Blue Bird we were looking for!.. We followed her to such a distance, and it turns out that she is here!..

Here you go, auntie...

Neighbor: This is all thanks to the fact that you went through a difficult path and found happiness

Exit of all artists.

Final song (slide Blue Bird)

The sacred bird flapped its wing

And she dropped the pen into her hands.

The feather blazed with cold fire

And my heart was illuminated.

Since then I have known neither night nor day.

There is no rest, no peace.

The Lord guides me all the time,

Drawn along an unknown path.

You can't refuse, you can't help but go.

You can't even stop.

My heart is burning. And flies into the sky

Beautiful Blue Bird.

Lyudmila Kryukova.


Silver Christmas Bell

It rings and rings until the morning,

You can hear its ringing everywhere - far away

This means joy again - Christmas.

If on this day for a while

Will any of you remember

About the Child in Bethlehem

A wonderful, joyful story.

And my soul is light and peaceful,

It's like someone is walking there -

This is the Little Christ Himself

I knocked on your heart.

The great holiday has come again,

May God grant us a loving Christmas

Good deed, great happiness

This is a sacred celebration of the soul.

Scenario for the concert “Christmas Meetings”

Christmas for children preparatory groups. Scenario

Rozova Tatyana Vladimirovna – musical head of preschool educational institution No. 7 “Fairytale meadow” in Zarinsk, Altai Territory.
Target: Creating a great mood through festive concert.
Consolidate the New Year's repertoire.
Explain the concept of the holiday "Christmas".
Create a friendly competitive atmosphere.
Every year we celebrate the holiday "Svyatki" in January. And this time, my colleague and I decided to organize Christmas gatherings based on the New Year’s repertoire. We developed regulations for the competition, printed diplomas, invited colleagues from other kindergartens to the jury, and children from older groups to be spectators. They ran the program themselves. The result was a fighting draw. My children danced better, and my colleague sang better.
I will be glad if our experience is useful.

Progress of the event:
1 Presenter– Hello, dear children and distinguished guests! I sincerely congratulate you on the most wonderful winter holidays Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
2 Presenter- Hello, Dear friends, today we are opening a competition for young song and dance performers among children of preparatory groups “Christmas Meetings”.
Introducing the competition participants:
Group No. 14 “Stream”. Group No. 20 “Teremok”.

1 Presenter– These are our wonderful singers and dancers. And now we introduce the members of the Jury. They will decide which of the participants deserves to win. So:
1. Natalya Pavlovna Gulyaeva – musical director Preschool educational institution No. 14 “Rodnichok”, first qualification category.
2. Tatyana Nikolaevna Kuznetsova – music director of preschool educational institution No. 14 “Rodnichok”, first qualification category.
Chairman of the Jury: Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Faleeva – music director of preschool educational institution No. 11 “Ryabinushka”, highest qualification category.
Music directors prepared the contestants:
Rozova Tatyana Vladimirovna

2 Presenter- and Karpova Elena Vladimirovna.
Contestants will be judged in the following categories:
Solo singing,
Vocal group,
Group dance
Individual dance

Happy winter has come
With skates and sleds,
With a powdered ski track,
With a magical old fairy tale.
On the decorated Christmas tree
The lanterns are swinging.
May your winter be merry
It doesn't end any longer!
And our competition begins with the choir of the Teremok group.
Song "If only there were no winter"

1 Presenter -
White fluff falls from the sky,
And the snow creaks underfoot,
The sled is flying fast down the hill,
The Christmas trees are dressed in white.

Mistress Winter reigns again,
Sprinkles with silver herself
Rooftops, streets, forest and all of us
To the childish, boisterous laughter.
Song "On White Snow"
performed by the lead singer of the group “Rucheyok” Jaromir Ulyanov

2 Presenter -
Light, winged,
Like night butterflies
Spinning, spinning
Above the table by the light bulb.
We gathered for the light.
Where should they go?
They too, icy,
I want to warm up.

Dance "Snowflakes"
Performed by the girls of the Teremok group

1 Presenter -
There is snow everywhere, houses in the snow -
Winter brought him.
She hurried to us quickly,
She brought us bullfinches.
From dawn to dawn
Bullfinches glorify winter.
Santa Claus, like a little one,
Dancing near the rubble.
And I can do that too
Splash in the snow.

Song "Father Frost and felt boots"
Performed by the duet of the group “Rucheek”

2 Presenter -
It’s impossible to convey how the gypsies sing.
Are there such words in the world?!
Sometimes with hysterical melancholy, dark and alarming.
Then with such joy that you can even take your head off your shoulders!
Oh, you songs! Oh friends, chavale-romale!
What is familiar home comfort?
Everything is nothing! Everything shook for a moment and disappeared,
Only the stars, the night, and the gypsies singing!

"Song of the Gypsies"
Performed by the duet of the group "Teremok"

1 Presenter -
Time doesn't wait for a while
Time moves forward.
And not at all for beauty
New Year's watch.

Dance "Clock"
Performed by the group "Rucheek"

2 Presenter –

The gnome is very small,
But he’s remote!
Smiles playfully;
Smart, kind and beautiful!
The gnome is a miracle of miracles!
His house is a forest.
The gnome is not afraid;
The gnome is brave!
He's wearing a red hat -
Shines at night, shines during the day.
All so funny, -
Small and nice

Song "Motley Cap"
Performed by the soloist of the group "Teremok"
Yulia Karpukhina

1 Presenter –
It snowed everywhere today
And sparkles with whiteness,
Only on the New Year's tree
The rain is pouring down!
It flows from the top of her head
Ready to flood the whole world,
And the toys hid
After all, they are without umbrellas!

Song “Christmas tree, balls, firecrackers”
Performed by the vocal group "Rucheek"

2 Presenter -
At night, when everything around you freezes,
The Christmas tree is quietly playing with toys.
She fiddles with them just like a girl:
Hides from gray wolf bunny,
A golden ball rolls on the floor,
Braids the Snow Maiden's ribbon into her braid,
Gently rocks the mouse on its paws, -
In general, she doesn’t get bored at night!

Dance "New Year's toys"
Teremok Group

1 Presenter –

They are called ice palaces,
Lights are burning everywhere.
New adventures await
Merry masquerade.
And Santa Claus is in a hurry
Turn on the Christmas trees for everyone,
We really, really want
Receive gifts.

Song “Winter Gifts”
Performed by the choir of the group "Rucheek"

2 Presenter –
Over the Earth late at night,
If you glance at the sky,
You will see, like grapes,
The constellations hang there.
Just extend your hand
They seem nearby.

Song "Stars"

Performs vocal group"Teremok"

1 Presenter -
There is a mountain in the yard.
We've been riding since the morning.
The poor snowman is angry
What can't ride
Sanka - sled, Lisa - skis,
Kolke - sticks and skates.
Came for the kids
Happy days.
Snow in the forest and alleys,
And the river became covered with ice.
Dress warmly -
And run outside!

Dance "Winter"

Performed by the group "Rucheek".

2 Presenter – This, dear friends, is the end of our competition. The jury sums up the results, and let us all sing the song “Everything in the world is music.” After all, only music can give so much happy moments in the life of each of us.
Song “Everything in the world is music” by I. Krutoy

The jury sums up the results, presents diplomas and sweet cups.

Music is playing. The presenter comes on stage.


Good evening, dear friends!

Today is a difficult day,

He is a saint for everyone.

Christmas has come to visit us.

We are starting the celebration!

There is music and bells ringing.

On stage is the Fashion Theater with the collection “Cathedrals of Russia”. A spotlight highlights the appearance of each model. A voiceover sounds.

Wonderful ringing of bells

It awakens joy in souls.

Their midnight call

Soars into the silence of heaven.

And solemnly soars -

Announcing a new day.

That's how the bells ring,

Merry Christmas to us.

The models leave the stage. The audience applauds. The presenter comes out.


We are on this day, purifying all souls,

For Christmas we would like to wish you:

To forgive people, as commanded from above,

And, God grant you, to bring love to others.

Let Star of Bethlehem, which shone on the night sky two thousand years ago, will shine over Russia, may its light bring joy and peace to your homes.


It seems to me that our people

Look forward to this holiday every year.

Christmas comes majestically to Russia,

And on this day we have no right to be sad.


We wish you all, good people:

May your holiday be wonderful,

Let life become more beautiful

The house is a full cup,

And what is most important -

Let Santa Claus speak.

Music is playing. Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear on the stage.

Father Frost. Hello, dear friends! Good Christmas evening!

Let everything come true

What do you have in mind?

May you have good hopes

New Year will not deceive.

Give strength to the weak,

To the sick - health.

May it be abundant

Peaceful and kind

Let him be happy

And a joyful year.

Happy new year friends!

Snow Maiden. Happy New Year!

Music is playing. Father Frost and Snow Maiden leave the stage.

Leading. People celebrate Christmas and Christmastide,

Sings for you on stage...

An amateur performance number is being performed.

Leading. This song is good, but the next number, I think, will be a real surprise for you. Meet us!

An amateur performance number is being performed.


We were gathered for this holiday

A new year has begun.

Winter is harsh outside,

Let the word warm your heart.

Addresses you with warm words of congratulations and wishes...

Congratulations from the mayor.

Leading. The snow shower of congratulations continues... (soloist's name).

A song is being performed.

Leading. Mysterious and beautiful Christmas night. She makes every mother's heart beat faster, filling it with love, kindness and affection.

The cradle is rocked by Mother,

Bent over and sing

Looks tenderly at the Child,

A sweet dream is calling to him.

Performance by the Fashion Theater with the “Pink Dream” collection.

Leading. On this holy night of Christmas, the unique world of stars calls and beckons, opening its arms to all humanity.

So today let the Christmas stars, in gratitude for this, hear our songs, see us beautiful, cheerful and perky!

An amateur performance number is being performed.

Leading. Christmas stars...

Each of us searches among them lucky star. We wish everyone who dreams of this to catch this little ball of fire in their open palms today.

An amateur performance number is being performed.

Leading. Here's another surprise for you this Christmas.

I think you'll take it for an encore.

An amateur performance number is being performed.

Leading. And now let’s give the soloist the floor; (name) sings for you!

A song is being performed.

Leading. Judging by your applause, dear spectators, our festive evening is taking place in a warm, friendly atmosphere. And you, like us, are happy about this meeting and look forward to new pleasant acquaintances from it. Well, we won't disappoint you. On stage... (name)!

An amateur performance number is being performed.

Leading. We need your applause again, for you... (name) sings!

A song is being performed.


On Christmas, everyone dresses up in costumes and tries to surprise everyone with all this.

Let's now, without haste, take a look at the collection of "Poteshki" models!

Performance by the Fashion Theater with the collection “Poteshki”.

Leading. It's 2019.

Snowflakes dance in the sky

And congratulations are spread across the planet.

Let the stars shine like emerald,

Let the sorrows be carried away,

Let everything come true that you wish,

On this snowy winter night.

Dear friends!

I wish you health, strength and new victories,

Congratulations and musical greetings from us!

An amateur performance number is being performed.


It’s so good, friends, that this evening

Our meeting took place.

We'll be giving you surprises all evening.

We tried our best,

So that Christmas magic whims

They gave joy, happiness and dreams.

Fanfare sounds. Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear on stage. The final song plays.

Leading. Happy new year dear friends! Merry Christmas!

Be happy!

Christmas concert script

Music is playing


I believe: today a miracle awaits us all,

And I begin a story about a miracle.

In the days of King Herod, when the Savior of the world Jesus was born in the city of Bethlehem, an unprecedented star suddenly lit up in the sky. She shone brightly and slowly moved towards Palestine. Seeing her, some wise men realized that this was a sign from God: somewhere the great King of kings was born. They decided to find Him in order to worship and serve Him, and for this they agreed to gather in one place and follow the wonderful star in a single caravan.

Music is playing. A sorcerer appears on the stage with a telescope. Looks at the starry sky.

1st Magus: ABOUT! This can't be true!

We have been waiting for this night for a long time.

Nothing can shine like that

As a sign of the born God!

I knew that there would be a holiday for us...

But someone is knocking on my door,

I'll soon open it to my friends,

2nd Magus: Have you seen a bright star?

What did the ancient writings foretell?

1st Magus: Yes! Saw. I'm just waiting for you

To share the holy rejoicing!

3rd Magus: Let's get ready to go.

Let everyone to the Holy Lamb

Will take something as a gift.

1st Magus: I'll take the gold from home.

3rd Magus: I'll bring myrrh to him.

2nd Magus: I will give Him fragrant incense

1st Magus: While the sky is dark blue,

We need to go soon.

(They leave one after another to the music)


Three Magi are coming from a distant country,

At sunlight, by the light of the moon,

The Star leads them, showing them the way,

So that the Magi do not turn off the right path.

Meanwhile, in the silence of a mysterious night in the valley of the shepherds, not far from Jerusalem, he appeared to the shepherds sky Angel God and announced great joy to them.

1) The choir sings the song “Silent Night Over Palestine”


The shepherds were the first to come to the cave,

Sincere faith is the salt of the earth!

There were many stars in the sky

Warm night clear.

Jesus Christ slept quietly

On the straw in the manger.

Virgin Mother, bending over Him,

She hummed tenderly.

The night shimmered golden

A blanket of stars.

2) The choir sings the song “Virgin Mother of God”


From what land are you, glorious kings?


We came here for a star from the East.

They brought gold, myrrh, and incense to God.


The wise men brought it to the Baby

Caskets with wonderful gifts.

A bar of gold lay in one casket,

And it shone brighter than the dawn.

This magical gift meant

That Christ is greeted as a king!

The fragrant incense was in another,

This gift announced to everyone that

That the Almighty showed the wise men the way,

And they see God in the Baby.

In the third casket lay myrrh.

It was foretold from time immemorial,

That the Lord will come to earth in peace

In the form of an earthly man.

3) The choir performs the song “Mongolian”

1st Angel: Christmas means joy.

2nd Angel: Christmas means peace.

3rd Angel: Christmas means it's necessary

Forgive everyone, as Christ forgave

4) The choir sings the song “Christmas”

The Nativity of Christ is a great, bright, joyful holiday, when “angels rejoice in heaven and people rejoice.”

In 5508 from the creation of the world from Holy Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit, our Lord Jesus Christ was born in the city of Bethlehem!

And the chronology began with this great event.

For modern man Christmas is a holiday that is fraught with many mysteries and sacraments, some perceive it as a fairy tale, for others it is a holiday of the true faith, i.e. everyone perceives it as much as they believe. Psychologists say: if you believe in it, then it exists! The Holy Scripture says: “According to your faith it will be done for you”

The Christmas holiday lasts not one, not two days, but two weeks. Before Christmas, on the eve of January 6 - the Eve of the Nativity of Christ, or Christmas Eve - the last day of the Nativity Fast, the eve of the Nativity of Christ. On this day, Orthodox Christians especially prepare for the upcoming holiday; the whole day is filled with special festive mood.

Christmas Eve

The name itself is believed to come from the word “sochivo” (the same as “kolivo” - boiled grains of rice or wheat). It is customary to eat “sochivo” or “kolivo” on the eve of the holiday only after the liturgy, which is combined with Vespers. Thus, part of Christmas Eve is spent in complete non-eating.

The tradition of not eating food until the first evening star is associated with the remembrance of the appearance of a star in the East (Matthew 2:2), which announced the birth of Christ, but this tradition is not prescribed by the charter.

5) Watching the cartoon “The Amazing Christmas Eve Dinner”

People celebrate Christmas in different ways, because it lasts not a day, not two, but two weeks. Some carol, some tell fortunes, some glorify Christ, and some pray in church. There is another sacrament of Baptism. On the night of January 18-19, all the water on earth is blessed, and many people plunge into the ice hole. Every year the number of people wishing to plunge into icy water increases.

During the days of the festival, carolers and Christ-slavers walked around the courtyards and houses. They glorified Jesus Christ with their songs. For this, the owners treated them to pies, gingerbread, sweets, and sometimes rubles.


We came to glorify Christ,

And congratulate you on the holiday.

The choir sings the song "Hallelujah"

Master : Welcome, guests, I was waiting for you. My house is spacious, my cabbage soup is fatty. Butter cakes do not fit into the windows.


God bless whoever is in this house!

Your porridge is thick too! And honey on your lips!

You and buns with cottage cheese!

And the house is full of kids!

We sow, we weed, we sow,

Merry Christmas to everyone!

For the new year, for new happiness,

Go away the bad weather, stop the misfortune!

We wish you a Happy New Year!

In all endeavors

Good weather!

Let everything come true

What do you have in mind?

Let children honor their parents!

At the end of the holiday, sweets are distributed to the children.

Christmas concert script

IN 1. In the domains of frost and snow, crystal gardens have blossomed. The light of a twinkling star is pouring into our window from the festive sky. A golden-winged angel has flown into every tower, into every little light. He lit the Christmas tree (lights up) And looked at us with a smile...
AT 2. All prayers will be heard. A good angel will touch everyone with his hand and overshadow every home with a cross. Let peace take possession of the soul, There will be happiness if we believe in happiness! There will be happiness if we wait for happiness!

1. Music number. Zhuravskaya Ksenia “Two Angels”.

Q 1. - Merry Christmas to you! Let the candles shine today, let children's laughter be heard, let all people rejoice!

2. Music. number – ensemble “Ladushki” “Christmas Night”.

B 2. The birth of Jesus Christ became an event for all mankind. The Bible tells about it this way: God the Creator saw that people had become very unhappy on earth. They forgot God's commandments and became mired in sin. They became greedy and evil... And God decided to send His Son to humanity, so that He would become the Savior of people and teach them to live in kindness and love for each other. And the earthly parents of the baby Jesus were to be the Virgin Mary and the carpenter Joseph. This happened more than two thousand years ago...

3. Music. number – Rudenok, Sushkevich “Christmas”.

Q. 1. Guys, just recently we celebrated with you a wonderful and cheerful holiday - New Year. So may 2015 be as bright and colorful for you as this year Christmas tree. I invite you to once again plunge into this wonderful holiday.

4. Music. number – Sasim Natasha “New Year”.

Q. 2. Guys, do you know that Germany is considered the first country where a Christmas tree was introduced - especially for children. Most Christmas traditions also came to European countries from Germany. The Christmas tree is a symbol of the tree of paradise, the tree of life. And we wish you that your life will be illuminated bright light happiness, love, health and prosperity Students give you their musical gift 1st grade, song “The Christmas tree is not cold in winter.” IN 1. Well done boys! Real artists! Who else will delight us with their creativity today? Can we dance? I would dance! V. 2. Of course, we’ll dance! The girls from the team ______ (6 “A”) have a very cheerful, danceable, perky character!

5. Dance 6 “A” class

IN 1. You might look out the window in the morning and there would be a blizzard swirling in a wild snow dance. And it’s so interesting to watch this fabulous round dance of snowflakes.V. 2. The kids look out the windows: Has anyone worked in the morning? Outside the window it is white and white, All the paths are covered with snow, In the trees the laces of the trees barely touch the Earth, That is a blizzard-maiden, A craftswoman is sewing laces.

6. Music number – Shirvel Nina “Snow-White Blizzard”.

IN 1. Do you guys know that only Santa Claus rides on reindeer in the sky? Reindeer have never been the mode of transportation of Santa Claus, that is, me. I ride on three horses, not in the sky, but quite on the ground, or rather on the snow, - after all, I am flesh of this snow, this earth, this nature, Why should I tear myself away from my native roots, snow dust is blowing up from under the runners, the frosty wind is hitting my face! V. 2. The dashing troika is rushing across the Belarusian Land - then the owner of Winter, Grandfather Frost, travels around his endless possessions: fields, forests, in which there are many animals of all kinds.

7. Music room – Pivovarskaya Daria “Forest Deer”

V.1.: And now - riddles! Snow Maiden, can you help me? (they take turns telling the children riddles): It grows upside down, and not in summer, but in winter. As soon as the sun gets hot, she will cry and die. (Icicle)
No arms, no legs, but he can draw. (Freezing)

Oh, it's snowing! I'm bringing out my friend horse. I fly down the hill on it, and drag it back. (Sled)
The stars circled in the air a little, sat down and melted on my palm. (Snowflake)
The two of us rolled a lump of an old hat on it, the nose was done and in an instant, it turned out... (Snowman)
It will answer the call with a call, It will respond to the word with the same word, It will respond to laughter with laughter, It is called.... (Echo)
As soon as there is a breath of winter, They are always with you, Two sisters will keep you warm, Their names are... (Mittens)
In winter, during hours of fun, I hang on a bright spruce, I shoot like a cannon, My name is... (cracker)
It’s wonderful in the summer, But it’s also good in the winter, He brought us a lot of joy, Good today... (Santa Claus)

AT 2. Let the most cherished desires. Make a wish, dream and may all your wishes and dreams come true!

Music room - Maria Kozlovtseva “Steam Locomotive”