Indian movies with kisses on the lips. They don't kiss in India

A trip to India is a serious undertaking. And not only because there is a journey to a huge ancient country, With most interesting culture And rich history. India has its own ideas about how to behave in public places, what is good and what is not so good. These norms can often shock prosperous and self-confident Europeans. Therefore, at least modest knowledge about the inhabitants of India is simply necessary. It all starts immediately upon arrival. You need to take a taxi or auto-rickshaw to get to the hotel. Here you should follow only one immutable rule: without entering into bidding, clearly and clearly explain to the taxi driver where you need to go and how much money you will pay. It is possible that after this statement they will refuse to take you anywhere, but, as a rule, they will try to “promote” you. For example, they will begin to clarify the address, talk about closed routes, problems in life and on the roads, and so on. Don't give in to provocations! I said, I cut it off, I don’t understand further, there are only 20 (for example) rupees. By the way, try to find out in advance how much the trip to the hotel will cost you. India is a country of contrasts. There are very rich people here, and great amount beggars on the streets. We advise you to ignore the latter and not give a single coin. Otherwise, you will have to spend your entire vacation escaping crowds of cripples and sufferers who, having realized that you are a person “with a heart,” will never leave you alone. Begging in India is a kind of profession (by the way, a similar situation has developed in Moscow). So try showing mercy somewhere else. In India, you cannot drink raw water or eat unwashed fruits, as intestinal infections are common in this country. Indians themselves rarely suffer from stomach disorders, but pampered foreigners can end up in a hospital bed for a long time. Drinking water is sold in special plastic bottles; as a preventative measure, it is sometimes recommended to take 100 grams of alcohol daily. For those who are not ready for such feats, we advise you to disinfect the water with citric acid or special disinfecting tablets. The relationship between a man and a woman in India is very chaste. In this country, it is not customary not only to kiss in public, but even to shake hands with a representative of the fair sex, and even more so, to go in for a hug. For a hot kiss public place They can fine you about $20, and if you don’t have the money, you can take them to the police station. Of course, modern morals are simpler, but you still shouldn’t show tender feelings in public. Visiting Indian temples also comes with a number of conventions. Shoes must be removed 30 meters from the entrance to the temple (you will have to repeat this ritual several times a day, both in various institutions and when visiting). Shout, share impressions during excursions around sacred places not recommended, dress modestly. The greeting in India is called “namaste” - two hands folded with palms facing inward. Indians will be very pleased if you learn this simple gesture. In general, Indians are very friendly and grateful people. They will not let you get bored and will be able to make your stay in their country bright and memorable.

? - look at each other! We counted: in each episode there are at least five scenes, two minutes each, where the main characters freeze and stare at each other. Such moments in the film are used instead of a thousand words and kisses. At the same time, not a single vein on the actors’ faces trembles. They don't even blink. What is it - the power of talent, the skill of the director or excellent camera work? The audience is perplexed, but, as in the joke about hedgehogs and cacti, they continue to watch.

We have collected the most eloquent quotes and the most striking romantic scenes from the “Staring Game” series of a beautiful saga about love.

Viewers' opinion: “The actors have stony faces. Indian serial actors must think that this is how they express their feelings very clearly. And it seems to me that Indian actors In this way, they hack very brightly and expressively.”

Sanaya Irani: “I lived as Khushi for so long that her character became very real to me and, by extension, to the audience.”

Viewers' opinion: “What should we call this love?” is an excellent antidepressant. There are such bright colors on the screen! You can turn off the sound and admire nature, outfits, decorations and interiors. Red, yellow, green, purple and gold, gold, gold... Gold everywhere. It's really beautiful. And the mood immediately becomes summery and cheerful.”

There are many technical errors in the series. So, for example, in Arnav’s room furniture and paintings are constantly changing places, in the bathroom - towels and accessories.

In the episodes when Khushi and Arnav get married, Sanaya Irani was dubbed: the actress had a bad cold at that time.

It would seem that everyone kisses, regardless of their country of residence and race... But people from different continents do it completely differently! It is not for nothing that it has long been believed that the French kiss is the most exquisite, and the Spanish kiss is the most passionate. But first things first...

French Kiss- this is the legendary kiss “with the tongue”. In this case, the tongue lightly touches the partner’s lips or his tongue. This is the most intimate and exciting type of kiss. But learning it is not so difficult: it is enough to feel your partner and not be afraid to “move deeper.”

Russian kiss, although less passionate than the French, is also very interesting. This is the so-called merchant kiss: three kisses on both cheeks. In the old days, they were used to seal trade deals - both men and women could kiss this way. Now this kiss has been perfectly mastered by regulars of nightclubs and social parties - after all, it is very modest, but at the same time friendly.

Indian kiss only at first glance chaste. Such a kiss is like a rosebud: over time it will definitely turn into lush flower. A modest touch of lips is almost always a prelude to the Kama Sutra treatise. Indian kiss always preceded by a confused but eloquent look that says: “Come to me, my Raja!”

Australian kiss- this is not even a kiss in the usual sense of the word, but a gentle and long touch of each other’s foreheads. Australians borrowed this kiss from the kiwi birds. By the way, the people of Australia still have a very strong connection with nature, and their every kiss is a symbol of admiration for Mother Earth. This is gratitude to the universe for teaching people to fall in love and have children.

Eskimo kiss also very, very unusual! Eskimos do not kiss with their lips or even their cheeks. To express your love feelings they use... the nose! The Eskimos lean towards each other and touch the very tips of their noses. This tradition is associated with life, and the nose, which is responsible for breathing, is the personification of the fact that a person is ready to breathe deeply and be happy.

Indian kiss- this is the pressure of the lips on the cheek, which symbolizes the fusion of two elements: dryness and moisture, earth and sky, stone and water, feminine and masculinity... Indians, like Australians, believe that nature is a living organism, and try in every possible way to imitate it. From the outside, an Indian kiss looks like a bird pecking, but it feels very pleasant.

Roman kiss- this is a whole complex of various kisses. If a discreet kiss is on the face, it is divided into a kiss on the cheek and a kiss on the forehead. A kiss on the forehead is a recognition of the talent of a loved one. There is also an intimate kiss - and in terms of passion and virtuosity of execution, it is not inferior to the French one!

Chinese kiss- drawing in the partner’s breath through the nostrils and lips. The Chinese close their eyes in delight and sometimes even smack their lips - this is considered the highest manifestation pleasure.

As you can see, there are so many peoples, cultures, traditions - so many kisses. So don't be afraid to experiment, practice different types kisses! And soon you will definitely find yours, that same kiss that will take both you and your loved one to seventh heaven.

Top 10 best screen kisses of 2013

Imran Khan and Anushka Sharma in Matru, Bijli and Mandola

This year may not have been a good year for Imran Khan, but every cloud has a silver lining. In 2013, Imran gave viewers quite a hot kiss with the energetic Anushka Sharma (with wife Avantika's permission, of course). It is curious that Imran has an unwritten rule in his contract about the prohibition of kissing, which he, however, had to break for the sake of "Matru, Bijli and Mandola". The film failed at the box office. Moral of the story - spend your kisses more wisely.

Arjun Rampal and Chitrangada Singh in Denial

Perhaps Chitrangada Singh's unstable marriage was also shaken by her passionate kisses with Arjun Rampal in Sudhir Mishra's film about sexual harassment "Negation".

Ayushmann Khurana and Pooja Salvi in ​​"King of Drama"

This kiss generated a lot of publicity as Ayushmann's wife was very unhappy with the kiss and generally objected to it.

John Abraham and Kangana Ranaut in Shootout at Wadala

John played a gangster and Kangana played his girlfriend. They kissed so passionately on screen that they made the censors blush. This couple definitely knows how to kiss!

Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone in These Youth Crazy

It was a very soft kiss that became a decisive moment in the plot. No passion, more affection... just the touch of lips. It's like friends greeting each other when they stop being lovers.

Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone in Ram and Leela

With Ranveer in "Ram and Leele" Deepika kissed with much more passion. This was the first time Sanjay Leela Bhansali experimented with kissing in a film.

Sushant Singh Rajput and Parineeti Chopra in True Indian Romance

The two played horny roommates. Nothing "shuddh" (real/pure), nothing "Indian", no romance. Just feverish kissing on the lips. It is unknown how Sushant Singh Rajput's girlfriend Ankita reacted to this.

Emraan Hashmi and Vidya Balan in Nutty

With so many new kisses on screen this year, 'serial kisser' Emraan Hashmi is almost left behind. It's a pity, but in the film "Ghanchakkar" his kisses were unimpressive and clumsy.

Aamir Khan and Katrina Kaif in Bikers 3

This is another Katrina kiss in a production film Yash Raj Films. Last year, she seduced Shah Rukh Khan, who had vowed not to kiss on screen, in the film "While I am alive", and this year she allowed Amir Khan, who kissed almost all of his heroines, to touch her trembling lips in Dhoom 3. If Salman makes an exception and kisses his ex-lover, then Katrina will become the first heroine to kiss all three Khans.

Randeep Hooda and Saqib Saleem in Bombay Radio

This is the first gay kiss in a Bollywood film for the masses. Our hats go off to the two actors for this brave scene.