Games mass destruction 2. Pogrom in Jedwabne: how it really happened

Title: Bloody Countess 2: The Pogrom Begins
Original name: Blood Countess 2: The Mayhem Begins
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Actors: , and

Description for the film “Bloody Countess 2: The Pogrom Begins”

Under the tutelage of her aunt, the beautiful and evil Clara, young Elizabeth Bathory awakens a secret desire that leads to mass pogrom and whole life sinful deadly deeds.

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This tragedy occurred on the territory of occupied Soviet Belarus in July 1941. Then in the small town of Jedwabnia there was a mass murder of Jews, during which it lost most of its inhabitants. According to official sources, in Jedwabne there were then different ways 1,600 Jews were killed, which at that time accounted for 70% of its inhabitants. In memory of this tragic event at the site of the massacre after the end of the war was installed Memorial plaque.

For a long time it was believed that the pogrom in Jedwabne (this is how this event is officially called) was carried out by the forces of the occupation forces, especially since the fascists who attacked the USSR no longer stood on ceremony with the Jews. However, almost six decades later, historian Jan Tomasz Gross, a Jew and former Polish citizen who lived in New York at that time, published a book in which he stated that the Germans had almost nothing to do with this pogrom. Everything was done by the hands of local Poles.

The book produced the effect of a bomb exploding on the Polish public and politicians. The subtlety of the situation is that this locality Before the start of World War II, it was part of the Polish state, then in 1939 the Red Army came here and the region became part of the BSSR. After the end of the war, this territory returned to Poland, and the accusation that, taking advantage of the moment, some Poles decided to profit at the expense of their Jewish neighbors looks like a slap in the face for the country. And now the Polish authorities are trying somehow, if not to completely exclude this fact from the country’s biography, then at least to reduce the number of victims of the tragedy.

It should be noted that before the outbreak of hostilities, Jews and Poles coexisted quite peacefully in Jedwabne. However, with the outbreak of World War II, the situation changed dramatically. The Polish army was unable to do anything to oppose the German military, and after a month of fighting it was completely defeated. Jedwabnya entered the zone for a while German occupation. For Jews, the arrival of the Nazis did not bode well, because the flywheel of repression against their nation had already gained momentum.

But suddenly the situation changed for the better for the Jews. According to the provisions of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Jedwabnia became part of Soviet Belarus as one of the regions of the Bialystok region. It is not surprising that the arrival of the Red Army units was received positively by the Jews of the settlement. The liberators from the Nazis were solemnly welcomed, and after that the Jews were actively involved in the construction of a new Soviet life.

However, such changes were negatively perceived by the Polish population of the region. The nationalists, hiding for a while, were only waiting for the right moment to take revenge. And such a moment came in 1941. The new German occupation began for the citizens of Jedwabnia on June 23. Almost immediately, Polish nationalists raised their heads and, starting on June 25, began to carry out the first anti-Jewish actions, which became a prelude to the tragedy that soon unfolded.

The main events unfolded on the morning of July 10. Then hundreds of residents of surrounding villages flocked to the town, joining the urban nationalist groups. Together, they organized detachments that first blocked the town and then walked through its streets, driving Jews out of their homes and sending them to the square. Those residents who somehow tried to resist were beaten with stones, sticks, or even chopped down with axes and stabbed to death with pitchforks, prudently taken from their estates.

Thus, several dozen civilians were killed. All these actions were accompanied by violence not only against the men who resisted, but also against members of their families. Some of the Jews, realizing what was happening, tried to commit suicide themselves, so as not to expose themselves and their children to bullying. In particular, this was done by two young Jewish women, 26-year-old Basya Binshtein and 28-year-old Chaya Kubzhanskaya. They grabbed their newborn children and rushed to the city pond, deciding to drown themselves rather than fall into the hands of Polish murderers, inflamed by impunity. First, the women put their babies under the water, and after they choked, they jumped into the water themselves. Basya Binshtein drowned immediately, but Chaya Kubzhanskaya was less fortunate. She was not allowed to choke right away, but was pulled out to a shallow place. But the nonhumans gathered around did not save her. They admired the agony of the young woman, who suffered for almost 2 more hours.

Evidence has been preserved, later told by the participants in the events themselves, that with at least one severed head of a murdered Jew, the Polish Nazis played a kind of football.

The first wave of pogroms was followed by a second. Participants in this “cleansing” checked empty houses for Jews hiding there. The people found were brutally killed on the spot. Along the way, houses were thoroughly robbed, which is not surprising, since the basis of any pogroms is primarily personal gain. National and social differences just a reason for them.

All Jews collected as a result of the raid were taken to main square town. First, they were forced to knock down the monument to V.I. Lenin, which they managed to erect here under Soviet rule. After this, the people were handed red flags, the rabbi was brought forward, they were forced to take the fallen monument and, under a hail of beatings, carry it to the outskirts of Jedwabnya. There the unfortunate people dug a hole in which Lenin was buried. Then all the Jews were driven into a nearby barn, which was set on fire.

The result of the pogrom is sad. In total, about 1.6 thousand Jews of all ages died. The same people who somehow managed to survive in this bloody mess were placed in a ghetto, which was liquidated by the occupiers in 1942. Only a few Jews have survived to this day, and they became the main witnesses at the trial of the pogromists.

Particular attention should be paid to the role of the occupation authorities. The German military did not openly participate in this action. However, according to eyewitnesses, in the morning 2 German Gestapo officers arrived in Jedwabnia, which did not have a military garrison. They photographed everything that happened in the village. Thus, to say that the pogrom was the work of only Poles, offended by the collaboration of Jews with Soviet power, not entirely justified. Most likely, this was a provocative action organized by the Germans, but, as in the Ukrainian Lvov, carried out by the hands of local radical elements.

The facts that emerged after the publication of the book turned out to be shocking for modern Polish society. And after it was shown on Polish television documentary entitled “Where is my eldest son Cain?”, in which the participants in those events shared the secrets of the pogrom, a serious scandal erupted. Polish President Alexander Kwasniewski had to personally intervene to defuse the situation. Arriving in 2001 at a mourning ceremony dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Jedwabne pogrom, he apologized to the Jews of Poland and the whole world for the evil committed by ethnic Poles during the war.

If you have ever worked in an office, then sooner or later you feel such an unpleasant feeling of the meaninglessness of your activities. This can be either alienation from one’s own work or a kind of desk slavery. Work rarely goes beyond the boring four scenes, salaries may not be raised for years, communication is limited to a circle of colleagues who have grown tired of them over many years. And it’s good if these colleagues don’t stick a knife in your back, go over your head, or throw you under the bus. If it were not for coffee breaks or rare smoke breaks, the office routine could literally drive you crazy. Career is perceived as an enemy. It’s not for nothing that such a violent insanity from literal slavery in the workplace “went among the people,” and the American people even came up with a good idiom “ going postal».

Screenwriter Matthias Caruso clearly felt all the mental pain of the world's little pawns big business. That is why “Mayhem” (aka “Mayhem”, aka “The Office Experiment 2”, an attempt to imitate a sequel to the product of McLean and Gunn’s collaboration turned out to be more successful than ever) is a kind of dedication film to all those who are sick of the office space. The world of Pogrom is no different from ours, except that everyone in it is accustomed to the fact that somewhere in the United States a local zombie apocalypse occurs from time to time. The ID-7 virus infects people, turns them into these crazy “red-eyes,” that is, it demolishes their “tower,” erasing moral boundaries. Naturally, the military immediately takes control of the point of spread, launches an antidote and waits several hours for people to heal. But in the quarantine zone, everything happens: from unbridled sexual orgies to a series of murders. The imperfections of American legislation have led to the fact that any crime of an ID-7 infected person is forgiven.

Derek Cho, once the brightest fish in the world of office plankton (he was the one who came up with the above neat way to avoid jail time for anyone unlucky enough to contract ID-7), has allowed his workplace to subjugate his personality. Greed defeated youthful idealism, and, as usually happens, she set about pursuing a career as a fraternity. The guy was set up by more successful colleagues, but Derek believes that he is ready to fight and wants to get to the boss. But the virus enters the office building, and this means quarantine and the opportunity to kill and maim anyone who prevents Derek from restoring his position, career and reputation.

"The Raid" copied or at least took the concept of video games as a basis. The creators of Pogrom did the same. The first fifteen to twenty minutes of the film introduces the main characters, explains their motivations and introduces brief psychological portraits. After an almost cartoonish escalation of chaos, Derek and his newfound girlfriend begin to walk through a hellish office building, fighting their way through both "ordinary enemies" and encountering various "bosses." These “boss” characters are so original, and, at the same time, so familiar that they seem to exist in almost every enterprise: the greedy deputy. directors; geeky sis. an admin who often shirks work and swears at “lamer” employees; grumpy security chief; the personnel officer from whom everyone shies away; and, of course, an unprincipled careerist.

Pogrom is filled with good old-fashioned ultra-violence. However, oceans of blood and creative ways inflict damage on your colleague with a huge assortment of weapons, again not far from computer toys. The cruelty here is exaggerated, the murders are even somewhat funny. The film, despite its background as an ironic black comedy, was aimed at fans " bloodbath“and doesn’t hide it at all. But even the “meat” must be done with high quality, and the creators of “Pogrom” succeeded in this.

But many things prevented me from enjoying Pogrom as much as I should. First, the supposed satire of corporate immorality here is too weak. The same thoughts in the film are chewed over a hundred times. Secondly, the main message of the film is too banal to have a strong impact on the viewer. And this is in a film where the theme suggests an almost unlimited potential for exploring the behavior of a person who is finally not constrained by the framework of corporate ethics. Thirdly, there is still a lack of increased paranoia and suspense at certain moments. The plot is predictable, and the action itself noticeably sags towards the middle, when the initial impulse (the beginning of the quarantine of the building) fades away.

Violence ultimately takes over the emotional and moral content of Pogrom. The film, by and large, is crude, simple and brash, which is capable of prompting certain thoughts about modern office culture. “The Office Experiment, a recent slasher film with the same theme, was stronger in some ways. But, on the other hand, it is in “Mayhem” that there is something that “The Office” lacked, that is, the atmosphere of an ironic black comedy. The freshness of Pogrom is offset by the general frivolity of the narrative's tone, which makes the film forgettable literally within a day of viewing. This does not make "Mayhem" a bad film, but only, in my opinion, lowers it into the category of acceptable. On the red day of the calendar, the office has a day off. Long live office plankton!

How to play:

The online game immediately offers training, showing the basic techniques that will be used to complete missions. You can move in different directions with the arrows, then press space and take out the rocket launcher. The fired projectile can be conveniently controlled. Finally, call on the character himself.

Mass Mayhem 2

Second part Mass pogrom boys will like this exciting game is now available for free. Be sure to use the full screen mode to have fun playing and enjoy the prepared graphics. Actions take place in different parts world where it is necessary to undermine dangerous people and destroy military installations. First, go through a quick training session, it will teach you how to correctly choose a firing position and accurately hit the given targets. The complexity of tasks is constantly growing, sometimes a rocket launcher becomes the only option to reach remote points.

The first mission is regular card, where you need to hit a crowd of people, then catch up with the panicking ones and finish them off with an explosion. The second level represents significantly more problems. Shoot with high point and aim the projectile at the bottom where the criminals are. Now take out a hand grenade and run to the pilots who are calmly standing near the character. Cause mass mayhem, try to inflict maximum damage with the best efficiency. Any mission is a tactical task where you need to think with your head and then act with your hands. Use the funds you receive to buy additional weapons to create even more mass madness!

Description of flash game

Mass Mayhem 4

Mass Mayhem 4

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