How to properly care for suede shoes in winter? How to properly care for suede shoes

  1. Use a special spray. Many avoid suede shoes, considering them impractical: they get wet very quickly, deteriorate from water, become so dirty that they cannot be cleaned... To prevent all this from happening, it is important to treat suede with special products. It is best to buy a suitable spray along with the boots, since you need to use it before the very first wear. He will protect new pair from moisture and dust. The coating needs to be updated periodically.
  2. Eraser for removing stains. Not a student's one, of course, but a shoe one. This eraser is similar in structure to a hard sponge and perfectly removes dirt, renewing the top layer of material.
  3. A crust of bread. You can laugh, but a crust of rye bread effectively helps remove grease stains from suede. In case you don’t have an eraser on hand, but want to put on your shoes as soon as possible.
  4. No water! You only need to clean suede with a dry brush. Do not use a damp sponge under any circumstances, as this will only smear the dirt and it will become embedded even deeper.
  5. Only hard brushes in the machine. If you are used to using a shoe cleaning machine in the office, give preference to the stiffest brushes for suede shoes.
  6. Sponge brush for the home. How to care for suede shoes at home? A hard, porous sponge brush is best. It can also be used for nubuck. Additionally, you can use a foam cleaner.
  7. Steam for lint. If you get caught in the rain, the pile may stick together and become wrinkled. You can straighten it using steam: hold the shoes over the steam for 10-20 seconds, then rub the pile with a rubber brush.
  8. Coffee grounds to refresh color. Another folk remedy for suede is coffee grounds. You can use it to update Brown color products if it has become tarnished. Lubricate the brush with grounds and clean your boots or shoes with this mixture.
  9. Away from the battery. How to care for suede shoes if they are very wet? You should dry it using ordinary newspapers - crumple them and put them inside. They will quickly absorb water. Under no circumstances should you leave your ankle boots or boots to dry near the radiator! The suede will become hopelessly rough.
  10. Talc for stains. Talcum powder is a good home remedy for greasy stains. Sprinkle it on particularly dirty areas, after a couple of hours, scrub with a rubber brush and brush away.

Today, stores offer a wide range of suede shoes. A variety of styles, a wide range of colors and different price categories, from affordable to very expensive - these factors contribute to the fact that suede shoes, boots and shoes are in great demand.

These shoes look gorgeous, but in order for them to retain their decent appearance for a long time, they must be properly cared for, taking into account all the features of this material.

What kind of suede is there?

Suede can be natural or artificial. Natural material is processed in a special way skins of small horned animals.

  • The advantage of natural suede is softness, attractive appearance and good breathability. In such shoes, the skin of your feet will breathe, shoes or boots made of this material will not only be beautiful, but also comfortable.

A significant disadvantage of suede of both natural and artificial origin is considered to be low resistance to moisture. Such shoes quickly get wet, and exposure to water gradually spoils the appearance of the material, leading to deformation, the appearance of stains and loss of color.

Artificial suede can be woven or non-woven.

  • The woven material is made from microfiber threads woven on special equipment. After this, the material undergoes another processing as a result of which the fibers are split and a soft pile is formed on the surface.
  • Non-woven suede is a material with special looped threads, which become pile. There is another way, when ready-made wools are glued to the surface of the fabric. Artificial material It is not inferior in attractiveness to its natural analogue, but its cost is much lower.

To care for suede, you need special products; use creams and sprays designed for genuine leather You can't, it will ruin the material.

What you need to care for suede shoes

How to properly care for shoes at home? This is not at all difficult if, along with your boots or shoes, you purchased the products necessary to care for suede shoes. These include:

  • Rubber-based brush. With its help, suede is cleaned of dried dirt; it can only be used when processed using “dry” methods.
  • Suede eraser. Helps remove dirt that the brush couldn't remove.
  • Hard brush. Cleans the surface of dust and dirt and is applied every time you put on your shoes.
  • Shampoo or foam for suede. Designed to remove stains and combat heavy dirt. Used after brushing shoes and removing dust.
  • Water repellent spray. This product will protect against moisture and dirty stains and should be applied after each cleaning.
  • Coloring agent. Helps restore suede to its original color. You can paint shoes only when they are cleaned and completely dry.

By using these care products for suede shoes, you can maintain their attractive appearance and extend their service life.

How to care for suede shoes in winter?

Suede is not resistant to moisture, and after walking down the street in the cold season, you often return home with wet shoes. In addition, salt marks and stains appear on the surface of the shoes. How to care for suede shoes winter period and keep your favorite shoes or boots looking decent?

  • If the boots are not wet, simply remove the snow with a brush, and then wipe the product with a soft cloth and leave to dry.
  • If you return home with wet boots, you need to dry them. Place paper or newspapers tightly inside the shoes and wait until they dry. Suede products should be dried away from radiators and heating devices, otherwise the material will become deformed. Then clean the dry boots with a brush and treat them with a water-repellent agent.

When the shoes are very dirty and there is a lot of dirt on the surface, wait until they dry and follow this sequence of actions:

  1. Brush off any dry dirt and dry the suede with a soft cloth.
  2. Perform wet cleaning with a special shampoo or using a solution of washing powder and water. Pay attention to the composition of the laundry detergent; it should not contain bleaching agents. Clean the boots with a soft sponge.
  3. Use a damp cloth to remove any remaining shampoo or powder from your shoes.
  4. Treat the surface with a dry soft cloth.
  5. Stuff the boots with paper and leave to dry.

After wet cleaning, the pile may lose its fluffiness, but this problem is easy to deal with. Hold a soft brush over a pan of boiling water for 2-3 minutes and brush out the lint.

How to remove salt marks from suede

Salt stains spoil the appearance of shoes, and exposure to salt has a bad effect on fabric fibers, so you need to get rid of them immediately. You can do this as follows:

  1. Dry your shoes.
  2. Clean the surface with a special lint brush, removing major dirt.
  3. Treat with suede cleaner. If you were unable to purchase it, use a sponge and a solution of washing powder.
  4. Remove any remaining cleaning products with a damp cloth, then wipe dry and leave to dry away from the battery.
  5. Apply protective spray to the surface and comb the pile.

You can also remove salt by rubbing problem areas with a swab dipped in kerosene. After this, clean the surface as described and use suede paint. Kerosene is no less effective in removing greasy stains.

What to do if the material darkens after getting wet?

Loss of original color and darkening is a common occurrence when using suede. This problem can be solved at home by painting your shoes.

Remember that paint can only be applied to a dry and pre-cleaned product. To dye suede shoes, you can only use special products; leather dye will make the pile “sleek” and it will no longer be possible to revive your favorite shoes.

How to get rid of an unpleasant odor?

It happens that shoes emit an unpleasant odor, and wearing them becomes uncomfortable. This occurs due to the proliferation of bacteria, and this problem must be dealt with immediately.

Hold the boots over a container of boiling water for 10-15 minutes, then dry the shoes. Using steam, bacteria are destroyed, unpleasant odors are eliminated, and the pile is smoothed out.

What can you do with shiny suede?

If the material begins to shine, use a vinegar solution. You should proceed like this:

  1. Mix 1 part vinegar with 3 parts water.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and wipe the problem area.
  3. Remove any remaining product with a soft sponge and comb the lint.

When wiping shiny strips, do it without pressure or effort, do not “rub” the vinegar solution into the material, this will damage the pile and abrasion will form on the surface.

How to store suede shoes

When the season is over, shoes must be put away for storage.

  • Before putting your boots in the box, thoroughly clean them of dirt, traces of salt and various stains. If necessary, use suede dye.
  • After this, it is advisable to treat the suede product with a special compound that will prevent the material from becoming coarse. You need to store seasonal shoes in a box, placing pads or newspaper inside. You should not use plastic bags; if you do not have cardboard containers, take a fabric bag.

Provided that you properly care for and monitor the appearance of your suede shoes, they will last you more than one season.

Suede shoes have always been famous for their beauty and elegance. However, it cannot be called practical - without proper care, it quickly becomes dusty, and in some places worn areas appear. That is why, despite the attractive appearance new shoes, many people consider it a runway option and prefer to purchase more practical items. Modern choice shoe care products provides a variety of delicate creams for suede. However, many of them turn out to be ineffective and do not justify their price. Therefore, true connoisseurs use many secrets to answer the question of how to clean suede shoes using home remedies.

Washing suede shoes

Sometimes proper shoe care begins only at the moment when it is already fairly worn out and dirty. Suede is much more difficult to clean than leather or leatherette. In order to wash very dusty and dirty suede, you need to stock up on more than just water and soap. It is also necessary to follow a certain washing technology. Suede shoes are most susceptible to moisture and dampness, so you should not even partially immerse them in water.

You will need:

  • Warm water;
  • Ammonia;
  • Washing powder for wool and suits;
  • Soft rags (dry and wet).


  1. Dilute a little powder in a container with warm water to make a foamy substance. Add 4-5 drops of ammonia to the liquid.
  2. Dip the brush into water and thoroughly rinse the contaminated surface of the shoe. This must be done as quickly as possible so that the suede does not have time to absorb moisture.
  3. After finishing washing, it is necessary to rinse the shoes superficially with cold running water.
  4. Wipe suede shoes with a damp cloth and then with a dry one.
  5. Do not dry shoes near an intense heat source (fireplace, heater, stove). You need to put your shoes anywhere, keeping the air temperature at room temperature.

Steam cleaning suede

An excellent alternative to suede cleaning products is regular steam. Despite the abundance of creams and liquids for delicate care of the material, it is this old method of cleaning that remains relevant to this day.

You will need:

  • Source of hot steam (iron, boiling kettle);
  • Wire brush;
  • Soft damp cloth.


  1. Soak the shoes over the steam jet for several minutes. To achieve an even treatment, rotate the shoes over steam.
  2. Clean shoes with a stiff wire brush. The coat must be combed in one direction.
  3. Wipe the shoes with a warm, damp cloth and leave to dry.
  4. If the pile has sagged in some places, and after combing some shiny areas are still visible, they can be treated with a solution ammonia. To do this, you need to apply alcohol to a cotton pad or swab, apply it to shiny areas, and then lift the sagging pile using a regular office eraser or rubber brush.

Advice: When drying over steam, it is not recommended to allow the shoes to get too wet. As soon as the suede is moistened, you need to remove the product from the source of steam and let it dry for 10 minutes. If the shoes do not look neat enough, the procedure can be repeated. It is not recommended to comb the lint between steam treatments.

  • In order not to often resort to radical methods of boiling and washing, you need to follow simple rules that can provide suede shoes with a decent appearance and long service life.
  • Suede does not tolerate dampness and moisture. If you still risk wearing suede in rainy and damp weather, it is recommended to use a special water-repellent spray. It is recommended to process the material at least three times, each time waiting until the product is completely dry;
  • Suede shoes can only be cleaned when they are completely dry;
  • The use of standard shoe polishes made of leather and synthetic leather substitutes is strictly prohibited. This will not only not clean the thing, but can also destroy it, even if it is very expensive and of high quality;
  • It is not recommended to wear suede shoes for long walks. The material is damaged not only by moisture, but also by dust. Therefore, suede is intended more for special occasions rather than for everyday wear;
  • After cleaning shoes, it is better to wipe them with a cloth made of absorbent materials. Dry flannel rags are perfect;
  • During the hot season, dust from shoes can be removed with a special aerosol spray. The product is evenly applied to the product, distributed using a napkin, and after a few minutes the excess is removed from the shoes;
  • After each cleaning procedure, suede shoes must be thoroughly dried. Under no circumstances should it be stored in places where moisture accumulates;
  • Cleaning shoes from dirt is done using a coarse brush. Shoes must be dry;
  • Radical methods of making shoes look presentable are best practiced at intervals of several months;
  • It is better to store shoes away from direct sun rays, as well as sources of intense heat. Under their influence, suede shoes can not only fade, but also lose their shape.

Suede is the most difficult and capricious material to care for. The same applies to similar nubuck and velor. How to care for suede shoes so that they retain their attractive shape for a long time? Proper care guarantees an exquisite appearance, neatness and durability of the product. Rain, slush, snow, salt and sand negatively affect the quality of shoes. To support great view boots, pumps, moccasins, sneakers, boots and ballet flats, you must use the right products and be careful when storing your shoes.

How to clean suede shoes at home

It is not necessary to immediately take soiled shoes made of natural suede to the dry cleaner - they can be easily cleaned at home. Faux suede is also easy to clean with your own hands. This material is used for autumn-spring (demi-season) products, so it has to be cleaned of dirt and slush. In the summer, sandals, shoes, sneakers, sneakers suffer from dust. All these contaminants can be easily removed using either special store-bought shoe cleaning products or simple household ones: soap, alcohol.

Special means for cleaning suede

How to clean suede? There are large lines of care products for this easily perishable material. They include the following products:

  • cream;
  • foam;
  • spray;
  • lotion;
  • shampoo;
  • "eraser";
  • brush;
  • impregnation.

Ideally, you should have at least a few of the above products at home, since each is used for specific needs. For example, foam can quickly remove shallow dirt, refresh the appearance of boots before going out (especially in spring), and cream is intended for intensive cleaning. Water-repellent shoe spray used to protect against hazards external environment. How to raise the pile on suede shoes? Use a rubberized brush. The prices for all these products are low - for a thousand rubles it is easy to buy a set of products that will last for a couple of seasons.

How to properly care for suede shoes? Buy only quality products to clean your shoes. The most best manufacturers care products for suede material:

  • Avel;
  • Salton;
  • Tarrago;
  • Collonil;
  • Salamander.


The simplest, yet incredibly effective method for cleaning suede material is steam. The method is very simple. It will not require anything from you except a large capacity:

  1. Boil water in a basin, saucepan or any other large container. Without lowering the heat, remove the lid.
  2. Hold the boots over the container for about two minutes to allow them to become steamed.
  3. Simply wipe them with a dry cloth or lint-free cloth. This method will allow you to easily get rid of small and minor dirt.


To wash suede with this product:

  1. Dilute water and alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 4 in a basin or bowl.
  2. Dip a clean sponge into this mixture.
  3. Gently dry your boots. Try not to get the product wet through – suede does not like high humidity and long drying times.
  4. Rub a dry, clean sponge over the material.
  5. Dry your shoes. This method works well against stubborn dirt or old stains.

How to care for nubuck shoes in winter

In winter, boots are subject to increased stress. Snow, coating, sand, dirt will easily ruin them. How to properly care for suede shoes at this time of year? The most important rule to follow is to be sure to wipe and dry your shoes after a walk. Accumulated snow is a threat to suede and similar leather materials. When it melts, the shoes will get wet through and through best case scenario Light stains form on it from a mixture of salts and other chemicals; in the worst case, it will lose its shape. Don't forget to treat your boots with water-repellent and protective spray.

Is it possible to wash suede shoes?

Since suede is a very delicate and capricious material, it is not recommended to wash it. If you cannot do without washing (the shoes are very dirty), then you will have to adhere to strict rules so as not to spoil the product:

  1. Try not to get the inside of your shoes too wet. When doing a full wash, it is difficult to adhere to this rule, but try not to get the product wet through. Suede does not react well to high humidity, and for a long time You cannot leave it wet - the shoes will lose their shape.
  2. Machine washable is out of the question. Suede products are washed only by hand. Even if you have a modern unit with a delicate mode, it’s not worth the risk. Hand washing will take you a lot of time, but the result will be clean and undamaged shoes.
  3. Do not use aggressive cleaning agents. Washing powders will not work. To wash your boots, it is better to use a mild soap solution. It’s very simple to prepare: pour warm water into a large container, add liquid soap until a thin foam appears on the surface (one pump is enough). Thanks to the weak solution, there will subsequently be no light streaks or stains left on the material, as could happen with washing powder.
  4. Start drying immediately after washing. Remember - suede, velor, nubuck and other materials based on tanned leather cannot be kept near a heater, radiator, or treated with a hot hairdryer. It is better to wipe the surface with a dry sponge or napkin, and then leave it to dry, covering it with newspaper.

How to restore suede shoes at home

If the suede product has been heavily soiled, stained or stained, then simple cleaning may not be enough. How to restore the color of suede shoes? Buy special paint for her. How to paint boots, update them, and save their original appearance:

  1. Choose your paint carefully. Pay attention not only to the manufacturer and price tag, but also to the color. It must exactly match the shade of the material, otherwise it will not be possible to paint evenly. Paint for suede shoes in black tones is easy to select, but a little more difficult for brown ones. You need to be especially careful when buying a product for white and beige products.
  2. Before completely treating the product, test the paint on the most inconspicuous area, e.g. inside. Dye a small piece of suede and wait a few hours to check the color and reaction of the material.
  3. Once you are sure that the shades of the product and the shoes match, you can process the entire product. Restoration will take a long time. Take your time, apply the paint patiently and carefully so that the layers absorb well.

How to store

In order for suede and other similar materials to serve you for many years, you need to store them properly. Shoes made from tanned leather are very sensitive to temperature and air humidity, so if stored improperly, they can quickly lose their shape and beautiful appearance. To protect your boots from this, follow simple rules:

  1. Tall suede boots should never be bent or folded in half. The shoes will remind you of this with ugly stripes on the top.
  2. Keep suede, velor, nubuck away from heating and heating systems. You shouldn't keep them in the sun. The best place for suede shoes - in the shade, in a cool corridor.
  3. Boots, ankle boots and other winter or demi-season footwear made of suede, nubuck or velor must be stuffed with newspaper or other filler during storage so that they do not lose their shape.
  4. When you are going to put your shoes in the back closet next year, be sure to clean and dry it completely.

Video: how to care for nubuck

In the video below, the presenter describes in detail and clearly all aspects of caring for suede shoes: correct selection products and their use, storage, drying and cleaning rules. You will learn how to care for suede boots, how to clean nubuck and velor shoes. You can purchase all the products used by the presenter in regular Russian supermarkets.

Suede is a capricious material that requires special attention. That's why you're hesitant to buy suede shoes? But in vain! By the way, it is not just beautiful, but also durable. I have several pairs of suede shoes, I bought them a long time ago, and I wear them often - they look like new. And all because I know how to care for suede shoes. It's actually not that difficult - you'll see now!

Natural or artificial suede

Suede - what is it, how is it obtained, what types are there? Let's start with the fact that there is natural suede, and there is artificial one. We are more interested in the first type.

To make natural suede, skins of small animals are used, polished with abrasives to a fleecy texture and impregnated with fats of fish, marine mammals or plants. Relatively inexpensive suede is made from goat leather, while elite suede is made from deer and elk leather.

There are two manufacturing methods:

  1. The skin, cleared of wool, passes through a special cutting machine, where it is divided into two layers with sharp knives. One is used to make smooth leather, and the other is used to make suede.

  1. The skin is turned inside out and its underside is painstakingly polished. In this case, the front layer of the skin remains intact, it will inside future shoes. It is clear that such suede is more valuable in its characteristics and beauty.

Natural varieties of suede are resistant to alkali, washing, low and high temperatures. Due to the porosity and elasticity of the material, the shoes are comfortable, breathable, and have anti-allergic properties. And there’s nothing to say about the noble appearance!

As for faux suede, there are also two manufacturing methods:

  1. Economical- when a pile is attached to the base using glue, imitating the processed skin of an animal. The quality of products made from this material leaves much to be desired, but the price is low and the model range is wide.

  1. Woven- through special processing, microfiber threads are turned into finely fleecy fabric. And the longer the microfiber is processed, the better and more expensive the artificial suede is.

Now it becomes clear why natural suede shoes require special treatment? Although artificial analogues are called suede, they are not so “capricious” in terms of care. But that doesn't make them better: they lose natural material in terms of comfort, durability and appearance.

Proper care of suede shoes

Difficulties do not stop true connoisseurs of beauty - I am one of them! To ensure that velvety shoes or boots always look like new, it is enough to remember a few basic rules and stock up on special devices. Caring for suede shoes at home begins with purchasing...

First treatment of shoes: imparting protective “immunity”

Immediately after purchase, treat the new item with a protective agent. It forms a transparent layer on the surface of the boots that will prevent the harmful effects of:

  • snow,
  • mud,
  • salt,
  • moisture,
  • chemical reagents.

This will give the suede “immunity” - it will get dirty more slowly and will become temporarily invulnerable even in the most unfavorable weather.

For the best effect, I perform primary processing in three approaches:

  • I moisturize the surface with a protective spray;
  • let it dry;
  • then I repeat the same thing a couple more times.

Products made from natural suede can only be dried naturally, at temperatures up to +30 ºС! Under no circumstances should they be placed on the battery, otherwise the material will become coarser and lose its excellent qualities.

How to treat suede shoes? Special sprays and impregnations are sold in hardware and shoe stores. I made a handy table. Check it out and choose care products.

Product type Features, properties Titles the best means, according to consumers
Water repellent spray A real salvation for products made of suede and nubuck! Protects against dirt, getting wet, deformation and loss of color.

Spray is the most convenient form for quick, clean and convenient treatment of shoes. Its only drawback is that it is quite harsh.

  • Salamander Universal SMS – universal spray, significantly extending the life of shoes;
  • Niki Line Anti Rain – German spray for any material(suede, leather, fur, textiles, etc.);
  • Ecco – excellent moisture retention, without interfering with air exchange, efficient and economical;
  • Kiwi Aqua Stop– dries quickly, protects well and is inexpensive;
  • Collonil Nanopro – unique development based on nanotechnology! Economical, super effective and expensive spray.
Impregnation Prevents the absorption of moisture and dirt deep into the material. Long time keeps suede shoes tidy and also protects feet from dampness.

Silicone impregnations are considered the best: after treatment with this product, a uniform film is formed on the shoes. Thanks to this, water simply flows over the material without penetrating inside at all. What is important is that air exchange is not disrupted.

But specifically for suede, the best option is impregnation with fluorocarbon resin.

  • Always Dry;
  • Tarrago;
  • Salton;
  • Salamander Professional;
  • Hatch;
  • Nikwax (special impregnation for suede and nubuck).
Restorative paint These care products for suede shoes restore the effects of bad weather and mask scratches, scuffs, broken toes or heels. Plus - additional protection against moisture, dirt, stains and loss of color saturation.

The restorative paint is not washed off after drying and does not stain clothes. The product simply lies on the surface of the suede like a native layer and perfectly hides even seams, traces of glue and cuts.

  • Salamander;
  • Sitil;
  • Kiwi;
  • Collonil;
  • Erdal;
  • Saphir.
Stretchers A new product that is slowly replacing “grandmother’s” methods. By the way, in our case it is very useful! It is advisable to buy suede shoes true to size, as they stretch over time.

And to make wearing comfortable from the very beginning, you don’t have to wait, but slightly stretch it using a special tool. It softens the skin and ensures its easy stretching to a suitable size.

  • Salamander Shoe Stretch;
  • Kiwi – for all types of suede and leather;
  • Salton.

Suede care brushes

Regardless of the time of year, as soon as you get home and take off your shoes, freshen up your suede surface. This will prolong her life for a long time. I will tell you how to care for suede with various stains. But first, stock up on a few brushes:

  1. Porous and hard sponge brush- removes the top layer of dust.

  1. Eraser or brush with rubberized teeth- eliminates greasy deposits and stubborn stains.

  1. Crepe brush- renews the top layer of suede and returns it to its original velvety feel.

In shoe stores you can look for a 2-in-1 brush: a sponge on one side and an eraser on the other. A very convenient little thing - you can store it in a locker or even carry it in a bag.

If you don’t have special brushes at hand, it doesn’t matter! Can be used folk remedies and methods (although the first option is much more practical, I checked):

  • To clean suede boots from light dirt, rub them with a crust of rye bread;
  • To fluff up the lint, use a brush and hold the shoes over hot steam for 3-4 minutes.

Cleaning suede shoes from dirt in winter

How to care for suede shoes in winter? In the cold season, the main threat is salt stains. On boots they look like ugly white stains. Salt is generally harmful to the structure of natural leather, so it is better to avoid contact between them.

But if divorces have already appeared:

  1. Remove the white spots first. Wipe the surface with soapy water, stirring in warm water a small amount of liquid soap or powder for delicate washing.

If this does not help, then you can make your own stain remover from ammonia. It removes stains of any complexity amazingly:

  • Mix alcohol with water in a ratio of 1:4;
  • Dampen a sponge in this liquid and carefully walk over the stains;
  • But after the chemical effect of ammonia, the shoes will need to be wiped with a soft cloth soaked in a weak glycerin solution.

  1. Dry suede shoes naturally. Do not use a hair dryer, heater, radiator or other heat sources! There are special shoe trees for drying, or an alternative is crumpled newspapers.

Don't wear the same pair two days in a row, as they won't have time to dry. Suede generally requires 20 hours of rest.

  1. A clear or coloring spray can help restore the color of suede. I have given the names of the sprays in the table. You can apply the spray only after the boots are completely dry!
  2. Periodically treat the surface with a water-repellent agent. About once a week (this is if you wear suede shoes all the time) and always after drying.
  3. At the end of winter, insert plastic lasts to maintain the shape of your shoes. Then the boots will look like new for more than one season.

Cleaning suede shoes from dirt in summer

Taking care of suede shoes on hot summer days is much more difficult. Because of large quantity dust, your favorite shoes get dirty even after wearing them for a short time. And if you don’t know the sequence of actions, you can ruin the beautiful suede surface.

So here are the instructions for you:

  1. Dust off your shoes with a flannel cloth. Do this carefully, without pressing the napkins against the suede.

  1. Then wash them with soapy water. To prepare the solution, powder for delicate washing, liquid or regular washing is suitable. baby soap. You need to wash the velvety surface very carefully, trying not to get it too wet.
  2. Wipe the surface again with a napkin. First slightly damp, then dry. Napkins made of fabric similar in structure to silk are most suitable for this.
  3. Dry your shoes naturally. To speed up the drying process and at the same time maintain the correct shape, stuff newspaper inside.
  4. After complete drying, use a protective spray. Which one - decide for yourself, based on the situation: maybe you need to create an invisible protective layer from dirt and dust or restore the intensity of suede.

  1. Refresh with deodorant. Despite the fact that suede is highly breathable, this step will not be superfluous.

Do not treat suede with products intended for other materials! It should be a special or universal spray/foam/cream that says it is suitable for suede shoes.


If you take proper care of your suede shoes, they will last. for many, many years! The main thing is to follow the rules of care and act according to the situation, and not at random. I told you how I clean suede from dust, dirt and white salt stains. Arm yourself with special products and brushes, and caring for suede will be easy and quick.

In addition, I suggest watching the video in this article. How do you care for your loved ones? suede shoes? Share in the comments!