Suede boots winter care. How to properly care for suede boots

Congratulations, you have become the owner of a beautiful and elegant shoes from suede. But if you want it to retain its gloss and pristine chic for a long time, for suede shoes you need to carefully and properly care for it.

Proper care of suede shoes in winter

Caring for suede shoes in winter requires special attention. Therefore, so that your efforts are not in vain, try to adhere to a few simple rules:

  1. Along with your shoes, do not forget to purchase the following accessories: special impregnation for suede, a brush with rubber bristles and a special eraser.
  2. Before the first wearing, we will carry out preventive work. Apply a special impregnation to the shoes and let the boots dry completely. Then we repeat the procedure twice more. Now you can go outside.
  3. And outside there is salt, dirt and moisture. Despite the fact that your shoes are treated with a special impregnation, you will not be able to completely avoid contamination and moisture. Therefore, we continue caring for suede shoes in winter by daily cleaning the boots from salt. But before that, the boots need to be completely dry. However, they cannot be placed next to the battery. Using a special eraser or brush, remove salt from the suede.
  4. If there are oily stains on your boots, you can remove them with clean gasoline. Dampen a soft, clean cloth with gasoline and gently wipe the stain. Leave the product to dry completely, and then clean it with a special brush.
  5. If suede boots are very dirty, you can clean them with powder and ammonia. Powder for washing delicate items needs to be foamed in a basin and a little ammonia added. Scoop foam onto a sponge and wipe the suede with it. We act very carefully, trying not to get our shoes wet. After cleaning, wipe with a damp cloth to remove any remaining foam. Blot the wet areas with a dry cloth and dry the shoes.
  6. If you are concerned about how to care for suede shoes in winter using special products, you can use a special anti-dirt aerosol. Follow the instructions on the package, and to help the foam adhere better to your boots, spread it with a clean flannel cloth.
  7. A special brush will help restore the original fluffiness of the suede pile. Brush suede with this brush after all cleaning procedures.
  8. If your suede shoes have lost their color, you can dye them. To do this, use special paint in a can, which can be easily purchased at a shoe store.

As you can see, caring for suede shoes is not at all difficult if you use special products. And most importantly, remember that prevention is cheaper than cure.

Features of caring for suede shoes in winter and summer

It should be noted right away that rain, slush and temperatures below 30 degrees, as well as prolonged standing on your feet during the day, will cause suede to quickly die. Elegant shoes are better suited for walking along dry park paths on a bright summer day or at a banquet. A suede boots- for a social outing. In a word, suede is an aristocrat, and it requires an appropriate attitude towards itself. But don't be intimidated, with a wide range of modern cleaning and detergents caring for suede shoes both in winter and summer is a mere trifle. And that's what it comes down to.

IN winter time Suede boots will just need to be cleared of snow, wiped with a soft flannel and left to dry away from the radiator. If they require deeper cleaning, then use a special brush with soft bristles. Just carry out this procedure gently and carefully, as if you were petting a kitten. Otherwise, the item will lose its “fur” and become unsightly.

Caring for suede shoes in summer is somewhat more difficult. After each walk, you need to remove all adhering dust from your shoes with a soft cloth or brush, and if they are wet, dry them well first. Modern cleaning products, available in the form of foams in aerosol packaging, cope well with more severe stains. It is enough to spray them from a short distance over the surface of the suede and rub evenly with a flannel or silk cloth, and after a minute remove them along with the dirt. After that, all you have to do is dry the clean shoes.

If there is no special foam on the farm, you can use improvised means. Pour some warm water into a basin, dissolve a tiny piece of laundry soap or a couple of pinches of delicate laundry powder in it and add a little ammonia. Then soak a soft cloth in this solution and thoroughly wipe the soiled shoes, turning Special attention on areas with stains. And the finishing touch, a napkin soaked in clean cold water, delete soap suds and leave the shoes to dry.

Here's how to clean stains from suede shoes. Take a regular student eraser and rub it on the stained area. The stain will be wiped off quickly, and the eraser will raise and fluff up the lint. Ammonia will help remove especially difficult stains and shiny areas. Soak a small piece of cotton wool in it and thoroughly rub all the spots with it. And then let the shoes dry. The result will be amazing.

How to revive suede shoes?

Well, and finally, if your favorite shoes or boots have lost all their aristocracy from long-term use, you can try to bring them back to life with the help of steam and special dyes. Simply hold the shoes over a pan or kettle of boiling water for a few minutes and let them dry, then apply a matching color spray. The steam will perfectly fluff and raise the pile, which will return the suede to a presentable and well-groomed appearance. And the dye will complete the picture. In addition, it will serve as an additional protective layer. In a word, the shoes will find a second life.

As you can see, caring for suede shoes is not that difficult at all. You just need to not be lazy, and your suede pets will delight you for many years.

Save so you don't lose.

Made of suede and nubuck, because you always look stylish and advantageous in it. True, some are confused by the fact that such shoes require special care. Of course, all shoes require attention, maybe suede products - a little more due to the already too delicate material, but don’t let that scare you. We will tell you how to properly care for suede boots.

Features of caring for suede shoes

Suede shoes are intended only for dry weather, so wearing them in spring and autumn is not recommended. Its appearance also worsens if you walk long distances. But as a formal option, suede shoes come in handy.

Finally, you bought suede shoes. And the first thing you should do with it after coming home is to wipe it with a dry, soft cloth or brush. Then it is better to treat the boots with a water-repellent solution and dry them for 10-12 hours. This procedure will protect the suede material from dust, dirt, moisture and saline solutions. Repeat the treatment of your shoes from time to time and they will last longer.

Cleaning suede shoes requires a special approach. Suede should be cared for gently; strong pressure will only damage the fibers.

Caring for winter suede boots very easy, they are practical, and besides, salt does not appear on them. Brush off the snow, wipe with a dry cloth and leave to dry as far as possible from the radiator or heater. Use a special flannel brush for a more thorough cleaning.

More effort must be put into caring for suede shoes in the summer, so it is important to know how to properly clean suede shoes.

Caring for suede shoes: how to remove dirt

Remove dust from suede shoes using a soft flannel cloth or a suede brush. Wet shoes must be dried before cleaning.

Stains can be removed with a special stain remover for nubuck and suede. And maybe even more in a simple way– with the help of a school eraser, it will remove the stain and raise the lint, refreshing the look of the shoes. To remove an oil stain, you need to wipe it with gasoline or sprinkle it with talcum powder, then brush it with a hard bristle brush.

By using modern means You can easily clean the capricious suede from dirt. One of them is a foam cleaner in an aerosol package that gently but deeply cleans the material. Another of its advantages is the preservation bright colors and fiber structure. Spray the foam onto dry shoes evenly over the surface with a silk cloth. After a minute, remove the dried foam, the dirt will be removed along with it, and set the shoes to dry.

How to clean suede boots if dirt has become embedded in the material? A soap solution will help return very dirty suede shoes to their previous appearance. To do this, dissolve the soap or powder in warm water and add ammonia (1:5). Wipe your shoes with the resulting solution using a brush, paying attention to particularly dirty areas. Repeat the same procedure, but in cold water, wipe with a dry cloth, and dry.

If all of the above does not help, there is another old and very easy way. You just need to hold the suede product over the steam - the effect is amazing. The shoes become like new.

How to raise the pile on suede shoes?

To remove shiny stains, soak a cotton swab ammonia. Pass it over the shiny places, lift the lint over the entire surface of the shoe with a rubber brush or eraser.

To return the pile to its original appearance, the same “hot bath” is used. It restores the structure of the material. Afterwards, wipe your shoes with a soft cloth.

How to restore the color of suede?

Sunlight is death for suede; it burns out the coloring pigments. With prolonged exposure, shoes become bluish or greenish. Summer suede shoes suffer especially often. But don’t despair, this can be easily fixed using special aerosol paints (preferably made in Germany).

Before you paint your favorite suede boots, clean them, dry them, then spray the paint evenly, e.g.SALAMANDER (Salamander)using a spray, dry again and carefully lift the pile with a rubber brush. High-quality paints have a gentle effect on the fiber structure without leaving streaks.

This season, suede boots are considered very fashionable. If you want to look more elegant, black suede stiletto boots are what you need. You will be irresistible in suede boots Brown In addition, you can complement the look with a matching scarf.

Well, perhaps, these are all the tricks that allow capricious suede to please its owners for as long as possible.

When you take a quick look at the shoe shelves in a store, it’s the suede shoes that catch your eye. The reason is that she has deep rich color and unusual velvety texture. However, this is where the advantages of the material end. When worn, it turns out to be very difficult to care for, and dirt is visible on it more than on ordinary smooth skin. What is the reason why suede shoes are impractical? The fact is that it has a porous structure, so dirt and dust clog into the material quite quickly. In addition, when walking due to constant friction inner surface shoes wear out and the product takes on an ugly, worn look.

To prevent possible contamination and maximize the life of your favorite shoes or boots, you need to know how to care for suede shoes. The care rules are quite simple, but they must be followed strictly.

Caring for suede shoes in summer

In the summer season, suede shoes get dirty very quickly. Dust gets caught in fluffy leather and makes its color less saturated. In this case, lightly lint tampons and flannel rags come to the rescue. They remove dust well and do not damage the delicate structure of the material.

Tip: When wiping, do not press the napkin into the shoes, otherwise the dirt will clog even deeper.

When the shoes are cleaned, additionally wipe them with a solution of a small amount of soap or washing powder.

Caring for suede shoes in winter

Autumn and winter are a real test for suede shoes. Despite the special fat impregnation of the material, moisture and dirt still penetrate inside, depositing between the fibers of the suede. And if dissolved salt gets inside (it is sprinkled on roads during snow and ice), then it will be even more difficult to clean off the stains. So, how to care for such shoes in winter? I would like to give a few recommendations:

1. Strengthen the “immunity” of the material. New couple boots must be treated with a protective nanospray. It forms a water-repellent layer on the surface of the shoe, which will prevent the penetration of snow, dirt and chemical reagents. Thanks to this, the suede will last a long time fresh look and will not absorb moisture as readily.

Tip: To achieve optimal effect, apply nanospray several times. After each application, allow the shoes to dry.

2. Let the dirt dry. In the case of smooth leather shoes, it is recommended to remove dirt as early as possible, otherwise it will dry out and be difficult to wash off. With suede everything is exactly the opposite. Dried dirt is easier to clean out of velvety material, since dirt clogged into the pores turns into dust during cleaning.

3. Arrange a hot bath. If your boots are very dirty, you can simply hold them over steam and wipe off any remaining dirt. The steam will open the pores of the leather and make it more amenable to cleaning. In addition, high temperature will remove deep-seated contaminants that were inaccessible during standard dry cleaning.

4. Use folk remedies . If a small stain has formed on the boots, it can be removed with an ordinary school eraser. It will ruffle the pile and refresh the look of the shoes. The same function will be performed by the crust of rye bread.

If oil stains are visible on the surface, use a swab soaked in gasoline and talcum powder.

Tip: 2-3 hours after treatment with talcum powder or gasoline, wipe your shoes with a hard bristle brush.

If the skin begins to shine, you should wipe it with dry table salt or soda dissolved in milk (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of liquid). A weak vinegar solution (proportion of vinegar to water 1:4) will also remove the shiny effect. You will be surprised at how fresh your boots will be after this.

Helpers in caring for suede shoes

On this moment There are many cleaning and coloring products on the market that will help you care for your shoes and boots. The most popular devices are:

1. Color restoration paint. Usually comes in the form of an aerosol, which allows you to evenly distribute the product over the surface. The paint helps to renew the color of products made from suede, velor and nubuck, evenly covers damage and abrasions, and also protects against moisture, salt and dirt. The assortment includes aerosols with black, brown, eggplant, blue and red pigments. It should be noted that in high-quality paints, the color is achieved thanks to natural dyes. Thus, for black, Indian acacia juice is used, for brown, African chestnut bark is used, and for burgundy, pomegranate extract is used.

2. Porous sponge brush. Needed to remove the top layer of dust. It is better to use it in tandem with a cleaning foam, which “pushes out” dirt deposits from the suede pores. The cleaning sponge can be combined with a porous sponge, which can be used for wet cleaning.

3. Rubber brush. Rubber teeth lift the fibers on the suede, restoring its velvety and saturated color. Such brushes can be produced as an independent product or complement a universal skin care device.

4. Soft brush. Refreshes the look of shoes and removes minor dirt. It is better to use it before leaving their home.

Storage tips

After the end of the season, suede boots need to be thoroughly cleaned and dried. Unlike shoes with smooth leather, it is better to store them in cardboard boxes, allowing air to pass through. To keep your shoes in shape, use special shapes that imitate the foot. They will prevent dents and scuffs from appearing during storage.