Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson talk about filming the latest Harry Potter. Personal life of Watson, Grint and Radcliffe

The final Potter series. The grown-up heroes must enter into a final battle with Voldemort, this time without any support from their teachers...

One of the most publicized moments of the new film is the first “adult” kiss. Hermione And Rona. Actress Emma Watson admits that filming this scene was not easy for her.

“Usually the director didn’t allow us to watch the scenes they had just filmed,” says Emma. “But this time we had to make an exception because Rupert and I were very worried. Everyone was waiting for our kiss, this is the result of many years of mutual attraction, chemistry and so on. We had to do everything to the highest standard. I hope it worked.

“It was also quite scary because Emma and I have known each other since childhood,” adds Rupert Grint. “It’s like kissing your sister!”

Emma-Hermione this time had to not only kiss, but also participate in numerous action scenes.

“Before this, I had never performed serious stunts or stopped in the middle of filming and thought: “Oh my God! What will happen now? – says the actress. - And now I have to. The scene in the forest, where the killers are chasing us, was very difficult... I couldn’t even imagine this before!

Meanwhile Daniel Radcliffe What bothered me most, but at the same time turned me on, was the thought of a change of scenery, because "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" is the first film to take place outside of Hogwarts.

“I’m excited about the seventh film,” he says. – I don’t know how it will seem to the audience, but I think that we did something completely new.

“All the other films have a clear structure,” agrees Emma Watson. - Well, you understand: a large hall, long conversations... Now it is destroyed: we graduated from school, and the last film is just about the three of us. It is very interesting!

The actors playing the main roles in Potter are still at the peak of their popularity. What is it like to be Daniel Radcliffe, who is adored by millions?

“I’m not very often aware of my popularity,” the actor admits. – I manage to realize this only during rest. The rest of the time we are on the set, we are working. Actually, we all understand that exactly the same fame will go to anyone who plays a cult hero. It's not about me, it's about Harry. I think the same thing happened with Robert Pattinson. If you agree to such a role, then you can say goodbye to a quiet life for several years.

When Daniel Radcliffe first appeared on screen as Harry, he was only 11. At that age, few people think about choosing a profession... When did he make a conscious decision to become an actor?

“Of course, I remember this moment,” he says. Radcliffe. – It happened on the set third Harry Potter film. Thanks to Gary Oldman and the director Alfonso Cuaron I finally understood what it was like to be a real actor. Gary, with his support, gave me confidence that everything would work out. I wanted to continue working with such people and absolutely did not want to part with cinema. In addition, I really like the atmosphere of the set: I grew up in it, I know what I need to do and what everyone else is doing, and it’s unlikely that a situation will arise in which I’m confused. Why leave from where you feel comfortable and confident?

Emma Watson, who also decided to become professional actress, is looking forward to the moment when she can say goodbye to Hermione Granger and show everyone what she is capable of. But she, like other actors, still has to go through numerous press conferences, interviews, and reshoots of the epilogue.

“I’m gradually moving away from Hermione,” says Emma. – To be honest, I was angry when I learned that the seventh book would be split into two parts. My first thought was: the studio just wants to make more money, damn, I can't stand this! But the producers were able to explain to me that they didn’t want to deviate from the book or cut anything, so one film wouldn’t be enough.

The premiere of the second part of the film “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” is scheduled for summer 2011. Of course, Potter fans already want to know something about her.

– Many people say that the first part is a real action movie. And I think to myself: you haven’t seen the second one yet! – Daniel Radcliffe laughs. – Compared to her, the first part is a quiet and meek little brother. In it you will fly head over heels towards a firestorm... I want to say that there will be just crazy non-stop action.

Is there a chance that the Harry Potter epic will continue? The franchise producers don't yet know the answer to this question. One thing is clear: no initiative. It all depends on Joanne Rowling and whether she finds it necessary to write another book.

Translation Anastasia Voinova

Based on site materials canmag.com

As Harry Potter approaches its apocalyptic conclusion, three stars of the epic say goodbye to Harry, Hermione, Ron and Hogwarts in the company of EMPIRE correspondents.

Being Daniel Radcliffe must be weird. On the one hand, he is a global star, and even if he decides never to work again, he will not face poverty. On the other hand, he seems to be completely devoid of pride, this energetic, enthusiastic guy whose speech can barely keep up with his thoughts. Radcliffe is 21; he is still thin and looks like a boy - no match for those superheroes, aliens and spies who will compete with the greatest film epic of all time.

He doesn't act like a superstar. There are a lot of books in his dressing room - and not a single sycophant. On the wall instead expensive paintings, which would be more consistent with Radcliffe's fees, or at least posters with his own face, hangs a bizarre collection of multi-colored drawings, handprints and illegibly written names in frames. “For my birthday this year,” he explains, “I asked my colleagues and crew members to draw something - and their collective effort would turn out to be a masterpiece! I’m not sure, though, that it can be called a masterpiece, but I really like it because I personally know everyone involved.”

Radcliffe looks cheerful and animated. It's March 2010, and we're touring the set of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I (2010) for the third time. Almost a year has passed since our first visit to Watford's Leavesden studios, and 13 months have passed since filming began on the two-part film. And even Radcliffe admits that this two-headed movie monster tests his strength.

“We're about to break Eyes Wide Shut's (1999) record for the longest shoot. Although we still end up with two films, not one, so I don’t even know how they managed to stretch out the filming for a year and a half (actually 15 months - EMPIRE)... We are making a great movie, very good, but it feels like this like we'll never finish it. It always seems like there is so much more to do. Every time we finish filming a big scene, someone suddenly says: next week meet at Great hall, - and these are usually huge, labor-intensive scenes with extras..."

As the titular boy wizard, Radcliffe was naturally kept busy filming his previous six films almost every day (“About 150 days per film”). This time the main crew worked for about 280 days, and Radcliffe left the set very rarely. “The first two or three months were filming on location, but when you return to studio filming, you get into the rhythm very quickly. You even stop noticing how time flies...” The two parts of “The Deathly Hallows...” required more than just endurance from the already seasoned actors and crew. In the first film, a thriller a la Fugitive, The/ (1993), Harry, Hermione and Ron escape from Voldemort and his minions, and the action takes place mainly outside the walls of Hogwarts. In the second, the school lies in ruins, and the battle with Voldemort ends in the most terrible way. There is so much to show that even small scenes pose very difficult tasks for the actors.

Last August at Leavesden Studios we watched one particularly complex scene from the beginning of the book unfold: when Harry Potter's friends rescue him from his home, six of them take Polyjuice Potion and turn into Harry's doubles. The plan is simple: they will all disperse in different directions, to fool the forces of darkness waiting on Privet Drive. But first, seven identical Potters will stand next to each other in the room, which means that you need to do many takes with the same action: all the participants in the scene turn into Radcliffe in turn.

The actor almost cries: “I’m so glad you caught this episode! Not everyone understands how technically difficult it is to make this film, and here's a great example: we did 95 takes of one scene! They are considered to be the same scene because the camera is programmed to do the same thing. We argued about how many takes we would need. Nobody won - everyone decided that there would be much fewer of them. And in the evening they showed us a rough version of the scene - it turned out just great. Usually in these scenes with combined images, you realize that the characters are not touching each other, but here everyone intersects with everyone. Great scene to start the movie! True, I wondered: why do they all have to turn into Harry? Why can't Harry turn into someone? We all thought about it, but didn’t come up with anything.”

Let's put this one aside difficult question to the side. In the second part of the film, Radcliffe has two incredible scenes: one in which he walks towards certain death, and in the other he meets someone in the afterlife, which looks like King's Cross Station. “I prepared for these scenes throughout filming. I had to play them extremely accurately. In the end, I hardly played brilliantly, because I always bring myself to a state of stress, and this is very stupid,” says the always self-critical Radcliffe. - We filmed these scenes on a white background, the ghostly King's Cross will be added to them later. The background was so white that health and safety kept saying we should all wear sunglasses.”

In other words, the ending of "Potter..." will take us to places we have never been before. And if the first film is a journey in separate episodes (“When Jo Rowling was writing the seventh book, she explained to me in a note that it would be such a bizarre road movie - exactly that is what it is”), then the second will be much larger. Director David Yates calls the second part "operatic." Radcliffe looks puzzled: “Opera? Did David say that? He didn't tell me anything like that. I think it’s operatic in the sense that, like in an opera, I’ll die for 20 minutes and at the very end I’ll decide that it’s too early for me to go to another world. The second part is such a continuous chase, turning into a battle, in general, you can’t breathe. And the Battle of Hogwarts is practically the entire second half of the film, and it's amazing! The courtyard is completely strewn with the ruins of towers; You’re just waiting for a German tank to appear. In some places it looks like an exemplary film about the Second World War. What's great about Potter is how we manage to keep the focus on the story and the characters even when there's a lot of action going on, and hopefully we've done that here too. Yes, I hope so, I’m sure!”

So Harry is already quite an adult? “I was once asked - is there a moment after which Harry becomes a man? I don't think this happens in the film - the whole idea is that he's 17. Voldemort knocks the wind out of me throughout the whole program, and that's the whole point: Harry is a teenager who gets beaten to death. When Voldemort kills an adult - well, this sight is already quite familiar. But when he commits atrocities, trying with all his might to kill a 17-year-old guy... it’s even more impressive.”

Radcliffe is not alone in facing such drama. Rupert Grint's Ron Weasley, who provided the comic relief in the previous six films, takes on a different role this time around. Director David Yates says: "You'll see in the first part of the seventh film how Rupert, always funny, plays a pretty intense emotional line."

Grint, speaking to us shortly after filming wrapped, agrees: “Ron is stuck: if he wants to be Harry's friend, he has to sacrifice being with his family, and that's eating at him. You'll see Ron become paranoid as he realizes Hermione and Harry are getting closer, yet he's unsure of Harry's ability to take down Voldemort. The atmosphere is heating up. Ron and Harry argue, but these disputes reveal new facets of their humanity...” In other words, the triumvirate, which lasted six films, begins to feverishly.

Grint is older than his colleagues and began to get out of Hogwarts first. From the terrible Thunderbolt (2002), he moved on to recent coming-of-age films (Driving Lessons (2006) and Cherry Bomb) before playing a stoned hitman's apprentice in Wild Thing. Grint is still making the most effort to free himself from the stigma of “well, that one from Harry Potter.” One gets the impression that he is less invested in the film, and this impression is strengthened by the fact that next to his talkative colleagues, Grint is silent to the point of sullenness. But once you get him talking, it becomes clear that he is just as good-natured as Ron, and just as partial to Potter. So much so that the publication of “The Deathly Hallows...” was greeted with some horror.

“I was probably the last to read this book. In general, I really like the Potter books, I read them all with pleasure, but then I got nervous after hearing a lot about all sorts of dying characters. I wanted Ron to live!”

Given the talk about Ron's fate that preceded the book's appearance, Grint's concern was entirely justified. After all, if Rowling wanted to kill any of the three, Ron looked the most vulnerable. However, Grint was not the only one with reasons to fear a bloody outcome. “The seventh film is reminiscent of a war movie. The castle is on fire, the ruins are littered with bodies - and it's all children! This will leave few people indifferent. Very harsh." Like Saving Private Ron? "Exactly! They also changed the technique of performing spells. We used to have ballet choreographer, and everything looked rather campy, but now the spells have become more aggressive, more like fencing.”

Now that filming is complete, Grinta, like everyone else, film crew, overcome by conflicting feelings. “On the one hand, I don’t want the epic to end, I loved it, it’s a huge part of my life, it’s what I did every day... On the other hand, I acted in these films for ten years, and it will be nice to feel free. Just free."

But freedom is not always easy to achieve. In the seventh film, Emma Watson's character Hermione does not worry about her family like her friend Ron, but she pays a high price for this calmness. "The film begins with Hermione destroying her parents' memories of her and leaving native home. There is no such scene in the book, it simply makes it clear that this happened. Steve (Cloves) and Dave (Yates) wrote this scene for the film, which I'm really glad about, because it shows the sacrifices Hermione and Ron make to remain friends with Harry. You are shown Ron's house and Harry's house, but you know nothing about how Hermione lives when she is not studying at Hogwarts, and this is important. She doesn't just go to school. She chooses between family and friendship, and it is a very cruel choice. My parents pour tea for Hermione, not expecting at all what is about to happen, and then I cast a spell that destroys all their memories of me. There are photographs hanging on the walls, these are my real childhood photographs, and they just disappear. A nightmare. And then I have to close the door and leave forever.”

Watson is no more vain than her male colleagues, but the tabloids pay much more attention to her. She is so famous that news about her hairstyles makes the front pages. She seems relieved to be immersed in the bustle of Leavesden Studios, and it is not surprising that she decided to continue her education in America, at the relatively quiet Brown University (“It’s a small campus, everyone has gotten used to me, no one looks at me, and it’s just wonderful"). For Watson, the test was not the length of filming or the proximity of the finale - she was frightened by the scale of events and the plot.

"On emotional level everything is very harsh. The last two films demanded a lot more from me physically and emotionally. In one scene, Ron has half of his body split open (as a result of an unsuccessful transgression), he is bleeding, my hands are up to my elbows in blood, my friend is groaning in pain, I am trying to save him... I am also being tortured. This was my first time doing a torture scene. Well, physically... The workload was enormous, we worked for days on end, for example, we worked with explosives - in the film, someone is always fighting with someone and something explodes. You cast a spell, tons of pyrotechnics go off and it’s scary. Acting at such moments there is no need for natural horror... It’s like you’re in the army. So yes, this shoot demanded a lot from me.”

But she is rarely asked about this. Watson, who studies at Brown as diligently as Hermione does at Hogwarts (and plays there even in Chekhov's play), discovered that journalists were only interested in one thing: what it was like for her to kiss Ron. “In general, I understand them. Everyone was really looking forward to this kiss; it had been brewing for eight whole films. "Harry Potter" is not "Twilight", we don't sell sex. In our country, any hint of this already gets people excited. In fact, we were very embarrassed, we giggled non-stop. The funny thing is that before we kissed, we looked at each other with such an expression like: God, how creepy this will be... But I hope the kiss looks good.”

However, neither feverish movements through forests and valleys (“It was as if there was a competition: the camera slid along a cable, and we ran in a race”), nor stunt tricks (“When so much pyrotechnics are tied to a take, you understand that you have to play perfectly, and this puts pressure ") did not stress Watson as much as trying to document the latest filming.

“I wandered into a used photography equipment store and a very nice gentleman convinced me to buy an old film camera. I haven’t filmed for ten years and I’ve bored everyone with questions. It took me about ten minutes to take one shot - adjusting the aperture, shutter speed, focus, and so on. And then the girl who was helping me develop the films accidentally turned on the light in the darkroom and exposed everything. I couldn’t come to my senses for three days. Life is not good... Forget about these show-offs with film cameras. This is complete nonsense. Better digital cameras and photoshop!”

Ten years have passed, eight films have been made, and Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson have only a little left: a little voice acting and a dizzying promotional tour in support of the two parts of “Deathly Hallows”. Then their paths would diverge: Radcliffe would star in the Broadway musical How to Succeed in Business Without Doing Anything and star in The Woman in Black for Hammer Films; Grint will star in the biopic about Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards; Watson will go to his university. But now, no matter how relieved they are at the end of this movie marathon, it is difficult to imagine that Harry Potter will end. As Radcliffe says: “It will be sad to say goodbye to this series, but at the same time I will feel a sense of great accomplishment at the end - because I doubt I will ever be involved in such a long shoot. I hope we don't lose touch with each other. And in 30 years we’ll still play Hogwarts teachers in remakes.”

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British actor Daniel Radcliffe intends to become a father before the age of 30. In his opinion, it is in the family that the meaning of every person’s life should lie.

The 23-year-old star, known to us from leading role in the film "Harry Potter" currently is seriously thinking about devoting more time to his personal life rather than his career - especially considering that many of his friends have long since acquired offspring.

He told Time Out magazine: "I definitely want kids. I grew up surrounded by people who had kids while I was growing up because... they were a little older than me. And I saw what dramatic changes happened to these people after having children.”

“It seems to me that having children fills your life with meaning, which this moment I get from work. I want children. I don't know when or (with whom), but I want to have children. And I think I'll start working on it before I turn thirty. I love the idea of ​​being a young father. I will even have enough strength to play football (soccer)! Although the children will, of course, play better than me by the time they turn four years old.”

Well, in the meantime, Daniel dreams of children and the search engine query “Daniel Radcliffe and his wife” does not yield any results, let’s take a brief look at his personal life.

Like anyone else famous person, he was not spared the fate of “attributing novels” with his colleagues film set. So, starting in 2008, no, no, and rumors about the couple “Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe” will appear. The actors who played the main roles in Harry Potter actually spent a lot of free time together during the filming of the film. However, they never had any romance.

Any innocent flirtation or carelessly spoken phrase by Radcliffe is already a reason to think that he could probably have something in common with this or that girl. Let's remember the joint presence at the 2013 Oscars of Daniel Radcliffe and Kristen Stewart– when the actress appeared on crutches due to leg problems. Daniel was so moved by the sight of the helpless girl that he blurted out that he was ready to carry Kristen in his arms. And what do you think? The next day, almost all publications covering the ceremony suggested that the actors would look good together.

In fact, Radcliffe's only known serious relationship was with Rosie Cocker. The young people met on the set of the film “Harry Potter” in 2007. However, at the end of 2012, information appeared that Daniel Radcliffe and his girlfriend had broken up.

In early 2013, there were rumors that Rackliffe was having an affair with his Kill Your Darlings co-star Erin Darke. However, this information has not yet been confirmed, and, apparently, the actor is still in free swimming.

Since 1984, viewers have been familiar with “The Terminator,” and “Harry Potter” was filmed for 12 years, and the public watched how the main characters of the film grew and changed. Fans are looking forward to the new part of “Fast and the Furious,” and the editors of Woman’s Day remembered how the actors of famous serial films changed.


"Terminator", 1984, Arnold is 37 years old

Arnold Schwarzenegger began his bodybuilding career at the age of 15, and the actor had his first role only in 1970. But with the release of the first film, muscles, a menacing look and the phrase “I’ll be back,” which became one of the most famous movie quotes, became the personification of Schwarzenegger.

However, as it later became known, the star’s muscular chest is just the result of installed breast implants! And a protein-plant diet helps Schwarzenegger maintain perfect abs. More than once it was said in the press that the actor underwent genioplasty - changing the jaw - and several Botox injections, eyebrow lifting and correction. But Arnold was lucky to fall into the hands of good specialists: after all surgical interventions The actor's face hasn't changed much.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day, 1991, 44 years old

Looking at the picture, one can hardly imagine that Arnold is 44 years old! The actor still looks great and pleases fans of the film with his ideal figure.

"Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines", 2003, 56 years old

At 56, Arnold looks amazing! After the third part, the actor leaves the film industry. In the same year, he wins the election for governor of California, which makes it impossible to participate in any filming.

The fourth film was released in 2009, but Arnold no longer starred in it. Instead of Schwarzenegger, another bodybuilder, Roland Kickinger, starred, but a digital face of 37-year-old Schwarzenegger was superimposed on him.

"Terminator Genisys", 2015, 67 years old

The fifth part of “Terminator” was released on July 2. And only in this part can you notice how much Arnold has changed. But graying hair and facial wrinkles give the actor masculinity. Despite his age, Arnold is in excellent physical shape.

In the film “Terminator Genisys,” the actor again played the character that brought him worldwide fame 31 years ago. “I’m not going to retire, it’s boring there,” he admitted to the editor of Antenna-Telesem.

"Harry Potter and philosopher's Stone", year 2001. Daniel Radcliffe, 12, Emma Watson, 11, Rupert Grint, 13

Since the first part, many have grown up watching the Harry Potter series of films, and the main characters - Harry, Hermione and Ron - have become idols of millions of children and adults. All the girls wanted curls like Emma's, a scar on their forehead like Daniel's, and Rupert's red head of hair didn't go unnoticed by fans.

"Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets", 2002. Daniel Radcliffe, 13, Emma Watson, 12, Rupert Grint, 14

In the second part of the film you can watch how the children grow up - Daniel, Emma and Rupert.

"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", 2004. Daniel Radcliffe, 15, Emma Watson, 14, Rupert Grint, 16

The third part of the Harry Potter story came out two years after the second. Already noticeable here age-related changes main characters. Ron's teenage acne, Harry's cracking voice and Hermione becoming a flirty girl.

"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", 2005. Daniel Radcliffe, 16, Emma Watson, 15, Rupert Grint, 17

Girls cut their hair, boys grow it long. With each part, we notice more and more how the characters of “Harry Potter” change: they grow up, and the problems in the film become more significant.

"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", 2007. Daniel Radcliffe, 18, Emma Watson, 17, Rupert Grint, 19

The fifth part of the story tells not only about the fight against Voldemort, but also shows the maturation of the heroes. First kisses, tears for love... The kissing scene between Harry Potter and Zhou Chang was filmed only on the 24th take! But probably after such an experience, Daniel kissed better than all the characters in the film.

"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", 2009. Daniel Radcliffe, 20, Emma Watson, 19, Rupert Grint, 21

Emma slowly but surely got rid of the brown shade of her hair with the help of highlights. In the sixth part, the girl has blond curly hair.

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I", 2010. Daniel Radcliffe, 21, Emma Watson, 20, Rupert Grint, 22

The creators of the Harry Potter films decided to split the film adaptation into two parts. The penultimate part of the Potter series, in which we see adult children.

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II", 2011. Daniel Radcliffe, 22, Emma Watson, 21, Rupert Grint, 23

Work on the Harry Potter project lasted 12 years. Once naive and timid, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint became serious, happy and talented. Harry and Ron were already struggling to hide their beards, carefully trying to look like schoolchildren. After finishing filming the last part of the Potter series, Emma cut her hair, and at the premiere she cried on the director’s shoulder. The whole team was shocked and upset: there would be no more filming of the next part about the adventures of Harry Potter.

"Fast and Furious". Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez and Jordana Brewster

"Fast and Furious", 2001. Vin Diesel, 33, Michelle Rodriguez, 22, Jordana Brewster, 21

A film about illegal racing has excited the public. The actors instantly became popular, and the world began to eagerly await the second part.

Vin Diesel took filming very seriously and underwent special training at a stunt school. Also on the set, Vin became close to his lover in the film, Michelle. But after a few months of an ideal relationship, the couple separated. However, the actors admitted that, despite the breakup, they did not experience any discomfort during filming.

"Fast and Furious 4", 2009. Vin Diesel, 36, Michelle Rodriguez, 25, Jordana Brewster, 24

Vin, Michelle and Jordan did not appear in the second and third parts of The Fast and the Furious. According to rumors, Vin received the first fee of several million, so his candidacy for the role in the sequel was in question, since representatives of Universal Pictures thought that the main thing in the film was not Vin’s participation, but a large number of cars and chases. As a result, Diesel abandoned filming, and the second and third parts were released without the already famous trio. Viewers were able to see the actors in the fourth part of the film.

In 2009, Vin returned to The Fast and the Furious and acted as a producer of the film. Over the course of three years, Vin became even bigger and more courageous, and his muscles became stronger. Michelle and Jordana continued to delight the audience with dark long curls and an even tan.

"Fast and Furious 5", 2011. Vin Diesel, 38, Jordana Brewster, 26

At the end of the fourth part of the film, the heroine Michelle Rodriguez dies. In the fifth part, Jordana plays the role of a pregnant woman, which undoubtedly suits her.

"Fast and Furious 6", 2013. Vin Diesel, 40, Michelle Rodriguez, 29, Jordana Brewster, 28

In the sixth part of "Fast and Furious" Michelle returned to the screens. As in life, Rodriguez plays the “tomboy” - always with her hair down and no makeup.

"Fast and Furious 7", 2015. Vin Diesel, 42, Michelle Rodriguez, 31, Jordana Brewster, 30

Part after part, with a break of two years, new Fast and Furious stories were released. Looking at the characters, we can conclude that the actors practically did not change. Vin Diesel has only become more courageous and stronger, and Michelle and Jordana’s age can be revealed by small facial wrinkles. Vin has already informed the public that the eighth part will be released in 2017.

"Twilight". Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner

"Twilight", 2008. Kristen Stewart, 19, Robert Pattinson, 23, Taylor Lautner, 17

The first part of “Twilight” was awaited by all fans of the already published book. Viewers immediately fell in love with Pattinson's porcelain skin and the slightly naive Kristen. In the first part, Taylor evoked strange but positive feelings among the audience.

"Twilight. Saga. New Moon", 2009. Kristen Stewart, 20, Robert Pattinson, 24, Taylor Lautner, 18

The whole part of the Twilight fans weren't looking at developing relationship Bella and Edward, and the transformed Jacob! Instead of long hair short haircut and... pumped up arms and abs! Then fans of the couple Bella and Edward began to doubt. Maybe the heroine should come to her senses?

"Twilight. Saga. Eclipse", 2010. Kristen Stewart, 21, Robert Pattinson, 25, Taylor Lautner, 19

Passions are running high. Edward becomes whiter, Jacob becomes sexier, and Bella becomes more hesitant. We have no doubt that the girl would happily settle into a Swedish family.

"Twilight. Saga. Breaking Dawn: Part 1", 2011. Kristen Stewart, 22, Robert Pattinson, 26, Taylor Lautner, 20

Kristen had to lose a lot of weight for her role in the fourth part of Twilight. At the end of the film, Bella appeared pregnant and emaciated, with bags under her eyes and blue-white skin. However, Edward and Jacob are still wonderful: female half humanity is divided into two parts - some like a white-skinned vampire, while others go crazy over a tanned werewolf.

"Twilight. Saga. Breaking Dawn: Part 2", 2012. Kristen Stewart, 23, Robert Pattinson, 27, Taylor Lautner, 21

In the last part, Kristen became a vampire. Instead of the fair-skinned and insecure Bella, a beautiful and feminine vampire with lush brown hair appeared. Taylor never ceases to delight with his sculpted body, and Edward touches with his devotion and love for Bella.

Hello everyone, you're watching The Ellen Show and I'm Ellen DeGeneres. Today I would like to talk about a story that I am sure you have heard about. This famous story about the Boy Who Lived, a story that we have been following for ten long years: we read JK Rowling’s books, watched their film adaptations on big screen. Therefore, today our guest is the performer of the role of Hermione and many other wonderful roles - the incomparable Emma Watson!

Music filled the hall and hundreds of hands rose into the air to deafen the young actress with applause. Emma came out from behind the scenes in a strict black suit and walked across the stage straight to the TV presenter, then to hug her, exchange greetings, look into the audience and take her place in a cozy red chair.

Emma, ​​this isn't the first time you've been here.

Yes. Yes, that’s true,” the actress smiled.

Before we jump straight into our topic of conversation, how are you?

I'm fine thank you.

This is good.

What about you, Ellen?

Oh, I couldn't be better. Emma, ​​today we are talking about Harry Potter. Rumor has it that not everything is the same cast wants to take part in the filming of JK Rowling's new creation. Some journalists called it "star fever."

These are not rumors, they are true. And it’s not a matter of star fever at all.

What's the matter then?

The fact is that not everyone really wants to return to the images of their heroes. Or rather, get used to them again. You know, Potter has a very strong influence not only on its fans, but also on the actors.

Daniel Radcliffe said in one of his interviews that he will not take part in new filming of the Potter series, if any.

Yes, he said it. Just recently I saw him and Rupert. And after this meeting, my opinion on this matter also changed.

This was two weeks ago.

Daniel himself arranged the meeting, saying that some points needed to be discussed. He didn’t say which ones, didn’t even say what they concerned, but both Emma and Rupert were already prepared in advance for the topic to be raised later. Daniel was silent for a long time, intently examining the menu of the cafe where the meeting took place. Rupert literally copied it, examining it line by line in the same way, although he had already decided for himself what to order. Only Emma looked from one actor to another. The waitress broke the silence, and everyone seemed to perk up. We placed an order consisting of three coffees and two cakes - Daniel couldn’t get enough of a piece.
Finally, putting down the menu, he clasped his hands and took a deep breath.

Maybe you’ll finally say something,” Rupert was the first to speak, and Emma nodded her head, supporting him.

OK. “He was silent a little longer, looked up at Watson, then at Grint. - I wanted to talk to you about Potter.

“Well, that’s clear,” Rupert interrupted immediately and was instantly hit on the knee with the fist of the actress who was sitting next to him. He almost winced.

What exactly did you want to talk to us about?

Daniel paused again before speaking.
- About a possible new film.

Is this the one you said you wouldn't do? - Grint failed again and this time received a withering look from Emma.

Yes, about himself,” Radcliffe nodded.

“I really don’t understand why you don’t want to participate in this,” Watson said immediately.

Just recently she corresponded with a young man, and in the correspondence he mentioned the fact that he would not like to become Harry Potter again. This created indignation inside the actress, but the indignation disappeared quickly enough. The next day, Daniel called her and made an appointment at a cafe. Finally, all the i's had to be dotted.

Emma, ​​do you understand that with Potter we are losing our face? – Radcliffe spoke.
- Yes, but...

No, listen. - He cut her off immediately and sharply. “The only thing I want in my life is for people to stop thinking of me as Harry Potter and start thinking of me as themselves.”

Daniel, this is stupid. We already have a lot of films behind us, why do you think that we will again become our heroes for everyone? “The girl objected, raising her voice a little.

And we never stopped being them for people. - Rupert muttered. - It’s not that I’m not very happy with it...

But what exactly suits him and what doesn’t, Emma and Daniel were not destined to find out, since Grint’s speech was interrupted by a waitress with a tray, the contents of which soon appeared on the table.

With a cup of hot coffee in his hands, Radcliffe felt even a little more confident.

I just wanted to let you know why I don't want to be involved in this. - He explained laconically. - I think you will understand. I am grateful to this project for everything that happened to us, we all loved it. He brought us a lot of good things. But I don't want to become Harry Potter again.

Yes, you are capricious! - Rupert inserted a caustic word again.

Radcliffe frowned.

“Not at all,” he snapped.

There was a moment of silence.

“I understand what you’re talking about,” Watson finally said, after a while.

Yes, Emma actually wanted to be the first to escape from the ship,” Grint continued.

“Oh God, don’t remind me,” she rolled her eyes.

Once upon a time, Rupert told the News of the World: "Emma doesn't want to act anymore. She's tired of being seen as 'that girl from Harry Potter.'" "Daniel and I don't talk to her at the moment. When we're not filming, we don't communicate," he added.
What now? Now Emma didn't quite understand Radcliffe, and it was strange. Perhaps she has changed her point of view. Perhaps she missed the project, and so did Grint and Daniel. But what was the price of pleasure? Fans really only saw them as three wizard friends, no matter how many films were made with them in them. Sometimes it was really annoying. That's the price.

It's not just that. – Radcliffe spoke again. - It's just that in the new book Harry is much older than me. In our last scene last movie They put so much makeup on us that I couldn’t recognize myself. I want to remain in front of the camera in my image, and not as an adult Harry.

This also made sense, and Rupert nodded his head, supporting his comrade. It’s good that that scene was small, but it was filmed with notes of sadness, because it was the team’s last working day, and that’s where all the magic ended. It was both sad and happy at the same time. People cried, laughed, hugged and congratulated each other. It was an unforgettable day.

A lot of time has passed since then, congratulations on the completion of filming were heard many times, many interviews were given, new acquaintances were made with many actors. Harry Potter opened up great opportunities for the actors of the epic, contracts began to fall like a mountain - just have time to catch them.
Perhaps now all three of them had the same thought in their heads, which was read in their eyes: “Who, if not us?” Who will star in the Harry Potter sequel? How will it look like?

Only Rupert decided to voice this thought:
- But even if so. What if they make this film without us? Will they take others? “It would be a shame,” he said and met Daniel’s gaze, who immediately cleared his throat nervously and turned away.

“For me, no,” he responded.

For me too,” Emma said hastily, getting up from her seat with exactly the same hasty words that she needed to retire to the ladies’ room.

Okay, I won’t be offended either,” Grint raised his hands, as if he was giving up.

And this was indeed the case. He didn't see the point in agreeing to the role of Ron Weasley if Daniel and Emma didn't take part in the filming. He didn’t see himself there alone, without them, even if some people like Tom or Mat or Evanna returned to the project.

Radcliffe stared blankly at the plasma TV screen hanging on the adjacent wall. Emma looked at her reflection in the mirror in the ladies' room. Rupert finished his coffee in silence, looking blankly at the tabletop.

There was only one question in everyone's mind:
“Am I doing the right thing?”

An inexplicable melancholy settled in everyone’s heart.

“We won’t film without Daniel,” Watson and Grint said in their interviews the next day.