The moral choice of the heroes tomorrow was war. Extracurricular reading lesson based on B. Vasiliev’s story “Tomorrow there was a war”

Essay Reflections on the book by Boris Vasiliev “Tomorrow there was a war.”
Second World War a thick line divided the worldview of many millions of people into two parts: life before the war and after it. The Great Patriotic War took with it hundreds of thousands of souls into oblivion and broke many human destinies and left a deep mark in the hearts of those who happened to live during this scary time and participate in this bloody madness on a global scale. Like any event that has an emotional impact on the psyche, the war forced many people to put pen to paper and put on paper all their experiences and impressions. One of these books, the author of which survived the Great Patriotic War, is the story “Tomorrow There Was War” by Boris Vasiliev.
No, in this work we will not find descriptions of battles and military life, as in most stories of the war years. We will not find here any accusations against the Nazis and Germans. In this book we will read about teenagers entering adult life taking their first steps towards the future. The students of 9 “B”, like us now, dreamed of a bright future, of happiness, of love and reciprocity. The reader literally sees all of them after many years, imagines what the heroes of the work will become: a rational leader and a strict, but loving her husband and children Iskra, strong-willed and purposeful Artem, honored pilot Landys... All of them, sixteen-year-old schoolchildren, dreamed of the future and knew that an interesting and happy life lay ahead of them.
But fate decreed otherwise, not giving them the opportunity to know happiness and joy. “Tomorrow there was war” is a requiem for unfulfilled hopes and unfulfilled dreams, according to the life that should have been lived in accordance with the laws of existence, but which was not. Deep sadness permeates the epilogue of the work, because this should not be the case in nature, for children to die along with their parents, for a child, without growing up, to turn into a hero and immortalize his name in people’s memory ahead of time.
The beginning of the story takes us to the autumn of 1940, to grade 9 “B”. School worries, textbooks and tests, carefree bustle during breaks, hints and cheating - it would seem that everything is as usual. But in the heads of sixteen-year-old boys and girls new, unknown and alluring sensations and completely childish questions about truth and responsibility appear. In the heart of every ninth grader, awareness of oneself as an individual and as an adult began to occur. And each of them began to show individual traits.
Of course, the brightest heroine is Iskra Polyakova - a leader, elder and good comrade. People ran to her in case of problems, they looked to her for support and knew that she would always find a way out of any situation. But, despite the outward severity, coldness and fearlessness, Iskra was a very lonely girl, and courage was just a mask under which kindness and sensitivity were hidden (both from others and from herself). Raised by a stern woman, Iskra became more and more like her mother. Such people attract others with their courage and determination, but many do not realize how much they sometimes need help and understanding. Iskra died heroically, in Once again hiding his fear far and proving his love for the Motherland.
This book about schoolchildren raises far from children's problems. In the dialogues of teenagers we see desperate attempts to find answers to eternal questions: what is happiness? does it exist absolute truth? how to overcome difficulties in life? And there are a lot of difficulties on the path of students of 9 “B”.
From the children's point of view, we see the events that happened to Vika Lyuberetskaya and her father. A huge tragedy that ended in suicide... But even here, the classmates did not lose their heads, did not give up, and did not stand aside. Everywhere - together, everywhere - united, they faced problems and tried to solve them. They opened all doors, they stood together against adults or sought their help - and in this cohesion their friendship lay. Friendship that only happens in childhood, not limited by obligations and social status when you are ready to give everything for a friend.

1. B. L. Vasiliev and his story “Tomorrow there was war.”

Boris Lvovich Vasiliev was born on May twenty-first, 1924, into the family of a Red Army commander, in the city of Smolensk, on Pokrovskaya Mountain. When the war began, Boris Vasiliev was only seventeen years old. He went to the front immediately after his graduation party, living out his works in the trenches, suffering them under enemy mortar fire, losing friends and loved ones in this war. It was the writer’s experiences during this war that helped convey to us what happened in those terrible years. This pain of loss did not allow the future writer to live peacefully after the war. One after another, such works as “Not on the Lists” and “Counter Battle” came from his pen.

The once popular youth magazine “Yunost” (No. 6, 1984) published a story by Boris Vasiliev, which made readers, critics, and veterans of the Great Patriotic War talk about itself. The writer called his work “Tomorrow there was a war.”

The story “Tomorrow There Was War” was written in 1972. And along with this writer’s story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” became one of the best and most famous works in our country about the period of the Great Patriotic War.

Boris Vasiliev is undoubtedly talented, since the story is read in one breath and leaves an indelible mark on the soul. His talent was expressed mainly in the fact that he could surprisingly accurately describe this period of human life, although he himself was far from a young man. This story, stunning in its simplicity and truthfulness, tells about the most difficult and wonderful time in our lives - youth.

The novel “Tomorrow Was War” is about high school students who dream of a beautiful future and do not yet know what awaits them beyond the school threshold. And beyond the school threshold, war awaited them...

The heroes of the book withstood their first battle even before the Great Patriotic War, each of the heroes survived their own moral war and made their choice. The boys and girls were growing up. Everyone had their own ideal, they began to listen more to other people, to themselves. Disagreements arose with those to whom they were accustomed to obey. The young heroes began to set their own rules, assess situations more soberly, do many good deeds, and help each other.

Boris Vasiliev is concerned about the moment of the work - the growing up of children. The author states: “Under no circumstances should adults influence the growing up of children; It is, of course, necessary to educate the younger generation, but growing up must follow its own special path.”

The story begins with a prologue and ends with an epilogue. Through the prologue, Vasiliev introduces the reader to the world of his memories of his youth, introduces him to his former classmates and teachers, with the school and parents. At the same time, the writer reflects, pondering and reevaluating everything that happened to him forty years ago.

Vasiliev’s hero, gray-haired and wise in life, recalls the years of his youth, so distant and beautiful, but by no means easy. The main part of the work is a story about the author’s life, written as if he were pulling out memories one after another from his memory box. Starting to describe classmates or some incident, the narrator switches to earlier events, then returns to it again. Together with the writer, we move first to the third, then to the fifth, then to the ninth grade, recalling in fits and starts past events. Despite such an unusual and complex structure, these memories do not confuse us, do not allow us to get lost in a rather complex chain of reasoning, or lose the thread of the narrative, but, on the contrary, they develop surprisingly deftly and accurately, making up the complete nature of the story, which undoubtedly testifies to the skill of the writer .

The epilogue sums up the story sharply, but, nevertheless, harmoniously flowing into the content. We again find ourselves almost forty years ahead, in the year nineteen seventy-two, reflecting with the author on the past.

The story is called "Tomorrow there was a war." The meaning of this title is that the author in the present tense talks about the past and what awaits the heroes in the future. The word “tomorrow” suggests the future tense, and the adjacent verb “was” suggests the past tense. This name is paradoxical. Vasiliev chose this particular title because he writes about his youth, about his past, when there was no war yet. For the heroes of the book, war is tomorrow, and youth was on the eve of war. The story before the epilogue ends with the words: “Next year will be happy, you’ll see!” The next year was 1941. At that time, this meant that there would be a war tomorrow, but now we say that there was a war.

Almost nothing is said about the war in the work, and this is not accidental. There are no bombings, shootings or battles in the story. There is no war itself. The book describes how people lived before her. Until those terrible forties. The war is still ahead, tomorrow, but its harsh shadow is already covering everything that happens in the famous 9th grade “B” throughout the school. The war is not the main thing in this story; it seems to follow from its content, logically completing the school years.

Boris Vasiliev writes: “The difference between the generation of his youth and the current one is that they knew that there would be a war, but we know that it will not happen, and we sincerely believe in it.” And now, forty years later, on the train that symbolizes life, these eternal ninth-graders remember not the war, not how they burned in a tank and went into battle, but what happened before that.

An entire historical era is revealed on the pages of the story. These were difficult years, marked by Stalinist repressions. The situation itself morally prepared the younger generation for the upcoming war, but none of them knew what lay ahead. Each of them lived and thought about their happy future. The lives of yesterday's schoolchildren were just beginning, they promised to unfold brightly, but were cruelly cut short. At this time, the students of the famous 9 “B” faced a difficult test; it was in these pre-war years that the heroes of the book withstood their first battle.

Girls and boys listen to the tango “Weary Sun” and strive for the great construction projects of the five-year plans. People live with dreams of a wonderful future, but a terrible present bursts into this romance: repressions, arrests and denunciations. The family of the repressed is automatically excluded from the life of society, and its members must make their choice: either renounce loved one who suddenly becomes an enemy of the people, or experience his own circle of hell, suffering and humiliation along with the people.


The story of Vika Lyuberetskaya, the tragedy of her family confronted sixteen-year-old boys and girls with the need to do something moral choice, which their conscience dictated.

Vika Lyuberetskaya is the most mysterious and incomprehensible girl for her classmates. She seemed to be older than them, which may be why she didn't have any friends until the ninth grade. Perhaps this difference from other girls attracted Zhorka Landys, who had long been in love with Vika. Vika felt it. She admitted this to Iskra in her farewell letter.

“And yesterday I said goodbye to you, to Zhorka Landys, who had been in love with me for a long time, I felt it. And so I kissed for the first and last time in my life.”

Vika was beautiful. Not a cute little plump girl like Iskra, not a pretty imp like Zinochka, but a fully developed, calm, balanced girl in herself and her charm with big gray eyes. And the look of those eyes was unusual: it seemed to penetrate through the interlocutor into some distance visible only to Vika, and this distance was beautiful, because Vika always smiled at her.

Vika always tried to make friends with Iskra Polyakova. She liked the girl's directness, her sincerity. Iskra, in turn, could not ask Vika for anything; she considered her somewhat suspicious, somehow strange, and not at all heroic. Vika considered Iskra a maximalist.

Girls often argue about beauty. Iskra had her own point of view on beauty. Polyakova recognized beauty captured once and for all on canvas, in books, music or sculpture, and from life she demanded only the beauty of the soul, implying that any other beauty in itself was already suspicious. Beauty for Iskra was only a result, a triumph of intelligence and talent, another proof of the victory of the will of reason over fickle and weak human nature. There were no doubts for her, since her mother, comrade Polyakova, a staunch communist, considered all doubts a mental weakness. Before communicating with the Lyuberetsky family, Iskra always knew all the answers to all questions.

It was Vika who helped Iskra look at life differently. And it all probably started with reading the poems of Sergei Yesenin.

“Vika walked to the middle of the room, opened a thin, tattered volume, looked around sternly and began quietly:

Give me your paw, Jim, for luck,

I haven’t seen such a paw since I was born...

This is Yesenin,” said Iskra when Vika fell silent. - This is a decadent poet. He sings of taverns, melancholy and despondency.

Vika smiled silently.

Iskra was also silent, because she really liked the poems and could not argue. And I didn't want to. She knew for sure that the poems were decadent, because she heard it from her mother, but she did not understand how such poems could be decadent. A discord arose between knowledge and understanding, and Iskra honestly tried to understand herself.

Are you smart, Iskra?

“I don’t know,” Iskra was taken aback. “In any case, I’m not a fool.”

Yes, you’re not stupid,” Vika smiled. “I don’t give this book to anyone, because it’s my dad’s, but I’ll give it to you.” Just read slowly.

Thank you, Vika,” Iskra also smiled at her, it seems for the first time in her life. - I'll return it to my own hands.

Iskra carefully clutched to her chest a well-thumbed collection of poems by the decadent poet Sergei Yesenin.”1

This is how the first significant contact occurs between two completely opposite girls, between Iskra Polyakova and Vika Lyuberetskaya.

Vika is burdened by her loneliness. She is proud, most of all she is afraid that someone will feel sorry for her, but she did not need pity. An open, honest understanding is needed. Vika believes that the principled Iskra is capable of such relationships, since she honestly believed that “we must sort out our own affairs ourselves. We need to develop character." It is Iskra who is the first among her classmates to understand that Vika has crossed a certain threshold, has matured before them, and has “adapted” to a new state.

Girls do not argue; they boldly express their opinions on topics that concern them.

Girls' ideas about happiness, duty, beauty, and truth are completely different, but this does not prevent them from treating each other with respect. Figure No. 3

Girls' ideas about happiness, duty, beauty, truth

Vika Iskra

    Vika considered Iskra’s idea of ​​happiness a duty.

    Happiness is loving and being loved.

    A woman’s sacred duty is to learn to love, give birth to children, and create comfort in the home.

    The main thing is a family built on mutual respect.

    Beauty is harmony

    The truth must be proven

    Happiness is being useful to your people, it is helping oppressed peoples, it is the destruction of capitalism throughout the world.

    Believes that it is also important for a woman to serve her cause

    Beauty is the result of the victory of reason over the weakness of the human soul

    Why argue with the truth?

Yes, Iskra was very drawn to Vika, feeling that she was a smart and subtle girl. Reached towards good books and conversations, to comfort large apartment, to a comfortable, well-established life, although if they had told her about this, she would have fiercely, to the point of angry tears, denied this weakness.

But most of all, the girl was drawn to Vika’s father, Leonid Sergeevich Lyuberetsky, because Iskra herself did not have a father, and in her mind Lyuberetsky was the most ideal of all possible fathers, who, however, needed to be re-educated a little. And Iskra would certainly have re-educated him if... But there could be no “if”, and Iskra did not indulge in empty dreams.

Vika also always admired her father, considered him an ideal and loved him to the point of oblivion. She was proud of his awards: the Order of the Red Banner for the Civil War and the Order for High Achievements in Peaceful Construction. She was proud of his numerous personalized gifts from the People's Commissar: a camera and a watch, radios and gramophones. I was proud of his articles, his military achievements in the past and his wonderful deeds in the present.

And suddenly, one dark autumn night, the father of Vika Lyuberetskaya, the hero civil war, director of the aircraft plant.

He was taken away in a “black Marus” - these are cars in which fathers and mothers who were arrested were taken away based on denunciations of ill-wishers - he was taken away as an enemy of the people.

The father was arrested. Why? Is it really her kind smart father- enemy? This, of course, is impossible to believe. But, nevertheless, the sixteen-year-old girl was faced with a choice: either renounce her father and remain faithful to the ideals of her country, or remain with her father and be considered the one who betrayed the interests of her country.

“To leave here means to believe that dad really is a criminal. But he is not guilty of anything, he will return, he will definitely return, and I must wait for him!” - Vika firmly believes in this.

The daughter could not abandon her father; she, a sixteen-year-old girl, chose death. This is a terrible choice. Vicky's life ended before it even began.

Yours Farewell letter Vika addressed Iskra because Polyakova is her greatest and only friend. Iskra has always been a very sincere girl, and Vika appreciated this.

Vika wrote: “I write not to explain myself, but to explain. I was called to the investigator, and I know what exactly dad is accused of. But I believe him and I cannot refuse him and will never refuse him, because my dad is an honest man. I think about this all the time, I think about faith in our fathers and I am firmly convinced that if we stop believing our fathers that they are honest people, we will find ourselves in the desert. Then nothing will happen. Just emptiness."

Vika did this because she loved her father, could not refuse him, could not and did not want to. She was firmly convinced that “we must not betray our fathers, otherwise we will kill ourselves, our children, our future,” we will tear the world apart, and dig a gap between the present and the past.

Boris Vasiliev's story “Tomorrow There Was War” was written in 1984. In 1987, a film of the same name was made based on the work.

The action takes place in the USSR in 1940. The story tells about students of grade 9 "B" of an ordinary Soviet school. Yesterday's girls and boys have managed to grow up.

Many of them already feel responsible for themselves, for their future and even for their schoolmates. New academic year brought a lot of challenges to the guys.

Schoolchildren are confident that the coming 1941 will be much happier. 1940 did not bring good luck because it was a leap year. Nobody knew that New Year prepares not only 9 “B”, but also everything to the Soviet people.

Iskra Polyakova

Iskra is a student of 9 “B”. This is the “conscience of the class.” Iskra tries not only to study well, but also to engage in social work. The girl considers it her responsibility to re-educate Sashka Stameskin, a hooligan who does not want to learn. In the class, Polyakova is not just afraid, but truly respected, because she is one of the most responsible and serious students.

Iskra's idol has always been her mother, Commissar Polyakova. A stern woman who went through the civil war raised her daughter in strictness and devotion. Soviet power. Iskra does not remember her father, who gave her unusual name. Commissioner Polyakova considered her life partner too weak and cowardly. Next to such a person it is impossible to fight for your ideals. Iskra's parents separated, and her mother mercilessly destroyed all the photographs. ex-lover. One day, the girl’s mother’s personality is revealed from a completely different side: Commissar Polyakova is capable of crying, but deep down she is just an unhappy woman.

Transformation of the heroine's views
The weakness living in the soul of Iskra’s mother makes the main character herself soften. By the end of the story, the girl reconsiders some of her views. The first kiss makes Iskra think about what, besides social work in life there can also be personal happiness, which inspires the soul and gives strength to fight for one’s political ideals.

Polyakova also changes her opinion about one of her classmates, whom she always considered an arrogant prude. The poems of the “decadent” Yesenin also cease to seem anti-Soviet to the girls.

Iskra died heroically during the Great Patriotic War. The Polyakovs were executed by the Nazis.

Vika Lyuberetskaya

Vika is Iskra’s classmate. Vika's father held a high position, which allowed him to pamper his daughter in every possible way. The girl was left without a mother early and became the only joy in the life of engineer Lyuberetsky.

The wealth of Vicky’s family alienated her from the rest of her classmates. The guys never entered into open conflicts with her, but they always avoided the well-dressed “potbelly stove” who came to school by car. The girl did not try to become one of her own, but she also did not oppose herself to the class. Vika's father knew that his daughter was prudent enough to properly manage her opportunities, and he allowed her a lot.

Iskra is stricter towards Lyuberetskaya than other classmates. Vika seems to her too spoiled, arrogant and unadapted to life. A Soviet schoolgirl simply does not have the right to be like that. Serious trouble in the Lyuberetsky family makes Iskra regret her contempt for her classmate. Vika's father was arrested on suspicion of espionage activities. The girl understands that her comrades who disliked her will hate her even more. However, classmates reacted family grief with understanding. They began to treat Vika much better than before.

Despite the support of her classmates, Vika could not bear the severity of the ordeal. She became the daughter of an “enemy of the people.” To rehabilitate herself in the eyes of the public, she had to renounce her father. But Vika could not do this. Unable to find a way out of her situation, the girl poisoned herself. The desperate act of the daughter of an “enemy of the people” aroused even greater sympathy from the children in the class. Vicky's death was in vain. All charges against her father were dropped.

After Lyuberetskaya’s death, Iskra received a parcel from her, in which she found two books and a letter. One of the books turned out to be a collection of poems by Yesenin, the second - by a writer unknown to Iskra, Green. These were the favorite books of a deceased classmate. In her letter, Vika regretted that Iskra did not become her friend earlier. Lyuberetskaya always dreamed of being friends with the most honest girl in the class, but was afraid to take the first step.

Other characters

In addition to Iskra Polyakova and Vika Lyuberetskaya, there are other main characters in the story who deserve the reader’s attention. Such characters include Zinochka Kovalenko, a frivolous girl who is always in love with someone; Vanka Alexandrov, nicknamed “Edison” for his passion for invention; Zhorka Landys, who unrequitedly loved Vika Lyuberetskaya, and many others.

The teaching staff of the school occupies an important place in the lives of young people. Cool lady 7 "B" Valentina Andronovna once acted as director educational institution. Under her rule, the school turned into something like a soldier's barracks with strict military discipline. For her obnoxious character, Valentina Andronovna received the nickname Valendra. The cruel headmistress did not have a chance to hold her post for long. Nikolai Romakhin was hired in her place, under whom the students finally felt the long-awaited freedom.

main idea

Almost every person tends to panic and dramatize. A minor trouble often leads to despondency and great despair. Students of 9 “B” feel that real, “adult” problems have come into their lives. However, none of them realizes that in just a few months the country will face such a severe test that even death close friend pales in comparison to the coming tragedy.

Exist in the world of literature special works, for whom it is hardly suitable for acquaintance summary. “Tomorrow there was war” (Vasiliev) is a story about growing up. Boys and girls who continue to be considered children have already lost their childish naivety, but have not yet lost that spontaneity that is characteristic only of a child. At the same time, young people want to participate in public life, to be useful and necessary members of society.

In the actions of schoolchildren, despite their desire to appear adults, there is still a lot of childishness noticeable. Some of them only imitate adults, and are not actually adults. Iskra Polyakova was raised by a woman who does not recognize weaknesses in people. The girl also wants to become an “iron lady.” Iskra is too young to understand that a woman who takes on the role of a man will face loneliness and misunderstanding of others. Vika Lyuberetskaya’s action also cannot be called deliberate. Probably, the girl expressed her protest in this way, considering her actions to be adult and decisive. In reality, Vika committed a great stupidity by losing her life at the first life's difficulties.

The war remains behind the scenes of the work. It is an event of the past at the beginning of the story and an event of the future at its end. The author prefers not to directly touch on a topic that is painful for many, allowing readers to see their heroes only before and after the actual terrible era in the history of the twentieth century.

4.5 (90%) 6 votes

Boris Vasiliev’s story “Tomorrow there was war” is dedicated to the latter pre-war year in Russia. More precisely, the last pre-war school year of 1940, since the main characters of the story are schoolchildren, ninth grade students in a small town.

Sixteen-year-olds in 1940 are the same generation that was born immediately after the revolution and civil war. All their fathers and mothers participated in these events in one way or another.

Consequently, these children grew up with a dual feeling: on the one hand, they are sorry that the civil war ended before them, that they did not have time to take part in it, and on the other hand, they sincerely believe that they are entrusted with an equally important mission, they must to preserve the socialist system, we must do something worthy.

This is a generation living with the dream of a personal feat that should benefit the homeland. All the boys in this class wanted to become commanders of the Red Army in order to keep up with their fathers.

The main character of the story, Komsomol activist Iskra Polyakova, fiercely denies her personal life and personal happiness, dreaming of the proud spirit of the word “commissar”.

The other girls in the class don't share her active position, although they also believe in communism. But their dreams are different: the cheerful, laughing Zinochka Kovalenko, the sensible Lena Bokova, and the dreamy Vika Lyuberetskaya - for all of them, their own happiness is more important, it is more important to love and be loved.

However, none of these dreams can be fully realized in the Soviet Union of 1940, where repression and control over society are rampant, where war will soon begin.

The culmination of this story is the moment of the arrest of Vika Lyuberetskaya’s father, a major aircraft designer. After this, Vika is declared “the daughter of an enemy of the people,” and persecution of the girl begins at school. Not wanting to betray her father and renounce him, as demanded by the Komsomol organization, Vika commits suicide.

She is not the only one striving to defend justice. After the news of the arrest of Vika’s father, her classmates, contrary to the school’s prohibitions, go to support the girl, because they believe that she is definitely not guilty of anything.

Artem Shefer fights a “duel” with a tenth grader who spread this news around the school. After Vika’s death, school director Nikolai Grigorievich specially sends her classmates to the funeral, where no one else is there.

Particularly interesting in that story is the character main character, Iskra Polyakova. If at first she was a classic Komsomol activist, firmly believing in the just cause of the party, then after the events associated with Vika, she gradually changes her position: she begins to believe that the party, the school, and the Komsomol can sometimes be wrong.

The epilogue of the story shows that all the guys really managed to realize their youthful dream of heroism. They embodied it on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, and tragically - almost all the students of the former 9 “B” died. The narration in the introduction and epilogue is told on behalf of supposedly their classmate - Boris Vasiliev himself.

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Book in my life

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy admitted that every time he picked up new book with the same thought about the author: what kind of person are you and what new things can you tell about life? So, when I pick up a new book, I think about the same thing. The author is familiar to me, Boris Lvovich Vasiliev, I have already read his stories “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet”, “Not on the Lists”, “Counter Battle”. The heroes of these works are young people, people of the same generation to which the author belonged. And here is his next novel, “Tomorrow There Was War.” What role will he play in my life? What will he talk about? What will it teach?

This work takes us back to the eve of military events. Tomorrow's soldiers have not yet changed to tunics school uniforms. It's only 1940... The main characters are as young as female anti-aircraft gunners, like Nikolai Pluzhnikov. They sit at school desks, they argue, they make friends, they have clear ideas about the goal, calling, the main task in life, they are disappointed in people, but they remain the same strong people who were not broken by any tests.

First ordeal for the heroes of the novel was the story with Vika Lyuberetskaya. The tragedy in her family confronted sixteen-year-old boys and girls with the need to make a choice that their conscience dictated. Vika made her choice, she did not want to give up her father, she did not want to part with her Komsomol card. Iskra also made her choice when she did not want to remain silent at the rally. The rest of the guys made their choice when they came to the Lyuberetskys’ house after Vika’s death. Vicky's tragedy forced them to think, their minds and souls came into conflict.

The next test was war. The fate of class 9b confirmed the correctness of their choice life position, only 19 people survived, the rest died as heroes. Iskra Polyakova, the conscience of the class, died. I sit over these pages for a long time, re-reading them many times. Tears are dripping from the eyes. The spark that I have come to love and that I want to be like.

What made her like this? I remember the text I read... Maybe the harsh upbringing of her mother? I believe that thanks to this she became a bright, fully formed personality. Iskra Polyakova is a lively and purposeful girl who dreams of becoming a commissar, an excellent student, an activist, and a wall newspaper editor. Her friends always go to her for advice, and Iskra has an accurate and precise answer for everyone, a solution to the most insoluble problems and questions. I wish I had a friend like that!

Turning page after page, I saw that Iskra was changing, growing up. She understands that all the truths that she obediently obeyed, the truths that her mother instilled in her, are false. She understands that there are other people whose opinions need and should be listened to. Her entire formed world simply collapses before her eyes due to many circumstances: friendship with Vika, the re-education of Sashka Stameskin, the realization that the person in whom she was confident as in herself turns out to be a coward. The spark didn't break.

I stop reading again and think, how would I behave in this situation?

Boris Vasiliev in his novel showed early adulthood young heroes. He showed that they have the highest responsibility for their actions and words. They are able to stand up for a comrade, for justice, for truth. They do not follow the lead of cowardly and vile people. They are ready to step towards a person in trouble. Sensitive, kind, responsive.

The last page has been read... But I really don’t want to part with this book. It feels like breaking up with your best friend. But it’s true, a book is best friend, it is she who helps to recognize good and evil, teaches mercy and generosity. So Boris Vasiliev’s novel “Tomorrow There Was War” opened something new in my soul, helped me see it from the perspective of my classmates. I believe that in difficult times of my life they will stand next to me. We will go together to a bright tomorrow.

Books work wonders - I have learned this throughout my life.