March 27th is International Theater Day. International Theater Day

March 27 All over the world, International Theater Day is celebrated annually. In honor of this holiday, an action was held in Moscow the day before "Night of Theaters". More than 60 capital theaters, subordinate to the Department of Culture, opened their doors to everyone.

This year the program of night events was dedicated to the masters of the theater behind the scenes. Among the participants of the action are Helikon Opera, Taganka Theater, Workshop Theater P.N. Fomenko", Et Cetera, State academic theater named after Mossovet, Sovremennik, Moscow Academic Theater of Satire and many others.

In addition, as part of the Moscow Cultural Forum in Manege, it was shown special program, dedicated to Theater Day. The public was presented with various plays, performances and poetry evening with theater actors. World Theater Day was established in 1961 on the initiative of delegates of the IX Congress of the International Theater Institute of UNESCO. The “Night of Theaters” event was first held in Moscow in 2013.

A little about the history of the theater

The first mention of the theater dates back to 497 BC. This year, according to written sources, in Greece for the first time a holiday dedicated to the god Dionysus was held. Wooden stages were built especially for its holding, on which poets, musicians and singers performed for the audience. Just a few years later, the wooden stages were replaced by round arenas surrounded by multi-tiered spectator seats.

In 55 BC. the first stone theater was built in Rome, on the stage of which actors performed, reciting poetry and performing short plays, such “rehash” ancient greek legends and myths.

One of the most ancient theaters in the world - Theater of Dionysus

Since ancient times, theatrical performances have been loved in Rus'. At first they were associated with pagan rituals and religious holidays. But already in the manuscripts of the 11th century one can find the first mentions of buffoons who entertained honest people at fairs and bazaars. The first theater (booth) in Russia appeared in the time of Peter 1: it staged small plays based on the most simple and sometimes even obscene plots. In 1795, the theater of Count Nikolai Sheremetyev opened in Moscow, which played a huge role in the formation of the Russian theater school.

The Russian theater reached a special peak in the 19th and 20th centuries, giving the world many great actors, directors, and playwrights. Russia is rightfully proud of such names as K.S. Stanislavsky, V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, A.P. Chekhov, A.N. Ostrovsky, V.E. Meyerhold, M.S. Shchepkin and many others.

Theater of the Ostankino Estate Museum

At that time, theater was one of the fashionable pastimes. N.P.’s passion for theater Sheremetev's work grew into his life's work. According to the count's plan Ostankino Palace was to become the Pantheon of Arts, a palace in which theater reigns. The theater was opened in 1795 with I. Kozlovsky’s opera based on the words of A. Potemkin “The Capture of Izmail or Zelmira and Smelon”. The theater troupe consisted of about 200 actors, singers and musicians. The repertoire included ballet, operas and comedies.

wind machine

Thunder machine

Not only works of Russian authors were staged, but also French and Italian composers. Count Sheremetev organized holidays in honor of high-ranking persons, which were usually accompanied by a performance with the participation of talented actors. The serf actress Praskovya Zhemchugova shone on the theater stage - talented singer. The last holiday, in honor of Emperor Alexander I, took place in 1801. Soon the theater was dissolved and the owners left the palace. To the present day theater Hall reached in its “ballroom” form, but even today ancient operas are staged here and chamber orchestras perform. The hall remains the capital's best hall in terms of acoustics. It is built in the shape of a horseshoe, which provides good visibility from all places and excellent acoustics. The hall is decorated in blue and pink tones and can accommodate up to 250 spectators.

History and traditions world day theater

World Theater Day is celebrated on March 27th. The holiday was established on the initiative of the International Theater Institute in 1961. The first celebrations took place in 1962. Message to the leaders theatrical arts was written by the cult French artist, writer and playwright Jean Cocteau.
World Theater Day is professional holiday hundreds of thousands of people who dedicated their lives to serving this great and beautiful art. In Russia, Theater Day is usually celebrated very cheerfully and solemnly. Concerts are a must creative meetings with your favorite artists, evenings, master classes. Premieres of performances in the country's leading theaters are also celebrated on this day. It is especially worth mentioning the famous “cabbage makers” who “gave a start in life” to many theater and cinema stars.

Theater is special kind art that needs to be imbued with. But if a person has already fallen in love with going to performances, he is unlikely to give up this idea. Work in this direction is carried out great amount of people. These include actors, directors, lighting technicians, set designers, costume designers and dressers, ticket sellers and many others. It is impossible to list everyone, but it becomes clear that all these people should have their own holiday. We celebrate World Theater Day every year on March 27th.

history of the holiday

I must say that the theater itself originated a very long time ago. It is based on ritual and ceremonial actions, during which people often changed clothes, sang songs to the gods, and staged certain performances. All this was necessary in order to make life better, as well as to receive certain benefits from above. That is, initially this type of art did not have a purely entertainment function. But the ancient theater brought mankind many opportunities in terms of entertaining the public. By the way, it was precisely those times when such genres as tragedy and comedy were born.

The plays were performed exclusively by men, who performed all the roles. Women were not allowed to participate in this action. After the fall of the Roman Empire there was a decline ancient theater. But the European one soon appeared - it began to use scenery, which had not been done before. Now not only men, but also women were allowed to participate in this type of art.

Many countries have their own rich history development of this institute. After all we're talking about about a very serious cultural layer that can be studied for a long time and with great interest. That is why at one of the UN congresses in 1961 it was decided to establish World Theater Day. The first holiday came the very next year, 1962.

The hall froze and listened to the actors,

The muse of a high start awaits.

Today I'm without a prompter

I’ll say - Happy World Theater Day!

Since ancient times, theater has occupied a special place in the history of human development, representing a reflection cultural level, values, traditions and morals of a particular time period. Therefore, we can say that Theater Day is not only a worldwide, but also a universal holiday. Librarian of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Literature Olga Sustretova will tell you more about the history of this holiday and the traditions of its celebration.

The theater existed at all times and in all corners of the earth, but only in 1961on the initiative of the delegates of the IX Congress of the International Theater Institute (MIT) at UNESCOInternational Theater Day was proclaimed, uniting representatives of the theater community from all over globe, whichCelebrated annually across the planet on March 27. This holiday is traditionally held under the motto: “Theater as a means of mutual understanding and strengthening peace between peoples.”

The holiday was first celebrated on March 27, 1962 at UNESCO headquarters in Paris. Then the French writer Jean Cocteau addressed the theater community with an international message. Since then, the International Theater Institute annually offers one of the famous theatrical figures write a speech on the topic “Theater and peace between nations.” The message is translated into two tens of thousands of languages ​​and announced before the start of evening performances from the stages of theaters in different countries in front of tens of thousands of spectators.

In 2016, on International Theater Day, the famous Russian director Anatoly Vasiliev. In 2017, the author of the message was the French theater and film actress Isabelle Huppert.

At the moment, there is no information yet from the International Theater Institute (MIT) about who will address the audience with a speech in 2018, but a request has already been published for national centers and collaborating organizations to send their plans for the celebration, which will form part of virtual card International Theater Day.

The MIT website reports that this day is celebrated quite widely around the world, but in each country the theater community decides for itself how to celebrate Theater Day.

This day is most significant for residents of Germany. Perhaps not all state theaters celebrate the holiday, but many private ones certainly do. If we talk about the Russian community living in Germany, then in 2016, for example, in the Berlin RDNK (Russian House of Science and Culture) there were performances based on the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky “Barmaley and Aibolit” and the parody play “A Choi- are you wearing a tailcoat? – opera and ballet for dramatic artists based on the work of A.P. Chekhov "The Proposal". Traditionally, on this day, theater groups invite their spectators backstage, where everyone can watch how the actors put on their makeup and go into the prop rooms and workshops. In addition, on this day, various celebrations are held throughout the country - festivals, exhibitions and round tables.

This day is widely celebrated in Israel. There are dozens of theaters in the Jewish state, and if we add constantly touring theaters (most of them from Russia), then we can talk about a record number of spectators and performances. So, this year in the city of Jaffa on March 27, the world premiere of the play “Macbeth - a version without words” based on Shakespeare’s play will take place, staged by Russian director Sergei Zemlyansky.

In Spain, International Theater Day is celebrated with a procession and small rally of theater workers in the center of Madrid. On March 27, at exactly noon, a group of actors, directors, screenwriters, musicians and critics gathers on one of the central streets of the city to celebrate their professional holiday together. There are others in Spain interesting traditions dedicated to the celebration of this day. So, in the 2000s, on the eve of this day at the Club fine arts In Madrid, a “marathon of reciters” took place - several actors, replacing each other, recited the texts of 44 Spanish playwrights.

In some other countries, for example, in the USA, Theater Day is more of a family holiday and is celebrated only in certain cities due to the fact that few people know about the holiday and even for the employees of most theaters it is just an ordinary working day.

There are countries in which World Theater Day is not celebrated at all: for example, in the UK they stopped celebrating it in 2011, after the director of the British branch of MIT was not re-elected to his post, and after that a replacement was never found. And in Cyprus, this day is not a holiday for religious reasons - on the island located near Christian shrines, Lent is strictly observed.

Russia is one of the world's largest theater centers. She can be proud of the abundance of talented theater directors and world-class actors. It is no coincidence that a large-scale theatrical performance takes place every year in Moscow - “ Golden mask" This is a festival that lasts throughout March and brings together theater masters from all over Russia and other 125 friendly theater countries. This is a wonderful opportunity to see both traditional, beloved performances and experimental productions by young promising theater troupes, the best of which are awarded a special prize of the same name.

As part of the holiday, hundreds of different events dedicated to the theater and everything connected with it are held throughout the country. After all, Theater Day is not only an event for professional artists, but also a great opportunity for spectators to join the beautiful, intimate world hidden behind the theater curtain. Any organization can come up with and hold an event as part of the holiday by adding information about the event to the “Unified Information Space in the Sphere of Culture” system and putting the tag “Theater Day”. All events with this tag will be included in a special project of the portal “Culture.RF”, which will broadcast live on the day of the holiday. in social networks. Also throughout the country there is a project by Yandex.Afisha and the Radario company - “Theater.Go”: on March 27, ticket sales for Russian theater productions will open for a day at a discount. This action helps spectators become closer to the theater, and producers win new audiences.

Central Library named after. A. S. Pushkin also did not remain aloof from the festival of theatergoers. The library halls are decorated book exhibitions“On the stage”, “Under the shadow of the scenes”, which presents the best printed publications about the history of Russian and foreign theater, about the best theater groups Russia and Southern Urals, memoir literature, diaries, memoirs of famous and beloved actors, screenwriters, directors and theater workers.

When you come to the library, you will always be able to find something for yourself good book and touch the mysterious world of stage actors.

The following sources were used in preparing the material:

Borzenko, V. “For us this is an ordinary working day” / V. Borzenko, I. Kolesnikova, M. Mikhailova // Theater. – 2018. – No. 3. – P. 44-46


What is the first thought that comes to the mind of a person who has finally decided to break out (at least temporarily) from the shackles of everyday life and brighten up his life with bright, colorful things? interesting event? Of course, this will be the thought of buying a theater ticket! Residents of large cities are lucky - they can implement such an idea at any time, but for rural residents it is more difficult in this regard. But no matter where you live, from time to time you still go to the theater, so this wonderful holiday of all artists who are in one way or another connected with the close interaction of the “actor-spectator” system also concerns you. World Theater Day is celebrated on March 27th.

History of Theater Day

On March 27, 1948, a large-scale event took place in Prague for the first time - awarding theater artists. Solemn congratulations were addressed to everyone whose professional activity somehow connected with the scene. And in 1961, the IX Congress of the International Theater Institute, operating under the auspices of UNESCO, declared March 27 a holiday - World Theater Day.

Events and traditions of Theater Day

For many years there has been a tradition of a solemn address on March 27 of some major public figure, writer or other representative of the cultural sphere to all theater workers. French writer Jean Cocteau, Russian composer Dmitry Shostakovich and many other cultural figures spoke with warm words of gratitude on this day different states peace.

After listening to congratulations, actors and prompters, directors and stage managers, lighting technicians and set assemblers, wardrobe attendants and ushers do not go to rest - they get to work. On its holiday, the theater prepares many surprises for the viewer and even slightly lifts the curtain into the “holy of holies” - the mysterious (and inaccessible to the uninitiated) world of the backstage. On the night of the 26th to the 27th, many theaters host live communication with the audience.

The audience is shown inner life theater, engage in interactive activities, and conduct excursions. On March 27, some theaters offer guests substantial discounts on tickets. In general, everything is done so that the viewer goes to the theater, so that he allows himself to be immersed in the world " parallel reality"with its passions, sometimes unbridled fun, sometimes bottomless sadness, sometimes satire and buffoonery.

In Russia, the Golden Mask festival takes place in March, in which 125 countries participate. Special language theater is understandable to representatives of different states and different sociocultural systems. It is not for nothing that the motto of the holiday was chosen as follows: “Theater is a means to strengthen peace and friendship between peoples.” The language of gestures and glances reaches every heart.

(World Theater Day) was established in 1961 by the IX Congress of the International Theater Institute (ITI) and is celebrated annually by ITI Centers and international theater societies. Traditionally, it is held under a single motto: “Theater as a means of mutual understanding and strengthening peace between peoples.”

The activities of the International Theater Institute (MIT), according to its charter, are aimed at “strengthening peace and friendship between peoples, expanding the creative cooperation of all theater workers in the world.” The first international message in honor of World Theater Day was written in 1962 French writer and the artist Jean Cocteau (French: Jean Cocteau, 1889-1963).

Today, the International Theater Institute of UNESCO is the world's largest non-governmental organization dedicated to the performing arts. National centers, regional councils and committees are represented in almost 100 countries. Soviet Union received membership in MIT back in 1959. Since 1961, the USSR and then Russia have been permanent members of its executive committee.

As you know, the word “theater” comes from the ancient Greek word theatron (θέατρον), which means “a place where people watch.” Traditionally, the theater plays the two most popular genre- comedy and tragedy, the symbols of which were theatrical masks.

Mention of the first theatrical production dates back to 2500 BC. The first theatrical play took place in Egypt, the plot was based on images Egyptian mythology- stories of the god Osiris. This was the beginning of a long and strong connection between theater and religion. IN ancient Greece theater began to take shape as an art, clear definitions of tragedy and comedy, as well as other theatrical forms. Ancient Greek theatrical performances also used mythological images.

International Theater Day is not just an international professional holiday of stage masters and all theater workers, it is our holiday - a holiday of millions of caring spectators. And, of course, on the occasion of this wonderful Day, various theater festivals, holiday performances and shows best performances, and officials and members of the public do not skimp on this day with congratulations and compliments addressed to workers of theaters and artistic groups.

Backstage, curtain, actors,
Posters, public, flowers.
You can't hear stupid conversations
Everyone is captivated by the plot.

Theater - huge world riddles,
Culture is the royal crown.
And Happy World Theater Day
Congratulations at last.

We wish you all inspiration,
Aspirations, joy, love,
And also eternal luck.
So that you find your happiness.

May the legendary Spirit of the theater
Protects you from adversity
Will warm your soul with excitement,
It will bring success and faith.