Stained glass drawings for the New Year. New Year's window

Despite the fact that the medical industry in Russia is declared a strategic priority for the focus of internal reforms, the state of material support for both the medical institutions themselves and medical workers leaves much to be desired. The government says that this “period of turbulence” is short-lived. Starting from 2018, the activities of a doctor, nurse and paramedic will be able to return to the ranks of the most prestigious Russian professions. Are there economic prerequisites for the implementation of the stated plans? What salary can Russian doctors expect in 2018?

How much do doctors earn in the Russian Federation?

In order to have an idea of ​​how a medical worker’s remuneration is formed, let’s look at the main components of his salary. What does the monthly income of a doctor, nurse, paramedic consist of?

    first of all, this is the official salary;

    secondly, this is an additional payment for intensity, increased loads, and, in general, the specifics of the work;

    thirdly, these are bonuses for qualifications and length of service;

    The regional coefficient and other payments are also included in the salary.

Despite this segmentation, it is precisely bonuses and allowances that make up most salaries, while if the salary subject to indexation is set centrally by industry officials, then the amount of additional payments for intensity and other bonuses are determined in the medical institution itself, and can be either accrued or canceled.

This arrangement caused a slight decline in the income of doctors in 2015-2016 - the salary increase simultaneously suspended the ability to pay a number of other bonuses, which caused obvious discontent among workers. Such a drop in the income of doctors was recorded in the Arkhangelsk region, Dagestan, Ingushetia, the Jewish Autonomy and other regions.

What salary do doctors and nurses receive, according to statistics? 30 thousand rubles and 20 thousand rubles, respectively, are the monthly income of doctors in most Russian regions.

The salary of Kalmyk doctors is minimal - their monthly salary is only 27,300 rubles per month. Doctors in North Ossetia do not receive much more - 28 thousand rubles per month. A similar situation is in Ulyanovsk - doctors with higher education have an income of 30 thousand rubles.

The highest salaries among Russian doctors are received by doctors in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug, Chukotka and Sakhalin. Their bonuses allow them to receive a salary, in some cases, exceeding 100-115 thousand rubles.

Such income inequality in the context of a regional link is widespread and affects all categories of doctors. So, for example, Moscow therapists receive more than 60 thousand rubles a month, and their colleagues in the region receive 15 thousand less. General practitioners in Kamchatka can expect a salary of no more than 40 thousand rubles.

On top of that, we note that the real salary figures for public sector doctors may be much lower - in its information, Rosstat takes into account the salary figures for doctors, both public and private medical institutions, where the income of doctors and nurses is traditionally higher.

Will the salaries of Ministry of Health employees be increased in 2018: latest news

Already in October 2017, doctors’ salaries will be indexed by 5.5%, in line with the inflation rate. As for 2018, expert opinions are divided: some believe that increasing the minimum medical salary to 50 thousand rubles in the country is quite realistic, given that in next year elections are coming. Other financial analysts agree that a partial increase in salaries will be realized through cuts in the industry - there is simply no money in the state budget to increase the salaries of the existing number of doctors in Russia. It is predicted that doctors will “pay for” their increased incomes since the beginning of 2018 by increasing their workload – up to 1.5 times the rate.
However, both sides present their forecasts with the utmost caution.

Government plans to increase salaries of Russian doctors

But Russian government officials are more bold in their assessment of the prospects for increasing salaries for medical industry workers. Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets said that the increase in medical salaries to 200% announced earlier by President Putin in 2018 is quite realistic, and money has already been provided for these needs in the state budget. And, in general, the salary levels of doctors will be equalized in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Analysts have already managed to find a “loophole” in this statement: it is possible that an increase in income by 200% will be made relative to salaries at the level of 2012 - we recall that it was then, according to the “May decrees” of the President of the Russian Federation, that a program to increase employee salaries was launched budgetary sphere, and the end date of the program should be 2018.

In Russia, healthcare, according to many, is in a deplorable state: free medicine is in a state close, if we use medical terms, to comatose. Paid services are mainly represented by dentistry and diagnostics. The private medicine segment cannot appear immediately. In most cases, there is no initial capital sufficient for the construction of buildings suitable for modern comfortable clinics and the purchase of appropriate equipment.

And it is not always possible to adapt any building for medical purposes. According to statistics, only 8% of patients give a clear preference for paid medical services, and 60% of patients first turn to regular clinics. The latter are faced with the following situation: in order to receive a free medical service, you need to do a certain number of paid tests.

Patients' complaints about poor quality care in free medical institutions are in many cases justified. But what can you demand from a doctor, a pediatric surgeon in a Karelia clinic, who received 9,553.47 rubles after taxes after working 145 hours, or a general practitioner from Crimea with a salary after taxes of 10,418.35 rubles for 156 hours worked?

"Road map"

In December 2012, by order of the Government Russian Federation regional executive authorities are recommended to develop an action plan for changes in industries social sphere, aimed at improving the efficiency of healthcare - “Road Map”. The measures provided for by the Road Map are aimed at developing a mechanism for the level of payment of health workers based on the quantity and quality of free medical services provided to the population. The government believes that decent remuneration for employees of medical institutions is an effective tool for personnel management in order to improve the quality of services provided to the population.

The road map is a double-edged sword. The provisions set out in this document are aimed at improving the financial situation of medical staff. On the other hand, the salary increase should increase the efficiency of the healthcare system as a whole. The “road map” involves changing the procedure for providing medical care and developing new professional standards.

By 2019, it is planned to change the payment of doctors up to 200%, nursing staff - up to 100% relative to the state of salaries in 2012. In addition to the clause on the financing of healthcare facilities, including the wage fund, the Road Map has clauses planning the regulation of mortality, tuberculosis incidence and other indicators of the quality of the healthcare system.

Double-entry bookkeeping

  • income of nursing staff - 28,000 rubles per month;
  • junior - 19,000 rubles.

These data take into account total income, and it turns out that the requirements of the Road Map are nominally met. But in reality, doctors and nurses often work at several positions - this is the only way they can get enough money to live.

For those who are interested in the actual level of salaries, on the project “Real Salary of a Health Worker” you can not only see how much, for example, an ophthalmologist from Penza or a medical driver from Yakutia receives per month, but also leave data on your own salary. The project was created to demonstrate the true picture emerging within the framework of the implementation of the “Road Map” and the fight against unreliable reports from hospital managers.

Chained by one chain

Doctors and patients are in the same boat. To cover increasing wage costs, medical accounting is forced to write off the same payment for medical services from compulsory medical insurance funds twice. The official data from Rosstat are very different from the data from actual surveys of doctors. Not observed anywhere in the country real growth wages in accordance with the data described in the action plan drawn up after the “May decrees”.

In addition to using aggregate data for reporting, an increase in the salaries of doctors will be obtained by reducing the number of beds in hospitals and reducing staffing in hospitals and clinics. These activities are most often carried out spontaneously, without preparation, for example, without strengthening the outpatient treatment system for patients. This is immediately reflected in the increase in the number medical errors, due to the additional burden on doctors and nurses.

Queues at clinics are increasing; some patients are forced to turn to paid medical services in order not to waste time in queues. But, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to be treated for money: patients refuse treatment or try to save themselves." folk remedies" Instead of a decrease in mortality, which, according to officials, is a natural result of the plan to reform the healthcare system, statistics note that in the first half of 2019, 27 thousand more people died than in the same time in 2018.

Staff reductions and other measures to optimize costs are measures that the chief doctors of hospitals and clinics are forced to resort to: they have no more sources to comply with the Road Map plans. And without reports on the implementation of the Road Map, the region will not receive a federal budget transfer.


Salaries of medical workers in 2019 according to latest news should be increased by:

  • 159.6% – relative to the 2012 level for doctors;
  • 86.3% – for nursing staff;
  • 70.5% – for junior medical personnel.

Whether this will actually happen is still impossible to say. In October, at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, a discussion of the program is planned, according to which they will discuss the transfer of the main part of the costs of increasing the salary fund of public sector employees to 2019-2020. Although one cannot count on a strong increase: the Government confirmed its plans to increase salaries for public sector employees, but qualified this possibility with the financial capabilities of the state.

Unstable economic situation in the country does not contribute to the planned increase in wages by 8%. Most likely, there will be not a direct increase in salaries according to the Road Map, but indexation taking into account inflation. So, you shouldn’t expect an increase of more than 2.7%, excluding indexation, compared to last year.

Another subtle point in the issue of increasing the financing of the salary fund in budgetary organizations is that indexation is planned not from the beginning of 2019, but only from the second half - from October 1. This will hit workers’ wallets even more: initially the increase was planned for January 2019, then, it is believed, in connection with the events of the annexation of Crimea, it was postponed to October 2019. Now the cherished date for many has been shifted by another year.

The situation in some regions is so difficult that it is time for doctors to go on strike. Thus, doctors in Transbaikalia are trying to get information from the regional Minister of Labor not even about the compliance of wages with the Road Map, but whether they will receive in September the money they earned back in August. Disruptions in the payment of wages to public sector employees in the region have been going on since November 2019.

Officially, the country’s budget provides reserves for annual subsidies for indexation of salaries of public sector employees and civil servants in the amount of 100 billion rubles. Proposed by the Minister of Labor new system remuneration implies a direct dependence on the qualifications and performance of employees.


    On the basis of “there is no money in the budget,” all our cleaners were fired. They replaced it with a company (is it really cheaper) - but they themselves have a turnover rate. 2 pediatricians themselves quit, and I think this is not the end. Next year we are promised that we will be allowed to work only for one rate. And there will be no less work!

  1. I live in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the mountains of Noyabrsk, the salary at the rate in 2015 with all markups and 30 percent medical experience is 13 thousand rubles. And since January 2016, the amount of work has been doubled

    Everywhere there is a black accounting department to check some numbers are actually completely different, and the Kemerovo health department pretends that it knows nothing, they are all tarred with the same world. My salary in an ophthalmological hospital is 1.75 times 21,000 rubles at highest category, here there is incentive and KTU, everything is included, and processing is double the size of Ch. vr. Yanets doesn’t want to pay, they get out like snakes, forcing us to write applications either at o.5 or at 0.75, although the contract clearly stipulates that double the amount of processing must be paid!!!

    I received 18t for December, for other months even less. Everyone lies, starting with the head physician and ending with MAX and FOMSO because they are stealing the budget. doctor of the highest category with 28 years of experience. Marina 1 city hospital of the State Budgetary Institution of the city of Makhachkala

    According to statistics:

    the average salary of a health worker in our country today is about 45,000 rubles;
    income of nursing staff - 28,000 rubles per month;
    junior - 19,000 rubles.
    yeah, at a rate of 5599. It doesn’t work out like 28,000 in Tver, nurse. No need to measure against Moscow

  2. Chelyabinsk region, district nurse of the highest category, I have a salary of 14,000 rubles, a district doctor is 22,000, and for nurses the ceiling is 6,000. But according to official data, the boss has an annual income of 2,000,000, the official salary of the head of the medical department, I emphasize only a salary of 60,000, when like doctor's salary is 6300.

    Moscow region. uch. m/s experience 3 years. over 1.5 years, salary payments decreased: from 19,000, then 17,000, for January 2016 - 15,000. for February - 12,200!!! in the salary slip - 17,000?!! payment for an apartment, kindergarten, clubs for a child per month - 14,500. fed and clothed and treated by elderly parents.....

    The average salary indicator is not objective. Those who are familiar with statistics know this. It is necessary to calculate the modal value of wages, because it calculates based on the most common salaries. Officials take advantage of the illiteracy of the population and infuse all residents of the Russian Federation with a biased average salary indicator. The average salary of an organization consisting of 5 people, if four earn 100 thousand and one earns 600 thousand, will be 200 thousand. As you can see, the employees’ salary is half the average salary. Officials take advantage of this in their machinations, adjusting salaries in every conceivable and inconceivable way to the average, without depriving themselves. I strongly recommend that you, citizens, know at least the basic methods of mathematical statistics, so that the gentlemen officials do not push you from your TV screens with a serious look on their fat faces a biased average wage. Remember that the salary in an organization can be objectively calculated only by its modal value. Only then will it be possible to see how the most common salary differs from the average and demand justice (or understand how much you are being deceived).

    I work in a hospital in the city of railway Moscow region salary nurse the highest category is 9,380 rubles, with night benefits, a bonus for length of service, and my experience is 33 years in one place, I receive 18 thousand rubles per month. For housing and communal services 6,000, and for the remaining 12 thousand I just have to survive in tears. And diagnostic medicine is all paid! To get a decent examination, you have to go to a paid clinic. A trip to a phlebologist cost me 5 thousand, how can I survive on the rest of the crumbs? It’s a pity that our officials and deputies don’t have such salaries, and you can forget about the Minister of Health altogether! I have the following proposal: set decent salaries for nurses at 30 thousand rubles and remove all bonuses in the form of a road map and the 10/10 order, which quarterly not paid, and paid as rule at the end of the year. This makes it easier for the command to steal and distribute at its own discretion, this is an extra loophole for theft of the administration. We never know what amount is transferred to the employees. Everything is shrouded in darkness! And when everything is calculated and included in the official salary, it will not be theft.

    Since 2016, I feel like the payment system has become different. I get 38,000 per month with all the incentives and allowances. The clinic set standards for a month for treatment, emergency room, and medical examination. If one of them is not fulfilled, then the incentive bonus is cut and, as a result, the plan is not fulfilled. need to be adjusted every time in electronic format. Here in Yakutia, the Internet doesn’t work well, it freezes all the time, and you have to do it outside of school hours. constantly come from the territory of the fund undifferentiated. where the full name or date, policy number, etc. are filled in incorrectly and all this is removed, for a total of 600 requests minus 100 people. sad job

    It turns out that medicine is a nightmare everywhere! Hey, you’re at the top! Ministers, what are you thinking about? Because of this situation, honey. workers, people have stopped respecting us. They look at doctors as slaves. They can insult us by coming to an appointment without an appointment 5 minutes before the end of working hours and try not to accept us even though they came for a certificate... The doctor is also a human being. He has a lunch break. This doctor I need to eat and go to the call

    Good day everyone. I work in a maternity hospital as a midwife. I would like to say about payment for consultations to our doctors. The patient pays 2,000 rubles for a consultation at the cash desk. This includes an examination, anamnesis collection and treatment prescription. At the end of the month, management sends the total amount for everyone. We divide by the number of consultations per month and multiply for each individual. In 2015, each obstetrician received 46 rubles. Expenses during the inspection: gloves, 10 grams of oil, light, sheet of paper, 5 ml soap and tap water. Well, how much is it? 200 rubles? Where are the remaining 1754? About road map It’s still not clear. They pay, they don't pay. It feels like before the checks they throw a piece of food to keep our mouths shut. In 2014 we paid once, in 2015 - 2 times, in 2016 - we are still waiting, they promised in May. It's August now. And special thanks to Ms. Skvortsova for dozens of closed maternity hospitals in Moscow. The birth will take place at home. Mortality will increase. And we will be to blame again. It’s also very interesting, now a child is considered to be born from 500 grams. And our Veronica proudly informs the President that the birth rate has increased. What a joy! Does anyone estimate how much the number of disabled children has increased in Russia? Which are born at 25-28 weeks.

    There is deception all around! I work in St. Petersburg in the nose of an organization. I am a medical laboratory assistant! Laugh at my salary: 5520. Moscow pays me that much! The rest ~ up to 20 thousand, along with the harmfulness, I have to earn with sweat and blood, working for three! Where are these 40 thousand that everyone writes about????

    I work in Kirov as a dental nurse. I work alone with three doctors. They don’t give us nurses, we have to wash instruments for 260 rubles a month, the salary is getting less and less every month. Where is our government looking, how long can we fight and not have our own people? what not to believe. We are patient Russian people!

Doctors perform incredibly complex and responsible work. Protecting people's health is a difficult task that also requires adequate remuneration. After all, every person wants to receive a salary equal to the efforts they put in at work. This is especially true for medical workers, who, before starting to treat people, undergo a long period of training and all sorts of low-paid or even free internships.

Unlike private clinics, government workers in medical institutions complain not only about inappropriate working conditions, but also about low wages. Domestic doctors are not inferior to foreign ones in knowledge, but the latter’s wages, as well as the level of respect in society, are many times higher.

How are doctors' salaries determined?

The government paid attention to current situation on salaries of health workers. Promised in 2019 carrying out large-scale work on popularizing the profession, and the salary level should be indexed by 6%.

There are several stages after which banknotes fall into the hands of a medical worker:

  1. The standard salary established by the state medical institution. Every physician receives it, the size varies depending on the position held.
  2. Increases for the complexity of the work performed and the loads tolerated. This type most often occurs in surgeons who do not leave the operating table for hours. The body is at the limit of its capabilities all this time, so after the operation doctors need to have quality rest.
  3. Influence of doctor category: second, first and highest. For the latter, the premium is the most significant.
  4. Experience. If a doctor has spent more than ten years in medicine, he is entitled to incentives for years of service.
  5. Inflation compensation. Usually this is a one-time increase in the salaries of all categories of employees throughout the country. It is no more than 5%, depending on the degree of inflation.
  6. Dependence on region. Each subject of the Russian Federation has its own economic situation. Somewhere the standard of living will be much higher than in other regions. In such cases and government agencies set minimum wages with the expectation that employees can pay for transportation, food and other vital needs.

As a rule, when it comes to indexations and raises, this concerns only the first item listed: salary.

Doctors receive the bulk of their income not from salary, but from bonuses and compensation.

It is very easy to miss these additional payments at the end of the month. After all, their presence depends not on the state, but on the desire and capabilities of the immediate head of the institution.

Growth prospects

The salaries of public medical workers in 2019 are calculated as follows:

  • for doctors, the salary should be three times higher than the average salary of other workers in the region;
  • For junior and mid-level medical personnel, salaries will increase by 100% of the average salary in their region, that is, twice.

The Russian government also states that progress has already been made in certain areas. this issue: in 2019 Some government doctors will receive an increase of 200% of their previous salary. This gradually brings the indicators closer to the desired level.

In the state budget for 2019 there is a column responsible for increasing salaries for medical workers. Thus, the government is working not only to increase the prestige of the profession, but also to improve the quality of services provided by doctors. After all, the better compensation they receive for their time and effort, the more comfortable they are in doing their job.

Moreover, in many public hospitals and clinics now not enough staff, which leads to significant processing. The increase in allocations should attract new specialists, without the need to fire existing ones.

A comment was also made about uniformity of payments received. It's no secret that salaries in Moscow and St. Petersburg are significantly higher than salaries in other regions. However, sometimes there are gaps between them. According to the current policy of the authorities, salaries will be equalized to such a level that they correspond to Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The current situation with the remuneration of health workers

The veracity of government statements is regulated by the actual situation in doctors' workplaces.

Many doctors note that their real income has actually fallen, although salaries are indeed gradually increasing.

This is due to the reasons mentioned above: doctors receive their main income not from salaries, but from bonuses. Many also work part-time in additional positions.

Doctors receive compensation for working conditions, overtime, and bonuses. Along with the state requirement to increase salaries, medical institutions did not receive money for this. There was only one way out: the basic salary was increased, and allowances and bonuses were reduced.

Using the example of a therapist position, you can see how doctors’ salaries differ from region to region:

  • in Moscow, a therapist receives 90,100 rubles per month;
  • already in the region this amount has dropped to 45,000 rubles;
  • in Kalmykia, therapists are paid 29,900 rubles;
  • The Leningrad region is paid lower than the Moscow region: 40,000 rubles.

Statistics are not a truly reliable source. Indeed, when compiling data, not only state clinics and hospitals are taken into account for one profession, but also expensive private institutions, in which the same therapist receives several times more more money. Thus, the real average salary of public sector employees is even lower.

For comparison, in US average salary for a therapist in terms of rubles will be 415,000, in Europe – more than 200,000 rubles per month.

As for the younger one medical personnel, then his average level income is 20,000 rubles. Doctors in certain regions receive slightly more: only 30,000.

A number of regions have also distinguished themselves by the fact that the wages of medical workers with complete higher education, despite official statements, has actually decreased. Kalmykia receives the least amount of money as payment for performing their duties: The average salary of a doctor is 27,000 rubles. Samara, Penza and North Ossetia are not far behind: from 28,400 to 29,900, respectively.

Changes and indexing

Many experts conclude that on the eve of the presidential elections, workers the medical sector can really expect a salary increase. The average salary in 2019 is 52,900 rubles.

As a rule, a significant increase in salary accompanied by a wave mass layoffs . At the same time, doctors often do not have enough free hands. Although doctors practicing part-time (and this is almost all Russian government doctors) will receive half as much money as before.

So far the government cannot give specific dates for promotion wages , as well as their new sizes.

Happened in 2019 salary indexation by 6%. Such an increase merely compensates for the current level of inflation.

Recent news deprives doctors of hope for a significant salary increase in 2018. Despite the fact that the May decrees promised an increase.

Statements made by the head of the Ministry of Health, M. Skvortsova, indicate that the government intends to fulfill its promises. And the promise was to increase wages to the level of one hundred and eighty percent of the average salary in Russia. But most experts believe that this should not be expected in the near future.

According to the May decrees, salaries for doctors were expected to increase in 2018 to 66 thousand rubles.

Experts' opinions regarding the growth of wages for medical workers are divided. One half of the experts is inclined to believe that salary calculations in a new way are possible, since the size of the government’s accumulated reserve funds is sufficient to implement the presidential decree on increasing doctors’ salaries in 2018.

In addition, the implementation of the plan will be appropriate before the presidential elections. The other half of experts argue that the funds needed to make this promise a reality are not enough.

Both agree on one thing: in 2018 we should expect indexation of salaries for medical workers. Their salaries will increase to compensate for the damage caused by inflation.

We all know how important and responsible the work of health workers who have chosen such a difficult professional path is. It’s a shame, but today we can safely say that the work of medical staff in government medical institutions The Russian Federation is valued an order of magnitude lower than that of doctors collaborating with private medical structures or foreign clinics. The government promised that this issue would be resolved this year, and the medical industry would once again become one of the most prestigious areas of professional activity.

Today, a health worker's salary includes:

The salary itself;
- additional charges for loads, complexity and intensity;
- bonus payments based on length of service and category;
- compensation with regional coefficients.

Government plans to increase salaries of Russian doctors

But Russian government officials are more bold in their assessment of the prospects for increasing salaries for medical industry workers. Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets said that the increase in medical salaries to 200% announced earlier by President Putin in 2018 is quite realistic, and money has already been provided for these needs in the state budget. And, in general, the salary levels of doctors will be equalized in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Analysts have already managed to find a “loophole” in this statement: it is possible that a 200% increase in income will be made relative to salaries at the 2012 level - we recall that it was then, according to the “May decrees” of the President of the Russian Federation, that a program was launched to increase the salaries of public sector workers, and the end date of the program should be 2018.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that in 2018, doctors’ salaries should increase by 200% of the regional average. Junior and mid-level staff should receive 100% more wages. According to the president, there are already some changes in this area and doctors in some regions are already receiving salaries that have been increased by 180%, which is approaching the target levels.

If we talk about nurses' salaries, it is expected that with the new payment calculation, their salaries will be 80% of the national average. Today, there is a significant disparity in the income of nurses in different regions. Junior staff have the lowest salaries today, so there is an urgent need to increase the income of this category of workers.

About salary calculations for nurses in 2018

If we talk about the new salary calculations for nurses this year, then they should be 80% of the average salary in the country. And this despite the fact that, according to presidential decrees, nurses’ salaries must correspond to the average salary in Russia.

There is a disappointing picture of the lag behind the salary increase schedule not only for doctors, but also for nursing staff.

According to Rosstat, today there is a significant differentiation in the income of nurses by region. This figure is higher than that of doctors. This indicates an unequal attitude towards the work of medical workers, as can be seen from different levels payments by region for the same professional responsibilities.

Speaking about the growth of salaries for medical workers, we should once again emphasize the need to increase payments to junior staff (orderlies) who have the lowest salaries. Unfortunately, it is not possible to resolve this issue at the regional level due to the limited financial capabilities of most of them.

Many regions do not have the financial resources necessary to increase the salaries of junior medical workers. Most nurses and aides working in rural areas have a minimum income.

Summing up the review of recent news about the prospects for increasing salaries for doctors in 2018, we can summarize that, despite the government’s promises of a significant increase in payments, the likelihood of the plans being implemented is not high enough. The only thing they can count on with confidence medical workers– indexation of wages in order to compensate for damage caused by inflation. It's about on an increase in accruals by four percent of the salary.

Specific government steps for the healthcare system

The President assisted the activities of representatives of the medical industry. From now on, the process of salary reinforcement takes place. Their increase will only be possible if incredible efforts are made and money is reorganized in the treasury, which became possible only after cuts in funding for ambulances and those people who take preventive measures to prevent illnesses. Prevention received no money at all, and the ambulance budget was cut by two-thirds.

Funds for indexation will be allocated without fail, which is agreed upon by officials in advance. True, based on the results of past years, bonuses were not always carried out in full. But this does not mean that doctors are now doomed to receive less of their money every year. The fate of housing and communal services tariffs and the cost of goods is temporarily not determined, since the size of salary increases has reached 10% against the planned 5.5%. Therefore, the weight of the indexation carried out is not yet completely clear. And only the opinion of experts on this problem is called upon to correctly determine the required values.

Regarding the increase in salaries for doctors in 2018 in Russia, recent news draws everyone’s attention to some features of the adopted order of the head of state, such as the underestimation of citizens’ salaries by parliamentarians, which is the reason for the lower indexation percentage. The working masses are provided with misinformation and, as a result, a reduced rate.

The provision of informal wages is associated with the regional level of income. The totality of money due to the deliberate reduction of the average is accepted by 12 million working citizens every year. However, if funds do not pass through tax authority, then the treasury of this authority has a specific shortfall in finances, which is fraught with consequences for today.