Panteleimon novels stories. Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Panteleimon Romanov - stories from the Soviet years

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Allergy sufferers await the beginning of summer with horror - after all, just at the beginning of June, poplar fluff begins to fly along the streets of cities, villages and towns. Beautiful white fluff easily penetrates any room, settles on shoes and clothes, and circles in the air. It seems that there is no salvation from poplar fluff, and its beauty is dangerous and harmful. But some scientists are convinced that poplar fluff can cause not only harm, but also benefit. How poplar fluff can be harmful and useful – let’s try to figure it out together.

Harmful properties of poplar fluff

Poplar fluff is highly flammable and therefore its accumulations pose a potential fire hazard

Poplar fluff causes particular discomfort to people suffering from allergies - when fluff appears, the eyes begin to water, the nose turns red, and irritations appear on the skin of the body. But in fact, poplar fluff itself is not an allergen at all, it simply absorbs and absorbs plant pollen and dust from roads, and besides, if it gets in...

When you think about planting poplars, you certainly remember the omnipresent annoying fluff flying along the city streets. So, do poplars bring benefit or harm? Meanwhile, the tree can only bring benefits and there might be no fluff at all if only cuttings of male specimens are used when planting. They do not generate dust, but bring enormous benefits. Therefore, if you still decide to plant poplars, then cut cuttings only from them.

Actually, poplar fluff is a plant’s way of dispersing seeds; thanks to the fluffy hairs, they, caught by the wind, fly hundreds of kilometers to find fertile soil and germinate on it. Down is formed only on female trees, while male specimens are spared this responsibility and are easily distinguished by the shape of their earrings.

All female and male seeds are collected in earrings, but differ in color. Mark those trees where purple-red catkins hang and the leaves have a reddish tint in the fall, so you can...

jwbox can't start

What is summer without poplar fluff? Every year this “June snow” covers not only the streets, but also the eyes. So why not just rid cities of this scourge? And are there any benefits from these trees?

Benefits and harms of poplars

What is summer without poplar fluff? Every year this “June snow” covers not only the streets, but also the eyes. So why not just rid cities of this scourge? And are there any benefits from these trees? We will reveal all the poplar secrets in our story.

It's only in the song that poplar fluff is romantic. But in life it clogs your eyes and nose, as if snow covers the streets. You can't hide from him even at home.

- fluff - bad. Trees need to be cut down. I have allergies, my eyes are watery and itchy.

– just now my friend came and was almost crying. I can’t walk - my eyes are all stuck together. I can't even put on makeup.

– remove old poplars and replace them with young shoots

– it personally brings discomfort to me, because….

I like the change of seasons, don’t you? Does the first snow make you happy? What about the first weed? What about “snow” in the first days of summer? Do you have memories of your first love associated with wonderful feather beds along the roadsides?

I really, really like the changes in nature that repeat every year, but each time with its own characteristics. I like the characteristic traces of some days of the annual cycle in my memory. I remember what happened when I pushed Poplar when I was 7, 17 and 27 years old. When I see poplar fluff, I can be transported by feelings of those years. Pooh is a time machine for sightseeing tours according to fate.

Those who know how to live in unison with their soul value such temporary cutoffs very highly. And fighting poplars for them is like fighting a clock. Do you know how harmful watches are?! This is a terrible household item that leads to neuroses. What about ticking? Day and night, knock-knock, tick-tock, tick-tock on the brain! So let's destroy all the clocks! Do not agree? Do you agree with the destruction of poplars?

Unfortunately, active (or fictitious?) citizens are demanding that the females of these trees be removed from cities and deputies are promising. One of the measures leading to the weakening of poplars and their supposed inability to bear fruit, that is, to produce fluff, is crowning, or rejuvenation. Have you seen how poplars are beheaded, and then they send out young branches, at first attractive in contrast to the bare stumps of the trunks? Over time, these branches become thicker and, being naturally fragile, break off and fall on cars and heads.

A poplar is dangerous if it has been decapitated, and this act of vandalism has been committed on almost all poplars in large cities. Trees that have not been abused stand firmly and securely hold huge branches. Three hundred years. Panic over the aging of a half-century-old poplar is absurd, but it occurs quite often, and a team of trimmers goes to a healthy tree. If the poplar is pruned, there will be no fluff for a long time. And then you can cut it again, right?

No it is not true. The poplar perceives pruning as a threat to its family and responds to it by mobilizing all its forces. It turns from a male plant into a female plant in order to scatter its descendants in a moment of hard times. We think that pruning delayed the appearance of fluff, but it provoked its appearance. The old people claim that before there were very, very many poplars, but if we take the same number of plants for comparison, there was less fluff. Because they didn’t fight with fluff, they needed it.

Cotton does not grow so well here that it can be used to make clothes in the middle zone. And poplar fluff strongly resembles cotton. True, the fibers are much shorter and spinning is inconvenient. But you can add poplar fluff to another thread, for example, wool. Barbed wool thread Packed in down insulation, it itches much less, the clothes become softer and more interesting in appearance. Nobody has been trying to solve the problem of cleaning fibers for a long time, but technically the task is no more difficult than any other.

Poplar fluff is cotton wool. The soldiers covered their wounds with down. The fluff created a thin layer that absorbed the ichor well and disinfected the wound. It was especially appropriate on burned areas where there is no skin. Nowadays, synthetic materials are used to create non-woven material for wounds, which is much worse than white fibers cleared of scales and dry leaves.

Poplar fluff is white gunpowder. During the Second World War, design bureaus were busy inventing new weapons and manufacturing them from all imaginable materials. They used the ability of fluff to pass fire through itself at great speed. You could simply set fire to the grass under the poplar tree so that the enemy arsenal would fly into the air.

If you try hard, you can benefit from anything. A story flew by about a prisoner who managed to get alcohol from fluff flying through the window.

When we do not seek and create good, harm comes to the fore. It’s too lazy to think about the usefulness of poplar fluff; its very appearance reminds us of its harmfulness. He flies, joyful, to our houses, expecting that the meeting will be the usual joyful one, but he meets only the hostility of housewives and allergy sufferers. Having collected the finest contaminants and stuck to anything wet, the fluff awaits our gratitude for the magnificent cleaning of the atmosphere, which neither rain nor an industrial filter can compare with. But fluffy dirt gets into unwary noses and causes only a sneeze in some, and negative feelings of the widest spectrum in others.

Nowadays, poplar fluff has no obvious known useful function. Even the opportunity to line bird nests disappears, because there are no birds as such in cities anymore. Instead of huge flocks, you can find individual birds. Soon they will be gone too.

We don't need Poplar because we are deaf to his suggestions. We do not treat ourselves with poplar bark, buds, or leaves. We don’t think about it when we have the flu or when we have joint pain. The unique productivity of poplar as a gas filter (44 kg of carbon dioxide per year, compare with linden - 16 kg) is not of interest even to gardening specialists. As an anti-noise screen, it is also of little interest to anyone. Most often, poplar is mentioned in connection with allergies, a clogged radiator, and the old film “Three Poplars on Plyushchikha.” The stupider we are, the less benefit we find in the poplar and the more harm we find.

As always, art saves the situation. You can paint with poplar fluff velvet paper. The wool looks like real wool. The less poplars are found, the more amazing view paintings made from poplar fluff. Cute black and white faces delight the eye at exhibitions. Artists plant poplars near their dachas and worry if the plants turn out to be male.

Children play with fluff. The teenagers who set it on fire don't count, although stupidity always has to be taken into account as an inevitable characteristic of young people. Girls stuff doll mattresses with fluff. Lovers build feather crowns for each other and write confessions on the wet asphalt covered with fresh down.

It’s easy to use down for small things, but on an industrial scale, as they were going to do it during the war, either no one wants to work with it, or no one can. But down has one very valuable and integral property: it was part of the life of older generations. It reminds us of the good past.

Like in this song by VIA “Orera”:

Poplars, poplars, lovers in my city,
There are trees along the way, green trees.
In a restless spring you rustle the leaves,
And you can’t sleep with me.

Poplars, poplars, crowned with the sun.
New roads and worries await me.
I go far, I carry you into my heart,
Like the exciting sound of spring.

Poplars, poplars, we grow and grow old,
But, loving with soul, we will remain young,
And, as in your youth, suddenly you drop the fluff
On the eyelashes and shoulders of friends.

In the next ten years, the Moscow authorities plan to complete the “poplar fluff epic” in the capital, which has been going on for decades. We decided to find out whether we really need poplars and whether we can live without them.

An effective measure

Most North American poplars were brought to us from Europe to XVIII-XIX centuries. Others are from India and China. Widest distribution in the area central Russia received poplar-sedge. In total, 110 species of poplars grow on Earth, as well as a large number of their varieties and hybrids. We have 30 species, 12 of them are cultivated.

Active implementation of the program for landscaping new neighborhoods under construction began immediately after the war. The task was simple: choose an unpretentious and fast-growing tree, and plant it in areas allocated for landscaping near houses, along the edges of roads, in park areas. Poplar turned out to be such a “universal” tree - one of the champions in terms of growth rate. Each year, each tree becomes closer to the sky by an average of 2-4 meters.

Soviet scientists emphasized: poplars in cities are a temporary “green injection”; in 15 years it is necessary to begin replacing “fast greeners” with other trees that cause less trouble. However, even after 50 years, they did not begin to implement the replacement program, but they successfully introduced more and more doses of “green injections” into the “body” of megacities, provincial cities and towns throughout Russia.

Error or natural selection?

The “victorious march” of poplars turned into almost a tragedy: people began to grumble louder and louder about the fluff that covered the streets with a “snowy” carpet, “sneaked” into houses, and made them sneeze.

Questions started pouring in. Couldn't they have chosen a different tree? How could such an unfortunate mistake be made?

In fact, Soviet scientists were not mistaken in their choice. The fact is that poplar has “male” and “female” trees. The former bloom and pollinate the latter, and it is on the “female” poplars that seeds with fluff that irritates everyone appear. For landscaping, “male” poplars were chosen, which “do not push.” However, over time, botanists, to their displeasure, began to notice the appearance of “female” earrings on “male” trees. By “changing sex,” poplars tried to resist the massive seasonal “haircut.”

However, there is another version of the appearance of “female” poplars on city streets. During the Soviet years, gardening programs were often implemented at community clean-up days, in which ordinary citizens took part. It was simply unrealistic to invite a professional dendrologist to every community cleanup, who would identify and approve “male” poplars suitable for planting.

Harm or benefit?

Poplar fluff is not an allergen. It only spreads pollen from plants, the flowering of which turns into trouble for people prone to allergies. However, poplar fluff, being a mechanical irritant, causes sneezing and coughing, and causes discomfort in many Russians.

In 2008, Eco-portal published research by American scientists who stated that poplars can eliminate the consequences negative influence on the environment, including absorbing and breaking down the carcinogenic industrial solvent trichlorethylene, as well as other pollutants environment: gasoline, chloroform, vinyl chloride and carbon tetrachloride.

Russian professor, head of the department of clinical immunology and allergology of NMAPE named after. P.L. Shupika Larisa Kuznetsova is convinced that poplar fluff, like an “air brush,” absorbs carcinogens and heavy metal salts that enter the air from cars and industrial emissions.

Experts note that one poplar produces as much oxygen as 10 birches, 7 spruce trees, 4 pine trees or 3 linden trees. Over the course of a season, a tree “takes” 20-30 kg of soot and dust from the air. Poplar is extremely frost-resistant and is ready to adapt to the worst ecology, so finding a worthy replacement for it, according to environmentalists, will not be easy.

The head of the forestry program of Greenpeace Russia, Alexey Yaroshenko, is confident that if all the poplars are removed in Moscow, the air quality will decrease so much that it will cover all the benefits of the lack of fluff. The ecologist is confident that large polluted cities do not provide an alternative: other trees, given the current air condition, will grow very poorly, if at all.

Fighting methods

Today is one of the most effective measures The fight against poplar fluff is seasonal pruning. True, not in all Russian cities Public utilities cope with the task at the proper level. While utility workers can still get to the central streets, they often don’t get to the courtyards and outskirts. So the janitors and volunteers are trying to collect and sweep away the poplar fluff to no avail.

Often children who like to set fire to “summer snow” come to their aid, which, understandably, does not cause delight among the authorities - citizens begin to be persistently reminded of the fire hazard of poplar fluff.

Pruning, by the way, has its downsides. Firstly, after being “cut”, the tree looks ugly for some time, which does not contribute to improving the urban appearance. Secondly, ideal pruning should be completed by applying a special healing composition to the wounds of the tree, which does not allow the tree to collapse. It is clear that landscapers have neither the energy nor the time to carry out such painstaking work. Trees rotted from the inside fall, destroying cars and injuring people. However, old trees also create emergency situations - average duration The life of a poplar is 100 years.

In Moscow and a number of Russian cities, for example, Samara and Tomsk, planting poplars is prohibited. At the same time, comprehensive programs, which involve crowning, the use of special reagents that do not allow the seeds to open, and the gradual replacement of poplars with other types of trees - linden, birch, chestnuts. Cutting down all the flowering poplars at once means “denuding” the city streets.

What do they have?

Even the ancient Greeks willingly used “male” poplars, planting them in squares and central streets. It was from the Greeks that plant science borrowed the word “populus” - “folk” - for the name of the poplar genus.

Napoleon was a passionate fan of poplars. According to legend, he ordered these trees to be planted throughout Europe along the route of his army. The great Corsican was sure that he would return triumphantly along the green alleys of fast-growing poplars.

IN modern Europe, according to the leading researcher of the Latvian botanical garden Inara Bondar, the express gardening program was fully implemented. “Male” “non-dusting” poplars were planted and, over time, replaced.

Various types of poplar are widespread in Canada and the United States. In some American cities, planting “female” poplars is prohibited for the same reason - to avoid a “blizzard”. On special plantations, sterile hybrid varieties are grown, on which seeds do not develop; they are used primarily for the production of cellulose.

Americans make snowboards, boats, boxes, pallets and even from flexible poplar wood. electric guitars. University of Michigan biologist Curtis Wilkerson proposes using genetically modified poplars as an effective and cheap biofuel.

In Edmonton, Canada, starting in 1980, a program was implemented to replace poplars with other trees. It only affected urban areas, but wild trees continue to cause many problems for city residents. For residents who dream of planting a poplar near their home, as well as landscape designers who want to use this tree to decorate their gardens, Canadian authorities strongly recommend choosing only “male trees” or sterile varieties in special nurseries, and in addition, promptly replacing old trees.

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It's summer, but something is missing. There is no poplar fluff in Irkutsk. No allergies, no extra trash on the sidewalks.

At first glance, it’s an ordinary Irkutsk summer. Sometimes it’s cloudy, sometimes it’s sunny, sometimes it’s cool, sometimes it’s hot. So much so that the asphalt melts. And yet, something is missing in Irkutsk. Attentive people have noticed that there is absolutely no poplar fluff in the city.

As they say, the question hangs in the air: what kind of summer anomaly is this? After all, usually already in the twentieth of June, poplars begin to fluff up abundantly. However, this summer breaks all stereotypes. The quarter of July is already behind us:

There is no fluff. This torments me myself.
- But we noticed this. Straightaway. This year I haven’t seen a single fluff!

Perhaps the matter is in the correct molding pruning of the poplar crown, Irkutsk ecologists explain to us. After all, it is believed: the younger the branches, the more abundantly they “fluff.”

Those poplars that are pruned as part of municipal contracts by private individuals and organizations are not being “pruned” now. Our dendrologists regularly examine green spaces. Several thousand trees are pruned every year,” says Vladimir Chubuk, head of the department for environmental protection and environmental safety of the Irkutsk administration.

Meanwhile, Irkutsk residents and guests of the city are building their own versions of why we are having such a “non-down” summer:

Maybe the climate has changed?
- It also seems to me that it’s because of the climate.
- Maybe they water it with something or some environmental features?

The botanist dotted the i’s. Professor and head of the department at ISU Andrei Lishtva explained the anomaly simply. And he clarified once again: the Irkutsk poplars still had a flowering period.

When they say that for some reason the poplar is not blooming this year, this is not true. It would be more correct to say that the poplar does not bear fruit. And the reason is that at the time of mass poplar flowering in Irkutsk there were very serious frosts. Up to - 7. And therefore the fruits did not begin. Or they were simply frozen,” says the head of the Department of Botany at ISU, Professor Andrei Lishtva.

Of course, there is a suspicion that nature will take its course and the poplar fluff will fly after all. But there will no longer be such a heavy “fluff fall” as happens in June, scientists say. Therefore, even allergy sufferers can safely breathe deeply.