The man takes off his hat. My way of telling jokes is to tell the truth

Have you ever wondered why men shake hands when they meet, why a man kisses a woman’s hand, why men take off their hats, and why soldiers salute their senior rank?

Let's try to make a brief historical excursion into the history of greetings.

One of the most ancient ways of greeting. These days, it is extremely popular in Europe (in France, Spain and Italy, everyone kisses everyone when they meet), in high school and junior colleges.

Kissing has been popular as a greeting since ancient times. People associated breathing with the strength of the human soul and endowed it with healing properties. Therefore, all close people always kissed when they met in order to give each other strength. And by the way, that’s why now we often say “let me kiss you and everything will go away.” The Romans, being pagans, always kissed when they met; they used a handshake not for greeting but to seal deals (and without fail, a deal concluded without a handshake was considered not concluded at all).

Kissing began to be abandoned during the Renaissance. The reason for this was the plague epidemic. It was then that Europeans began to more often replace kisses with handshakes and removal of hats. Women began to be kissed in the safest way - on the gloved hand.

Removing the hat
This is now a somewhat outdated way of greeting. Most likely due to the fact that a hat or other headdress is not considered now necessary attribute. However, it is still considered indecent for a man to wear a hat indoors; when shaking hands, many men still tilt their heads slightly forward in a slight bow - this also remains from the tradition of taking off their hat and bowing.

The history of removing the hat is quite simple - knights, when meeting with friendly wars, and also when going for negotiations and not battle, always threw back the visor of their helmet. It was simply a way to show that the knight was not preparing for battle. When the knights surrendered, they also threw back the visor of their helmet or took it off - showing that they were no longer defending themselves. In a word, this became a sign of a friendly, non-belligerent attitude. Obviously, since this method came from the military (although it is strange to call knights military), it was never used as a greeting by women.

Tradition of saluting
A greeting that is invariably used by the military of almost all countries, often regardless of gender and rank. Without going into detail about the rules of salutation (which differs greatly in different eras and in different countries), consider one of the most probable hypotheses for the emergence of such a tradition.

Surprisingly, the tradition of saluting was originally a compliment and appeared in the 16th century in England during the reign of Elizabeth the First. This tradition was started by the famous corsair and navigator Francis Drake. Every time he met Elizabeth the First, he covered part of his face with his hand, as if he was closing his eyes from the sun. In fact, by doing so he showed that Elizabeth is so beautiful that he cannot look at her and her beauty literally blinds him.

Since Elizabeth was delighted with such compliments (as often from Francis Drake), many courtiers and also senior officials When they saw the queen, the armies also began to put their hand to their face, covering their eyes.

So when Mr. Policeman stops you and salutes you, know that he is telling you how beautiful you are.

Also oldest form greetings. Nowadays it is very rarely used as a greeting as such, but rather is used to express respect or gratitude ("bow", "bow to you").

Appeared due to the fact that since ancient times, a person’s high position in society also meant his high position in society in literally. Until now, the King of Thailand (Rama the Ninth, if anyone has forgotten the number, they are all Rama there) always sits so that his legs are higher than the head of anyone present in the room. Hence the high seats of judges, and even a special appeal for the Constitutional Court - the High Court (the judges really sit there much higher than everyone else).

The number of various bows previously amounted to hundreds (curtsies and knixens are also a type of bow). The depth of the bow also depended on the status of the people. For example, kings and emperors were supposed to bow at least from the waist.

By far not only the most popular way of greeting these days, but also a way of confirming good intentions (for example, when making deals), confirming peace (after a fight, opponents always shake hands) and a way of saying goodbye.

The story of this greeting is extremely simple and quite obvious. Revealing right hand extended forward showed that there was no weapon in it. That is why in most cases the right hands are shaken. And by the way, this is why it is still considered indecent for a man to extend his gloved hand (what if a knife is hidden there), but for a woman this is acceptable.

Thank you for reading to the end.

The issue of wearing a hat indoors worries many. Not every person knows the answer to it, which would be correct. Some people consider it a stereotype to take off your hat indoors. Someone - with the right action. Many people, when they see a man in a hat, think - an ill-mannered person.

According to etiquette, a man is required to take off his hat indoors. A woman only by choice. So why is it that a man wearing a hat indoors is viewed with hostility by everyone? Some suggest that following the rules of etiquette is a personal choice for each person.

What will a person look like in the eyes of others? Why can't you wear a hat indoors?

Anyone who does not take off his hat indoors is sure that he is doing everything right. Ignoring general rules can expose a person to others as an ill-mannered subject. It will definitely affect the attitude of other people towards him.

Slavic men believed that the headdress should be removed in the house, when meeting another person, in church. This was the rule for them. Think back to old movies. When entering someone's hut, the first thing a man did was remove his headdress. Poor man - a cap. Rich - a hat. In other layers this was also the law. By the way, regardless of the weather.

If a person remained in a headdress, he was looked at as ignoring the rules accepted by everyone. There are Christians in the church famous message from the Apostle Paul. He turns to the Corinthians, and says something like this: that every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered shames her.

Much later, every gentleman had to remove his headdress if there was a lady in the room. This is how he greeted her. He also behaved if there was a person with a higher position next to him. In France, in the centuries from the 16th to the 18th, a nobleman was allowed not to remove his headdress, even for persons of royal blood. But this could be done for special services to the country.

The rules of etiquette of that time regulated who exactly could wear a hat in the room. The masters of ceremonies knew this well and taught other people. Ignoring the instructions was considered an insult to others. Neglect of general rules could have been a pretext for a duel.

Sometimes in the old days they said that they would throw hats at you. It’s strange for us to hear this now. Suppose he threw his hat, so what? And if you remember the ancient warriors, and how heavy their helmet was. It’s a little scary if you imagine that such a helmet will fly at you. It was a real weapon. It was filmed in front of the temple.

Here it is - a tradition in these places to walk only with bare heads. In the old days, only her husband could see a woman's hair. In other cases, she hid them. That's why in old films we see women of the poor class in headscarves, rich women in hats.

There was a saying: “he came to the preliminary examination.” This is what they said to men who came late to church services. They were already taking off their caps in front of the temple. They threw them somewhere. And after the end of the service they dismantled it. Here it is - a “head-by-side analysis”.

The tradition has remained, and now when entering a church or a room, men always take off their hats. Gentlemen of the old school greet other people by raising their hats. It looks beautiful and solemn! It's a pity that this custom has sunk into oblivion!

Hat etiquette was originally used as a way to show respect, honor, reverence and was mandatory. Gradually, the worldview and the true purpose of hats were revised and subjected to all sorts of changes. Now it can be considered as an individual choice of a person who wants to be attentive to the situation and the people around him. Hat etiquette is less strict for women, although if a representative of the fair sex prefers a unisex headdress, then in this case she will have to follow stricter rules. If we talk about hat etiquette, then you might rather decide that these are all relics of the past, “old-fashioned” and “outdated” rules. This is a matter of personal choice, to each his own. But whether you are a representative of any gender, elegant hat or a colorful headdress, you can't avoid awkward situations if you don't know the etiquette to follow while wearing the headdress.

When a man takes off his hat:

During the playing of the anthem, men must remove their hats when raising the flag.

In church, or during religious services, weddings, funerals (except for a few denominations)/

When talking to a woman. To remain wearing a hat at this moment is considered rude and disrespectful.

In a restaurant, during meals (in establishments fast food it is acceptable to keep the hat on).

Indoors - in the theater, auditorium, workplace, etc. There is no need to remove your hat in lobbies and corporate elevators - these places are considered the same as the street. When removing a fedora, you should not take it by the brim, but by the very top of the head.

When a man raises his hat:

Welcoming strangers and also to show your respects. It is customary to greet acquaintances with a slight nod and a touch of the brim of the hat. The hat should be raised as a sign of gratitude and appreciation, and also if you are going to ask permission for something.

When can a man keep his hat on?

During events on outdoors eg sporting events.

In an elevator when there is no woman in it.

During some religious ceremonies, men are required to wear a headdress.

In public buildings such as airport, hotel lobby, etc.

Important advice. Although hat etiquette is a dying art, taking off your hat in an elevator when a lady is riding in it or when a woman enters the room you were in is the true act of a gentleman.

“Wear your hat on one side, its tilt will tell about your mood,” said Sinatra, and he himself used this technique with all his might. If you like this approach, follow the tips of Sinatra himself:

Pull your hat back slightly to appear open and approachable. An open forehead indicates your directness and perhaps vulnerability.

Tip your hat forward to add mystery to your look. A man with a hat pulled down to his eyebrows always looks menacing.

Remember that a hat is not only a privilege, but also a responsibility. By putting it on your head, you take on a number of obligations that come with it. And although most of the rules of hat etiquette have become anachronisms, they represent the philosophy of the hat. Following these simple rules, You demonstrate that a hat for you is not just a headdress, it is an attribute of masculinity and maturity. Hat etiquette is a good old tradition that we inherited from our grandfathers. Whether you observe it or not is up to you, because etiquette is nothing more than a way to show your respect and attention to others.

Created 18 Oct 2012

A hat is one of those accessories that even the most elegant men. If many people don’t dare to wear a bow tie because they don’t know how to tie it, then they don’t take risks with hats only because in principle few people wear them now, which means there is always a danger of being branded as best case scenario, a black sheep, at worst an ignoramus.

But they don’t wear it in vain. It's hard to think of a headdress more suitable for autumn than the good old Felt hat. And straw is ideal for summer.

There are several main types of men's hats:

  • A top hat is a hard hat with a brim and a flat top. In Pushkin’s time it was worn only by the aristocratic elite of society; now it is the uniform of circus magicians and equestrian dressage athletes.
  • A bowler hat is a solid men's hat with a round top and narrow brim. Bowler hats were invented by the British, but this hat also became part of American fashion in the 19th century.
  • The fedora is a soft felt hat with a gathered band around the crown, invented in the 1880s and named after an operetta popular at the time. There are three “dimples” on the crown, so the hat can be easily lifted with three fingers. Fedoras were worn by gangsters and Hollywood stars 1940s, as well as Frank Sinatra himself.
  • Homburg - similar to a fedora, but there are no two depressions on the sides of the crown, and the brim is slightly curved up along the entire perimeter. The Homburg is not as formal as a top hat, but more dressy than a Fedora. Such hats were loved by politicians and diplomats in the 20th century, as well as gangsters.
  • Trilby - reminiscent of the fedora and homburg, but is less formal and associated with jazz culture. The crown of the trilby is deeply indented, and the brim in front is slightly lowered.
  • Boater is a French hard straw hat with a cylindrical crown and straight brim. Has not lost popularity since the beginning of the 20th century.
  • The cowboy hat was invented by John Stetson in the 1860s. Still popular in the southwestern United States, northern Mexico and the western provinces of Canada. It is an attribute of American cowboys and ranchers, as well as country music performers.

Nowadays, a hat is a stylish and elegant item of clothing. As a rule, a hat is worn with classic suit, although some types of hats look quite natural with jeans and a T-shirt.

Hat etiquette, details

Women like them!

There is also a special hat etiquette when a man takes off his hat:
  • During the playing of the anthem, men must remove their hats when raising the flag.
  • In church, or during religious services, weddings, funerals (except for a few denominations)
  • When talking to a woman. To remain wearing a hat at this moment is considered rude and disrespectful.
  • In a restaurant, while eating (in fast food establishments it is acceptable to wear a hat).
  • Indoors - in the theater, auditorium, workplace, etc. There is no need to remove your hat in lobbies and corporate elevators; these places are considered the same as the street. When removing a fedora, you should not take it by the brim, but by the very top of the head.

When a man raises his hat:

Greeting strangers and also to show respect. It is customary to greet acquaintances with a slight nod and a touch of the brim of the hat. The hat should be raised as a sign of gratitude and appreciation, and also if you are going to ask permission for something.

When can a man keep his hat on?

  • During outdoor events, such as sporting events.
  • In an elevator when there is no woman in it.
  • During some religious ceremonies, men are required to wear a headdress.
  • In public buildings such as airport, hotel lobby, etc.

Accessories attached to the hat band should be on the left side. Although hat etiquette is a dying art, taking off your hat in an elevator when a lady is riding in it or when a woman enters the room you were in is the true act of a gentleman.

Men, wear hats - it's great!

This is interesting. “It’s all in the bag” - why do they say that?

Why do we say “it’s in the bag”, meaning: everything is in order, the job is almost done?

There are several versions of the origin of the expression:

  1. Previously, officials handling court cases took bribes into their hats. If an official takes a bribe, then the issue can be considered resolved.
  2. In the old days, when mail did not yet exist, documents were delivered by messengers. To avoid losing important papers, they sewed them under the lining of their caps or hats. Thus, the most important “things” were in the hats.
  3. Under Ivan the Terrible, some court cases were decided by lot, and lots were drawn from the judge's hat. In other words, the whole matter was decided in the wild. This version is considered dubious by many linguists: the word “hat” came into Russian a little later.