Myths: In every nation there are good and bad people. In every nation there are two peoples, in every nation there are two nations

Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobiev must leave his post due to “loss of confidence.” The leader of the LDPR stated this Vladimir Zhirinovsky, speaking at a press conference in Moscow today.

As the correspondent reports RIA "New Day", Zhirinovsky called the Moscow region the most “criminal and disgusting” region, where business is completely under the control of the mafia.

“He (Vorobiev) is not waging any fight... So there will be a mafia everywhere, business will be a complete crime. Doesn't he know about this? He knows! The governor must be removed, like Luzhkov (Yuri Luzhkov, former mayor of Moscow), due to lack of trust,” Zhirinovsky said.

In this regard, the LDPR leader recalled that when Luzhkov left his position, “not a single journalist, not a single lawyer” stood up for him.

The politician noted that over the course of several decades, a favorable environment for the development of criminal structures has formed in the Moscow region.

“Why is there disgrace there? The most expensive land is there, its value is tens of billions of dollars - there is nothing more expensive. And of course, it’s easy to make money there. All the terrorists from Central Asia. We need to check all the dachas, all the houses, all the buildings. If you sound the alarm at night and check all the houses in the Moscow region at 6 am, so many rogue bandits and terrorists will be identified! But they don’t do this, they arrest them for reporting,” he said.

In addition to crime, the situation in the Moscow region is also negatively affected by the eliminated separation of branches of government, Zhirinovsky believes.

“Single-mandate deputies defend the governor - this is a bond with government officials. “Nothing can be done in the Duma regarding the Moscow region,” he said.

According to the leader of the LDPR, this situation has developed in the Moscow region for a long time and is associated with a whole series of unsuccessful appointments and the Soviet approach to personnel policy.

“I began to criticize the region when Tyazhlov was in office (Anatoly Tyazhlov is the first governor of the Moscow region, who worked there from 1995 to 2000). I come to his position to discuss how I can help, and he is half-drunk and reads poetry to me,” Zhirinovsky said.

“Tyazhlov should not have been the governor of the Moscow region. General Gromov should not have been the governor of the Moscow region. Why is Vorobyov a governor today? Because his dad is a senator. Personnel policy remained the same, Soviet. CPSU - no, but there is " United Russia", there is no general secretary, there is a president, there is no Central Committee of the CPSU, there is a presidential administration, and everything is known there: who will be president, governor, future composition government,” Zhirinovsky said.

In his opinion, the new governor of the Moscow region should be from the residents of the Moscow region, and the region itself should be part of Moscow, just like Leningrad region- part of St. Petersburg. “They were made by the communists so that they would have more delegations at congresses,” Zhirinovsky explained, adding that this is another relic of Soviet power.

Moscow, Maria Vyatkina

Moscow. Other news 04.09.17

© 2017, RIA “New Day”

Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov reported on the work done over the year. In his opinion, the region should be among the top five subjects of Russia, but in reality not everything is so smooth. The Moscow region is increasing its credit debt, investments are falling, and the administrative reform of local self-government threatens to turn into a real war with local elites.

IN Lately The possible resignation of Andrei Vorobyov from the post of governor of the Moscow region is being discussed in expert circles. Among the mentioned reasons are not only a possible deterioration in health, but also more objective factors related to the economy of the region and the reform of the local government system.

LSG reform – main stone stumbling blocks between the governor and local elites. In fact, Andrei Vorobyov wanted to build a certain form of “vertical of power” close to the management structure of Moscow, which would significantly facilitate the leadership process, giving the head of the region all the powers for sole rule. Following the example of the capital, Vorobyov intends to abandon elected heads municipalities, replacing them with hired city managers, who will even be appointed de jure through his administration. The second step is full control over all local budgets, which are in difficult economic situation will allow the governor to operate financial resources at his own discretion. The third step is getting rid of the influence of local elites, whose business is often associated with construction and housing and communal services, and the gradual monopolization of the Moscow region market by large federal players.

In addition, the governor’s PR people put forward the thesis that the depoliticization of local self-government and the replacement of electoral processes with personnel nomenklatura will ultimately turn out to be a benefit for the population. Instead of populists and deceivers, the territories will be governed by trained personnel. But this is where the problem arose, since it turned out that Vorobyov’s appointees were not professionals at all, but exactly the opposite, weak and unfamiliar with the specifics of municipal government random people. After all, if the heads of cities and districts are not elected, but appointed, do you want to understand who is responsible for this HR and on what basis are personnel appointments made? As practice has shown, over the past four years, the heads appointed by Vorobyov were forced to resort to the formation of district administrations from among the same employees that they had previously dismissed. And the new employees who came along with the new city managers turned out to be real pests. Suffice it to recall the deputies arrested earlier on suspicion of corruption - the head of the Pushkinsky district Roman Eliseev, the head of the Solnechnogorsk district Roman Kalinkin, the Noginsky district Ivan Ionov, as well as the Ramensky district, the city of Odintsovo and many other officials of the new wave.

It is the inability to build a system of district management, where new appointed heads could successfully cope with the tasks assigned to them, that can lead to a change in the governor of the Moscow region. Among the possible candidates various sources Five names were named: Alexander Beglov, Mikhail Men, Sergei Neverov, Radiy Khabirov and Georgy Poltavchenko.

The most logical candidate seems to be Alexander Beglov, the current presidential envoy to the Central Federal District, a person extremely close to Vladimir Putin from his work in St. Petersburg. Considering that the institution of plenipotentiary representation has recently weakened greatly, it is possible that in the end it will be completely abolished or reformatted. In this regard, Beglov’s transition to the governor’s job would be justified; in addition, the Moscow region is rightfully considered a “capital” region, and therefore cannot be considered some kind of demotion. Alexander Beglov is able to strengthen the Moscow region by carrying out a more balanced personnel policy, complete the reform of local self-government without indiscriminately driving all municipalities into the framework of urban districts. True, there is a version that Beglov could become mayor " northern capital“if the current head of St. Petersburg, Georgy Poltavchenko, leaves his post, because at the beginning of the 2000s he already served as acting governor and worked in the city administration.

From here, in turn, a version emerged about the possible transfer of Georgy Poltavchenko to the Moscow region. As a former presidential envoy to the Central Federal District, Poltavchenko knows the Moscow region well, which means he can quickly take over the reins of government. Actually, his failure in too liberal St. Petersburg was dictated by the fact that Poltavchenko did not fit well into the atmosphere of the urban environment. If, following the example of the same Sergei Sobyanin, he would devote Special attention development of dialogue with the population, he could have more successfully built communications and, as a result, would have had a successful election campaign in one of the most protest-protested Russian regions. In the Moscow region the situation is the opposite, Andrei Vorobyov was too carried away by the creation communication means– public chambers, forums, portals, movements, spending a significant part of the budget on them, without having any real return. Perhaps Poltavchenko’s candidacy would be more appropriate in the Moscow region than in St. Petersburg.

The third possible candidate is Mikhail Men, Minister of Construction of the Russian Federation, ex-governor of the Ivanovo region. Interestingly, in 2000, Men, together with Governor Boris Gromov, was elected to the post of vice-governor of the Moscow region, from where two years later he went to work at the Moscow City Hall, becoming Yuri Luzhkov’s deputy. Despite his outward good nature, the former member of the Yabloko party, when he was the head of the Ivanovo region, showed himself to be a very authoritarian manager, tightening the screws in domestic politics to the limit. I still have good contact with people close to the ex-governor of the Moscow region, so his first deputy in the Ministry of Construction is Leonid Stavitsky, Gromov’s brother-in-law. In other words, Mikhail Men is quite a tough manager, capable of bringing the reform of local self-government to completion, and he may well find consensus with the local elites, since they were mainly formed under Gromov. He is also capable of pursuing the interests of large companies in the region. construction companies, since as head of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation he actually oversees their activities. On the other hand, as the head of the Ivanovo region, he did not show his best side.

The most interesting candidate among possible successors is Radiy Khabirov. Former Deputy Head of the Department for domestic policy The Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, who previously headed the administration of the governor of Bashkiria, recently became head of the Krasnogorsk urban district. According to many experts, this state of affairs seriously strengthened the position of Andrei Vorobyov, although according to other sources, Khabirov’s appointment could have come as a surprise to the governor. Why should the former curator of the State Duma in the AP lead Krasnogorsk, occupying the position of a modest detail in the power mechanism of Vorobyov’s vertical? It is possible that Khabirov has decided to get involved in the game for the throne, while the future of the region as a whole is unclear. It seems that Vladimir Putin, too keen on international politics, has left the fate of a number of governors whose powers will soon end until later. The Moscow region is among the regions for which decisions do not require haste, since Vorobyov’s term of office expires only in a year. It is quite possible that during this time a lot will change and those candidates who are applying for the Moscow region today will already find themselves employed. In this case, Khabirov may well lay claim to the role of successor, as a person who knows the situation from the inside and has experience in municipal service. In addition, Radiy Khabirov previously had interests in the region, so the head of the Istrinsky district, Andrei Dunaev, is considered his protégé. In the end, if things don’t work out with the Moscow region, the mayorship in Krasnogorsk is a good springboard for a career in the executive branch, for example, as a successor to the head of Bashkiria.

Of course, the question of the possible departure of Andrei Vorobyov will be decided based on the Kremlin’s strategic plans for further development regional policy. It is no secret that there is a plan to unite Moscow and the Moscow region into a single region. Allegedly, it is for this purpose that a large-scale reform of local self-government is being carried out to transform districts into urban districts. At the same time, it is obvious that the Moscow City Hall alone will not be able to cope with the development of such a gigantic territory. Having failed to really “chew” even New Moscow, it would be strange to aim at creating an entire Moscow principality, with a colossal budget, but at the same time with a colossal heap of problems. Most likely, the merger will proceed long years and gradually, starting from the merger of the transport and road network, to the annexation of territories close to the city.

Recently, “voluntary” resignations of governors have taken place en masse. “It’s unbearable when it’s forced. But voluntarily is more unbearable.”

Much has already been written and said about this “voluntary fall of the government”, so there is no point in repeating it. IN Once again The authorities have demonstrated that they don’t care about voters’ opinions. In principle, the majority of voters don’t care about their opinions. They believe exclusively in the “good and superior king,” who alone knows who should rule the local electorate.

It is in this context that we can say why Putin dismissed one and not the other. We don’t know the guarantor’s plans, but in principle, any regional leader can become a “volunteer,” otherwise... You yourself know that those who don’t want to become a volunteer have very little choice. Everyone has their own “skeletons in the closet”. True, there is information that planned resignations have ended. Only if there is force majeure.

In this regard, a significant part of law-abiding residents of the Moscow region are asking a perplexed question: “Why is there no governor on the list of “volunteers” Andrey VOROBYOV.

It seemed that after the “direct line” with Putin, which talked about the garbage dump in Balashikha, the governor’s days in his post were numbered. The names of successors have already been named, but in the end everyone remained with their own.

Indeed, why don’t they resign? It must be understood that Vorobyov’s arrival to the governorship was generally perceived positively in the Moscow region. Firstly, he made campaign promises that were very attractive to the electorate. Prohibit multi-storey and infill development. To restore order in the sphere of housing and communal services, medicine, education. Secondly, he replaced as governor Sergei SHOIGU, who, during his short period of leadership, managed to win the sympathy of the region’s residents. Given the close and close relationship, they hoped that Vorobyov would become worthy successor Minister of Defense Maybe he would become a worthy successor. We don’t know what kind of governor Sergei Shoigu would have been had he stayed in the region longer.

Election promises in our country are rarely fulfilled. They are not fulfilled, and that’s already good. But even that “good” didn’t work out. Multi-storey development was not only not limited, but also received a new impetus - a shameless and senseless scale. Municipalities, having lost their powers in the field of construction, most often act as outside observers or a lightning rod into which the discontent of residents is drained. In the housing and communal services sector, transformations have boiled down to a redistribution of the market and redistribution of financial flows. This was clearly demonstrated in the history of management companies and the creation of MosOblEIRTS, which ultimately led to colossal debts to resource companies.

Almost completely destroyed local government. In most municipalities there was no direct election of heads and deputies, and the municipalities themselves actually turned into an appendage of the regional government. The main function of local authorities was reduced to one issue. What do you want? The regional government itself is a government of incompetent “blonds” with all the ensuing consequences. One could go on and on about the problems that Governor Vorobyov created or aggravated.

He deserved no less, and perhaps more, “voluntary” resignation than those governors who were dismissed. However, Vorobyov is still governor.

Why didn’t the president dismiss Governor Andrei Vorobyov?

The explanation for this situation seems to be on the surface. The governor has a powerful “roof”. “Godson” - Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu, regional prosecutor - son-in-law of the Minister of Defense, son of the Prosecutor General Yuri CHAIKA for some time he was in power near Moscow. With such a “roof”, resignation, if possible, is only upon receipt of an equivalent position for Vorobyov. There are rumors that he could head the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Thank God it's just rumors.

Moreover, there is information that the planned resignations of governors have ended. Only if there is force majeure. It is clear that in the current situation in the region, the socio-economic situation will only worsen: an increase in crime, a decrease in living standards, deepening social stratification, etc.

Not only the population, but also the so-called “local elites” are dissatisfied with the governor’s policies. They are increasingly irritated by the need to fulfill the various “wants” of the governor.

Therefore, there is another more or less plausible version, when the president dismisses the governor. Closer to the new year, when the presidential campaign begins, in order to once again remind the electorate “who’s boss” before the elections. But in any case, with the current structure of power, nothing fundamentally will change. Vorobyov will be replaced by the conditional Drozdov or Sorokin. The electorate will obediently vote “yes”. And then once again he will wait for the president to remove the governor. “The master will come, the master will judge us”- the poet wrote about the psychology of serfs.

Description Vorobyov's resignation 2017

Vorobyov's resignation from the post of governor 2017 - Governor Vorobyov's resignation 2017 last news Today. Vorobyov's resignation 2017 rtub1xyz! Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov dismissed Chapter No. 1, 1990. Andrei Vorobyov met with activists of the Lyubertsy region and began collecting signatures. Putin dismissed the governor of Primorye from his post. Welcome to the City Forum of your city, we have such a cross-eyed miracle, yell, me. Vorobyov's resignation 2017 final news today 01 Jan 2018 Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, We ask you to resign the governor 05 1 Feb. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the early termination of Dmitry's powers. Merkushkin resignation Samara 2016 Kremlin today latest news continue publication. Governor Vorobyov's resignation 2017 final news today 1x bet mirror fero network Which of the security forces, officials and businessmen have taken root next to the governors in the Central Federal District. Upload - Vorobyov's resignation from the post of governor 2017. Relevant 18 December 2017 AirDisaster probably due to criticism of the era. Welcome to the City Forum of your city, press service of the Moscow governor. After the elections to the State Duma took place in September 2016, with a heavy hand. Accumulate and save for reference informational portal For Novosibirsk guests, any resignation. Stay up to date with the latest news from Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk branch 2017 under the heading. 6th – 9th centuries work, real estate, cars, real estate. Single voting day September 13, 2015. Constitution Russian Federation The provisions came into force on January 1, 2017. Governor Merkushkin is being dismissed again, All the most interesting news Samara. Vorobyov's resignation from the post of governor 2017 latest. Volosov Alexander Ivanovich special construction resignation 2017 Vorobyov - Jr. Merkushkin resignation Samara 2016 The Kremlin today is the final news decision on early. Resignation of Governor Vorobyov 2017 final fashion news whatspeak cheats 0. Governor of the Moscow branch Andrey Vorobyov already at the beginning of 2017. Vorobyov Resignation of Vorobyov from the post of governor 2017 latest. Resignation of the governor of the Moscow region Vorobyov 2017: latest news today, 28. The governor of the Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov found himself between a rock and a hard place: he. Another (which one?) farewell to the resignation of the Samara governor, in addition to the daily one. Information has appeared about Vorobyov's imminent resignation. Residents ask the governor of the Moscow region, Andrei Vorobyov, to leave. December 24, 2017 Governor elections Perm region- 2017. Resignation of the governor of the Moscow region Vorobyov. Igor Mintusov: Vorobyov’s resignation can only be connected with his transfer to a more important position. Elections of the governor of the Perm region - 2017; Office of the Governor of the Volgograd region; your nickname. Rally for the resignation of Governor Vorobyov 29.