Summary of a lesson on literary reading on the topic “L. Tolstoy’s fable “How a man removed a stone””

Many wonderful books Books that are smart, interesting, Exciting, funny In cities, towns, villages... You're going to the library To read more, A real person Books help you become.

What genres of works

You know?.


Fairy tale



Let us remember with what works L.N. We know Tolstoy.

Notebook page 22, no. 4

1. “Old grandfather and granddaughters”.

2. "Filipok".

3. "Kitten."

4. “Bone.”

5. “The Lion and the Dog.”

6. "Jump".

L. N. Tolstoy

“How a man removed a stone.”

Vocabulary work.

specialist with higher technical


Engineer -


explosive mixture

Big skating rink

compaction machine,

soil compaction




fiction, invention

What is the main idea of ​​the fable?

Write down page 22 in your notebook

It's not so much strength that matters, but rather ingenuity.

Reading a fable

“How a man removed a stone”

page 119

Which proverb fits the content of the fable?

It is not without reason that they say that the master’s work is feared.

As is the master, so is the work.

Strength breaks everything, but the mind breaks strength.

The need for invention is cunning.

Intellect and honor.

Everything ingenious is simple!


  • The work “Like a Man”

removed the stone" is a fable,

since it has an allegory and morality.

2. A fable can be in a poem

noah and prosaic form.


How are you finishing your lesson today? Why?

In this lesson I would praise myself for...


Literary reading lesson in 4th grade

Teacher: Charintseva A.D.

Lesson topic: Fable by Leo Tolstoy “How a Man Removed a Stone”

Lesson type: introduction of new knowledge

The purpose of the lesson: develop cognitive activity and creative independence of students.

Formed UUD:


Study L. N. Tolstoy’s fable “How a Man Removed a Stone”;

To form a concept about the fable, about the moral of the fable;

Show students that a fable can be in prose form;


To develop experience in creative activity;

Develop interest in artistic expression;

Develop the ability to read expressively;

Develop the ability to compare, analyze, generalize;


To cultivate the moral qualities of an individual: hard work, non-acceptance of hypocrisy, non-acceptance of flattery, respect for the opinions of others.


The ability to determine and formulate a goal in a lesson with the help of a teacher;

Explain the sequence of actions in the lesson;

Work according to a collectively drawn up plan;

Evaluate the correctness of the action;

Plan your action in accordance with the task;

Express your guess.


- skill express your thoughts orally;

- listen and understand the speech of others;

- jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication at school and follow them.


- ability to navigate your knowledge system: distinguish new things from what is already known with the help of a teacher;

- gain new knowledge: find answers to questions using the textbook, your life experience and information received in the lesson.

Technologies: problem-based learning, health-saving, critical thinking technology.

Equipment: textbook L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, M. V. Golovanova “Literary reading”; audio recording of L.N.'s fable Tolstoy “How a man removed a stone.”

During the classes

Reception "Cluster"

We create a cluster based on the presentation of cognitive tasks during the lesson.

I . Self-determination for activities (1-2 min)

Checking the readiness of students and their attitude to work.

We are pleased to welcome you to our class,

Perhaps there are better and more beautiful classes,

But let there be light in our class

Let it be cozy and very easy.

II . Updating knowledge (4 min)

What section do we study in the literary reading lesson? (The wonderful world of classics)

What works do we classify as classics? (Outstanding works, examples of literature and art)

Which Russian classics did you read in class? (Works by A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, L. N. Tolstoy)

III. Checking homework based on the work of L. N. Tolstoy “Childhood” (5 min)

Which classic did we meet in the last lesson?

What do you remember about both works?

What do you remember about the little boy's story?

What genre do the works belong to? (story, “Childhood” excerpt from the story)

How do you feel when you hear the word "mom"? Read the syncwine about mom (exhibition of works in files)

IV . Setting a learning task (5 min)

Formulate the topic of our lesson by completing all my tasks.

Find out the work:

    « One ship circumnavigated the world and was returning home. The weather was calm, all the people were on deck. A large monkey was spinning around in the middle of the people and amusing everyone. This monkey writhed, jumped, made funny faces, imitated people, and it was clear that she knew that they were amusing her, and that’s why she became even more upset” (“Jump” true story)

    “In London they showed wild animals and for viewing they took money or dogs and cats to feed the wild animals.”(“The Lion and the Dog” true story)

    “There was a boy. His name was Philip. Let's go to school once, guys." (“Filippok” is a true story)

What do these works have in common? (These works were written by L.N. Tolstoy) (slide)

What do you know from the writer’s biography?

What works did you read or remember for the lesson?

- Can you determine the genre of these works? (true)

What genres do you know? (story, tale, poem, fable, oral folk art, etc.)

Name the topic of the lesson. (Let's continue to get acquainted with the works of L.N. Tolstoy)


To determine the purpose of the lesson, listen to the piece.

Primary perception. TEXTBOOKS ARE CLOSED.

Listen to the piece. (Students listen to an audio recording of the fable.)

Did you like the work?

What surprised you?

Students share their impressions.

Problematic question:

- Guys, this is a fable!!!

- You agree with me? (No)

State the purpose of the lesson.

(We will talk about what the works of Leo Tolstoy teach.Let us remember the features of the fable. Let's prove that this work is a fable)

Physical education minute “Illegal movement” (3 min)

V .Building a project to get out of the difficulty. Working with text (15 min)

Why were you surprised?

Which of the classics wrote a huge number of fables in the form of poems?

What feature of fable writing did we highlight when we read Krylov’s fables?

- Toto understand, you need to understand the work , find the distinctive features of the fable.

Read the work yourself.

Reading the text to yourself .

Mark with a pencil which words require explanation.

Work in pairs .

Which words did you find difficult?(work in pairs)
- Explain the meaning of the words:
Engineer – specialist with higher technical education.
Powder– explosive compound or mixture.
Big skating rink– a machine for compacting and compacting soil, asphalt,

near stone - near.
Artifice- fiction, invention.

Reading text aloud (chain by chain)

Let's read the definition of terms in the dictionary.

Fable - a short allegorical, moralizing story (slide)
- What is the peculiarity of the fable? (That there is morality.)
- What is commonly understood by the word morality? (An instructive conclusion, instruction, some rules.)

- Allegory - , containing hidden ; used as reception.

- And this work looks like a story ? (slide)

Yes. Sentences for the purpose of the statement are narrative. Observed

dynamics of ongoing events.

- And this work looks like true story ? Perhaps there was an event (slide)
We will try to prove that this work is a fable.

Let's work on the content.

Group work . Students create questions and ask them to other groups.

- Make up questions about the work you read.Title the parts.

Selective reading of part 1.

What questions have you prepared?
- Where does the action take place?

Name the participants.

What was the task facing the engineers?
- What was the title? (Stone on the square ).

Working on part 2.

What was the task facing the engineers?

What would you suggest if you found yourself in a group of engineers?
- What did 1 engineer suggest?
- What did the 2nd engineer suggest?

What is more than 6 thousand or 8 thousand and by how much?

What should we call it? ( Dispute )

Part 3.

How did the man solve this problem?
- Why did they give him another 100 rubles?

How do you imagine a man?

What character traits did the man have? (simple, smart, quick-witted)
- What was the title of this part? (Good fiction )

- Look at the illustration. ( slide)
- Find and read what moment is shown in the illustration.
- What is the main idea? What did the author want to say on this topic?

- It's not so much strength that matters, but rather ingenuity.

Is there a moral teaching?

There is a moral lesson. And this is the moral of the work. If there is a moral, it is….

There is a popular expression: “The moral of the story is this”

Is the piece short?

Where is the allegory hidden (hidden technique)? (The man was given 100 rubles for a clever invention.)

What human qualities do you think the author showed in his work? Which heroes did Tolstoy choose for this?
(engineers in order to show strength and man - ingenuity)

What conclusion can we draw?

(We will classify this work as a fable, since the vices of people are ridiculed.

There is morality and there is allegory.
The work “How a Man Removed a Stone” is a fable.)

A fable can be in poetic or prose form.

Fables teach us to be hardworking, honest, fair, and teach us morals. That is why they are called moralizing works.
The moralizing meaning of the fable is in the words of the author at the beginning or end of the fable. This is called morality.

Guys, Leo Tolstoy also has a fable that is familiar to you:

    “Grandfather became very old. His legs didn’t walk, his eyes didn’t see, his ears didn’t hear, he had no teeth.” (“Old grandfather and granddaughter” fable)

What is being ridiculed in this fable?

Physical education minute (1 min)

VI. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition (3 min)

The great writer believed that works of oral creativity of the people: poems, fairy tales, proverbs, riddles are interesting and useful to read to children. In the books that Tolstoy prepared for teaching peasant children in Yasnaya Polyana, he included many fairy tales, proverbs, and riddles.

    Working on proverbs

Read the proverbs.

Which of them more accurately conveys the moral of the fable you read?

1) So many heads, so many minds.

2) Strength breaks everything, but mind breaks strength.

3) It’s not enough to want, you need to know and be able to.

4) And strength is inferior to the mind .

5) As is the master, so is the work.

6) It is not for nothing that they say that the master’s work is feared.

2. Work with the fable “Two Comrades” (3 min)

I want to read you another fable by Leo Tolstoy - TWO COMRADES
Two comrades were walking through the forest, and a bear jumped out at them. One ran, climbed a tree and hid, while the other stayed on the road. He had nothing to do - he fell to the ground and pretended to be dead.

The bear came up to him and began to sniff: he stopped breathing.

The bear sniffed his face, thought he was dead, and walked away.

When the bear left, he climbed down from the tree and laughed: “Well,” he said, “did the bear speak in your ear?”

“And he told me that the bad people are those who run away from their comrades in danger.”

What is the moral of this fable?

L.N. Tolstoy “A cowardly friend is worse than an enemy, because you fear the enemy, but rely on your friend.” (slide)

VII .Summarizing. Reflection (3 min)

Guys, what task did we set for you?

Have we reached our goal?

Have we proven that this is a fable?

What do the works of Leo Tolstoy teach? (They teach kindness, respect, honesty.)

- What new things have you discovered today?

Are fables needed today?

I would like to end the lesson with wordsL.N. Tolstoy: “The true strength of a person is not in impulses, but in indestructible calm.” (ON THE DESK)

VIII . Homework. Technique “Perfect Homework” (1 min)

    Learn one of the fables by heart;

    Compose a syncwine for the word “fable”.

That's the end of the lesson.
The bell rang again
We can rest safely
And then back to business.







Topic: Leo Tolstoy's fable “How a man removed a stone”

Purpose of the lesson: to continue acquaintance with the life and work of L.N. Tolstoy.

Formed UUD:


Study L. N. Tolstoy’s fable “How a Man Removed a Stone”;

To form a concept about the fable, about the moral of the fable;

Show students that a fable can be in prose form;


To develop experience in creative activity;

Develop interest in artistic expression;

Develop the ability to compare, analyze, generalize;


To cultivate the moral qualities of an individual: hard work, non-acceptance of hypocrisy, non-acceptance of flattery, respect for the opinions of others.


The ability to determine and formulate a goal in a lesson with the help of a teacher;

Explain the sequence of actions in the lesson;

Work according to a collectively drawn up plan;

Evaluate the correctness of the action;

Plan your action in accordance with the task;

Express your guess.


Ability to express your thoughts orally;

Listen and understand the speech of others;

Jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication at school and follow them.


The ability to navigate your knowledge system: distinguish new things from what is already known with the help of a teacher;

Gain new knowledge: find answers to questions using the textbook, your life experience and information received in class.

Equipment: textbook by L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, M. V. Golovanova “Literary reading”; audio recording of L.N.'s fable Tolstoy “How a man removed a stone.”

During the classes:

    Organizing time

The call gave us a signal:

The time has come to work.

So let's not waste time,

And we begin to work.

    Working with proverbs

As is the master, so is the work.

It is not without reason that they say that the master’s work is feared.

How do you understand these proverbs?

Read the proverb loudly, expressively, in a whisper.

    Updating knowledge

Many wonderful books

Books that are smart, interesting,

Exciting, funny

In cities, towns, villages.

You're going to the library

A real person

Books help you become!

What section do we study in the literary reading lesson? (Hopscotch)

What works do we classify as classics? (Outstanding works, examples of literature and art)

Which Russian classics did you read in class? (Works by A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, L. N. Tolstoy)

    Introduction to the works of L. N. Tolstoy

Guys, today we have a very interesting lesson. We will go on a journey through the work of the great Russian writer, but try to guess who exactly by listening carefully to my story.

(The teacher talks against the background of smooth classical music)

Peasant children were ordered to enter the estate. There, in the depths of the park, in a large house lived a rich and noble count. And the boys were surprised when they heard that the count was calling them to his estate! There was talk throughout all the surrounding villages. Why is the Count calling them?

And now it turns out that the count himself wants to set up a school for peasant children and will teach them himself. The children silently approached the white count's house and stopped. The two-story house seemed huge to them, because they themselves grew up in low huts under thatched roofs. The count came out onto the porch, broad-shouldered, strong, with a black beard. The guys became slightly shy when he looked at them with a sharp look from under his thick eyebrows. BUT the count smiled, spoke - and immediately all the timidity disappeared, everything immediately became simple and good. Friendship began from the first meeting. The teacher was a count, he was supposed to be called “your excellency.” But the count did not want this.

“Don’t call me “Your Excellency,” he said, “but my name is Lev Nikolaevich, so call me that.”

Leo Tolstoy is a great Russian writer.

The genius of Russian literature.

Teacher: You are absolutely right, guys. Lev Nikolaevich lived 82 years and devoted his entire life to literature. His books have been translated into many languages ​​and are read all over the world. Today in class we will meet again with his works.

    Working on a piece

    Primary perception.

Listen to the piece. (Students listen to an audio recording of the fable.)

Did you like the work?

What surprised you? (Students share their impressions.)

    Physical education minute

    Continuation of work on the fable

    Reading the text to yourself.

Note which words require explanation.

    Group work.

Which words did you find difficult?

Explain the meaning of the words:

An engineer is a specialist with a higher technical education.

Gunpowder is an explosive compound or mixture.

Large roller - a machine for compacting and compacting soil, asphalt,

near the stone - near.

Fiction is a fiction, an invention.

    Reading the text aloud.

Problematic question

What genre would you classify this work as? (Story; fable)

Prove it. (Discussion in pairs)

We think it's a story because it's a prose piece.

Sentences for the purpose of the statement are narrative. Observed

dynamics of ongoing events.

We classified this work as a fable, since the vices of people are ridiculed.

There is a moral.

What does the word fable mean?

A fable is a short allegorical, moralizing story.

What is special about the fable? (That there is morality.)

What is commonly understood by the word morality? (An instructive conclusion, instruction, some rules.)

Who is right? Let's try to prove it.

    Group work

Make up questions about the work you read. Title the parts.

Selective reading of part 1.

What questions have you prepared?

Where does the action take place?

Name the participants.

What was the title? (Stone in the square).

Working on part 2.

What was the task facing the engineers?

What would you suggest if you found yourself in a group of engineers?

What did 1 engineer suggest?

What did the 2nd engineer suggest?

What is more than 6 thousand or 8 thousand and by how much?

What should we call it? (Dispute)

Part 3.

How did the man solve this problem?

Why did they give him another 100 rubles?

How do you imagine a man?

What character traits did the man have? (simple, smart, quick-witted)

What was the title of this part? (Good idea)

Look at the illustration.

Find and read what moment is shown in the illustration.

What is the main idea?

It's not so much strength that matters, but rather ingenuity. And this is the moral of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy’s fable.

What human qualities do you think the author showed in his work? Which heroes did Tolstoy choose for this?

(engineers in order to show strength and man - ingenuity)

What genre does this work belong to?

The work “How a Man Removed a Stone” is a fable.

A fable can be in poetic or prose form. Fables teach us to be hardworking, honest, fair, and teach us morals. That is why they are called moralizing works.

    Working on proverbs

Read the proverbs.

Which one more accurately conveys the moral of the fable?

1. So many heads, so many minds.

2. Strength breaks everything, but mind breaks strength.

3. It’s not enough to want, you need to know and be able to.

4. Lazy hands are not related to a smart head.

    Summing up the lesson. Reflection

What new things have you discovered today?

That's the end of the lesson.

The bell rang again

We can rest safely

And then back to business.


Literary reading lesson in 4th grade Kuznetsova E.A.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Subject: Fable by Leo Tolstoy “How a man removed a stone.”

Lesson Objectives:

Summarize children’s knowledge from the biography and work of Leo Tolstoy, form a concept about the fable, about the moral of the fable, introduce them to the fable “How a Man Removed a Stone”, and develop the experience of creative activity;

Develop interest in artistic expression, the ability to read expressively, develop the ability to compare, analyze, and generalize;

To cultivate the moral qualities of the individual.

Equipment: presentation, 4th grade textbook “Literary Reading” by L.F. Klimanov, text of the fable “Two Comrades”.


1. Organizational moment.

We continue our acquaintance with the “Wonderful World of Classics”. I want to start today’s lesson with a quote from the personal memories of one world-famous author. Try to guess who we are talking about.

“...Elder brother Nikolenka... announced to us that he has a secret, through which, when it is revealed, all people will become happy: there will be no illnesses, no troubles, no one will be angry with anyone, and everyone will love each other, everyone will become ant brothers..."

It’s true that this is an excerpt from Leo Tolstoy’s memoirs about his childhood. (Slide 1)

What information from his biography do you still remember?

Every year you get older, in literature lessons you will get acquainted with more and more complex works of Lev Nikolaevich, and discover new facts from his life. Let's do this right now.

2. Five minutes of reading.

Now, working in pairs, you will read the pages of the author's biography. In a minute, you will exchange material and ask each other one question about what you read. Annex 1

Let's summarize the work. (Slide 2)

In front of you on the slide are keywords and numbers. Your task is to explain what they mean in Tolstoy’s life.

3. Studying new material. Updating knowledge.

Remember the works of Leo Tolstoy, previously studied in class. (Slide 3)

-What genres do these works belong to?

What does the word fable mean? (short allegorical, moralizing story, poem)

Do you think Tolstoy composed fables? (Slide 4)

4. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson. Assimilation of new knowledge.

Today we will get acquainted withfable “How a man removed a stone.” (the topic of the lesson appears on the board)

Let's get acquainted with its contents. (an audio recording of the fable sounds and is illustrated with slides, up to the words “..And I will remove the stone and take a hundred rubles for it...”) (Slide 5-9)

-Who is an engineer? (Engineer - specialist with higher technical education)

The name of the profession comes from the French word ingenieur, or from the Latin ingenium - ability, ingenuity.

What could a simple man invent?

Work in groups.

Try to be an inventor too. I'll give you one minute to discuss. (children have markers and album sheets on their tables)

How could the engineers' proposals in the fable be irrational? (expensive, unsafe)

Let's finish reading the fable in the textbook and find out whether his solution to the problem is similar to yours. Reading aloud.

5. Physical exercise.

6. Consolidation and systematization of knowledge.

What did you like about the fable?

Re-read the fable again and prepare to answer the question: -What character traits did the man have? (savvy, inventive, simple-minded)

What is the peculiarity of any fable? (That there is morality.)

What is commonly understood by the word morality? (An instructive conclusion, instruction, some rules.)

What is the main idea - the moral of Lev Nikolaevich's fable? (it’s not so much strength that matters, but rather ingenuity)

Read the proverbs and, leaving only those that correspond to the moral of this fable, choose an extra proverb.(Slide 10)

- L. N. Tolstoy wrote more than a dozen fables.I want you to meet one more and determine its morality for yourself. (read aloud to children who read well)

Two comrades.

Two comrades were walking through the forest, and a bear jumped out at them. One ran, climbed a tree and hid, while the other stayed on the road. He had nothing to do - he fell to the ground and pretended to be dead.

The bear came up to him and began to sniff: he stopped breathing.

The bear sniffed his face, thought he was dead, and walked away.

When the bear left, he climbed down from the tree and laughed.

Well, he says, did the bear speak into your ear?

And he told me that bad people are those who run away from their comrades in danger.

7. Lesson summary.

What new did you learn?

What did this lesson teach you for your life?

Which guys can you praise for their work?

8. Reflection.

What was the most difficult thing in the lesson? How do you evaluate your contribution to the topic of the lesson? (everyone has signal cards of two colors on their desk: yellow and green. Green - high score, yellow - additional work is needed)


Prepare a retelling of the fable.

Friends, I ask for your comments on the moral of Tolstoy’s fable “How a Man Removed a Stone.”
I saw the meaning of the fable only in the diversity of opinions and ways of solving the problem. Moreover, all these methods have the right to life. Or is it still about ridiculing a man with his “simplest ways of solving a problem.” Once you call yourself a load, climb into the back and dig up the entire area for us for a hundred rubles!!!
I really need your opinion, please speak out.
The fable is quite short, the text is given below:


In a square in one city there lay a huge stone. The stone took up a lot of space and interfered with driving around the city. They called in engineers and asked them how to remove this stone and how much it would cost.

One engineer said that the stone should be broken into pieces with gunpowder and then transported piece by piece, and that it would cost 8,000 rubles; another said that a large roller should be placed under the stone and the stone should be transported on the roller, and that this would cost 6,000 rubles.

And one man said: “I’ll remove the stone and take 100 rubles for it.”

They asked him how he would do it. And he said: “I will dig a large hole next to the stone; I will scatter the earth from the pit over the square, throw the stone into the pit and level it with earth.”

The man did just that, and they gave him 100 rubles and another 100 rubles for his clever invention.

The main conclusion of the fable can still be expressed by the proverb: IN THE MIND and IN HONOR!
Of course, you can dig up the entire area, it will be impossible to use it, drip for six months, etc. But all the mechanisms were invented in order to a) speed up and b) make it more convenient to perform monotonous work.
Hence the high cost in the engineers’ proposals.
After all, the same work can be done quickly, but expensively... or cheaply... and continue to be done to this day!