There are no absolutely identical and completely mediocre people. An example of an Unified State Exam essay based on the text by V.I.

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(1) There are no absolutely identical and completely mediocre people! (2) Everyone is born with the stamp of some talent. (3) The need for creativity is as natural as the need to drink or eat; it glimmers in each of us, even in the most incredibly difficult conditions. (4) Each person is talented in his own way, in other words, unique. (5) Fortunately, people who are absolutely bad internally and externally do not exist.

(6) The fact that the need for creativity is characteristic of everyone can be seen from the fact that in childhood, even in infancy, the child has a need to play. (7) Every child wants to play, that is, to live creatively. (8) Why does creativity gradually disappear from our lives over the years, why creativity is not preserved and developed in each of us? (9) Roughly speaking, because we either did not do our own thing (we did not find ourselves, our personality, our talent). (10) The second often depends on the first, but the first is not always free from the second. (11) If you don’t learn to work, you will never know what nature has given you.

(12) If spiritual potential is weak, then the personality is erased, leveled, and quickly loses the individual traits inherent in it. (13) The harmonious ascent and creative emancipation of the individual can be hindered by any mental, family, social or world discord, any trouble, which, by the way, can be different. (14) For example, it’s one thing when you don’t have shoes to go to school (or even the school itself), and quite another when you’re forced to learn musical literacy. (15) Of course, the second case is preferable, but discord is discord. (16) Therefore, we see that social orientation is by no means always infallible and that fashion is generally harmful in such a matter as the matter of finding oneself.

(17) Why, in fact, is only the life of an artist or painter considered creative? (18) After all, you can be an artist and an artist in any business. (19) This should be the norm. (20) The aura of exclusivity of this or that profession, the division of labor according to such principles as “honorable-dishonorable”, “interesting-uninteresting”, precisely encourages the idea that creativity is inaccessible to everyone. (21) But this quite suits the supporters of personality leveling, who single out a faceless crowd of mediocre people and contrast them with talented people. (22) But is this right?

(According to V. Belov*)

*Vasily Ivanovich Belov (born in 1932) is one of the outstanding Russian writers of our time. The main works are dedicated to the Russian village. Central theme creativity - interest in life modern man, to his spiritual world.

Talent. Does every person have one? It is this problem that V.I. raises. Belov in the text proposed for analysis.

Reflecting on the question posed, the writer notices that every person has a need for creativity, every person is unique, and therefore talented. To prove his opinion, V.I. Belov gives as an example children who explore the world through play, that is, through creativity. The author of the text says with undisguised regret that people often do not reveal their talent only because they “were busy doing something they weren’t supposed to do.” The writer concludes his reasoning with the conclusion that it is wrong to “single out a faceless crowd of mediocre people and contrast talented people with them.”

The position of the author of the text on the issue raised is expressed clearly and unambiguously and is revealed in the following sentence: “Everyone is born with the stamp of some kind of talent.” IN AND. Belov is convinced: every person has talent, there are no absolutely mediocre people.

I'm with great interest I read the text by V.I. Belov, however, not all of the author’s arguments seemed convincing enough to me. I would like to express doubt that every person has some kind of talent.

Russian classical writers spoke about this repeatedly in their works. Let us remember the epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". In this work, one of the heroes, Anatol Kuragin, according to the author himself, is an absolutely mediocre person. Repeatedly L.N. Tolstoy called him very stupid and said that Anatole thought very little in general. Anatole was convinced: just as a duck was created to live in water, so he was created by God in order to occupy the highest position in society. That is, he did not make any efforts to self-development; there can be no talk of any talent here. Thus, not all people can be called talented.

I'll give you another one literary example which shows: there are people who have no talent. Let us remember the poem by N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls". In this work, one of the heroes, Manilov, is a man who is unable to make any decisions. He can only dream, but not make his dreams come true. Manilov has no aspirations, and it is unlikely that anything will make him budge. Therefore, there are mediocre people.

In conclusion, it is important to note: everyone has different intelligence, and, unfortunately, it happens that people are born with low intelligence, and such people do not have talent.

Dz in Russian for Thursday, January 12
Complete the text part C: your position and arguments. Use the texts you read. And also with your own examples.

Text B
“(1) There are no absolutely identical and completely mediocre people! (2) Everyone is born with the stamp of some kind of talent. (3) The need for creativity is as natural as the need to drink or eat; it glimmers in each of us even in the most incredibly difficult conditions. (4) Each person is talented in his own way, in other words, unique. (5) Fortunately, people who are absolutely bad internally and externally do not exist.
(6) The fact that the need for creativity is characteristic of everyone can be seen from the fact that in childhood, even in infancy, the child has a need to play. (7) Every child wants to play, that is, to live creatively. (8) Why does creativity gradually disappear from our lives over the years, why is creativity preserved and developed not in each of us? (9) Roughly speaking, because we either got busy with something that wasn’t ours (we didn’t find ourselves, our personality, our talent), or we didn’t learn to live and work (we didn’t develop talent). (10) The second often depends on the first, but the first is not always free from the second. (11) If you don’t learn to work, you will never know what nature has given you.
(12) If the spiritual potential is weak, then the personality is erased, leveled, and quickly loses the individual traits inherent in it. (13) The orderly ascent and creative emancipation of the individual can be hindered by any mental, family, social or world discord, any trouble, which, by the way, can be different. (14) For example, it’s one thing when you don’t have shoes to go to school (or even the school itself), and quite another when you’re forced to learn to read music. (15) Of course, the second case is preferable, but discord is discord. (16) Therefore, we see that social orientation is by no means always infallible and that fashion is generally harmful in such a matter as the matter of finding oneself.
(17) Why, in fact, is only the life of an artist or artist considered creative? (18) After all, you can be an artist and an artist in any business. (19) This should be the norm. (20) The halo of exclusivity of this or that profession, the division of labor according to such principles as “honorable-dishonorable”, “interesting-uninteresting”, precisely encourages the idea that creativity is inaccessible to everyone. (21) But this quite suits the supporters of personality leveling, who single out a faceless crowd of mediocre people and contrast talented people with them. (22) But is this right?
(According to V. Belov)

A28. Which statement contradicts the opinion of the author of the text?
1) To preserve your individuality and innate talent throughout life, you need to have spiritual strength.
2) The basis of mastery of a profession is creativity.
3) Talent is a gift of nature, and it develops on its own, without requiring effort on the part of the person himself.
4) Every person is endowed with some talents from birth.

A 29. What type(s) of speech are presented in sentences 6-11?
1) description and narration 2) description 3) reasoning 4) narration

A 30. In which sentences of the text are antonyms used?
1) 4, 6 2) 12, 13 3) 16, 18 4) 20, 21

Text by D. Rubina. FROM the story "Guard Angel"

Silently we climbed up the path to the platform from which there was an open view of Jerusalem. And again, without agreeing, we stopped - these lights on the dark distant hills attracted our attention and did not let go.

“Take a deep breath of this air,” the old man said without moving. - Do you smell the sage? These faded lilac flowers on the bushes are Judas sage. And there, down the slope, grow myrtle bushes interspersed with white cistus. Biblical incense was extracted from this plant. Inhale, inhale deeply, feel this hot, odorous darkness of gomada...

Imagine, this is exactly what it smelled like here at night, when the monks of Qumran put their scrolls in huge jars and left them in the caves, here, two steps away from us. What were they hoping for? That someday we will read their prayers, feel their anger, their goodness? “He sighed and said with indescribable love in his voice: “Wonderful!”

What's beautiful? - I asked irritably. - Benedict Belokon with his “Jewish habanera”?

And this air, and these hills, Enjoy life.

I waved it off grimly. He paused.

The wind plowed open and plowed the silver olive trees on the hillside. The plump cunts of their hollows gleamed black in the darkness. Diamond chips of fire sprinkled the hills of Jerusalem.

“Know how to enjoy life,” he repeated. “If you knew how tenderly soap made from human fat smells... Such a subtle and at the same time strong smell,” he continued, “that if I opened a box here - such an elegant ceramic box - then you would ten steps away we felt this delicate smell...

I held a box of such soap in my hands when we liberated Ravensbrück... And since then I have not tolerated any perfume smell. For me it is the smell of death. Do you understand? Neither my wife nor my daughter, poor things, ever wear perfume because of me...

So, my friend, learn to enjoy life, no matter how idiotic it may look, no matter how sweaty and vulgar it may reek...

No, there are no absolutely identical, in other words, completely mediocre people! Everyone is born into the world with the stamp of some kind of talent. The need for creativity is as natural as the need to drink or eat - it glimmers in each of us even in the most incredibly difficult conditions. Each person is talented in their own way, in other words, peculiar. Fortunately, people who are absolutely bad internally and externally do not exist. The fact that the need for creativity is characteristic of everyone can be seen from the fact that in childhood, even in infancy, the child has a need to play. Every child wants play, that is, to live creatively. Why does creativity gradually disappear from our lives over the years, why is creativity preserved and developed not in each of us? Roughly speaking, because we either did not do our own thing (we did not find ourselves, our personality, our talent), or we did not learn to live and work (we did not develop talent). The second often depends on the first, but the first is not always free from the second. Without learning to work, you cannot find out what nature has given you. If the spiritual potential is weak, the personality is erased, leveled, and loses the individual traits inherent in it. Slender ascent and creative emancipation of the individual can be hindered by any spiritual, family, social or world discord, any trouble, which, by the way, can be different. For example, it’s one thing when you don’t have shoes to wear to school (or even the school itself), and quite another when you’re forced to learn solfeggio. Of course, the second case is preferable, but discord is discord. And so we see that social orientation is by no means always infallible and that fashion generally harmful in such a matter as business finding yourself. Why, in fact, is only the life of an artist or painter considered creative? After all artist you can be in any business artist Same. Let us add that it is not only possible, but also must. The halo of exclusivity of one profession or another, the hierarchical division of work and life according to such principles as “honorable - dishonorable”, “interesting - uninteresting”, precisely reinforces the social indifference of the individual, encouraging the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inaccessibility of creativity for all And for each. But this behavior of the individual is quite satisfactory both to a supporter of the individualistic philosophy of the individual and the crowd, and to the dogmatic bureaucrat who, in the name of the common good, is ready to rank people today.

Qualitative diversity of parts serves the unity of the whole better than anything else. Of course, the antagonism of parts, which generally destroys the whole, can also be called diversity, which is what supporters of leveling refer to. But diversity and antagonism are two different things.

Outside of the dispute between “antagonists” and “levellers”, so to speak, completely apart, there is art image.

Probably, none of us doubts the unity of the whole in the Moscow Intercession Church (better known as St. Basil's Cathedral). But how different are its components from one another! Each part, each detail lives on its own, is not repeated and is unlike another part or detail.

Rhythm, harmony, proportionality and something else elusive unite in an artistic image a variety of things that, under normal conditions, are hostile and even mutually exclusive.

What terms have we come up with to penetrate the mystery? artistic image to understand and explain it! He still doesn’t want to be explained... He doesn’t give in. He, like a rainbow, moves away from us exactly as much as we approach him. He is like a swift that cannot take off from the ground and always needs space that falls down. Like a child's toy that loses all its charming meaning when a child, driven by curiosity, takes it apart to see what's inside. We can continue such comparisons. Wouldn't it be better to try leaving him alone completely? Not torment him with research, depriving yourself of the greatest benefit of enjoying communication with him? Whatever we decide, he will remain independent of our decisions. He will remain himself wherever he is: in words, in music, in painting, in architecture, in choreography, in sculpture and in acting - in all these classical forms of art, as well as in the way of life, in its style and meaning. The artistic image is the native child of tradition, fertilized by the inspiration of the artist. No matter how talented an artist is, if he relies only on inspiration, ignoring artistic tradition, he will still be infertile. But what does tradition mean without the inspiration of the artist? Not illuminated by this high inspiration, it is also barren, no matter how great the artistic wealth of the past.

The artistic image is elusive, although it lives next to us always and everywhere. It immediately disappears as soon as you begin to study it and break it down into parts, but it never repeats itself.

Born unique...

Comparing with each other classic types art, we can still identify some permanent features of the artistic image. For example, rhythm.

As already stated, Magic power rhythm makes it possible to sing - beautifully and easily for people who stutter, unable to say words without effort and tension. Arguing with a neighbor, that is sinning many women are unable to free themselves from rhythm, from imagery, which further enhances spiritual dissonance, since the image always more willingly serves good than evil.

There are known examples of an infant's roar with the beginnings of artistry: rhythm and even a semblance of melody suddenly begins to be woven into the cry of a crying child...

Rhythm is equally needed in music and literature, painting and sculpture, choreography and architecture. Rhythm, as we see, necessary accessory life in general...

Another sign of an artistic image can be safely called composition(in Russian - proportionality), present in all types of creativity. Proportionality. Isn’t there a close kinship with rhythm in this word? Maybe it’s worth putting more in this row intonation, but this concept in our case is already losing its definition, becoming approximate. Then the terminological diversity begins: plot, style, melody, color, etc. Rhythm and proportionality, perhaps, are where the definition ends, if we talk about the artistic image in the spirit of research. Is it possible to have a conversation in a different spirit? Certainly. But the threat of slipping into “research” always exists. For example, it is very interesting to discard the definition of “artistic” from our phrase, and then think about what remains. Linguistic way of communicating with a concept image no better than any other way. And yet, and yet...

There are many words with the same root for “image”; let’s remember some of them. Sample.(“Where, point out to us, are the fathers of the fatherland whom we should take as models?”) Something the best, verified. In modern industry close to stamp. Educate yourself - means to appear, to be born, to emerge. Education - this is teaching, the acquisition of knowledge, but originally the word meant becoming, being formed - means to become someone, to get your own face. Let's remember the eternal "everything will work out" Steve Oblonsky, equivalent to the fact that sooner or later everything around will definitely come to normal condition. Expression "Thus" implies a certain result, a generalization, sometimes it is used in the sense of “in this way.” Peculiar - means special unique, unlike. Ugly, that is, ugly, not having its own face, something abstract, disgusting. And how many meanings and shades of meaning there are in words like “image”, “transformation”, “imagination”! Whatever, however, is meant when these and the concepts derived from them are used, the root cause of everything is still image, a unique embodiment of existence, artistic generalization.

So we returned again to the definition of “artistic,” but the mystery of the artistic image was and remains... After all that has been said, is it possible to conclude that academic knowledge, the study of creative creation, will never be on a par with artistic perception this creation? Great art is called great because it is understandable to everyone, at least to the majority. You don't have to be a doctoral specialist to read "War and Peace" or watch and listen to " Swan Lake"The complexity and inaccessibility of form often masks a mediocre artist's lack of talent. This does not mean that the works of great, brilliant artists are never complex and incomprehensible. The difference between the complexity of a person of little talent and the complexity genius artist Most likely, the fact is that in the first case, complexity is marking time in one place, it is static, in the second - it moves, self-reveals, revealing ever new possibilities of the work.

Task No. 1 OGE in Russian language grade 9

Write summary according to the given text. Please note that you must convey the main content of both each micro-topic and the entire text as a whole. The volume of presentation is at least 70 words. Write your summary in neat, legible handwriting.

Original text

Beauty in the world is diversity, difference. The idea that humanity supposedly consists of a crowd of gray and identical people, led by individual exceptional and bright personalities, - such a thought excludes beauty and contradicts aesthetics.

No, there are no absolutely identical, in other words, mediocre people! Everyone is born into the world with the stamp of some kind of talent. The need for creativity is as natural as the need to drink or eat - it glimmers in each of us even in the most incredibly difficult conditions. Each person is talented in his own way, in other words, unique. Fortunately, people who are absolutely bad internally and externally do not exist. The fact that the need for creativity is characteristic of everyone can be seen from the fact that in childhood, even in infancy, a child has a need to play. Every child wants to play, that is, to live creatively.

Why does creativity gradually disappear from our lives over the years, why is creativity preserved and developed not in each of us? Roughly speaking, because we either got busy with something that wasn’t ours (we didn’t find ourselves, our personality, our talent), or we didn’t learn to live and work (we didn’t develop talent). The second often depends on the first, but the first is not always free from the second. Without learning to work, you cannot find out what nature has given you. If the spiritual potential is weak, the personality is erased, leveled, and loses the individual traits inherent in it.

(V. Belov)

Concise presentation

Beauty in the world is diversity, difference. The idea that humanity is a crowd of identical people led by individual bright personalities excludes beauty and contradicts aesthetics.

There are no absolutely mediocre people! Everyone is born with the stamp of some kind of talent. The need for creativity glimmers in each of us, even in the most difficult conditions. Each person is talented and unique in their own way. People who are absolutely bad internally and externally do not exist. The need for creativity is inherent in everyone from childhood. Every child wants to play, that is, to live creatively.

Why is creativity not preserved and developed in all of us? Because we either got busy doing things that weren’t ours, didn’t find ourselves, or didn’t learn to live and work, didn’t develop talent. Without learning to work, you cannot find out what nature has given you. If the spiritual potential is weak, the personality loses the individual traits inherent in it.