A brief description of the picture: the feat of a young Kiev resident. Alexander Ivanov “The Feat of a Young Kievite”: description of the painting and the history of its creation

Works ancient Russian literature- this is a real monument to history, to those distant events that are distant from us by several centuries of infinitely valuable time.

The artistic canvas of Andrei Ivanovich Ivanov reveals to us a vivid episode of the past treacherous attack of the Pechenegs on the beautiful capital of all Rus', Kyiv-grad.

The peaceful, calm life of ordinary townspeople was interrupted by the offensive of the forces of the Pecheneg Khan Kuchyug.

People were in panic; they did not expect such a furious and daring attack.

In this painting by Andrei Ivanovich Ivanov, we see how a young Kiev resident distracts the Pechenegs so that reinforcements can arrive on time.

The depicted young man is well built, the outlined muscles on his arms and legs indicate his remarkable physical strength and dexterity. The young man has a thick head of curly brown hair. Appearance young man quite attractive: high forehead, regular facial features, purposeful, expressive eyes, straight, even nose, narrow mouth.

The young man himself is naked and covered only with a red cloth. In his hands he holds a bridle from a lost horse. Under his feet lies a Pecheneg dying from an arrow, raising his hand, begging for mercy.

Our hero runs to the Dnieper to break away from the enemy.

Behind is a black horse, rushing in all directions, having lost its rider. A tree is drawn behind the horse, separating the events on the left and right.

To the right, behind the backs of the treacherous Pechenegs, armed to the teeth, you can see the tower of the great and beautiful Kyiv City.

I liked the picture because of the atmosphere of patriotism, courage, courage and fearlessness around it.

Effective preparation for the Unified State Exam (all subjects) -

Feat young Kiev resident

The painting was painted by the artist Andrei Ivanov based on the ancient chronicle of Nestor about the events that took place in 968. The chronicle tells of a young Kiev resident who, during the Pecheneg attack on Kyiv, rushed through the enemy army to the Dnieper River to bring the troops of Governor Pretich to the aid. The city of Kyiv was left without the protection of the army of Prince Svyatoslav, who was on a campaign at that time.

In the works of Andrei Ivanov, the idea of ​​patriotism occupies one of the most important places.

In the center of the picture young hero, he shed his clothes before entering the river. This is his defenselessness against the enemy army. Despite his external vulnerability, the young Kiev resident is fearless and full of determination.
The young Kiev resident seems to be illuminated by the bright glow of the evening sun against the background dark silhouettes Pechenegs.

The writer emphasizes the wonderful and selfless act of the Kiev resident through the beauty and strength of his body. The main and vital goal for him is to bring help to save Kyiv from enemy invasion. The Kiev resident is holding a bridle in his hand, and this is no coincidence. According to the chronicle of Nestor, a young Kiev resident sneaks into the enemy camp, supposedly in search of his horse, knowing their language. A fiery red cloth flutters on the Kievite’s shoulder. The scarlet, fluttering fabric is like a sign warning of mortal danger, of shed blood. Behind the Kiev resident is a black horse that has lost its rider. In the image of a horse, the artist expressed the devilish dark force.

The young Kiev resident is surrounded by a gloomy background. The sky is overcast with black clouds. The trees spread their branches menacingly. Nature opposes everything that happens, resists bloodshed.

In the background are pictures of the walls of besieged Kyiv. The Pecheneg wars against the background of the bright image of the young man are not depicted so colorfully. Their dark faces disfigured by malice, cruelty and hatred. Images of the Pechenegs are repulsive and cause hostility. Unlike the young man, whom you empathize with and fear for his life. An arrow fired by a horseman from behind hits the enemy, dying at the feet of a Kievite. A wounded Pecheneg stretches out his hand, asking the young man for help. But nothing can stop the hero on his way to get help. This shows true patriotism Russian warrior.

The gloomy mood from the picture gives way to bright feelings. I would like to believe and hope that sooner or later good will triumph over evil, the young man will reach the opposite bank of the Dnieper and the besieged city with its inhabitants will be saved.

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Many of us are familiar with the monumental paintings of the Russian artist A. Ivanov. But among his works there are paintings that are little known to the general public. One of them is “The Feat of a Young Kievite.” The description of the painting will be discussed in this article.

What is shown on the canvas?

In the painting, the artist, in a classical antique manner, reveals to the audience the image of a young warrior. The young man is half naked, his body barely covered by a red cloak. He holds a bridle in his hand.

Next to the main character artistic canvas a hot and bloody battle is depicted: the bodies of killed soldiers lie on the ground, it is clear that a battle is going on in the distance.

The painting “The Feat of a Young Kiev Resident” can tell viewers a lot. tells us that the artist is depicting some kind of important point in the story of this young man.

What is this moment? Let's look at it in more detail.

The plot of the work

The author depicts an event that took place in Russian history. Chronicles tell us that in 968 the Russian city of Kyiv was subjected to a terrible siege by the Pechenegs. Protect hometown there was no one, because Prince Svyatoslav was on a military campaign at that time.

The people of Kiev would have died if not for the brave act of one of the young men. He knew the Pecheneg language, so, taking the bridle in his hands, he boldly walked through the Pecheneg camp to the river. When they called out to him, asking where he was going, the young man replied that he was going in search of his runaway horse.

With the help of such a trick, the young man got to the river, and from there he was able to go to the prince’s squad and call for help. With the help of his act, Kyiv was saved.

“The feat of a young Kievite”: description of the painting and its genre

This painting is now kept in the Russian Museum. Viewers always pay attention to it, because it is made in the characteristic manner of romanticism.

It should be noted that this is sufficient early work artist. It was written in 1810.

Then young A. Ivanov put a lot of strength and romantic delight into his work. “The Feat of a Young Kievite” is an example of his early creative quests.

The meaning of the work lies in the artist’s characteristic conviction that a person, if he is courageous and confident in the success of his enterprise, can overcome a lot.

This picture is about love for your people and love for your Motherland, so it always remains relevant. A timid young man turns into a real warrior who was able to accomplish a feat and save his fellow tribesmen.

The work “The Feat of a Young Kiev Resident” can tell us a lot; the description of the painting testifies to its artistic value.

// Essay-description based on the painting by A.I. Ivanov “The feat of a young Kievite during the siege of Kyiv by the Pechenegs in 968”

The centuries-old Tale of Bygone Years has often been a powerful inspiration for great artists who wished to capture fragments of its contents. The well-known A.I. did not stand aside either. Ivanov. It was from his brush that the painting “The Feat of a Young Kievite During the Siege of Kyiv by the Pechenegs in 968” was published.

In the center of the picture is a young man. He is naked, his body slightly covered with red cloth. The image is filled with light, depicted in bright colors that were in perfect harmony with the surrounding horde of Pechenegs.

A.I. Ivanov loved the era of antiquity, therefore, Special attention devoted to the image of a young man. He draws his powerful, muscular body, with strong legs and strong arms. The guy runs to the river, there are no shoes on his feet. He hurries to jump on his horse and call for help. Knowledge of the Pecheneg language allows him to secretly sneak through the enemy army and carry out his plans.

Looking at the picture, we see a clear struggle between good and evil, a confrontation between good and bad. The young man quickly runs forward. A dying Pecheneg lies at his feet. The enemy's face shows dissatisfaction with defeat. He is gray and embittered. His beard is shabby and his body is smeared. The image of the young man is completely opposite. His facial features are refined and noble. His action can be called a real feat.

In the background of the picture we see broken Kyiv. Residents of the city are exhausted by military operations. They expect help and liberation. And all hope is for this young guy who, no matter what, is in a hurry to fulfill his mission. The red scarf on the Kiev resident’s neck symbolizes his inner impulse, his desire for victory.

Painting by A.I. Ivanova is filled with strong-willed, noble qualities of a person who is trying to save the rest of the city’s inhabitants.

The Pechenegs came to the Russian land for the first time, and Svyatoslav was then in Pereyaslavets, and Olga locked herself in the city of Kyiv with her grandchildren - Yaropolk, Oleg and Vladimir. And the Pechenegs besieged the city with great force: there were countless of them around the city. And it was impossible to leave the city or send messages. And the people were exhausted from hunger and thirst. And the people from that side of the Dnieper gathered in boats and stood on the other bank. And it was impossible for either one to get into Kyiv, or for that one to get to them from Kyiv. And the people in the city began to grieve, and said:

Is there anyone who could get over to the other side and tell them: if you don’t approach the city in the morning, we’ll surrender to the Pechenegs.

And one youth said:

I'll make my way.

And they answered him:

He left the city, holding a bridle, and ran through the Pecheneg camp, asking them:

Has anyone seen the horse?

For he knew Pecheneg and was accepted as one of their own. And when he approached the river, he threw off his clothes, threw himself into the Dnieper and swam. Seeing this, the Pechenegs rushed after him, shot at him, but could not do anything to him. On the other side they noticed this, drove up to him in a boat, took him into the boat and brought him to the squad. And the boy said to them:

If you don’t approach the city tomorrow, the people will surrender to the Pechenegs.

Their governor, named Pretich, said to this:

Tomorrow we will go in boats and, having captured the princess and princes, we will rush off to this shore. If we don’t do this, then Svyatoslav will destroy us.

And the next morning, close to dawn, they sat down in the boats and blew a loud trumpet, and the people in the city shouted. It seemed to the Pechenegs that the prince himself had come, and they ran away from the city in all directions. And Olga came out with her grandchildren and people to the boats. The Pechenezh prince, seeing this, returned alone and turned to the governor Pretich:

Who came?

And he answered him:

People from the other side (Dnieper).

The Pecheneg prince asked again:

Aren't you a prince?

Pretich replied:

I am his husband, I came with an advance detachment, and behind me comes an army with the prince himself: there are countless of them.

He said this to threaten the Pechenegs. The Prince of Pecheneg said to Pretich:

Be my friend.

He replied:

I will do so.

And they shook hands with each other, and the Pecheneg prince gave Pretich a horse, a saber and arrows, and he gave him chain mail, a shield and a sword. And the Pechenegs retreated from the city. And it was impossible to take the horse out to water: the Pechenegs stood on Lybid. And the people of Kiev sent to Svyatoslav with the words:

You, prince, are looking for someone else’s land and taking care of it, but you have left your own. And we were almost taken by the Pechenegs, and your mother, and your children. If you don’t come and protect us, they will take us. Don't you feel sorry for your fatherland, your old mother, your children?

Hearing these words, Svyatoslav and his retinue quickly mounted their horses and returned to Kyiv; He greeted his mother and children and lamented what had happened to them from the Pechenegs. And he gathered the soldiers, drove the Pechenegs into the field, and peace came.