The meaning of the Kalmyk name Savr. Beautiful Russian names

Male and female Kalmyk names are very beautiful and original. Residents of Europe may find their sound quite unusual, which is not surprising. Most beautiful Kalmyk names for girls and boys. They are strongly connected with the culture and history of the Kalmyks. To be fair, it is worth noting that in last years national Kalmyk names have lost some of their popularity. The influence of the West and Russian culture made itself felt. In this regard, today among modern Kalmyk names for a child one can increasingly find Russian names familiar to our ears, such as Tatyana, Maria, Nadezha, Anna, Nikolai, Vladimir, etc.

Origin of male and female Kalmyk names

Several sources of origin of Kalmyk names for girls and boys can be identified. The first is associated with the spread of Buddhism among the Oirats (XVI century). Along with the teachings of Buddha, Sanskrit and Tibetan names penetrated the Kalmyks. Some of them continue to be used today.

The second source of origin of popular Kalmyk names for men and women is history and cultural traditions of a given people. In the old days, children were often named after ethnic heroes. Words for a, life goods, numbers, colors, animals and plants were also used as names. They were considered amulets and were supposed to protect a person from the “evil spirit.”

In general, the names used by the Kalmyk people are very diverse. Among them there are many both modern and ancient, which have a very original and beautiful sound. I propose to consider the most popular Kalmyk names and their meaning.

List of beautiful Kalmyk names for boys

  • Aldar. Means "honor"/"great".
  • Anjur. Derived from the word "Anja" = result.
  • Arash. Can denote a measure of length or an exalted, holy person.
  • Basang. The name of the planet Venus in the Kalmyk manner.
  • Dolan. The Kalmyk boy's name has the designation of the number seven.
  • Zayan. Meaning = “happy fate” / “head of the clan”.
  • Nine. Origin = Mongolian, meaning = "lord".
  • Odon. It has Kalmyk-Mongolian roots, translated into Russian it sounds like “starry”.
  • Rabdan. Origin = Buddhist, this Kalmyk male name has the meaning = strongest.

Top most popular Kalmyk names for girls

  • Alvina. Derived from the word “alvn” = “Naughty” / “ozonite”.
  • Delgira. This Kalmyk girl name means "abundant"/"vast".
  • Figs. Denotes a girl with a rich dowry.
  • Noyana. Translated into Russian it means “princess” / “princess”.
  • Patma. Kalmyk word, denoting a lotus flower.
  • Sarana. Origin = Kalmatian-Mongolian, meaning = "lily".
  • Ulzia. This female Kalmyk name has the meaning “thread of happiness,” which is an element of the symbolism of Buddhism.
  • Edista. Name of the Kalmyk capital.

Peculiarities of pronunciation of female and male Kalmyk names

The main feature of the pronunciation of female Kalmyk names is that the vowel letters that end the word are pronounced very vaguely and unclearly. In some situations they disappear altogether. In general, male Kalmyk names are pronounced in accordance with all the rules of the national language.

When choosing a name for their child, modern parents resort to searching for the most beautiful, rare and sonorous. They invest in naming the baby special meaning, believing that the life and fate of its bearer depends on the name. IN Lately popularity of Kalmyk names for modern boys gaining momentum. This is due not only to the beauty of the name, but also to its semantics. Rare and beautiful Kalmyk names for boys are used not only by residents of Kalmykia, but also in the territory central Russia.

History of the formation of proper names

Scientists studying the peculiarities of the formation of the Kalmyk language also identify the stages of formation of proper names.

  • Stage 1.

The period of formation of monosyllabic names and nicknames, the roots of which related to the names of animals, household items, and phenomena. (Adyan - sun, Ayuka - bear cub, etc.)

  • Stage 2.

The stage of formation of religious names. Such names had a strict church meaning. (Badma, Bahir - names associated with the spread of religious views, both Tibetan Buddhism and Christianity)

  • Stage 3.

The phase associated with the formation of the Kalmyk Republic and its Soviet period.

  • Stage 4.

Period modern formation proper names and their forms. Most of all, this is a return to the original Kalmyk names.

Features of names for boys

If we talk about the unusualness of Kalmyk names for boys, it is worth noting groups of words with certain identical directions.

  1. Names are amulets. They were formed from the names of plants, animals, household items, weather phenomena, and seasons. Such words had their sacred meaning, and in modern world They are believed to ward off evil forces and misfortunes.
  2. The names are originally Kalmyk. These include rare beautiful Kalmyk names for boys, denoting human qualities, state of mind, physical virtues of people's lives, numbers, names of heroes of the Kalmyk epic.
  3. Names with double roots. Subsequently, the second root became the person’s patronymic.
  4. Names are distortions. These are words that were formed from the distortion of already existing names. For example, a wife called her husband by a different name, changing several sounds, which, according to legend, led to the strengthening of the family.
  5. Planet names. They are formed from the words that denoted the planets.
  6. Names-terms. Such words are most often derived from Buddhist terms.

List of the most beautiful Kalmyk names for boys

  • Adyk - “last”;
  • Adyan - “sunny”;
  • Arvun - "ten";
  • Arzgir - “rudeness”;
  • Ayur - “healing”;
  • Bembe - "Saturn";
  • Badma - "lotus";
  • Bavu - “heroic”;
  • Bamba - “protection”;
  • Batu - “strong”;
  • Batsak - “arrogance”;
  • Galdan - “joyful”;
  • Galun - “goose”;
  • Gakha - "pig";
  • Gardya - "eagle";
  • Gashun - “bitter”;
  • Gatsa - “stubbornness”;
  • Gojur - "stream";
  • Jirgal - “happiness”;
  • Dolgan - “wave”;
  • Dondg - "courage";
  • Joga - "contemplation";
  • Zayan - “fate”;
  • Ilyumdzhi - "Mercury";
  • Ilyu - “open”;
  • Ilyushk - “calm”;
  • Irtya - “sharp”;
  • Kirtsyan - “proportionate”;
  • Kichik - “small”;
  • Medya - “knowledge”;
  • Mende - “healthy”;
  • Mergen - “sharp”;
  • Mergenchi - “smart”;
  • Menke - "eternal";
  • Merchi - “herd keeper”;
  • Naydan - “strong”;
  • Namtu - "scientist";
  • Naran - "sun";
  • Nasun - “age”;
  • Nachin - “falcon”;
  • Namin - "eighth";
  • Sanal - “desired”;
  • Sanjaryk - “capable”;
  • Sarng - "moon";
  • Sumyan - “fast”;
  • Temen - “needle”;
  • Togtun - “calm”;
  • Khulkhachi - "thief";
  • Khevtya - “happy”;
  • Tsetsen - “wise”;
  • Chompot - “top”;
  • Shulun - “fast”;
  • Shunga - “diligent”;
  • Shukir - “umbrella”;
  • Yashkul - "lake".

The most beautiful male Kalmyk names for boys make up the top 5.

  • 1st place - Aslang;
  • 2nd place - Boskhan;
  • 3rd place - Gojur;
  • 4th place - Dzhuljukha;
  • 5th place - Salang.


One of the rarest and most beautiful Kalmyk names is Aslang. It has Turkic origin, translated as “lion”, “king of beasts”.

In the Kalmyk language, such a name has the function of a talisman. Leo - in in this case an animal that protects the bearer of the name from adversity and evil people.

Men named by this name have very strong energy. They are smart and enterprising, which allows them to achieve success in many areas of life.


The name Boskhan is very beautiful and is popular not only in Kalmykia, but also in the countries of Eastern Europe.

Boshan is a native Kalmyk name and means “reimbursement.”

Men named by this name are quite secretive and not talkative. But they are distinguished by honesty and loyalty, therefore they are the best husbands and fathers.


Gojur is a name that is extremely rare even in Kalmykia. This name was formed in the initial period of the formation of the Kalmyk language and belongs to the simplest names denoting natural phenomena.

The name is originally Kalmyk and means “stream”.

Despite the gentle meaning of the name, Gojur is a very courageous and strong man. He is quite rude and brutal. Tenderness and affection will never be inherent in him. Family life with Gojur - despotism. But, despite this, those named by this name are extremely popular among female representatives.


The original Kalmyk name for a boy occupies the fourth level in beauty and sonority among male adverbs. Juljukha refers to simple names and means "chick".

Regarding this name, we can say that its meaning completely conveys the main feature of Juljukh. Even in old age they are infantile. Childhood accompanies men everywhere life path. This quality affects a man’s life in two ways. On the one hand, it wins people over, but on the other, it repels people from serious cooperation.


Sarang, meaning “moon,” closes the top five beautiful and rare Kalmyk names for boys.

This name belongs to the Tibetan-Sanskrit group and denotes the name of the planet. Men named by this name are very interesting personalities. They are smart and have deep creative potential. Sarang can work in any organization, adapting to necessary conditions labor.

The personal life of the bearer of the name is not expressive. But they have a fairly large family.

Kalmyk names are divided into original local names , the interpretation of which is most often associated with numbers, days of the week, flowers, animals, birds or emotional state(Ulyumjana - “Wednesday”, Kermyash - “squirrel”, Amulanga - “calm”, Tavn - “five”, Dolan - “seven”), borrowed with the advent of Buddhism from the Tibetan and Sanskrit languages ​​(Jal, Danzan, Purvya), borrowed from other languages ​​(the modern trend in European names etc.).

Kalmyks are a people tied to their own traditions. Most of Kalmyk names are still indigenous. Several decades ago, when giving a name to a child, Kalmyks often used various sources, for example, a religious or astrological birthday person. The child's name depended on the day he was born. The name Ochir was given to those born on the 1st, 6th, 11th, and Radna - on the 2nd, 7th, 12th.

So-called names - amulets - are also common. These could be the names of animals, birds, plants. Kalmyks believed that such names give the child strength, protect him from illness, and endow him with specific abilities. Great place Among the galaxy of Kalmyk names are the names of epic heroes.

It is also worth noting that previously both a girl and a boy could be named with the same Kalmyk name. Over time, a tendency developed to add the ending “-a” to a male name to get a feminine one.

What are the guidelines for naming a girl?

When choosing a name for your child, Kalmyks are guided by religious views, traditions or rely on modern tendencies . Some use a religious birthday, naming the child depending on the day of his birth, others give the baby a name associated with some animal (this animal becomes the child’s totem), others turn to family traditions. Very often in Kalmyk families all children have names starting with the same letter. For example: Dayana, Delgir, Danara are sisters from the same family.

List of modern variations in Russian, their meaning and origin in alphabetical order from A to Z

Female Kalmyk names are usually associated with flowers, animals, or with character traits, appearance and emotions: happy, kind, beautiful. Kalmyks believe that a child is able to adopt the positive energy of the name and succeed in life thanks to this.

The most harmonious and interesting Kalmyk female names are the following.

On "A"

  • Aguya- “mistress of fire.” Possesses leadership qualities and often takes weaker people under his wing.
  • Alma- "Apple tree". A very active girl who finds it difficult to sit still.
  • Altana- “golden”. Altana with youth shows talent in the field of sports. Capable of achieving success in swimming or dancing.
  • Aita- “friendly.” A sociable girl who is always surrounded by friends and like-minded people.

On "B"

  1. Baigala- "nature". Kind, cheerful, active. It is difficult for her to concentrate on one thing, but Baigala miraculously manages to do everything at once.
  2. Bulgun- “sable”. Nimble, agile, has an excellent sense of humor.
  3. Bulta- “downy”. Bright, charismatic, cheerful. The bearer of this name will never remain unnoticed.

On "G"


  1. Jirgala- “collecting happiness.” From a young age she is able to make informed decisions. Knows how to take responsibility for his words.
  2. Dayana- “the life of a hermit.” Shows interest in exact sciences, but because of his laziness he rarely achieves success in his studies.

On "Z"

  • Zambaga- “magnolia”. Zambaga is the “soul” of the company: cheerful, mischievous, with a sense of humor.
  • Zamira- "joy". Very attached to her family. Values ​​more than anything else family bonds and in the future she becomes a good and faithful wife.
  • Zayana- "fate". Has excellent intuition. He chooses his friends very carefully.

On "I"

  1. Ilyana- “open”. While seemingly strict and cold, at heart Ilyana is a very kind, vulnerable and gentle girl who needs attention and care.
  2. Ijila- “Volzhanka”. A true conservative. He does not recognize anything new and holds tightly to his own principles.

On "K"

  • Kichkilda- “valuable”. Romantic and reverent nature, which is easy to hurt.
  • Keke- “blue”. As a child, Keke often gets sick, but with age she becomes strong and strong. Often achieves success in sports.

On "N"

  1. Nayha- “hope”. The bearer of this name is a beauty who knows her worth and knows how to use her own natural abilities.
  2. Nyudlya – « beautiful eyes" He studies well and reads a lot. In the future, he can successfully realize himself in the field of creativity.

On "O"

Oyuna- “wise.” From a young age he shows independence. Likes to take responsibility and knows how to make thoughtful and correct decisions.

On "R"

Radna- “jewel”. Decisive and willful. Needs an authoritative parent or friend.


To a "T"

Tevka- “braid”. Since childhood, she has strived for everything in her life to be perfect. He loves and knows how to complete things and achieve his goals.

On "U"

  1. Ulan- “red”. Kind, non-conflict, easily forgives insults.
  2. Woolya- “handicraftswoman”. Since childhood, he has been helping his parents around the house. He knows how to cook perfectly and knows how to keep a home.
  3. Ulyumjana- “Wednesday”. A quiet and often unsociable girl. It is very difficult to make new friends, but if someone has managed to become her friend, Ulyumjana will value this person all her life.

Among Kalmyk names, a significant place is occupied by primordial, numerical names male names, according to the names of animals and birds, a number of names come from words meaning joy, happiness and longevity. Along with the original names, the Kalmyk people have names of Tibetan-Sanskrit origin. Their appearance is associated with the spread of Buddhism among the Oirats in the 16th century.

Below is a list of the most common Kalmyk boy names.

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter A:

Aduchi - herdsman

Adyk is the last one

Adyan - Tib. Sun

Azid - violent

Aitsan - good thoughts

Aitin - sonorous

Aldar - glorious

Anja - calm

Arvun - tenth

Arltan - island

Armadyk - fragile, young

Arslang - lion

Arshan - healing, holy water

Ayuka - bear cub

Achakhan - Khan's nephew

Ayur - healing

Ayush - Tib. durable

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter B:

Bair - joy

Baldr is not of Kalmyk origin

Baatr - hero

Bembya - (Bemb, Bembe) - saturn

Badma - lotus

Bavu - Tib. hero

Baaja (Baaj:a) - uncle, an appeal to elders.

Barga - gopher

Basang is the name of the planet Venus

Bamba - defender, shield

Batu - strong

Butter - arrogant

Bova - father, head of the clan (female version - Bova - “household” name, diminutive. In Kalmyk “boova-boova” is similar to the Russian “bai-bayushki-bai”)

Boshan - compensation

Boshamji - rebirth, reborn

Bugush - fawn

Bujal - wise, victorious

Budgta - capricious

Buta is a burden

Bujgir - curly

Bula - downy

Buinchi - virtue

Buynta - virtuous

Buurul, Burul - gray-haired, feather grass

Bulyash - friendly

Byurchi - wagon installer, Khoton headman, born in a new place

Byuyvä - from the word cradle

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter G:

Goga - infant

Gyuzyan - belly

Gunga - Tib. joy

Gütse - forbidden

Galva - spontaneous

Galdan - Skt. joyful, jubilant

Galzan - bald

Galsan - Tib. lucky fate

Galun - goose

Gakha - pig

Gardya - eagle

Gatya - unhappy

Gashun - bitter

Gatsa - stubborn

Gonzik (Gonzg) - tall

Gojur - stream

Gucha - from the word huchn - thirty

Garya - Tib. day of the week; planet

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter D:

Dzhangar is a sacred name for Kalmyks.

Danzan - independent

Darsen - big; oldest

Delik - prosperous

Delvre - victory

Dzhuryk - frisky

Dovdan - strong, ardent

Derbet - from the word Dervyud, one of the Kalmyk tribes.

Jal - Tib. victorious

Dzhangar - (hero of Kalm. epic) - Turkic - conqueror of the universe; Kalm. - lonely.

Jirgal - happiness

Dolgan - wave

Dondg (Donduk) - Tib. courage

Dolgir - cross-eyed

Doshtan - from Dosh (slide) + tan

Dorji - diamond

Dungar - 1) a large shell. 2) musical instrument from the sink

Dundu - average

Joga - Tib. state of nirvana, contemplation

Juwa - ten million

Dzhuldzhukha - chick

Zamba - continent, universe

Zandan - sandalwood

Zungar - from the name of the tribal group of Oirats (Zungars, Dzungars), translated as left hand

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter I:

Ivya - caring

Idzhil is a Volga resident, born on the Volga

Ilyumdzhi - Mercury

Isen - nine, Turkic. "healthy"

Iotun - partridge

Ilyu, Ilu - open, clear

Ilyushk - calm

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter Z:

Zayan - fate

Zurgan - this is the name of the sixth child in the family

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter K:

Kanduka - fragrant

Kanur - Tib. act

Kegyarik -

Kirtsyan (Kirsan?) - proportionate

Kichik - small

Kova (Kava) - short

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter L:

Lidzhi - Garya - Wednesday (day of the week)

Lasha is clumsy

Lagan - from the word Lag - silty soil

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter M:

Mashtyk - short

Megyash - skinny

Mende - healthy

Mergen - a sharp shooter

Mergenchi - smart

Minji the beaver

Mongol - Mongol

Monchak, Monchg - beads

Mokhla, Mukhla - slave, serf

Menke - eternal

Menkubushi - Eternal Layman

Merchie - herdsman

Mudzhik - man

Muni - Tib. ascetic, sage

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter N:

Nadvid, Nadmid, Nadbit - healthy

Naydan - strengthened

Namtu, Nomto - calm, scientist

Naran - sun, sunny

Namtyr - biography

Namchi - Tib. very big

Namba - Tib. important, sedate

Narma - constellation

Narta - sunny

Nasun - age, age

Nasta - elderly

Natyr - beautiful

Nachin - falcon

Namin - eight, eighth

Nimgir - (Nigmr?) - Tuesday

Nomgo - illiterate

Noyon - prince

Ojildyk - respecting elders

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter O:

Orlyuk - commander

Otkhon - Jr.

Ochir - Kalm. - scepter, wand. Mong. - diamond, drill. - lightning;

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter P:

Purvä - Jupiter

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter C:

Savr - claw

Sanal - good wishes

Sanjaryk (Sanzhdrg) - capable

Soyat - fanged

Sumyan - from the word sumn - Bullet, fast

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter T:

Tagir - Tar - Tagar (Tib.) - White Tiger

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter U:

Ulan - red

Ulumji - Mercury

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter X:

Khatu - hard

Hongr - Cute, pleasant, charming, affectionate

Ho Orlyuk - noble commander

Khonkha - bell

Khulkhachi - thief

Khevtya - happy

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter C:

Ceren - longevity

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter H:

Chagdar - Tib. diamond keeper

Chogyal - Tib. victorious doctrine

Cholban is Turkic. creaky

Chompot - top

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter Sh:

Shara - yellow

Shivid - pure

Shitji - the canary

Is Shitlyan a hazelnut?

Shovgur, Shovgr - pointed

Shovshur - boar

Shora - dust, dusty

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter Ш:

Shukr, Shukir, Shukir - an umbrella?

Shulun - fast, agile

Shunga - diligent

Shuurgchi, Shurgchi - born in a snowstorm

Shuptyr, Shuvtyr - caustic, sharp

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter E:

Ewe, Ebe - harmony, peace

Evdyk - calm, peaceful

Elweg, Elvg - abundant

Enche - orphan

Enkir - cute

Erdem - skill

Erdni, Erdeni - jewel

Erenzen, Erenzen - treasure

Kalmyk male names starting with the letter Y:

Yashkul is Turks. new lake.