Nadezhda Matveeva: “My second husband said when I was leaving for Kyiv: “I know, everything will be fine with you there. Nadezhda Matveeva: “My second husband said when I was leaving for Kyiv: “I know, everything will be fine with you there Nadezhda Matveeva personal biography

09:33 23.01.2015

In yesterday’s episode of the program “Everything Will Be Good,” TV presenter Nadezhda Matveeva admitted that she has been living and working under a pseudonym for several years. Having moved from Kremenchug to Kyiv, Matveeva changed her name, hoping that it would help her cope with the difficulties in the new place.

One day my mother told me a family story that I could not remember, although I was a participant in it. Even before I was six months old, I became very ill - lobar pneumonia at that time was an almost fatal diagnosis. In one of the hospitals where my mother and I were hospitalized, there was a doctor - a young man who so wanted to strengthen himself as a professional that he literally gave all his strength to save me, a little girl. And he succeeded. When this happened, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the grandmother said: “I should have called her Nadenka.” For several months my parents called me Nadyusha, but then they again began to call me by the name that was given at birth.

When my mother reminded me of this situation, I had an epiphany: if I was able then, still small, without understanding anything, to overcome such a terrible problem and continue to live, maybe this name - Nadya - will help me again do something that I could not do without I can’t make this name? And when I arrived in Kyiv, I began to call myself Nadya. And all the people who met me in this city know me as Nadezhda. And according to my passport, I’m Lyudmila.

According to the TV presenter, with the name Nadezhda, changes came into her life, and she herself changed - she became more decisive and confident that “all good things will definitely happen.” “I think the strength to believe in this is in my name Nadezhda,” Matveeva shared.

Presenter of the program “Everything will be fine!” and “Everything will be delicious!” STB channel is going to celebrate its 45th anniversary for several days

Nadezhda Matveeva admits that she is happy to be part of the large team of the STB channel television family. An invitation to become the host of the project “Everything will be fine!” “coincided with a difficult period in Matveeva’s personal life. She broke up with her second husband, deciding to start a new life. She says that she did it perfectly, and that doing what she loved helped her overcome her mental pain. Now Nadezhda is the host of two popular projects on the channel “Everything will be good!” and “Everything will be delicious! " She enjoys the advice she receives from the experts of the two shows. Nadya signed up for a gym, regularly visits a cosmetologist's salon and monitors her diet. The only exception is made on birthdays. Nadya is going to celebrate her 45th birthday for several days by organizing home gatherings for relatives and friends.

— As Vera Alentova’s heroine said in the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”: “At forty, life is just beginning”...

- Now I know this for sure. I am an adult, independent, doing what I love, my son has grown up. I am full of hope and know for sure that there is something to strive for. Therefore, with full responsibility I can confirm the words of one of my favorite movie heroines.

— They say that you can achieve success only before the age of 30, but you broke the stereotypes.

— Even at the age of 30, I had successes, but fewer people knew about them. I gave birth to a son, worked on the radio in Kremenchug, and took care of the house. But over time, there was a feeling that I had stopped both in my profession and in my relationships. She changed her occupation, moving to Cherkassy and becoming the chief editor of an advertising and information newspaper. But due to problems in the family, she left this job and returned with her son to Kremenchug. The next stage was regional television, I again learned the profession from the basics. It was difficult, but I must admit, my ex-husbands believed in me. The first husband sent radio DJs to the casting. And my second husband, when I left for Kyiv, said: “I know, everything will be fine for you there.”

- So you never gave up?

“I’m quite emotional, I even got the nickname Miss Panic in my family.” I could develop small failures into disasters. In this sense, it is good that life provided the opportunity to practice endurance, calmness and patience. In the most difficult moments, I remember my mother, who really had a hard time in life. Because of her father’s drunkenness, she literally couldn’t see the light of day. At the same time, my mother always managed to be an optimist. I am sure that many of our women have been taught by life not to give up, to believe in themselves and move on.

— Straight words from your program “Everything will be fine!”

— I remember how worried I was when the hosts of the television magazine “Everything will be good!” were called to the casting. on STB TV channel. I really liked the idea of ​​the project, I was delighted to learn that I was approved. A year and a half later, I am already participating in three projects: “Everything will be good!”, “Everything will be delicious!” and “Battle of Psychics” (I am present as one of the judges).

— Experts come to visit you every day and share various useful tips. Do you follow them yourself?

- Oh yeah! I radically changed the cheesecake recipe after Alla Kovalchuk’s master class. Now I cook them without adding flour. For the winter I froze the greens in foil in the form of a sausage. I liked the scrub mask with grape seeds from Liliya Rebrik and the seaweed wrap from cosmetologist Olya Metelskaya. Hector Jimenez Bravo taught how to properly peel an avocado, and Taras Shpira showed how to quickly extract seeds from a pomegranate. The most effective exercises for the abs from Anita, and Igor Obukhovsky demonstrated how to get rid of headaches. Better stop me, otherwise I will spend hours listing the advice of our experts that have been useful in life.

— Recently, you also became the host of a culinary project.

— I love to cook, and my loved ones praise my cooking. Friends order pilaf and pasties. Now I have expanded my culinary horizons with a chocolate-sea buckthorn dessert, bean cake, beef Bourguignon... There is only one thing I lack to enjoy success in the home culinary field - time.

— What gift will you give yourself for your birthday?

— I’ll give myself a set of spa treatments. I’ll relax, get energized and get back to work. For many years in a row I have been thinking about a gift that I would really like to receive. I love pugs. The cutest dogs, in my opinion. But I have absolutely no time to walk the dog. In addition, we have two cats in our family. So this gift is delayed for several years. But I would be very happy with the car. Although something tells me - not this time.

- But happiness probably lies somewhere else?

— Happiness for me is a conscious movement through life. I learn this, make mistakes, continue on my way...

Matveeva was born in the Crimean resort town of Kerch on November 15, 1968. The girl had an easy time studying in high school, which she graduated with a gold medal. Since childhood, she had big life plans, so after school the girl went to study in Moscow.

Having received a higher education as an energy engineer, she moved to Kremenchug. This action was facilitated by her acquaintance with the man who later became her first husband, with whom she has a son, Vladislav.

Nadezhda continues to study there, already at the local economics university. Having tried herself as a housewife and office worker, she decides to completely change her field of professional activity.

Matveeva's career

The beginning of Nadezhda’s creative career can be considered working as a radio DJ. After this, the girl becomes a presenter on a local TV channel in the city of Kremenchug, and works in the editorial office in the town of Cherkassy. And, having moved to Kyiv, he began working at Russian Radio.

In 2012, Matveeva was invited to audition for the television program “Everything Will Be Good.” The former radio host quickly becomes a TV star and wins the love of millions of viewers.

She also becomes the host of another popular show called “Everything will be delicious.” On the STB channel, Nadezhda becomes a member of the jury in the “Battle of Psychics” program, and also hosts a morning radio program at the same time.

Personal life of Nadezhda

The TV and radio star met her first husband during her student years; Matveeva has a son from this marriage. The couple, having lived together for 7 years, divorced, but remained on good terms with each other. Nadezhda met her second husband on the radio: a bright office romance broke out among her colleagues. The marriage with this man lasted a little longer - 12 years.

Matveeva has an excellent, warm relationship with her adult son, who lives separately. They often appear together in public, and there is no doubt about how touching and caring Vladislav treats his beautiful mother.

Curious facts

  • Nadezhda Matveeva's real name is Lyudmila;
  • Nadezhda’s childhood dream is to become a ballerina;
  • a popular presenter is a fan of her work;
  • Matveeva loves cats;
  • The main fear is the fear of heights.

Professional achievements

  1. Experience as a radio DJ.
  2. TV presenter on the Kremenchug regional channel.
  3. Editor-in-Chief of a Cherkassy newspaper.
  4. Presenter of the morning program “Alarm Clocks in Russian” on “Russian Radio” in Kyiv.
  5. TV presenter of the program “Everything Will Be Good.”
  6. TV presenter of the program “Everything will be delicious.”
  7. Member of the jury of the “Battle of Psychics” program.



For many years now, Crimean Nadezhda Matveeva has been sharing her cheerfulness, energy and useful advice with viewers of the “Everything will be good” program on STB, and recently Nadezhda became the host of the morning show “Everything will be delicious!” Side by side with celebrities, she reveals the secrets of culinary masterpieces. I asked the birthday girl about what advice from her programs she applies in life, how she manages to do everything, and what she loves most about Crimea.

Nadezhda, how often do you come to your hometown and to Crimea in general?

Yes, I was born in Kerch, I love my hometown and come often. True, lately there has been more work, and I can literally get away for 2-3 days. Enough to visit my mother, walk along my favorite streets, and swim in the sea, if the weather permits.

Do you spend your holidays in Crimea or do you prefer to holiday abroad? What, in your opinion, are the pros and cons of a holiday in Crimea?

In Crimea, everything is native, familiar, almost homely. Since childhood, I have mastered the Kerch beaches, and when I come to my parents’ house, I get a pleasant vacation as a bonus. Although, frankly speaking, Crimean vacation prices are sometimes steep, and the quality is not always the best. There is something to compare with for vacationers who have already visited Turkey, for example. Crimea has potential, I believe that our resorts will become world famous.

Nadezhda Matveeva will teach anyone how to cook.

What are your favorite places in Crimea? What do you like to do when you arrive? Where are you going?

Kerch has changed in recent years - the central streets have become more beautiful, flowers are everywhere, fountains are working. I like to walk along the embankment, and in the evening with a group of friends to climb Mount Mithridates right in the city center. Since childhood, I remember a trip to the Crimean Grand Canyon. It was exciting! I plan to repeat this climb, to recharge myself with the energy of my native Crimean mountains.

What was your childhood like? What moments from childhood do you remember most often?

The school was next to the house, the sea was visible from the balcony. In general, all the conditions for a pleasant pastime. I loved to study, I was always an excellent student, I still managed to go to folk dances, basketball, swimming, in different years, of course. In the summer there were especially many impressions, because every year relatives came to us to relax at sea. This is probably a common memory for everyone who lives in Crimea. It added more trouble for my parents, and more entertainment and gifts for me.

Tell us about your parents. What were they like at home? What did they teach you? What's wrong with them now?

Dad worked in a construction company, mother first as a nanny in a kindergarten, then as a laboratory assistant in a boiler room. Since childhood, I have known what it means to save until payday, to buy winter clothes in installments... My mother knits well, I wore the most beautiful sweaters, and I even had knitted dresses. My father's drinking habit made life difficult. Because of this, my parents divorced. But I remember my childhood as a joyful time, thanks to parental care and the Crimean sun.

You have two divorces behind you. Why did both marriages end in separation? What is your current relationship with your ex-spouses?

I am grateful to my husbands that there was and is no hostility, and now we can calmly communicate if necessary. My first marriage fell apart in the seventh year of existence, because I became different, matured or something, felt that I wanted more in the family, in the profession and in spiritual development. Fortunately, the son has already grown up and quite quickly found a common language with his stepfather, maintaining mutual understanding with his father. Special thanks to my husbands for their wisdom in dealing with the child. Having replaced “down-to-earthness” with “elevation”, I lived in my second marriage for 11 years. I understand now that we probably wanted too much from each other - constant attention, continuous care, inexhaustible interest. But everyone imagined this idyll in their own way. It was hard for me with the everyday problems that had piled up, my husband lacked enthusiastic attention on my part. Perhaps, having the knowledge that I can rely on today, I would have acted differently. But then I would be different than I am now. So I try not to regret what I’ve lived, to respect the people involved in my destiny, and to analyze my mistakes so that I don’t repeat them in the future, but make new ones. (smiles).

Nadezhda values ​​“responsibility, sense of humor, intelligence and decency” in men.

Who could win the heart of today's Nadezhda Matveeva?

A strong man, self-confident and at the same time patient, understanding that my profession requires dedication, time and effort. The ideal image of a man turned out... But, firstly, I know that such things happen, and secondly, I love surprises and I am sure that life can surprise at every stage. The main thing is to be able to perceive what is happening with joy, gratitude and patience.

What qualities do you value most in men and what do you hate?

I value responsibility, sense of humor, intelligence and decency. But I know that there are no ideal men, just like there are no ideal women. So I’m ready for life’s surprises. I don’t agree to put up with lies; it complicates life for both the person himself and those around him.

Your attitude towards cheating in marriage. Forgive or leave without talking?

It depends on the specific circumstances. Although in general, cheating is probably the most serious test for a relationship. As an expert psychologist once said in “Everything Will Be Good”: “To change is to change.” And the other half in this situation will have to decide for themselves whether it is possible to live further with this “changed” person or not. And no matter how difficult it is, before making such a decision, you need to talk, discuss, find out why this happened. After all, in betrayal, as in everything that happens in a couple, both partners are to blame. And before moving on in life, you need to reflect on past mistakes.

How do you feel about guest marriages and spouses sleeping in separate rooms? Does this help maintain newness in the relationship or, on the contrary, divide it?

It’s better, of course, to live together and sleep next to each other. This really brings people together and forces them to seek compromises, clarify misunderstandings and find solutions to issues before deadlocks arise. Among my friends, there are also options for guest marriages, and they have lasted for more than one year. This is for people who are too busy with work and are not able to pay enough attention to loved ones, even while in the same room. If this suits both partners, it can last a long time. But as soon as one person meets a person with whom he wants to be close all the time, a guest marriage will crack faster than a traditional one. I think so, although I am not inclined to reduce similar forms of relationships to the same denominator. Now everything is changing so quickly that any options are possible.

New project "Everything will be delicious!"

Is your son already an adult? Do you find a common language with him? Does he watch your shows? What kind of daughter-in-law would you like to see?

My son is already 20 years old. We get along well and always understand each other. I try to give advice only if he doesn’t ask me and not ask unnecessary questions. We have different television tastes, he doesn’t watch the programs that I host, but he sincerely rejoices at my successes, and is proud, in my opinion.

Which of the tips you learn and try in the program have been useful to you in your life? What did you adopt and now they are a “must-have” for you, so to speak?

It’s impossible to count everything. In almost all life situations, I remember what I heard and saw in “Everything will be good” and “Everything will be delicious!” For example, I know how to determine the starch content in potatoes in three ways and why for pancakes you need to take starchy ones, and for frying - with a small starch content. Recently, Taras Shpira taught how to choose the right down jacket, taking into account the fabric, accessories, filling and impregnation. These tips came in handy when buying a jacket for my son. Thanks to our gardener Nelly Murashkina, I understood what violets need to bloom all the time, and I grew a beauty with pink petals from one leaf. Olya Metelskaya taught me how to make a skin wrap with seaweed - just lovely. I can continue, but I’d better advise you: watch “Everything will be good” and “Everything will be delicious!” on the STB TV channel, it is truly a storehouse of useful and interesting information for all occasions.

Did any funny things happen on set?

We certainly have fun from time to time. Once Roma Medny talked about what every woman should have in her makeup bag. Among the necessities was a can of thermal water. I was so happy that I decided to spray a little on myself. Despite the surprised and warning look from our stylist, I pressed the sprayer and smelled... the smell of hairspray! It turns out that he only had a can of suitable size with varnish, so it played the role of thermal water, since he did not have time to go shopping. And I had to “feign joy.”

There was also a funny incident with cockroaches. Taras Shpira told how to get this evil spirits out of the house. The cockroaches sat in glass containers, causing me quiet horror and disgust. Taras mentioned that they can even fly, but I didn’t believe it, I laughed (a little nervously). And so, at some point, either a moth or a fly flies over my head, coming from nowhere. Naturally, I thought it was a cockroach flying, and how I screamed! It scared Taras, especially since he is not happy with cockroaches either. But the delight of the audience knew no bounds!

Do you read letters from fans of the show? What do they usually write?

We receive many letters. With gratitude, impressions of what he saw in the programs “Everything will be good” and “Everything will be delicious!”, with requests for advice. Kind words are incredibly pleasant, and practical questions often develop into topics for future programs. We even have a section: “Experts answer questions.” Moreover, the range of interests of our viewers is so large and diverse that it becomes clear that thousands of vital topics are waiting for the best solution. It is joyful to know that we are making people’s lives easier and more inspiring, helping them to truly look at what is happening in a new way, gain confidence in their abilities and begin to act.

Nadezhda Matveeva: "Best The way to look fresh is to get a good night's sleep and smile more often."

What time management “techniques” do you use to ensure you have enough time for everything?

I like the idea of ​​the 34th President of the United States, David Eisenhower: urgent things are rarely important and at the same time, important things are rarely urgent. I make sure that important things do not turn into “important and urgent”, i.e. I don’t put it off “for later.” And I try to exclude “unimportant and non-urgent” things - long conversations on the phone, hanging out on social networks, aimless shopping trips... On the other hand, I tell myself: “There are never more than 24 hours in a day, so don’t try to fit in more things.” than possible." When there is a lot of work, I have to give up things that I would definitely do if I were free. But priorities change, and you shouldn’t blame yourself for it.

How do you usually spend your weekend?

First thing I do is get some sleep. Then household chores, the gym if possible and adventures as planned - going to the cinema, to a cafe or just a walk in the park. If there are two or more weekends, I plan a pleasant trip or spa treatments.

What do you like to cook at home for yourself? What dishes do you surprise your guests with?

For myself, I prefer not to cook complex dishes, cut salad or bake fish. But my family likes the way I cook, so I’m happy to try for them. Pilaf and chebureki are especially good. Desserts include sea buckthorn and chocolate cake – delicious!

The simplest, healthiest and most delicious salad can be made from avocado. Take a ripe fruit, peel and chop. Add onions, tomatoes, herbs, and maybe shrimp. Season with a drop of olive oil, salt and pepper and... done!

What are your beauty secrets? How do you take care of yourself, do you use folk recipes?

In the morning, I make sure to drink a glass of clean water and don’t forget to quench my thirst throughout the day. Thanks to the advice of experts “Everything will be good”, I know a lot about proper nutrition, rational physical activity and homemade cosmetics. Of course, it is not always possible to act according to the rules. But some good habits stick. For example, in the morning I wipe my face with ice cubes, perhaps from herbal infusions or with the addition of lemon or cranberry juice. If the skin on your hands and knees is very dry, I use “khi” - melted butter with a small addition of beeswax. And the most effective way to look fresh is to get a good night's sleep and smile more often. And since my sleep is irregular, I save myself with a good mood and a smile.

Thank you for your interesting questions, I wish you inspiration, joy and health! Let's meet on the STB channel in the programs "Everything will be good" and "Everything will be delicious!" Sincerely, Nadezhda Matveeva.

Photos provided by the press service of the STB television channel.

Editorial congratulates Nadezhda Matveeva on her birthday!

At first, the girl was content with the role of homemaker. Nadya was raising her son, and also managed to receive a second higher education - economics. But the desire to build a career never left her, and soon the girl began looking for work.

Having not found decent vacancies in the field of engineering and economics, Nadezhda decided to try her hand at journalism. This is how her journey in the world of media business began.

Nadezhda managed to work as a chief editor of a newspaper, presenter of original programs on TV and a DJ on the radio. In 2012, Nadezhda was cast in the show “Everything Will Be Good” on STB. It was this project that brought her fame and mega-popularity.

For 5 years, Nadya was the host of a women's television magazine. In the studio-apartment, she received expert guests who shared useful tips and solved important issues. For many women, Nadezhda became the main adviser and assistant in life, because every program viewers learned something new and solved pressing problems.

In the new format of the project, she takes on the role of an expert on self-realization, the main critic who always argues with fellow presenters and finds weak points in any discussions. It is impossible to deceive or confuse her: Nadya is reasonable, wise and ironic.

What else will surprise your favorite TV presenter? Find out in the new season!

Watch the premiere of the updated show format