Maria Afrikantova before and after losing weight. Afrikantova before and after weight loss

Fans of the television project Dom-2 carefully follow all the vicissitudes and love adventures its participants. Certainly, Special attention one of the brightest girls, Marina Afrikantova, emphasized herself. Her relationship with the young man left no one indifferent, but still she had to leave the project. During her departure, she was remembered as a real plump girl, a girl with noticeably rounded shapes. Everyone began to be interested in the question - how Marina Afrikantova from House-2 lost weight?

The participant herself claims that constant stress, which resulted from difficult personal relationships, “helped” her gain weight. Marina Afrikantova tried to compensate for her problems delicious food, which, as is known, led to the emergence extra pounds on the face, waist and stomach. A few months later, viewers were able to see on the screen Marina’s completely new, thinner and truly model appearance.

The fact that Marina lost excess weight left no one in doubt, since the result was obvious. The girl became the owner of a real chiseled figure. The result of her weight loss is measured at 25 kg of weight lost. The participant's initial weight was 78 kg. Now Marina Afrikantova weighs 53 kg with a height of 177 cm. The Dom-2 participant achieved this effect in two months of a strict diet and intensive training.

In one interview, Afrikantova said that she really dislikes long hours sports activities. Therefore, she decided to choose the best option for herself, which would harmoniously combine a diet with short but systematic physical activity.

This method of losing weight did not immediately become her salvation, since before this the girl had exhausted herself with various diets.

The list of her “diet” experiments is filled with:

  • Hollywood diet
  • cabbage,
  • buckwheat,
  • Japanese,
  • Brazilian.

The Hollywood diet is based on the fact that you must completely exclude sugar-containing and flour products from your diet. The cabbage method called for every main course to be made from cabbage leaves. Japanese diet meant the consumption of various seafood that is prepared without salt and oil. The Brazilian method of losing weight was based on eating only vegetable soups, also without salt and fat.

As Marina herself admits, buckwheat diet gave results, but at the end of the diet the weight quickly returned. This technique involves eating buckwheat porridge, previously filled with cold water.

How did Marina Afrikantova from House-2 lose weight?

Marina Afrikantova lost weight for 20 days. The diet consisted of healthy foods; the menu completely excluded fried, fatty, salty and sweet foods. Each day of Marina Afrikantova’s diet has a different set of products. Total calories meals eaten should not exceed 1000-1300 kcal a day.

Important! During this diet, you need to drink up to 2 liters of clean and still water.

Drinking plenty of fluids helps prevent fluid retention in the body. With the help of water, excess volumes are quickly removed and the metabolic process is accelerated. Every morning you need to drink up to 2 glasses of water.

Also, when leaving the diet, you must give up:

  • pasta,
  • white bread,
  • confectionery products,
  • alcohol,
  • canned food,
  • semi-finished products,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • potatoes.

Reading reviews from famous nutritionists, we can say that such a diet is quite acceptable. The main thing is to count calories.

Marina Afrikantova's main diet

First day b consists of drinking plenty of water. You are allowed to drink up to 2 liters of low-fat fermented milk products throughout the day. At lunchtime, 1-2 slices of rye bread with tomato juice are allowed. In the evening you can drink low-fat kefir.

Second day should completely repeat the menu of the first one.

Third day and fourth day diets should include only protein foods, such as white meat and sea ​​fish. These days you can drink milk with honey or green tea with rye bread. During a snack, you can treat yourself to toast with honey. At lunchtime you can enjoy fresh chicken broth with crackers. As a second course, you can boil or bake chicken breast.

Dinner 3-4 days should be divided into two stages. The first meal includes 1 glass of milk with honey, and the second - 2 boiled eggs, 1 glass of yogurt and some cottage cheese.

Fifth and sixth days They are called vegetable, since during this period only vegetables are allowed to be eaten. For breakfast, you can eat 1 apple or orange; for the second tomorrow, a vegetable salad is suitable. Lunch these days consists of vegetable soup and a slice of rye bread. For an afternoon snack, you can prepare a vegetable salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs. Dinner – fruit salad.

Such a systematic and fairly strict diet must be followed for 20 days, repeating the course. But you should know that you need to get out of such a diet gradually, including more varied foods. True, if the result is not what you dreamed of, then similar diet can be repeated no more than 1 time in 2 months.

It is important! A strict diet does not allow the body to replenish vitamins and microelements, so during such weight loss it is necessary to take fortified complexes.

Features of physical activity of Marina Afrikantova

The House-2 participant loses weight not only with the help of this diet, but also with the help of physical activity. She considers running to be her main key to success. Marina Afrikantova does running exercises both in the evening and in the morning. 20-minute jogging can really quickly tighten your body and get rid of cellulite.

While running, the body is in constant tension, which allows the muscles to actively contract. Therefore, the skin remains firm and elastic. When doing such exercises, you should not be afraid of sagging skin. Those who do not believe this method can look at photos of Marina Afrikantova before and after losing weight.

Marina Afrikantova is a participant in the House 2 project. Fans of this program remember their heroine as a charming plump figure: this is exactly how she appeared on the television project. However, after some time, the model surprised everyone with her new slimmer shape. At the same time, Afrikantova did not look exhausted by diets and exercises. On the contrary, her appearance was refreshed, her hair shone with beauty and strength. How did she achieve such results?

How did Afrikantova lose weight?

There are many frank messages online, allegedly from Afrikantova, that the girl lost weight thanks to miraculous clips, weight loss candies, chewing gum, baths with soda, exercise equipment, etc. However, such stories are just a publicity stunt. Marina’s secret is Afrikantova’s special diet, which, by the way, contains nothing miraculous.

Marina Afrikantova was a slender model before appearing on the television project. Excess weight was the result of hormonal imbalances in the body and stress that occurred after breaking up with a loved one. But the House 2 participant decided to pull herself together and get her body in order. To do this, I had to adjust my diet. The girl assures: no pills will help you lose weight if you don’t change the menu. At first, Afrikantova tried several popular diets, including the buckwheat diet and the Hollywood diet. However, Marina was not satisfied with the results they gave. How Marina Afrikantova from House 2 lost weight is no mystery today. The diet from Afrikantova is available to everyone. What does it consist of?

House 2 participant menu

Let's reveal the secret of how Marina Afrikantova actually lost weight. The first thing the House 2 participant did was give up fatty and fried foods. All products were accepted only in boiled or stewed form. Sugar, flour products, and sweets were banned. It is they, according to Afrikantova, that cause rapid weight gain. Only sometimes did the girl allow herself tea with honey. Coffee and carbonated drinks should also be excluded from the menu.

The next step was strict control over the calories eaten during the day. For average physical activity, 1000-1300 kcal per day is enough. Counting calories is not difficult for anyone. There are special calorie tables for dishes and products, as well as online calculators.

The third condition is regular physical exercise. Marina Afrikantova used jogging for 20 minutes in the morning for these purposes. However, the exercises may be different. To lead an active lifestyle, you can go for a walk, walk the dog, or walk an extra stop to work. Can be found various options physical activity, the main thing is that you enjoy it.

You can create a diet menu yourself, with the help of a nutritionist, or use the one offered by Marina Afrikantova’s diet for the laziest. For 6 days you must adhere to the prescribed diet, then repeat it twice more within 12 days.

First day

  1. For breakfast, a glass of kefir with a slice of black bread is offered.
  2. At lunch, the diet is the same, only instead of kefir there is milk.
  3. For dinner, half a liter of kefir with an apple.

Second day

  1. For breakfast, you need to eat a slice of black bread and drink a glass of tomato juice (no need to add salt to it).
  2. At lunch the menu is repeated.
  3. Dinner will consist only of a glass of tomato juice.

The third day

  1. For breakfast - a sandwich with black bread and a slice of cheese.
  2. At lunch, you can diversify the menu and eat a portion of boiled fish and a glass of broth.
  3. For dinner, 0.1 kg of boiled chicken is offered.

Fourth day

  1. We have breakfast with boiled oatmeal on water with a spoon of honey.
  2. For lunch - a slice of black bread and a cup of broth.
  3. For dinner we eat a couple of boiled eggs and a glass of kefir.

Fifth day

  1. Breakfast consists of a couple of fresh apples and a glass of fresh juice.
  2. We have lunch with vegetable soup and a salad of fresh vegetables.
  3. We have dinner with a salad of cucumbers, cabbage and carrots.

Sixth day

  1. You can have breakfast with two oranges and a cup of tea.
  2. For lunch we offer vinaigrette with fruit juice.
  3. We have dinner with fruit salad and a glass of kefir.

This detailed menu can’t be called simple, but seeing what Marina Afrikantova looks like before and after losing weight photos, you can find the willpower in yourself and repeat her “feat.”

What are the results?

The effect that Marina Afrikantova achieved is amazing. She was able to lose almost 30 kg in a month. However, doctors do not advise extending the diet for more than 20 days. The fact is that this diet is quite modest, and can seriously disrupt the functions of the stomach and intestines. After a 20-day diet, you need to switch to a balanced diet with a limited number of calories. When all the unnecessary fat is gone, the number of calories can be increased. However, physical activity and proper nutrition you will have to maintain it, otherwise the weight will start to come back.

Many netizens have already tried this diet on themselves. What did this lead to? If you strictly adhere to the diet described, you can really lose 15 kg in a month. The secret of the diet is limited calories. If a person usually consumes about 1500-2000 kcal, then a diet of 1000 kcal will create an energy deficit for the body. To make up for the deficiency, the body begins to process reserves - excess fat. Due to this, weight loss occurs. But you need to not overdo it and stop in time: as soon as the lack of calories begins to affect your health, your diet needs to be revised.

Marina Afrikantova is one of the most beautiful and vibrant participants in the popular reality show on the TNT channel “Dom-2”. This is the case when the participant became famous not for her scandalous relationships with colleagues on the site, and harsh dramatic changes faces and figures. What has changed in the appearance of the “housewife”, and in what ways the ideal features and curves came to her, we will look into this material.

Biography of Afrikantova

One of the highest-rated participants in the television project “Dom-2” was born in October 1987 in the capital of Russia, Moscow, in an educated family famous historian and an archaeologist. Surprisingly, sonorous surname quite real, inherited from my father.

Marishka's biography is replete with a variety of hobbies and activities. Since childhood, the girl has been involved in dancing and sports, and even attended for some time dance school Alla Dukhova "Todes". In the whirlwind of hobbies, the young lady did not forget about her studies. I studied with diligence and pleasure. Languages ​​were especially easy for the Muscovite, so now she is fluent in French and English.

As soon as school was completed, my daughter, on the advice of her parents, entered the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, where she received a “male” profession: metallurgical engineer for rare earth and non-ferrous metals. Such an education was a little inconsistent with his bright appearance and desire to be in public. For implementation creative potential the student received a second higher education: “host of television and radio programs” after graduation High school in Ostankino.

Even the model Olympus conquered the future star. She took part in the beauty contest “Miss Moscow 2012”, as a result she received the title “ Best model" and took pride of place as the third vice-miss of the Russian capital. Since that stellar time, the Muscovite periodically participated in various competitions and castings. The blond beauty even won the Grand Prix in the iconic “World Russian Beauty” beauty contest in 2014.

Participation in the television show “House 2”

On film set at home-2 Afrikantova came in 2014. According to rumors, her friend Rustam Kolganov (Solntsev) brought her to the TV cast. The beauty herself claims that her arrival at Dom-2 was the result of a mass of castings and selections, and in no way the consequences of the patronage of friends. The beauty had plans to participate in the television project for a long time; since 2007, every day she watched with interest the ups and downs of the construction.

  • As soon as the spectacular blonde got on frontal place, immediately admitted her sympathy for Andrei Cherkasov. New member she said that she was like that perfect couple It's not worth looking for. Hungry for feminine beauty Andrei Cherkasov reciprocated the beauty. However, the couple failed to build a relationship. Windy Cherkasov quickly moved over to the sizzling brunette.

  • A holy place is never empty, and soon it was occupied by Bogdan Lenchuk. Hoping for a bright future, the couple moved to a city apartment. But relations outside the perimeter did not work out either.

  • The participant began to accept the intrusive advances of the charming darling without hesitation. He didn’t bother with ways to win the girl’s heart: armfuls of flowers, riding in a limousine around the city at night, dinner by candlelight, etc. The Seychelles, where Yegor and his girlfriend moved, contributed to a split in the couple; all romance dried up. Constant quarrels and assaults led to the final break. After this, the celebrity’s health began to rapidly deteriorate and her appearance began to change. After much gossip and nerves, the participant left the shooting, promising to get treatment and return.

  • June 2015 - Afrikantova’s biography again intertwined with the fate of house 2. She, noticeably prettier and slimmer, again came to the clearing in search of love. The second coming to the project turned out to be much more successful than the first. The noble heartthrob of the project could not resist the beauty and charm.

Afrikantova and Andrey Chuev became a popular couple on the program. The press talked about the wedding, but everything happened differently. Andrei recently left the project, planning to take his beloved with him, but in last moment she changed her mind and stayed at the construction site.

  • Marisha developed a new crazy relationship with a shocking young macho of 18 years old. The girl and Roman Kapakly began to build love in the Seychelles, despite the young age of the chosen one. What will come of this symbiosis? Only time will tell.

Interesting! As they say last news, the bright blonde does not leave the perimeter just because she plans to take the place of the presenter.

Plastic surgery by Marina Afrikantova

Photos showing Marina Afrikantova before and after plastic surgery simply flooded the Internet. The magic of transformation haunts both users and colleagues on the site.

Viewers unanimously agreed that Marina Afrikantova’s plastic surgeries generally benefited her, but the beauty herself remained partisan silent, not wanting to talk about the surgeons’ intervention.

  • Rhinoplasty. For the first time, Marina Afrikantova appeared on the set before her nose job. Everything about the girl’s appearance spoke about her beauty and attractiveness. The second time, the nose changed, became neater and more feminine.

  • Facial liposuction. Marina Afrikantova looked strange before plastic surgery. Absence extra pounds on the body did not fit in with the puffy face, crowned with sagging cheeks like a bulldog.

Photos of Marina Afrikantova appeared online, in which the girl consults with a plastic surgeon about solving the problem of swollen cheeks.

After the break, the Muscovite appeared on the show with a perfect jawline and a clear facial contour. Her opponents claim that her thinner face is the result of successful plastic surgery, and the girl’s mouth still has cuts on the mucous membrane. Viewers agreed that Marina Afrikantova after plastic surgery changed only in better side, although her appearance has acquired a certain doll-like quality.

  • Changing lips. If we compare how Marina Afrikantova changed before and after plastic surgery, we note that the lips of the former vice-miss have grown significantly, become more juicy and voluminous.

The result of the cosmetologist’s efforts is clearly visible on the lower lip. Now Marina Afrikantova, after plastic surgery, began to resemble a noble beauty.

  • Abdominal liposuction. Marina Afrikantova weighed 77 kilograms before losing weight, taking into account her height of 177 cm. Overweight became a constant subject of jokes from sarcastic colleagues. After leaving TV screens, the girl persistently took care of herself.

Now the thin star shares her experience on how to lose extra pounds. Fans suspect a catch, since in the photo where Marina Afrikantova after losing weight, no stretched or flabby skin is visible. And this is almost impossible after sudden weight loss.

Golden rules for losing weight from Afrikantova

In any case, Afrikantova’s diet also gave visible results. Now the Muscovite’s weight is 53 kilograms. The girl posted her weight loss rules on her Instagram:

  • Calorie control, where daily caloric intake is 1000-1300.
  • An iron “no” to fat, baked goods, and sweets.
  • To prevent the lost kilos from returning as meaty legs, active training is necessary.

In Marishka’s case, an ideal figure did not become synonymous with vulgarity. Her page is an example of chastity, compared to the profiles of other participants in the TV show. It is unlikely that you will be able to find photos in which the girl is naked or in an explicit pose.

Despite lost forms, our heroine managed to put herself in perfect order. Now the renewed Muscovite is full of strength and energy, and once again hopes to build an ideal relationship.

Video: Marina Afrikantova before joining the project

Before the Dom-2 project and before plastic surgery, Muscovite Marina Afrikantova was an enviable bride. Two higher education(engineer and TV presenter), successful career models in Russia and America and the spectacular appearance of a slender blonde could do honor to any man.

She even participated in the World Russian Beauty beauty contests (received the Grand Prix) and Miss Moscow (became third runner-up). However, for some reason the girl’s relationship with none of the participants worked out on the project, although her beauty had many fans.

When she came to the show in June 2014, she immediately stated that she wanted to build love with Andrei Cherkasov. He was just free and was delighted at the opportunity to have an affair with attractive model. But close communication lasted only a couple of weeks, after which the young people fled. And instead of the fair-haired Marina, Cherkasov went over to the sizzling brunette Victoria Romanets.

Afrikantova’s relationship with Bogdan Lynchuk lasted a little longer. They even began to live under the same roof and started talking about marriage, but this romance did not end with a happy ending.

Having played enough with fillers, Marina returned to naturalness and now gives no reason to be accused of being overly enthusiastic about cosmetic procedures. True, sometimes complexes make themselves felt: Marina recently visited a plastic surgeon and tried on new breasts. A participant in “House-2” thought about increasing her bust by two sizes after talking with her neighbors on the set, who became the owners of gorgeous busts. While the star is thinking about mammoplasty, she is collecting information about the intervention.

A participant in the popular television project “Dom-2,” Marina Afrikantova managed to become a recognizable person not so much because of her relationships on the project, but with the help of drastic changes in appearance. During her first stay on the TV set, Marina did not have a slender figure - the girl had about three dozen extra pounds, which spoiled her quite pretty appearance.

Marina's return to the project amazed the presenters, spectators and participants - a slender person with the seductive figure of a real fashion model appeared before their eyes. Let's figure out what path Afrikantova went through in an effort to lose weight, and what is her secret to success in achieving a dizzying physical shape!

How Marina Afrikantova has changed: photos before and after losing weight

The path to losing weight

Like any girl who strives to lose dozens of kilograms, Marina has tried many popular methods that promise miraculous weight loss. At one time, Afrikantova adhered to the following rules:

  • Hollywood weight loss, excluding sugar and flour;
  • ate only cabbage and seafood according to the precepts of Japanese models;
  • followed the Brazilian diet based on vegetable soups;
  • arranged unloading, drinking only non-carbonated mineral water;
  • I ate buckwheat without salt or butter.

However, only the first 5 kg went with a bang, and the rest sat in place as if nailed down. Another girl might despair and give up on fruitless attempts to lose weight, assuring herself that her “wide” bones and unfavorable genetics will never allow her to achieve a slim figure. But not MarinaY And so, having returned to the Dom-2 project, she proudly demonstrated forms that any fashion model could envy.

This event caused many rumors. Many did not believe that it was just a matter of diet. Marina was suspected of plastic surgery, gastric resection, and the use of special clips and Thai diet pills. Afrikantova, having decided to dot all the i’s, reassured the public by sharing her secret. As it turned out, it consists only of a low-calorie diet combined with light cardio exercises.

The diet that Marina offers is designed for a twenty-day period, during which high-calorie foods are prohibited. For a faster process of burning calories and toning your body, you should also run or walk very quickly for 20-25 minutes every day. That’s the whole secret that allowed Marina to cope with almost three dozen kilograms of excess weight.

Light cardio exercises allowed Marina to gain a toned body

Among the products that are prohibited for consumption, Marina lists:

  • bakery products, sweet pastries, noodles, pasta and confectionery products;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • potatoes of any type and method of preparation;
  • any foods high in fat;
  • sweet sparkling water.

Afrikantova warns that after three weeks of a low-calorie diet, the body will not receive many important microelements, so it is important to take fortified complexes. Taking multivitamin supplements is a must, otherwise you may end up with unpleasant health problems or, at the very least, find that your hair has become dull, your skin has become dry, and your nails have become brittle.

How to eat?

Marina’s diet is a cyclical diet, that is, a certain set of foods will be repeated sooner or later. IN in this case The products recommended by Afrikantova are distributed over 6 days, after which the cycle is repeated two more times.

Girls who find such a low-calorie diet too difficult can add several snacks to their daily routine, consisting of a portion of vegetables or light fruits (for example, apples). However, Marina warns that the effectiveness of the diet may suffer from this, although it will be much easier for you to tolerate. The most difficult, according to Afrikantova’s reviews, are the first few days.

Low-calorie cyclical diet - Afrikantova’s secret to losing weight

Marina Afrikantova's menu by day

We'll write out the menu for every day.

On Mondays:

  • breakfast consists of a glass of low-fat kefir and a piece of dark bread;
  • lunch includes 200 ml of milk and toast from dark bread;
  • dinner involves a green apple and 400 ml of low-fat kefir.

On Tuesdays:

  • Breakfast is offered with 200 ml of tomato juice and black bread toast (can be replaced with a cup of coffee with milk and a spoonful of honey);
  • have 250 ml of tomato juice as a bite with a slice of dark bread;
  • have dinner with a liter of unsalted tomato juice.

On Wednesdays:

  • breakfast consists of a slice of dark bread and a piece of low-fat cheese;
  • for lunch it is suggested to eat 200 ml of broth and a piece of steamed fish;
  • for dinner you can eat 120 g of boiled chicken breast.

On Thursdays:

  • for the first meal you should give preference to steamed oatmeal with a spoon of honey;
  • in the second - chicken breast broth and a piece of dark bread;
  • in the third - two boiled eggs and 450 ml of low-fat kefir.

On Fridays:

  • for breakfast you can eat a couple of green apples and drink 250 ml of vegetable juice;
  • Vegetarian soup with vegetables, cucumber, and tomato are allowed for lunch;
  • for dinner you can eat a salad of grated carrots, shredded cabbage and half a cucumber (you can replace it with 110 g of boiled chicken breast and a glass of kefir).

On Saturdays:

  • for breakfast you can eat a couple of oranges and drink a cup of green tea;
  • for lunch, eat 200 g of vinaigrette and drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice;
  • For dinner, a fruit salad dressed with low-fat natural yoghurt and 700 ml of kefir is offered.

An express diet will help you get in shape for an important event!

When six days on such a diet have expired, you need to repeat the nutrition cycle two more times, however, it is not recommended to adhere to this menu for longer than 18-20 days, as this threatens a serious disruption in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The diet can be carried out once every 60 days.

There are already quite a few reviews online from girls who have lost weight using Marina’s method. Some of them say that in twenty days they managed to get rid of 20 hated kilograms, and twenty minutes of running helped keep their body in good shape, avoiding unsightly sagging skin due to sudden weight loss.