Chicken breast - proteins, fats, carbohydrates (BJU). Total calorie content of boiled chicken breast and healthy recipes

Chicken meat has always been considered a healthy and low-calorie food, especially its loin section. Sirloin refers to breast meat without skin. It contains the most beneficial properties. The calorie content of chicken breast largely depends on its content and method of preparation. It can be increased or, conversely, decreased by choosing how to process it. Also, the calorie content of a dish made from it will be determined by the use of accompanying ingredients.

Chicken breast composition

The fillet is the most important and significant element of the carcass. It contains the following substances:

  1. Animal proteins containing amino acids. They contribute to the saturation of the body and help with the development of living tissues;
  2. Magnesium and sulfur;
  3. Chromium and Phosphorus. It is involved in the process of building new cells;
  4. Cobalt. 100 g of product includes the daily requirement of a microelement;
  5. Vitamin B 2;
  6. Iron, which has a beneficial effect on hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Thanks to microelements, white meat is considered a healthy and dietary product, which is especially beneficial for weakened human health. Eating it improves metabolic processes in the body and helps strengthen the immune system. Chicken meat is characterized as a prophylactic product for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

It also strengthens the nervous system and has a beneficial effect on the condition of human skin, hair and nails. The sirloin portion of the breast contains four times less fat compared to the ham. There are practically no harmful components in the breast. But it can cause an allergic reaction to the protein. When eating fried meat, you may experience a feeling of heaviness or heartburn. To avoid such problems, there are many different recipes that will help you prepare a tasty and easy chicken breast dish. The remaining parts of the chicken contain harmful substances and fat.

Calorie content of chicken breast depending on cooking method

The energy value of chicken fillet per 100 grams is 163 kilocalories. Most of this indicator is proteins, which play an important role in feeding the body's cells. Calorie content may vary depending on cooking methods and the use of various additives and spices.

To prepare low-calorie food, it is best to opt for chilled meat. The most common cooking methods are boiling, frying, baking and stewing. The most balanced meat will be steamed or baked. Fried foods are the most high-calorie and heaviest.

  • Without treatment – ​​110;
  • Baked – 114;
  • Marinated meat in mayonnaise – 147;
  • Marinated meat in vinegar – 117;
  • For a couple – 113;
  • Fried – 243;
  • Smoked – 204;
  • Boiled – 135;
  • Grilled meat – 114.

Based on this list, it is clear that the healthiest and lowest-calorie dish will be food that uses boiled or steamed breast. It will retain all the important qualities and ensure the correct process of digestion and assimilation in the stomach.

You can prepare low-calorie food not only by choosing the right meat, but also by using certain techniques and secrets that will help to significantly reduce the calorie content in certain dishes.

As you know, fried breast meat is considered a heavy and high-calorie food. If it’s difficult to deny yourself such a delicacy, grilled chicken breast is an alternative. The taste will be more intense, and the number of calories will be significantly lower than with standard frying. Boiled meat is considered the most dietary. To increase its nutritional properties, you need to cook it in 2 stages. First, place the breast in cold water and let it boil. After this, take it out and rinse, peel it and cook further in a new portion of water until completely cooked. This approach will remove harmful antibiotics and chemicals.

It is best to use foil to bake the breast. This will make the dish juicy and low in calories. When cooking, you can also use vegetables with a low calorie content: carrots, zucchini, onions. They will contribute to the quick and easy absorption of the dish in the body.

Chicken breast in dietary nutrition

Due to the fact that chicken breast is considered a low-calorie meat, dishes made from it are popular in the diet menu. Losing weight and maintaining a stable figure is much easier when you include white meat in your diet. There is a wide variety of dishes that you can eat daily without worrying about the appearance of extra pounds.

Nutritionists are developing new diets every day that include breast fillet. They are based on a quick process of losing weight, without the risk of regaining lost kilograms.

When losing weight using such menus, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Prepare meat using the most useful processing methods: steaming, boiling or baking;
  2. Chicken skin should not be consumed, as it contains a high content of fat and dangerous elements;
  3. Cook food without salt;
  4. Divide your meals into five small portions a day.

Following these tips will help you get the maximum effect from your diet.

Chicken breast fillet is included in the diet menu not only for weight loss, but it is also important for patients suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

To lose weight using chicken breast, you can use the following:

  • 1 day: 150 grams of boiled rice and 500 grams of chicken fillet;
  • Day 2: half a kilo of pineapples in syrup and 700 grams of boiled breast;
  • Days 3, 4 and 5: 150 grams of cabbage, 5 apples, 2 carrots. You can eat this list in the form of a salad or separately;
  • Days 6 and 7: 100 grams of lettuce leaves and 700 grams of boiled breast meat. In the evening, 200 g of one percent kefir.

Chicken breast has always been considered the most dietary part of a chicken carcass. That is why all girls who are on a diet, as well as watching their figure, prefer chicken breast, which is minimal. But, as you know, it can be prepared in various ways, which naturally changes the energy value. Let's see how many calories remain in chicken breast with varying degrees of heat treatment.

Useful properties of chicken breast

One of the most valuable properties of chicken breast is its large amount of protein. Often, female athletes adhere to diets based on it in the process of building muscle mass. In addition, this meat has a number of useful substances and vitamins that help process proteins quickly enough. Vitamins A, C, PP and group B are present here. If we talk about useful substances, the main one is probably choline, which promotes the proper functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands. Potassium, which is also present in chicken meat, normalizes blood pressure. In addition to those listed, there are trace elements such as sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, iron and chlorine.

Calories in fried chicken breast

The calorie content of fried chicken breast is one of the highest compared to other types of preparation. For example, boiled breast contains only 95 kcal, and fried breast contains 145.5 kcal. First of all, its fat content increases due to the addition of a large amount of vegetable oil, the excessive presence of which does not have a positive effect on the figure. The breakdown of nutritional value here is as follows: proteins – 19.3 g, fats – 7.1 g, carbohydrates – 0.8 g.

Calories in baked chicken breast

A baked chicken breast has an even higher calorie content than its fried counterpart - 148.5 kcal per 100 g of product; if we talk about nutritional value, there are 19.7 g of proteins, 6.2 g of fat, 3.6 g of carbohydrates.

Other methods of cooking chicken and their calorie content

Smoked chicken breast and steamed chicken have approximately the same calorie content - 117 and 113 kcal, respectively. The energy value of chicken fillet with vegetables is slightly higher - 126.9 kcal.

Diets based on chicken breast

Thanks to its balanced composition, chicken breast is an excellent diet product. So experts in the field of weight loss have developed several types of diets based on chicken breast. The first of them is seven days. For it you need to boil 800 g of chicken meat in 2 liters of water. In order to preserve the taste of the product, you can add roots, carrots and onions to the pan to taste. Then divide the boiled chicken meat into 5-6 equal portions in proportion to meals per day. The main feature of the diet is the non-use of salt when preparing dishes. It is also prohibited to add soy sauce to enhance the taste. You can use lemon juice to add some piquancy. The disadvantage of this diet is that it cannot be used for people with kidney, liver, heart and stomach diseases. In addition, it is also contraindicated for pregnant women.

There is a second diet option using chicken meat. It is designed for the same 6-7 days. In the first three days, you are allowed to eat only apples (1.5-2 kg per day in equal shares). Then 1 day - 1 kg of chicken breast, the next 2 days - 2 liters of kefir (1%) per day. Last day - chicken broth, prepared without salt.

On average, following one of the diets you can lose from 1.5 to 3 kg, which is not a bad result. Plus, chicken breasts are so nutritious that you won't feel hungry.

Chicken was domesticated as early as 6000 BC. Therefore, it is not surprising that over such a long period of time, the human body has perfectly adapted to its meat. But still, the set of nutrients contained in chicken is determined, among other things, by the part of the chicken that is eaten. Especially white meat, which means chicken breast. Her BZHU is not considered the most successful for dietary nutrition, but is still close to this “title”.

Since breast fat is incredibly successful, it is quite natural to use it for weight loss or maintaining a sports diet. Due to the fact that there is little fat in the breast, its calorie content is also low - about 113 Kcal. And, what is most surprising, in BZHU a significant part of the energy value comes from protein - about 85%.

BZHU raw breast

Naturally, you should not eat breast meat raw. But it is precisely this version of the product that BZHU usually gives about. Indicators reflecting it are given per 100 grams of breast. Ideally, that is, without heat treatment or the use of harmful feed in the process of raising chicken, the chicken will differ in the following BZHU numbers.

  1. Proteins provide the main energy value. There are approximately 23.5 grams of them in the breast.
  2. There are practically no carbohydrates - only 0.4-0.5 grams.
  3. Fats also do not account for much of the total weight - no more than 2 grams.

It turns out that BJU is perfectly balanced. But before eating, the breast has to be cooked.

BJU of cooked breast

Depending on the preparation option, the BJU of such a product may vary, and quite significantly. It is best to boil or steam chicken breast. In this case, its calorie content is reduced to approximately 100 Kcal. There is a little less protein and fat, but their ratio still remains such that chicken retains its potential benefits for the body.

And a completely different situation is frying the breast. Of course, you can also fry it in different ways. But most often, after such processing, fats become much larger, proteins are seriously reduced. In this case, the calorie content “jumps” to 200 Kcal, but it loses real benefit for humans due to too much fat content. It follows from this that to maintain ideal BJU, it is best to cook this product.

Supporters of dietary and healthy eating try to include boiled meat in their daily diet. Low-fat varieties, such as poultry, are suitable for this. White poultry meat has always been considered dietary. It was usually used to prepare dishes for children, the elderly and the sick.

This part of the bird was considered the most beneficial for the body for many reasons. What is the calorie content of boiled chicken breast and why is it most often included in the diet menu?

Chicken white meat

This meat in chicken is different from the rest of the bird. The loin part with a small bone is considered white. According to your taste may seem harsh and dry, but this does not prevent it from being a popular dietary product. In fact, chicken breast is a tasty and healthy product if cooked correctly.

The popularity of white chicken meat is explained by its high content of saturated fats. It supplies the body with the necessary protein without fat and bad cholesterol. Delicious and properly cooked chicken fillet Children and athletes, active people, as well as supporters of healthy eating eat with pleasure. There are many recipes that will make chicken fillet soft, juicy and tasty.

The high-quality protein contained in white chicken fillet is perfectly absorbed by the body. Low calorie content of the product made it one of the main dietary dishes. Sirloin can be bought in any supermarket, which is also an important advantage for a modern person.

Chicken breast calorie content per 100 grams

As a dietary food, boiled chicken breast is an ideal product. Sirloin is low in calories, but this may vary depending on how the meat is cooked. The best and most useful Boiled product has the lowest calorie content. During the cooking process, some of the fats are boiled down and end up in the broth. It is recommended to cook the chicken breast in the third broth, draining the first two. If you are preparing poultry breast, then you don’t have to worry about the cleanliness of the meat. This broth turns out to be quite fatty and so does the meat, which is why nutritionists recommend avoiding rich broths.

Raw sirloin has 115 calories, if with bones, then there will be 137 units. The skin of poultry contains the most fat, so it should be removed before cooking. With skin, a 100 gram chicken breast will have 165 calories.

During cooking broth takes away some of the calories, therefore, boiled skinless breast contains 95 calories per 100 grams of product, of which:

  • proteins - 29.8 g;
  • fats - 1.8 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0.5 g.

This type of breast contains the largest amount of protein with a low calorie content of the finished product. This makes it an ideal product for people losing weight and athletes.

How many calories are in fried and baked fillet?

The number of calories depends on the method of cooking any type of meat, including chicken breast. It is believed that fried sirloin contains the most calories, it contains 197 kcal per 100 grams. Index calorie content increases due to oil, on which the meat is cooked, as well as on the amount of oil. For this reason, the fat content of the breast increases. The dish turns out juicy and aromatic in this form, but harmful to health. It will help you gain extra pounds.

Many people like to bake meat in the oven, but this cooking method requires the right approach. Nutritionists recommend baking chicken breast in a “sleeve”. Prepared this way fillet will retain all its beneficial properties and it will be tasty, juicy and aromatic. You need to add spices to the meat and bake in the oven. A baked skinless chicken breast contains slightly more calories than boiled meat - 119 units.

You can also cook meat in the oven in another way. It should be pre-boiled and then baked in the oven. Calories of boiled meat without skin when baked it will be only 110 kcal per 100 grams of the finished product.

Chicken in dietary nutrition

Due to the lack of fat, chicken breast is considered the most valuable for supporters of a healthy diet. She's attractive for another reason, it contains many vitamins and minerals, beneficial for the body:

If you cook white meat chicken correctly, it is difficult to gain weight from it. Low calorie content will not allow fat cells to be deposited. Due to low energy value when eating fillet the body will be forced to use existing fat reserves. This is the secret of many developed diets, using which you can quickly lose excess weight. By consuming white chicken meat, the body is saturated and at the same time uses up accumulated fats.

If meat has dietary properties, it provides health benefits. The low cholesterol in meat makes it easy to digest. If you use it regularly metabolism is normalized, immunity is strengthened. It is believed that chicken meat is an excellent preventive product for cardiovascular diseases. It helps strengthen the nervous system, hair and nails, and has a positive effect on metabolic processes.

When purchasing chicken meat, it is advisable to choose small pieces on the bone. It, must be free from defects, damage and ruptures in clean and high-quality packaging, refrigerated.

Lean chicken meat is one of the most popular dietary products. Breast contains many useful elements, practically no carbohydrates, and no fat. The product saturates the body with protein and essential amino acids.

Protein content per 100 grams of chicken breast

The benefits of breast meat for the body are invaluable when it comes to its protein content. 100 g of unprocessed white meat contains more than 23 g of organic matter. Only seafood contains more building blocks for muscle tissue. Read about it in our publication.

Due to its low energy value, breast meat cannot be used as the only source of strength; you need to supplement your diet with fruits, vegetables and grains. However, the product is ideal in the period after illness or physical exhaustion.

The amino acid composition is represented by replaceable and essential amino acids (12 and 8 g each, respectively).

During heat treatment, the amount of protein increases: when boiling and frying, by 6 units. When smoking, on the contrary, it decreases by 4 units. Thus, due to weight loss, when cooked in water or oil, the protein in the product becomes greater than when cooked raw. When steaming chicken, the number practically does not change.

Fats in Chicken Breast

White chicken meat is the basis of most diets, due to the low fat content of the product. The largest amount of it is in the skin, so if the breast is without it, then the dish becomes completely safe for the figure. Replenishment of the daily requirement for the fat element is only 3% per person under 50 years of age with moderate activity.

When frying and baking with oil, the indicator increases. In the first case - up to 7 g, in the second - up to 5.5 g. Athletes choose chicken for daily nutrition, since other types of meat (pork, lamb), with a similar protein content, include much more fat.

How many carbohydrates are in chicken breast?

In raw and boiled breast, the carbohydrate content is very low - less than 1 g. They belong to the complex category, that is, their breakdown in the body occurs very slowly, and accordingly, the blood sugar level rises slowly. It is for this reason that the product is approved for diabetes.

Chicken meat is included in the menu for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas due to its almost zero content of both fat and carbohydrates.