How can you style your hair with clips? Caring for artificial hair.

The dream of luxurious, long curls led to the invention of such useful accessory, like false strands on hairpins. After attaching natural or artificial strands, the hairstyle gains volume and additional length.

False strands or tresses allow you to change your look in half an hour. Original styling can be done at least every day without harm to the hair. It's easy to create hairstyles with clip-in extensions for everyday use. For evening styling, additional strands are simply irreplaceable.

Tress - what is it?

Strands with clips are an alternative to hair extensions. The method allows you to achieve excellent results without damaging the hair shafts. Wefts or false strands on hairpins will make the image feminine and romantic.


  • natural hair. Quite expensive material, high quality. Silky, soft hair can be washed, curled, straightened. Choose strands to match your natural color or buy a set to create a highlighting effect. Choice - for every taste;
  • artificial locks. Hair made from synthetic material is cheaper and has a wide color scheme. If you compare the cost of artificial locks and hair extensions, the cost of the procedure will decrease significantly.


The popularity of tresses is easy to explain:

  • high speed of creating a new image: attaching tresses takes no more than half an hour;
  • change in length and volume without destroying the cuticle. No exposure to high temperatures, chemical compositions, including synthetic glue;
  • strands are easily attached to natural hair of any length;
  • significant savings in time and money. Spend once on a set of tresses, and you won’t have to visit the hairdresser often. The thought of rather harmful hair extensions will stop visiting you;
  • with proper attachment there is no discomfort, the hairs are not pulled or broken;
  • strands of natural or artificial material are as easy to remove as they are to attach. Act carefully, then there will be no damage to “your” and “other people’s” hairs;
  • if you do not want to extend your curls to your waist, add volume with a fashionable short haircut. Additional strands on hairpins come in different lengths and widths;
  • On sale there are both straight “new hair” and curled ones that do not require additional manipulation;
  • It’s easy to do original styling at home, even without an assistant. If you have a mother or sister nearby, it will be even easier to create a luxurious look;
  • Hair extensions are suitable for creating everyday and festive hairstyles. Many brides use safe extensions on their big day. A luxurious waist-length braid or bouncy curls are often secured with hairpins;
  • It's easy to find extra strands in natural colors or dyed in contrasting tones. Strands with a highlighting effect are popular.

How to attach extensions

Hair tresses are sold with special clips, with which you can easily and quickly attach new hair to your original strands. The fastening is made in the lower part of the hair, the top is covered with your own hair, the hairpins are not visible.

The clips are matched to the color of your hair and hold securely. It is very difficult to accidentally pull off attached strands.

The set contains from 6 to 8 pieces of hair strips. To achieve a natural effect, curls of different widths and lengths were selected.

To create the look you will need a wide-toothed comb plus half an hour of free time. It’s easy to understand from the photo that attaching additional curls is easier than reading the instructions.

Fastening technology:

  • comb your hair along the entire length. No area should be left tangled;
  • on the top of the head, separate part of the strands, secure with a clip: this section will not be needed for now;
  • Lightly spray the horizontal parting with a weak varnish and comb it a little;
  • straighten the hairpins on additional strands, attach the first, widest “bun” with 3 or 4 clips to the hairs near the parting;
  • add new tresses one by one. In the temporal zone, fasten narrow strips to 1 clip;
  • Fix the artificial curls well at the roots.
  • for maximum volume you will need a number of more tresses;
  • lift the attached strands, secure with a long clip;
  • step back 3–5 cm from the first horizontal parting, make another one;
  • repeat the operation of attaching the tresses in the same way;
  • comb carefully, spray with varnish, gently lower first top row tresses, then your own curls;
  • straighten your hair, leave the strands loose. Create a simple or evening hairstyle as desired.

Everyday hairstyles with additional strands on clips

The easiest option is to leave your hair unstyled after attaching the tresses. Long straight strands are a decoration in themselves.

Natural hair can be curled with artificial material this operation cannot be performed. Synthetic hairs will melt under high temperatures.

Create interesting hairstyle Just. Add a few narrow strips to your native curls. light shade: This will result in highlighting.

Sleek ponytail

Simple but effective everyday hairstyle. It takes half an hour to install, no more.

Your task is to buy an extension ponytail of the desired length. The finished ponytail should match the texture of natural hair.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • gather your hair into a high ponytail on the top or closer to the back of the head, securely secure with an elastic band;
  • use a hairpin to attach the artificial tail to your natural one;
  • It’s easy to hide the attachment point: separate one natural strand, wrap it around an elastic band, and secure the tip of the hair with a bobby pin.

Important! Styling is suitable not only for everyday life. For a festive evening, choose strands of maximum length, create a perfectly smooth ponytail or curl your curls from natural material. An evening hairstyle with a pulled ponytail will show the beauty of an open back in a luxurious dress.

Original braids

Depending on the weaving technique, it is easy to create a classic or original braid from new curls.

A smooth braid is an everyday option, while a braid made of soft curls is an excellent look for a celebration.

See how different weaving can be with additional curls. For wedding styling, this option is one of the most popular.

Options for evening and formal styling

In addition to the original waist-length braids for festive event there are other images. Pay attention to popular options.

Luxurious curls

Curls different sizes emphasize femininity and the beauty of hair. When choosing the perfect additional strands with invisible clips, no one will guess that the real length is three times shorter than your luxurious curls.

Leave your curls loose, gather them to one side, and make a low side ponytail. Lush, delicate styling is a great look for a bride. Wedding hairstyles on tresses at the peak of popularity.

Perfect tail

The stages of creating fashionable styling are described above. For celebrations, false strands can be straight or curled. Focus on your taste general image, quality of hair.

Are your locks a little frizzy? Make a fluffy top and an equally soft, voluminous tail. Original decor will complement the image.

Greek hairstyle

Exquisite, delicate styling suits many representatives of the fair sex. With a fashionable hairstyle you will be irresistible. Feminine look, light dress in greek style, beautifully styled hair, gentle makeup will certainly attract attention to you.

Turn into greek goddess not difficult:

  • attach new curls to the main body of hair using standard technology;
  • put a beautiful headband with an elastic band on your head;
  • Use a comb to separate strips of curls, tuck them one by one under the accessory;
  • Take the first strands from the sides, gradually move towards the middle;
  • create a sufficiently voluminous roller, straighten it, lightly spray with varnish;
  • attach decor - delicate flowers, hairpins with pearls or rhinestones at the end;
  • leave a few curls in the temple area: this will make the image more feminine and sweet.

Note! Greek hairstyle is suitable for a romantic date, special event, prom and wedding. Choose a decor that matches general style festive outfit. Make sure that the bandage does not put pressure on your head.

The better the quality of the accessory, the easier it is to handle. Hair is especially valued Slavic type with a dense structure, sufficient softness, natural shine, high quality hair There are cheaper options, but the stingy, as we know, most often overpays.

Remember the rules for caring for tresses:

  • wash your locks in warm water using a special shampoo. Dissolve the composition in a bowl of water, lower the parts of the “new hair”, rinse for a third of an hour;
  • hang clean curls so that they drain and dry completely naturally;
  • Carefully comb the dried accessories with a wide-toothed comb, hang them up or put them in a large box. Many girls store their tresses on a hanger, making special hooks from soft wire to attach each strand;
  • Feel free to curl your natural hairs, straighten them, spray them with hairspray, or roll them with curlers. Artificial hairs will not withstand such manipulations: hot styling will instantly turn a luxurious curl into a sticky, melted mass.

Now you know how to do everyday and evening hairstyle using false strands on hairpins. Available, effective technique allows you to do without visiting a beauty salon. Buy a set of additional curls, and you can easily create a fashionable hairstyle, lengthen your hair, and give your hair luxurious volume.

In the following video you can see a few more ideas for hairstyles with false strands on hairpins:

Have you long wanted to become the owner of long and thick hair? But you don’t have enough money for a full extension or you’re just not ready to constantly wear the same length? The way out of this situation will be hair in clips– the best way to temporarily increase the length and improve the volume of your own hairstyle. They are easily attached using pastizher hairpins: very small and invisible, which are completely impossible to detect by touch. No one will even guess that they are overhead. Reliable attachment to your hair is guaranteed.

Rent hair clips

In a short period of time, you will turn from a daring short-haired girl into a fatal beauty with lush curls.

The main advantages they have false hair:

  • constant change of image: strands are not worn all the time;
  • they can be washed, curled, blow-dried, curled, straightened;
  • it is possible to use conventional styling products;
  • temporary use reduces the stress on your own hair.

Hair extensions can be highlighted, colored and dyed without harming your curls. Before doing this, you should do a test on a small section of your hair to see how it reacts to the dye. Rhinestones and small decorative elements adhere well to overhead strands. By choosing this method of increasing hair length, you save significantly cash. Regular extensions, which also spoil the structure and quality of your own hair, are much more expensive. In addition, there are no contraindications: you can visit the steam room, use your usual shampoos and conditioners, without spending money on additional care products.

Sale and rental of extensions and hair clips

If you want to buy quality hair extensions for rent call us and we will make a selection close to your hair. You can also on our website. This is a reliable, safe and proven method. The price will be a little cheaper, but you must clearly decide on the color. Sometimes it happens that one shade is ordered, but another one arrives, which happens due to inaccurate reproduction of the color image.

Are you still not sure about the need to purchase? Then you need to take it for a while and wear it hair extensions rental which is possible in our beauty salon. Our wedding stylists, who have been working with us for a long time, will help you decide on color, length and structure. You can buy straight or wavy curls, light or dark, middle length or well below the waist.

Thick voluminous hair- an adornment for every woman. But what if Mother Nature did not reward such generous gift? Should you constantly put all your curls in a ponytail, hide them under a wig, or wear hats, caps, or beanies? Building up can solve this problem, but what if you are not ready for such radical measures? Use natural hair extensions.

Thanks to the use of false hair, the image is transformed instantly and without difficulty. The strands are attached to different areas of the head: if desired, only the occipital area is built up, volume is given to it, or the bangs are lengthened. If you attach strands that differ in color from the main shade, you will get a highlighting effect without dyeing the curls; in general, there are the most different ways their application, it all depends only on your imagination.

Types of hair extensions

Why should you give preference to extensions? In addition to being convenient and effective method changing the image is also economically beneficial. Once you buy false curls, you will not spend money on expensive styling from hairdressers. Create beautiful images you will work it out on your own.

Removable curls are securely attached to the hairstyle using tight clips. During the day you will not need to worry about the safety of your appearance. In addition, strands with clips can be attached in such a way that at close range they become invisible. The hairstyle comes out as one piece, fluffy and voluminous.

Let's take a closer look at each type of hair extensions.

On hairpins

Each strand is attached to a small crab clip. These hair extensions are easy to use. They are used to increase the length of the hairstyle and give it volume. It is necessary to secure each curl with a hairpin in the root zone and cover it with natural hair on top. The whole procedure will not take more than 10 minutes; removing curls is as easy as attaching them.

Anna: “Always use clip-in extensions. I can change my look every day. I quickly and independently attach curls to my hair. I got used to doing it fashionable styling on my long hair."

Hair on tress

They are hair attached to a thin strip of fabric. Used for extensions. Hair extensions using tress differ from classic hair extensions in that the extensions are sewn to natural hair with a special hairdressing needle. During the procedure, the hair is not exposed to the aggressive effects of glue, high temperature, or resin, as happens with capsule extensions.

Marina: “I always wanted to have long Thick hair, but I couldn’t grow my own. I didn’t dare to grow my curls the traditional way, I was afraid of harming them. As soon as I heard about hair extensions with tresses, I immediately tried it. The cost is reasonable, I am very pleased with the result, I go with long curls This is the second year already.”

On tape

Used for long-term extensions. The width of the tape is about 4 cm, the length of the strand reaches 55 cm. During the hair lengthening procedure, false strands must be applied as close as possible to the base of hair growth. The silicone strip to which the hairs are attached is hypoallergenic. You are guaranteed a voluminous long-haired hairstyle for the next 2-3 months. Then you should undergo a correction.

Inna: “I love tape-in ​​extensions. My master makes it in just a couple of hours. I choose strands that are a tone or two different from my main color. This way I get a beautiful transition, my hair looks natural.”

Hairpiece ponytails

Horse tails – classic hairstyle appropriate in any setting and with any image. To transform your short mouse ponytail into a mop of ponytail, attach a ponytail chignon. It is secured with a small elastic comb or clip. It is attached to your own strands, which are previously gathered into a ponytail, and tied tightly with a ribbon to secure it.

Olga: “I bought myself such a tail at the Modis store.” Now the problems with morning styling have disappeared. I do a long ponytail as an addition to the office dress code, I look stylish and confident. I also like to add a ponytail to an evening look – it looks impressive and sexy.”

In terms of quality, all types of hair presented are either artificial or natural. Artificial hair cannot be dyed, feels different from natural hair, and loses its attractiveness over time. appearance. Natural extensions do not differ either in feel or appearance from the main hair. As they become dirty, they need to be washed, cared for, and painted if necessary. Natural extensions are significantly more expensive than artificial types.

How to attach artificial and natural hair strands yourself

For home attachment of extensions, both short and long. long hair use:

  • Comb;
  • Overhead strands;
  • Clamps.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Comb your curls thoroughly.
  2. Separate one strand slightly below the parting line, lift it up and slightly to the side. Secure it with a clamp. This will create a second parting.
  3. Attach the extension strand to the parting line.
  4. Release the fixed strand and cover the false curls with it.
  5. Do the same with the rest of the false curls.
  6. Using your fingers, mix the extensions with yours so that the transition between them becomes smooth and imperceptible.

How to properly care for hair extensions

If you opt for extensions made from natural hair, then you will have to care for them as if you were your own. Thus, combing natural false strands should be done with a soft comb, movements should be made from bottom to top. It is recommended to use a spray for dry hair to make combing easier.

The temperature of irons and curling irons when used for natural extensions should not exceed 170 degrees. Don't forget to apply a heat protectant first.

When dirty, wash your strands. Before washing, comb it, then rinse gently with shampoo for dry and damaged hair. Do not rub the strands against each other or wring them out; after washing, lightly pat dry with a towel. Dry the product correctly in a horizontal position for about 9 hours.

Learn more about caring for hair extensions in the video below.

Beautiful wedding hairstyles with false strands on hairpins (photo)

False strands fit beautifully not only into a casual, evening look, but also harmoniously combine with wedding style. Original, sophisticated wedding hairstyles are achieved using hair extensions. Even short-haired brides will be able to show off complex styling with long curls, curly buns, and braids. We offer you a selection beautiful pictures for inspiration, among them you will find fashion ideas, unusual solutions for wedding look.

Approximate cost of hair extensions by length and type

If you decide to buy extensions, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the approximate prices. The figures in the table are for guidance only and may not be valid at the time of purchase. Find out the exact cost from suppliers or sellers.

Every girl dreams of her hair looking amazing. But what if their appearance does not suit the owner? It happens that you get bored short hair, or previously beloved long hair is not pleasing with its thickness. Hiding them all the time in the “tail” or resorting to radical methods like extensions is not always a working option. In this case good decision will become false hair, which allows you to instantly transform yourself without causing damage to your natural hair. There is a wide range of products of this kind - from simple strands on hairpins to overlays on tresses that cannot be distinguished from real curls.

Benefits of hair extensions

There are both hair extensions that are suitable for everyday wear, and for complex hairstyles - for example, for a “one-time” appearance at some event. So, simple extensions with clips or a ponytail chignon are perfect for going to work.

If you have an idea to buy artificial hair, make up your mind: it saves time and money when using it, and also opens up ample opportunities for experimentation. If you're not sure you want to grow your hair out, this is a great way to try artificial hair extensions without any side effects. The same thing happens with other “tests of the pen”; you can try on any hairstyle. This is an excellent alternative to extensions that will not affect your natural hair - it will not make it thinner or weaker.

Also, false strands do not require the work of a specialist - you can attach false hair without problems at home. They are easy to take off and put on, and reliable fastenings will prevent them from “falling off” at the most inopportune moment.

Heat treatment of hair extensions is also possible, which gives additional features in changing the image.