Read the story morning rays. Integrated lesson on the story K

Games for history lessons

To interest students and increase the effectiveness of teaching history, it is necessary to change traditional form studying history.

Educational purpose of the game: generalize and consolidate the knowledge acquired in history lessons.

Educational purpose of the game: through knowledge of the history of Russia, instill love for one’s Motherland.

Developmental goal of the game: instill the skill of working in a team, develop reaction and speed in answering questions.

Equipment: task cards

KVN lesson on the topic: Peter I and his reforms.

Repeating and generalizing lesson in 7th grade to consolidate material about the activities of Peter I.


I. Organizational moment(5 minutes.)

Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.
Repetition lesson in the form of a game.
Teacher briefing. Divide the class into 2 teams (come up with a name, motto, choose a captain).

II. The main part of the lesson-game(35 min.)

1. Warm up. Working with the map. Show: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Poltava, Gangut, Narva, Riga.
2. Write correctly: empire, emperor, reform, Senate, college, regent, Sweden, embarrassment, captain.
3. Define: embarrassment, regency, aristocracy, poll tax, assembly, emperor.
4. Find errors in the text: Peter I began to rule at the age of 8. Due to Peter's childhood, both brothers, Peter and Ivan, were proclaimed kings. Their aunt, Sophia, was their regent. Peter was married three times. The first wife was Evdokia Lopukhina, the second was Maria Miloslavskaya, the third was Catherine I. Peter I waged a war with Finland, which was called Northern. It lasted 25 years - from 1700 to 1725. In 1702, Peter founded the city of St. Petersburg.
5. Solve the problem, using knowledge of historical dates, perform arithmetic operations with them, as a result of which the date of an important event will be identified historical event. Name this event. (Beginning of the Northern War + year of the Battle of Lesnaya): 2 + 5 = X (Battle of Poltava)
(Year of the Battle of Gangut + year of the Battle of Lesnaya): 2 – 8 =X (founding of St. Petersburg)
6. Quiz “Who is bigger?”

    Who can name more associates of Peter I ( Menshikov, Romodanovsky, Lefort, Golovin, Voznitsyn, Shein, Sheremetyev, Repnin).

    Who can name more reforms of Peter I ( Central administration, decree on unified inheritance. Table of ranks. Regional reform. City government reform. Church reform).

    Who can name more events of the Northern War (Narva Confusion, capture of Noteburg, founding of St. Petersburg, Battle of Lesnaya, Battle of Poltava, Battle of Gangut, Prut Campaign, Battle of Grenham, Peace of Nystadt).

7. Restore the chronology

    Azov campaigns

    Battle of Poltava

    Founding of St. Petersburg

    Establishment of the Senate

    End of the Northern War

8. Captains competition

Determine from the text which the event is going on speech.

When both troops, very tired, rested for an hour, Charles resumed the battle. But he was hurt not so much by the courage of the enemy troops as by the unexpected cunning on the part of the Russians. The enemy stretched out his flanks in the shape of a semicircle and placed his cannons, large and small, many of which were portable, not only in the trenches, but also at the ends of these flanks. So, with the help of these and other large cannons, of which there were about 100 together, they say , constantly loaded not with cannonballs, but with many pieces of iron... and shooting at the Swedes 50 times, they (the Muscovites) destroyed with these volleys the entire guard of King Charles, which was the heart and soul of the entire Swedish army. The rest, the most numerous, so bravely resisted the enemy's pressure that, no longer fighting for honor, but for life, they fought when their weapons were knocked out with their bare hands. But finally, some of them fell into the hands of the winner, some were brutally killed, and some fled.
The king, when blood flowed from his recently wounded and now again damaged leg, surrounded on all sides by the enemy, almost fell into the hands of the enemy... And without the help of God himself and some of the captains who quickly crashed into the thick of the enemy, his would not have been taken out of the battle. (Battle of Poltava)

Find the missing word from the text:

Everyone has the right to come to ________________... The owner should not meet anyone outside the room, nor see him off, even if he was the emperor himself... In the room where they dance, there should be prepared: a table with pipes, tobacco and wooden splinters and several other tables for games of chess and checkers; but cards for _____________ are not tolerated and are not served... The owner, hostess or someone from the household opens the dances, after which, depending on the place, one or two couples can dance a minuet, anglaise or Polish at will... Everyone has the freedom to do what they want, that is, it can either dance, or smoke tobacco, or play, or talk, or look at others; in the same way, anyone can ask themselves, at will, for wine, beer, vodka, tea, coffee and now get what they need. But the owner is not obliged and does not dare to force guests to drink or eat, but can only say what he has for treats, and then gives them complete freedom... These meetings, starting at about 5 o’clock, last no longer than 10, and then everyone must go home . (Assembly)

9. Checking homework: mini-essay “The role of Peter 1 in history”

III. Summarizing(3 min.)

IV. Grading(2 minutes.)

The winning team gets “5”, the losing team gets “4”.

V. Homework No

Game "Seven troubles - one answer"

The game is played in 6th grade after studying “History of the Middle Ages”. The game involves 7 students, a jury, and assistants. Before the game, instructions are given.
The game consists of three levels. At level I - 7 players, at level II - 2 students, at level III - only 1 student. It all depends on the speed of the response.
Assistants help in counting answers. The jury evaluates the answers after each level passed. At the end of the game, the results are summed up and the winners are rewarded.

Level I

1. Define the word and name it:

    Horse, weapon, rider, tournament, war, armor, herd. ( Knight)

    Tower, rock, bridge, underground passage, feudal lord, well, chains. ( Lock)

    Religion, Arabs, Muhammad, prophet, Allah, Muslims, Koran. ( Islam)

    Higher school, student, faculty, dean, rector, theology, session. ( University)

    Storage, money, banker, exchange, building, risk, security. ( Bank)

    Apprentice, master, workshop, masterpiece, product, assistant, craft. ( Journeyman)

    City, head, magistrate, power, money, judge, center. ( Mayor)

2. Choose seven words for one word.

    camel ( ship, desert, hump, animal, water, goods, caravan)

    tournament ( castle, knight, competition, strength, dexterity, weapon, horse)

    fair ( sale, goods, money, trade, products, merchants, money changers)

    crusader ( knight, cross, campaign, land, Christianity, Palestine, fight)

    Sultan ( Turks, head, Islam, vizier, money, title, Arab)

    merchant ( goods, sea, pirates, guild, duty, money, ship)

    emperor ( country, empire, England, France, title, crown, power)

3. Name the word: Muslims, mullah, Arabs, prayer, temple, Allah, Koran... ( mosque).
4. Name seven words that characterize the fairy tale “A Thousand and One Nights.”

II level

Choose the correct answer.

    Charlemagne ruled in Frankish Empire or in the Byzantine Empire?

    Avicenna Ibn Sina is the caliph or scientist?

    A temple was built in Constantinople Hagia Sophia or St. Mary's Church?

    Parliament arose in England or in France?

    The Jacquerie originated in England or France?

    Which lasted longer: Hussite wars or I crusade?

    Baron is senor or a vassal of a knight?

    630 is the year of the collapse of the Frankish Empire or emergence of Islam?

    1265 is the year of origin parliament in England or the Estates General in France?

    1066 is the year of the Jacquerie or Norman conquest of England?

    1389 is the year of Wat Tyler's rebellion or Battle of Kosovo?

    1445 is the First Crusade or the invention of printing?

    The year 500 is the year of the emergence of Islam or Frankish states?

    843 is the year division of the Frankish Empire or the formation of the Frankish Empire?

III level

Define the word:

This ancient city is located at the crossroads of land and sea routes, a bridge from Europe to Asia. It has changed its name three times in its history. It was owned by the Greeks, Romans, and Turks. ( Constantinople,Istanbul)
Hints (Captured by the Turks in 1453; Hagia Sophia was located there; now begins with the letter “S”; his middle name is the name of the emperor)

Quiz "Do you know history?"

The game is played in grades 10–11. In 10th grade as a final lesson at the end of the year, in 11th grade at the beginning of the year as a repeat lesson. All students in the class can participate. The game is played in several stages. After 4 stages there is a final, in which 2 students qualify. The remaining winner plays the super game.


1. Who was the first to accept Christianity in Rus'? ( Duchess Olga)
2. Who was nicknamed the Damned for his cruelty? ( Svyatopolk)
3. Who wrote “Teaching for Children? ( Vladimir Monomakh)
4. Who was killed in Polyudye? ( Igor)
5. Who is the author of “The Tale of Bygone Years?” ( Nestor)
6. Who led the Russian troops on the Kulikovo field? ( Dmitry Donskoy)
7. Who in Rus' was nicknamed Kalita? ( Ivan)
8. Who are the “guests”? ( Merchants)
9. Who is the prince? ( Head of State)
10. Who performed the baptism of Rus'? ( Vladimir Svyatoslavich)
11. Who is considered the founder of Moscow? ( Yury Dolgoruky)


1. What happened in 1223? ( Battle of Kalka)
2. What is a veche? ( People's Assembly)
3. What was decided at the Lyubech Congress of Princes? ( Divide the lands into principalities)
4. What is patrimony? ( Hereditary land ownership)
5. What is a "pig"? (N German troop formation)
6. What happened in 1240? ( Battle of Neva)
7. What is tribute? ( Tax on products, money)
8. What is a shortcut? (G favor for reign)
9. What happened in 1480? ( Standing on the Ugra, the end of the Mongol yoke)
10. What is a chronicle? (D Document of events from summer to summer)
11. What happened in 945? (U the massacre of Prince Igor at Polyudye)


1. Where did Princess Olga visit in 957? ( In Constantinople)
2. Where was the center Kievan Rus in the 10th century? ( In Kyiv)
3. Where Batu founded Golden Horde? (IN Central Asia, Volga region)
4. Where is Kyiv located? ( On the Dnieper River)
5. Where was Svyatoslav killed? ( On the Danube River)
6. Where did Ivan Kalita rule? ( In Moscow)
7. Where did the battle take place in 1380? ( On the Don River)
8. Where were the signal lights lit? ( On fortresses, towers)
9. Where did Constantine Monomakh rule? ( In Byzantium)
10. Where was Prince Igor killed? ( On polyudye)
11. Where did the battle take place in 1377? ( On the Piana River)


1. What was the name of the Byzantine princess, the wife of St. Vladimir? ( Anna)
2. What was the name of the capital of the Khazar Kaganate? ( Itil)
3. What was the name of the state with its capital in the city of Bilyar (Bulgar)? ( Volga Bulgaria)
4. What were the servants called in Rus': wife, children? ( Servants)
5. How did the Mongol-Tatars collect tribute? ( Conducted a population census)
6. What was the name of Shchek and Horeb’s sister? ( Lybid)
7. What was the name of the founder of the city of Kyiv? ( Cue)
8. What is it called trade route, passing from north to south through Kievan Rus? ( From Varangians to Greeks)
9. According to legend, how does the Battle of Kulikovo begin? ( From the duel between Peresvet and Chelubey)
10. What is the name of the capital of the Golden Horde? ( Saray-Batu)
11. What is the name of the capital of Byzantium? ( Constantinople)


1. What did they write on in Novgorod? (On birch bark)
2. what is beekeeping? (Collecting honey from wild bees)
3. Who are the warriors? (Warriors in Rus')
4. Who are the Baskaks? (Mongol-Tatar tribute collectors)
5. When did Dmitry Donskoy rule? (B1359–1389)
6. Where did the battle take place in 1378? (On the Vozha River)


1. What played the role of money in Rus'? (Fur, skins of fur-bearing animals)
2. What is darkness? (10 thousand)
3. What happened in 988? (Baptism of Rus')
4. Who was the father of Andrei Bogolyubsky? (Yury Dolgoruky)
5. The first ruler of which state was Ulu-Muhammad? (Kazan Khanate)
6. What is an estate? (Land for service)

Game "Wheel of History"

The game is played on historical evening during “history week” among 8th–11th graders. The game can also be played at the beginning or end of the year to test the assimilation of knowledge. The game is led by a teacher or trained student. Before the game, a jury is selected to evaluate the players' knowledge. In addition to the participants, spectators watch and take part in the game - everyone. Participants: one from each class, the rest are the support group.


Unsent dispatches

(Who, when, and for what reason could have sent each of these reports?)

1. “Moscow is burning. No people are visible. Cold. Hungry." ( Napoleon, 1812.)
2. “The troops have been brought to the square. Where is Trubetskoy? ( Decembrists, 1825)
3. “I went out to the Neva with my squad. The militia hasten to follow.” ( A. Nevsky, 1240)
4. “The enemy is completely defeated. His generals were captured. Karl himself is wounded." ( Peter I, June 27, 1709)
5. “The impregnable fortress has been taken. The enemy is defeated. Russia is a Black Sea power." ( A.V. Suvorov, 1790, Izmail)
6. “Russia is not lost with the loss of Moscow. We must save the army." ( M.I.Kutuzov, 1812)
7. “We passed Astrakhan. Let's go to Kagalnik." ( S. Razin, 1669)
8. “You were someone else’s, but now, thank God, you have become yours.” ( Cancel crepe rights, 1861)

Playing with spectators

1. “If anyone doesn’t come to the river tomorrow, be it rich or poor, let him be my enemy!” ( Vladimir, baptism of Rus')
2. “I’m coming at you!” ( Svyatoslav)
3. “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.” ( A. Nevsky, Battle on the Ice )


What? Where? When?

1. What does a pig have to do with war? ( Troop order of battle)
2. Where in the 1st century. Was paper invented? ( In China)
3. Where did it start? Olympic Games? (In Greece)
4. When was Constantinople conquered by the Turks? ( In 1453)
5. Which dynasty was established in 1613? ( Romanovs)
6. Where was sugar first made? ( In India)
7. About whom A.S. Pushkin wrote:

“Now an academician, now a hero,
Either a navigator or a carpenter”? ( About Peter I)

8. What happened in 1380? ( Battle of Kulikovo)

Playing with spectators

1) Whose name comes to mind when reading these lines:

“I poured cold water on myself
And instilled the flame of courage in the hearts of the people”? ( A.V.Suvorov)

2) The surname of which commander during the Patriotic War of 1812 was changed by soldiers and even officers into “talk and that’s all”? ( Barclay de Tolly)
3) What did the word “ass” mean in Kievan Rus? ( prince's inheritance, acquired wealth)
4) What is zavalinka? ( earthen mound for floor insulation)


Do you know their names?

1. A gladiator who managed to raise slaves to revolt. ( Spartacus)
2. Which scientist is credited with saying: “But still it spins!” ( Galileo)
3. Under whose leadership was the British siege of the city of Orleans lifted? ( Joan of Arc)
4. Who owns the words: “Come, brother, to me in Moscow”? ( Yu. Dolgoruky)
5. Name the first field marshal of Russia. ( A.V.Suvorov)
6. Who was A.S. Pushkin talking about: “He created the first university. It would be better to say that it itself was our first university”? ( About M.V.Lomonosov)
7. Who is the first Russian Tsar? ( Ivan groznyj)
8. Which king was nicknamed the Liberator? ( Alexander II)

Playing with spectators

1) Under which prince did the Battle of Kulikovo take place? ( D. Donskom)
2) Who started the conquest of the Siberian Khanate? ( Ermak)
3) Who baptized Rus'? ( Prince Vladimir)
4) Who became the first emperor of Russia? ( Peter I)


What do the words mean?

1. Collection in favor of the state (tax)
2. Arab religion (Islam)
3. Basic law of the country (constitution)
4. Head of the Republic (the president)
5. Building where religious ceremonies are performed (temple)
6. Enterprise with division of labor and manual labor (manufactory)
7. People's Assembly (veche)
8. Council of Boyars under the Tsar (Boyar Duma)


Art critic

1. Name the first “wonder of the world” ( Pyramids in Egypt)
2. Where is the most big wall? (In China)
3. Name the famous icon and its author ( "Trinity" Rublev)
4. Which city was called Constantinople? ( Constantinople)
5. Following the example of which city was the St. Sophia Cathedral built in Kyiv? ( Constantinople)
6. Letters of what material were found in Novgorod? ( From birch bark)
7. Name the most ancient chronicle and its author? ( "The Tale of Bygone Years" by Nestor)
8. What is Kizhi famous for? ( Wooden churches)

Playing with spectators

1) Tell me the second name of the Intercession Cathedral ( St Basil's Church)
2) Which two kings did not rule the country? ( Cannon and bell)
3) Where did the name “money” come from ( From Mongol – tanga)
4) In honor of what event was the Cathedral of Christ the Savior built? ( Victories in Patriotic War 1812)


Historical zoo

Name the animals, birds that “went down in history” and the events associated with them.
She-wolf - nurse of Remus and Romulus;
Geese – Rome was saved from the attack of the Gauls;
Elephant - participant in Hannibal's campaign in 218 BC;
Goat – Zeus was fed with her milk;
Horse - in cavalry, cavalry, chariots;
Cow - sacred animal in India;
Crocodile; cat; ibis bird; snake; ....

The jury sums up the results and announces the result.


interest students in history;

make the lesson interesting, exciting, memorable.

The game in the lesson should

have the most important feature

a clearly stated goal of communication

and corresponding to it

pedagogical result.


it `s naturally


Games for learning new material;

  • games for consolidation;
  • games to test knowledge;
  • educational games;
  • relaxation games.

Game activation tool educational process, promoting mental development.

The game is a tool for personality formation, aimed at developing its positive qualities.

The game is a form of self-expression aimed at relieving tension, as well as developing certain skills and abilities.


After reading the text, students pass/write


The best offers with precise content.

Game "Tree of Wisdom"

By the end of the lesson, students come up with three questions or tasks of different difficulty levels on separate pieces of paper.

The sheets of paper are handed over to the teacher.

In the next lesson, the leaves are used to test knowledge.

Game "Restoration"

There is a text/sentence on the topic being studied, written down in separate sentences (separate lines).

Then the text is cut into strips so that each contains one sentence (word). The strips are mixed and placed in an envelope.

The student must reconstruct the text (sentence).

Game "Archive"

Text with worn letters/words, abbreviations, symbols, without dots, with spaces for common words.

Students need to reconstruct the text and enlarge it.

Game "Interview"/"Press Conference"

One is a student hero, the other is a journalist(s).

  • The “hero” collects in advance as much information as possible about the person he will have to play.
  • The “journalist(s)” should prepare interesting questions in advance.

Game "Association"

Say out loud or write down words that are associated with a given term. Wins with the most words.

Snowball game

Students take turns pronouncing the terms given topic.

Each subsequent participant in the game must complement what the previous student said.

ABC game

A letter is specified. Students at their desks must remember, within a certain time, words that begin with this letter and are closely related to the topic being studied.

The team with the longest list wins.

Game "Hero"

  • Based on the given text, some students make riddles about historical figures, while others guess.
  • It is allowed to ask each other questions, but the answers can only be “yes”, “no” or “maybe”.

Game "Carry On"

Desk neighbors, in turn, must tell the material of the topic being studied one sentence at a time. One starts, the other continues. The one whose sentence was the last wins, while the other one will no longer be able to remember anything else.

Game "Anagrams"

Students solve terms with rearranged letters. They need to restore the order of the letters and write the resulting word.

lady - slave


senate - wall

Come up with Anagrams by topic:


Game "Bull"

3-6 students are selected who are poorly prepared on a given topic.

Teams of 2-3 students explain the material first, and they take turns moving from group to group. After listening to all the commands, the student must retell what he heard and choose the best tutors.

Game "Seine"

Your deskmates must write an essay on a given topic. Through certain time They exchange sheets of paper and continue their neighbor’s essay.

Game "Hare"

The teacher asks the whole class short questions. Students respond in writing to questions asked. At the end of the game, students exchange notebooks and check the answers with the correct ones. Whoever gets the most correct answers wins.

Also in Soviet time methodologists recommended for activation cognitive activity students to introduce game elements into the lesson content, for example, helping to create a portrait description of an outstanding historical figure. SuchHistory lesson gameand will be the topic of this article.

A portrait description can be combined with a task involving a selection from a list of certain qualities of a particular person (education, cruelty, ambition, complacency, kindness, honesty, vanity, cunning, deceit, hypocrisy).

1 option

Work on studying the personality of a historical figure.

Students write down in notebooks information about the life of a historical figure, his actions, habits, contradictory character traits, judgments of his contemporaries and descendants about him, and the image of a historical figure is formed in the process of studying his actions and accomplishments.

Option 2

The teacher cites biographical facts from the life of a historical figure, without naming his name, time and place of action, or dates of events, and students must independently indicate all the missing data.

Now let’s directly look at what didactic games are and how they should be used in a history lesson. Didactic game- this is pedagogically oriented creative activity, which is closely related to other species academic work, where educational actions direct the activity of students to determine the direction of the educational process, and game techniques and situations act as a means of stimulating students in educational work.

Holding games may be included in thematic planning history lessons, and the content is specially thought out, first of all, for the formation of cognitive skills and basic knowledge. Students are not given learning tasks. They acquire new knowledge and practice skills indirectly, involuntarily, during the game itself. It is forbidden role-playing game identify with setting on historical topic. The game is always improvisation. The game ensures an optimal level of activity for the participants. At the same time, the student is able to perform such a volume of academic work that is inaccessible to him under normal conditions. The game is especially useful when interest in the subject has not been formed. Before the game, the teacher introduces the students to the rules, regulations, and work procedures. To make them more focused and active, you should limit the time they complete the task. And finally, the results of the game should be predicted and its results analyzed.

Lesson – history game “Who is this?”

Depending on the preparedness of the students game task becomes more complicated or easier. Based on the portrait (little known), dates of life and activity (you don’t have to give them), names of contemporaries, as well as text descriptions, students need to determine the name of the historical figure. For example, to complete a task, a student receives a card with the following content:

1. A little-known portrait of Peter I


3. Alexander Menshikov, Ivan Pososhkov, Charles XII, Nikita Demidov, Kondraty Bulavin.

4. Possessed rare physical strength, he could easily straighten horseshoes with his hands; was distinguished by great curiosity; I was not ashamed to study all my life. After his transformations, Russia became a strong European state.

Other game cards are formed similarly to the proposed scheme.

History game “Whose words?”

The teacher distributes cards with famous sayings to the students. historical figures, thinkers. Statements can be taken from a school textbook. The students will have to find out. By whom, when and under what circumstances were these words spoken? For example, the card may contain the words of the commander of the cruiser “Varyag” V.F. Rudneva from an address to the sailors before the battle with the Japanese squadron: “We are going for a breakthrough and will enter the battle as a squadron, no matter how strong it is... We will not surrender either our ships or ourselves and will fight... until the last drop of blood.”

Game "Recognize a historical figure."

Students receive cards containing information about famous statesmen. The student must say the name chronological framework life and work, facts from biography. Such, for example, a text about P.P. Miliukov: “A prominent political figure pre-revolutionary Russia, party leader. Student of the famous Russian historian V.O. Klyuchevsky. He was persecuted by the authorities for his views. Having gone through prisons, exile and deportation abroad. Knew 12 languages. Member of the Provisional Government in exile since 1920.

There are other types of history games, as well as games in other lessons. We will look at them in the following articles.

Game - lotto for schoolchildren on the history of Russia

Playing lotto will help children think together, make decisions, and make choices. The competitive spirit of the game arouses interest and stimulates creative activity. The game can be played multiple times, and each time the host-organizers prepare prizes, develop new topics, and distribute roles.

Determine how many teams will participate in the game. For each group, copy the cards and prepare a lotto card: divide the A4 sheet into 24 cells and label them with numbers, highlighting in color the numbers or individual cells of the corresponding level of difficulty of the questions. Give each team bags of answer cards. Remove some of the answers.

Structure of answers: correct (18-20); incorrect (10-20); some answers are not available at all (4-6); blank cards for your answers (5-7).

Order of play

1. The presenter slowly reads the question, clearly stating its number. Thinking time is 30-60 seconds. To indicate a time interval you can use: a musical excerpt; metronome; hourglass etc.

2. The team chooses an answer; if it is not in the bag, they write theirs on a blank card and place it in the appropriate box on the “Loto” card. (You can agree to play 24 questions, or 18, or 15...)

3. After reading all the questions, at the request of the players, they repeat the unsolved questions that caused difficulties.

4. Announcement of answers. The presenter reads the question and then (each time in a different order) asks the teams (by calling the team number or pointing with their hand alternately) to show their answers. Then he says the correct answer. Teams that have incorrect answers turn over the card.


Option 1. The facilitator asks the teams to announce the number of incorrect or missing answers. The best teams are determined by the smallest number of them.

Option 2. Subject to special preparation on the topic, all questions, depending on the level of difficulty, can be located in the boxes different color. For example, the most difficult questions are marked in red and the answer to them is determined by 4 points; less complex - in blue (3 points); next level - green (2 points); the lightest are white (1 point). Representatives from teams can sit at a special table and record the team's answers during the game (each representative monitors the opposing team) when the leader announces the correct answer. At the end, the points for correct answers are calculated.

Historical lotto for schoolchildren "Russia"

1. About whom is it said: “Russia expressed in words”, “The Sun of Russian poetry”?

3. Russian folk game- movement of people in a circle with song and dance.

4. Until the 18th century in Rus', potatoes were replaced...

5. Wooden peasant house in the village.

6. What was fabric for towels made from in the old days?

7. What were the names of the craftsmen who made horse harnesses?

8. What was the name of the person who made the tubs?

9. In the old days, who collected honey from wild bees?

10. Who is a peddler?

11. Bright front room in the house.

13. What is the name of the Russian nuclear icebreaker that was the first to reach the North Pole?

14. What is the name of the priest’s service clothes?

15. What was the name of the large well-worn road in ancient Russia?

17. What was the name of the brave and valiant warrior in Ancient Rus'?

18. What, according to Suvorov, does a good soldier always want to become?

19. What was the name of a small army in Rus'?

20. What does the science of birch bark study study?

21. In which city in Russia is the arrival of noon announced by a cannon shot?

22. What were singer-poets called in Ancient Rus'?

23. In Ancient and medieval Rus': a large landowner belonging to the upper stratum of the ruling class.

24. The main administrative-territorial unit of Russia with early XVIII century.

A. S. Pushkin

Andrey Rublev




V. I. Surikov



Ancient Slavic letters

Saint Petersburg


Wrong answers

The game stimulates the development of students’ mental abilities, as it includes: unobtrusiveness in the presentation of monotonous information, and the opportunity to express oneself creatively, to obtain the desired result while gaining knowledge, skills and abilities.

The game dilutes and unobtrusively includes students in the process of obtaining sometimes complex theoretical knowledge, making it possible to bypass the idea of ​​​​the inability to assimilate seemingly complex information.

The game promotes the cognitive activity of the student, makes it possible not only to get a result in the form of a mark, but also to feel like a winner, which is important for the formation of normal self-esteem. During the game, it is important to make it clear to children that even if they lose, they still acquire something new for themselves: for example, skills in working with text and information. Opportunity thanks to acquired new knowledge and skills next time. It is extremely important that the games are repeated periodically, alternating and diluted with new games. Not all games used for the first time pass the “examination” of schoolchildren, but those that still interest remain in the teacher’s practice for a long time.

For example, successful games “Guess the identity” or “cipher coder”. Games that occupy whole lesson require careful preparation and may not always meet all lesson objectives, so their use is more relevant in extracurricular activities than during regular lesson. It is advisable to use games in the lesson for no more than seven minutes and different for different stages one lesson.

It is important to follow the rules while playing. The rules of the game must correspond to the purpose of the lesson and the individual capabilities of the students. Game actions are regulated by the rules of the game and promote the cognitive activity of students, help them discover their abilities, apply the acquired knowledge and skills. The rules should be the same for everyone. The meaning and form of the game are clear and feasible for students. If they are not thought out, it complicates the understanding of the meaning of the game and causes indifference, giving a completely opposite result. The rules determine the method of action and sequence, and impose requirements on the behavior and interaction of children during the game.

During the game, the teacher must control the actions of the students, compliance with the rules, guide, encourage, and prevent the possibility of conflict situations. Violations of the rules are monitored and a remark is made, but the remark should not take much time away from the game process. So, you can give out instructions to participants on sheets, or spell out the rules, and add new ones to them together with the children. To summarize the game, conduct it in the form of a reasoned self-assessment or mutual assessment.

To sum up the thoughts, we can say that there is no most best method or methods will not lead to success if they are not passed through the prism of the teacher’s consciousness and do not acquire something new, that feature of character, temperament, habitual rhythm that is characteristic of each teacher’s individuality. Any game should be organically implemented and accepted by the participants in the educational process directly, while maintaining the same favorable climate in the classroom as usual.