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Impaired movement functions can be caused by damage to the meniscus of the knee joint, the symptoms and treatment of which we will discuss in detail. This cartilage acts as a shock absorber and stabilizes the movable joint of the bones. It has the shape of a crescent, its outlines may be slightly curved during movement.

There are two such cartilages in the knee joint:

  • interior– medial,
  • outer– lateral.

The meniscus consists of a body, behind and in front of which there are protruding formations - horns. When the joint flexes and extends, both structures slide along the top of the tibia, thereby cushioning the movement, reducing stress on the bones and protecting them.

The outer (lateral) one is more mobile and therefore less likely to be damaged as a result of mechanical action. The internal (medial) meniscus is held in a static position by the lateral internal ligament of the knee joint, which makes it more susceptible to injury.

Causes of damage

Among the possible injuries to the knee joint, the meniscus is the most commonly injured. Rupture of cartilage tissue and the onset of symptoms can be triggered by combined or indirect knee injury. This usually results in either sudden movements, or mechanical damage, for example, hitting the knee on a hard object.

Damage to the internal meniscus also includes the consequences of gout, rheumatism, and chronic intoxication, which lead to pathological changes in the cartilage tissue of the joint.

What are the types of meniscal injuries?

Similar reasons can lead to various particular types of cartilage damage in the joint. They are also treated differently. This is determined, for example, by the direction and force of the blow.

Violation of the integrity of the meniscus is divided into the following types:

  • ruptures of the horny processes of the meniscus,
  • violation of the integrity of cartilage tissue in the transchondral zone,
  • separation of the body of the meniscus from other parts of the joint.

There are combined injuries, when several of the above injuries occur simultaneously. An aggravating circumstance is possible displacement due to injury.

All cartilage damage and symptoms experienced in the knee are due to tissue tearing. However, much depends on the type of rupture; symptoms and treatment will differ.

Meniscus tears:

  • complete and incomplete,
  • straight and transverse,
  • fragmented,
  • patchwork.

Meniscus of the knee joint: symptoms and photos of damage

What are the signs that indicate that a meniscus injury has occurred? All symptoms of damage to the knee joint are divided according to the time of appearance and duration into acute and chronic.

Photo - swelling

Acute ones make themselves felt immediately after receiving damage. These include:

  • painful sensations (sharp, sharp),
  • limited mobility,
  • joint blockade(a condition in which the leg does not straighten or bend)
  • edema lower limb (not an obligatory symptom, occurs only with internal bleeding).

Diagnosis of disorders is difficult, since the signs of manifestation are similar to a regular bruise or sprain. But an incorrect diagnosis and, as a consequence, conservative treatment - fixation of the joint in order to provide rest for the injured limb - can only aggravate the situation. At first, these measures will make the patient feel better, but they will not solve the problem. Under the influence of increased load or a new blow, even a minor one, the pain in the knee will return. And then we will talk about chronic symptoms of damage to the internal meniscus:

  • movement causes pain, in the area of ​​meniscus projection,
  • mobility the knee joint is limited, it cannot be fully bent or straightened,
  • there are temporary blockade,
  • available edema as a result of the inflammatory process and fluid accumulation,
  • weakening of tone muscles on the injured leg,
  • small lack of coordination.


For preliminary diagnosis, the doctor palpates the joint space of the injured knee. If the pain intensifies, additional studies should be performed to accurately determine the nature of the injury.

Special diagnostic methods:

  1. Epley's test. The patient lies on his stomach, the injured leg is bent at the knee perpendicular to the couch. The doctor, pressing on the raised heel, gradually rotates the foot and lower leg. If the pain intensifies at the same time, it means the test gave a positive result.
  2. McMaria's test. The patient lies on his back, bends the affected leg at the level hip joint, and then at the knee, so as to form an angle close to 90 degrees. Holding the limb with one hand, the doctor makes slow and gentle rotational movements of the lower leg, alternately clockwise and in the opposite direction. Damage to the internal meniscus will be indicated by cracking and clicking sounds. If the joint rotates quietly and smoothly, then the problem is a bruise or sprain.

An X-ray examination is prescribed before treatment for any damage or pain. Depending on the specific circumstances, an axial, direct or lateral photograph is taken.

For complex symptoms, contrast arthroradiography is prescribed - an x-ray with a preliminary injection into the joint cavity of a substance that reacts to radiation. This allows you to evaluate the outline of the cartilaginous body and identify unhealthy gas accumulation, if any. The gas is not visible on a regular x-ray.

The most accurate diagnostic method is magnetic resonance imaging. This is a step forward compared to radiography, since it becomes possible to reproduce the projection of the meniscus in any plane. Along the way, you can examine the bone and muscle components of the joint. You can learn more about MRI at.

Treatment of knee meniscus injuries

When the first symptoms of meniscus damage in the knee joint appear, treatment will show good results if diagnosed in time. The course is prescribed by the doctor after a thorough examination and based on the test results. Depending on the specific situation and the severity of the disorders, the treatment scenario can be conservative or surgical. Let's consider both options.

The conservative path provides a therapeutic, non-surgical effect on the damaged bone joint. If radiography shows the presence of minor radial tears or disruption of the integrity of the posterior horn of the cartilaginous body, for surgical intervention no reason.

What will be the appointments in this case?

Surgical treatment of a damaged joint is prescribed if examination shows a large-scale meniscus tear. Also, prompt surgical intervention requires clicking sounds when bending the leg, blockades that appear, and stiffness in movement.

What operations are performed?

  • Suturing (open or arthroscopic). More often the latter, as it is safer and less painful.
  • There are situations when the meniscus cannot be restored, in which case a complete meniscectomy is performed - removal of the destroyed meniscus completely.
  • If there is still a chance of salvation, for the regeneration of the cartilage tissue of the joint, a partial meniscectomy is prescribed. The purpose of this operation is to remove dead tissue and help restore the functionality of the cartilage.

How is the operation to partially remove cartilage performed?


Modern medicine recognizes a complete meniscectomy as an ineffective and even harmful operation, in last years it was abandoned in favor of partial removal of the meniscus. The reason is that the lack of cartilage tissue has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the joint and, ultimately, can lead to arthritis and irreparable pathological changes.

This manipulation is performed arthroscopically: surgical instruments are inserted through small incisions. Thus, the operation is not open, healing goes faster, and the process is not so painful for the patient. The purpose of the operation is to remove the irreparably damaged part of the cartilage and straighten the inner edge.

Preventive measures

The best prevention of damage is to be careful in your movements. Great importance have comfortable shoes, especially when playing sports: an inaccurate lunge can seriously damage the knee and leave it out of action for a long time.

For more reliable protection of the joint, it is advisable to wear knee pads during training - this not burdensome precaution significantly reduces the risk of damage to the meniscus.

A meniscus injury is one of the most common knee injuries. Located between the articular cartilage of the tibia and femur, the meniscus reduces the main load, friction and excessive mobility of the knee joint. In other words, this cartilage pad acts as a kind of shock absorber. There is a lateral meniscus, located on the outside of the knee joint, and a medial meniscus, located inside. The first one suffers most often, since it is more mobile and is located outside. Can be damaged due to heavy load, sharp impact, incorrect landing, dislocation of the cup. There are various methods to treat this disease, including treatment of the meniscus with folk remedies, if surgery is not required.

Depending on the symptoms, there are two periods - acute and chronic. Symptoms that appear in the acute period often do not allow a correct diagnosis of a meniscal injury, since they also occur with other joint diseases and injuries. For example, such symptoms are characteristic of arthrosis. It is important to accurately diagnose a joint disease in order to treat it correctly and effectively.

The main symptoms of meniscal inflammation in the acute period are severe pain, swelling and limited mobility of the knee joint, the inability to bend or straighten the leg or take a sitting position. The patient needs support or assistance to move. If there is a blow, the pain manifests itself when the lower leg moves inward, in the area of ​​the outer joint space.

External signs are swelling of the knee and tissue infiltration. After two to three weeks, a chronic period begins, which is accompanied by constant pain, and inflammation of the joint capsule begins. It is quite rare for a joint to be blocked, since the lateral meniscus is highly mobile, and compression occurs more often than rupture.

Treatment at home

A meniscus injury needs to be treated, and doctors offer several methods. In case of serious ruptures or damage to the cup, in which symptoms such as severe, acute pain, inflammation and joint blockade are observed, there is a need for surgery. As a rule, the recovery period after surgery is quick, and soon all functions of the knee return to their original state.

If the damage is small, due to a bruise or after suffering from rheumatism, there is a minor rupture, bruise of the cup, then drug treatment is possible. A meniscus injury can also be treated at home. There are many effective recipes, which will help relieve inflammation and the main signs of the disease.

During the acute period, which lasts about a week, the knee joint must be carefully bandaged at home using an elastic bandage. It is important to limit movement as much as possible. The leg should be kept elevated to allow blood flow. To reduce swelling and pain, apply ice to your knee after wrapping it sore spot natural fabric. This procedure must be repeated several times a day for 20-30 minutes.

Once the acute period has passed, it is important to restore mobility in the knee joint. It is recommended to perform a special complex therapeutic exercises, consisting of exercises that do not involve sudden flexion-extension movements. A complex of therapeutic exercises must be done regularly, gradually increasing the load. This exercise is prescribed by a doctor and is also indicated after surgery. Apply various means alternative medicine that will help relieve inflammation and increase blood circulation in the damaged area.

We use folk remedies

Therapeutic baths with pine needles are perfect for treating illness. They will relieve inflammation, improve blood circulation, and help relieve muscle tone. It is enough to pour five hundred grams of finely ground pine needles with two liters of boiling water. Place in a water bath for 30 minutes. Pine baths are best done every other day, before bed. The duration of this procedure is half an hour. Among the compresses, the following are distinguished.

  1. Honey. Mix honey and alcohol in equal parts, heat to 37 degrees. Apply the resulting mixture to the knee, wrap it in a natural warm cloth, preferably wool, and leave for two hours. Repeat morning and evening for a month.
  2. Onion. Mix the gruel from two onions and one tbsp. spoon granulated sugar. Apply to the sore spot, cover with cellophane, then with natural fabric. The compress must be done at night.

Mud packs are also indicated for various injuries of the knee joint. Fresh mud cakes from natural salty sources will be more effective.

A medium-sized flatbread must be heated, it should be moderately hot, the optimal temperature is no higher than 37 degrees. Therapeutic mud must be applied to the knee joint, covered with film and wrapped warmly. Keep the compress for two hours. After this, it is washed off with warm running water, preferably without soap. Such compresses are done for two weeks.

Useful tinctures

Tinctures are no less effective. For example, garlic tincture is perfect to relieve pain and inflammation. After the first use, you will notice that the joint hurts less and the signs of inflammation have gone away. So, take a few heads of garlic, chop them and pour apple cider vinegar. For two heads - half a liter of vinegar. The mixture is infused for a week, in a dark container, in a dark, dry place. Rub the tincture into the knee joint several times a day for ten minutes. Continue treatment until the pain goes away.

Wormwood tincture has proven itself well and is used to relieve pain. It’s very simple to prepare: take 60 grams per glass of boiling water. dry wormwood. You need to insist for about an hour. After this, you need to strain the mixture. Moisten a piece of natural fabric and apply it to the knee for half an hour. This should be done several times a day until the pain goes away.

Birch tincture is taken internally. The unique composition will improve blood circulation, relieve pain and inflammation. It is necessary to take birch leaves, violet stems and nettles in equal proportions. Combine everything and pour boiling water. Proportions: for 2 tbsp. spoons of dry mixture - half a liter of boiling water. Leave in a warm place for half an hour. Take half a glass several times a day warm. The course of treatment is 21 days.

Folk remedies have excellent healing and restorative properties. They facilitate the recovery period after surgery, relieve symptoms and lead to complete recovery in some cases. Before using any of the above folk remedies, consult your doctor.

The menisci, thin layers of cartilage in the knee joint, can withstand heavy loads by providing stability to the bones and cartilage. They eliminate excessive movements and friction in the joint, shock loads.

Important. Menisci prevent premature wear and destruction of articular cartilage, preventing post-traumatic osteoarthritis.

Inflammation of the knee meniscus is a common pathology in athletes, people who lift heavy loads, engage in heavy physical labor, are obese and have chronic diseases that disrupt metabolic processes and normal blood flow.

Inflammation of the meniscus of the knee joint is a common ailment among athletes.


reading information

Inflammation of the meniscus of the knee joint occurs due to the presence of:

  • damage to meniscal tissue due to unsuccessful jumps or squats;
  • frequent heavy loads on the legs and knees due to heavy physical labor, carrying heavy objects or lifting heavy weights in the gym;
  • excess ballast in subcutaneous fatty tissue;
  • degenerative changes in cartilage tissue due to impaired blood supply.


When the meniscus of the knee joint is inflamed, the symptoms manifest themselves primarily as sharp and shooting pains, creaking and crunching sounds when bending the knees, squatting, standing up, straightening the legs while sitting on a chair (sofa). Gradually the pain becomes constant and aching.

In sore knees appear:

  • swelling and swelling;
  • clicks, crunches and squeaks with any movement;
  • displacement of the bones that make up the joint;
  • excess synovial fluid;
  • blocks that interfere with the normal functioning of the joint, reducing the range of motion.

What do you need to know about meniscus inflammation?

A person does not see how damaged the meniscus is, but only feels pain. An inflamed meniscus can be crushed, torn, partially torn, or overly mobile due to rupture or sprain of ligaments.

Important! If you do not consult a doctor in time and do not make a diagnosis, the inflammatory process will become chronic. When cystic degeneration occurs, subsequent development occurs.

If the menisci are inflamed, a sick leave certificate is issued by a medical professional during hospitalization or outpatient treatment for up to 5 days, then extended to 10 days, and by a doctor from a medical institution extended to 30 days. The issue of extending sick leave in case of incapacity for work for more than 30 days is decided by a clinical expert commission.

If the disease is not fully treated, then when the joint is loaded, inflammation of the meniscus will resume again, and the symptoms will manifest as post-traumatic synovitis. Synovial fluid will accumulate in the joint and the functionality, the blockade will be repeated. This condition, such as secondary inflammation of the meniscus, is called chronic damage to the meniscus of the knee.

  • apply a pressure and immobilization bandage;
  • ensure reliable fixation of the knee and immobilize it as much as possible with an elastic bandage or a ready-made support bandage;
  • create functional rest for the limb;
  • apply a heating pad with ice to your knee for 15 minutes.


To confirm the diagnosis, orthopedists use visual examination, hardware and instrumental diagnostics:

  • study x-ray to exclude other diseases or injuries, since the menisci of cartilage tissue are not visible;
  • Ultrasound, MRI and CT.

The McMurray test is known as the most common and effective method for diagnosing the knee joint. It consists of an exercise that causes severe pain in a patient with an inflamed and damaged meniscus.

To carry it out, the patient, lying on his back, raises his leg bent at the knee. The doctor should straighten it as much as possible. If swelling is noticeable on the knee in a bent position, pain is present - the menisci are inflamed or damaged.

Important. After performing the test in in rare cases An asymmetric pain attack may occur in the area of ​​the medial meniscus. A simple compress in this case relieves pain.


If inflammation of the meniscus of the knee joint is diagnosed, treatment is carried out depending on the nature and severity of the pathology, the general condition of the patient . If the inflammatory process has affected more than half of the meniscus, the knee swells regularly, or there is excess joint fluid, treatment is carried out promptly to prevent the occurrence of arthritis.

Experienced surgeons preserve or “repair” the meniscus. If inflammation is on initial stage, then the damaged areas of the meniscus are removed and preserved healthy part cartilage. When inflammation is diagnosed with the appearance of the first symptoms, arthroscopy is prescribed. This minimally invasive and least painful outpatient procedure eliminates the source of damage.

If there is a small area of ​​inflammation, just a few millimeters, the surgeon makes several tiny holes in the cartilage. This stimulates blood flow and accelerates the healing of torn cartilage tissue.

How to treat inflammation of the meniscus after arthroscopy? After the operation, you can observe accelerated rehabilitation. Therefore, physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture, mud therapy, and exercise therapy are prescribed.

When the meniscus is completely worn out, it is difficult or impossible to restore it. If the meniscus tear exceeds 1 cm and the depth reaches 50% of the cartilage tissue, arthroscopic treatment will not help; a partial meniscectomy is prescribed - smoothing out the torn edges of the cartilage. The damaged tissue is removed, and healthy tissue is sutured so that it covers as much of the joint surface as possible.

In the acute period, treatment of meniscus inflammation is aimed at relieving pain with narcotic analgesics, and inflammation with anti-inflammatory drugs. They stimulate the connection of cartilage tissue and enhance metabolic processes in connective tissue and synovial fluid with chondroprotectors. Ointments, compresses, lotions are used.

It is possible to relieve inflammation and restore cartilage tissue with dietary supplements containing collagen, vitamins A, C and E. If necessary, apply a cast to the knee.

Repeated inflammation after surgery is eliminated by complete meniscectomy, and a prosthesis is transplanted at the same time. Damage to the lateral and medial menisci is eliminated with a synthetic prosthesis or a meniscus transplant from a donor, but under the condition precise definition size and position of the damaged disk.

If healthy areas of cartilage are detected, implantation of autologous chondrocytes is prescribed. In this case, new cells are grown from removed healthy tissues. The cells are then implanted into the knee joint through open surgery.

The main treatment for inflammation of the menisci of the knee joint is surgery, as well as drug treatment and physical therapy. In severe cases, disc implantation is performed.

The structure of the knee joint is one of the most complex in the human body. At the junction of the tibia and femur, a discrepancy in the size and shape of the contacting surfaces appears. Meniscus of the knee joint - formation, solving the problem, providing excellent shock absorption and painless movement of the limbs.

The inner and outer parts of the meniscus are cartilage tissue that creates an “airbag” between the contacting joints. Despite sufficient tissue strength, meniscus injuries are often encountered in the practice of orthopedists and traumatologists.

Structural features

The meniscus of the knee is similar to ordinary cartilage tissue. The basis is collagen fibers (up to 70%), elastin is present (up to 0.6%), special proteins (up to 13%). Most of collagen fibers are arranged circularly. For greater strength, a special network of radial fibers is assembled near the surface.

The cartilage-like lining between the adjacent bones consists of three sections:

  • anterior horn;
  • posterior horn;
  • body (base).

High strength and, at the same time, mobility of the knee joint is ensured by the connection of the cartilage with the capsule using the femoral and tibial ligaments. Another type of connection between cartilage tissue and the articular capsule is the collateral and cruciate ligaments.

Types of meniscus:

  • medial or internal meniscus (stronger connection with the joint capsule, more often injured);
  • lateral or external (more mobile, injuries are recorded less frequently).

Important!“Natural shock absorber” fabrics have virtually no capillary network. Small blood vessels are located only on the periphery, occupying no more than a quarter of the total width.

What functions does it perform?

Nature gave the human body different ways to maintain stability of the musculoskeletal system and ensure upright posture. The meniscus is one such formation. The cartilage pad allows the knees to easily support body weight without negative consequences for joints.

Physiological functions of the meniscus:

  • limits the mobility of the knee joint, is a “stabilizer”;
  • plays the role of a shock absorber;
  • reduces friction between the surfaces of the tibia and femur.

During movement, the cartilage pad changes shape, providing maximum protection for the contacting surfaces. Shock absorption is one of the most important functions of the meniscus. The joint element prevents excess loads of various kinds: both static and dynamic.

In the absence of a cartilage pad, the contacting articular heads would quickly wear out. The meniscus reduces excessive friction and maintains healthy bone tissue. Interaction with the ligaments prevents excessive “looseness” of the knee joint and ensures optimal amplitude during knee extension and flexion.

What types of damage are there?

Damage to the meniscus and problems with the integrity and sufficient functionality of the knee joint limit the mobility of the affected limb, causing discomfort and pain of varying degrees. Dysfunction of any kind in the musculoskeletal system is always unpleasant and fraught with complications.

Acute pathologies

Injuries are most often diagnosed in the area of ​​the internal or medial meniscus. Problems with the external type of cartilage lining are less common, but they are no less dangerous.

Main types of injuries:

  • tear of the lateral or medial meniscus (damage to both sections is quite rare);
  • separation of the internal meniscus from the junction with the joint capsule;
  • pinching (compression) of the outer cartilage pad.

Most patients consult a traumatologist or orthopedist with a torn internal meniscus. Damage to the cartilage pad can be transverse and longitudinal.

Sometimes rupture of the “natural shock absorber” occurs in elderly patients, against the background of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the connective tissue. Problems with cartilage also occur in patients who suffered knee injuries in their youth and often fell into icy conditions.

It is easy to recognize a serious injury:

  • after a rupture, the affected area swells;
  • severe pain in the knee;
  • the volume of periarticular tissue increases due to hemorrhage;
  • pain increases quickly;
  • The mobility of the damaged area is noticeably limited, it is difficult to bend and straighten the knee;
  • due to discomfort and pronounced pain, it is impossible to lean on the leg.

Do not think that injury to the shock-absorbing cartilage pad is only possible in athletes. Of course, injuries in track and field athletes, football players, figure skaters or tennis players are more common than in people who lead a less active lifestyle, but in everyday life it is also possible to damage the meniscus.


Many people do not know that problems with cartilage lining appear due to a sedentary lifestyle and uncomfortable position of the knee joints over a long period of time. The main cause of discomfort for the knee joints is unsuitable working conditions, being forced to be in an uncomfortable position (crane operators, paving slab layers), prolonged work at the computer without the opportunity to take a break and warm up.

Chronic meniscopathy is manifested by aching, weak pain, and limited mobility in the joint. After a high load or long walk, the negative sensations intensify.

Information for patients! Chronic meniscitis of the knee joint area often accompanies orthopedic pathology - flat feet. Often, a problem with cartilage pads appears due to rickets suffered in childhood. Weakened tissue cannot fully perform its shock-absorbing, stabilizing function. In case of valgus deformity, pinching of the lateral cartilaginous pad is recorded.

How to treat injuries

Doctors dealing with problems of the musculoskeletal system persistently warn patients: “ Do not trigger joint pathologies! Come on in full course rehabilitation after injuries of any part of the musculoskeletal system!”

What is the cause of concern? Is the poor condition of the cartilage lining in the knee joint really that dangerous?

It is no coincidence that doctors draw patients’ attention to the need to restore the quality and functionality of cartilage. Untreated, old injuries, chronic pathologies provoke inflammatory processes, and a fluid-filled formation appears in the knee joint.

The cyst provokes the progression of deformities and impairs the mobility of the problem area. When a sac of fluid ruptures, the elements of the joint and surrounding tissue become infected.

Pinched meniscus

The compressed area is released. The procedure is performed by an orthopedist, traumatologist or an experienced chiropractor. After several sessions, in most cases the mobility of the problem area is restored. If there is no noticeable effect, the patient is recommended to traction the joint.

After the damage is eliminated, rehabilitation is carried out. It is necessary to take NSAIDs, and for acute inflammation - glucocorticosteroids. Chondroprotectors help restore the elasticity of cartilage tissue. Injections of B vitamins help to enhance nutrition of affected tissues and normalize neurohumoral regulation.

Gradually, the patient develops his damaged knee: physical therapy classes are conducted. It is important to dose the load and monitor how the affected joint reacts to new exercises.

Information for patients! The first training takes place in rehabilitation center or exercise therapy room. After a few sessions, the doctor allows you to perform the complex at home. It is important to maintain the right pace, adhere to the duration of classes (as recommended by the doctor), and not overload the joints.

Meniscus tear

Proper first aid - required condition for a speedy recovery. Illiterate actions increase pain, cause displacement of the cartilage pad, and provoke complications.

  • limb immobilization;
  • cold (you cannot apply pieces of ice directly to the problematic knee, only in a piece of cloth or gauze);
  • rest for the affected joint;
  • the position for the sore leg is elevated (on a pillow) to reduce blood flow;
  • drugs against inflammation, for pain relief - Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Solpadeine.

In case of hemorrhage, a puncture is indicated to pump out accumulated fluid from the damaged knee. Physical activity is completely excluded for two weeks. Maintaining bed rest will speed up recovery from a meniscus injury.

Based on the results of the examination and tests, the attending physician will prescribe physiotherapy, massage, and warming up. If therapeutic treatment does not bring noticeable positive changes, surgery is performed.

Go to the address and read about the rules for using the drug Fullflex for gout.

For injuries of the lateral and medial meniscus, you should not self-medicate. Tinctures, compresses, and rubbing only temporarily reduce pain, but do not eliminate the cause of discomfort in the joint. The use of inappropriate antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compounds does not produce a noticeable effect. Strong medications negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract and liver, but the problem with the knees remains.

Surgical treatment of knee meniscus is carried out using various methods. The seam of the cartilage pad is made from the outside, equipped with capillaries. After surgery, the rehabilitation period takes six months or more. During recovery, the patient should use crutches to reduce the load on the affected leg.

During arthroscopy, an orthopedic surgeon operates inside the injured area using a special device - an arthroscope. A mini video camera allows you to see every millimeter of the affected area. Surgery on the meniscus is complex: partial or complete replacement of the damaged meniscus is performed. The younger the patient, the lower the risk of complications due to poor healing of the operated tissues.

In modern medical practice, doctors often have to diagnose meniscus inflammation. Moreover, not only professional ballerinas or athletes come to them with this problem, but also ordinary people. After reading today's article, you will learn why this disease occurs and how to treat it.

What is a meniscus?

This term refers to a crescent-shaped cartilage pad. It is located between the thigh and lower leg and acts as a shock absorber. This fibrous cartilaginous formation not only softens movement, but also protects the bone from damage and friction.

There are two types (external) and medial (internal). They have a similar structure, but differ in shape and method of attachment. Most often, modern traumatologists have to diagnose damage to the medial (the treatment of this problem will be discussed below).

Causes of the disease

Doctors identify several main factors that can trigger the onset of the inflammatory process. Most often, the problem occurs due to impaired blood flow in the cartilage tissues, causing pathological changes in them.

Often, inflammation of the meniscus occurs as a result of constant stress on the knee area. This may be due not only to heavy physical labor and being overweight.

Another reason for the development of the disease is considered to be damage to the entire segment of cartilage or the anterior horn of the meniscus, resulting from careless movements or injuries. Also, the impetus for the development of the inflammatory process can be activities associated with long walking, a direct blow to the knee, or a fall on straightened limbs while jumping high or long.

The risk group includes professional athletes, people whose work activity associated with constant physical activity, and those who are obese. Often, inflammation of the meniscus develops in patients who have previously been diagnosed with rheumatism, gout, arthrosis, or other serious illness muscular-articular apparatus.


Inflammation of the knee meniscus is a fairly serious disease. If not treated promptly, it can cause a lot of inconvenience and significantly reduce the patient’s quality of life. To begin proper treatment, you need to figure out what signs this disease is recognized by.

According to the nature of the inflammatory process, acute, subacute and chronic forms are distinguished. The course of the disease greatly influences the severity of the clinical picture. One of the most characteristic features is a sharp increase in physical activity. Depending on the extent of the damage, the patient may experience limited joint mobility. In some particularly advanced cases, redness, swelling and a local increase in temperature in the knee area are observed.

Diagnostic methods

It should be remembered that severe pain in the knee should be a reason to visit a doctor. The specialist will prescribe a series of studies to establish an accurate diagnosis and correct treatment. As a rule, magnetic resonance imaging, radiography and ultrasound are used for these purposes. Only after a complete examination will the doctor be able to make the correct diagnosis and rule out other health problems.

Despite the fact that x-rays do not allow a full assessment of the condition of the knee joint, the image can help remove suspicion of a more serious pathology.

Inflammation of the meniscus: treatment

In the process of selecting therapy, it is necessary to take into account the causes of the disease, the severity of symptoms and the nature of the course. In addition, it is important to have an accurate understanding of the condition of a particular patient’s cartilage and the extent to which inflammation has affected other intra-articular elements.

Today, surgical and conservative treatment is effectively used. IN in some cases Both types of therapy are recommended to the patient. If you seek medical help in a timely manner, damage to the medial meniscus of the knee joint, the treatment of which boils down to taking medications, goes away very quickly. In such cases, the patient is recommended to take anti-inflammatory ointments and tablets.

Traditional methods

Inflammation of the meniscus can be successfully treated not only with the help of medications. Folk remedies are often used to relieve pain. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to carry out such therapy in parallel with traditional methods and only after prior consultation with a doctor.

Coniferous baths have proven themselves to be quite good. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, relieve muscle tone and improve blood circulation. It is advisable to do such procedures every other day, before going to bed. To do this, pour half a kilo of chopped pine needles with two liters of boiling water and keep it in a water bath for half an hour.

It relieves inflammation of the knee well. To prepare it you will need equal amount honey and alcohol. These components are mixed in one container and heated to 37 degrees. The resulting warm mass is applied to the sore spot, wrapped in natural woolen cloth and left for two hours. It is advisable to repeat this procedure twice a day for thirty days.

Effective folk remedy is an onion compress on the knee. It can be done at night. To do this, apply a paste made from a tablespoon of sugar and two chopped onions to the sore spot.


To date, doctors do not know of any way to prevent injury. That's why they only give general recommendations. To prevent inflammation of the meniscus, you must be extremely careful while jogging and jumping. It is not advisable for girls to often wear shoes with platforms or high heels.

In addition, there is a special set of exercises aimed at strengthening the quadriceps muscle, which stabilizes the joint while walking. As a result, there is a significant reduction in the risk of meniscus injury. Do not forget that the strength of muscles and joints also depends on how healthy and balanced a person eats.