Effective and healthy diets. The fastest and most effective diet

Excess weight is a pressing problem for many women and men. The best diets for weight loss, the most popular and effective, help solve it. There are many nutritional systems for weight loss, so each person will be able to choose an option for themselves, taking into account their personal characteristics. Get acquainted with the most famous weight loss methods, which are time-tested and have the most positive reviews.

What diets are there?

Currently, there are many nutritional systems for weight loss and their list is constantly updated. All of them are aimed at weight loss, but they differ in diet, duration, and expected results. The most effective diets for weight loss can be divided into several categories:

  1. Mono-diets. The diet consists of one or two products, always low-calorie. Mono-diets are difficult to tolerate, but they give a good boost.
  2. Protein. Based on the exclusion of carbohydrates. Effective and relatively safe methods, although the diet is not completely balanced. Protein weight loss is difficult for some people.
  3. Low calorie. They suggest a strict caloric intake, but a varied diet.
  4. Low carb. The amount of carbohydrates consumed is kept to a minimum.
  5. Low fat. Limit fat intake.
  6. Cleansing. Eating foods that help remove waste and toxins from the body.
  7. By blood type. Take into account the physiological needs of a person. They are balanced and safe, but they are not suitable for everyone, because, in addition to the blood type, each of us has a lot of other characteristics.
  8. Soup. Based on the consumption of hot and cold first courses.
  9. Express diets. They expect to lose weight in a few days. Weight returns quickly after express methods. They are effective, but can cause harm to the body.
  10. Drinkable. Drinking water, juices, tea, and other drinks.
  11. Interval. Eating different foods at regular intervals. There are no restrictions on calories or number of meals. An interval nutrition system will not be effective without physical activity.

Rating of diets by effectiveness

There are many nutritional systems in each category, but not all of them are equally effective. So that you understand what effect to expect from one or another of them, check out the top, compiled taking into account numerous reviews of those losing weight:

Diet group


Expected weight loss result (kg)


7 per Attack period, 1 per week during Alternation


For 14 days

Low calorie


7-10 in 21 days

Two-week salt-free

Traffic light

2 every 7 days

Swedish "6 petals"

5-6 in 6 days


from 6 in 2 weeks

Low carb


0.7-1 per 7 days

100 g per day

1 in 7 days

up to 10 in 14 days

Low fat

4 in 10 days

Fruit and vegetable

4 per week


18-25 in 3 months

5 per week

By blood type

3-5 in 2 months




700-800 g per day

2-3 per week

3 in 7 days


Up to 5 per week

On soup with asparagus and spinach


On broccoli soup with arugula



20 and more





5 per week


1 per day



1 per day

0.5 per day

For weight loss

Any nutritional system for reducing body weight involves changing your diet and lifestyle for a given period of time. The task of every person trying to lose weight is to choose one that will bring him the expected result and will not harm the body. You need to approach this very responsibly, study the rules, the list of contraindications. The best diet should not cause even the slightest discomfort.


This category includes the best methods, the diet of which is as balanced as possible. The menu should be composed of products that help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevent the excretion of useful substances from the body. As a rule, the diet includes recipes with vegetables and fruits rich in fiber. List of healthy and safe diets for the body:

  • vegetable;
  • oatmeal;
  • on porridge;
  • chemical;
  • paleo;
  • gluten-free;
  • Osama Hamdiy;
  • Mediterranean;
  • Dr. Kovalkov;
  • vitamin and protein;
  • Montignac;
  • protein-carbohydrate alternation.


The methods from this list are usually chosen by those people who need real results. They are well known, time-tested and many have lost weight. List of the most popular nutrition systems for weight loss:

  1. Kremlevskaya. Each product is assigned a certain number of points. You are allowed to “eat” a maximum of 40 points per day. In 7 days, the “Kremlevka” removes up to 5 kg. Preference is given to delicious fish and meat dishes. The technique is effective, but has a number of contraindications and will not appeal to people who value variety in their diet.
  2. Japanese. Salt-free food with a large list of prohibited foods. Good for health, but the blandness of the food makes it difficult to follow.
  3. Separate meals. It is based on the fact that foods can be eaten in any quantity, but carbohydrates cannot be mixed with proteins. Some foods are strictly prohibited. It is easier to adhere to the weight loss method using special product compatibility tables. The method is effective, but it is difficult to get used to eating according to it.


The list of power systems is replenished almost every day, some of them are forgotten, and new ones reach the peak of popularity. Several types of such weight loss techniques:

  1. Fractional meals. This technique is followed by many Hollywood beauties, including Charlize Theron. The bottom line is to eat food every 2.5-3 hours, and the last three meals are only raw vegetables and proteins. The serving size is no larger than the palm of your hand. A very safe method for losing weight, with virtually no disadvantages.
  2. Dr. Horvath's nutritional system. This scheme is very non-standard; it allows you to eat legumes and combine meat with potatoes. At the same time, you can lose 3-4 kg in 7 days. You need to eat protein foods with minimal fat content, green vegetables, and unsweetened fruits.
  3. Grapefruit. An excellent option for those who want not only to lose weight, but also immediately tighten their body. Grapefruits, eaten throughout the week, are good for the body. Salt, sugar, fast food, ready-made semi-finished products, and other harmful foods should be excluded. The grapefruit system is very effective, but it has many contraindications.


It is worth noting that now an increasing number of diets are being developed in such a way as to have a gentle effect on the body. If earlier express options were more popular, now preference is given to those nutrition systems that are aimed at long-term but sustainable results. Here are some examples:

  1. 5 tablespoons. A balanced system that limits the maximum daily amount of food. 5 tablespoons is the ideal amount of food to satisfy hunger and replenish energy reserves. The minimum time interval between meals is 3 hours. There are few prohibited products. There are almost no contraindications.
  2. Shuffling. Designed for one and a half months. The diet is designed in such a way that a person will not feel hungry, although there are a lot of forbidden foods. The nutritional system helps improve digestion and is balanced in terms of BJU ratio.
  3. For the belly and thighs. A system based on the consumption of foods that burn subcutaneous fat. You need to count calories (1200-1300 kcal per day maximum) and create a daily menu so that the amount of fat consumed does not exceed 20%. For sustainable results, it is recommended to follow this diet plan for at least a month.


Film, television and pop stars also use various effective diets (sometimes even very unusual and interesting ones) to keep themselves in ideal shape. If you want to follow the example of your idols, try these weight loss techniques:

  1. Nicole Kidman's three-day diet. To quickly get in shape, the celebrity recommends giving up solid foods and drinking broths, fat-burning smoothies, vegetable and fruit juices, herbal teas and water. It is allowed to repeat the course no more than once every two to three months. It helps to get rid of 2-3 kg, cleanse the body, and improve skin condition.
  2. The best diet from Sophia Loren. This woman has managed to have an ideal figure for many years. She always adheres to proper nutrition, counting calories. Once a month, Sophie goes on a three-day diet. She eats three small meals a day. The diet these days includes juices, eggs, vegetable salads, turkey, shrimp, fruits, and low-fat dairy products.
  3. Julia Roberts' method. This actress prefers to lose weight on fish and vegetable salads. Fried foods are excluded. Julia excludes eggs, sugar, pasta, meat, rice and potatoes during her weight loss period.

The best diets for women

Due to certain characteristics of the body, hormonal imbalances, it is more difficult for representatives of the fair sex to control their weight. Nutritionists identify a number of nutritional techniques that will be very effective for women:

  • Japanese;
  • Hollywood fortnight;
  • Dukan protein system;
  • separate meals for 90 days;
  • no carbohydrates;
  • kefir;
  • buckwheat;
  • fruity.

Option for a two-week menu of the Japanese method by day:

  1. Days 1 and 8. Breakfast - coffee and a slice of cheese. Lunch – a glass of tomato juice, 150 g of steamed cauliflower, 2 boiled eggs. Dinner – 200 g of lean fish.
  2. 2 and 9. In the morning, a slice of black bread and coffee. In the afternoon, 200 g of lean fish, 100 g of boiled cabbage. In the evening, 100 g of beef with a glass of kefir.
  3. 3 and 10. Breakfast - coffee with crackers, lunch - any amount of stewed zucchini, dinner - 200 g of beef, 100 g of raw cabbage with vegetable oil, 2 boiled eggs.
  4. 4 and 11. Morning - coffee. Day – 50 g of unsalted cheese, boiled egg, 3 raw carrots. Evening – 200 g of fruit salad.
  5. 5 and 12. Breakfast – 1 raw carrot, grated, seasoned with lemon juice. Lunch – 200 g of lean fish, a glass of tomato juice. Dinner – 200 g of fruit.
  6. 6 and 13. A cup of coffee in the morning. In the afternoon, 200 g of boiled chicken, carrot and cabbage salad. In the evening, 2 soft-boiled eggs, 1 raw carrot.
  7. 7 and 14. Breakfast - green tea and a slice of black bread. Lunch – 200 g of lean fish, boiled cabbage. Dinner – 100 g of beef, a glass of kefir.

For fast weight loss

Nutrition systems for weight loss in the shortest possible time are extremely popular, because situations often arise when you need lightning-fast results. It is worth considering that such eating and fasting patterns have a number of side effects: they cause extreme stress to the body and can cause health problems. In addition, the result is unstable, and the weight quickly returns after them. If you don't mind these dangerous consequences, study some examples.


  1. Breakfast. A cup of unsweetened coffee, 2 rye crackers.
  2. Dinner. 2 boiled eggs, 4 tomatoes, 2 crackers.
  3. Dinner. 50 g hard cheese, 1 slice of rye bread, 1 tomato, a cup of green tea.

Not hard

By following the following method for three days, you will be able to get rid of 1.5-3 kilograms. Daily ration:

  1. Breakfast. Green tea.
  2. Lunch. 150 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  3. Dinner. 150 g of lean steamed meat, tomato, 1 boiled egg, a piece of unsalted cheese.
  4. Afternoon snack. Unsweetened tea.
  5. Dinner. 150 g boiled chicken, cucumber, herbal tea.

Lightweight and effective

The following nutrition system will ensure you lose up to 5 kg of weight in just three days. Daily ration:

  1. Immediately after waking up. A glass of warm water.
  2. Breakfast. 200 ml of warm low-fat milk with honey.
  3. Dinner. Grapefruit. After 20-30 minutes, 200 g of boiled meat and 150 g of vegetable salad.
  4. Afternoon snack and dinner. A glass of chicken broth.


The best example here would be the paleo diet. Its principle is to bring the diet as close as possible to the one that primitive people had. You are allowed to follow it for 7 days; it will not cause harm to the body. Description of one-day menu option:

  1. Breakfast. Two boiled eggs, 150 g of fresh fruit salad.
  2. Lunch. 10 almonds, 1 apple.
  3. Dinner. 200 g boiled chicken breast, 1 cucumber, 1 tomato.
  4. Dinner. 200 g shrimp, 150 g vegetable salad.

The best diet in the world

Every person who has tried to lose weight at least once in their life will agree that it is easier to prevent this problem than to solve it. The best way to do this is to eat a healthy balanced diet, develop good eating habits, stay away from unhealthy foods, and control portion sizes. What is the benefit of this approach:

  1. The level of cholesterol and harmful fats is reduced.
  2. All internal organs and systems, bone and muscle tissue are strengthened.
  3. Energy balance is restored.
  4. Toxins are removed.
  5. All metabolic processes are normalized.
  6. The body receives all the necessary micro- and macroelements.
  7. The psycho-emotional state improves.
  8. Weight always remains within normal limits.


Nowadays, there are a huge variety of diets: low-calorie, low-fat, protein, mono-diets and others. But not all diets are effective, and some of them can even cause harm to the body. It is almost impossible to get rid of excess weight without special physical and mental effort. Any diet, if used incorrectly, can be harmful to the body. Before choosing a particular diet, you should consult a specialist and undergo a medical examination.

Do not rush to follow a strict diet; if you change your diet suddenly and dramatically, this can negatively affect your well-being and mood. Many women, before a vacation or an important event, want to lose weight in a short time. Of course, the probability of achieving results is high, but the lost kilograms will come back just as quickly. When following any diet, it is recommended not to set yourself only the goal of losing weight. Proper dietary nutrition will help you not only get rid of unnecessary pounds, but also improve your health.

Nutritionists consider cleansing with the modern Enterosgel sorbent a necessary step in any weight loss program. It actively absorbs only harmful wastes and toxins, which enter the blood in abundance during the breakdown of fatty deposits. It is these toxins that provoke diet-specific nausea, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, bowel problems, dullness of the skin, and the appearance of pimples and blemishes on it. This sorbent fills the stomach well, thereby creating a feeling of fullness, absorbs excess gastric juice and enzymes, neutralizing their irritating effect on the walls of the stomach. Let us accept it for long courses, unlike other sorbents.

Effective diet No. 1: Kefir diet

A strict, but very popular and effective diet. This mono diet is not recommended for long-term use. Kefir is a very healthy product and provides sustainable weight loss results. Regular consumption of this drink will improve the microflora of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, cleanse it of toxins, and benefit the entire body.

There are several options for this diet:

Option 1 of the kefir diet is a pure mono diet. You need to consume about one and a half liters of fresh kefir per day. You need to drink it in 5-6 doses. You only need to follow this type of diet for three days. Sugar should not be added to kefir.

Option 2 of the kefir diet - you need to take the same volume of kefir (1.5 liters), and add to it no more than a kilogram of sweet vegetables and fruits. The duration of the diet is 5-6 days.

Option 3 of the kefir diet: drink one and a half liters of kefir and the suggested products daily.

Here's what a sample menu for such a diet looks like for 6 days:

Day 1: boil potatoes (5 pcs).
Day 2: Boil the chicken and take only 100 grams.
Day 3: boiled meat again in the amount of 100 grams.
Day 4: meat is replaced by boiled fish (100 grams).
Day 5: eat only fruits and vegetables (high-calorie bananas and grapes are excluded)
Day 6: kefir.
Day 7: complete unloading - sit only on mineral water all day.

We prepare all products without sugar and salt. This stress on the body can be repeated no earlier than in a month. If it’s hard for you to bear it, then even after two months.
Option 4: Striped kefir diet. Its essence is very simple - you need to alternate kefir days (kefir 1%) with regular ones. On ordinary days, you can eat any food without restrictions.

Effective diet No. 2: Kremlin diet

This diet makes it possible to get rid of 6 kilograms in 8 days. Imagine what will happen if you follow such a diet for a month or a month and a half - it is quite possible to lose up to 15 kg. Moreover, the weight disappears in a certain pattern - the more excess kilograms, the faster they disappear. The effectiveness of this diet has been proven over many years of its use. The Kremlin diet is based on minimal consumption of carbohydrates, due to which the body uses internal energy reserves from fat deposits, and even unlimited consumption of protein foods does not stop weight loss.

The main rule of the diet is to avoid sugar in any form. One piece of sugar is equal to a day's ration. You can eat fish, meat, eggs, cheese, low-carb vegetables and other “low cost” foods. Special “points” are measured in points, points, conventional units using a special value table. One point is equal to one gram of carbohydrates contained in 100 grams of product. The effectiveness of this diet will be higher if, in addition to points, you also count calories and try not to eat at least 4 hours before bedtime. To lose weight you need to consume 40 points, to maintain weight - 60.

Sample menu

Breakfast: Boil only three sausages, which equal 0 USD. Add fried eggplants (100 g -5 USD), tea without sugar is suitable to drink - this is the simplest product - its “cost” is 0 USD.
Lunch: Chop the cabbage and dress the salad with oil. (100 g - 5 c.u.), cook soup with vegetables and processed cheese (250 g - 6 c.u.), as a second course - pork chop, oddly enough - this is also a “zero option”, at 100 grams contains 0.u. Coffee, as always, without sugar (0 USD).
Afternoon snack: low-calorie black olives are only (2 c.u. - 10 pcs.).
Dinner: fresh ripe tomatoes (6 USD), as a hot dish we use boiled fish (200 g - 0 USD), a glass of kefir (6 USD).
Total: 36 USD

Effective diet No. 3: Buckwheat diet

A fairly strict mono-diet, but it has proven to be highly effective. With its help you can lose up to 10 kilograms. This diet lasts for a week. Buckwheat gives you a feeling of satiety and, at the same time, cleanses the body. It also has a beneficial effect on the skin. After the diet, you need to take a break for at least a month.

How to cook buckwheat: pour about 2 cups of boiling water over a glass of cereal and leave overnight. In the morning, simply drain off the excess water. There is no need to cook buckwheat. It should be consumed without any spices or salt; you can add kefir (low-fat). Buckwheat can be eaten during the day in any quantity and in any form - liquid or crumbly porridge, and kefir - drink no more than 1 liter. You can also drink unlimited amounts of water. You cannot eat 4 hours before bedtime; if you are hungry, you can drink a glass of kefir diluted in half.

If you follow a less strict diet, you are allowed to drink a small amount of low-fat yogurt and eat a couple of fruits. But such a diet is less effective. It is imperative to take multivitamins. In addition, after finishing the diet, you need to continue to eat in moderation so that the weight does not return. The main thing is not to overeat, do not eat at night and avoid hungry days.

Effective diet No. 4: No-carbohydrate diet

You can successfully use this diet to achieve weight loss. Its principle is to limit the intake of sugars and starch into the body. The basic rule of this diet is to consume 250 allowed calories daily, coming in the form of carbohydrates. With this diet, the amount of poultry, fish, meat, cheese and cottage cheese consumed is not controlled; vegetables, citrus fruits, root vegetables and berries are also recommended for consumption.

The consumption of sugar, fruits (except citrus fruits), carrots, potatoes, flour, bread, dairy products, cereals, corn and fats, as well as sweet drinks and alcohol is limited. For a low-carbohydrate diet, you must follow the following rules: after eating you can’t drink for half an hour, frying is allowed only in olive oil, accept the principles of fractional meals, as part of life - eat fractionally (at least 5 times a day), and in the evening a few hours before departure After bedtime (after 20.00) eating is generally prohibited.

Sample menu to choose from:

Option 1: lean meat, cooked without salt (about 400 g). Divide it into 4 servings, add a vegetable side dish each time. (about 200-300 gr.) throughout the day. To drink, you should brew, for example, a rosehip decoction and drink it morning and evening.

Option 2: boiled lean meat (250 g), 2 cups of tea and 2 glasses of juice. The proposed products are divided into 5 steps.

Effective Diet 5: Apple Diet

This diet is ideal for losing weight. Apples are an extremely valuable fruit. The apple diet corrects and normalizes metabolism and helps fight excess weight. The best option is to have one apple fasting day. This is especially useful for intestinal problems. To achieve weight loss, you need to do apple days 2 times a week. In addition, this diet is useful for hypertensive patients, as well as for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

The apple diet is used in several ways:

Option 1 of the apple diet: eat only apples throughout the day and drink plenty of fluids.
Option 2 of the apple diet: eat one and a half kilograms of apples all day. At the same time, you cannot drink anything. The liquid contained in the apples will be enough.
Option 3 of the apple diet: this is the apple-kefir diet. Half a glass of kefir and one apple, consume 5-6 times a day.
Option 4 of the apple diet is the toughest option. The number of apples changes on each of the six days: 1st day - 1 kg of apples; 2nd -1.5 kg; 3rd - 2 kg; 4th - 2 kg; 5th - 1.5 kg; 6th - 1 kg of apples. You are allowed to drink tea (green) and eat black bread crackers.
Also, the apple diet is very useful for people who quit smoking. It should be carried out within three days. In addition to apples, you can drink green tea.

The main factor of malnutrition is primarily untimely eating. Professional nutritionists say that food should not be consumed 4 times a day, but in small portions. It is recommended to take a break between meals of 3-4 hours, this is exactly how much is needed for normal digestion of food. If you eat less often and increase portions, then the undigested parts of the food turn into fat. The key to normal health and weight is proper nutrition.

If you regularly follow the regime, the body prepares for a new meal each time at this time, secreting gastric juice in the required amount. This promotes good digestion, and fats are not deposited during this regime. Without eating on time, you can harm the body, especially the stomach, the released juice corrodes the walls. Many doctors are confident that there are no absolutely harmless diets.

Some of the unpleasant consequences include lack of nutrients, addiction to the diet (after a while the diet may no longer contribute to weight loss), and weight gain after the diet. To avoid this, when following any diet, it is recommended to take vitamins, as well as gradually exit the diet, continuing to limit yourself in food, but not so strictly. These simple tips will help you achieve the desired result.

How to overcome hunger

Most often, the reason for “breaking” the diet is the inability to overcome the obsessive feeling of hunger that occurs as a result of limiting calorie intake and changing eating habits. In order to reduce appetite and avoid breakdowns, doctors recommend the drug Cefamadar, which acts directly on the hunger center in the brain and reduces appetite. It does not contain sibutramine and acts gently, without side effects; stopping taking it does not provoke an increase in appetite and the return of “lost” kilograms.

Is it possible to lose weight quickly and without harm to your health? How to achieve this and choose the optimal diet for yourself? What are the contraindications? Let's find out all the intricacies of this difficult matter.

The times of famous artists and buxom beauties have faded into oblivion, and they have been replaced by the era of catwalks and fragile skinny women. Slenderness or slight thinness is now considered perhaps the main sign of female beauty.

Naturally thin girls rejoice and pamper themselves with their favorite delicacies, while the vast majority of the fair sex carefully count calories, spend long hours in the gym and go to stores with baked goods and sweets on the tenth route. A healthy lifestyle and nutrition is, of course, good.

Its advantages are that the weight goes away once and for all. The disadvantage of this regime is that it takes a long time to see noticeable results, and such a diet is designed for life.

What should you do if the most important meeting in your life is about to take place, but your favorite dress just doesn’t want to be buttoned up? In such cases, quick diets help, which are famous for their effectiveness and immediate results. Read more about such diets in this article.

Regardless of what diet you choose, there is a set of rules that you need to adhere to for any lifestyle and diet.

The most popular express diets

The most popular and effective diets for quick weight loss come to the rescue in situations where you urgently need to get rid of a few extra pounds. Girls should understand that the kilograms quickly lost with the help of such a diet will soon and most likely return.

In addition, the express diet is called so not only because of the quick results, but also because the period of adherence to the diet, as a rule, is no more than a week; in the most extreme case, you can stay on such a diet for two weeks, but no more. The fact is that such diets are very strict, so along with a lack of calories, the body also receives a significant deficiency of microelements, vitamins and fats vital for brain function.

Think about whether you need thinness that comes with falling hair, ugly skin and constant fatigue? Of course no.

That is why the diets below are designed for a maximum of two weeks.

In quickly losing weight, your reliable assistants will be mono-diets, the essence of which is that you can only eat one type of product, for example, buckwheat, kefir or a certain type of fruit or vegetable.

Choose a product whose taste you like. A mono-diet is quite an ordeal, which becomes much more difficult if you have to choke on food that you cannot stand.

Hollywood Diet

This diet at one time helped many famous beauties, for example, Nicole Kidman and Catherine Zeta-Jones. The original version of the diet included foods such as oysters, shrimp, mangoes and pineapples.

Of course, for world-famous stars, spending hundreds of dollars on groceries every day is a normal practice, but more modest girls will have to use a slightly modified version of the diet.

Not allowed: sugar and salt in any form and in any products, alcohol, fried and fatty foods.

You can: food rich in protein: dietary meat, seafood, eggs, low-calorie fruits and vegetables, clean water in large quantities.

Restrictions: this diet should be followed no longer than two weeks and no more than four times a year.

Disadvantages: lack of vitamins and energy, mood swings, poor health.

Advantages: fast and impressive results, up to 10 kilograms in two weeks.

Sample menu:

  • tomato, chicken egg, tea;
  • quail or chicken eggs, citrus (except tangerines), black coffee;
  • light vegetable salad, herbal tea, boiled egg;
  • 2 quail eggs, fruit salad;
  • boiled chicken breast, citrus, cucumber, herbs and cabbage salad.
  • lean boiled, baked or steamed beef, cucumber or apple, green tea;
  • boiled or baked fish with lemon, greens and cabbage salad, herbal tea;
  • low-calorie fruit salad, egg;

These options can be combined as you like and even swapped, but the diet is still complicated.

This is one of the most popular mono-diets, the essence of which is clear and obvious. Before going on a kefir diet, you should consult a specialist about contraindications and possible consequences. This diet comes in two versions. The first includes only kefir and nothing else, the second is more gentle, it allows you to eat low-calorie foods that will give you strength and provide you with a minimum set of vitamins.

Not allowed: fatty, fried, spicy, salty, sweet, black tea and coffee.

You need: kefir 1% fat, fruits (excluding grapes and bananas), boiled chicken, baked potatoes.

Restrictions: the diet is designed for only 7 days.

Disadvantages: meager menu, lack of nutrients and microelements.

Advantages: if you follow the kefir diet, you lose 7 kilograms in a week.

Sample menu

The daily diet includes 1.5 liters of 1% fat kefir and 400 grams of any foods allowed by the diet, for example, boiled meat. You only need to eat one type of additional food per day, that is, if you ate meat today, you can only eat fruit tomorrow.

Cabbage diet

Another well-known and effective diet, the basis of which is cabbage. It is much more varied than the kefir diet, so it is much easier to follow, but your menu will be repeated from day to day. In addition, cabbage contains a large amount of fiber and various vitamins, and this is an undeniable plus of the cabbage diet.

Not allowed: fatty, fried, sweet, flour, alcohol, grapes, bananas.

You need: fresh vegetables and fruits, boiled or steamed meat, sea fish, chicken, duck or quail eggs, kefir.

Restrictions: duration of the cabbage diet is from 7 to 10 days.

Disadvantages: lack of carbohydrates can cause fatigue and poor health.

Advantages: as a result of the diet, up to 10 kilograms of excess weight can be lost.

Sample menu:

  1. Breakfast: green tea or coffee without sugar;
  2. Lunch: cabbage salad with cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes or herbs, seasoned with olive oil, 200 grams of boiled meat or fish;
  3. Dinner: cabbage salad, quail or small chicken egg;
  4. 2 hours before bedtime: a glass of kefir 0% or 1% fat.

Top most effective diets for weight loss

The buckwheat diet is very beneficial for the body, it helps the gastrointestinal tract and removes toxins from the body. In addition, buckwheat is rich in fiber and iron, so the risk of developing anemia on such a diet is reduced to zero.

Not allowed: fatty, floury, sweet, spicy, greasy, salty.

You need: buckwheat porridge, tea, lemon, honey, low-fat kefir.

Restrictions: the buckwheat diet should not last longer than a week, and it should be repeated no more than 2 times a year.

Disadvantages: Lack of proteins and fats in the diet can negatively affect your health.

Advantages: if certain rules are followed, 10 kilograms of excess weight are removed from the body.

Buckwheat diet rules:

  • do not eat 5 hours before bedtime;
  • buckwheat should not be boiled, but steamed overnight;
  • drink plenty of water or green tea;
  • in case of severe hunger, you are allowed to drink one glass of low-fat kefir.

Sample menu:

  1. Breakfast: a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey and two slices of lemon;
  2. Lunch: buckwheat porridge, water;
  3. Lunch: buckwheat porridge, tea without sugar;
  4. Dinner: buckwheat porridge, tea without sugar;
  5. You need to get out of the buckwheat diet gradually, gradually adding fruits, vegetables and protein-rich foods to your diet.

No carbohydrate diet

A no-carb diet is one of the most delicious diets, and it’s also easy and enjoyable. You don't have to starve or restrict yourself very much.

The main rule of this diet is that no more than 250 kcal should enter the body with carbohydrates. Otherwise, you can practically limit yourself.

  1. Fruits and vegetables with a high starch content (corn, potatoes and others);
  2. Sugar and sweeteners;
  3. Store-bought semi-finished products;
  4. Alcohol;
  5. Fruits other than apples, peaches, coconuts, berries and citrus fruits;
  6. Fatty foods.
  1. Dairy products: low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt, a little milk;
  2. Meat: chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef, veal;
  3. Seafood: sea fish, shrimp, crabs, lobsters, mussels;
  4. By-products: liver, stomach, heart, tongue, eggs;
  5. Nuts: almonds, sesame seeds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds;
  6. Porridge: buckwheat, oatmeal, pea.

Restrictions: the diet should last no longer than 7 days.

Disadvantages: the diet is quite balanced and rich in nutrients, however, due to the low carbohydrate content, you may feel fatigued, absent-minded, drowsy, and decreased concentration.

Advantages: in a week of following such a diet you can lose up to 10 kilograms of excess weight.

Sample menu:

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal with berries, boiled egg;
  2. Lunch: low-fat cottage cheese and unsweetened tea;
  3. Lunch: boiled meat or fish and vegetable salad;
  4. It is better to skip dinner and drink plenty of clean water during the day.

Fresh juice diet

This is one of the most difficult and strict diets; you should not use it if you have health problems.

Don't: any solid food.

Need to; freshly squeezed juices from oranges, grapefruits, grapes, cucumbers or celery. Broths made from green peppers, cabbage and tomatoes.

Restrictions: a diet on freshly squeezed juices should not last more than three days.

Disadvantages: this diet is very difficult to maintain, and it can cause health problems.

Advantages: 3 kilograms of excess weight are lost in 3 days.

Sample menu: there should be 3 meals a day, which consist of 200-300 grams of juice. During breaks, you can drink clean water.

The most effective diets for losing weight by 20 kg or more: rating

There are two effective diets that will help you lose 20 kilograms of excess weight in a short time.

Diet No. 1

The duration of this diet is 20 days, it is divided into 5 stages of 4 days each. To achieve optimal results, you need to adhere to the following menu:

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
Breakfast Have breakfast with apples and a small amount of grainy low-fat cottage cheese. You can wash down your breakfast with herbal tea. At this stage, breakfast is skipped, but a cup of unsweetened green tea will not cause harm. A very tasty and healthy breakfast - cucumber salad. For taste, you can add salt, olive oil, lemon juice and chopped herbs. After this, you can drink a glass of mineral water. Have breakfast with a portion of low-fat cottage cheese and green tea with mint or chamomile. At stage 5, you will again have to abstain from breakfast, however, if you are completely unbearable to endure a year, drink a glass of warm milk.
Dinner As a main dish, boiled salted rice with boiled or steamed chicken fillet is suitable.

You can also eat a light spring salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with the addition of olive oil, lemon juice and herbs.

You can wash down your lunch with a glass of milk.

Buckwheat porridge will give you strength and energy, and boiled cod and a chicken egg will become a source of the protein your body needs.

A cup of green tea without sugar would be a good idea.

There is no need to have lunch today, you can only drink a glass of warm water with a tablespoon of lemon juice. At this stage, lunch will not be rich: boil yourself some broccoli, and after lunch drink a glass of mineral water. A delicious dish - boiled cod with herbs and lemon.

Cucumbers are perfect as a vegetable component.

Dinner At this stage there is no need to eat dinner at all. As a last resort, you can drink a glass of warm milk; besides, this has a beneficial effect on the quality of sleep. You can dine with a light and tasty cabbage and tomato salad, dressed with butter and lemon. This dinner is rich in proteins: boiled beans and steamed chicken. You can drink it with a glass of clean water. Again no dinner. But if you really want to, then you can. Treat yourself to an apple and water with lemon juice. Dinner will be delicious: boiled rice with parsley and dill, garnished with tomato slices. Wash it down with chamomile tea.

Diet No. 2

This diet lasts only 2 weeks, but the results are impressive. You just need to strictly follow the menu below.

1 Week 2 week
Day 1 Boil 3 chicken eggs and 5 jacket potatoes. This is all your food for today. On this day you can eat 1 boiled chicken egg, and 2 tomatoes with it. In addition, boil yourself some lean beef. You can wash everything down with a glass of mineral water.
Day 2 The body needs protein, so make yourself cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream and wash it down with a glass of kefir. For breakfast you can eat a light salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, have baked beef for lunch, and for dinner you will get 2 small apples.
Day 3 You'll have to go hungry, today's menu includes only 2 apples, 2 glasses of kefir and 1 liter of fruit or vegetable juice. We repeat yesterday, only instead of salad for breakfast there will be a slice of rye bread.
Day 4 Today you can eat 400 grams of boiled beef, veal or chicken, as well as 2 glasses of kefir and chamomile tea instead of dinner. We repeat yesterday again, only now we add to it another slice of bread and 2 glasses of kefir.
Day 5 Another hungry day: 4 apples and a liter of mineral water. On this day you can eat as much as half a kilo of apples. In addition, you need to eat 3 boiled potatoes and drink 2 glasses of kefir.
Day 6 Boil and eat 3 potatoes, and the lack of protein can be compensated for with one glass of kefir, milk or yogurt. For breakfast you can eat 2 boiled chicken or duck eggs, for lunch - a little boiled chicken fillet, and for dinner - 2 cucumbers and green tea.
Day 7 Half a liter of kefir and mineral water is your diet today. Today you can eat 2 green apples, 4 jacket potatoes and drink 2 glasses of low-fat kefir.

You need to combine such diets with moderate physical activity; it will help keep your skin toned and prevent it from sagging.


Any diet is a real stress for the body, which can result in unwanted health problems. If you suffer from anything from the list below, then it is better to avoid radical diets.

  1. Stomach ulcer, gastritis;
  2. Kidney diseases;
  3. Diabetes;
  4. Pregnancy or breastfeeding, as well as planning pregnancy;
  5. Hypertension;
  6. Allergies;
  7. Chronic indigestion;
  8. Atherosclerosis;
  9. Cholelithiasis;
  10. Severe metabolic diseases;
  11. Climax;
  12. Heart defects;
  13. Liver diseases;
  14. Depression.

Let's summarize. The most important thing is that you need to lose weight wisely. Consider your individual characteristics and the potential harm of radical diets.

The best solution is to consult with a specialist who will explain to you how to properly achieve the desired results.

Keep in mind that many diets reduce productivity and deteriorate brain function, so you should not lose weight during exams or preparing important projects. If signs that worry you appear during the diet, restore your normal diet and consult a doctor. Remember - health comes first!

Now there are so many diets that you can easily get lost in all this variety. But what can really help in the fight against excess weight and give excellent weight loss results? Let's find out from the article which options are the most effective and what the best diets for weight loss are.

Choosing a diet is a responsible matter

Calculation of calorie content of foods

Products in alphabetical order

Protein diet

If you are absolutely indifferent to all kinds of sweets, and instead prefer meat and fish, then a protein diet is just for you.

The basic principle of this nutritional method is precisely the consumption of protein foods, which can satisfy the feeling of hunger well, but the amount of fats and carbohydrates must be kept to a minimum. It should be noted that the protein diet has long occupied an honorable place in the top popularity among weight loss methods not only in Russia, but also in the whole world.

When eating according to this method, you need to stick to fractional meals and eat small amounts of food, you need to have breakfast an hour after waking up, and dinner a couple of hours before bedtime.

One serving of food should include protein foods and foods high in vitamins. In the first half of the day, you can eat some unsweetened fruit; you must not forget about drinking plenty of fluids during the day. Products that should be on the menu during such a diet are lean meat, fish, eggs, fermented milk products and green vegetables (cucumbers, cabbage, zucchini).

How to lose -10 kg in a week?! The most effective diet!

Maggi diet. Up to MINUS 20 kg in 4 WEEKS * EFFECTIVE DIET * Maggi diet MENU

Cabbage diet. Up to MINUS 10 kg in 10 days * EFFECTIVE DIET * Cabbage diet MENU


The most effective diets for weight loss How and how much can you lose?

Diet - How to remove belly and sides quickly. How to lose weight properly and get rid of belly fat. Weight loss

Buckwheat diet. Minus 12 kg in 2 WEEKS! Daily menu for a buckwheat diet

Diet of Models. Up to MINUS 4 kg in 3 days * EFFECTIVE DIET * Model diet menu



During a protein diet, various types of physical activity are useful; this will help in getting rid of extra pounds. It is known that this kind of nutrition system is very popular among athletes, as it helps to quickly build muscle mass, strengthen the legs, muscles of the thighs and buttocks. But remember that you should be on this diet for no more than two weeks a year, all because the body cannot do without fats and carbohydrates for a long time.

Main benefits of the diet:
  • Fast weight loss. Many people who are losing weight note that after starting such a diet they began to quickly lose extra pounds. Some of them experienced weight loss of up to fourteen kilograms in two weeks.
  • The diet does not make you hungry. During such a special meal, you can choose a menu that will be varied and satisfying, and will not cause feelings of hunger or discomfort.
  • The extra pounds go away for a long time. After completing the technique, the lost weight will not rush back to you again, but of course, only if you follow a healthy lifestyle and diet.

Kefir diet

The kefir diet for three days is very popular. It belongs to mono-diets, which are not so easy to maintain, but due to the short duration, it does not have time to deplete the body. On the contrary, it helps not only to quickly lose extra pounds, but also to cleanse the body of harmful waste and toxins and improve intestinal function. In this case, it can also be used by people over 50 years of age.

Of course, the main product that can be consumed is kefir.

In the morning, afternoon and evening you need to drink a glass of this drink. As for the rest of the food, during breakfast you should make yourself a carrot salad and drink green tea, during a snack you should eat one green apple, and for lunch - a small piece of boiled chicken or turkey. During the afternoon snack, you can eat some dried fruits, but for dinner you can limit yourself to just drinking a glass of kefir.

According to reviews, with this diet you can lose 10 kg in a week.

Now there are many variations of this diet at home, for example, kefir-vegetable or kefir-fruit, kefir-curd. This way, you can decide for yourself which nutritional method is best for you. There is also a kefir diet designed for seven days. By increasing the number of permitted foods during weight loss, maintaining it is not so difficult.

Buckwheat diet

The buckwheat diet also ranks high in popularity. Yes, it is very tough, because apart from the main product, green tea and kefir, you can’t eat anything else, but because of its effectiveness, many people who are losing weight resort to this method. In this case, the buckwheat should be steamed, for this it needs to be prepared in the evening - pour hot water over it.

  • In the morning before breakfast, don’t forget to drink a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey and lemon, and for breakfast, eat a portion of steamed buckwheat and green tea.
  • Lunch should be the same, and in the evening you can eat a portion of steamed buckwheat with a glass of kefir.
  • During the day you need to drink plenty of water, at least two liters.
  • It is important to remember that the last meal should be taken four hours before bedtime.

Buckwheat cannot be cooked with meat, milk or boiled. The main product should not contain salt. If it’s really hard for you to adhere to these dietary rules, then you can fry a little onion in a frying pan and add it to the buckwheat. This will add more flavor to the main dish.

There is also a less strict version of the buckwheat diet. It involves eating low-fat yoghurt and a small amount of summer fruit, thereby facilitating the period of weight loss and eliminating fasting.

After finishing the special diet, do not forget to exit the diet correctly. New products need to be added gradually, the same goes for salt. In the first week, you should include in your menu only low-fat foods prepared by boiling, baking or steaming.

Hollywood Diet

It is called the Hollywood diet because various celebrities often resort to it to keep themselves in great shape. Thanks to this technique, you can achieve a result of eight to ten kilograms in two weeks, and this without strict restrictions, only by reducing the total calorie content. Reviews on a forum from Moscow from women who have tried such a diet indicate that following its rules is difficult only at first, and then the process of losing weight becomes more comfortable.

The emphasis in the Hollywood diet is on the consumption of protein foods, as well as those foods that are rich in plant fiber.

But you have to give up fatty and sweet foods, marinades and salt. Avoid eating fruits and vegetables that are high in carbohydrates and starch. During the diet, you need to forget about foods such as bread and flour products.

When following this nutritional method, you must remember the following rules:

  1. All dishes must be prepared by stewing, boiling, baking or steaming.
  2. During this diet, breakfast is excluded. Some more gentle nutrition options involve eating half a grapefruit and a cup of coffee for breakfast.
  3. You need to drink a lot of water a day, at least two liters.
  4. You need to eat food five to six times a day in small amounts, and it is important to follow the established nutrition plan.
  5. Alcohol and carbonated drinks are prohibited during the diet.

It is worth noting that this well-known method of losing weight also has its negative sides. So, a carbohydrate deficiency can affect the body, and apathy, fatigue or even depression will appear. Even during the diet, it is necessary to drink special vitamin complexes that will help balance the diet, otherwise this is fraught with the appearance of acne and other negative consequences.

Apple diet

The apple diet can help not only in losing weight, but also in normalizing the body's metabolic processes and improving intestinal function. Nutritionists say that it is useful to arrange fasting days, during which you can only eat apples.

There are several options for the apple diet. So, with the first option, it is permissible to eat only apples and drink plenty of water during the day. In other cases, you can combine apples with some other light product, for example, you can arrange an apple-kefir diet.

It is known that such fasting days are useful for people suffering from hypertension, as well as for those who have just quit smoking.

Eating a large amount of apples is also a good prevention of atherosclerosis. But long-term consumption of apples alone can negatively affect the functioning of the body due to nutritional imbalance. In addition, this nutritional method is not suitable for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

  1. Remember that not only rapid but also healthy weight loss is important; during a diet, the body should not experience stress due to a lack of nutrients. You shouldn’t risk your health to get immediate results; it’s better to use a long-term method that only improves the situation.
  2. Consider your health status. Before starting any diet, be sure to ask your doctor if you can follow a certain diet.
  3. Many diets are based on the principle of daily calorie counting, the number of which should not exceed established limits.
  4. If it’s hard for you to follow a mono-diet, you shouldn’t force yourself and your body. Find the most suitable weight loss method for you and a gentle diet for maximum effect. The best diet for weight loss is the one that suits you.
  5. Remember that during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in adolescence and old age, you should not resort to diets.

I won’t say that it happens too often, but it happens to us women. Swirling in the whirlwind of earthly problems and worries, we suddenly remember that some important event is approaching and there is only nothing left before it - 2 weeks. What to do? I have a dress in mind, but with the current dimensions there is no way to fit into it. Well, you need a diet. Losing 12 kg in 2 weeks is not an easy task, but if necessary, we women can do anything. And they didn’t reach such peaks! ›

Have you noticed that lately we are always in a hurry to get somewhere? Apparently, the rhythms of modern life do not allow us to stand still. Events come one after another, and we strive to keep up with everything. In other words, “we are in a hurry to live and we are in a hurry to feel.” We want everything here and now. We even want to lose weight as quickly as possible in an incredibly short time. We begin to look for ways and methods and, of course, we come across endless debates about whether rapid weight loss is harmful or not. There are an incredible variety of versions and arguments on this matter. ›

Sitting in a cozy chair with a cup of coffee and a box of chocolates, while dreaming about how to lose 10 kg - you must agree, the situation is similar to a scene from the theater of the absurd. First of all, you need to get up from your favorite chair, remember all your snacks on the run, daily tea parties with “snacks” with work colleagues... ›

Extra centimeters in the abdominal area cause a lot of problems for our women, who dream of getting rid of excess fat around the waist at all costs. A diet for losing belly fat is a combination of proper nutrition and moderate physical activity designed to increase the overall tone of the body and strengthen the abdominal muscles. ›

Every time, starting the next round of the fight against excess weight, we arm ourselves with a certain minimum of theoretical knowledge that gives us the freedom to act exclusively for the benefit of our beauty and health. One of such knowledge and skills is calculating the calorie content of our diet. But, as in any matter, in an effort to reduce the number of calories consumed, there is no need to reach the point of fanaticism. ›

Everyone chooses a diet, guided not only by the set of products, but also by its duration. For those who want to lose weight without extra costs, quickly and especially without straining, there are diets for the lazy. How to lose weight in a week without putting in any effort? ›

The soup diet is considered one of the most gentle and perhaps the simplest for a slimming person. What could be easier than cooking yourself a new delicious soup for weight loss every day and at the same time, quietly and without harm to the body, part with extra pounds? ›

For many, the struggle with weight loss turns into a constant race for newfangled diets that do not bring the desired results, provoke breakdowns and, as a result, a bad mood and weight gain again. The path to a slim figure is very difficult, there is still no magic remedy thanks to which we could eat whatever we want and not gain weight, but there are foods that burn fat. ›

How we all sometimes want a miracle! Without making any effort at all, you can magically turn into a slender beauty. Ah, dreams, dreams... You look enviously at your friend who has lost weight and think: “I wonder how she managed to lose weight so quickly?” “Diet for a week,” my friend answers with a mysterious smile. ›

A slender body, lightness, grace, beauty, excellent health - isn’t this what each of us dreams of? It is difficult to achieve everything at once, but certain success can be achieved with the help of dietary dishes that form the basis of dietary nutrition. ›

The Dukan diet or princess diet is one of the few modern weight loss systems developed by an experienced nutritionist and gives good stable results in most cases. The Dukan diet has many followers among Hollywood celebrities. ›

The buckwheat diet is one of the strictest but most popular modern mono-diets. Controversies around it do not subside not only in RuNet, but also on English-language sites. Of course, women all over the world want to lose 5-10 kg of excess weight, and for this they are ready to clutch at straws and endure all sorts of hardships, for example, eating only buckwheat for two weeks. ›