How Kuprin solves the eternal problem of unrequited love. Life and art

Questions for the lesson

“Love in A. Kuprin’s story “Garnet Bracelet”

1. Why their only date is V.N.’s farewell. with the ashes of a young man - can be considered a turning point in her internal state?

(She realized that the love that every woman dreams of had passed her by. She realized how different he was from the empty, insensitive and indifferent acquaintances of hers - on his face she saw "that very peaceful expression" which I saw “on the masks of the great sufferers - Pushkin and Napoleon”.)

2. So how does Kuprin solve the “eternal” problem - unrequited, passionate, but true love? Was she unhappy, this unrequited love of Zheltkov? Led to suffering? Or did the author want to say something else?

(Zheltkov’s lofty and unrequited love became "tremendous happiness" for him. It is with his love that he rises above other heroes, and it is with his love that he destroys the royal calm of Vera Nikolaevna. It is his love that makes Vera Nikolaevna cry, pain, and repent. "comprehend life" which “humbly and joyfully doomed herself to torment and death.”)

3. Why V.N. immediately, even before marriage, did you somehow take the unknown admirer lightly?

(Theme of inequality. The characters have different social backgrounds.)

4. Imagine if this passionate admirer were a rich, powerful person. How would society regard his behavior? Would you allow yourself to interfere in this story?

(No. Everywhere and everywhere there was flirting, love affairs - the rich can do anything. But the little official... How could he dare?!)

5. Does nature change with the death of Zheltkov?

(“the autumn sunset was burning out”. (true, passionate love, which women wait for and dream about, has also died. Unfortunately, both in nature and in life, we often do not notice beauty!) “A light wind came and, as if sympathizing with her, rustled the leaves...” Nature is capable of sympathy and empathy.

(Name Georgiy means " victorious" . Yolks from the victorious. Kuprin drew in his work "small but great man.")

16. What, in your opinion, is the power of love?

(Love elevates a person, transforms his soul. Love gives the lover enormous happiness. Sincere, pure love elevates a person. The image of Zheltkov is one of Kuprin’s best achievements. This young man is the only bearer of a bright, selfless feeling in the base world of wealth, selfishness, hypocrisy. And therefore this story sounds like a call from the writer to value and protect love as a high value of human existence.

17 What are the main themes raised by Kuprin in the story?

In the story "Garnet bracelet" Kuprin reveals “eternal” themes: high and unrequited love, the theme of inequality.

18.Explain the wording of the theme “The talent of love in the story “Garnet Bracelet”

It’s not for nothing that A.I. Kuprin’s story “” is a great work about a feeling that can neither be bought nor sold. This feeling is called love. Anyone can experience the feeling of love, regardless of their position in society, rank or wealth. In love there are only two concepts: “I love” and “I don’t love.”

Unfortunately, in our time it is increasingly rare to meet a person who is obsessed with the feeling of love. Money rules the world, pushing tender feelings into the background. More and more young people are thinking about a career first, and only then about starting a family. Many people marry for convenience. This is done only to ensure a comfortable existence.

In his work, Kuprin, through the mouth of General Anosov, laid down his attitude towards love. The general compared love with a great mystery and tragedy. He said that no other feelings or needs should be mixed with the feeling of love.

Ultimately, “not love” became a tragedy for the main character of the story, Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. According to her, there have been no warm loving feelings between her and her husband for a long time. Their relationship resembled a strong, faithful friendship. And this suited the spouses. They didn’t want to change anything, because it was convenient to live this way.

Love is a wonderful, but at the same time dangerous feeling. A man in love loses his mind. He begins to live for the sake of his lover or beloved. A person in love sometimes commits inexplicable actions that can have tragic results. A loving person becomes defenseless and vulnerable from external threats. Unfortunately, love cannot protect us from external problems; it does not solve them. Love brings happiness to a person only when it is mutual. Otherwise, love becomes a tragedy.

Zheltkov’s feelings for Vera Nikolaevna became the biggest tragedy in his life. Unrequited love ruined him. He put his beloved above everything in his life, but, not seeing reciprocity, he committed suicide.

Millions of works have been written about love. This multifaceted feeling has been sung by poets and writers, artists and performers in all centuries. But this feeling can hardly be understood by reading stories, listening to music, or looking at paintings. Love can only be fully felt when you are loved and love yourself.

The theme of love in A. I. Kuprin’s story “The Garnet Bracelet”

(“The disease of love is incurable...”)

Love... is stronger than death and the fear of death. Only by her, only by love does life hold and move.

I.S. Turgenev.

Love... A word denoting the most reverent, tender, romantic and inspired feeling inherent in a person. However, people often confuse love with being in love. A real feeling takes possession of a person’s entire being, sets all his forces in motion, inspires the most incredible actions, evokes the best motives, and excites the creative imagination. But love is not always joy, mutual feeling, happiness given to two. It is also disappointment from unrequited love. A person cannot stop loving at will.

Every great artist devoted many pages to this “eternal” topic. A.I. Kuprin did not ignore it either. Throughout his career, the writer showed great interest in everything beautiful, strong, sincere and natural. He considered love to be one of the great joys of life. His stories and stories “Olesya”, “Shulamith”, “Pomegranate Bracelet” tell about ideal love, pure, boundless, beautiful and powerful.

In Russian literature, perhaps, there is no work that has a stronger emotional impact on the reader than “The Garnet Bracelet.” Kuprin touches on the theme of love chastely, reverently and at the same time nervously. Otherwise, you can’t touch her.

Sometimes it seems that everything has been said about love in world literature. Is it possible to talk about love after “Tristan and Isolde”, after the sonnets of Petrarch and “Romeo and Juliet” by Shakespeare, after Pushkin’s poem “For the Shores of the Distant Fatherland”, Lermontov’s “Don’t Laugh at My Prophetic Melancholy”, after Tolstoy’s “Anna Karenina” and Chekhov's "Lady with a Dog"? But love has thousands of aspects, and each of them has its own light, its own joy, its own happiness, its own sadness and pain, and its own fragrance.

The story “The Garnet Bracelet” is one of the saddest works about love. Kuprin admitted that he cried over the manuscript. And if a work makes the author and reader cry, then this speaks of the deep vitality of what the writer created and his great talent. Kuprin has many works about love, about the expectation of love, about its touching outcomes, about its poetry, longing and eternal youth. He always and everywhere blessed love. The theme of the story “The Garnet Bracelet” is love to the point of self-abasement, to the point of self-denial. But the interesting thing is that love strikes the most ordinary person - the office official Zheltkov. Such love, it seems to me, was given to him from above as a reward for a joyless existence. The hero of the story is no longer young, and his love for Princess Vera Sheina gave meaning to his life, filled it with inspiration and joy. This love was meaning and happiness only for Zheltkov. Princess Vera considered him crazy. She did not know his last name and had never seen this man. He only sent her greeting cards and wrote letters signed G.S.Zh.

But one day, on the princess’s name day, Zheltkov decided to be bold: he sent her an antique bracelet with beautiful garnets as a gift. Fearing that her name may be compromised, Vera's brother insists on returning the bracelet to its owner, and her husband and Vera agree.

In a fit of nervous excitement, Zheltkov confesses to Prince Shein his love for his wife. This confession touches to the depths of the soul: “I know that I can never stop loving her. What would you do to end this feeling? Send me to another city? All the same, I will love Vera Nikolaevna there just as much as I do here. Put me in jail? But even there I will find a way to let her know about my existence. There is only one thing left - death...” Over the years, love has become a disease, an incurable disease. She absorbed his entire essence without a trace. Zheltkov lived only by this love. Even if Princess Vera didn’t know him, even if he couldn’t reveal his feelings to her, couldn’t possess her... That’s not the main thing. The main thing is that he loved her with a sublime, platonic, pure love. It was enough for him to just see her sometimes and know that she was doing well.

Zheltkov wrote his last words of love for the one who had been the meaning of his life for many years in his suicide letter. It is impossible to read this letter without heavy emotional excitement, in which the refrain sounds hysterically and amazingly: “Hallowed be thy name!” What gives the story special power is that love appears in it as an unexpected gift of fate, poeticized and illuminating life. Lyubov Zheltkova is like a ray of light among everyday life, among sober reality and established life. There is no cure for such love, it is incurable. Only death can serve as deliverance. This love is confined to one person and carries destructive power. “It so happened that I am not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concerns about the future happiness of people,” Zheltkov writes in a letter, “for me, all life lies in you.” This feeling crowds out all other thoughts from the hero’s consciousness.

The autumn landscape, the silent sea, empty dachas, and the grassy smell of the last flowers add special strength and bitterness to the story.

Love, according to Kuprin, is passion, it is a strong and real feeling that elevates a person, awakening the best qualities of his soul; it is truthfulness and honesty in relationships. The writer put his thoughts about love into the mouth of General Anosov: “Love should be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world. No life conveniences, calculations or compromises should concern her.”

It seems to me that today it is almost impossible to find such love. Lyubov Zheltkova - romantic worship of a woman, knightly service to her. Princess Vera realized that true love, which is given to a person only once in a lifetime and which every woman dreams of, passed her by.

Krivonos Elena Ivanovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature Kuznetsovo - Mikhailovsky secondary school І – ІІІ steps, p. Kuznetsovo - Mikhailovka, Telmanovsky district, Donetsk region.

“The theme of love in A. Kuprin’s story “Garnet Bracelet”

(Extended summary of a literature lesson in 11th grade)

2016 academic year

The lesson is built using interactive teaching methods.

Lesson type: repeated - a general lesson.

Lesson format: lesson - conversation (analytical and research work on the text)

Lesson objectives:

Show Kuprin's skill in depicting the world of human feelings;

Identify the role of detail in the story;

Develop skills in analytical and research work on text, a culture of coherent oral speech; expressive reading skills; thinking;

To awaken students’ desire to philosophize on the topic of love, learn to defend their opinions, citing arguments from text and life.

Methodical techniques: working with text, analytical conversation, blitz survey, “Six Hats” technique.

Problematic question – understand how Kuprin resolves the eternal problem of unrequited love.

Equipment: portrait of A.I. Kuprina; audio recording of the Second Sonata by L.V. Beethoven.

Epigraphs "Hallowed be thy name..."

“It is not in strength, not in dexterity, not in intelligence, not in talent... individuality is not expressed in creativity. But in love"

A.I. Kuprin. Letter to F.D. Batyushkov (1906)

“Don’t strive for the happiness of being loved; learn to love when you are unloved.”

E. Yevtushenko

Reading and discussion of the epigraph.

Where did the lines for the first epigraph come from?

How did you understand the second epigraph?

Which of the heroes is more suitable for the third epigraph?

1.Teacher: Today we will talk about love, because we are going to discuss Alexander Kuprin’s story “The Garnet Bracelet,” and it is also about love. ANDBefore directly moving on to discussing Kuprin’s work, to revealing its main themes, to discussing the characters’ characters, we will conduct a blitz survey that will help you remember the content and some details of the work.

- What time of year does the story take place? (Autumn, September.)

- Where do the events of the work take place? (Black Sea resort.)

- What is the name of the main character? (Princess Vera Sheina.)

- Princess Sheina’s surname before marriage? (Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovskaya.)

- Who was Vera Sheina’s ancestor? (Tamerlane.)

- What is the name of Vera Sheina’s sister? (Anna Friesse.)

- What is the name of Princess Vera’s husband? (Prince Vasily Lvovich.)

- His position? (Leader of the nobility.)

- What date was the name day of Princess Vera Sheina? ? (September 17, old style, September 30, new style.)

- What did her husband give her? (Pear-shaped pearl earrings.)

- What did your sister give Vera? (Notebook"in an amazing binding." )

- What was the name of the famous pianist, Vera’s friend? (Zhenya Reuter.)

- Who gave the bracelet with grenades? (Zheltkov.)

- What does Vera compare deep red garnets to? (“Like blood.”)

- Who is Zheltkov? (Telegraph operator in love with Vera.)

- What does his owner call Zheltkov? (Mr. Ezhiy)

- What is Zheltkov’s real name? (George.)

- What kind of music is heard in the work? (Beethoven's Second Sonata.)

2. Discussion of the story “Garnet Bracelet” . Analytical and research work on the text.

Teacher: The story “The Garnet Bracelet” reflects the eternal theme of love.

The purpose of our lesson (problematic question) - understand how Kuprin resolves this eternal problem of unrequited love.

- Which of the heroes turned out to be capable of such sublime love? (Zheltkov)

Teacher: Why is Zheltkov’s “passionate” love still unrequited? (The heroes are at different social levels(she is from high society, and he is a minor official) and Vera is married).

Teacher: - And the hero himself perfectly understands and admits in a letter that his lot fell to “only awe, eternal admiration and slavish devotion.”

Teacher: And since the heroes are at different social levels, it means that their attitude towards love is different. What is the secular society to which Vera belongs? What do they do, how do they represent love? Kuprin does not have a complete description of all the guests, but from their stories, we can imagine their inner world and their understanding of love. They play games of chance, look at a humorous magazine, listen to singing, and tell stories.

Of all the guests, General Anosov, a friend of the late father of Vera and Anna, stands out. This is a brave servant, a simple and wise man. The heroines affectionately call him"grandfather" He knows many stories. The human attitude towards everyone is what distinguishes him. Anosov is one of the guests who understands music.)

Teacher : - Parties, playing poker; gossip, social flirting; walking is what these noble people do; someone else is listed in some charitable institutions.

- When does the story begin?

- What does the heroine expect from her name day and what happens on this day? ?

(Faith“I always expected something happy and wonderful from my name day.” She receives a gift from her husband - earrings; a gift from my sister - a notebook; and from a man with the initials G.S. J. – bracelet.)

Teacher: - Probably, really, a giftG.S. AND. looks like a tacky trinket next to expensive, elegant gifts. But its value lies in something completely different.

- What does this garnet bracelet mean for Zheltkov?

(For him, the bracelet is a family jewel.)

Teacher : - The bracelet for Zheltkov is not only a symbol of reverent love, it also has some magical power, like any family jewel. The young man writes about this in a letter to Vera Sheina:“According to an ancient legend that has been preserved in our family, it has the ability to impart the gift of foresight to women who wear it and drives away heavy thoughts from them, while it protects men from violent death...”

- Why did Zheltkov give this valuable thing and not keep it for himself?

(For the sake of the peace of mind of his beloved woman, the bracelet will help her anticipate something bad and prevent it. In addition, the bracelet is the most expensive thing for him - this is the only way he could express his love for her.)

- How did the heroine feel when she received this gift?

(She felt anxiety, a feeling that something unpleasant was approaching. She sees some kind of omen in this bracelet. It is no coincidence that she compares these red stones with blood: the bracelet lights up“living lights”, “like blood!” - she exclaims. Vera's peace was disturbed.)

- How do these noble people behave when they learn about Zheltkov’s letters, feelings and gift?

(They laugh at the letters of the young official, mock his feelings, disdain his gift. These people are ready to trample the plebeian for encroaching on what, in their opinion, is inaccessible to him, they can easily recognize a simple person as crazy. With Zheltkov’s gift, the husband and Vera's brother is insulted.) And the owner of the house himself tells a funny story of the chimney sweep's love for his wife, in which the image of Zheltkov undergoes changes: the "telegraph operator" dresses up as a "chimney sweeper", the hero dies tragically, leaves a will after death (two telegraph buttons and a bottle from perfume, filled with his tears). In a secular society, ridiculing the feelings of another is the norm. The stories of others are the same: someone was chasing someone, someone got along with someone, but General Anosov drew the conclusion:“The fault lies with men who, at twenty years old, are jaded, with chicken bodies and hare souls, incapable of strong desires, of heroic deeds, of tenderness and adoration before love...” The general concludes:“Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world..." and all he saw was“so... some kind of sourness...” )

Although after Vera’s story about G.S.Zh., the general makes an unexpected conclusion: “Madman; maybe he’s just an abnormal guy, a maniac, who knows? “Maybe your path, Verochka, has been crossed by exactly the kind of love that women dream about and that men are no longer capable of.”

- Why did Zheltkov decide to disappear? Why does he end his life? Maybe he was frightened by the visit of Vera’s husband and brother?

(Vera asked"stop this story."

- Maybe he should have left?

(You can’t hide from love anywhere.)

So how does Kuprin solve the “eternal” problem - unrequited, passionate, but true love? Was she unhappy, this unrequited love of Zheltkov? Led to suffering? Or did the author want to say something else?

(Zheltkov’s lofty and unrequited love became"tremendous happiness" "comprehend life" which )

(NameGeorgiy means "victorious" . Yolks from the victorious. Kuprin drew in his work"small but great man.")

3.Teacher: Now, let's analyze the work using the six thinking hats method.

Student1 . I put on the white hat, become a scientist and state the facts.

(The student talks about the prototype of the main character - the petty official Zholtikov and his love for a socialite, the mother of the writer Lyubimov. And about the true history of the garnet bracelet, which is kept in the collections of the Pushkin House.)

Student2 . I put on the black hat and become a critic. (The student talks about the main contradiction of the story - unequal love, that such love cannot be mutual, about the recklessness and thoughtlessness of the actions of the protagonist.)

Student3. I put on the yellow hat and look for the strengths, advantages and positive aspects of the main character. After all, it must be emphasized that the little man was able to destroy the impregnable wall of secular indifference, and even Vera’s husband, having come to Zheltkov’s house with decisive intentions, abandons them, seeing true love, the one that he, the husband, does not feel at all for his wife.

Student4 . I put on the green hat and break stereotypes. It turns out that love is a great feeling that low-class people are capable of. Compared to socialites from high society, a simple telegraph operator stands much higher, as he is capable of more.

Student5 . I put on the red hat and talk about my feelings. Zheltkov’s lofty and unrequited love became"tremendous happiness" for him. It is with his love that he rises above other heroes, and it is with his love that he destroys the royal calm of Vera Nikolaevna. It is his love that makes Vera Nikolaevna cry, pain, and repent."comprehend life" which“humbly and joyfully doomed herself to torment and death.” I really liked the work; the image of Zheltkov is one of Kuprin’s best achievements. This young man is the only bearer of a bright, selfless feeling in the base world of wealth, selfishness, and hypocrisy. And therefore this story sounds like the writer’s call to value and protect love as a high value of humanity.

Student6. I put on my blue hat and sum it up with a poemNicholas Lenau, Austrian poet of the first half of the 19th century:"Be silent and die..."

Beethoven's sonata sounds.

To remain silent and perish... But dearer,

Than life, magical shackles!

Your best dream is in her eyes

Search without saying a word! -

Like the light of a shy lamp

Trembling in the face of the Madonna

And, dying, he catches the eye,

Her heavenly gaze is bottomless!

“Be silent and perish” - this is the spiritual vow of a telegraph operator in love. But still he violates it, reminding himself of his only and inaccessible Madonna. This supports hope in his soul and gives him strength to endure the suffering of love. Passionate, sizzling love, which he is ready to take with him to the other world. Death does not frighten the hero. Love is stronger than death.He is grateful to the one who aroused this wonderful feeling in his heart, which elevated him, a little man, above the huge, vain world, the world of injustice and malice. That is why, when leaving this life, he blesses his beloved: “Hallowed be thy name.”

4. Lesson summary. Ratings. Reflection.

How Kuprin resolves this eternal problem of unrequited love.

How will you now answer the question: what is love?

Is such love possible now? Does it exist at all?

5. Homework.

Prepare for a test on the works of I. Bunin and A. Kuprin.

Write an essay “Love and happiness of the characters in A. Kuprin’s work “Garnet Bracelet”