Maslyakov Alexander senior year of birth. Alexander Maslyakov - biography, illness, family, children, information, personal life

TASS DOSSIER. On December 1, 2017, the press service of the International KVN Union reported that Alexander Maslyakov resigned from the position of director of the State Unitary Enterprise "MMC "Planet KVN" for at will. He held it from December 4, 2013 to July 21, 2017. According to the press service, “the dismissal procedure was initiated by Maslyakov at the beginning of 2017 due to the need to bring him labor activity in accordance with the requirements of federal legislation."

Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov was born on November 24, 1941 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). His father Vasily Vasilyevich (1904-1996) was a military pilot, participant in the Great Patriotic War, mother Zinaida Alekseevna (1911-1999) - a housewife.

In 1966 he graduated from the energy department of the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (now - Russian University transport, MIIT), in 1968 - Higher courses for television workers.

He spent his early childhood with his mother in evacuation in Chelyabinsk. After the father returned from the war, the family lived in Baku (Azerbaijan SSR, now Azerbaijan), Kutaisi (Georgian SSR, now Georgia) and Moscow.

He studied at Moscow school No. 643, and was involved in an amateur art group.

IN student years completed an internship at the Lublin Foundry and Mechanical Plant, and participated in university amateur performances. After graduating from the institute, he worked for a year as an engineer at the Giprosakhar design institute, and at the same time studied at courses for television workers.

In 1964, while a student, together with Svetlana Zhiltsova, he began working on television as a co-host of the humorous game show “The Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful” (KVN; aired since 1961). In 1971, the KVN television program was closed by the leadership of the USSR State Television and Radio. Maslyakov continued to work on television, was the host of the programs “Hello, we are looking for talents!”, “Addresses of the Young”, “Come on, guys!”, “Come on, girls!”, “Jolly guys”, “Try yourself", television festival "Song of the Year", international youth festival of political song "Red Carnation" (Sochi, Krasnodar region). In 1976, he became the first host of the game show "What? Where? When?" (the creator of the program is Vladimir Voroshilov, aired since 1975). He worked as a reporter for the youth editorial office of Central Television at the World Festivals of Youth and Students (1973, Berlin, East Germany; 1978, Havana, Cuba; 1985, Moscow).

In 1986, on the initiative of the captain of the KVN team of the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute (MISI; now the Moscow State Civil Engineering University) of the 1960s, Andrei Menshikov and playwright Boris Salibov, the program “The Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful” was revived. From this moment until the present time, Alexander Maslyakov has been its presenter.

President of the International KVN Union.

In 2006, Alexander Maslyakov and his wife co-founded the television creative association(TTO) "AMiK" (Alexander Maslyakov and Company) - organizer and producer of the KVN television program.

In the 2000s, Alexander Maslyakov was a teacher at the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts (now the Moscow state institute culture; mountains Khimki, Moscow region).

Member of the Russian Television Academy.

In 2012, he was a member of the Moscow electoral “People's Headquarters” of the candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1994). Awarded the Orders of "For Merit to the Fatherland" II (2016), III (2011) and IV (2006) degrees, Alexander Nevsky (2015), "For Merit" III degree (2006, Ukraine), "Dostyk" II degree (2007, Kazakhstan). Has the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (1996).

Awarded the badge St. Sergius Radonezhsky (2016, Moscow region).

Winner of the Ovation (1994) and TEFI awards (1996, 2002).

Honorary Worker of Culture of the City of Moscow (2016). Honorable Sir Sochi (2016).

He took part in writing the books “We are starting KVN” (1996), “We are starting KVN. Continuation” (2004), author of the book “KVN is alive! The most complete encyclopedia" (2016).

Performed cameo roles in the films "Ar-hi-me-dy!" (1975, director Alexander Pavlovsky), “I Don’t Want to Be an Adult” (1982, Yuri Chulyukin), “Obstacle Course” (1984, Mikhail Tumanishvili), “How to Be Happy” (1985, Yuri Chulyukin), etc.

He headed the jury of the television show “Minute of Fame” (2007-2013), and was a member of the jury of the television show “Sense of Humor” (2014; both - Channel One).

Married. Wife - Svetlana Anatolyevna Maslyakova, KVN director. Son Alexander (born 1980) is a graduate of the Moscow State Institute international relations, candidate economic sciences, games presenter premier league KVN, CEO TTO "AMiK"

Documentary films “The Personal Life of Alexander Maslyakov” (2006, directed by Alexey Alenin) and “70 is not a joke, 50 is a joke” (2011, Alexander Ivanov), “Telebiography. Episodes” (2016) were shot about the TV presenter.

The main belt asteroid 5245 Maslyakov, discovered in 1976, is named in honor of Alexander Maslyakov

Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov was born on November 24, 1941 in the city of Yekaterinburg. Little Sasha could rightfully be proud of his dad. He served as a navigator and military pilot who went through the Great Patriotic War. In peacetime after the war he served in the General Staff Air Force. The boy was born on the way to evacuation.

She dearly loved her little son and devoted quite a lot of time to his upbringing. By the way, all the men of the Maslyakov family were called Vasily, only Zinaida Alekseevna decided to name her son Sashka, thereby breaking the tradition that had developed over the years.

The guy successfully graduated from school, and after that he submitted documents to the Institute of Transport Engineers in Moscow. He did not take part in KVN games, but every now and then he appeared in theatrical productions.

After graduating from the institute, Alexander Vasilievich for a long time I worked as an ordinary engineer, but the dream of working in television never left me.

The thing was that in the fourth year Sasha was invited to become one of the five leading KVN. The winning team of the previous games had to film a humorous program, and young Maslyakov, among others, hosted it. Sasha literally fell ill with television.

In 1968, Alexander graduated from the Higher Courses for Television Workers, and a little later, additional courses for television workers. The talented young man was almost immediately noticed and invited to host youth programs. Maslyakov also worked for eight years as a senior editor of youth programs. He later worked as a special correspondent and commentator. Was in demand at the Experiment studio.

Alexander hosted popular programs aimed at youth audiences. Among them I would like to highlight “Come on, girls”, “Virage”, “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Jolly guys”, “Song of the Year”. For a very long time, Alexander Vasilyevich shone as the host of world youth and music television festivals and entertainment television programs. Few people know, but he became the first dealer of the “What? Where? When?”, hosted one of the episodes of the TV show “Vzglyad”.

One of the brightest pages in Maslyakov’s life can be called the KVN game. Alexander Vasilievich already long years is in charge of this show. He also directs and hosts this humorous project. He heads the International KVN Union. Maslyakov was seen several times as a member of the jury at visiting KVN festivals. In early episodes of this program he appeared on stage together with Svetlana Zhiltsova.

Maslyakov considers the closure of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful in 1974 for a far-fetched reason to be a personal tragedy. The broadcast of the program resumed only fourteen years later. Alexander Vasilyevich returned to the post of TV presenter, but Svetlana Zhiltsova flatly refused to host KVN.

Maslyakov invented and headed the creative association “AMiK”, which still organizes KVN games throughout the country. Also, the KVN brand was registered in the name of Maslyakov, although this issue is quite controversial.

Nominee of the TEFI Award, holder of the Order of Merit. Was a member of the People's Headquarters of Vladimir Putin, who was running for president at the time Russian Federation.

Alexander Vasilyevich’s whole life was constantly connected with the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. For a long time, Svetlana Zhiltsova, who hosted KVN television programs with him, was considered his wife. However, Maslyakov openly laughed at such statements and denied a close relationship with his partner.

The personal life of Alexander Maslyakov has never been a secret for the fans, journalists and colleagues around him.

Beloved wife of Alexander Maslyakov

Maslyakov’s wife, Svetlana Smirnova, appeared in his life in 1966. This year she began working as an assistant director at Maslyakov’s favorite brainchild, KVN. Five years later, the couple started a family. They are happy together and have been married for over forty years.

Svetlana Maslyakova works as a KVN director to this day.

Alexander Maslyakov Jr. - son of Alexander Vasilyevich

In 1980, the Maslyakov couple had a son, who was named Sasha in honor of his father. The boy wanted to become either a politician or a policeman, but he resolutely rejected a career as a TV presenter.

Later, genes apparently took their toll, and Alexander Maslyakov Jr. - the son of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov - after studying at MGIMO, he nevertheless became not a diplomat, but a presenter. For a long time he has been hosting the KVN Premier League and Planet KVN.

Maslyakov’s son has a scientific degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences. He heads the AMiK company as chief director.

The cheerful and resourceful family of Alexander Maslyakov

The Maslyakov family is friendly, cheerful and resourceful. It is headed by Alexander Vasilyevich’s beloved wife, Svetlana, who not only knows how to skillfully direct the performances of KVN teams, but also creates comfort and a warm atmosphere in the house.

Alexander Maslyakov’s family expanded when his son Sasha married Angelina Nabatnikova. The girl works as the director of the KVN House. She is a talented publicist and a bright journalist.

In 2006, Alexander Vasilyevich’s most beloved granddaughter, Taisiya, was born. The girl, like her mother, does not miss a single KVN game hosted by her famous grandfather.

Why was Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov in prison?

No way. It is a fiction that Alexander Maslyakov was in prison. There was no photo of this incident anywhere. Most likely it's informational stuffing, which I make corrupt media for the benefit of any goal.

Today it is simply impossible to imagine Russian television without Alexander Maslyakov. Managers, presenters, directors, producers change, new stars shine and burn out, but Alexander Vasilyevich, with his always slightly ironic and at the same time embarrassed smile, still stands modestly in the corner, pretending that he is almost superfluous on the stage. But indeed, ordinary Moscow engineer Sasha Maslyakov could have lived his life completely differently...
If not for the Patriotic War, the son of military pilot Vasily Maslyakov and housewife Zinaida Maslyakova would have been born in Leningrad. But after the outbreak of hostilities, his mother, who was nine months pregnant, was forced to evacuate. Somewhere along the way, she gave birth to Sasha - the future TV academician and permanent leader of KVN was born on November 24, 1941.
Maslyakov spent his childhood in Sverdlovsk and partly in Chelyabinsk. After the war, his father, a military pilot, was transferred to Main Headquarters Air Force to Moscow. Maslyakov graduated from school with flying colors, so the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (MIIT) accepted him, as they say, with open arms. However, he studied well at the institute, which did not stop the artistic boy from studying in the student theater, trying out different roles.
In 1964, Maslyakov first appeared on television, although at first the television bosses did not really like the young man. “An unprepossessing boy,” one of the leaders pronounced a verdict, after which she waved her hand and said: “Although, let’s try!”
The smiling student (Maslyakov was finishing college at that time) from his first appearance on the stage showed himself to be a talented, witty, and most importantly, extremely reserved person. He came to the court - the young leader had a simple, but pleasant face, good voice and the ability to hold oneself on stage.
In those years, KVN enjoyed unprecedented popularity. Thanks to him, Maslyakov received invitations to other projects: “Come on, girls”, “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Addresses of the young”, “Virage” are also closely connected with his name. But in 1972, television and other officials, tired of fighting with the sharp-tongued Kaveen officers, closed the program. It cannot be said that this unsettled Maslyakov, but a few years later his life underwent dramatic changes.
Trouble struck in 1974 - a famous TV presenter was sentenced to prison for illegal currency transactions. In the USSR, buying foreign currency at a bank or at an exchange office, as can be done today, was prohibited. This was strictly monitored. Those who dared to break the ban were severely punished. In 1961, the authorities unambiguously stated their attitude towards such cases, introducing sanctions for “illegal currency transactions” death penalty. Over the course of several years, the number of executed Soviet citizens accused of currency speculation reached 8 thousand people. In the early 60s, a group of Moscow currency traders, led by a certain Rokotov and Faibishenko, fell under the “distribution”. The young people were “smeared with brilliant green on their foreheads”, the rest were sent to prison for many years. And yet, even such harsh measures did not stop those eager to get rich. After all, huge amounts of money were made from foreign currency - for example, when Rokotov was arrested, they found $1.5 million in his possession! And this was in the early 60s, when citizens of the USSR earned no more than 100 rubles a month.
Most often, currency was bought and sold by artists, musicians, famous people who traveled abroad for “official reasons.” They had acquaintances with sellers who often collaborated with the KGB or OBKhSS (department for combating the theft of socialist property). The security officers received information, after which they “targeted” those who broke the law. Further actions are not difficult to predict - those who were “at fault” were offered to become “informers.” Those who refused were imprisoned, the rest unanimously wrote an “opera”. It must be assumed that Maslyakov became a victim of such an operational development. Judging by further events, Alexander Vasilyevich did not make contact with law enforcement agencies. For which he got a prison term.
According to some reports, during the investigation he was in the Tula pre-trial detention center, which local historians, in the absence of other celebrities who paid attention to this institution, remember with pride. After the trial, Alexander Vasilievich was sent to IK No. 83/2 in the city of Rybinsk Yaroslavl region. Try the beauty of using other people's credit cards! according to the most low prices. Very high quality material! He sat there for only a few months, having served his term as a “man” and was released on parole. Although there are other versions on this matter. For example, the late Tver bard Mikhail Krug claimed that Maslyakov, who was imprisoned for currency fraud, was made a “cockerel” in the zone. It is known that the Circle maintained connections with criminal leaders and could know more than mere mortals. But we should not forget that among the “shadow” leaders there are also those who “for the sake of a catchphrase, will not spare their father.” So let’s leave this statement to the conscience of the bard and those who interviewed him.
It is noteworthy that the employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service remain deathly silent regarding Maslyakov’s criminal record. This is understandable - this is a long-standing matter and no one wants to waste time wagging their tongues. Alexander Vasilyevich himself swears that such a page has never happened in his life. At the same time, people of the older generation claim that immediately after the story happened, one of the central newspapers published a feuilleton dedicated to Maslyakov, with the biting title “Sasha Doesn’t Laugh Anymore.” So it’s not clear who to believe. Presumably, to Alexander Vasilyevich - firstly, because he who laughs last laughs best. Secondly, a smile is the signature brand of the famous TV presenter. And even if there was a difficult period in his life, he managed to get out of everyday troubles without losing his natural love of life.
In the mid-80s, Alexander Vasilyevich did everything to revive the rather forgotten KVN. Having overcome many obstacles, he became its permanent presenter, and after some time the president and founder of the AMiK company (Alexander Maslyakov and Company). KVN has spread all over the world, wherever there are Russians. Alexander Maslyakov managed to connect the cheerful and naive sixties with our contradictory and fast times.
Egor Schwartz

Alexander Vasilievich Maslyakov. Born on November 24, 1941 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). Soviet and Russian TV presenter, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1994), long-time presenter of KVN.

Father - Vasily Vasilyevich Maslyakov (1904-1996), originally from the Novgorod region, military pilot, navigator, participant in the Great Patriotic War, after the war he served in the General Staff of the Air Force.

Mother - Zinaida Alekseevna Maslyakova (born 1911), housewife.

Maslyakov spent his childhood in Sverdlovsk and partly in Chelyabinsk. After the war, his father, a military pilot, was transferred to the main headquarters of the Air Force in Moscow.

I was different since childhood sharp mind, graduated from school with honors.

After school, he entered the energy department of the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers. It was thanks to MIIT that Alexander Maslyakov became the host of the most enduring and popular show in the country - KVN.

First he got into student theater. Journalist, director and producer Anatoly Lysenko recalled: “Sasha and I met in 1960. By that time I had already graduated from MIIT, and we, the engineers, the kings of the institute’s amateur performances, were recruiting guys for our student theater. And suddenly a guy walked in with beautiful wavy hair. He said “hello” and smiled. And I caught myself smiling too. I looked at the others - they, like me, had dropped their masks and were smiling. This is Sanya’s fantastic gift.”

And in 1961, a new youth editorial office was formed on Soviet TV: KVN, later this abbreviation began to be deciphered as “The Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful.” Although initially KVN is the first letters of the surnames of its creators: Kenigson, Varshavsky, Nikolaevsky. Let us add that this was also the name of the most popular brand Soviet televisions (boxes with a tiny screen and lens).

The KVN game instantly became super popular. And its future presenter, Alexander Maslyakov, was then simply studying at MIIT. He was not a Kaveen performer, but participated in student productions.

The MIIT KVN team was famous by that time, and in January 1963 they won one of the TV games. After this game, the youth editors decided to new step- so that the next KVN game will be led by players from the MIIT KVN team, the winner last game. The captain of the MIIT team offered the role of presenter to Alexander Maslyakov. He agreed and after his television debut became famous throughout the USSR.

On Soviet TV, it was customary for a popular program to be hosted by two people - a man and a woman. Svetlana Zhiltsova was approved as a partner for Maslyakov - unlike him, she is a presenter with experience and accumulated fame. The couple turned out to be extremely harmonious, complementing each other. They immediately began to be associated with KVN. And a rumor spread throughout the country that Svetlana Zhiltsova and Alexander Maslyakov were not only colleagues, but also spouses.

However, in the same year, KVN was closed by the decision of the chairman of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Sergei Lapin.

“I don’t want to offend all the captains who played in the 60s, many are no longer there, their memories are bright. And I don’t want to offend Yulik Gusman. But all this is a little mythologized. Then there was only KVN, and nothing nearby! Then every breath, exhalation, Every word, even accidentally spoken, was perceived differently. They say: oh, how they joked then! Yes, they joked differently in the 60s! Both bad and good," Maslyakov recalled.

Although KVN disappeared from Soviet screens in 1971, Alexander Maslyakov remained on them. By that time, he had become a leader paired with Zhiltsova, moreover, an ideal presenter for a youth program.

Criminal record of Alexander Maslyakov

One of the secrets of Maslyakov’s biography is his prison past.

Thus, according to one source, in 1974 he was convicted of illegal currency transactions and ended up in the YN 83/2 colony in Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region. But he somehow managed to get out of prison quite quickly. It was also repeatedly mentioned in the media that during the investigation he was in the Tula pre-trial detention center. Finally, older people remember a feuilleton in one of the central Soviet newspapers dedicated to Maslyakov, which was called “Sasha Doesn’t Laugh Anymore.”

It is appropriate to recall the statements of the famous Russian singer, who repeatedly made harsh comments about Alexander Maslyakov, and also mentioned his prison past.

Alexander Vasilyevich himself invariably assures that he was not in prison...

Since the second half of the 1970s, he has appeared on television again.

Each youth program hosted by Maslyakov immediately became super popular: “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Come on, girls” and “Come on, guys”, “Addresses of the young”, “Jolly guys”.

He reported from World festivals youth and students in Sofia, Berlin, Havana, Moscow, Pyongyang.

Was a permanent presenter for several years international festivals songs in Sochi, also hosted the “Song of the Year” program (1976-1979).

Maslyakov is the first presenter of the program “What? Where? When?”: in 1976 he hosted the second release of the game (there was no presenter in the first release).

In 1986, on the initiative of Andrei Menshikov (captain of KVN MISS in the 1960s), the youth editorial staff of Ostankino decided to revive KVN. Alexander Maslyakov was invited to host - as a symbol of the continuity of KVN of the 1980s and KVN of the 1960s. Then few people thought that Alexander Maslyakov would become a symbol of KVN.

Maslyakov turned KVN into what it is now - into an industry for producing humorous broadcasts and, of course, making money. She first became the permanent presenter, director and director of the popular KVN program, then the president of the International KVN Union and the television creative association AMiK, which produces the program.

Despite the fact that in games Major League KVN Maslyakov plays the role of presenter; he was also a member of the jury twice: at the 1994 season finale and at the 1996 Summer Champions Cup - both games were held as part of KVN cruises.

Maslyakov and KVN paved the way for many current TV stars.

"There are no former Kaveen players... The guys end their Kaveen life and go to other television roles. On other channels the process is faster. There it is important that the face is illuminated and, no matter what it says, let it be. And the level of humor in some programs and the show is getting a little tired. Everything is more vulgar, they are less picky. I don’t like that. But they watch them too. The channels are happy. The audience is quite happy with this level of humor,” says Maslyakov.

Let us note that he was once the host of the “Vzglyad” program (he broadcast this program on April 1, 1988).

He is the chairman of the jury of the TV show “Minute of Fame”.

In January 2012, he became a member of the “People's Headquarters” (in Moscow) of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin.

Alexander Maslyakov is the owner of numerous titles and awards: Honored Artist of the Russian Federation; Academician of the Academy Russian television; laureate of the Ovation Prize (1994); laureate of the TEFI award (“For personal contribution to the development domestic television", 2002); Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (“For great contribution to the development of domestic television and many years creative activity", 2006); Kazakh Order “Dostyk”, II degree (2007); Ukrainian Order of Merit, III degree (2007).

In August 2016, the creative association AMiK submitted to the Federal Service for Intellectual Property of the Russian Federation to register the trademark “Alexander Maslyakov”.

Corruption scandal of Alexander Maslyakov

On December 1, 2017, it was reported that . According to the data international organization in the fight against corruption of Transparency International, which received wide publicity, a number of violations were found in the work of Alexander Maslyakov. According to Transparency employees, Maslyakov allegedly did not comply with the restrictions and prohibitions imposed by law on the heads of state unitary enterprises. In 2011, Alexander Vasilyevich, being the founder of the private creative association “AMiK”, which owns the exclusive rights to products under the KVN brand, became the head of “Planet KVN”. The building of the Havana cinema was transferred to the state enterprise. In 2015, according to the anti-corruption organization, Maslyakov became individual entrepreneur, although according to the law, the heads of state unitary enterprises do not have the right to combine work and business.

A year earlier, Planet KVN and AMiK, whose director is Alexander Maslyakov Jr., created the joint venture House of KVN.

“In this very fact there are obvious signs of a conflict of interest: Maslyakov as a leader state enterprise made a deal with private company belonging to himself and his family, experts emphasized. - Article 22 of the Law “On State and Municipal unitary enterprises» requires that such transactions be agreed upon by the owner, i.e. in this case, Moscow Property Department. In addition, the director of the State Unitary Enterprise is obliged to provide management with all information about the organizations that he and his close relatives manage or own more than 20% of.”

In the House of KVN, AMiK received a 51% share, which allows the director of the new company, Angelina Maslyakova (the wife of the son of a famous TV presenter), to manage the assets of the state unitary enterprise, including the Havana cinema. “The Maslyakovs retained trademark KVN, and took control of the real estate donated to the KVN movement. And they are actively exploiting it commercially,” experts say.

Alexander Maslyakov. Documentary

Alexander Maslyakov's height: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Alexander Maslyakov:

Married. Wife - Svetlana Smirnova. They met in 1966 thanks to KVN: Svetlana worked as an assistant director of KVN.

In 1971 they got married. Svetlana is the constant director of a popular television show.

On April 28, 1980, the couple had a son, Alexander. In 2002 he graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, in 2006 he defended his candidate's thesis in economics on the topic “Forms and methods of managing subfederal non-residential real estate” in State University management. Then I decided to continue family tradition- became the host of the programs “Planet KVN”, “Outside the Game” and “KVN Premier League”, since 2013 - general director of his father’s company “AMiK”. Alexander Alexandrovich is married, his wife’s name is Angelina (nee Nabatnikova, born 02/14/1980, journalist, publicist, director of the KVN House), in 2006 they had a daughter, Taisiya.

Alexander Vasilievich does not drink alcohol.

Filmography of Alexander Maslyakov:

1964 - Blue Light. 25 years Soviet television(film-play) - presenter
1970 - The mechanical adventures of Tarapunka and Shtepsel - KVN host
1975 - Ar-hi-me-dy! - entertainer
1982 - I don’t want to be an adult - TV presenter
1984 - Obstacle Course - correspondent
1985 - How to become happy - competition host
1986 - Love me as I love you - host of the program “Come on, girls!”
2009 - Voices of fish - Maslyakov
2010 - Leonid Yakubovich. Without a butterfly (documentary)

Maslyakov Alexander Vasilievich at one time did not leave the TV screens. If the biography of the permanent “KVNSchik” is known, then the comedian’s criminal record and the place where he was imprisoned give rise to a lot of gossip and speculation.
Let's try to establish the truth, where, for what, and why Maslyakov was imprisoned?

Biography of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov, permanent presenter of KVN

When it comes to Maslyakov, his biography usually begins from the moment he accidentally ended up in the institute theater studio, and then just as accidentally became a presenter. What happened before that? Let's go over the main moments of the showman's life.

Alexander was born in Yekaterinburg (formerly Sverdlovsk), shortly after the start of the war. This is Maslyakov’s birthplace, one might say by chance. The KVN member’s father was a military pilot, and the family lived in the garrison of the Novgorod region, but after the start of the war, the pilot’s pregnant wife was evacuated to Chelyabinsk. She did not make it to Chelyabinsk and Alexander Vasilyevich chose to be born in Sverdlovsk on November 24, 1941.

Alexander Maslyakov with his mother

After my father's war future star The variety artists were transferred to serve in Moscow, and the family settled there at the main headquarters of the Air Force. Initially young Alexander and did not think about television and entered MIIT (Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers), dreaming of becoming a railway transport engineer. But each institute at that time required participation in various studios and circles. Alexander went to theater Club, which I never regretted later.

The audience liked the smiling, merry fellow and joker, and the KVN student team in which he participated often defeated the same student teams.

In 1964, central television decided to film a youth entertainment program, and it was to be hosted by one of the members of the winning teams of the KVN student competition. The main contender for this place, MIIT team captain Pavel Kantor, unexpectedly refused to participate in the program and offered fourth-year student Sasha Maslyakov instead. Either out of surprise, or from something else, Maslyakov agreed to come on TV.

Success came to Maslyakov from the very first broadcast. Suddenly, KVN splashed far beyond the TV screens. KVN teams were organized in all schools, institutes, factories and cultural centers. The program gained popularity on a national scale, and now filming was required much more often. After all, at first KVN was broadcast live, but later, the top management began to irritate the too sharp jokes of the KVN players. It was decided to record the programs in advance, and the scripts were carefully checked and edited by the KGB.

In 1966, a young girl, Svetlana Semyonova, came to work on television as an assistant director, where she immediately became friends with the charming presenter. Five years of courtship and in 1971 Alexander Vasilyevich was finally ripe for marriage.
Unlike the famous husband, there are not many photos of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov’s wife. After all, she was behind the camera, not in front of it. Mostly these are photos from a family album.

Maslyakov's wife in her youth

Despite the fact that Maslyakov was always surrounded by young beauties, he preferred an ordinary woman, but with stunning strong character. Svetlana always supported her husband in all his endeavors, and consoled him if something didn’t work out.

In 1980, Svetlana gave birth to a son, who was named the same as his father - Alexander. Alexander Maslyakov Jr. spent his entire childhood behind the scenes of KVN, but did not want to become an artist. His dream was to become a traffic cop, but after graduating from school the guy entered MGIMO. A dissertation on the topic “Forms and methods of managing subfederal non-residential real estate” gave him a scientific degree, but apparently his father’s genes took over and gradually the leader’s son began to become a leader himself.
Maslyakov Jr. often appeared on camera on KVN programs, and many predicted him to take his father’s place. But Alexander Jr. did not replace him and at the same time created the “Planet KVN” project. This is the KVN Premier League, which promoted young squads and lit up new stars.

Alexander Maslyakov Jr. with his wife and daughter

Maslyakov Alexander Vasilyevich: criminal record, where and for what?

Alexander Maslyakov had a hand in the creation of many TV shows. At the end of the 60s there was simply a boom for cheerful and resourceful people. People bought televisions just to watch Maslyakov.

“12th Floor”, “Jolly Guys”, “Virage”, “Sprint for Everyone”, “Addresses of the Young”... all these programs were hosted by Alexander Maslyakov. And this is not counting the events at which he was a guest presenter. “Song of the Year”, beauty contests, festivals...

Alexander Vasilyevich was in great demand, and viewers were very surprised when at one point KVN was closed and Maslyakov disappeared from TV screens.

So we gradually got closer to dark spot on the biography of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov - this is his criminal record.

This muddy story, which Alexander Vasilyevich himself refuses to discuss, but obtained a certificate that he does not have, and has never had, a criminal record. Then where did the rumors about his criminal record come from?

In those years, the personal lives of stars were not discussed publicly. The newspapers wrote about five-year plans and construction projects, and when on August 22, 1972, instead of a new, long-awaited episode, viewers saw the previous program, they were a little confused. Why repeat what happened to KVN?

In those years, people could disappear for several reasons:

  • got drunk and died;
  • fled to Israel;
  • imprisoned.
Maslyakov was not a drinker and everyone knew it. Jewish roots Even the most meticulous anti-Semites could not find him, and only the last thing remained - he was imprisoned.

Of course, there were plenty of reasons for the “landing”. The program was popular, Maslyakov is a popular presenter and certainly not a poor person. Not a poor person meant “currency”, but for currency fraud they were sometimes shot. This was a “currency” article, under which they could be imprisoned for a period of 3 to 15 years, with confiscation, and only if they were lucky.

Around the same time, customs caught one of the former KVN members who was trying to emigrate to Israel and simultaneously take a kilogram abroad precious stones(well, that's what people said). As you may have guessed, the people decided that these were Maslyakov’s jewelry and that is why he was imprisoned.

According to another version, Maslyakov was imprisoned for refusing to cooperate with the KGB. After all, the authorities could not help but see the influence of KVN on the audience, and probably wanted to manipulate public opinion, using an entertainment program. But Maslyakov courageously refused, for which he went to the colony.

The people even identified the place where Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov was sitting, but this is not certain.

Rybinsk colony YN 83/2 (Yaroslavl region).
According to the second version, Maslyakov was imprisoned in Udmurtia. Karkalay.
There are also versions about Tver and Tula region. « Knowledgeable people“At the same time, Yuli Gusman was sent to a colony, along with Maslyakov. They didn’t come up with an article for Guzman, but with a name like that, there’s no need for a reason.

Suddenly, in 1975, viewers saw Alexander Maslyakov as the host of “What? Where? When?”, and this ruined the version of the prison. Why Maslyakov was not shot for currency or he did not serve the minimum 3 years, no one has ever answered. For residents of Tver, Tula, Rybinsk and Udmurtia, Alexander Maslyakov is a local attraction that they are not going to give up, and they stubbornly insist that yes, he was in prison, and they know it for sure. There were even those who personally knew those who were in the same cell with Maslyakov.

If we recall history, “inmates” were rarely released on parole and even after release, they wandered around the expanses of the Motherland for a long time without work. And they were completely barred from going to Moscow, not to mention appearing on TV again as a presenter.

Maslyakov not only appeared in Moscow, but also became the host of several shows at once: “Come on, girls”, “Come on, guys”, replacing Vladimir Voroshilov, who just went to “What? Where? When?".

Later KVN was revived, Soviet Union collapsed and it became fashionable to be a “victim of the regime.” Many actors admitted that they were imprisoned for foreign currency, but in modern times no one considers this a crime. They feel sorry for them, and they could get some bonuses from this. Why didn’t Maslyakov take advantage of this and stubbornly deny his “criminal past”? Maybe it's all just fiction?

Alexander Maslyakov with his family

Last year, Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov was involved in a corruption scandal, and this scandal is increasingly gaining momentum. It is difficult to judge how honestly the Maslyakov family conducts business, but it is difficult not to admit that it was KVN that became the launching pad for many contemporary artists. Comedy Club, Nasha Russia, the TV series Kitchen, hundreds and thousands of people from KVN became directors, screenwriters, actors and producers. Every second actor went through the “KVN factory,” which they talk about with pride. They say that Maslyakov should be recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the most talented showman, but there is no such section in the book yet, and is it really needed?