Ukrosmi exposes the fake story about Russian soldiers shooting a Chechen family. "Russian soldiers shoot a Chechen family"

UkroSMI exposes the fake story about Russian soldiers shooting a Chechen family

On April 15, 2015, a creepy video was posted on YouTube entitled:

Russian soldiers shoot a Chechen family (1999)

Under the video it says:

Russian soldiers shoot a Chechen family (1999). This video of the soldier formed the basis of the film “Search” (2014) about the genocide of the Chechen people. This is not even an anti-terrorist and punitive operation - it was genocide of the Chechen people.

April 16, very quickly, Svidomo Ukrainian blogger oleg_leusenko (Oleg Leusenko) posted This video is on my blog. This recording even made it into the top 25 popular recordings in Ukraine. There are interesting comments:

That is, “any expert will confirm the authenticity of the video,” but here is the exposure of the fake from the Ukrainian STB channel:

The participants in the scandalous video about the execution of a Chechen family have been found.
Maxim Zapesochny, who played the role of a Russian soldier, is a Ukrainian actor

The film "Search" was shot in 2014 by French director Michel Hazanavicius. The director did not bother himself much, and made a loose remake of the 1948 American film with the same name. Here's what critic Maria Kuvshinova wrote about the film:

Michel Hazanavicius, director of “The Artist,” made a film in Georgia about a boy who was lost during the second Chechen war. The film begins with a chronicle in which the Russian army kills a local family. The very first dialogue in Russian (killer soldiers among themselves) is played so poorly that there is no point in discussing further: the poster atrocities of the Russians, the suffering of civilians (there are no others here). This film is two hours of culture shock: at this omnivorous festival, where debutant director Ryan Gosling goes to a screening of the Dardennes together with debutant director Slaboshpitsky and his actress from near Gomel, you enter the Lumiere hall for a competition film and suddenly find yourself in a trench Cold War. " Why are Russians shown as such animals, why are they all bad? Everything was probably more complicated there?“, a Belgian journalist asks me.

Actually, everything is like during the Cold War: Russian soldiers are sadists, rapists and marauders, killing unarmed civilians - women and children. Russian artist Yuri Tsurilo plays a sadistic colonel, etc.

The cynicism of the situation with the video on YouTube lies in the fact that the most cruel footage was cut out of an absolutely false feature film and passed off as a documentary. The further fate of this video is as follows - after some time it will most likely be deleted, but it will appear again on YouTube several times and will appear on Ukrainian blogs and websites.
Because now hatred of Russia and Russians is valuable and well paid...

UkroSMI exposes the fake story about Russian soldiers shooting a Chechen family

On April 15, 2015, a creepy video was posted on YouTube entitled:

Russian soldiers shoot a Chechen family (1999)

Under the video it says:

Russian soldiers shoot a Chechen family (1999). This video of the soldier formed the basis of the film “Search” (2014) about the genocide of the Chechen people. This is not even an anti-terrorist and punitive operation - it was genocide of the Chechen people.

April 16, very quickly, Svidomo Ukrainian blogger oleg_leusenko (Oleg Leusenko) posted This video is on my blog. This recording even made it into the top 25 popular recordings in Ukraine. There are interesting comments:

That is, “any expert will confirm the authenticity of the video,” but here is the exposure of the fake from the Ukrainian STB channel:

The participants in the scandalous video about the execution of a Chechen family have been found.
Maxim Zapesochny, who played the role of a Russian soldier, is a Ukrainian actor

The film "Search" was shot in 2014 by French director Michel Hazanavicius. The director did not bother himself much, and made a loose remake of the 1948 American film with the same name. Here's what critic Maria Kuvshinova wrote about the film:

Michel Hazanavicius, director of “The Artist,” made a film in Georgia about a boy who was lost during the second Chechen war. The film begins with a chronicle in which the Russian army kills a local family. The very first dialogue in Russian (killer soldiers among themselves) is played so poorly that there is no point in discussing further: the poster atrocities of the Russians, the suffering of civilians (there are no others here). This film is two hours of culture shock: at this omnivorous festival, where debutant director Ryan Gosling goes to a screening of the Dardennes together with debutant director Slaboshpitsky and his actress from near Gomel, you enter the Lumiere hall for a competition film and suddenly find yourself in a trench Cold War. " Why are Russians shown as such animals, why are they all bad? Everything was probably more complicated there?“, a Belgian journalist asks me.

Actually, everything is like during the Cold War: Russian soldiers are sadists, rapists and marauders, killing unarmed civilians - women and children. Russian artist Yuri Tsurilo plays a sadistic colonel, etc.

The cynicism of the situation with the video on YouTube lies in the fact that the most cruel footage was cut out of an absolutely false feature film and passed off as a documentary. The further fate of this video is as follows - after some time it will most likely be deleted, but it will appear again on YouTube several times and will appear on Ukrainian blogs and websites.
Because now hatred of Russia and Russians is valuable and well paid...

At the moment, I found 4 videos on YouTube (on different channels) with more or less similar titles. All 4 files were posted yesterday, April 15, 2015. Here they are:

The first video with the title " 18 Russian execution of a Chechen family 1999", on the channel "logic power".

Second video with the title " Russian soldiers shoot a Chechen family (1999)", on the channel "Anna Arich."

Third video with the title "Execution of a Chechen family 1999", on the channel "Sergei Kornievsky.

And finally the fourth video"+18 Russian soldiers shoot a Chechen family", on the channel "Vlad".

Do you think it was by chance that on the same day the same footage ended up on the Internet? I don't think so! Moreover, considering that the footage staged !!!

Now let's get back to reality. The film “Search” by French director Michel Hazanavicius was shown in the main competition of the 67th Cannes Film Festival. The film tells the story of a 10-year-old Chechen boy who is looking for his sister after their parents were shot by soldiers. The video footage above is from this film. You can see for yourself:

And now another piece of news that will put all this confusion into order:

The American authorities are going to take the information war against Russia to a new level. The social networks VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Russian-language segments of Facebook and Twitter, as well as the WhatsApp messenger will help them with this. It is also planned to create separate channels on YOUTUBE.
Start with the authors of the idea ">


На данный момент я нашел в Ютуб 4 видео (на разных каналах) с более или менее схожим заголовком. Все 4 файла выложены вчера, 15 апреля 2015 года. Вот они: Первое видео с заголовком " 18 Русские расстрел чеченской семьи 1999", на канале " logic power". Второе видео с заголовком " Рус... !}
