Let Panin and the dog say watch. Panic horror: Alexey Panin is again at the center of a scandal

Crab sticks are a ready-to-eat product with a specific fishy taste and aroma. The name itself is a successful marketing ploy, because the true composition differs from what was expected. The product is made from minced fish, but many manufacturers save money by focusing on egg whites, starch and food additives. To purchase quality sticks, you should carefully study the composition on the packaging.

Composition of crab sticks

Crab meat is not used in the production of the product, as evidenced by the note on almost all packages - “imitation”. These sticks are based on surimi, minced fish made from oceanic and tropical varieties of white fish. The raw materials are thoroughly washed, squeezed, and due to the characteristics of the meat used, it has neither a pronounced aroma nor taste.

Other ingredients of the sticks and their quantity depend on the manufacturer:

  • different types of starch (a binding link for minced meat particles, thanks to which the sticks retain elasticity even after exposure to temperature);
  • water;
  • egg white;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • Flavor enhancers, sweeteners, dyes, preservatives - ingredients in this group can be harmful to humans.

In most of the products offered in this category, the mass fraction of fish (in terms of the amount of protein included in the composition) does not exceed 30-35%. There is no GOST for crab sticks, so the content of components can vary greatly among different manufacturers. There is no particular benefit from the product, since in the process of creating and processing minced fish, all valuable components disappear from it.

Which manufacturer has the best composition?

When buying crab sticks, the main difficulty is choosing a manufacturer, since visually they are no different from each other. It is important to study the composition and choose a safe product:

  1. Santa Bremor. The mass fraction of fish does not exceed 30%, and the presence of egg white in the composition indicates that the amount of fish protein is even less. The composition includes wheat, potato and modified starch, table salt, glutamic acid, phosphates. No preservatives are used in production, which makes the product safe, but of little use;
  2. Vici. Contains surimi, wheat starch, butter, egg white, sugar, table salt and food additives. There are no dangerous preservatives or monosodium glutamate enhancer among the ingredients;
  3. Meridian– sticks with a high protein content and a minimum amount of salt. A negative point is the presence of polyphosphate in the composition - a moisture-retaining component;
  4. Russian Sea. The fish share does not exceed 30%, the bulk of the sticks is water and starches (wheat, potato and corn). The composition includes vegetable oil, egg white, a large number of salts, glutamic acid;
  5. water world . The composition of these sticks contains muscle fibers of fish meat, which is a good indicator. In addition to surimim, the ingredients include water, potato starch, egg white, oil, salt, sugar, food coloring, stabilizers and natural snow crab flavor.

All popular brands produce products with a similar composition and a minimum of harmful additives. The advantage may be a higher protein content and a minimal amount of salt than the Meridian and Water World sticks can boast. In general, the bulk of the product is starch and water, which cannot cause harm, but if the package contains additives E160, E420, E450 and E171, then it is better not to purchase such a product.

When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to appearance product - the sticks should be neat, juicy and elastic. Dry, frozen goods completely lose even the small benefits that they carry, not to mention their taste.

Nutritional value of the product

Calorie content of sticks– 88 cal per 100 grams of product. The BJU ratio for the vast majority of products averages 80%, 20% and 0%.

Video: making crab sticks

The production of crab sticks is a multi-stage technological process that involves repeated processing of minced fish. How exactly the popular product is made is shown in detail in this video.

Back in the 90s of the 20th century, many of us fell in love with “crab sticks”. At that time, this product seemed exotic. In those days, many people did not try crabs, and the very name “Crab sticks” indicated a seafood delicacy. And you got the feeling that you were eating an unusual, tasty, and even healthy seafood product. But times are changing. And now in every store you can see “crab sticks”, which Russians love for their low price, ease of storage, and the speed of preparing various dishes from them (mainly salads and rolls). Now that housewives have learned to prepare a wide variety of dishes from crab sticks for every day and for festive table, and the residents of our country perceive this product as something ordinary, many of us began to have questions: What are crab sticks made of? What do they contain? Is this product harmful to our body?

Let's try to answer all these questions.

Crab sticks have a low calorie content - no more than 100 Kcal per 100 grams of product. Approximate Contents proteins - 6 grams, carbohydrates - 10 grams.

In the production of crab sticks (as well as the product called “crab meat”), paradoxically, natural crab meat is not used. They can be made from minced fish, soy protein and starch. Since you would like the product you purchase to contain natural products, carefully read the ingredients listed on the package.

The composition of crab sticks usually includes minced fish surimi, purified drinking water, starch, deodorized vegetable oil, egg white, salt, sugar, natural or identical food additives (thickeners, flavors, dyes, flavor enhancers).

Surimi is made from freshly caught ocean fish fillets. white, having low fat content and high density. Most often, cod fish (pollock, hake, blue whiting) are used to prepare surimi. When producing surimi, fish fillet does not undergo heat treatment, so some of the vitamins and microelements are retained, but mainly only protein remains.

There is an opinion that surimi is made from fish waste, but this is not true. The skin, heads, bones, and entrails are used to produce fishmeal. Only fillets are sent to the production of surimi, which are crushed and washed many times with clean cold water. After this, only insoluble proteins remain, which, in fact, are surimi itself.

The resulting product is then passed through a centrifuge to remove excess moisture. As a result, manufacturers receive a plastic white mass, colorless and odorless.

Salt, sugar, starch, egg white, vegetable oil and stabilizers are added to the resulting surimi. The crab flavor is added to minced fish using flavor enhancers and flavorings, and the color is created with carmine, paprika or other dyes. It is desirable that the flavors and dyes used in the production of crab sticks are natural.

High-quality crab sticks should be painted carefully, and only on the outside.

As a result, as a rule, 25–45% of minced fish remains in the sticks.

When choosing crab sticks, pay attention to the fact that surimi should be first in the list of ingredients. Otherwise (even if surimi is second on the list) there is minimal minced meat in the product. It is better to avoid buying crab sticks that do not contain minced fish.

Of course, the enhancers, taste stabilizers, and dyes included in this product are not very useful, but their use in small quantities will not harm our health.

High-quality crab sticks should look neat, elastic, and taste juicy.

This product must be defrosted at room temperature, otherwise the meat will lose its juiciness.

It is better to buy crab sticks in packaging, which must contain information about who, when and what they were made from, as well as information about the manufacturer, storage conditions and expiration date.

Recently, several shocking videos hit the Internet. erotic in nature with the participation of Alexey Panin. The man is raising a nine-year-old daughter, Nyusha. Her mother Yulia Yudintseva wants to protect the child and is ready to fight for the right to see her daughter. Chief Editor project “StarHit” and host of “Let Them Talk” Andrei Malakhov spent the day with the artist and his heiress.

“I want, first of all, to apologize for becoming an unwitting participant in what you and your children could see on the Internet. Of course, I didn’t have a hand in this, but since we probably won’t find the culprit, I take their sins upon myself. Therefore, I apologize for this absolutely sincerely,” said Panin, appearing in the studio.

Alexey said that he recorded these videos several years ago. The artist remembered that he was drunk and thus had fun with the girl. Panin said that he felt bad because at that time his wife left him and he stopped seeing his daughter. The man admitted that this recording was stolen, and his personal life is no one’s business.

Experts in the studio noticed that nine-year-old daughter Nyusya can see similar videos with her dad on the Internet. However, Panin believes that the child did not see this and is absolutely happy.

Psychologist Nina Tarasenko was present in the studio and talked with the girl. She shared shocking details of her conversation with Nyusha.

“Nyusya told me that at one of the parties, dad and his friend took her by the arms and legs and threw her into the river where they were naked men. Alexey also suggested that, while driving past Red Square, she should walk naked. She asked very often, which she told me, not to do what was being done next to her bedroom. These are orgies that you and your friend and another couple had,” the specialist shared.

Nyusia’s ex-wife and mother Yulia Yudintseva appeared in the studio. She admitted that last time I saw a girl on the second of May at school.

“I ask, listen, my daughter Anna is with a pervert and sociopath, he ignores social norms. I am not deprived of the rights to raise my daughter, and the fact that some court decision has entered into legal force is a lie,” said the actor’s ex-wife.

Still from the program

Andrei Malakhov suggested watching a video in which a nine-year-old girl talks about her mother.

“She left and left me at home, my grandmother, her mother, works in the Hermitage, my grandmother and I went there. And mom stayed at home, she ordered pizza, beer and watched a movie. I wasn’t very pleased with it, I poured it into the toilet, she yelled at me that I shouldn’t touch other people’s things and started asking my grandmother for 1000 rubles to order pizza and beer. I closed them, they fought in front of me. My hands were all scratched. It was something,” said the daughter of Panin and Yudintseva.

Yulia's lawyer Nazar Nazarov conducted his own investigation. He suggested that the video in which Alexey walks in women's tights was filmed quite recently. However, the actor did not respond to this assumption and said that he did not hear it because he was looking at his tablet.

Yulia’s mother Nadezhda Yudintseva appeared in the studio. She suggested that Alexey was not just a hooligan, but suffered from a mental disorder.

Panin’s friend Nikita Dzhigurda could not remain indifferent to his friend’s misfortune and came to support him at the program.

“I won’t be surprised, Nazar, that you are involved in this, in these videos, to accuse. Leshka, sobbing, said: “I don’t want to live without my daughter, I have no reason to live.” Leshka was framed,” said the showman.

Andrei Malakhov hastened to reassure Dzhigurda, since Panin and Yudintseva’s child was still present in the studio. Nyusya immediately stated that she was not going to change her decision and would stay with her father.

In one of latest issues program “Let Them Talk” discussed the scandalous situation surrounding the actor Alexei Panin and erotic videos with his participation, which were published on the Internet by unknown people. In the studio of the program there was the artist himself, his nine-year-old daughter Anya and the girl’s mother Yulia Yudintseva. The parents tried to publicly divide the child.

Andrei Malakhov,

However, the girl categorically stated that she wanted to live with her father because she loved him more than her mother. “Dad is not like a dad to me, but a friend, I can tell him everything. But some children cannot tell everything. Dad has changed completely since then; he hasn’t drunk for three years. I love dad more,” admitted Nyusya.


But the words child psychologist Nina Tarasenko, who had previously talked with the girl, differed in what Panin’s daughter told her. The woman said that the actor organized orgies in the house where the baby was. “Nusya told me that at one of the parties, dad and his friend took her by the arms and legs and threw her into the river, where there were naked men. Alexey also suggested that, while driving past Red Square, she should walk naked. She asked very often, which she told me, not to do what was being done next to her bedroom. These are orgies that you and your friend and another couple had,” the psychologist was indignant.


After everything he had heard, the host of the show, Andrei Malakhov, turned to the girl, but she replied that she would not change her decision. “Mom, I told you so many times that I want to live with dad,” the girl told Yudintseva. Afterwards she added that most of all she dreams of a calm life, and burst into tears.

Seeing his daughter’s tears, Panin and his colleague Nikita Dzhigurda, who came to the shooting to support Alexei, left the studio with the girl.

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After pornographic videos featuring Alexei Panin appeared on the Internet, the actor constantly becomes the hero of a talk show on federal TV channels. Talk show release “Let them talk” from June 14 was dedicated to Panin’s relationship with his daughter: guests of the program discussed whether the actor should be deprived of parental rights. In the hour that the episode was going on, they appeared in the studio ex-wife Panina, her mother, lawyer of Panin’s ex-wife and friend of the actor Nikita Dzhigurda.

Alexey Panin's entrance was accompanied by rare applause, despite the completely packed hall. He began his speech with an apology to the audience for the videos published in early June. In one of them, the actor walks down the street in lingerie, in the other he has sex with a guy and a girl.

First of all, I want to apologize for the fact that I became the unwitting culprit that you and your children could see this on the Internet. I didn’t do this and didn’t have a hand in it, but since we probably won’t find the culprits of this farce, I take their sins upon myself and I take responsibility for this.

— Alexey Panin.

Leading talk show Andrey Malakhov asked Panin to explain what was happening in the video. According to Panin, the video in which he walks on the street in his underwear was filmed several years ago. What happened there was not planned: “No one was going to make a challenge public opinion. An absolutely banal drunken fool,” Panin explained and emphasized that this is not an excuse. The man also explained that in ordinary life does not walk down the street in women's underwear.

It was that period of my life when my wife left me and, on top of that, my daughter was taken away from me. I wouldn't wish any person to be in the state I was in. This is a drunken joke by stoned, drunk people. It’s very disgusting for me to look at myself in this state. The stockings don't bother me, it's the state I was in that bothers me. This is an animal state

— Alexey Panin.

Talking about the second video in which Panin has sex, the actor said that millions of people around the world shoot homemade porn and that what happens in the video does not concern any of the viewers.

The studio began to discuss whether Panin should be deprived of parental rights, because now his daughter Anya lives with him. After a short discussion, the audience was shown a video with Panin’s ex-wife and the mother of his child, Yulia Yudintseva, who expressed fears that “her daughter will be used.”

I'm afraid that she will end up with these companies and be used. I'm afraid that at that age, children who end up in such hell do terrible things to themselves. And this bastard takes her to swinger beaches with nasty girls

— Yulia Yudintseva.

Later, Yudintseva herself appeared in the studio. She stated that her daughter was in the hands of a pervert and sociopath. However, then the studio played a video with Panin’s daughter and Yudintseva, in which she said that Yudintseva once drank in her presence and then got into a fight with her own mother.

Then lawyer Nazar Nazarov appeared in the studio and said that Panin had come to an end, since Nazarov was personally involved in the case. According to him, in 2009 it was decided that the child should live with his mother, and all this time Panin “criminally” did not give up his daughter. Nazarov also claims that the video of Panin walking along the street was filmed quite recently.

Yulia Yudintseva’s mother also came to the program. She said that Panin had already undressed on the street earlier. The woman also stated that the actor beat her in 2008 and 2015.

His friend Nikita Dzhigurda came to the show to defend Panin. According to him, Panin loves his daughter very much, but the actor was simply set up. “Leshka has been framed! Judge not and you will not be judged,” he said.

At the end of the episode, the actor’s daughter Anya finally appeared in the studio. She sided with her father and stated that her mother did not understand that she wanted to live with her father. The girl told what happened to her father a good relationship, she can share any experiences with him and that Panin supposedly hasn’t drunk for three years.

After an emotional scene, Panin and his daughter left the studio, and Yudintseva, through tears, asked for her daughter to be returned to her.

After the broadcast Panin posted a few photos with my daughter. One of them shows a screenshot of a post by the wife of actor Vladimir Etushi, Elena Etushi. In it, she talked about her experience of communicating with Panin and how he communicated with his daughter. In response, Panin thanked the woman.

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