Description of love scenes in literature. Describing a bed scene - a fanfic for the fandom "Fikbook and everything connected with it"

The guy looked away from the sweet and long-awaited kiss. Taking the keys out of his hands, he brought one of them to keyhole, but the door did not open. - Damn!

Mi Suri grinned lightly, noticing how the poor teacher's hands were shaking. His desire and irresistibility in time were visible. - Wait. I can't do that. Let's leave everything for later. Please understand me. You can’t. We cannot develop our already fragile relations so quickly. Ki Hong, just understand and don’t interfere.” The girl sadly lowered her gaze and closed her honey eyes. (Well, those are the lenses) She didn’t want to be alone and leave the guy alone, but there was no other way. “Maybe it’s worth staying? Or...” Mi took the psychologist’s hand in hers and brought it to her lips, lightly touching the guy’s gentle fingers. “I love. Only you. But why can’t I tell you this? Such simple words are so difficult to pronounce. I hope... you understand this from without explanation.” Eli, grinning noticeably, she moved a little closer to young man, but immediately pulled away. "Stop. Stop me. Ki Hong, please stop." Mi continued to repeat the same phrase to herself, without having an explanation even for herself. Without showing your feelings and without meeting your gaze with the eyes of your loved one. “Heart. How stupid you are now and can’t make a decision.”

And suddenly he realized that he could lose his happiness if he did anything wrong. One had only to look into her eyes - and everything became clear... No, this time he will strangle his crazy emotions, put his pride on his throat - just not to lose his Mi Suri. That is why he unquestioningly fulfilled all her requests. Gratefully squeezing her fragile fingers, he put the keys in the pocket, having already opened the door, he took a step back. “No, I have to. I have to for her sake... Forget about yourself!”
“Of course, Mi, you can do whatever you want,” he sadly lowered his eyes, “But know that I always think about you and worry.” Always. - Leaning slightly, Lee weightlessly kissed the girl on the top of her head, enthusiastically inhaling the aroma of her hair and perfume.

Thank you. It is very important for me to know that you are nearby.... - “You still don’t understand anything.” The girl grinned lightly. “Ki Hong...kiss me,” she shyly looked away and then continued, “...if-, it’s not difficult for you.” Mi ate noticeably glanced at the guy from under her bangs. She stepped back and leaned her elbows on the wall. "You're not going to refuse my request, are you?" The girl reached out her hand and took the guy by the jacket, gradually pulling him towards her. “No. I know that Ki will not harm me and will never dare to touch me if I don’t want it. But then why am I so afraid to feel him in me again? Yes and I don’t really want to stay at home. I just want to cuddle up to you, just talk, stay up all night, and then meet a new day together....damn....somehow I’ve become completely sentimental.But I can’t now I don't want to leave him and I don't want to be alone."

Frankly speaking, the best bed scenes have been written, and perhaps will be written, exclusively by representatives of the fairer sex. Who, if not sensual natures, can subtly notice all the facets of the experiences of the main characters? Who can squeeze out the seemingly simple words what makes you burst into tears or squeeze out an amazed smile? Exciting, or disgusting to grimace. Well, of course, girls, only you, and no one else. That's probably all I wanted to say...

Kidding. Didn't say everything... If we're talking about about a single sex scene, in most cases, with a little practice, there cannot be any clues. Each author individually visualizes his picture, and then either finds his reader or not. But what if you are not writing small erotic sketches? This is where everything is much more interesting and complicated...

Men see images and fantasies schematically, sometimes visually, in pictures, imagining different scenes of future creation. It’s like watching a silent movie with subtitles, something like: Ja-ja... Das ist fantastisch. We are driven by the desire to express our imagination more vividly, but quickly getting down to business, we fade away just as quickly, often unable to fully express our writing potential. Girls are much more diligent than us in terms of expressing their erotic thoughts. We should also not forget that creative process It's not a matter of minutes. Of course, more often than not, an original thought or a separate moment comes first, which then becomes storyline. But the vision of the picture itself is female-male, radically different. You, like us, also initially see an individual person, or a certain situation that you want to express in words, and then develop your plot, trying to imagine what was written in its entirety, or at least its ending, with dialogues, perhaps even with voice acting. But your eyes are different, and your picture is also not the same as ours. Women see in images, and the most important thing in them is their internal sensations. What was the weather like? What dress or costume are the characters wearing? How strong is the tan, what color are the eyes, how thick is the stubble??? And not only are they important small parts, and also the tone of the story. Dear young ladies adore undertones and shades, endearing or diminutive adverbs, as opposed to the more stingy but practical description by us men. All these are not strong, or weak sides our distinct worldviews, but only undeniable differences. We see the world differently, which means we describe it the same way...

Now my advice regarding ideal sex scenes through the eyes of a man. Yes, we are pigs. Ruthless, brutal males who adore themselves and sex. And most often, sex comes first. We love harems, where we are the center of the female universe, although we can also dream of that one and incomparable one. We like to take girls by force, breaking your modesty, forcing you to reveal your true nature sex slave, or at least an ordinary wet pervert. So that at the end of the scene, you yourself beg to be thoroughly fried. Although sometimes we fall for hard-to-get people, whom we are ready to conquer with our perseverance and imagination, in the desire to achieve your favor. We are different, and we love to read different things. But most importantly, we can be turned on not by the sexual act itself. Here, as you understand, all the words were invented a long time ago and written down, up and down. Men can, and even need to be turned on with a syllable. Most often, simple hints, reflections of the characters and the plot, are either exciting or not. That's why best advice, which you can hear, to achieve even greater heights in the description of erotica, be yourself. They are frank to the last drop, improving their style every time. Experiment, and more often surrender to the power of your own fantasies, listening to your second self. Write for the most important critic of your life, for yourself, not forgetting to get high from the process itself...

Now she won't be his anymore best friend. He will be Lisa's husband.

You must be tired from the road, Travis. Why don't you take a walk?

The twins, returning from school, actually took over Amy. They dragged her to swim in the pool, where Amy amazed everyone: it turned out that the girl swims like a fish. Eighteen months of living in the desert had obviously taught her some survival skills.

Ben wanted her. By all means known to him. And they will come up with a few more ways themselves.

Amy could have sworn that he could see through the thin fabric of her swimsuit the hardening tips of her breasts and, Furthermore, felt the spasms deep inside her, in hot and dark places that she herself barely knew existed.

Bringing her head to his chest, Cole hugged her. He smelled like a man. He began to kiss her. And there was a lot of kissing - all over her!

There was no hesitation in his kisses. He knew exactly how to find her lips.

Only a fool could believe that he kissed her thanks to her lips!

The man's fingers stroked her bare skin. Amy grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand away.

“There would be no greater pleasure for me than to be the first in you,” he whispered in her ear, and goosebumps danced all over Amy’s body.

She cried out softly as their bodies came close enough to touch.

Cole stretched out his entire body on top of her, covering her completely and even more.

He squeezed her breast with his palm - he experienced the highest male pleasure.

He placed his hand on her stomach, feeling the shocks and ripples.

Her flesh disappeared into his body. He stubbornly slid his tongue over her lips, repeating their shape.

Amy moved on to examine the pulsating bundle of muscle between his legs.

The smile on her lips grew wider with every second of orgasm approaching.

“I’m not a fool anymore, I’m learning quickly...” she said, taking a sitting position.

And her smile showed that she had left this world and gone to heaven with happiness.

His tongue, rushing into her mouth, frantically did what the other part of his body was striving for.

Nervous shivers crawled up my spine. She turned into one huge goosebump and said, “Yes!”

Selina moaned, no longer straining her brain.

She wanted to die, but instead she fell asleep.

Grace felt her nipples become erect. It was new step in their relationship.

Something was always boiling in his brilliant brain.

“What does she want? Just sex, or something deeper?

Without turning around, he looked back.

Desire shook him to his very heels.

Chase grabbed her hand. Something warm flowed between them.

Inside her, the previously sleeping woman woke up and opened her eyes.

“And that tanned skin of his! And this body is in smooth layersnahbiceps, triceps and other male muscles!

A sexy smile pulled his cheeks towards his ears.

He took her face in his hands and, kissing her, lowered her onto the carpet in front of the fireplace.

Tears streamed down her cheeks, and her eyes burned with anger. Laura resolutely shook them off her face.

Jake knelt down, pulling her jeans off and giving her a view of the bay.

He began to climb the stairs, pressing his lips to her.