Selection tips for beginners. Which guitar is better? Selection Tips for Beginners What You Need to Know When Buying an Acoustic Guitar

The guitar is a popular musical instrument. Anyone can master the basic three chords on it. Once you master the game, you will be the center of attention in any company

But the guitar is not as simple as it seems. As your skills develop, you will see what enormous potential lies in such a seemingly simple “yard” tool. But in order to become a pro, you should take the choice of guitar seriously. So which guitar is better?

In this article we will talk about how to choose a guitar for a beginning guitarist. After reading, you will understand what criteria to use to choose a tool.

In the slang of professional guitarists there is the word “beaver”. They call it a very poor quality instrument. Previously, in the city of Bobrov there was a furniture factory, which, oddly enough, also made stringed musical instruments. All products that came out of the enterprise were of very low quality. This is how instruments from the city of Bobrov became a household name.

Tips for those who are about to buy their first guitar:

  1. Be sure to take a friend with you to the store who has been playing the instrument for a long time. An experienced musician was once a beginner himself and knows perfectly well all your aspirations. Perhaps he will tell you, based on his own experience, which guitar brand is better.
  2. Budget is an individual matter. But you shouldn’t choose the cheapest or most expensive guitar. Naturally, you think that you are purchasing an instrument to try your hand at playing. But the fact is that a guitar that costs less than 2,000 rubles can even be difficult to tune. How are you going to learn to play it? Let’s say you have a fairly impressive amount of money and decide to give yourself an expensive instrument. You shouldn't do this. Beginners do not feel the difference between a tool for 5,000 or 50,000 rubles. Opt for something in between.
  3. What is the best guitar? The one you like in appearance! This may not be very professional advice, but you cannot play an instrument that does not provide aesthetic pleasure!
  4. Choose the right size. There are different guitars: 4/4, 4/3, 2/4, 1/4. As a rule, 4/4 is suitable for an adult. Teens and petite girls choose 4/3. For children there are sizes from 2/4 and 1/4. The latter is for very little ones; such options are rarely on sale. To figure out what size instrument you need, simply hold it in your hands as if you were already playing it.
  5. Beginners use nylon strings. Pros - metal ones. It happens that beginning guitarists immediately learn to play metal ones and do not lose anything. Please note that this does not apply to a classical guitar. They are for acoustics.
  6. Did you like any tool in the store? Ask your sales assistant to set it up and play something. Keep the sound clean. There should be no rattling. Nothing should irritate your ears.
  7. Don't settle for the first option you like. In any case, arrange auditions for 3-5 applicants. This is the only way you will understand which guitar is better to play.
  8. If you dream of playing an electric guitar, then buy it right away. You shouldn’t torture yourself with a classical instrument whose sound doesn’t bring you pleasure.

Which guitar is better to learn to play: acoustic or classical?

Before talking about manufacturers, you need to decide on the design types of tools.

Classic is immortal

Music school students, with no options, start with the classical guitar. For beginners this is the best option. The classical instrument has a wide and thin neck, which means that untrained fingers should not move and interfere with each other. It is much easier to practice fingerings on such a guitar than on the narrow neck of an acoustic guitar. The "classics" are equipped with nylon strings. This means you will save your fingers from getting started when learning.

It will be easier for you to learn how to tune your guitar yourself, since the nylon is easy to clamp and tighten. Unfortunately, you won't be able to put metal strings on a classical guitar. It's rare that a classic model can withstand steel strings. Don't experiment; you may lose an expensive tool.

Nylon strings produce a quiet and soft sound. The musical genres played on this instrument are as follows:

  • ballads;
  • plays;
  • romances;
  • Latin American compositions;
  • Spanish compositions.

The “classic” has a much smaller body than the “acoustic”. The larger body size of an acoustic guitar produces a deeper sound. The classical guitar is three hundred years old. It appeared in the 18th century in Spain. That is why the instrument is called “Spanish flu”.

Acoustics - rich sound

This type of guitar is much younger. He is only about a hundred years old. The instrument comes from America. Here in the mid-twentieth century, jazz and folk were fashionable, which sounded very picturesque to the accompaniment of an acoustic instrument.

This type of guitar has hard springs, that is, wooden reinforcement slats, which are located under the top soundboard. An acoustic guitar is fitted with steel strings. The sounds it makes are much richer and louder.

To understand which one is acoustic or classical, you need to understand the features of both options. The “classics” were discussed above. Now it’s the turn of the “acoustics”.

The body of the acoustic guitar is quite large. This feature gives a deep sound. This tool has a metal rod in the middle of the section. It is located along the entire length of the neck and is called an anchor. It is needed to protect the plucked string instrument from damage due to the strong tension of the metal strings.

To understand which guitar is better, you should understand the types of strings that are installed on the acoustic version of the instrument. Metal strings on acoustics can have different types of braid. The sound directly depends on the metal.

Braid Types

So, which acoustic guitar is better based on the type of string wrap?

  1. Phosphorus-bronze. It appears to be an orange-bronze hue. It looks very aesthetically pleasing. The sound of such strings is velvety. The bass is thick, but the highs are less clear.
  2. Steel or nickel-steel. The professionals call them “silver” among themselves, but they know very well that there is no precious metal there. The sound that such strings produce is reminiscent of a silver ringing - bright and distinct. The color of the braid is gray-silver.
  3. Bronze plus tin. Such strings are found on models from the most famous manufacturers. The sound level of high and low frequencies of such strings is optimal.

To the accompaniment of acoustics, they perform works that relate to rock and roll, pop, and chanson. Learning to play a steel string guitar is very difficult. But if you take the risk and endure for about three weeks, your fingers will soon get used to it and you will be able to enjoy the deep sound.

Which guitar is better: acoustic or classical?

  1. Nylon classical guitar strings are much softer. "Acoustics" will provide you with calluses on your hands. Soon your fingers will become rough and you will get used to it.
  2. Steel strings often break, which is also not very pleasant. This does not happen with nylon ones.
  3. Classical music always has six strings. In “acoustics” their number varies from 4 to 12.
  4. For children, a small body of a classical guitar is preferable.
  5. A pick is often used to play an acoustic guitar. This is a special metal plate. She makes the sound louder. When playing a classical instrument, such a device is not used.

General conclusion

Having considered all the features, it is difficult to say which one. This choice is individual, and you yourself must decide which option is more convenient for you.

We raised the question of which guitar is best to learn to play, from the point of view of the physical properties of the instruments. However, they are not decisive when choosing. First of all, the future guitarist should clearly understand his musical preferences.

"Acoustics" gives:

  • loud sounds;
  • high clear tones.

What is performed on an acoustic guitar:

  • pop music;
  • rock and roll;
  • blues;
  • folk;
  • jazz.

On "classics" you will play:

  • fiery Spanish tunes;
  • plays;
  • romances.

As practice shows, musicians who truly fall in love with the sound of the guitar acquire both options.

The best brands that produce “acoustics”

To answer the question of which acoustic guitar is best for beginners, you first need to get acquainted with the brands that exist on the music market.

Here is a list of recognized champions:

  1. Yamaha. A Japanese manufacturer of musical instruments whose name is on everyone's lips. Regardless of what you choose, a professional instrument or a model for beginners, you can be sure of the sound quality. The main thing that distinguishes this manufacturer is a decent combination of price and quality.
  2. Crafter. Korean brand. Makes tools for both beginners and pros. The brand's products have a wide price range. A buyer with the most modest budget will be able to choose a decent option from a Korean company.
  3. Martinez. A Chinese manufacturer that specializes in inexpensive products. The company creates analogues of expensive acoustic models. The company makes tools for both professionals, beginners and amateurs
  4. Ibanez. And again a brand from Japan. This manufacturer has proven itself well in the production of bass guitars and electric instruments. However, the company also makes guitars. A distinctive feature of this brand is the use of mahogany and rosewood in the manufacture.
  5. Gibson. This company produces luxury instruments. It does not need advertising, since it has long gained popularity all over the world. The products of this brand are distinguished by stunningly clear sound and excellent quality materials.
  6. Fender. The manufacturer also specializes in luxury “acoustics”.

Inexpensive “acoustics” for beginners

What is the best acoustic guitar for beginners? Below is a list of good quality budget options.

  1. MARTINEZ C-95. A good tool from a well-known brand. The guitar produces fairly tolerable sounds, considering its low cost. The instrument is made of very high quality, so, most likely, your children will also be able to learn to play it. This is a great option for beginner guitarists. As soon as you understand the basics, you will want to change it to something more advanced. The instrument has a classic design: 6 strings, 19 frets. The neck of the guitar is made of rosewood, the body is made of mahogany.
  2. YAMAHA C-70. An excellent tool for relatively little money. The brand does not need advertising. Guitar with excellent sound quality.
  3. FENDER ESC80 CLASSICAL. If you still don’t know which acoustic guitar is better, then pay attention to this model. According to the pros, she has no flaws. The instrument is made of valuable wood species (spruce, nato, agathis). At the same time, the price is affordable. This model is recommended for students of music schools. Its sizes are designed for children and teenagers - ¾.

Budget “classics” for beginner guitarists

  1. CORT AC250 NAT. This guitar is made of three types of wood. The sound quality is high. Many people like its aesthetic appearance. Manufacturer: USA. Cost: 11,600 rub.
  2. FLIGHT C-250 NA. The company gained popularity in the 80s. Since that time, this guitar model has been recommended for beginners (previously it was called the Flight C-100). The only negative: if a novice guitarist does not properly care for the instrument, the glossy finish will quickly deteriorate. Manufacturer: China. Cost 9500 rub.
  3. ANTONIO SANCHEZ S-1005 CEDAR. If your budget is unlimited, then pay attention to this handmade model. This is the brainchild of the world famous Spanish brand Antonio Sanchez. The guitar, which produces a gorgeous, balanced sound, has excellent tuning. If you are still wondering which classical guitar is best for beginners, then if you have a high budget, pay attention to this model. Naturally, not everyone can afford this tool (the cost is about 37,400 rubles). And, probably, you shouldn’t buy such an expensive model for children and teenagers who have not yet decided whether they want to play. The guitar is suitable for adult students who know for sure that the instrument will not gather dust in the corner.

  1. Check the tool for external defects. The fact is that if you choose an inexpensive model, you should know that in mass production, tools are often made from wood that is not dry enough. This leads to the fact that the stands immediately begin to peel off from the deck. Check if there are any cracks on the instrument.
  2. Inspect the entire guitar for any gaps between parts.
  3. Check if the bar is straight. It should not be curved outward.
  4. Run your hand along the ends of the frets. If they cling to the palms, then in the future this will lead to microtraumas on the hands.
  5. The guitar must have the correct string height above the neck. How to measure it? There should be a 2mm margin above the sixth string. Above the first - 1.5 mm.

Even if you buy an expensive guitar, you should understand that you will most likely need the help of a professional to tune it. Later you will do it yourself. We hope that this article answered the question: “Which guitar is best for beginners?”

Before buying a guitar, you need to decide whether you want to play with metal or nylon strings. Nylon strings have a softer sound, dominated by a rich timbre, while metal strings have a harsher and ringing sound.

For those who are just about to learn to play the guitar, nylon strings are more suitable, since such strings are clamped much easier (due to weaker tension) and the adaptation of the fingertips to the strings will be painless. If you already have experience playing the guitar or are ready to endure painful sensations until your fingers get used to it, then you can choose a guitar with metal strings. After some time of regular practice, calluses will appear on your fingers, and it will not hurt to pinch the strings.

It should be noted that metal strings cannot be installed on a guitar that is designed for nylon strings, since metal strings have a stronger tension and they will simply irrevocably damage the guitar. And if you install nylon strings on a guitar that is designed for metal, then most likely they simply will not be able to “swing” the guitar. The sound will be dull and lifeless.

Under no circumstances should you succumb to the stereotype that first you need something worse. You need to learn to play on a normal guitar, and not on a “wood” guitar - it will be easier and more enjoyable, and it will turn out better.

Although the appearance of the guitar is also an important factor, you should not order a guitar from an online store. The most important thing about a guitar is its sound and how comfortable it is to play it. Be sure to visit a music store and try playing different models in the price range that suits you, and you will notice how much the sound of different instruments can differ. Don't be shy, even if you don't know how to play at all, just pluck every string on every fret. The sound should be clear, the strings should not rattle. Please note that the guitar should be comfortable for you, and you and only you should like the sound.

Choose guitars with solid tops rather than plywood tops. Such guitars are more reliable and their sound is noticeably better.

When you choose a specific model, ask the seller to give you several copies. Surely their sound will also be different from each other. Choose the most suitable one.

Carefully inspect the neck and soundboard for scratches, cracks and chips, if any are found - it is better not to buy this guitar. Pay special attention to the neck - it must be even. To check, pluck the first or sixth string at the first and twentieth frets and check the distance of that string from the frets between the frets. For a level bar, this distance will be the same. The distance between the strings and the neck with open strings should be 3-4 mm. This will ensure the strings sound clear without rattling and will make it easier to barre chords. There should be no play or cracks where the neck is attached to the deck. The neck should fit snugly and evenly to the soundboard.

Inspect all metal parts of the tool - under no circumstances should they show signs of corrosion.

If you chose a guitar with a top made of solid wood, then pay attention to how the fibers are arranged. It is better if the fibers are smooth and parallel, and the distance between them is 1-2 mm. Such a soundboard will have better resonator properties.

It’s good if you have a tuner at hand: you can check the scale (the length of the string from the top to the bottom). A string clamped at the twelfth fret should sound an octave higher than the open one. If you do not have absolute pitch, this can only be determined using a tuner. If there are significant deviations and the scale size is not adjustable, then it is better not to buy such a guitar.

All of the above are not all the factors that should be taken into account when choosing a guitar. Intuition and experience will best tell you which guitar to buy. If you do not have experience, then ask someone you know or a teacher to help you choose a guitar.

  • Roman Vitalievich (“Marusya the Rusak”): from beginner to master

Chord fingerings:

  • History of the bass guitar and low-frequency instruments in general
  • Roman Vitalievich (“Marusya the Rusak”): from beginner to master
  • Choosing metal strings for an acoustic guitar

The first serious question that novice guitarists and guitarists face when coming to a music store is: “Which guitar to choose and how do they differ?” Often this situation makes you seriously reconsider the decision to buy a guitar and spend a couple more weeks on the Internet, looking for a suitable instrument. To save your valuable time, in this article we will provide all the necessary information on how to choose a guitar for a beginner.

Types of guitars

The first thing you need to know is what types of guitars there are. Otherwise, what to choose from? J

Guitars are divided into 3 types:

  • classical;
  • acoustic (pop, western, folk, concert);
  • and electric guitar.

If the difference between electric and acoustic is immediately clear, then the question is, “what is the difference between the first two?” causes confusion among newbies. “After all, they both have 6 strings and they look the same!”

Well, they look completely different, as can be seen in the photo below. As you can see, their cases are different. The classic one is rounder and smaller in size.

In addition, the classical guitar has only nylon strings, which is convenient for beginners’ still delicate fingers, and its neck is wider and shorter than that of an acoustic guitar, which simplifies learning. By combining these factors (body size, string material), we get a completely different sound timbre and purpose of the guitar.

As you probably guessed, this is not a complete list of guitars. There are also seven, ten and twelve string guitars and even a four-string ukulele - a Hawaiian guitar with a sonorous sound. Of course, you can start learning them, but professional guitarists do not recommend J

Why do I need a tool?

So, now you have become familiar with the types of guitars, but this hardly helped you make your choice, did it? The next step on the path to purchasing your first instrument is an honest answer to the question “Why do I even need a guitar?” Why answer it? The fact is that, as noted above, all guitars sound different, and to play them, different techniques and techniques are used.

Acoustic guitar

An acoustic guitar has metal strings, which gives it a ringing, rich timbre and loud sound. If your goal is to learn how to accompany yourself to songs, then acoustics are an ideal option. The metal strings are great for picking, and the narrow neck makes playing barre chords much easier.

Of course, “strumming chords” is far from the only purpose of an acoustic guitar. Thanks to its ringing and rich sound, it is well suited for performing jazz, blues, rock, pop music, chanson, etc. In fact, the instrument is universal and you can play anything on it, with the exception of classical works and flamenco. So, if you see yourself as a performer or performer of pop genres, feel free to buy an acoustic guitar.

But keep in mind that for untrained beginners, learning the finger technique (that is, without a mediator) on acoustics is much more difficult and in some places even painful. Therefore, many professionals believe that it is correct to first master classical music and then acoustics.


Thanks to the wide neck and soft nylon strings, the classic is an ideal option for a beginner:

  • it is convenient to heal strings on it;
  • Fingers get used to nylon much easier.

What to play on the classics? Traditionally, classical music, flamenco, romances and other lyrical compositions are performed on it. But over time, everything changes and today the classics are as universal as the acoustic guitar. They play it in a rhythm, perform rock, jazz and blues. The fundamental difference is only in timbre and number of frets. The classical guitar has a soft, deep sound, for which many musicians value it. But it is inferior to the acoustic one in the number of frets (18 versus 20 or 21) and sound volume.

Electro-acoustic guitar

This is an intermediate option between acoustic and electro. Essentially, these are the same acoustics or classics with a pickup. The instrument can be connected to speakers and amplify the sound, and in some cases, change the timbre. This is a guitar to buy if you want to play loudly or perform.

Electric guitar

The instrument is designed for playing through an amplifier (without it you will practically not hear yourself). Most often, such a guitar is purchased for playing rock music, but it is also suitable for other genres. Nowadays it can be heard in folk and ethno music, pop, jazz and blues. And thanks to various special effects, you can realize almost any idea with the help of an electric guitar.

Hollow electric guitar

It is a synthesis of acoustics and electro. Outwardly, it is similar to an acoustic one, only instead of a “socket”, there are “f-holes” as resonating holes, like a violin. The body may be completely hollow or partially hollow. Due to its specific soft timbre, the instrument is used to perform jazz, blues and rock and roll music. And of course, it can be connected to an amplifier.

If the beginner is a child

If you are buying a guitar for a child, it is very important to consider his age and physical characteristics. The ideal option for a child is a classic with nylon strings; children under 12 years old are generally not recommended to play on metal strings.

It is important to choose the right instrument for the baby’s height so that it is comfortable for him to hold it. Today you can find “different-sized” tools in stores. The table below will help you navigate:

If the child is completely under 4 years old, then a ukulele or guitarlele (about the size of a ukulele but with six strings) would be a good option.

Which material should you prefer?

So, you have decided on the type of guitar and are already excitedly flying to the store in anticipation of the purchase... but what is the difference between “all these identical guitars”, which for some reason also differ in price? Let's find out below.

The main difference between instruments of the “same type” is the material from which they are made. All guitars today are made from wood, plywood or MDF. What is the difference? Firstly, when it comes to acoustic guitars, instruments made from wood are always lighter. Secondly, this is the sound quality: the more “wood” in a guitar, the better it sounds, regardless of whether it is classical or electric.

Electric guitar

Electric guitars are made from mahogany, ash, alder, maple, and linden. Mahogany gives a rich, surround sound and enhances the lower register. However, this material is only used for expensive guitars from well-known brands. Alder gives the instrument a high, ringing sound, ash also enhances the upper register, but sounds harsher. Maple and linden have a powerful and rich sound in the middle register.

Classical and acoustic

The soundboards of these guitars are made from rosewood, spruce, cedar, walnut or mahogany.

It is important to note that guitars made entirely of wood are very expensive, so for a beginner the best option is to buy a semi-wooden instrument with plywood or MDF inserts. The sound, of course, is different, but at first, this is not fundamental and not even noticeable.


Brands are a controversial issue. Some people like some manufacturers, others – it’s a matter of taste. However, there are brands with “good” and “bad” reputations.

Electric guitars

Among branded budget instruments, Fender Squier Bullet strat, Ibanez GRG150 and any “GIO” series, Epiphone LP 100, Yamaha Pacifika 112 are good for a beginner. But do not forget that an electric guitar also requires a combo, and, if desired, a belt, tuner, case and other accessories, which is also true for other types of guitars.


Traditional options for beginners with an optimal price-quality ratio are Ibanez GA3, Yamaha C40 and C70 tools. The next option in terms of sound quality is ProArt guitars. They are approximately in the same price category as the Yamaha, but have a deeper and more sonorous tone.


Some of the best inexpensive options include the Ibanez v50, Takamine Jasmine JD36-NAT, Yamaha F310, and Fender CD-60.

How not to stumble into marriage

In order not to encounter a defective instrument, you need to carefully inspect the guitar, check whether it “builds” along the frets, and make sure that there are no distortions or bends in the neck. In most cases, a beginner is unable to carry out such a check correctly. Therefore, our advice to you is to find a guitar teacher and ask him to go choose a guitar with you, so you will definitely choose a high-quality, reliable instrument.

If you come to the store alone, then carefully examine the selected tool:

  1. The guitar should not have cracks or scratches, broken or swollen varnish, or untaped joints.
  2. Check the straightness of the neck, to do this, hold the instrument like a gun and inspect the side line of the neck, it should be straight along the entire length.
  3. Inspect the strings; the outer ones should not extend beyond the plane of the neck.
  4. Twist the pegs, the smoothness and noiselessness of their operation is an indicator of quality.
  5. Listen to the sound of the strings; ideally, all strings sound for approximately the same period of time.

In the case of guitars, everything is simple: the more expensive the better! But it makes no sense to buy the most expensive instrument to begin with; you still won’t feel the difference. But you also shouldn’t save money and buy the cheapest one. If you have any questions, write in the comments, we will try to help you with your choice.

OK it's all over Now! Happy and safe shopping!

Choosing a guitar is an important undertaking for any musician. For those who are just starting to study music, this can be an extremely difficult task. Therefore, before choosing an acoustic guitar, it is worth studying the main technical characteristics of such an instrument and deciding in advance on the requirements that your purchase must meet.

Choosing an Acoustic Guitar

Those who make a purchase for the first time are often unaware of how to choose. First of all, pay attention to the material from which the tool is made. made from several types of wood - this allows you to achieve the required sound transmission. It is important that the wood is thoroughly dried, otherwise the guitar will begin to deform over time. Be sure to make sure that the body of the instrument does not have plastic parts - this will degrade the sound quality.

Pay attention to the nut, that is, a special pad through which the strings are passed. It determines the height at which the strings will sit above the fingerboard. For a beginning musician, it is better to choose the option with a low threshold: in this case, for a good sound, less pressure is required and, accordingly, less effort when playing.

Be sure to try playing the guitar before purchasing. Virtuosity of performance is not important, the main thing is to appreciate the sound. It should be rich and clean, without rattling or dissonant notes. If you hear rattling, then most likely there were violations during manufacturing. Check how the instrument sounds when played by picking, strumming, and whether the sound is good enough when using a pick or finger pads.

Make sure the guitar can handle a tuneful tone at the 9th, 11th and higher frets. Some low-quality models stop building as you get closer to the body, and you will not be able to play complex compositions on such an instrument. The last thing you should pay attention to is the appearance. Remember that a cheap model that is too impressive in appearance can only be a cover for defects.

How to choose the right electric-acoustic guitar

A peculiar subspecies of the instrument is It is distinguished primarily by its pickup - a special mechanism that transmits sound to external media. Otherwise, it must meet the requirements for fully acoustic instruments.

The highest quality and surround sound can be extracted from a guitar whose pickup is a miniature microphone. However, such tools are quite expensive. A regular one is considered much less reliable, but it is also capable of producing quite high-quality sound if installed on the guitar body. But it is better to immediately put aside models with a pickup pellet on the neck: the sound of such an instrument will be distorted and incomplete.

Before choosing an electric-acoustic guitar, you should also think about additional accessories, such as a pick, sound tuner, equalizer and tuning fork. The presence of these items is not mandatory, but makes the game process much easier.

How to choose guitar strings?

As a rule, strings are not supplied with the guitar. Therefore, the first question that arises for any musician is: “How to choose strings for an acoustic guitar?” There are currently many companies producing them; when choosing, you need to proceed more from personal preferences than from any general criteria.

All types of strings can be divided depending on the material of manufacture into nylon and metal. The first ones are installed on guitars of the so-called classical type. They have a softer and quieter sound than metal ones and are great for performing romances and instrumental etudes. At the same time, their tension force is less, therefore, classical guitars are easier to play than models with metal strings. It is important to remember that classical instruments do not have an anchor mechanism that changes the inclination of the neck, so installing metal strings on them can deform the body.

Pop guitars are considered the best instruments for performing rock, blues and bard songs. installed on them are distinguished by a powerful, rich sound. However, due to the high tension force, not everyone can play them. When choosing strings, it is necessary to take into account their diameter, on which the timbre of the sound depends: the thinner the string, the louder the sound. However, thin strings wear out much faster, as a result of which they have to be replaced more often.

Installation and tuning of strings

Proper stringing of an acoustic guitar determines how harmonious your instrument will sound. Each string must be carefully secured to the lower nut and in the hole of the corresponding peg. Only after this can you, carefully rotating the pegs clockwise, begin tuning - tensioning each string to such an extent that when touched, it produces a strictly defined sound. Achieving this without a musical background can be difficult, so before choosing an acoustic guitar, it is recommended to purchase a tuning fork.

Tuning always begins with 1 string, the sound of which should correspond to the note E. After it is tensioned with the required force, you need to pinch the 2nd string at the fifth fret and tighten the pegs until both strings begin to sound in unison. Don't try to do this quickly - a sudden increase in voltage may break the string. The rest are tensioned according to the same principle: each subsequent one, when clamped at the fifth fret, should sound the same as the free previous one. The only exception is the third string - it is tuned at the fourth fret.

How to quickly tune a guitar

Many beginning musicians are forced to loosen and tighten the strings several times, because they are unable to properly tune an acoustic guitar right away. Don't be upset about this - skill comes with experience. If you need to tune your guitar quickly and effortlessly, you can use a guitar tuner. This small device records the sound of the string and shows whether it corresponds to the specified one, as well as how much the pegs need to be turned to achieve the desired sound.

How much does a guitar cost?

The average cost of an acoustic guitar ranges from 3,000 to 15,000 rubles. Higher quality instruments produced by well-known companies can cost up to 80,000 rubles or more. The main mistake that beginners often make is buying the cheapest guitar. This is not worth doing, since models costing below 4000, as a rule, are not of good quality.

However, you shouldn’t buy one that is too expensive either - it is quite possible that in a few years you will have the desire to replace it with a more functional model. The optimal choice for those who are just starting to learn music would be an instrument in the price range from 4,000 to 7,000 rubles.

Buying a guitar is an important and exciting activity for everyone involved in music. Don’t be afraid to ask questions to sales consultants and clarify nuances that you don’t understand. If you have no idea how to choose an acoustic guitar, it is better to ask friends who already have similar experience for help.

If you're a beginner, you probably have no idea how to choose the right guitar for you, so you need to know some selection criteria. First you need to decide what type of guitar you need: ? Or maybe classic? How to choose a guitar for a beginner? It all depends on your financial capabilities and the purpose of the purchase and the purpose of its purchase. Let's look at each of them.

Classical guitar
used for classical music, flamenco and some blues compositions. This instrument is perfect for studying in a music school.

  • Soft strings that are easy to press. This will make learning easier in the initial stages, as your fingers will hurt much less.
  • Wide arrangement of strings, which will reduce the likelihood of a miss, and this very often happens at the beginning of training.
  • You can only play on nylon strings, because installing metal ones will damage the instrument.
  • Faint sound.

Acoustic guitar used for performing blues, rock, chanson, pop compositions and just yard songs. Perfect for songs around the fire and playing in a group.

  • Loud and rich sound. Due to the fact that the body of an acoustic guitar is larger and metal strings are used instead of nylon, the sound becomes deeper and louder.
  • Versatility. An acoustic guitar can be played in many genres, and the variations in models will allow you to choose the instrument that is right for you.
  • Only metal strings can be used. Nylon ones will sound too quiet due to the structure of the body.
  • The strings are harder to press than on a classical guitar, which is why your fingers will hurt more and longer at the beginning of learning.

Electric guitar used for playing styles such as jazz, blues, rock and pop. The electric guitar is mainly played in groups.

  • Possibility to customize the sound for yourself. You can adjust both the sound volume and its timbre using processors and guitar “gadgets”.
  • Easy to press the strings.
  • High price. Typically, an electric guitar costs more than an acoustic or classical one, and to play it, you at least need a combo amplifier.
  • Attachment to electricity. To play an electric guitar, you need a power source. So it is not suitable for playing outdoors. Even if you try to play it unplugged, the sound will be too weak.

Having taken into account all of the above and having chosen which guitar you want to purchase, you can safely go to the store. You should not immediately buy an expensive guitar, since very often interest in music disappears after several lessons, and the money spent cannot be returned. But you shouldn’t buy a cheap and low-quality guitar, because playing such an instrument will bring more disappointment and may discourage you, even if there was one. Therefore, you need to choose a guitar so that its price is within reason, and the quality allows you to play it without any discomfort. Here are some tips on how to choose a quality guitar:

General criteria:

  • The neck must be straight. There are several ways to check this. First, you can place the guitar's soundboard against your shoulder and look along the neck along its edge. The neck must be perfectly straight. Any irregularities or distortions indicate a defect. Secondly, you can press the string (first or sixth) at the first and sixth frets. The distance between the string and the neck in this segment must be the same, otherwise the neck is considered crooked.
  • There should be no damage to the body of the guitar.
  • Check your guitar's tuning. To do this, play the string in the open position and compare it with the sound of the string clamped at the twelfth fret. The pitch of the sound must be identical. You can also compare a harmonic on the same fret with an open string.
  • The strings should not rattle or make any extraneous sounds. Check every string at every fret.
  • Check the headstock and tuners. They must be completely intact.

Acoustic guitar and classical guitar:

  • The distance between the strings and the neck should not exceed 3-4 mm.
  • Get a wooden guitar, not a plywood one.
  • The distance between the wood fibers on the body should be 1-2 mm.

Electric guitar:

  • There should be no rust on the metal parts of the tool
  • Check the tone volume controls and pickup selector switch.
  • Check the status of the jack input. Plug in the guitar and play it, the cord should not come off.
  • Check the guitar against the background. No strangers should be present during the game

Among other things, just play it, listen to how it sounds, whether it’s comfortable for you to hold in your hands. Also, to the advice on how to choose a guitar for a beginner, you can add that before you buy the model you like, try several copies and choose the most suitable instrument. Remember that there is no better advisor in choosing a guitar than yourself.. The seller may not be entirely respectable and try to sell you a low-quality product, while your friends will choose a guitar that they like. You need to choose either yourself or with an experienced teacher who can help you choose your instrument.