Drawing a theater curtain in Photoshop. How to draw a theater with a pencil step by step

The customer's desire to visualize future composition from curtains with tulle is reflected in a preliminary sketch, drawn independently or with the help of a designer.

Types of curtain sketches

Sketches of curtains are made in two ways:

In order not to stretch out the implementation of a design idea for a long period, but to start working immediately, it is better to use a pencil sketch. A pencil drawing is a transfer of three-dimensional objects onto a plane using graphics. Graphics is translated from Latin as “I write or draw”; this is the art of drawing images using spots, dots, and strokes. Main principle drawing skills - correlating the shape of objects in volume and space.

The importance of considering proportions and sizes

During the drawing process, it is important to observe the dimensions and proportions of the window opening and curtains. You need to start by visualizing the perspective of the room. This helps to correctly evaluate the design of a textile composition, its relevance, and attractiveness.

You should draw a window with curtains in pencil in such a way that the drawing reflects not the fictitious, but the real dimensions of the room, otherwise the final result will be very different from the sketch.

Drawing a window

The following tools are prepared for work:

  1. Eraser.
  2. Soft and hard simple pencils (soft ones draw outlines, and hard ones shade).
  3. Set of colored pencils.
  4. Ruler.
  5. Special “eraser” for pencils.
  6. Drawing paper.
  7. Knife, sharpener.

First, a sketch is made taking into account the dimensions of the walls, calculating the gaps between the ceiling and floor, wall and window. All this must be done to scale. Designers say that when drawing up a sketch by hand, in order not to make mistakes in dimensions, it is better to cut out cardboard “walls” and “windows” to scale, lay it all out on a sheet of paper, and then outline it.

Large items interior, located near the window, must be displayed on paper, adhering to the selected scale (usually 1:10), that’s all. This helps to pre-evaluate the chosen decor for window decoration.

When drawing a window, not only its contours are applied to paper, but also nuances: the window, the width of the frame (sash), the window sill - this helps to build the most plausible diagram.

The strokes are applied easily, without pressure, clearly outlining only the boundaries of the window. When making sketches of curtains with lambrequins, it is important to understand that the window is just a guideline, a background picture.

No matter how hard you try, if you are not an artist from birth, it is impossible to draw an almost photographic picture, and in the case of a sketch this is not necessary. It is enough to maintain the dimensions and also take into account all dimensional objects. It is better to draw curtains with a pencil from several angles.

Sketch base

Sketches of kitchen curtains are first made with a simple pencil, then make all the necessary corrections, and only after that give the drawing natural shades.

When choosing paper for work, it is important to remember that for the color rendering of sunny rooms they choose light sheets(ideally not white, but light yellow). For darkened rooms, dark paper intended for drawing with pastels is used.

Which paper to choose:

  • offset, A4 format;

Drawing fabrics

After drawing the window outline onto the sheet, the basis of the composition is drawn: often this is tulle. It is important to convey the shape and drape of light fabric as believably as possible. In this case, translucent textiles should be slightly noticeable than the outline of the window, but with clear and smooth lines.

When drawing sketches of curtains for the bedroom, you need to carefully draw the cornice, indicating the nuances of fastening. In some cases, the sketch shows a fastening for textiles.

The main task of the designer is to include nuances in the sketches of lambrequins and curtains: from folds and cuts in the fabric, to tiebacks and bends. Curtain decors immediately catch the eye, so they are carefully highlighted using thick pencil.


Drawing the fabric pattern on the sketch is done at the customer's request, but often this is not required, because the client chooses the fabric in catalogs.

It is important to make the contours of the elements clear and not blurred, so that the customer understands where one part ends and another begins. It is easier to sketch a Roman blind than to sketch curtains for a cafe or luxury restaurant, which involve multi-tiered fabrics. However, if you want, it’s easy to learn how to sketch even complex compositions.

The theater curtain photo, which is posted on our website, is one of the elements of stage clothing. When equipping your own hall with stage clothing, you need to carefully select a supplier.
Lack of experience in this type of work does not guarantee that you will receive the expected final result. Photos of theater curtains that are presented on our website are not all the possibilities that our company has.
If you are not satisfied with the stage clothing we present, send us a photo of the theater curtain and we will provide a quote for your project.

From the history of clothing scenes - "Brecht's Curtain"
A Brecht curtain consists of two halves, usually 2.5 to 3.5 meters high, behind which the stage is visible. It got its name because it was first used in Brecht's theater. The curtain fabric usually does not have any pleating. It is suspended on two tensioned cables, which are in plain sight, right behind the proscenium. As a rule, such a curtain is opened or closed manually

Stage specifications - stage height 4.0 m, stage width 8.5 m

Stage clothing material - Blackout non-flammable (No impregnation required, a certificate is issued)

ATTENTION! The prices indicated on the website are calculated at the time the project is completed; for a correct price calculation, please contact the manager.

Scope of delivery stage clothes No. 8:

  • Harlequin - 1 piece
  • Curtain - 1 piece
  • Backstage (set of 2 pieces) - 1 piece
  • Paduga - 1 piece
  • Backdrop - 1 piece

Watch a video on the topic

Where can you order the most beautiful theater curtain?

The theater curtain is one of the most important elements theater interior. What can we say, at the mere word “theater” the imagination immediately pictures a brightly lit stage framed by a luxurious curtain. Stage decoration is the face of the stage, auditorium and the entire institution. Therefore, the question “Where can I order the most beautiful theater curtain?” always relevant among directors of theaters, cultural centers, educational institutions and organizations.

The specialists of the Avanta group of companies know firsthand how high demands are placed on stage curtains. Unlike many small companies and curtain sewing studios, we are specialized manufacturers of stage clothing, including theater curtains. The professional portfolio of Avanta Group includes cooperation with dozens of well-known cultural and educational institutions in different cities Russia.

Our catalog of theater curtains contains photos of the most popular and current models of stage clothing, which can be modified in accordance with the characteristics of the auditorium and your wishes: color and texture of the fabric, curtain sizes, use decorative elements and so on. Individual approach to the needs of each customer allows us to produce products that have become one of the leaders in this market segment.

For clients with special needs, our designers will develop exclusive stage clothing designs that will highlight your establishment and make an unforgettable impression on audiences. The unique design of the theater curtain and other elements can be made either in a strict academic style or in a more modern, avant-garde style. The choice depends on the interior of the auditorium and its purpose.

Regardless of the project you choose or an individually developed project, theater curtains from the Avanta Group of Companies are distinguished by their impeccable appearance, high quality materials used and strict compliance with fire safety standards. If you value excellent quality favorable prices directly from the manufacturer, then Avanta will not disappoint you!

Dear customer!
All prices listed on the website are indicative and depend on the material you choose and the size of your stage.
​To calculate the cost of tailoring stage clothes, the following information is required from you:

- ​Technical plan with full dimensions of your stage:

  • The plan must indicate the width, depth, height of the stage and hanging structures.
  • What type of curtain track do you have installed, single track, double track, manual, etc.
  • Full sizes stage backdrop
  • Required number of wings and pads
  • What height did the harlequin and the holly plan, if there is a need to hide the lighting equipment

- Requirements for the materials from which stage clothing will be made:

  • Intermission sliding curtain material
  • Hollow and wing material
  • Stage backdrop material
  • Harlequin material

This will be an unusual lesson, we will try to show another art using art. More precisely, we will learn how to draw a theater with a pencil step by step. And it won’t be any nonsense like the scene or the audience, but an attempt to depict the acting itself. The drawing itself is famous, I’m sure you’ve seen it more than once on the Internet: Genres theatrical arts There are many: dramatic, opera, ballet, puppet, pantomime and others. The most popular of them is drama theater, because it reflects reality, conflicts of characters, problems that are not spoken about out loud. Even if this motive has already been worn to holes, but as long as a person lives, he will exist. That's how people are made.

How to draw a theater with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's sketch a sketch of two men on paper. Pay attention to their height, as well as the placement of their hands.
Step two. Let's draw the head and torso.
Step three. Let's round the shapes, make the lines smoother and add details.
Step four. Let's add some shading to make the drawing more realistic, and you're done:
You can find many more here good scenes for drawing, for example.