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Galina Georgievna Ryabova
Should children be taught to play?


Dear parents! Today I invite you to talk about the participation of us, adults, in children's games.

They bought a toy for a ten-month-old baby and put it in the car. The child held it in his hand and then forgot about it. "I didn't like it", - parents think and buy more and more toys for the baby. However, they soon become convinced that despite the fact that there are a lot of toys, the child still for some reason does not plays with them. Why? Do conclusion: "Our child doesn't like play» , – and therefore do not try to develop play activity baby.

Other parents believe that, on the contrary, the baby necessary He spends all his time playing, and they don’t leave him for a minute.

Either mom shows how the dog runs and barks, then dad starts a game with barking, then grandma rings a rattle...

In your opinion, which parent is right? AND Should you teach your child to play??

How are you doing?

Unfortunately, neither one nor the other parents are right. Here we need gold middle: necessary so that the child is interested in the toy. And this is only possible when he knows how to deal with her play. Therefore, before giving a toy, especially a new one, necessary play with her with the child, showing him how to act with her.

Choose a time when the child is fed, calm, when the room is quiet. Name the toy, show the action with it, for example, how to put a ring on a stick. Tell: put on the ring!. Your word mobilizes the child's attention. Show 2-3 times how to do this.

The development of a child’s play is carried out when active participation an adult, so that the baby asks for a game, can spend a long time and with concentration play, his we need to teach this. That's why you can't expect a child to played even then when surrounded by many toys: he doesn't know how to use them. Playing with baby, the adult gradually guides its development, but should not occupy all the time baby: An adult’s dictation should not suppress children’s activity, otherwise the child will get used to being always occupied playing with him, and won't want to play alone.

Source: Internet

Teach children to play, and your baby will grow up

inquisitive, proactive, and most importantly, independent!

Modern parents fascinated by the idea early development, believe that children must be able to write long before they enter first grade. Of course, kids are extremely receptive and easily absorb new knowledge and skills. They can be taught singing, geometry, and foreign languages. But why? Today we will talk about whether it is necessary to teach a child to write before school.

Don't rush!

Teachers primary classes From year to year, they tell moms and dads that they don’t need to teach preschoolers to write in capital letters on their own. Why are they so categorical? Introduction to calligraphy at this age is excluded for the following reasons:

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  1. A five-year-old is not yet ripe for writing, either physically or mentally: fine motor skills the hands are not developed, the mechanisms of neuromuscular regulation and visual coordination do not work properly, the ossification of the wrists and phalanges of the fingers is not complete.
  2. Few parents have special education. After all, literally for each letter a specific algorithm for writing it has been developed, to which the teacher devotes several lessons. Most often, self-training leads to erroneous writing techniques.
  3. Children who learn to write early often have poor handwriting. To master the skill of calligraphy, you need to write letters for at least an hour a day, which, you see, is impossible in the case of preschool children. In addition, their mothers should be next to them, keeping an eye on them. accurate display one or another element, which is also difficult. As a result, left unattended, the child writes in the way that is most convenient for him. And he will not be taught at his desk, but retrained.
  4. Experts note that even in preparatory groups Kindergarten children cannot always navigate such characteristics necessary for writing as right-left, top-bottom, closer-further, etc. What can we say about younger children.

Getting ready to write

Teachers say that some first-graders face numerous difficulties when working with copybooks:

  • they do not know how to hold a pen correctly;
  • do not orient themselves on the notebook sheet;
  • periodically unfold it when shading;
  • draw very small pictures on paper.

These features indicate that adults simply did not pay enough attention to children during homework. That is, in preschool age You don’t need to teach your child to write letters beautifully, but to improve fine motor skills of his fingers, memory, thinking and speech. Preparation should also include tasks to develop hand-eye coordination. How to help preschool children?

Tasks for preparing your hand for writing

  1. It is very important to teach your child the correct seat at the table, the position of a landscape or notebook sheet, hands, and pencil. It will be much easier for a future student to fulfill the same requirements when working in copybooks.
  2. We draw images that combine the most different lines: straight, vertical, inclined, wavy. In middle groups kindergarten you can draw paths, columns and ribbons, gradually moving on to closing the lines in the form of circles (rings and balls). In older preschool age, the exercises become more complex: placing sticks, arcs, ovals and circles in cells.
  3. Who says that preschoolers don't write dictations? Graphic exercises will teach you to correctly determine the direction, write under dictation from adults, and even do a little math. For example: “One cell down, three cells to the right,” etc.
  4. Hatching will help your child develop the useful skill of uniform hand movement under visual control. Teach your child to draw horizontal, parallel and oblique lines with one movement of a pencil.
  5. Another effective method– coloring pictures in special books. This exercise improves pressure and makes finger movements coordinated (or you can download and print coloring pages on our website).
  6. Invite your little one to copy the pictures they like onto transparent paper. Give preference to patterns, because they great amount curls, knots, hooks, which are elements of capital letters.

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If you suddenly come across a child who has not yet learned the rules of behavior and behaves aggressively, help your child in this situation too. Tell him that that child has not yet learned to ask, change, play together, but he will certainly learn, and then you can play with him. Hold your baby in your arms or by the hand. Insistently, but calmly, ask the abuser's mother to return your property if it was taken. Take your child aside and engage in another game or interaction with other children. After all, in adult life So - people try to stay away from those who do not know how to behave and demonstrate aggression.

If it is your baby who strives to take away toys from other children and may hit, then try to teach him to communicate in a civilized manner whenever possible. In such cases, it is best to try to establish interaction with older children - they are not as defenseless as their peers and younger ones, and they can also help you teach your child the rules of behavior if they themselves have already learned them.

And in order to finally dot all the i’s and strengthen the child’s understanding of the framework and norms of behavior in society, it is desirable that the rule “no one hits anyone” also works in the family. That is, instead of spanking and other measures of physical influence on the child, it is better to by example teach him to express his anger by saying, “You're doing this now, and I'm very, very angry with you. I go to another room (kitchen). I'm very angry. I don’t like what you’re doing now at all.” After a while you will feel that this is enough to relieve the first wave of anger. This is an invaluable experience for your child - nothing can teach him better than your own example.