We learn to draw for children 3 years old step by step. How to teach a child to draw in different techniques? Learn to draw lines

Master class “Drawing for the little ones.”

Shatokhina Rita Vyacheslavovna, teacher of additional education at the MBU DO “House of Children's Creativity in Kalininsk, Saratov Region.”
This master class is intended for additional education teachers and preschool teachers. The master class will also be of interest to little artists aged 4 years and older and their parents.
Purpose: This master class is a short drawing course for little ones, which shows how to draw with geometric shapes.
Target: creating conditions for acquiring drawing skills.
Tasks: teach your child how to draw familiar images using geometric shapes;
instill the skills to carefully work with paints and brushes;
develop creative imagination and fine motor skills.
The kids who come to my association for classes are still very young, but they really want to draw. From experience working with children, I realized that it is easier for them to draw with geometric shapes. Children draw according to my demonstration, step by step. When starting a lesson, I never tell the children what we are going to draw today. I know from experience that they find it more interesting. In the process, they guess who they are drawing, and this brings them a lot of joy. And everyone’s drawings are different.

Master class on drawing for children “Snail”

Prepare: A4 landscape sheet, watercolor paints, brushes of different sizes, a jar for water and a napkin.

Before we start painting, I tell the children that the paints are sleeping and need to be woken up by gently stroking them with a brush. Let’s wake up the yellow paint first and start painting.
Draw a bun in the center of the sheet, gradually unwinding the brush, and then draw an arc with brown paint.

We turn the arc into a loop.

We draw the horns and paint them over.

Decorating the snail's house.

We draw the eyes and mouth of the snail. Next, the children themselves come up with and decorate the background of the picture: where is the snail?

Children's works:

Master class on drawing for children “Turtle”.

Draw a “bun” in the center of the sheet with yellow paint, and draw 4 loops with brown paint.

The fifth loop is drawn larger in size; we paint over all the loops.

We draw circle eyes, first with white paint, then with black.

Decorate the turtle shell. The child can come up with his own pattern.

Master class on drawing for children “Fish”

We draw a “bun” with yellow paint, draw arcs: top and bottom, it looks like an eye.

Draw a triangle tail for the fish. Then we decorate the fish with red paint. draw with a brush: mouth, fins.

We draw scales and decorate the tail.

We “print” with a brush: we draw pebbles and water, draw lines with green algae paint.

Draw the eye of the fish with black paint. Black paint likes to play around, so we are especially careful with it.

"Winter meadow".

Take a sheet of blue color, A4 format. We paint the koloboks with white paint. We draw lines, draw snowdrifts.

Using brown paint we paint the trunk and branches of the trees, hands, eyes, mouth and broom of the snowman.

Decorate the drawing with snowflakes. Decorate the snowman: draw a bucket on his head and a scarf. Children complete the drawing and decorate it.

Using the same principle, you can draw an autumn forest, only initially the koloboks will be yellow, orange and green, and leaf fall, we draw by applying a brush, and print. Children's work:

Master class on drawing for children “Hedgehog”.

We draw the “bun” with brown paint.

Draw a triangle nose.

Child's work.
We draw a clearing for the hedgehog, the children fantasize.

Child's work:

Master class on drawing for children “Frog”.

Take a sheet of blue color, A4 format. Draw a “bun” in the center with green paint.

We draw another “bun”, and on top there are two “bridges”.

We draw the frog's legs, draw the children's attention to the fact that the frog's legs differ in their structure, which helps the frog to jump well and stay on even the most slippery surface.

We draw the frog's mouth and eyes. We decorate the picture after talking with the children: where does the frog live?

Master class on drawing for children “Cockerel”.

We draw a large bun - the body, a smaller bun - the head. We connect them with smooth lines, we get a neck.

We draw the cockerel's legs-triangles and tail, lines-arcs.

Use red paint to paint the cockerel's comb (bridges), beak and beard, and apply a brush.

Not every mother knows how to draw beautifully, but she will still have to teach her child. In order to help your child learn this difficult task, you should pay attention to the step-by-step educational images. Some children develop talent from childhood. They can draw whenever and wherever they want. Other kids need to be nudged to help them learn something new. Before you begin the learning process, prepare all the necessary materials - pencils, eraser, paper.

We will divide the entire drawing process into several stages. First, we will learn to draw an oval, which will act as a head.

Then we draw a rectangle, which we connect to the oval. Thus, we have a body.

We begin to work on the overall picture - draw all the elements.

Now let’s “put” pants on the character.

Don't forget your ears! Add two semicircles on both sides of the head.

Now let's get to the hairstyle. You can draw ordinary hair, or you can come up with something intricate.

Let's start with the face - eyes, nose, eyebrows, lips. If you haven't worked on your neck yet, now is the time.

In addition, you can add a shirt or other clothes you like.

We work on the palm and fingers - on each one separately.

For realism, add pleats on the panties, since the knees are convex. Don't forget your shoes.

Now you can get rid of the auxiliary lines and add bright colors to the illustration.

Ready! Any kid can handle this drawing. You can complicate the task and add dynamics to the picture by depicting the hero in motion.

Along with this they search and read:

Video: Learning to draw a human face

Drawing a girl's face step by step

This lesson is intended for older children who can already boldly depict a human figure. Study several pictures to decide what style you will work in. It is best to start with cartoon characters, as it will be easy and interesting for the little one. Let your child dream - let him go beyond the usual lines and come up with something of his own.

Stage 1. Draw an oval, which we divide into two halves with a horizontal line - the upper part should be larger than the lower. Using a vertical line we divide the face into equal halves. We draw another horizontal line, as in the example. The lines represent the girl's nose, eyes and mouth. At the end we'll just erase them.

Stage 2. Now we mark the nose, mouth area, lips. Please note that the lower lip should be larger than the upper lip.

Stage 3. Mark the place for the eyes. We depict the inner part of the eye focusing on the edges of the nose - these parameters should be parallel. Pay attention to the distance between the eyes - it should not be less than the length of the eye itself. Draw neat eyebrows.

Stage 4. Working on the mouth and lips. In order to determine the length of the mouth, draw two lines down from the inner corners of the eyes.

Stage 5. Erase the auxiliary lines, you can add shadows to give the image volume.

Stage 6. Add realism - cheekbones, shadows, darken the wings of the nose and chin. Paint over the pupil of the eye and add highlights. Don't forget about eyelashes! Ready.

Such a drawing will not be difficult for schoolchildren to repeat, especially if their talent is clearly visible. Experiment with characters and drawing materials. First, study the proportions, direction of lines, shadows, and then feel free to break the rules and come up with something of your own.

I am glad to welcome you again to my blog. Why are different methods for developing creative abilities in children so popular now? What do they give and how to teach a child to draw at 3 years old? How to teach a child to draw without pushing him? Let's talk about it? Then let's go!

Until the age of 3, my little one used a brush to paint sheets of paper the way he wanted. I chose mostly dark colors. By the way, don’t be alarmed if your baby prefers dark tones. Black color is the strongest of all, so it attracts the attention of children. Finger paints are a great place to start. When purchasing, be sure to look at the ingredients, this is important. I was guided by price and composition, fortunately I was familiar with the list of natural dyes. For initial training, you can use an unnecessary piece of wallpaper or whatman paper. Don't forget to cover the floor with oilcloth if you will be painting on the floor. I pinned a piece of whatman paper to the wall, and we created in free form. The main thing is to arouse the baby’s interest. Some ideas from the Internet will help you come up with a plot for the drawing. Click on the picture for a detailed view

We draw the simplest designs with our fingers: a circle, a square, then a flower or a tree as many times as the child asks. Believe me, very little time will pass and he will repeat everything exactly after you, it will look very decent and beautiful. Moreover, drawing shapes and figures with your fingers is a kind of corrective activity; this is the best way to introduce your baby to shapes.

Let's move on

When the baby has mastered the basics with the help of paints, hand him a simple pencil with a soft lead. Your task is to teach how to hold a pencil correctly.

  • show him how to draw regular lines (long and short);
  • repeat what you have learned, try to draw simple geometric shapes together.

When my child mastered these skills on his own, we moved on to various aids, which, by the way, are very helpful to modern mothers. You can purchase ready-made magazines or find and print ready-made drawings from the Internet. My little one loved to connect straight and smooth lines with dots, and then see what happened in the end.

After a simple pencil comes the next stage - multi-colored felt-tip pens. I'll make a correction on my own behalf. Take those that are easy to wash off with water (this information is written on the packaging). Children often like to draw where they shouldn't. You can save furniture and washable wallpaper if you notice the cave art in time. In the first 15-20 minutes, it is very easy to remove and wash off the bright felt-tip pen with a regular damp cloth (from the face, by the way, too).
We really like drawing with oil pastels - it doesn’t stain your hands, it’s easy for even the smallest to draw, and the drawings are no less bright than with a felt-tip pen. But there are different types of pastels, there are hard wax crayons and it will be difficult for kids to apply effort, and there are oil pencils, they are soft and do not need to be pressed.

Complex drawings

Complex drawings: a dog, a butterfly, were quite difficult for us. My child took failures hard if something didn’t work out for him. Therefore, again, I turned to professionals for help. Ready-made notebooks, albums with blanks. I really liked the methodology of the Eureka Research Institute

A notebook-simulator in which educational drawings of animals are presented step by step, step by step. In just a couple of weeks, my little one successfully mastered complex drawings. I began to simply depict about 50 animals. Don't believe me? Try it yourself. You will definitely like it. At first we sat together over a notebook, but then the baby began to show independent interest, and I had a free minute. Notepad on ozon

You can easily teach your baby to depict:

  • Sun;
  • person;
  • transport (using geometric shapes);
  • butterfly (one oval in the center and 2 circles on each side);
  • some animals that are easy to perform.

There is nothing better than colorful gouache. Draw together, learn together with your child.

Unusual techniques and drawings

Drawing and learning numbers

While studying the issue thoroughly, I came across interesting offers on the Internet. Drawing by numbers turned out to be quite feasible for 3-year-old children. We not only mastered the basics of mathematics, got acquainted with numbers, and taught them. But they (the numbers) were amusingly overgrown with whole stories.

  • from one you can make a ship;
  • a deuce easily turns into a swan or a duck (ours turned out to be a duck);
  • 3 or 8 can be transformed into a bunny;
  • A friendly snail emerged from the 9.

Everything is limited only by your imagination. Using numbers you can draw almost all animals on Earth. But to do this, you need to think in advance what each number can turn into.

Drawing by points

The pictures are clickable, we printed them and drew them:

A simple and at the same time useful way for your child to learn how to draw. The child draws lines connecting the dots. This is how he learns to control his hand in order to draw a straight line and prepare for writing in the future. Secondly, when the child draws along the lines, he remembers how to depict objects, what details need to be drawn in order to depict the object. That is, which lines are enough to get a duck, for example.

Painting by numbers

We connect the numbers in order. You can’t do without mom’s help if the baby doesn’t yet know the numbers. But this method should not be discarded. Suddenly the child will like it, and a big bonus from such drawing is the easy learning of numbers.

What should a 3 year old child be able to draw?

You probably know that upon admission to kindergarten, children can be tested by a psychologist and/or speech therapist. A drawing test, as a rule, is always included in the general list of questions. By this age, a child should be able to draw certain figures; this is a kind of indicator of the baby’s development. What should he be able to do, and if he can’t, 6 be sure to teach:

  1. Draw round objects.
  2. Draw clear straight lines: short and long (we learned by drawing grass, rain, a long road).
  3. Cross straight lines.
  4. Draw the simplest objects (a balloon, a cloud and rain from it, grass, a flower, a diagram of a man).

I repeat once again, he doesn’t know how, he doesn’t want to - learn in the game, the main thing is not to cause negative emotions, not to force, otherwise you can discourage interest for life

Another simple option is drawing with kitchen sponges; even 2-year-old kids will like this, and the drawing can turn out very impressive.

A little about the unwilling

If your baby doesn’t want to draw, and everything is fine with his development, leave the poor child alone for a while with developmental methods and his own complexes. True, not for long, a month is enough, try to arouse the baby’s interest in the game. Well, he doesn’t want to draw, it means it’s not interesting, it’s boring. This means you need to change your approach if you dreamed of raising an artist. In any case, there should be no negativity from mom or dad in the process, otherwise the desire may disappear for life.

Drawing is one of the ways children express themselves. First, the baby draws doodles, something described in the rhyme “stick, stick, cucumber, it turned out to be a little man,” then his talent grows, and the baby can sometimes produce real masterpieces. But what to do if your child can’t draw the way he wants? Because of this, the child becomes upset and depressed.

Or another example: a child draws wonderfully with ecstasy, but how can this talent be made truly professional? How to push a child onto the “path of an artist”? In other words, how to teach a child to draw? This will be discussed further.

When should you teach your child to draw?

All children have a penchant for creativity, and it is difficult to find a child who does not like to draw.

Babies begin to become interested in the world of paints and pencils at 7-8 months. During this period, a developmental leap occurs, children find more and more new and interesting things around them.

At this time, you can show them simple drawings, and also explain step by step (1-2 stages) how to draw them. Let the mother use a pencil on paper herself, and the baby watches these manipulations. Most likely, he himself will reach for the pencil. There is no need to interfere with this. Give your child complete creative freedom.

But, of course, there is no talk of any professional drawing at 8-12 months. You can teach your child to create at a higher level later. At 2 years old, the child is already able to hold a brush and pencil correctly, that is, in a fist, and with three fingers. During this period, you can begin to gradually introduce your child to art. In the early stages, you can get by with home schooling (this will be discussed below), but if you seriously decide to raise a second Vasnetsov or Aivazovsky, it is better to send your child to a special art school.

Preparatory stage

Introducing a child to creativity is an extremely exciting process, but also quite expensive. Until you decide what your child likes more - paints or pencils - you will have to buy both.

To get started, purchase:

  • sheets of paper (this is better than an album);
  • watercolor paints;
  • gouache;
  • colored pencils and markers;
  • simple pencils;
  • crayons or pastels;
  • brushes – better squirrel, kolinsky;
  • later you can buy acrylic and oil paints.

The drawings on glass look very interesting. They are made with special stained glass paints, which can be purchased at art stores.

Gradually offer your baby one or another drawing tool.

Before starting the creative process, put on your child old clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. Prepare a field for activity: you can even sit on the floor! Create an atmosphere: turn on music, open the curtains to make the room brighter.

Now start creating!

Learning to draw with a pencil

Before you teach your child to draw with a pencil, you need to introduce him to basic geometric shapes. These are what the drawing will consist of at first.

The next stage is coloring. Start with large coloring pages. Let the child learn how to use pencils and carefully paint over the details of the drawing.

  1. Find a simple lesson on the Internet that shows you step by step how to draw any object. Together with your child, choose what you will draw.
  2. Take one sheet for yourself, give the other to your child. Draw a picture step by step, making sure your child repeats after you.
  3. At first, the baby’s picture will be somewhat clumsy, devoid of smooth lines and curves, but over time he will learn to draw more accurately and beautifully.
  4. Later (at the age of 6-7 years), the child can be introduced to such concepts as highlight, shadow, reflex. To do this, it is better to send your child to a special club where professional artists work.

How to teach your child to paint with watercolors?

Watercolor is one of the best paints for teaching a child over 5 years old how to draw.

To begin with, it is better to choose ordinary honey watercolor - 12 or 18 colors. The paper is ordinary Whatman paper.


  1. Lightly wet the paper and attach it to the board or tablet with buttons.
  2. Dilute watercolor paints on a special palette.
  3. Prepare brushes (squirrel or kolinsky) and a glass of water.


  1. To begin, explain to your child that there are only three basic colors (red, blue, yellow), and also show how you can get new colors by mixing them together.
  2. Let your child try mixing the colors on a separate sheet.
  3. Explain to your child that painting with watercolors requires speed. A picture painted with this water-based paint is difficult to correct, especially when it dries.
  4. Start drawing. Step by step, show your child how to draw the sky, trees, and houses. Remember that you need to start drawing from the background, gradually adding new layers.

Several interesting techniques

How to teach a child to draw with a pencil or watercolor? The answer is simple: you need to let your child work in different techniques. Gouache, colored pencils, pastels - all this seems familiar and even banal, but the creative process does not tolerate routine. You can create paintings in absolutely amazing ways. Several such techniques are presented below.

Draw with your palm

Your child (this method can be offered even to children 2-3 years old) will be delighted with such drawing, because deep down, every little one wants to, without restraining himself, get everything dirty with paint.

  1. Cover the floor with newspapers or a large oilcloth, place a sheet of Whatman paper on it, pour multi-colored paints into saucers, prepare a roll of paper towels and a deep bowl of water.
  2. Let the baby “dip” his palms into the paint and, leaving prints on the paper, create his own picture.
  3. The child's hands should be washed from time to time to prevent the painting from becoming dirty.

For this technique, choose only safe natural paints.

Sponge painting

Pictures drawn with a sponge look very unusual and beautiful.

  1. Prepare saucers with paint, a bowl of water and a few pieces of regular sponges for cleaning the house.
  2. It is better if the sponge has a clear shape, for example a circle or rectangle.
  3. A picture drawn with a sponge can be completed with felt-tip pens or a brush.

It is better to take several sponges to make the drawing more interesting and the drawing process entertaining.

Wax drawings

To draw, take a regular paraffin or wax candle. Draw patterns or write words on a piece of paper with your child. At first, everything drawn will be invisible to the eye, but reassure your baby: miracles will begin when the colors come into play!

Carefully paint over the leaf with watercolors. The paint will roll off the waxed parts of the sheet and form a beautiful unusual picture.

Drawing circle: pros and cons

A great way to both teach your child to draw and develop his communication skills is to send him to special classes. Like all clubs, such classes have their pros and cons:


  • classes are taught by an experienced artist;
  • the child communicates with children of his own age, there is a spirit of competition in the group, which means there is motivation not to be lazy;
  • motivation is periodic exhibitions and competitions;
  • training takes place according to a special program.


  • classes take place in a group, and the teacher does not always have time to approach your child;
  • classes are paid (often quite expensive);
  • It’s better not to miss lessons so as not to fall behind the group.

You can also send your child to individual drawing lessons. But remember that the cost of such classes is several times higher than classes in a group. Also, there is no competitive spirit in individual lessons.

Another way to teach your child painting is through video lessons. You can download them on the Internet or buy a ready-made program in specialized stores.

At what age should a child start to study painting professionally, each parent decides for himself.


No matter how old your child is, it’s never too late to teach him how to draw. Whether you do this at home or send your child to special lessons, it is important to do everything step by step so as not to discourage your child from wanting to create.

People gifted with talent can paint beautiful pictures, but even small children can learn to draw. How to facilitate the acquisition of such skills in young children, and what should parents of children pay attention to during the educational process? Children aged 3-6 years simply love to draw, but the result obtained is not always clear. At what age can you start learning, what materials are needed for this, and what are the benefits for a child’s development from this type of creativity? We will answer all these questions in the review.

About the benefits of drawing for children 2-7 years old

The state of the emotional background, feelings in society and the inner world can be judged by children's drawings. Child psychologists, analyzing a child’s “masterpieces,” can create a picture of his spiritual, emotional and mental state.

A reflection of the influence of the surrounding world on the child as a whole can appear in a child’s drawing. In addition, the development of the cerebral hemispheres, small hand motor skills in parallel with the improvement of speech, memory, intelligence, discipline and perseverance.

Each child begins to join this activity at a different time. Some children first began to paint with finger paints at the age of 2, others with colored chalk on the asphalt from the age of 3, and still others even with their mother’s lipstick at 12 months. But no matter what the first experience of drawing is associated with, we can say with confidence that this will be a favorite pastime for a long period of childhood.

Teaching children to draw

Parents are required to take care of purchasing the necessary materials for creativity (paints, colored pencils, albums, felt-tip pens, easels, etc.). Of course, you can enroll your children in an art school or drawing courses, but this review will talk about what overwhelming help parents themselves can provide.

First drawing lesson

You can start teaching your child to draw with a picture of a flower. First, draw an oval, and inside it is a second oval, which will serve as the core. To make the petals beautiful and correctly shaped, it is recommended to use a ruler. The planes of the oval are divided by two perpendicular lines, and then several vectors are drawn that equally separate the right angles. Next, you should show your child how to connect two adjacent lines in a semicircle, thereby creating a petal.

It’s time to introduce the heir to the grater and remove unnecessary lines. In conclusion, flower to be painted colored pencils or paints.

On the basis of an oval, you can similarly teach your child to draw a tulip, bell or daisy. The main thing is to remember the shape of the geometric figure and the sequence of its improvement.

You can teach boys to draw cars after familiarizing them with geometric shapes: rectangles and circles.

You can start depicting a truck using three parts:

  • wheels;
  • body;
  • cabins

A rectangle will do for the cabin, two circles will be needed for the wheels, and a larger rectangle will be needed for the body.

After receiving the schematic drawing, we begin to depict the details. During the drawing process, it is necessary to communicate with the child and draw his attention to various nuances. For example, a driver sits in the cab and controls the truck using a steering wheel and pedals. But the gas, clutch and brake pedals are not visible. To travel at night, you need headlights, which are best painted yellow or orange. It is also worth paying attention little artist on the size of the body in which various objects and building materials can be transported.

It is not necessary to talk about all the details, otherwise the process will turn from an exciting one into a tedious lecture and will lose all the charm of creativity. Using the same principle, it is recommended to draw a passenger car, where a smaller one stands on a larger rectangle, and the role of the wheels is played by 4 circles, two of which will be incompletely visible. It is enough to bevel the corners on the upper rectangle to get the silhouette of a car. Here we can add that almost every country produces passenger cars, among which the fastest are sports cars. And in this spirit, you can significantly enrich your child’s knowledge about cars.

It is not difficult to teach little girls and boys to draw a house. This will require introducing them to three figures from the world of geometry: square, rectangle and triangle. Having drawn a square, they “build” the walls of the future house. Then using a triangle on the house the roof appears. The role of the window and door will be performed by rectangles. Next, all that remains is to decorate the house, add curtains to the windows, a handle to the door, a threshold and a doorbell.

This kind of homeschooling for young children can be an excellent basis for a more in-depth study of drawing. In the creative process, parents will be able to judge their child’s abilities and development. You shouldn’t give up coloring books that have been popular at all times. With their help, the child will learn to respect the boundaries of the drawing, not to go beyond the contours and see the entire drawing as a whole, coloring it step by step. A wide variety of such coloring pages can be found on the Internet for different ages. You can show an example and download the image you like for the parent and child, so that everyone is busy with their own drawing.

How to teach a child to draw? This question arises among parents when their children unsuccessfully try to portray something and become very upset because of failures. Children have the right to count on parental help; a loving father and mother can teach basic knowledge. It won't be easy at first. The baby will be embarrassed hold a pencil, its lines, devoid of smoothness and clarity, will hardly depict objects. But with each lesson the drawings will improve.

We teach children to paint with watercolors

Children simply love to paint. To begin with, it is recommended to paint with watercolors. An ordinary honey watercolor consisting of 12 colors will do. A landscape sheet or whatman paper is suitable as a basis for drawing. It is recommended to fix the paper on the board with pins and dilute three basic colors. Having armed your child with a brush, you need to show how to dip it in paint and apply a stroke to the paper. Place a glass of water nearby to wash off the paint from the brush. Explain to your child that even if the drawing doesn’t work out right away, it can be corrected when the paint on the paper dries. Reveal to your child the secret of mixing basic colors to create new ones.

How to teach a 4 year old child to draw? By my own example. Start drawing the clouds and the sun, and then you can move on to more difficult subjects. For very young children, the finger drawing technique is suitable. To do this, you will need to prepare the place by carefully covering the table with oilcloth or newspapers so that the heir does not stain everything around. Next, apply paint to the baby’s fingers or palms and offer to make prints on a blank piece of whatman paper. Keep a bowl of water and paper towels on hand to clean your baby's hands in time for color changes.

To introduce children to paints, the method of painting with a sponge is suitable. This method can be mastered by a 3-year-old child. To do this, you will need to prepare paper, several fragments of a foam sponge, saucers for paint, gouache, a basin of warm water and paper towels.

This technique is also suitable for younger children.

The creative process looks like this:

  • prepare the desired colors of paint on a palette or saucer;
  • attach the paper to an easel or fix it on a table;
  • cut the dishwashing sponge into three parts;
  • moisten the paper with clean water;
  • Dip the sponge into the desired color of paint on the palette and apply the design onto the paper with jerky movements.

For kids it is worth choosing simple drawings, for example, depicting a rainbow. The main thing is that the parents are nearby and suggest the sequence of actions during the fascinating process.

It is no less fun to paint pictures using wax. To do this, you will need the same items as for painting with a sponge, only you should additionally take a wax candle and a brush.

Wax from a lit candle is dripped onto a dry sheet of paper. At this stage, the presence of parents is mandatory so that the child not injured from fire. It is recommended to form wax stains not randomly, but by weaving them into a pattern or words. After the wax has hardened, paint is applied to the paper using a brush. From the surface where wax is present, the paint will begin to roll off. You will really like the resulting drawing because of its originality, and you will want to repeat the creative process itself in the near future.

As you can see from the review, you can introduce your favorite child to drawing using various objects and methods. The main thing is that the child enjoys the time spent with parents or loved ones, and he acquires not only a general understanding of this exciting process, but was also pleased with the result.

How to teach a child to draw? To begin with, the parent himself needs to master or become familiar with a certain technique that will gradually allow him to achieve desired result. And there are many drawing techniques. We recommend trying each of them and determining which one suits your child best. And in the process of creative experiments, children and their parents will definitely not be bored.