Who died in the battle of psychics. Relatives of the participants in the “Battle of Psychics” told the truth about her tragic death

On the evening of June 13, terrible news came: the 30-year-old star of the “Battle of Psychics” fell to her death from the sixth floor window of her rented apartment in Moscow.

Ilona Novoselova was remembered by the public for her psychic abilities, which she announced in the sixth and then seventh seasons of the popular mystical show “Battle of Psychics.” The 21-year-old girl took second place, losing the victory to magician Alexei Pokhabov. After the project, she became incredibly popular - people lined up for consultations with Ilona. Woman’s Day remembered the most discussed and incredible facts from the life of a deceased clairvoyant.

Tried to commit suicide

Ilona Novoselova, who died under still unclear circumstances, once tried to take her own life. Former member“Battle of Psychics” said that, as a teenager, she suffered from unrequited love. The feeling was so strong that the girl almost committed suicide. Fortunately, her attempt was unsuccessful at that time. According to Ilona, ​​the spirits dissuaded her from taking a tragic step, and they also told her about the gift of clairvoyance.

Never parted with the magic wand

Black hair, dark clothes, a insightful look... This is how fans of the “Battle of Psychics” remember Ilona Novoselova. Classic look modern witch complemented by an extravagant accessory - a roe deer's paw. The clairvoyant explained that this is her magic rod, with the help of which she communicates with spirits. He also helped her foresee the future.

Possessed the gift of foresight since childhood

Ilona Novoselova spoke more than once about what she began to see and hear still dead at 10. One day a girl saw a ghost in the mirror deceased grandmother and started communicating with her. True, then these unique abilities did not bring anything good to Ilona. At school, during lessons, she heard the voices of spirits, she could not answer, so she came home in tears. Her peers laughed at her, her neighbors preferred to avoid her and even called her a witch to her face. Due to constant conflicts with classmates and teachers, Ilona was transferred to home schooling.

Believed in reincarnation

The psychic believed that human death actually does not exist. Ilona believed that after biological death a person’s soul takes on another body. This is how reincarnation happens. Novoselova even talked about her own reincarnation. According to her, her previous life took place in the body of a German girl.

“I lived in Germany in the 1800s. My name was Eleanor. For some reason I didn't have parents, so I was adopted by one family. Even then I was drawn to everything mysterious and mystical,” said Ilona.

Became a victim of kidnapping

The name of Ilona Novoselova has already appeared in crime news reports. In 2013, a girl and her young man kidnapped. The bandits demanded a ransom of seven million rubles for the hostages. After the entire amount was received, the hostages were released. “It’s impossible to describe how scary it still is, I can’t go out alone,” Ilona admitted to reporters four years ago.

However, the witch never received any sympathy. She was accused that the kidnapping was staged for the sake of PR in the press. Like, they started to forget the witch. And in this way she tried to ensure an influx of new clients.

She was credited with an affair with Alexander Sheps

Fans of the “Battle of Psychics” once heatedly discussed Ilona Novoselova’s romance with the winner of the 14th season, Alexander Sheps. The magician posted pictures with Ilona on his VKontakte page, in which they were captured hugging each other.

Later, Sheps explained that he was connected with this girl only by friendship and work. This was also confirmed by Novoselova, and later by close friends of the deceased.

Knew the date of my death

"Battle of Psychics" is one of the most popular programs on domestic television. “White” and “black” magicians of all stripes have been talking with the dead, looking for the missing, learning about the past and future for several seasons now.


Thanks to the project, many seers gained such fame that those who wanted to come to them to remove damage or generational curse no lights out. But there were also many who paid with their lives for communication with otherworldly forces. Their deaths are full of secrets and mysticism. Terrible deaths. It’s as if some kind of curse hangs over those who have unique abilities. It’s as if they are being haunted by an evil fate.

Here's an example: season 3 finalist Alexei Fad died of a heart attack on his fiftieth birthday. The tragedy happened at a Turkish resort, where the whole family of the Zaporozhye sorcerer was vacationing. Doctors fought for his life for a long time, but could not save him.

Many viewers saw some ominous sign in the death of Alexei Fada - he left this world on his fifth anniversary. Perhaps he became a victim of other sorcerers, to whom he was a significant competitor. His son Roman Fad (he also took part in the project) said that when he flew away on vacation, it was as if his father was saying goodbye. However, the magician apparently could not change his fate.

Alexander (Albert) Agapit from Chuvashia, who shone in the 4th season, tragically died in a car accident. His car went off the side of the road and crashed into a pole. Most likely the psychic simply fell asleep at the wheel - everything happened late at night. At one time, he predicted the death of Boris Nemtsov, but he failed to foresee his own death. “One day it will seem to you that I have left, but it will only seem to you,” Agapit, who was called the “king of psychics,” once said.

A tenth-generation clairvoyant and hereditary sorcerer Yuri Isparyants, a participant in the 9th season, was distinguished huge growth and good health. But he died suddenly at the age of 35 - from a cerebral hemorrhage. He possessed the rare gift of exorcism - he cast out demons and other supernatural creatures from the possessed through prayers. Perhaps the demons took revenge on him...

Well, yesterday, at the thirtieth year of her life, the finalist of the “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova died - she fell from the sixth floor in a house on Entuziastov Highway. Presumably, this happened after a quarrel with her boyfriend Artem, wearing telling surname Besov. Although there is an opinion that envious sorcerers with whom Ilona competed on the television project could have removed her.


June 13 became a day of tragedy not only for the relatives of the 30-year-old seer, but also in the world of extrasensory perception. One of the most memorable participants " Psychic Battles"Found dead under her own windows. According to official information, the girl fell from the sixth floor, landing on the roof of the extension (first floor). After inspection of the scene by law enforcement officers there were traces indicating violent death was not found.

What happened to Novoselova?

On June 13, in one of the Moscow high-rise buildings, a quarrel arose between the psychic Ilona Novoselova and her roommate. The couple argued for several hours, after which the girl called her mother and asked her to come to her aid. Arriving at the seer, the mother found Ilona in a strong state of anxiety; in addition, the girl was intoxicated. She climbed onto the windowsill of her window and began to threaten that she would jump out, but this statement did not have the desired effect, since Ilona had already made similar threats several times before. But who, no matter how she knew, that fate is not to be trifled with, and after another announcement about her jump, Novoselova slipped and fell from the sixth floor window. The landing became fatal, the relatives of the deceased immediately called the appropriate services.

Upon arrival of law enforcement officers, it was established that there were no signs of physical struggle on the body of the deceased, and her death occurred as a result of her own negligence and excessive artistry.

As it turned out, the quarrel between Ilona and her boyfriend arose after the latter expressed his desire to return to Chelyabinsk, since he did not want to live in the capital, but Novoselova did not want to leave the city that had become home to her.

According to eyewitnesses, Ilona had previously predicted her death and a few days before the quarrel, she even called her mother and asked her for forgiveness.

Who is Ilona Novoselova?

Since childhood, the girl had problems at school. She often argued with teachers, allowed herself to refuse to answer in class, all this led to the fact that starting from the age of 12, Ilona’s parents had to transfer Ilona to home schooling.

As Ilona herself said earlier, her supernatural abilities she discovered even before she started homeschooling. One day, while getting ready for school, she saw the reflection of her late grandmother in the mirror. After this, the girl began to communicate with spirits and develop this gift. According to her, it was they who told her about the future and the past. But Novoselova gained fame already in 2009, when she successfully passed the casting at the “Battle of Psychics”, and later was included in the list best participants. But the seer did not become the winner then, and it is still unknown why, since before the final, she herself announced her resignation. As the psychic later admitted, the spirits forbade her to participate in the TV show, and she was threatened with death for disobedience. But in seventh season“Battle”, she still managed to get to the finals, but even then she did not become the winner, TV viewers voted for Alexei Pokhabov, Ilona got second place.

Psychics about the mysterious death of Ilona Novoselova

Vlad Kadoni

The news of the death of one of the participants in the “Battle of Psychics” alarmed other seers, and they agreed to give the press several comments regarding Ilona. So famous Estonian beauty Marilyn Kerro During a telephone conversation with reporters, she said that during her lifetime Ilona told her that she did not see her old age.

Ex-participant of the TV project "House 2" and "Battle of Psychics" Vlad Kadoni said that during the filming of the program, Ilona managed to quarrel with all the participants and many simply could not stand her. The psychic does not exclude the possibility that any of the program participants could have wished her death. In addition, Kadoni said that the last year was very difficult for the girl:

“The last few years have been very difficult for her, but everything became even worse after the media began their persecution about Ilona’s gender change. Last year because of this it became a living hell. She had various kinds of problems in her personal life.

I hope that now her soul will find long-awaited peace!”

Another seer Ziraddin Rzayev, one of the few who found mutual language with Ilona and worked together with her, he was shocked by the news of his friend’s death:

“When I learned that Ilona died, I felt bad. Many people criticized her and said that she was too aggressive, but this is not true at all. In life she was very kind, just like a child. She was my best partner, we worked well in tandem. Her death is a great loss for the entire psychic world!”

The difficult fate of a psychic

Psychics about mysterious death Ilona Novoselova, a participant in the battle of psychics, expressed their opinion and also mentioned that her life path was not easy. The girl often encountered troubles; it was difficult for her to find a common language with other people. And in 2013, the seer experienced another incident. She was kidnapped by attackers along with her boyfriend. The kidnappers hid the couple from civilization for several days and asked for a ransom of 7.5 million rubles. As a result, the victim’s mother paid the required amount and Ilona was released.

Acquaintances of Novoselova mentioned that in Lately her mental condition was at the limit, but despite this, the girl did not seek help from specialists and was not registered with psychological dispensaries.

One of the deceased’s colleagues, upon learning of her death, stated that it was predictable:

“The format in which Ilona used her abilities indicated that she was lonely and often used her technique for no good. And if we use our gift against nature, then the result is always the same, so there is nothing to be surprised about.”

IN currently the pre-investigation check is almost completed, and from representatives SK no new information There have been no reports regarding the death of the psychic. This suggests that even a person endowed with certain abilities is not immune from anything, and one cannot joke with fate.

A participant in the show “Battle of Psychics”, the black witch Ilona Novoselova was found dead under the windows of a house on Entuziastov Highway on June 13 - the psychic fell from the sixth floor balcony after quarreling with a young man Artem Besov. Many viewers sympathized with Novoselova, who was known as one of the most scandalous participants in the program. The young woman often allowed herself ambiguous antics and could express herself obscenely, which attracted the attention of the public. There were also rumors on the Internet that Novoselova had sex reassignment surgery. It's no secret that 29-year-old Ilona was a transsexual. She was born on November 2, 1987 as a boy, whom her parents named Andrei. Ilona fell in love with television viewers thanks to her participation in the rating project “Battle of Psychics.” The tenacious witch was a contestant in the sixth season and a finalist in the seventh season of the show.

But another psychic Ziraddin Rzaev was friends with Novoselova. He spoke very warmly about Ilona, ​​calling her a little girl.

Everyone said she was aggressive, but in reality she just looked that way. She was in life like a little girl, like a child. Ilona was very kind, clear and open. Ilona and I worked together: she is my best partner of all. Ilona treated me very respectfully, was well-mannered, and did not overwhelm me with energy. We had a good tandem. “I believe that this is a loss for the psychic world,” concluded Rzayev.


Ilona Novoselova’s friend Anastasia also described the deceased positively.

For me, he was a good person who would always help in any way he could, one of the few who will be remembered for the rest of my life. She helped someone, maybe she did something bad to someone, because that’s what her profession is, but for her family and friends she remains a good man, - REN TV quotes Ilona’s friend.

According to Novoselova’s colleague Marilyn Kerro, she had no intention of dying prematurely.

She showed herself stronger than she is. She loved her boyfriend very much. We recently quarreled. “She always said that it was too early to die,” Kerro said fragmentarily.

Igor Gornostaev, a participant in the seventh season of the mystical show, shared his memories of his tragically deceased colleague. According to him, Novoselova had some problems from birth.


This was to be expected. She had problems since birth, which raised the question of gender determination. Of course, we are all mortal. I recently stopped using psychic abilities and even got baptized. Because when you have to communicate with other world, this does not lead to good. During the project, Ilona and I were on friendly terms. After the end of the “Battle of Psychics,” we did not keep in touch with her. I only heard rumors that it was not easy for her. She came to the project very young, and then enormous popularity fell on her, people began to make appointments with her. Of course, when she started accepting 10 people at a time, it took a lot of energy. She didn't seem to me strong psychic", Igor Gornostaev told StarHit.

“StarHit” contacted the illusionist and host of the “Battle of Psychics” program Sergei Safronov. The showman said that he was not closely acquainted with Ilona Novoselova, but she stood out from the other participants in the show.

People don't just fall out of the sixth floor. She, of course, was a bright, unusual, memorable participant in the seventh season of the “Battle of Psychics.” There were many rumors about her, for example, that she allegedly changed her gender. Sometimes I saw her in reports scandalous news. In general, I don’t interact with psychics after the project, I don’t even talk after filming. However, I saw that she was a rather reserved person. I don’t dare to make any conclusions, but after participating in the “Battle of Psychics,” popularity fell on her, maybe she couldn’t cope with it, it’s also not so easy to bear... As I could see, Ilona was a rather unbalanced person, you never know what could have happened - maybe alcohol or some illegal substances were involved. I haven’t seen her at any parties, you can only draw conclusions about the events in her life from social networks,” Sergei Safronov told StarHit.

Journalists also reached Ilona’s neighbors. They noted that Novoselova was very scandalous.

Ilona and her boyfriend moved here two years ago. They regularly had scandals and often drank alcohol. She could have thrown dishes at him on the staircase. Overall she was a good person. Mom didn’t live with them, she only came occasionally and checked on them. I was at home at that moment, I heard screams. It all happened around three o’clock in the afternoon,” said one neighbor.

Another resident of the house spoke about strange behavior Elon.

She kind of cursed this house. They often said about her that she makes noise at night, goes into a trance or something. This was discussed in the chat at home. It is quite possible that she was sick with something, said another neighbor of the deceased girl.

Finalist of the seventh season of the “Battle of Psychics”: 30-year-old Ilona Novoselova fell from the sixth floor balcony. The girl's mother and boyfriend were also in the apartment.


On September 16, a special episode of the program “Psychics Are Investigating” was aired on the TNT channel. Battle of the Strongest”, dedicated to Ilona. On the air of the show, relatives and colleagues told what the witch was like on the set of “Battle” and in everyday life.



Many are sure that Novoselova had a presentiment that she would soon die. “I want to live some more. I have very little time to live,” Ilona said casually on the set of one of the latest episodes of “Battle of the Strongest.” “There was a moment when Ilona and I were talking. She said that she had a bad feeling that she didn't have much time left. This was two months before the tragedy. I then told her not to think about it and not attract bad things. She replied that she no longer had a choice,” said the winner of the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics, Alexander Sheps, who, according to rumors, once had an affair with Novoselova.


“She was obsessed, she was not afraid of death. Her feeling of fear disappeared. She had a short life because she gave a lot of energy to the black forces. She became a slave to these forces. These forces, it seems to me, destroyed her,” Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova, a participant in the “Battle,” expressed her opinion.

Ilona’s lover Artem said that they were going on vacation to Spain together. Novoselova’s nervous breakdowns became more frequent, and she simply needed a vacation. “I cheated a lot. She made up problems for herself and became aggressive in this state,” Artem shared. Close couples said that passions were in full swing in the lovers’ relationship: they either quarreled and separated, then made up again. Novoselova was afraid that Artem would leave her.

Recently, Ilona has increasingly begun to play games with death for show. “She stood on the windowsill and opened the window. We filmed her and asked her not to do that,” Novoselova’s mother said.

On that fateful day, Ilona felt from the very morning that something was going to happen. “I woke up in the morning and said that her soul hurt. Ilona called her mother and said that she felt bad. She walked around the apartment, shouting at me. I came up, tried to calm him down, hug him. She will push you away, then press you. Then he will push you away again. It was some kind of agony,” Artem said.


After the quarrel, the young man packed his bags. Ilona was furious and climbed onto the windowsill again. “She always knew that I would come up and take her off,” Artem said. The witch's boyfriend took her away from the balcony, but she didn't let up. Novoselova’s mother was also in the apartment, asking her to calm down. “I saw that she was going to the balcony again. I said: “Ilona, ​​that’s enough, that’s enough!” I looked around, Artem was standing next to me,” shared Ilona’s mother. The next second, Novoselova’s relatives heard a scream outside the window.