History of foreign literature of the 17th-18th centuries. Essay on the topic: "Karl and Amalia

The action takes place in Germany, contemporary to the author of the play. The plot unfolds over two years. The drama is preceded by an epigraph from Hippocrates, which in Russian translation reads like this: “What medicine does not heal, iron heals; What iron does not heal, fire heals.”

The father lives in the ancestral castle of the barons von Moor, younger son Franz and the count's pupil, the bride of his eldest son, Amalia von Edelreich. The beginning is a letter received by Franz from a solicitor from Leipzig, which tells about the dissolute life of a student at the University of Leipzig, Karl von Moor, the eldest son of the count. Old man von Moor, saddened by the bad news, allows Franz to write a letter to Karl and inform him that the count, angry with the behavior of his eldest son, is depriving him of his inheritance and his parental blessing.

At this time, in a tavern on the border of Saxony, where students of the University of Leipzig usually gather, Karl von Moor is waiting for an answer to his letter to his father, in which he sincerely repents of his dissolute life and promises to continue to do business. Together with Karl, his friend and fellow student Spiegelberg is killing time. He argues that it is better to be a thief than to live in poverty. A letter arrives from old man von Moor. After reading it, Karl becomes desperate. Meanwhile, Spiegelberg talks about how wonderful it is to live in the Bohemian forests, take money from rich travelers and put it into circulation. The poor students find this idea tempting, but they need an ataman, and although Spiegelberg himself is counting on this position, everyone unanimously chooses Karl von Moor. Hoping that “blood and death” will make him forget his former life, father, bride, Karl takes an oath of allegiance to his robbers, and they, in turn, swear allegiance to him.

Now that Franz von Moor has managed to expel his older brother from his father’s loving heart, he is trying to denigrate him in the eyes of his fiancée, Amalia. He tells her that the diamond ring she gave to Karl before separation as a pledge of fidelity, he gave to the libertine when he no longer had anything to pay for his love pleasures. He draws in front of Amalia a portrait of a sickly beggar in rags, from whose mouth he smells of “deadly sickness” - this is her beloved Karl now. But it's not so easy to convince loving heart. Amalia refuses to believe Franz and drives him away.

But in the head of Franz von Moor it has already matured new plan, who will finally help him realize his dream of becoming the owner of the inheritance of the Counts von Moor. To do this, he persuades the illegitimate son of one local nobleman, Herman, to change clothes and, coming to the old man Moor, report that he witnessed the death of Charles, who took part in the battle of Prague. The sick count's heart is unlikely to withstand this terrible news. For this, Franz promises Hermann to return to him Amalia von Edelreich, who was once taken from him by Karl von Moor.

This is how it all happens. Old Man Moore remembers his eldest son with Amalia. At this time, Herman appears in disguise. He talks about Karl, left without any means of subsistence, and therefore decided to take part in the Prussian-Austrian campaign. The war took him to Bohemia, where he died heroically. Dying, he asked to hand over his sword to his father, and to return the portrait of Amalia to her along with her oath of allegiance. Count von Moor blames himself for his son's death. Seeing the joy on Franz’s face, the old man begins to understand who is really to blame for all of Karl’s troubles. He leans back on the pillows and loses consciousness. Franz thinks that the old man has died and rejoices at the long-awaited death of his father.

Meanwhile, Karl von Moor is robbing the Bohemian forests. He is brave and often plays with death, as he has lost interest in life. The ataman gives his share of the spoils to orphans. He punishes the rich who steal ordinary people, following the principle: “My craft is retribution, revenge is my trade.”

And in the family castle of von Moor, Franz rules. He achieved his goal, but does not feel satisfied: Amalia still refuses to become his wife. Hermann, realizing that Franz had deceived him, reveals to the ladies-in-waiting von Edelreich “ terrible secret"- Karl von Moor is alive and so is old man von Moor.

Karl and his gang are surrounded by Bohemian dragoons, but they manage to escape from it at the cost of the death of only one soldier, while the Bohemian soldiers lost about 300 people. A Czech nobleman who has lost all his fortune, as well as his beloved, whose name is Amalia, asks to join von Moor’s detachment. Story young man awakened old memories in Karl’s soul, and he decides to lead his gang to Franconia with the words: “I must see her!”

Under the name of Count von Brand from Mecklenburg, Karl enters his ancestral castle. He meets his Amalia and is convinced that she is faithful to the “deceased Karl.” In the gallery, among the portraits of his ancestors, he stops at the portrait of his father and furtively wipes away a tear. No one recognizes the count's eldest son, only the all-seeing and always suspicious Franz guesses that his elder brother is visiting, but does not tell anyone about his guesses. The younger von Moor forces the old butler Daniel to swear an oath that he will kill the visiting count. By the scar on his hand, the butler recognizes Count von Brande as Karl, he is unable to lie to the old servant who raised him, but now he must leave the castle forever. Before disappearing, he decides to see Amalia. She experiences feelings for the count that she previously had only with one person - Karl von Moor. Unrecognized, the guest says goodbye to his beloved.

Karl returns to his robbers, in the morning they will leave these places, but for now he wanders through the forest. In the darkness, he stumbles upon a tower and hears someone's voice. It was Herman who came stealthily to feed the prisoner locked here. Karl tears the locks off the tower and frees the old man, withered like a skeleton. The prisoner turns out to be the old man von Moor, who, unfortunately, did not die then from the news brought by Herman. When he came to his senses in a coffin, Franz secretly imprisoned him in this tower, dooming him to cold, hunger and loneliness. Karl, after listening to his father's story, can't stand it any longer. Despite the family ties that connect him with Franz, he orders his robbers to break into the castle, capture his brother and bring him here alive.

Night. The old valet Daniel says goodbye to the castle where he spent his whole life. Franz von Moor runs in in a dressing gown with a candle in his hand. He can't calm down, he had a dream about Last Judgment, in which he is sent to the underworld for his sins. He begs Daniel to send for the pastor. All his life Franz was an atheist, and even now he cannot reconcile with the visiting pastor and is trying to conduct a dispute on religious themes. This time he fails to laugh at the thesis about the immortality of the soul with the usual ease. Having received confirmation from the pastor that the most serious sins of a person are fratricide and parricide, Franz is frightened and realizes that his soul cannot escape hell.

The castle is attacked by robbers sent by Karl, they set the castle on fire, but they fail to capture Franz. In fear, he strangles himself with his hat cord.

The members of the gang who carried out the order return to the forest near the castle, where Karl is waiting for them, never recognized by his father. Amalia comes with them, rushes to the robber Moor, hugs him and calls him her fiancé. Then old man Moore with horror recognizes his beloved eldest son Karl in the leader of these bandits, thieves and murderers and dies. But Amalia is ready to forgive her lover and start with him new life. But their love is hampered by the oath of allegiance given by Moor to his robbers. Realizing that happiness is impossible, Amalia prays for only one thing - death. Karl stabs her to death.

The robber Moor drank his cup to the end; he realized that the world cannot be corrected by atrocities, and his life is over. He decides to surrender to the hands of justice. On the way to the Moor castle, he talked with a poor man who had big family, now Karl goes to him so that he, having handed over the “famous robber” to the authorities, will receive a thousand louis for his head.

Shapovalova Irina Anatolyevna, teacher of Russian language and literature

gymnasium No. 3 in Belgorod

Romantic tragedy by F. Schiller “The Robbers”

Lesson Study

Target: help shape the social competence of students.

Tasks for developing student competencies:

Educational and cognitive (work on skills of independent text analysis; continue work on development creativity students);

Communicative (cooperate, help others, participate in group work, exchange information);
- informational (independently search, analyze and select information, structure, transform, save and transmit it);
- personal self-improvement (analyze your achievements and mistakes, detect problems and difficulties in classmates’ messages, provide mutual assistance and support in difficult situations, critically evaluate and re-evaluate the results of your activities)

During the classes

Long live the great Schiller,

noble advocate of humanity!

V. Belinsky

I.A. Good afternoon Dear guests, today we invite you to lesson - research. Our lesson will take the form of a meeting of the artistic council of the 7-B class theater, since the conversation will not just be about literary work, but about drama, where the art of words and theater is fused together. We will talk about Schiller's romantic tragedy. It was during Schiller's era that table rehearsals were first introduced into theatrical practice. We will try to adhere to the basic aesthetics of theatrical romanticism: imagination and feeling.

We will try to prove that the tragedy “The Robbers” by Friedrich Schiller can be classified as a romantic tragedy.

Here is a cluster that contains the features of romanticism and classicism. As the lesson progresses, please note those features that are inherent in the tragedy in question, make notes about the characters’ characters. During the lesson we will try to answer the questions: What is romantic work? What feelings did the main characters of the play evoke? Do we need Schiller's plays in modern times or have they become deep history?

Well, we open the impromptu curtain. A word from assistant director Kamenskaya Darina, who will remind us of the beginning of the drama. During her performance, she will be joined by actors who will try to convey the ultimate goal of their image. Please note that Schiller's tragedy is a romantic tragedy. Romanticism had a huge influence on the development acting art: For the first time in history, psychologism became the basis for creating a role. The rationally verified acting style of classicism was replaced by intense emotionality, vivid dramatic expression, versatility and inconsistency in the psychological development of characters.

Darina. The action takes place in Germany, contemporary to the author of the play. The plot unfolds over two years.

The plot is based on family tragedy. In the family castle of the barons von Moor live the father, the youngest son, Franz, and the count's pupil, the eldest son's fiancée, Amalia von Edelreich. The beginning is a letter allegedly received by Franz from a “Leipzig correspondent”, which tells about the dissolute life of Karl von Moor, the eldest son of the count, who is at the university in Leipzig. The old man von Moor, saddened by the bad news, allows Franz to write a letter to Karl and inform him that the count, angry with the behavior of his eldest son, is depriving him of his inheritance and his parental blessing.

At this time, in Leipzig, in the tavern where students of the University of Leipzig usually gather, Karl von Moor is waiting for an answer to his letter to his father, in which he sincerely repents of his dissolute life and promises to continue to do business.

/Reading passage/

Schwartz(Runs towards him.) Brother! Brother! Letter, letter! (hands him a letter. Moore hastily opens it). What's wrong with you? You are whiter than chalk.

Karl Moore. My brother's hand!

Moore drops the letter and runs out like crazy. Everyone jumps up.

Roller(following him). Moore! Where are you going, Moore? What happened to you?

Grimm. What about him? What about him? He is as pale as death.

Schweitzer. This must be good news. Let's see!

Roller(picks up a letter from the floor and reads it). “Unhappy brother! I must briefly inform you that your hopes have not been justified. Go, your father tells you, to where your shameful deeds lead you. Next, he tells me to tell you not to hope to beg his forgiveness on your knees if you don’t want to feast on bread and water in the basements of his towers until your hair grows like an eagle’s feathers and your nails become like bird’s claws. These are his own words. Goodbye forever. I feel sorry for you! Franz von Moor."

Schweitzer. Dear brother! What can I say! This scoundrel's name is Franz?

SPIEGELBERG (quietly approaches them). Are you talking about bread and water? A good life! I have something better in store for you. (stands in the middle of them and speaks in the voice of the caster). So, if you still have even a drop of the blood of German heroes in you, follow me! We will settle in the Bohemian forests, gather a gang of robbers and...

Roller. You are not the first fraudster to look beyond the gallows. However, your truth is that we have no choice.<...>

M o o r(enters in great excitement and rushes around the room, talking to himself). People! People! Deceitful, treacherous vipers! Their tears are water! Their hearts are iron! Lions and leopards feed their young, crows carry carrion to their chicks, and he, he...

Roller. Listen, Moore! What do you think, is being a thief better than sitting on bread and water in a dungeon?

Moore. And these are fatherly feelings? Repentance - and no forgiveness! Such gullibility, such unshakable confidence - and there is no mercy!

Roller. Listen, Moore, to what I tell you!<...>

Moore. I loved him so unspeakably! No son loved his father so much! I would lay down a thousand lives for him! (He stamps his foot furiously.) Oh, whoever puts a sword in my hands to inflict a burning wound on the human race will become my friend, angel, god! I will pray for him.

Roller. These are the kind of friends we want to become. Listen to us

Schwartz. Come with us to the Bohemian forests! We'll recruit a gang of robbers, and you...

Schweitzer. You will be our chieftain! You should be our chieftain!

Moore. It’s like a thorn has fallen from my eyes. What a fool I was, rushing back into the cage! My spirit thirsts for exploits, my breath for freedom! Murderers, robbers! With these words I violate the law. People shielded humanity from me when I called out to humanity. Away from me, compassion and human mercy! I no longer have a father, no more love!.. So let blood and death teach me to forget everything that was once dear to me! Let's go, Let's go! Oh, I will find a terrible oblivion for myself! It’s decided: I am your chieftain! Stand around me, everyone, and let everyone swear allegiance and obedience to me until the grave! Let's shake hands!

That's it (extending his hands to him). We swear allegiance and obedience to you until the grave.

M o o r. And my right hand will be a guarantee that I will faithfully and unfailingly, until my death, remain your chieftain!

Darina Now that Franz von Moor has managed to expel his older brother from his father’s loving heart, he is trying to denigrate him in the eyes of his fiancée, Amalia.

Franz. Are you turning away, Amalia? Am I not worth what the cursed father is worth?

Amalia. Away! Oh, this child-loving, merciful father, who gave his son to be devoured by wolves and monsters! Sitting at home, he indulges himself in expensive wines and rests his decrepit body on feather pillows, while his great, wonderful son- in the grip of need! Shame on you monsters! Shame on you, dragon hearts! You are a disgrace to humanity! Your only son...

F r a n c. I thought that he had two of them... I love you as myself, Amalia!

You think about Karl, but our brotherly hearts beat so much in agreement!

Amalia. Oh no, that never happened!

Franz. We are so similar in our inclinations! Rose was his favorite flower. What flower is dearer to me than a rose? He loved music beyond words. Heavenly stars, I call you as witnesses, in the dead silence of the night, when everything around was plunged into darkness and slumber, you overheard me playing the harpsichord! How can you still doubt, Amalia? After all, our love converged at one point of perfection; and if there is only one love, how can those in whose hearts it nests be different?

You don’t know me, Amalia, you don’t know me at all! You hate me!

A m a l i. I hate you! Leave!

Franz (stomping feet). You will tremble before me! Should I prefer a beggar?! (Leaves.)

Amalia. Go, scoundrel! Now I'm with Karl again. “Beggars,” he said? Everything has turned upside down in this world! Beggars became kings and kings became beggars. I wouldn’t trade the rags he was wearing for the purple of God’s anointed! His look when he asks for alms - oh, this proud, regal look, turning the pomp, splendor, triumph of the rich and strong into ashes! Roll in the dust, shiny necklace! (Plucks pearls from his neck.) Wear them, rich and noble! Wear that damned gold and silver, those damned diamonds! Fill yourself with luxurious dishes, pamper your bodies on a soft bed! Charles! Charles! Now I'm worthy of you!

I.A. Thank you. Romanticism also enriched the palette of staging and expressive means of the theater. For the first time, the principles of the art of the artist and decorator began to be considered in the context of the emotional impact on the viewer, identifying the dynamics of action.

Costume designer Anastasia Bereznyak will introduce makeup options and costume sketches for the characters. The actors will describe their characters. Thus, we will be able to evaluate the artist’s work by analyzing the ultimate task of the image of each hero.


Old Man Moore is honest and forgiving. His house was a shelter for the orphans, a refuge for the mourning. He is about 70 years old, but he feels like an octogenarian.

Slide 3-5

Act one. Scene 2.

Tavern in Saxony.

Karl Moor received a letter from home that changed his whole life.

Act two. Bohemian forests. Moor becomes the chieftain of a gang of robbers

Charles- embodiment romantic look for life. He hates squalor surrounding life and treats with disgust and contempt those hypocrites who flatter powerful rulers while oppressing poor people. Karl does not want to live by the laws that deceivers and villains use to their advantage.

In the depths of his soul the young man remains kind and a pure person. Karl Moor, the count's son, robs the rich and noble and helps the outcasts and the disadvantaged. Karl understands that high revenge and noble murder do not exist.

Slide 6.

Franz Moor- an egoist, a cynic, devoid of honor and conscience. He's not handsome. “It seems to me that nature took the most disgusting things from all human races, mixed them into a heap and baked me from such dough.” “I will be a ruler and I will achieve by force what I cannot achieve with a prepossessing appearance,” he says. It was Franz who was the reason that his father disinherited Charles. He dishonored and slandered his brother, having two secret goals: to get all his father’s property and to marry Karl’s bride. Franz's goal in life is to satisfy his desires

Slide 7-9.

Amalia von Edelreich

An orphan, lives in the house of Count Moore. She is no more than 23 years old. Loves music, plays musical instruments, sings. She has been in love with Karl More for a long time. She does not believe Franz’s stories, she believes that her “beloved is a reflection of deity, and deity is mercy and pity!” He wouldn't hurt a fly! His soul is as far from bloody thoughts as noon is from midnight."

Slide 10

Spiegelberg was poor, traveled to Lepzig from Jordan, he was a thief. It is Shpilberg who invites young people to become robbers. Arriving in a city, the first thing he did was find out from the wardens about the beggars, from the bailiffs and watchmen about swindlers, swindlers and other rabble, he looked for these thugs and recruited them into the gang. Spielberg was a coward; they say about him that there is not a single scar on his body.

Ratzman. Shpilberg's constant interlocutor. On this occasion they say to him: And you, your godless soul, you were at one with him! His motto: take the young man, yes,

so that he doesn’t have a stake or a yard left.

Slide 11

Schufterle. Poor, dressed from someone else's shoulder. I wanted to have weekly edifying talks. During a fire in the city, he went on a rampage and showed himself to be a scoundrel: he threw the baby into the fire. He admired his action. Moore kicked him out of the gang, saying that he would not escape the gallows. And so it happened: Schufterle was hanged in Switzerland.

Grimm. Weak-willed man: If everyone agrees, then I won’t contradict. Spiegelberg's friend. Participated in dirty tricks in the monastery together with Spiegelberg. His motto is: whoever gives the most, I will follow him.

Slide 12

Roller was devoted to More, and the chieftain always distinguished Roller.

Roller spent three weeks in prison, he was taken for interrogation three times, he was interrogated under torture about where the ataman was. He didn't give anyone away.

Moore trusted him. During the fight in the Bohemian forest, Roller, Schweitzer and Moor fought in

the thickest. Roller died a heroic death.

Schweitzer. Loyal to the point of recklessness. Strong, brave. He cracked the skull of a Bohemian dragoon when he raised his saber over Mor. Schweitzer gives his word to Mohr to bring Franz alive, but Franz is strangled, and Schweitzer is true to his word

shoots himself in the temple.

Slide 13

Kosinsky. Kosinsky heard about Moore and asked to join the gang. He is twenty-four years old, He is a Bohemian nobleman. Early death father made him the owner of a considerable noble estate. The young man was supposed to get married, but he is accused of treason.

He spent a month in prison. Kossinsky is trying to kill the prince because he forced his bride to become his mistress

Slide 14

Hermann“a determined fellow, a soldier’s heart. The bastard son of a nobleman, poor.

He was in love with Amalia. He committed a vile act for the sake of love for Amalia. Having recognized Franz's plans, he confesses to what he did.

Slide 15

Daniel- servant of Count von Moor. He is seventy-second years old. He always respected

Karl Moor's parents.. Didn't take a penny from anyone by deception. He held his faith honestly. Franz offers the old man to kill the count, but he refuses.

Pastor Moser has a soul-saving conversation with Franz.

I.A.Thank you. Do we approve makeup and costumes or not? Is it sustained? romantic style? /Answer/

Which scenes made the strongest impression on you? Do they correspond to the romantic trend in literature?

Elena Shkuratova.

I liked the scene in which Franz persuades the bastard son of one of the local nobles And on, Herman, change clothes and, coming to the old man Moor, report that he witnessed the death of Charles, who took part in the battle of Prague. For this, Franz promises Hermann to return Amalia von Edelreich to him.

Count von Moor blames himself for his son's death, and his heart seems to stop. Franz rejoices at the long-awaited death of his father. Herman, mon I Having realized that Franz had deceived him, he reveals to Amalia a “terrible secret” - Karl von Moor is alive and so is old man von Moor. I liked this scene because there is intrigue in it, and the reader does not yet suspect what will happen next. We understand that the playwright, in the image of Karl More, already at the beginning of the action declares a complex, deep human personality. Karl has a view of life “through the prism of the heart.”

Dasha. And I liked the scene in which Karl, under an assumed name, enters his family castle. He meets his Amalia and is convinced that she is faithful to the “deceased Karl.” In the gallery, among the portraits of his ancestors, he stops at the portrait of his father and furtively wipes away a tear. No one recognizes the count's eldest son, only the all-seeing Franz seems to recognize his elder brother as a guest.

Franz forces the old butler to swear an oath that he will kill the visiting count. The butler recognizes the count as Karl by the scar on his hand; he is unable to lie to the old servant who raised him, but now he must hurry to leave the castle forever. I enjoyed the touching conversation between Daniel and Carl. I felt sorry for the old servant. Romantic traits embodied in this scene: it reflects the “night” side of the movements of the soul, the craving for the intuitive and unconscious.

Yana. And I think that the most striking, emotional scene is the penultimate scene of the fifth act. Franz cannot calm down; he had a dream about the Last Judgment, in which he is sent to hell for his sins. The atheist begs Daniel to send for the pastor. Having received confirmation from the pastor that the most serious sins of a person are fratricide and parricide, Franz is frightened and realizes that his soul cannot escape hell.

The castle is attacked by robbers sent by Charles, they set the castle on fire, but they fail to capture Franz. In fear, he strangles himself with his hat cord. In this scene, the comic and tragic are intertwined - this is a clear sign of romanticism.

I.A. Thank you. Thank you. And now I suggest you get acquainted with the scenery sketches. Chepeleva Nastya and Shevtsova Irina sought not to recreate, but to recreate reality

/Presentation /

Slide 1.

1. ACT ONE. SCENE ONE Franconia. Hall in Moor Castle.

2. The decoration of the first stage is presented in golden and black tones. This scene involves Franz and old man Moor. We would like to emphasize the richness of the soul of Maximilian More and highlight the black thoughts, and, consequently, the black soul of Karl.

Slide 2.

1.SCENE TWO. Tavern on the border of Saxony.

2. This scene is also done in orange and black tones. Orange color clears away unpleasant feelings, helps to accept negative events in life, helps to forgive another person, and let go of an insoluble situation.

1.Karl Moor is at a dead end and is afraid of change; his condition corresponds precisely to this color.

2.Why is the color black in this scene? There is not much of it, but this color symbolizes the students’ decision to become robbers, that is, to take the wrong path.

Slide 3.

1.SCENE THREE. At Moora Castle. Amalia's room.

2. There is a lot of light in this scene: white, gold, green. There are no dark tones.

Massive wooden furniture, many paintings, an open bed without canopies - all this emphasizes Amalia’s character. She adheres to the laws of honor, pure as White color, true to ancient traditions, she is open and appreciates art.

Slide 4.


SCENE ONE. Franz von Mohr's room.

2.Light walls are almost invisible. In the foreground is a bed in black and red tones. A four-poster bed indicates isolation, a closed character. As you know, red is the color of aggression, passion, struggle, anger, and emphasizes fear and self-doubt.

1. Dark fireplace, dark ceiling. We placed the fireplace in Franz’s room, he is cold, and the fireplace may help him thaw out, his dark deeds, like the dark ceiling, are pressing on him.

2. A conversation with Herman takes place in this room. And Herman agrees to do the mean thing.

Slide 5.

1.SCENE TWO. Old man Moore's bedroom.

2. This scene is oversaturated with colors. Old Man Moore embodies various character traits. He is soft, kind, compassionate, but also weak-willed and capricious.

Slide 6.

1. SCENE THREE. Bohemian forests.

2.The backdrop is made in light - green tones. It is known that the color green is intermediate between black and white colors, therefore it is considered neutral color.

Slide 7.



2. Against the background of the “Garden” backdrop, Amalia plays the lute. Lots of Lilac. Lilac is the color of inspiration, characteristic creative individuals, helps calm the soul and nourish it with the energy of inspiration, unites the body and mind

Slide 8.

1.SCENE TWO. The robbers are located against the backdrop of the Forest.

Slide 9



2.Backdrop “The area near the castle.” The predominant color is pale yellow. This color It sets your feelings in motion, frees you from negativity, and gives you confidence in your abilities. The desperate robber Moor, under an assumed name, decides to appear before Amalia and his father.

Slide 10


2.The backdrop “Gallery in the Castle” is made in light gray tones. It is in this scene that the robber Moor talks with Amalia. Amalia's inner world is expressed in white tones, but gray shades more, since Moore’s soul no longer contains that purity of feelings, his actions are terrible. Yes, he still loves Amalia, but his heart has become cruel and gray.

Slide 11

1.SCENE THREE. Another room in the castle.

2.Room in golden colors. Obviously this former room Carla. She remains the same, she breathes the same wonderful Karl, with heart of gold. Here there is a conversation between Karl and his old servant Daniel.

Slide 12

1.SCENE FOUR. Moore and Amalia.

2. Backdrop “Garden”. Moor, in the guise of Count von Brand, talks about his love for a girl named Amalia. Amalia confesses to an imaginary stranger that she still loves her Karl. She believes that her Karl is a reflection of deity, and deity is mercy and pity.

Slide 13


2.Backdrop “Forest”. The robbers are waiting for their chieftain. They are worried and quarreling. Moore returns. He makes his confessional speech.

Slide 14

1.ACT FIVE. SCENE ONE. Enfilade of rooms.

2. Lots of blue. Blue color develops mental abilities, clears thinking, frees from worries and fears, allows you to hear inner voice, make the right decision.

1. This climax scene: Daniel tells Franz about God's retribution. Franz admits that there is emptiness in his heart. Franz passes away

Slide 15

1.SCENE TWO. Decoration last scene Act 4 - castle basement.

2. There is no reference to the basement in the drama, but we think that this place is most appropriate in this scene. Basement-pit, death. This pit swallows everyone. The ending is obvious.

I.A. Thank you. I think I liked the decorations. And now I want to announce the start of the game. In every literary work, the text is very important. Do you remember the text well? Now we will test your attention, memory, and intelligence.

1.Where is the castle of the Counts von Mohr? / in Franconia /

2. How long does the action take place?/ within 2 years/

3.What historical figures were admired by Karl Moor?/ Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great/

4. Who said it: “The law makes what should fly like an eagle crawl.” /Karl Moor/

5. Who said it: “I will be a ruler and by force I will achieve what I cannot achieve with a prepossessing appearance” / Franz Moor /

6. Who said it: “I have the courage to go through hell barefoot.” / Schweitzer /

6.Whose motto is this: rob the young fellow, so much so that he doesn’t have a stake or a yard left. /Ratsman/

7. Who is this about: He spent three weeks in prison, he was taken for interrogation three times, he was interrogated under torture about where the ataman was. He didn't give anyone away./Roller/

8. Who was a soldier, was a member of the expedition to the East Indies / Kossinsky /

9. How many years did Daniel serve in the house of the Earls of Moor?/ Forty-four years/

10. What amount of reward was assigned for the capture of the robber More?/ One thousand louis d’or/

I.A. Let's summarize the game. Thank you. Now let's approve the scenery and costumes. Who agrees? Who's against it?

Critic./ Shpakovsky / No, of course everything is fine. But it's kind of boring. Vasily Barkhatov chose Schiller’s “The Robbers” as his debut play. As befits a modern director, he shortened, altered, and transferred the action to Europe in the 21st century, a complex romantic text. In addition, he added live music. In the play, in addition to the actors, piano works Schubert is played by a pianist.

So, dad Maximilian von Moor, a wealthy retired soldier, has two sons, one (Karl Moor) studies at a prestigious university, the other (Franz Moor) hangs out at home. Both belong to the “golden youth” and both, out of boredom, organize art provocations that gradually turn into real crimes. “Karl and Franz are so different, but the result is the same - a mountain of corpses,” says Vasily Barkhatov. By the way, he considers himself a robber, since he behaves with old Schiller in the same way as Franz did with old Moor.

I.A. Thank you for your opinion. An unusual interpretation of the play by modern director Vasily Barkhatov separates the viewer from the classics. Yes, “The Robbers” is a rebellious drama, its hero Karl- noble robber, and Franz is a low, vile person. Friedrich Schiller uses the technique when characterizing characters antitheses: the appearance of the brothers is contrasting, their inner world, their actions. It seems to me that you cannot treat classics the way the 24-year-old director did. He obviously had a different task. The theme of rebellion is shown, but its hero is not a noble robber, but a criminal. Of course, Barkhatov did not adhere to the laws of romanticism.

The theme of the noble romantic robber was continued in the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Dubrovsky", whom we met in the last quarter. At home you were asked to compare the hero of Schiller's play with famous hero A.S. Pushkin - Vladimir Dubrovsky.

Voloshina Violetta: The theme of rebellion and the noble robber is presented in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky". Vladimir Dubrovsky - Russian nobleman And N, fueled by a sense of revenge for the insult and death of his father, is forced to burn the family estate and go into the forest as the leader of the robbers.

Dubrovsky and Karl Moor are united by similar destinies. Nobility, honesty, and generosity unite these heroes. Karl does not kill for robbery, but his rightful share of the spoils is distributed by the sire. O there. The characteristic that suits both of them is noble. Their inner world and character are incompatible with the environment (a gang of robbers) in which they both find themselves: The actions of Vladimir Dubrovsky, his desire for revenge and refusal of it coincide with the path of Schiller’s hero, only he, unlike Vladimir, surrenders to justice, and does not hide behind border.

I.A .Thank you. So let's summarize. Pay attention to your clusters. Which features are more inherent in our tragedy: features of realism or classicism?

Yana. In my cluster, I noted more signs of romanticism than classicism. This:

    proclamation of the human personality as complex, deep, affirmation of the inner infinity of human individuality;

    a look at life “through the prism of the heart”;

    interest in everything strong, bright, sublime;

    a tendency to reflect the “night” side of the movements of the soul, a craving for the intuitive and unconscious;

    a tendency to mix high and low, comic and tragic, ordinary and unusual;

    painful experience of discord with reality;

    the individual's desire for absolute freedom, to spiritual perfection, to an unattainable ideal combined with an understanding of the imperfection of the world.

Manifestations of classicism: the language is pathetically solemn.

Conclusion. Schiller's tragedy "The Robbers" belongs to the romantic movement in literature and art.

I.A.The work of Friedrich Schiller before today continues to cause controversy and judgment, some of which were presented in our lesson. Creativity of the great German poet did not go unnoticed by the musicians.

Burmakina Katya. In 1824, already seriously ill, Beethoven wrote his last - the 9th symphony. It was a song of freedom, a fiery appeal addressed to descendants. The final part of the symphony sounded especially solemn. The composer set the music to the words of Schiller's ode "To Joy". In one impulse, the great composer and great poet called on everyone: “Hug, millions!” (Expressive reading student's ode.)

Mishustina Katya:Joy, unearthly flame,
The heavenly spirit that has flown to us
Intoxicated by you
We entered your bright temple.
You bring us closer without effort
All separated by enmity,
Where you spread your wings
People are brothers among themselves.
Hug, millions!
Join in the joy of one!

(Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, Ode “To Joy,” plays.)

I.A. Thank you. Could the characters in the drama accept the ode “To Joy”?

I.A. Years pass, directors' interpretations and actors' costumes change, certain accents shift, but the fiery pathos of the tragedy remains unchanged. Schiller and his hero continue to passionately appeal to human conscience, and readers and viewers continue to search for truth to this day.

Homework: Write a short essay-reflection on the topic “What is close to to the modern reader F. Schiller’s drama “The Robbers”?”

So the curtain is closed. It's worth summing up.

The action takes place in Germany, contemporary to the author of the play. The plot unfolds over two years. The drama is preceded by an epigraph from Hippocrates, which in Russian translation reads like this: “What medicine does not heal, iron heals; What iron does not heal, fire heals.”

In the family castle of the barons von Moor live the father, the youngest son Franz and the count's pupil, the eldest son's fiancée, Amalia von Edelreich. The beginning is a letter received by Franz from a solicitor from Leipzig, which tells about the dissolute life of a student at the University of Leipzig, Karl von Moor, the eldest son of the count. Old man von Moor, saddened by the bad news, allows Franz to write a letter to Karl and inform him that the count, angry with the behavior of his eldest son, is depriving him of his inheritance and his parental blessing.

At this time, in a tavern on the border of Saxony, where students of the University of Leipzig usually gather, Karl von Moor is waiting for an answer to his letter to his father, in which he sincerely repents of his dissolute life and promises to continue to do business. Together with Karl, his friend and fellow student Spiegelberg is killing time. He argues that it is better to be a thief than to live in poverty. A letter arrives from old man von Moor. After reading it, Karl becomes desperate. Meanwhile, Spiegelberg talks about how wonderful it is to live in the Bohemian forests, take money from rich travelers and put it into circulation. The poor students find this idea tempting, but they need an ataman, and although Spiegelberg himself is counting on this position, everyone unanimously chooses Karl von Moor. Hoping that “blood and death” will make him forget his former life, father, bride, Karl takes an oath of allegiance to his robbers, and they, in turn, swear allegiance to him.

Now that Franz von Moor has managed to expel his older brother from his father’s loving heart, he is trying to denigrate him in the eyes of his fiancée, Amalia. He tells her that the diamond ring she gave to Karl before separation as a pledge of fidelity, he gave to the libertine when he no longer had anything to pay for his love pleasures. He draws in front of Amalia a portrait of a sickly beggar in rags, from whose mouth he smells of “deadly sickness” - this is her beloved Karl now. But it is not so easy to convince a loving heart. Amalia refuses to believe Franz and drives him away.

But a new plan has already matured in Franz von Moor’s head, which will finally help him realize his dream of becoming the owner of the inheritance of the Counts von Moor. To do this, he persuades the illegitimate son of one local nobleman, Herman, to change clothes and, coming to the old man Moor, report that he witnessed the death of Charles, who took part in the battle of Prague. The sick count's heart is unlikely to withstand this terrible news. For this, Franz promises Hermann to return to him Amalia von Edelreich, who was once taken from him by Karl von Moor.

This is how it all happens. Old Man Moore remembers his eldest son with Amalia. At this time, Herman appears in disguise. He talks about Karl, left without any means of subsistence, and therefore decided to take part in the Prussian-Austrian campaign. The war took him to Bohemia, where he died heroically. Dying, he asked to hand over his sword to his father, and to return the portrait of Amalia to her along with her oath of allegiance. Count von Moor blames himself for his son's death. Seeing the joy on Franz’s face, the old man begins to understand who is really to blame for all of Karl’s troubles. He leans back on the pillows and loses consciousness. Franz thinks that the old man has died and rejoices at the long-awaited death of his father.

Meanwhile, Karl von Moor is robbing the Bohemian forests. He is brave and often plays with death, as he has lost interest in life. The ataman gives his share of the spoils to orphans. He punishes the rich who rob ordinary people, following the principle: “Retribution is my trade, revenge is my trade.”

Essay on the topic: "Karl and Amalia. A love story"


The action takes place in Germany, contemporary to the author of the play. The plot unfolds over two years. The drama is preceded by an epigraph from Hippocrates, which in Russian translation reads like this: “What medicine does not heal, iron heals; What iron does not heal, fire heals.” In the family castle of the barons von Moor live the father, the youngest son Franz and the count's pupil, the eldest son's fiancée, Amalia von Edelreich. The beginning is a letter received by Franz from a solicitor from Leipzig, which tells about the dissolute life of a student at the University of Leipzig, Karl von Moor, the eldest son of the count. Old man von Moor, saddened by the bad news, allows Franz to write a letter to Karl and inform him that the count, angry with the behavior of his eldest son, is depriving him of his inheritance and his parental blessing. At this time, in a tavern on the border of Saxony, where students of the University of Leipzig usually gather, Karl von Moor is waiting for an answer to his letter to his father, in which he sincerely repents of his dissolute life and promises to continue to do business. Together with Karl, his friend and fellow student Spiegelberg is killing time. He argues that it is better to be a thief than to live in poverty. A letter arrives from old man von Moor. After reading it, Karl becomes desperate. Meanwhile, Spiegelberg talks about how wonderful it is to live in the Bohemian forests, take money from rich travelers and put it into circulation. The poor students find this idea tempting, but they need an ataman, and although Spiegelberg himself is counting on this position, everyone unanimously chooses Karl von Moor. Hoping that “blood and death” will make him forget his former life, father, bride, Karl takes an oath of allegiance to his robbers, and they, in turn, swear allegiance to him. Now that Franz von Moor has managed to expel his older brother from his father’s loving heart, he is trying to denigrate him in the eyes of his fiancée, Amalia. He tells her that the diamond ring she gave to Karl before separation as a pledge of fidelity, he gave to the libertine when he no longer had anything to pay for his love pleasures. He draws in front of Amalia a portrait of a sickly beggar in rags, from whose mouth he smells of “deadly sickness” - this is her beloved Karl now. But it is not so easy to convince a loving heart. Amalia refuses to believe Franz and drives him away. But a new plan has already matured in Franz von Moor’s head, which will finally help him realize his dream of becoming the owner of the inheritance of the Counts von Moor. To do this, he persuades the illegitimate son of one local nobleman, Herman, to change clothes and, coming to the old man Moor, report that he witnessed the death of Charles, who took part in the battle of Prague. The sick count's heart is unlikely to withstand this terrible news. For this, Franz promises Hermann to return to him Amalia von Edelreich, who was once taken from him by Karl von Moor. This is how it all happens. Old Man Moore remembers his eldest son with Amalia. At this time, Herman appears in disguise. He talks about Karl, left without any means of subsistence, and therefore decided to take part in the Prussian-Austrian campaign. The war took him to Bohemia, where he died heroically. Dying, he asked to hand over his sword to his father, and to return the portrait of Amalia to her along with her oath of allegiance. Count von Moor blames himself for his son's death. Seeing the joy on Franz’s face, the old man begins to understand who is really to blame for all of Karl’s troubles. He leans back on the pillows and loses consciousness. Franz thinks that the old man has died and rejoices at the long-awaited death of his father. Meanwhile, Karl von Moor is robbing the Bohemian forests. He is brave and often plays with death, as he has lost interest in life. The ataman gives his share of the spoils to orphans. He punishes the rich who rob ordinary people, following the principle: “Retribution is my trade, revenge is my trade.”


KARL MOOR (German: Karl Moor) is the hero of F. Schiller’s tragedy “The Robbers” (1782). K.M. - the eldest son of Count von Moor, an ardent and enthusiastic young man, from childhood fascinated by the heroic deeds of great people of the past, “more willing to read the lives of Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great than the life of the repentant Tobius.” He is sensitive to the suffering of others, active and energetic. Her irrepressible emotional nature cannot come to terms with the measured city life, and he and his peers participate in all sorts of mischief, not always harmless. However, he repents of his atrocities and promises his father in a letter of repentance that he will reform. However, fate plays with K.M. cruel: the letter intercepts him younger brother Franz, and reads to his father another thing he composed, with the aim of slandering his brother and depriving him of his inheritance. The father is shocked by K.M.’s outrages, and Franz, with insinuating speeches, extracts consent to write the answer in his place. Having received a letter containing his father’s curse, K.M. falls into a frenzy and, together with his friends, dissolute young people, goes robber into the Bohemian forests. The hero’s beloved Amalia remains in the count’s castle, not believing that K.M. may do something unworthy. In order to finally get rid of his rival, since Franz himself is in love with Amalia, he fakes the news of his brother’s death. Meanwhile, K.M. with his gang of robbers robs big roads, rest on his conscience serious crimes, although he never offends the poor, but, on the contrary, like Robin Hood, gives them part of the spoils. For the head of K.M. a large reward was promised. Finding himself not far from the family castle, the hero, disguised as a foreign count, comes home and learns that his father is languishing in a dungeon, buried alive. K.M. is shocked and swears revenge on Franz: “Avenge, avenge you, cruelly abused old man! I break the ties of brotherhood forever!” Revenge of K.M. is late - in fear of the robbers, his younger brother commits suicide. With horror, K.M. finds out that Amalia still loves him, but circumstances do not allow them to unite. Amalia, in desperation, asks to kill her, and K.M. fulfills this request, and puts himself in the hands of justice.

German actors did not like this role, which seemed to them declarative and rhetorical, but K.M. became a favorite hero of the Russian stage: Russian actors were attracted to the rebellious pathos in Schiller’s character. As K.M. The great actors A.S. Yakovlev (1814) and P.S. Mochalov (1834) became famous.

Lit.: Anikst A.A. Schiller's dramaturgy during the period of "sturm and stress"

//History of Western European theater. M., 1957. T. 2.

G.V. Makarova

Literary heroes. - Academician. 2009 .

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    Karl Moor (December 11, 1853 (18531211), Fribourg June 14, 1932, Berlin) Swiss social democrat. Contents 1 Biography ... Wikipedia

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