Coco chanel little black dress. New Chanel dresses - photos

Fashion is a capricious lady, so the creations of designers do not have a long life, and very few are able to outlive their creator. But brilliant invention Coco Chanel succeeded in this to the fullest. Small black dress for more than eighty years it has not given up its positions. Every fashionista's wardrobe must have one of the models of the little black dress. And there’s nothing strange about it, because you can even wear it to work, and complemented with the right accessories, a small black the dress will fit and for the festive exit.

The story of Coco Chanel's little black dress

The little black dress, or rather a drawing of it, appeared in May 1926 in Vogue magazine. That version of the little black dress, of course, from modern models was very different, but at that time it created a real sensation. Not only was the dress black (the color of mourning or the poor), but it also had no decorations and was quite short, barely covering the knees. In general, Gabrielle Chanel considered a lady's knees the most unattractive part of the body and therefore covered them with her dress. The little black dress had a low waist and long, narrow sleeves. Also, the dress did not have any decorations, folds or frills, it was as simple and modest as possible, even the neckline was semicircular and small. The fabric from which the dress was made (black muslin) was considered relatively cheap, and therefore poor ladies could afford such fashion.

The appearance of the little black dress by Chanel was not due to a festive event at all. It was mourning for Boy Capel, who crashed on the Cote d'Azur. Chanel could not wear official mourning, since Capel was married to another woman. The French world at first mocked the dress, calling it “an incident, an anecdote, a misunderstanding.” But within six months, Chanel received many orders for just such dresses.

Classic little black dress by Coco Chanel

The little black dress must comply with the following rules:

  • the length of the dress should be such that it covers the knees;
  • the dress should be as simple as possible - no flounces, ruffles or embroideries;
  • the waist should be emphasized;
  • if the dress has sleeves, then they should be narrow and also without decorations;
  • It is recommended to pair the dress with black stockings, closed-toed shoes, a small handbag and a minimum of jewelry (there should be no large ones).

Accessories for a little black dress

Modern models of the little black dress are quite diverse - they have different lengths, silhouettes, cutouts, and even the color can vary from classic black to rich shades of gray, brown or blue. One thing remains unchanged - the simplicity of the dress, which means it needs accessories. Chanel herself believed that the best complement to such a dress would be a string of pearls. But modern ladies have their own view on how to decorate a little black dress. Large bracelets, earrings, voluminous necklaces, modest belts, thin scarves and discreet jewelry are used. The method of decoration varies depending on what occasion you are dressing for - more modestly for the office, for a more flamboyant party, and for a date - invariably elegant, close to the classics. A must-have accessory for a little black dress is stiletto heels and small elegant handbags.

A little black dress can be complemented with jackets, a turtleneck can be worn underneath it, and a short version of the dress can even be worn with jeans. It all depends on your imagination and courage. Learn to do both, and a little black dress will always help you look fashionable and attractive.

It's universal. It will suit any woman, regardless of her age, build and style preferences in her wardrobe. It can easily play the role of a cocktail dress and will no less easily fit into the strictest office dress code. It harmonizes perfectly with other wardrobe elements of all possible colors and shades and can easily “make friends” with the brightest and most spectacular accessories without the risk of making the image too pretentious.

Magnificence from Chanel

It is the most iconic thing in fashion history - the Little Black Dress. Invented almost a hundred years ago by the great Coco Chanel, it has not lost its relevance today and will not go out of fashion another century later.

The history of the creation of the Most Important Dress


Despite crazy experiments in fashion, classics still have the right to exist.


The frank nineties are making their contribution to the transformation of the little black dress: bold styles are at the peak of popularity. It was then that Versace came up with his famous dress with pins - a photo of Elizabeth Hurley in it becomes the subject of discussion in all the tabloids. Princess Diana chooses a black bustier dress with an asymmetrical hem for one of her official appearances.

Rebellious 90s

On the Red Carpet


The new century combines all the ideas of the previous one: mini and maxi, fitted silhouettes and bouffant skirts, modest sleeves and deep necklines. The little black dress takes on a maxi length and becomes a favorite red carpet evening wear option. Millennial fashion is multifaceted and allows you to choose from many variations to find exactly what suits you.

History's Favorite

The best images of the new century

Celebrity choice

A few ideas for every wardrobe

The little black dress has the right to take pride of place in any wardrobe, no matter what style you adhere to. Wear it solo or create spectacular sets:

Be sure to “invite” the invention of the great Coco Chanel into your wardrobe.

Remember, fashion changes, but style remains forever!

The story of the little black dress would not be so interesting and mysterious if it did not begin with famous words Madame Chanel. Before starting her career, she said that “Fashion is changeable, only style remains on the lips, and I want my style to be copied - this is the best proof of success.” It was under this slogan that the dress began to gain its first popularity back in 1926.

The history of the little black dress?

The first prototype of the dress came from Coco's need to prepare a mourning outfit for herself in honor of the death of her lover. Chanel was very touched by the idea small dress, which subsequently led to the decision to give a new light to the outfit and continue to clearly demonstrate it on a daily basis. After some time, the idea resonated in society, and the black dress went out of mourning fashion forever, conquering secular fashion.

After the advent of the 40s, the fashion of the little black dress was diluted military style, he also divided fashionistas into two groups: some wore strict, practical and minimalist dresses, while others, on the contrary, wore fluffy black dresses with a veil and multi-layered skirts.

While the dress remained in fashion, times and cult eras passed on their innovations. For example, in the late 90s, there was a fashion for revealing black dress— the back was open, the dress was decorated with exotic peacock feathers.

The most popular dress is considered to be the creation of Yuther Givenchy. Famous actress Audrey Hepburn wore one of the magnificent designer's dresses for the film Breakfast at Tiffany's, after which the price rarely increased. The dress itself was sold at auction for $200,000 after filming.

What does a little black dress look like?

Some time later, Christian Dior released his revolutionary New Look - this helped close the curtain on post-war fashion for a long time, while giving fashionistas that missing femininity.

The first little black dress looked pretty reservedly, it reflected femininity and elegance.

  • Dress length reached below the knees, since Chanel herself did not accept their beauty, and even moreover, she considered this zone the worst part female body.
  • Fason resembled a cocktail or evening dress that was popular at that time, and the very solemn pretentiousness of the outfit made it possible to wear it anywhere, both to a gala reception and to work.
  • On the spot neck a small semicircular neckline was used; it emphasized the woman’s neck and at the same time covered it, leaving a mystery in the woman.
  • "Fragility" was emphasized female hands due to their very narrow long sleeves.
  • The dress was made so that it main image could be changed, and this could be done using accessories. With just one black dress and jewelry, you could create unique and original looks for every day.
  • The dress was missing unnecessary elements- buttons, fringe, frills.

Little black dress in modern fashion

After the last boom in private collection Coco's clothes, the little black dress was created by popular French fashion designers. A New Look helped make clothing diverse and accessible to every woman, which instantly attracted mass attention. The dress literally flew off fashion shelves and in modern times, more than 90 years later, it still wins the hearts of many girls.

Since that time, the styles have also changed and been supplemented. New dress models are significantly different from old models - area neck allowed the use of new shirt collars, helped to add femininity lace, have changed dramatically and dimensions dresses - now you can often find examples with a short hem.

What and how to wear a red dress: photo Total Red Look

A little black dress is a must-have in everyone's wardrobe. modern girl, which is characterized by exquisite taste and sense of style. This thing can help out every beauty. After all, in such an outfit you can appear both at an evening event and during a business meeting or some other important event.

This legendary thing has a very interesting biography. The idea of ​​its creation came to the mind of the inimitable Coco Chanel in 1926.

That's when Coco loses her lover in a car accident. Not having the right to mourn, she finds a way out: she creates an elegant, simple dress with long sleeves from black crepe de Chine with vertical stripes of exquisite embroidery. A drawing of a new (bold for those times) dress first appears in Vogue magazine, which foreshadows the dress's fate as a kind of uniform that will suit all women with a wide variety of tastes.

And since 1927, every French beauty has dreamed of having the same outfit. This hit of Parisian fashion was worn by everyone: from noble ladies to maids. Black color ceases to have a mourning character.

What is the secret of the popularity of the legendary little black dress?

Chanel creates a dress that covers the knees, considering them one of the most unattractive parts of the female body. The creation had a semicircular neckline, long sleeves and was distinguished by its simplicity in decoration. Each time, decorating it with a neat accessory, girls could create a new, unique, sophisticated look. Modern dresses often have bolder designs. They are shorter and bear the imprint of the most diverse fantasies of famous fashion designers.

The most famous is considered to be the little black miracle of Yu. Givenchy, in which Audrey Hepburn appeared before the audience (in the film “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” (1961).

Although, at first glance, quite simple, the “little black dress” has a rather capricious character.

Coco Chanel introduces her own rules for using such an exquisite outfit:

  • the simplicity of the dress cannot be burdened with unnecessary decor;
  • the length of the outfit should reach the middle of the knee;
  • black stockings can brighten up your look;
  • choose a small handbag;
  • limit yourself to a small number of accessories;
  • when choosing shoes, focus on pumps or closed-toe shoes;
  • the sleeves of the dress should be simple, narrow;
  • stylish accents - a string of pearls or colored jewelry, small jackets, boas, tiny hats.

Made from quality fabric, this iconic dress is designed to hide imperfections and highlight your assets. With its elegant simplicity, it revolutionized the entire fashion world and won the heart of every girl.

For any woman, the name Coco Chanel is associated with elegance and high style. This lady turned the established canons upside down women's fashion and became “lady number one”, as well as a role model.

One fine day, Coco decided to show men that a woman can be charming and at the same time remain inaccessible. Ladies' outfits in her design became more revealing and at the same time very feminine.

It was Chanel who taught the fair half to be multifaceted. Her models combined puritanical modesty and seductive luxury. Unfortunately, the great Coco could not be removed from women's wardrobe corset, but she was able to remove it from the “women’s heads.” This is what sharp-tongued journalists said about Coco. And this is the absolute truth, dresses from Chanel allow you to get away from stereotypes, the charming woman showed that you can be yourself no matter what. In addition to the fact that as a fashion designer she was constantly in creative search, Coco tried to bring her art to the broad masses. “Fashion becomes true only when it hits the streets” - these are the favorite words of this legendary woman. Coco's goal was to give ordinary women the opportunity to look fashionable and stylish, and she achieved it. Business card The one that made the designer famous was the little black dress. We will talk about it in our review. This story is worth telling to a wide range of readers!

Coco Chanel's little black dress - the history of its origin

It was 1962, and Coco’s business was going quite well, however, a fatal car collision in the court killed Chanel’s lover, which put an end to the young woman’s happiness. A style icon has no right to wear mourning, the poor thing decided, and in order to get out of the situation, she replenished her wardrobe elegant dress, sewn from black crepe de Chine. Vertical inserts of embroidery made it look like evening wear, and the simplicity of the cut and length made it possible to wear such clothes every day in a casual setting. The model first appeared on the pages of the famous fashion magazine Vogue.

The author of the article, describing the new product, predicted its fate as a kind of uniform for stylish women and I was not mistaken. The little black dress was to the taste of many ladies and still does not leave the wardrobe of fashionistas in different points Globe. Since 1927, everyone began to wear it - both ordinary maids and socialites. Let's figure out what is the secret of the popularity of this attire?

The secret of the dress from the great Chanel

The famous Coco considered knees not the most attractive part of a woman's body. That's why the dress covers them. Semicircular neckline, long sleeve and simple decor- these are the three pillars on which the concept of the outfit rests. In order to diversify appearance dress, you can decorate it with a brooch, scarf or wear an original belt. The materials used for tailoring are soft suiting fabric, silk, guipure and satin. To achieve the perfect form-fitting silhouette, a snake is sewn into the dress, thanks to which you can dress it like a sheath.

Today fashion has made its own adjustments to this style, but the idea of ​​the dress remains intact. The tight silhouette and piercing black color continue to fascinate fashionistas. Now all kinds of ruffles, drapery, intricate collars and sleeves can be allowed in a dress various shapes. And in order to refresh the look, use colored fabric inserts.

By the way, among the creations of the endless Chanel there is also evening lace dresses. It was she who first began to use lace fabric in tight-fitting and flowing robes for a festive evening. In this case, the color scheme has no restrictions. This outfit does not require accessories, so Coco complemented the looks of her models with only a small clutch bag. Much attention The trendsetter also paid attention to shoes. Small heel, a tight-fitting shape and a duo of white and black colors - this is how she saw the ideal shoes. In her opinion, the combination of these two colors can visually reduce a woman’s leg, making it more graceful.

Dear women, we hope that our article will encourage you to buy a dress in the Chanel style, and then your image will become truly unique and feminine!

Chanel dresses - photos