Monty Hall's paradox is an explanation for the increase in the probability of choice. Monty Hall's paradox is a logic puzzle not for the faint of heart.

Modern parents very often rush things, trying to teach their baby new skills and abilities. Meanwhile, there are certain age standards at which a child may not be ready to learn a new skill. In some cases, such parental behavior can lead to disruptions in the functioning of the tiny organism and serious consequences.

One of these skills is independent sitting. Of course, it will be much easier for mom and dad when the baby sits up, because in this case he will be able to see in a new way the world, independently take your toys and play with them for a long time. This is why adults wait so impatiently for the baby to learn to sit down, and some, in order to speed up the learning process, sit the child down, supporting his back with his hands or using pillows for this.

Meanwhile, early sitting down of a baby can cause significant harm to his body. In this article we will tell you how many months you can start your baby and why you shouldn’t do it too early.

At what months can a child be started?

Most doctors, answering the question of how many months a child can be seated, including half-sitting or on the butt, indicate the exact figure - 6 months. However, even at six months it is not always worth planting the baby. After all, all children develop differently, and the degree of readiness for learning a new skill may differ for each of them. Especially in this regard, you should be attentive to children who have various birth injuries.

In addition to reaching the required age, a child who can begin sitting must have the following skills:

  • independently and without difficulty from back to stomach and back;
  • hold your head for a long time and easily lift it from horizontal position;
  • stand confidently, holding onto your hands or any other support;
  • try to take a vertical position on your own.

In addition, before you begin to sit your baby down, be sure to visit the pediatrician observing the child so that he can confirm the physical and psychological readiness of the baby.

Why can’t a baby be placed before 6 months?

There are several reasons why a child should not be seated before he is 6 months old:

All these reasons apply to children of both sexes. Meanwhile, when answering the question of how many months can a girl child be seated, most doctors will prohibit doing this at all until the baby sits up on her own. In view of anatomical features body, in girls, in addition to spinal deformation, curvature of the pelvic bones may occur. Over the years, this disorder very often leads to painful and protracted labor.

After birth itself, the baby is usually held only in an upright position. This is necessary for the normal development of the spine. Already at six months of age, infants begin active movement and growth. It is during this period of life that the baby begins to sit down independently. Boys and girls exhibit the same motor reflex, because this contributes to the intellectual and psychophysical development of children.

But it is worth considering that sitting down for a child is not possible in every case, and not at every age, quickly and without problems.

Formation of the spine in infants

When a baby is born, his spinal ridge consists of a straight line. Gradually, the formation of the spine reaches the correct curves. This process is divided into stages:

Of course, all children are individual, and one should not consider it a deviation when the baby begins to demonstrate any skills a little later than the deadlines determined by specialists. Because of this, the question of what time boys can be seated depends on the individual characteristics of the baby’s body, although orthopedists rely on generally accepted norms for the development of the child’s body, taking into account the individual characteristics of each of them, which indicate the state of health, physical build and temperament characteristics.

There are certain parameters that determine what time a boy is ready to sit down. This is determined by the following:

  • when the baby learned to roll over from tummy to back and back;
  • when the child manages to hold his head while raising his chest while on his tummy;
  • when the baby is already on all fours and makes movements, leaning on them, he can reach the toys;
  • when the baby shows the ability to grab his parents’ hand with his fingers and begins to sit down independently.

If the child is healthy and mobile enough and is not overweight, then his ability to sit up appears by the age of six months. Large children can begin to be planted no earlier than 7-8 months of age. If it is difficult for a child to sit down, then do not be zealous. Orthopedic specialists practice crawling with the baby to strengthen the muscle corset.

When can boys be imprisoned?

At what months can boys be started? Usually boys can be seated from 5 months. Expert advice will help you.

It is important to know that some children sit down without any difficulty just because they were physically ready for it. But if at 9 months of age the child still does not sit up on his own, this should be a cause for concern. This behavior of the child requires examination by specialists in neurology and orthopedics to exclude various types of pathologies.

If all the deadlines have already been exhausted, and the baby has not started to sit, but the child does not have any health problems, then you just need to pay attention to stimulating the baby’s physical activity:

  • swimming procedures;
  • performing massage;
  • holding on hands in a straight position;
  • performance gymnastic exercises, including flips, turns with arms and legs to the sides;
  • performing crawling maneuvers.

Worth considering individual characteristics baby, for example, prematurity or excess weight. It is important to be patient and not demand unnecessary efforts from the baby, so as not to injure his spine. It is better to help strengthen the spinal ridge in every possible way with the help of physical activity and gymnastics.

Every parent wants their child to grow as quickly as possible. The more developed the baby is, the more interesting it is to communicate with him. I would like the child to start walking as soon as possible, then he can be shown huge world around. The first step to this is sitting. But you can’t rush to drop the boy off, as this can lead to improper development of the spine. In order not to harm the baby, you need to know at what months boys can be placed.

Development of the spine in infants

The spine in newborns is intended exclusively for the supine position. It is straight and without natural bends. An adult has four curves in the spine: cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral. The cervical curve forms in the first months of life; almost immediately children can raise their head and hold it in this position. The thoracic curve is formed by 6-7 months, and the lumbar and sacral curves are fully formed by 12 months.

Until the specified dates, the parts of the spine do not have a muscular frame. If you sit down your child too early, this can lead to lordosis and kyphosis - pathological curvatures of the spine. Such pathologies have Negative influence on the development of muscles, the respiratory system and internal organs. It is possible to bring the spine back to normal, but it is better to prevent this problem at an early stage of development.

Unfortunately, many mothers like to sit down their baby and don’t even think about what they are doing. After all, a child should not sit not only in a crib, on a sofa or floor, but also in children’s car seats or at children’s tables. Many mothers love kangaroo bags for their baby. But this position is also harmful to the spine.

Instead of placing your baby in a child car seat, it is better to put the baby down. You need to feed him in a lying position, slightly raising his head and chest. Walkers and kangaroos should also not be used until the child is six months old. And even at that age, it is necessary to monitor the time the child spends in a sitting position.

At what age is it better to plant a boy?

When to sit down a future man is decided after he himself begins to make his first attempts to sit down. To do this, the child must develop a thoracic curve and the muscles of the thoracic spine. Their development becomes noticeable when the child actively moves his arms and legs, raises his head and holds it well, and easily turns over from his tummy to his back and back. This usually occurs around six months of age.

Also, in the question of when to sit down your little one, you need to exercise individual approach. If the child is phlegmatic, rolls over and moves without enthusiasm and reluctantly, then you can wait up to 7 months. Other kids, on the contrary, are active and cheerful. They roll over early and curiously explore the world around them, turning their heads 360 degrees. Such children can begin to sit down from five months.

You also need to take into account the weight of the child. If the baby is large, then the spine experiences additional stress. It is better to plant such heavyweights only after six months. When the baby is thin, the spine can withstand a sitting position from five months. But at the age of six months, it is better not to sit the baby down for a long time. Limit yourself to 20-30 minutes. A child can remain in a sitting position for a long time when he is already crawling and trying to stand up.

When, after six months, the baby still does not try to sit up, you need to consult a doctor. Often the cause is a lack of parental attention to the boy. Gymnastics and massage will help correct the situation; parents should also play with the baby, show their love and attention to him. The opposite situation happens when the baby tries to sit up too early. In this case, you don’t need to hold him, but you shouldn’t help either. We must remember that some children begin to sit after they have learned to crawl and stand up on their own.

How to prepare your baby

You can prepare the boy in advance for the moment when he begins to sit up on his own. To do this, you need to do gymnastics and massage with him:

  1. take the baby by the arms and slowly lift him up, the boy himself will begin to pull himself up behind your hands. Over time, increase the lifting angle; you cannot lift the child completely;
  2. holding the baby by the waist, bend and turn the body;
  3. back massage is performed by stroking with an open palm from head to butt and in the opposite direction;
  4. Crawling is a great exercise for the back, babies crawl with pleasure, encourage them to do this as often as possible. You can make your baby's crawling part of a game, just make sure the floor is clean and warm.

How to properly plant a boy

When the baby begins to try to sit up on his own, you can help him sit down for training. It is necessary to plant, observing certain rules.

  • Monitor your baby's sitting time

You cannot put a six-month-old baby in a chair for 10-15 minutes to eat. At 6 months, sitting is training. It can be taken by the baby for a few minutes 2-3 times a day. Of course, if the baby himself expresses a desire to sit longer, then there is no need to interfere with him. If the baby is under 6 months, the sitting time should be no more than a minute.

  • Use a reclining position

This is an intermediate state between a sitting and lying position, when the toddler’s back is located at an angle of 40–45°. It doesn't put as much stress on the child's muscles, but provides enough stress for a workout. You can use the mother's stomach or pillows as support.

  • Don't drop your child off if he doesn't like it

If you see that he expresses dissatisfaction with the new body position, do not force him. To make training more enjoyable, you can give your child a toy.

  • Initially place the child on your lap

The support for the back is the stomach of mom or dad. The advantage of planting on your knees is that there is no hard base under your tailbone.

  • Follow your mood

Conduct the training when the baby is fed, happy and in a positive mood. Make sure that your child does not get injured when falling; it is better to do the training at home.

  • Create motivation for your child

The child learns to sit and walk in order to reach toys and explore the world around him more effectively. A hanging toy provides motivation to learn to sit and walk.

  • There is no need to support your baby if he starts to fall.

The child must master his own body and learn to feel it. Through trial, error and failure, he can do it faster.

It is worth adding that many pediatricians do not advise intervening and forcing the child to sit down. For example, in the West there are no recommendations on when to sit down a child. The rule is simple: when he starts to sit up on his own, then you can sit him down.

Sitting is one of the important stages in the physical development of infants. Under normal conditions, babies begin to sit independently at about 6.5-7 months. Parents are often concerned about the question of whether there is or is an opportunity to help the baby master this process, and whether it is possible to sit the child down. Reckless attempts to plant a baby at 4-5 months can cause serious problems with her health in the future.

To prepare the baby for sitting, mother and baby should lead healthy image life. The baby needs to eat well and get enough sleep. It is necessary to communicate with the baby when she is awake and stimulate the development of motor skills. Suitable for this:

  1. Daily water treatments(and swimming in the pool with mom);
  2. Wellness massage;
  3. Games and exercises that are aimed at strengthening muscle corset baby.

How do you understand that a boy or girl can be seated (if they are at least six months old), or that the baby is about to sit up on his own?

  • The baby without help turns over onto his tummy from a position lying on his back and returns to his original state;
  • The baby holds his head on his own and easily lifts it off the surface of the crib or floor;
  • The baby can stand holding onto a support;
  • If a boy or girl sees the fingers of an adult, he grabs them and tries to take a vertical position.

It is important to understand that all children are individual, and the normal range is quite wide. Every healthy child will begin to sit in due time. The limits that are given in Russian literature in pediatrics, very wide - from 4.5 to 8 months.

Doctor Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky shares the point of view of most European pediatricians. Parents need to understand that the child cannot be imprisoned before he tries to do it himself. It is not allowed to do this at 4 months or six months.

When your baby begins to master the skill of sitting, do not help him under any circumstances if he cannot do it the first time. When a baby learns independently, his muscles and spine get used to new loads, become stronger and stronger. It is also undesirable to cover children with pillows during this period of time.

While the baby is 5 months old or has recently turned six months old, it is recommended to stimulate crawling by all available means. Create a safe environment in the room by placing a blanket on the floor. Place a bright toy a few meters in front of the child, and let the baby, lying on his tummy, try to get to it.

When should you sit your baby down? How many months?

Devices for children

For the convenience of parents, the industry produces many devices for verticalizing children. It is important to remember that you can put your baby in a high chair no earlier than 6.5-7 months, when the necessary curves of the spine have formed. Baby car seats, jumpers and loungers for babies can be used from the age of 5-6 months, when the back and other muscles of the baby are ready for this.

When can you sit on your hand?

Mothers are often interested in how many months they can put their baby in their arms, because it’s hard to hold him in a “column” in your arms all the time, and household chores require attention.

Women should remember that a boy or girl is allowed to be held in this position only when the child begins to try to sit up while in a crib or other similar place. This will happen no earlier than six months. Therefore, at 5 months, the baby cannot be carried like this; for transportation, use a sling or a special baby backpack.

Put in a walker

Walkers are one of the convenient ways to give the child an upright position and allow the mother to take care of adult matters for a while. Most manufacturers indicate that their products can be used when the baby is six months old.

The question is often when to plant small child in a walker, is decided individually. Some models are equipped so that they can accommodate a 5-month-old baby. But before purchasing such walkers, mom and dad are advised to consult a doctor about the age at which they can place their son or daughter in them.

When is the best time to imprison boys?

There are prejudices according to which a boy can be imprisoned earlier than a girl, since physical development little man slightly ahead of fragile female body. They are not confirmed by modern medicine.

Do not place a child of either gender early, do not place him in a jumper or other device. This will happen naturally in all babies between 6 and 8 months.

And when the girl

You shouldn't rush things with girls either. You can hear from some parents that early sitting down may cause the baby to develop a curvature of the uterus, and she will have problems with childbearing in adulthood. This is not true.

Mothers of little princesses ask the question: “When can girls sit down?” Healthy girls depending on the individual physical development trying to sit down at the same period of life as boys. Therefore, do not try to sit up your beloved daughter at 4 or 5 months, do not offer her jumpers - this will harm her spine and fragile muscles.

What is harmful for a child

Parents who are trying to find out what time a boy or girl can start should be very careful not to unknowingly harm their children. It is important to understand how to properly interact with the baby in order to prepare her for this important process and not cause problems with the spine in the future.

  1. You cannot put a child on a potty, in jumpers or walkers at four to five months.
  2. There is no need to hold your baby if he is under 6 months old.
  3. When a baby tries to sit on his butt, it is not advisable to provide him with assistance.
  4. Do not put pillows on your children when they sit on their butts for the first time, and then after a few minutes they fall onto their sides.
  5. When the baby just learns to sit, at first do not allow him to be in this position too much (start with 5-30 minutes).

In some cases, tell exactly when not quite healthy child you can sit down, at how many months you should start doing this, only an experienced doctor can.

What to do if kids won't sit down

If your son or daughter is already 7-8 months old and still cannot sit, this is a reason to contact a pediatrician and neurologist. Doctors will examine the baby and find the reason why his motor development lags behind his peers. If no pathologies are identified, engage in physical activity with your baby - gymnastics will strengthen his muscles and help him sit up. Buy jumpers or another device for verticalization and, after consulting with a doctor, give it to your offspring.

Remember that a child cannot be imprisoned by force. If the baby has any health problems, suffered a birth injury or was born prematurely, then the question of when the baby can be seated is decided individually under the supervision of a neurologist after performing a series of preparatory exercises.

Trying to sit up at three months

It happens that very active and curious babies try to sit up at 3-4 months. Do not stimulate this process under any circumstances. Gently stop your son or daughter’s attempts to sit down, distract the baby’s attention with a bright toy or conversation. At this age, the child’s body is not yet ready to sit; this can seriously harm him.

Exercises to help strengthen your child's back

There are a number of exercises that will help strengthen the child’s muscles and prepare him for a new position in space. Your pediatrician will tell you at what months they can be done, since all babies develop differently.

  • With your baby on his tummy, lift your boy or girl off the crib using one hand at chest level and the other at glute level. Then after 5-10 seconds lower it. While lifting, the muscles on the baby’s back should tense;
  • Place colorful toys in front of your baby after placing him on his tummy. Let him try to reach or crawl to them;
  • Invite your baby to grab your thumbs when she lies on her back. When she does this, pull her towards you and let her back lift off the blanket for 15 seconds. Then gently lower the child.

At proper care and proper preparation, each child sits down within the time allotted by nature. The parents’ task is to help him in this important matter, but at the same time not harm the baby’s fragile health.

When can I sit my baby down? Is it necessary to teach a child to sit?

Your baby has grown up, is actively moving and is already trying to sit on his own. And, of course, you are interested in the answer to the question, from how many months can boys be started? Let's find out about it.

Your son is growing and developing, and every day you have everything more questions regarding what is the right thing to do in a particular case. One of them is, at what month can boys be imprisoned? Is your baby ready to sit up on his own? Will this be harmful to the spine and internal organs when boys begin to sit?

Your baby's spine does not yet have a framework of muscles that would hold it. If you sit your baby down too early, this can negatively affect the spinal column and cause curvature.

Most pediatricians are inclined to believe that this is possible no earlier than 5-6 months. The age at which boys can be placed largely depends on the level of development of the musculoskeletal system. Genetic predisposition, temperament, body weight and physical activity- all these are decisive factors.

You can independently decide when a boy sits down in the following situations:

  • your son independently learned to roll over from his back to his stomach and back;
  • the baby can already stand independently, holding your hands;
  • the child crawls, lifts and holds his head well;
  • he actively turns his head in all directions, waves his arms and legs;
  • the baby is not overweight;
  • he makes attempts to stand up on his own, pulling himself up by your fingers.
You should not carry your baby in a kangaroo carrier in a sitting position too early. In order for his spine to form correctly, this can be started no earlier than 5 months.

When asked what time do boys sit down and when can you teach your son to sit up on his own, your pediatrician will best answer. He will be able to objectively assess the level of development of your child after a thorough examination and examination.
If your baby is in no hurry to sit down and is capricious when you sit him down, then you should abandon this idea for a while. Usually children have a desire to sit on their own. And this is individual.

Start preparing his back for sitting. To do this, do special gymnastics and massages with him. You can take your baby by the hands and lift him up smoothly. He will reach for your hands. Make sure that the baby does this with pleasure and that the exercises do not cause him discomfort. The angle of inclination should be increased gradually. You can ride your child on a large ball (fitball). First a little on the back, then on the stomach. Children love these activities.

Swimming and water procedures in the bathroom are useful for strengthening the back. The water should not be too hot; support the baby's stomach and make sure that the water does not get into his respiratory tract. Swimming also has a beneficial effect on nervous system, calms the baby. It is good to do such procedures before bed.