Extraordinary lightness. Extraordinary ease of thought

Do not understand, do not understand, etc.). He drank another glass and continued, as if to reason with himself: “Actors!.. Theater... They write comedies, they compose dramas, but no one understands anything.”(Pisemsky. Comedian).

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.


See what “Neither ear nor snout” is in other dictionaries:

    neither ear nor snout- he doesn’t hit the teeth, he doesn’t know boom boom, he doesn’t know anything, he doesn’t know anything, he doesn’t understand me, he doesn’t understand me, he looks at a book and sees nothing, he doesn’t know anything about me, he doesn’t know anything doesn’t know it by sight, doesn’t understand the problem, or boom... ... Synonym dictionary

    no ear, no snout- adj., number of synonyms: 22 does not know the basics (16) oak by oak (16) ignorant ... Synonym dictionary

    neither ear nor snout- (doesn’t understand), colloquial. reduction He doesn’t understand anything at all, he doesn’t understand anything... Dictionary of many expressions

    neither ear nor snout- not an ear or a cry... Russian spelling dictionary

    Neither ear nor snout- 1. Unlock Absolutely nothing (not to know, not to understand, not to understand anything). FSRY, 500; BMS 1998, 589–590; BTS. 1409; SPP 2001, 76; DP, 471, 473. 2. Volg. Disapproved About a homely, outwardly expressionless person. Glukhov 1988, 112 ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

    neither ear nor snout- neither u/ha nor ry/la... Together. Apart. Hyphenated.

    Doesn't understand either ear or snout- Neither the ear nor the snout understands (inc.) anything. Vavil doesn’t understand either his ears or his snout. Wed. Today’s “good” person likes to devote the afternoon to intelligent conversation with friends... about sights that the old Foolovites don’t know a thing about... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    doesn't understand either ear or snout- (foreigner) Vavila doesn’t understand anything, neither her ear nor her snout. Wed. Current good man he likes to devote the afternoon to intelligent conversation with friends... about sights that the old Foolovites had no clue about. Saltykov. Satires... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    doesn't understand either ear or snout- adj., number of synonyms: 18 doesn’t know the basics (16) ignorant (53) ... Synonym dictionary

    Neither ear nor snout (does not understand, does not know)- EAR, ear, plural. ears, ears, cf. Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary


  • The first and the last, Ulitskaya Lyudmila Evgenievna. These stories come from Russian prose, which is attentive and sympathetic to “superfluous” and “little” people. The author of "Sonya" and "Poor Relatives" with his subtle and clear optics highlights those... Buy for 283 rubles
  • The first and the last, Ulitskaya L.E.. These stories come from Russian prose, attentive and sympathetic to “superfluous” and “little” people. The author of “Sonechka” and “Poor Relatives”, with his subtle and clear optics, highlights those...

Neither ear nor snout

Psk. Iron. About a young, inexperienced, dependent person. SPP 2001, 76.

Large dictionary of Russian sayings. - M: Olma Media Group. V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina. 2007 .

See what “Neither ear nor snout” is in other dictionaries:

    Adj., number of synonyms: 1 was not aware (2) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    Neither ear, nor snout, nor eyes, nor speech. See TOLK STUPID...

    Hit someone from ear to ear. Perm. Beat up someone Podyukov 1989, 218. Don’t tell the ear. Novg. The same as not leading with your ear. NOSE 1, 119. Don’t cut your ear. Kar. Joking. approved About a capable, skillful, resourceful person. SRGK 5, 569. Neither ear nor meat. Volg. Disapproved Same … Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Cross yourself and get some sleep! Bow to Makar, and Makar to seven sides. I started with the spirit and ended with the belly. He sits in trouble and smokes trouble. He conceived for health, and brought him together for peace. Neither out of the box, nor into the box. Doesn't fit into the box, doesn't come out of the box, and doesn't give up the box. No dignity... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    - (foreigner) Vavila doesn’t understand anything, neither ear nor snout. Wed. Today's good man likes to devote his afternoons to intelligent conversation with friends... about sights that the old Foolovites had no idea about. Saltykov. Satires... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Wed, Tatars. weight three pounds. Grapes at the market for three kopecks per eye. II. OKO avg. eyes and combs pl. eye. In Cherdyn, Solvochegodsk, to this day (1823) one can hear the dual ochima, rukama, nogama: this is the memory of the ancient Novgorod settlers. Cm.… … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Adj., number of synonyms: 2 neither sleep, nor spirit (4) neither ear, nor snout (1) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    Water is for fish, air is for birds, and the whole earth is for man. In the world that is at sea. In a world that is in a whirlpool: no bottom, no tires. The world lies in evil (in lies). The world is in turmoil, man is in sin. God wants what, man can do what. We are all people, we are all human. Whatever... ... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    The century will stretch, everyone (everyone) will get it. It doesn't come day after day. Day after day does not happen, hour after hour does not fall. Anything can happen in the world (and it also happens that nothing happens). Mountain does not meet mountain, but man does not meet man (or: but a pot with... ... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people


How and why a xenophobic survey appeared on the Ekho Moskvy website and why it is still hanging there

On the website of the radio station “Echo of Moscow” there is a “polls” section. The results of voting, which are carried out both on the Echo website itself and by telephone, are posted there. At the moment when I am writing this column, the website shows the results of three surveys: “Does Russia need Foreign tourists?”, “Are you able to save money with energy-saving lamps?” And between them there are the results of the Echo of Moscow audience’s answers to the question: “Meet a representative of what nationality in dark time are you afraid of the day? The first two questions each have three possible answers: “yes”, “no” and “difficult to answer”. The third one also has clues: “Ukrainian”, “Chechen” and “difficult to answer”. The latter, apparently, is just in case. If the listener of “Echo” has not yet decided for himself who is scarier: a Ukrainian or a Chechen.

These are the everyday questions that are relevant to Russians and are offered to them by the most popular and pluralistic Russian radio station. Based on the voting results, the Echo audience can look in the mirror and find out that the majority in this audience, 54%, believes that Russia does not need foreign tourists, and also that only 39% manage to save on light bulbs. And in the meantime, find out that 57% of those who took part in the survey - there were more than 9 thousand of them at the time of writing - are afraid of Ukrainians, 31% are afraid of Chechens, and 12% have not yet decided which of the representatives of these two peoples they fear more .

It is clear that media polls have about the same relationship to real public opinion as canned food has to the conservatory. It is clear that studying public opinion in a country creeping from an authoritarian regime to a totalitarian one, the task is very unusual, and in today’s Russia it is poorly implemented. It is clear that this survey about “terrible Ukrainians” and “terrible Chechens” was designed in such a way that among its participants there were only a minority of those who took this foulness seriously and actually made a choice in a situation where it is clear to a more or less sane person that and there is no such question. With the same success, you can invite the Echo audience to answer the question: “Who would you like to abuse this evening: your mother or your father?” Well, it’s cool, isn’t it “Echo people”?

From the comments in in social networks It became clear that the “leadership” of Ukrainians in this “survey” was ensured by the citizens of Ukraine, who, having learned about yet another disgrace on “Echo,” decided to have fun and vote for themselves, the “terrible ones.” Troll the organizers of a stupid survey, bringing it to the point of complete absurdity. However, a certain number of Echo fans took part in this event seriously…

The idea to conduct a stupid survey arose during the “Personally Yours” program with Vasily Oblomov, who, in fact, made this proposal. This is where “it” grew from. The conversation turned to Chechnya, about Kadyrov.

V. Oblomov: “You can conduct a survey among Echo of Moscow listeners: “Do you think that Russia... who actually won this Chechen war, in the first, and in the second - who really won? Moreover, if you conduct a survey among viewers of Channel One, who is more feared during an ordinary meeting on the street - an American, a Ukrainian from Western Ukraine, a Western Bandera member, a native Russian, a Chinese or a Chechen - and ask him the question: who is for you personally poses a great threat - it seems that all three of us sitting here can guess which answer will take the leading position. Conduct a survey, submit a question right now!”

A. Naryshkin: “We have two possible answers...”

V. Oblomov: “Let there be Ukrainians or Chechens.”

I cannot help but note the amazing ease with which Vasily Oblomov pronounces the ethnofolism “Khokhol”. Let me remind you that we are not talking about some kind of cave xenophobe. In the Echo studio sits a young, talented poet of quite clearly democratic convictions, the author wonderful texts no less remarkable project “Good Mister”, who spoke at the 2011 rally. He has many bright and precise words about the Putin regime. Here, for example: “the symbol of Russia may not become St. George Ribbon, but insulating.” Well said, isn't it? And such a wonderful young man sits on the air, when many thousands of people listen to him and see him, and he utters a word for which it’s time to hit him in the face. As in a normal company, people have long been punched in the face for ethno-pholism, which denotes a Jew. By the way, I don’t think a derogatory nickname for Jews could have come out of anyone’s mouth on Echo. Because there is a consensus on the “Holocaust” in the liberal community and 6 million victims are already automatically turning into a scoundrel everyone who utters the word with which Jews were sent to the gas chambers. Apparently, for the Russian liberal crowd, 10 thousand Ukrainian citizens are not enough for the same taboo to be used to humiliate Ukrainians. By the way, if the leaders of Roskomnadzor had brains, instead of four completely harmless swear words, with which the Russian language has long ago dealt with it, and Russian culture has long given them their place of honor in a dark but well-ventilated cultural basement, all words of “hate speech”, to which ethno-folisms relate in the first place, would be prohibited.

Let's return to the “survey”. If we ignore the trolling on the part of Ukrainian citizens who decided to laugh at the “echo” fools, then the remainder will be what is called a “formative survey.” This is often done by dirty political strategists before elections. They ask, for example, the question: “Will you vote for Ivanov, who wants to make pensions 5 thousand euros, or for Petrov, who wants to abolish them altogether?” Then the survey data is published and citizens inclined to conformism add their voice to the formed majority.

The results of the xenophobic survey are posted on the Echo website and, at the time of writing, they were viewed by tens of thousands of people. What's the result? The initiator of the xenophobic survey, poet Vasily Oblomov, undoubtedly acted stupidly and disgustingly. He is not a media executive. Not Chief Editor. He is a poet who easily and quickly writes sharp and biting poetry. This is a special head device. “The ease of thought is extraordinary.” This is, for example, Dmitry Bykov. Sometimes it seems that words don’t go through their heads. They just don’t have time to process it in the brain. The main thing is that they can write good poems on the topic of the day, and may God grant them both health and inspiration, both Bykov and Oblomov. But, have mercy, this does not mean that everything that comes out of their mouth should immediately be turned into metal. Bykov, for example, admires the Soviet project, so what do you order: revive the USSR?

There are no questions to Oblomov’s interlocutors, to the two Alexei, Solomin and Naryshkin, who “filmed down” a completely Nazi question on “Echo”. These are two chicks of Venediktov’s nest, from among those that AAV breeds with the help of special selection. Here appeals to reason and conscience are meaningless, since there are no addressees. It’s the same story with the editor-in-chief of the “echo” website, Vitaly Ruvinsky. This is the one who filmed an interview with Viktor Shenderovich about Putin and his criminal and sports circle from the Echo website. Ruvinsky then lied a lot online, endlessly repeating: “I removed it (Shenderovich’s interview) from the site, there were personal insults throughout the entire broadcast.” The text of this interview still hangs on the website of Radio Liberty, it is called: “Shenderovich stopped joking.” There you can see how Ruvinsky is lying and why this interview was actually removed.

You could, of course, ask Alexey Venediktov if he likes what he has on his website (just don’t pretend that the website is a separate media outlet!) There has been Nazi crap hanging for two days now. But for some reason I don’t want to ask. Let it hang and be identification mark for everyone who has not yet understood what “Echo of Moscow” is and who Alexey Venediktov is.

How and why a xenophobic survey appeared on the Ekho Moskvy website and why it is still hanging there

On the website of the radio station “Echo of Moscow” there is a “polls” section. The results of voting, which are carried out both on the Echo website itself and by telephone, are posted there. At the moment when I am writing this column, the website shows the results of three surveys: “Does Russia need foreign tourists?”, “Are you able to save money with energy-saving lamps?” And between them there are the results of the Echo of Moscow audience’s answers to the question: “Are you afraid of meeting a representative of what nationality in the dark?” The first two questions each have three possible answers: “yes”, “no” and “difficult to answer”. The third one also has clues: “Ukrainian”, “Chechen” and “difficult to answer”. The latter, apparently, is just in case. If the listener of “Echo” has not yet decided for himself who is scarier: a Ukrainian or a Chechen.

These are the everyday questions that are relevant to Russians and are offered to them by the most popular and pluralistic Russian radio station. Based on the voting results, the Echo audience can look in the mirror and find out that the majority in this audience, 54%, believes that Russia does not need foreign tourists, and also that only 39% manage to save on light bulbs. And in the meantime, find out that 57% of those who took part in the survey - there were more than 9 thousand of them at the time of writing - are afraid of Ukrainians, 31% are afraid of Chechens, and 12% have not yet decided which of the representatives of these two peoples they fear more .

It is clear that media polls have about the same relationship to real public opinion as canned food has to the conservatory. It is clear that studying public opinion in a country creeping from an authoritarian regime to a totalitarian one is a very unusual task, and in today’s Russia it is poorly implemented. It is clear that this survey about “terrible Ukrainians” and “terrible Chechens” was designed in such a way that among its participants there were only a minority of those who took this foulness seriously and actually made a choice in a situation where it is clear to a more or less sane person that and there is no such question. With the same success, you can invite the Echo audience to answer the question: “Who would you like to abuse this evening: your mother or your father?” Well, it’s cool, isn’t it “Echo people”?

From the comments on social networks, it became clear that the “leadership” of Ukrainians in this “survey” was ensured by the citizens of Ukraine, who, having learned about another disgrace on “Echo”, decided to have fun and vote for themselves, the “terrible ones.” Troll the organizers of a stupid survey, bringing it to the point of complete absurdity. However, a certain number of Echo fans took part in this event seriously...

The idea to conduct a stupid survey arose during the “Personally Yours” program with Vasily Oblomov, who, in fact, made this proposal. This is where “it” grew from. The conversation turned to Chechnya, about Kadyrov.

V. Oblomov: “You can conduct a survey among the listeners of Echo of Moscow: “Do you think that Russia... who actually won this Chechen war, in the first, and in the second - who actually won?” Moreover, if you conduct a survey among viewers of Channel One, who is more feared during an ordinary meeting on the street - an American, a Ukrainian from Western Ukraine, a Western Bandera member, a native Russian, a Chinese or a Chechen - and ask him the question: who is for you personally poses a great threat - it seems that all three of us sitting here can guess which answer will take the leading position. Conduct a survey, submit a question right now!”

A. Naryshkin: “We have two possible answers...”

V. Oblomov: “Let there be Ukrainians or Chechens.”

I cannot help but note the amazing ease with which Vasily Oblomov pronounces the ethnofolism “Khokhol”. Let me remind you that we are not talking about some kind of cave xenophobe. In the Echo studio sits a young, talented poet of quite clearly democratic convictions, the author of wonderful texts of the no less wonderful project “Good Mister”, who spoke at the 2011 rally. He has many bright and precise words about the Putin regime. Here, for example: “the symbol of Russia can become not the St. George’s ribbon, but an insulating one.” Well said, isn't it? And such a wonderful young man sits on the air, when many thousands of people listen to him and see him, and he utters a word for which it’s time to hit him in the face. As in a normal company, people have long been punched in the face for ethno-pholism, which denotes a Jew. By the way, I don’t think a derogatory nickname for Jews could have come out of anyone’s mouth on Echo. Because there is a consensus on the “Holocaust” in the liberal community and 6 million victims are already automatically turning into a scoundrel everyone who utters the word with which Jews were sent to the gas chambers. Apparently, for the Russian liberal crowd, 10 thousand Ukrainian citizens are not enough for the same taboo to be used to humiliate Ukrainians. By the way, if the leaders of Roskomnadzor had brains, instead of four completely harmless swear words, which the Russian language has long ago figured out, and Russian culture has long given them their place of honor in a dark but well-ventilated cultural basement, they would have banned all words of the “language enmity,” to which ethnofolisms primarily relate.

Let's return to the “survey”. If we ignore the trolling on the part of Ukrainian citizens who decided to laugh at the “echo” fools, then the remainder will be what is called a “formative survey.” This is often done by dirty political strategists before elections. They ask, for example, the question: “Will you vote for Ivanov, who wants to make pensions 5 thousand euros, or for Petrov, who wants to abolish them altogether?” Then the survey data is published and citizens inclined to conformism add their voice to the formed majority.

The results of the xenophobic survey are posted on the Echo website and, at the time of writing, they were viewed by tens of thousands of people. What's the result? The initiator of the xenophobic survey, poet Vasily Oblomov, undoubtedly acted stupidly and disgustingly. He is not a media executive. Not the editor-in-chief. He is a poet who easily and quickly writes sharp and biting poetry. This is a special head device. “The ease of thought is extraordinary.” This is, for example, Dmitry Bykov. Sometimes it seems that words don’t go through their heads. They just don’t have time to process it in the brain. The main thing is that they manage to write good poetry on the topic of the day, and may God grant them both health and inspiration, both Bykov and Oblomov. But, have mercy, this does not mean that everything that comes out of their mouth should immediately be turned into metal. Bykov, for example, admires the Soviet project, so what do you order: revive the USSR?

There are no questions to Oblomov’s interlocutors, to the two Alexei, Solomin and Naryshkin, who “filmed down” a completely Nazi question on “Echo”. These are two chicks of Venediktov’s nest, from among those that AAV breeds with the help of special selection. Here appeals to reason and conscience are meaningless, since there are no addressees. It’s the same story with the editor-in-chief of the “echo” website, Vitaly Ruvinsky. This is the one who filmed an interview with Viktor Shenderovich about Putin and his criminal and sports circle from the Echo website. Ruvinsky then lied a lot online, endlessly repeating: “I removed it (Shenderovich’s interview) from the site, there were personal insults throughout the entire broadcast.” The text of this interview still hangs on the website of Radio Liberty, it is called: “Shenderovich stopped joking.” There you can see how Ruvinsky is lying and why this interview was actually removed.

You could, of course, ask Alexey Venediktov if he likes what he has on his website (just don’t pretend that the website is a separate media outlet!) There has been Nazi crap hanging for two days now. But for some reason I don’t want to ask. Let it hang and be an identification mark for everyone who has not yet understood what “Echo of Moscow” is and who Alexey Venediktov is.

Extraordinary ease of thought
From the comedy “The Inspector General” (1836) by N.V. Gogol (1809-1852), where (act. 3, scene 6) Khlestakov, boasting of his literary abilities, says: “However, there are many of mine: “The Marriage of Figaro” ", "Robert the Devil", "Norma". I don’t even remember the names. And it all happened: I didn’t want to write, but the theater management said: “Please, brother, write something.” I think to myself, if you please, brother! And then in one evening, it seems, he wrote everything, astonishing everyone. I have an extraordinary lightness in my thoughts.”
Playfully and ironically: about a frivolous, eccentric person; about playful, frivolous behavior and mood.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.


See what “Extraordinary lightness of thought” is in other dictionaries:

    Adj., number of synonyms: 13 carefree (49) carefree (31) wind in the head (22) ... Synonym dictionary

    LIGHTNESS and; and. 1. to Easy (1 6 digits). L. air. L. clothes. L. gait. Easily complete the assignment. L. character. 2. A feeling of elation, vigor, a surge of strength, and a desire for activity. Feel l. in body. 3. Feeling of freedom, absence... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Schoolboyish, trifling, snickers and hags, frivolous, nonsense, undignified, petty, wasted, trifling, worthless, childish, third-rate, frivolous, third-rate, superficial, extraordinary lightness of thought, frivolous, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    Carefree, carefree, cheerful, safe, careless, gaffe, oversight, reckless, carefree, unruly; frivolous, careless, indifferent; slob. But I also did not doze (in inaction). Even grief (grief) is not enough for him... Synonym dictionary

    See frivolous... Synonym dictionary

    Childish, flighty, undignified, frivolous, careless, blown by the wind, flighty head, flighty, unfounded, mischievous, lives for today, lives for the minute, empty, lives for one day, extraordinary ease of thought, with the breeze... ... Synonym dictionary

    Frivolous, anemone (anemone), helipad, carminative. Wed. frivolous... Synonym dictionary

    Extraordinary ease of thought, lives for one day, frivolous, empty, carefree, wind in the head, frivolous, blown by the wind, mischievous, careless, lives for today, unfounded, blown by the wind Dictionary of Russian synonyms.... ... Synonym dictionary

    Flighty, carefree, careless, imprudent, careless, indiscriminate, injudicious, uncalculating, fickle, fickle, empty; unfounded, thoughtless, hasty; gullible. Anemone (anemone), carminative,... ... Synonym dictionary

    Unfounded, baseless, unfounded, empty, shaky. This news has no basis, is devoid of foundation, a newspaper canard is not based on anything. A house built on sand. .. Wed. unsubstantiated, frivolous... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and... ... Synonym dictionary