Famous Mingrelians. Mingrelians

We often don't think about it at all, and we make a mistake when we do it. Simply because we consider this statement to be an ordinary superstition that came to us from ancient times. Well, of course, having all the necessary things for a comfortable existence: light, water, car, computer, tablet, telephone, train and more, we can’t even imagine how before people got by without all this. And the thought comes to mind that all these prejudices arose far-fetched, unreasonably and spontaneously.

You can't take pictures of sleeping people - it's a bad omen

But is this really true? Humanity has always had a belief in other world. Any of us wants to understand what is really happening there. Therefore, the priceless piggy bank is replenished with more and more new signs and prejudices. So, it’s still worth listening to some of them.

If you look hard enough, you will find irrefutable facts and events that confirm the veracity of this or that prejudice.

Reasons for the ban

It is believed that a person in a dream is quite vulnerable. If such a photo falls into the hands of ill-wishers, they can cause a lot of troubles and misfortunes to the person depicted on it. Many, therefore, try to avoid such actions, perhaps even because of simple superstition.

Let us consider the main reasons for the appearance of such a ban.

Why it is forbidden to take photographs - what magicians say

Theory What can happen
Photography is a keeper of information about a person According to this theory, many sorcerers and magicians use photos in their “dirty deeds.” They know how to read information captured in photos well and use it at their own discretion.
  • Most often, to cause harm using the evil eye or some magical rituals.
  • Do not forget that you are more defenseless in this regard Small child. That is why the baby’s parents try to show his photo less often, even to those closest to him, for fear of jinxing it.

Modern magicians have reached such heights in their skills that an electronic version of the photo will be enough for them. And nowadays, getting it is not a problem - to do this, you just need to visit the page social network and download the necessary information.

Beliefs from the past

Previously, people believed that during sleep, a person’s soul temporarily leaves the body.

  • He becomes defenseless and more accessible to the negative influence of evil spirits. It was for this reason that it was believed that one should not suddenly wake up a sleeping person.
  • The soul simply may not have time to return to its place, and the person will die. Of course, you shouldn’t completely believe such an assumption, but a sudden awakening can really frighten you and leave you stuttering for the rest of your life.

But how does a photo have an impact? It’s just that in the silence of the night, a bright flash or the click of a camera shutter can frighten the sleeping person, and simply deprive him of his mind.

Snapshots of the dead Why you can't take pictures of the dead

A rather surprising and, perhaps, the most unusual hypothesis comes from Europe. In our country, however, it has not spread widely. The first cameras that appeared in the nineteenth century were too expensive. Therefore, only very rich people could afford such a luxury, since the price of the photo was too high.

The terrible truth about the dead

If death took away one of the close relatives, they were very sad about him, but they had to be buried in any case. They came up with a tradition of perpetuating memory by photographing the deceased, sometimes even at the dinner table, with family members. They tried so hard to preserve the memories of the departed.

They washed him, put on their best clothes and took photos. This was considered the peak in fashion trends that time. The photograph was not in a coffin, as is usually the case with the deceased. Sometimes it was even difficult to guess that the picture was of a corpse and not a living person. It looked like he was just sleeping in the picture. Many families had so-called “death books.” For us this is creepy, strange and sounds like wildness, but previously it was considered in the order of things.

That's why you can't take pictures of sleeping people - would comparison with a corpse be pleasant? A parallel is immediately drawn with death. And no one actually has any desire to call her out.

It was believed that a posing sleeping person could soon die or die suddenly.

Ethical side of the issue Unphotogenic shots

During sleep, you constantly toss and turn from side to side, perhaps your mouth is open or you are drooling.

Imagine someone capturing this moment. Will you jump with delight in such a situation? Absolutely no.

If such a photo is shown only to you, it’s not so bad, but if it is posted on the Internet so that it gets a certain number of likes. It is better to first coordinate all these actions with the person who is going to be filmed sleeping until he finally falls asleep.

Is it possible to photograph sleeping children?

This issue is extremely complex and controversial. You can wake up a sleeping adult and scare him too much while photographing. If, moreover, he doesn’t know you well enough, then he may well demand that you delete the resulting photo, and he will be one hundred percent right. It may also not allow you to do this at all.

If we're talking about about small children, then only their mother can decide. Many parents agree to conduct a simple photo shoot for a small fee. The entire Internet is replete with such advertisements. And, if you believe their stories, then they beloved child After taking the photograph, he feels simply great and is not subject to any bad influences.

How to protect yourself from the evil eye of a curse

However, in this regard it is worth remembering two legends:

  1. It is known that every child is protected by a Guardian angel. Many people believe that a photo shoot with a sleeping baby might scare him, so he will leave him. Which will lead to various diseases or developmental delays in the baby.
  2. The second version is a little closer to real life. After photographing, the baby will become more fearful and restless. Why? Babies usually sleep quite soundly. The click of a camera heard in complete silence, or bright light flashes can suddenly wake him up and scare him too much. He will start screaming and crying. You don't want this to happen to your child, do you? Well, of course not. Therefore, if you are planning to carry out such a process, then it needs to be well planned.

There is another side to the question of why you shouldn’t photograph sleeping people. And it directly concerns babies. The table shows a number of advantages of this process.

Is it possible to photograph children while they sleep?

Reason to take a photo How to take photos correctly
Calm environment It was mentioned above that a loud shutter click or a bright flash can wake up a child.

But, if the process is carefully prepared, then perhaps he will not even wake up. Moreover, in our time, silent cameras have already appeared, and lighting can be made natural.

Usually, a photo session is ordered from stranger, communication with which the baby may not like, and he will cry. The entire process of filming in a dream can go quietly and calmly.

Beautiful pictures Do you always look into the cradle to admire your child? Yes, babies are very cute in their sleep.
Memory Children always grow very quickly. It seems that recently the baby couldn’t even hold his head up, but today he talks and runs so hard that you can’t stop him.

The pictures will be a wonderful memory for long years, both for you and for the participants in the photo shoot themselves.

Agree, we all love to look at ourselves in childhood and after twenty and thirty years. In addition, there will be something to show the grandchildren.

Most likely, you are completely confused. On the one hand, you should listen to beliefs and legends. And they unanimously repeat that photographs of people sleeping are undesirable. Because this will bring trouble for the owner of the photo.

But, on the other hand, there is nothing reprehensible in this. Moreover, there is evidence that in a dream you can take a better and more natural photo, even better than in daylight. In any case, only you can decide to shoot or not to shoot.

Is it possible to damage a photo with a sleeping person?

According to various superstitions, the soul can leave the body of its owner during his sleep. Previously, it was assumed that this condition was called “little death.” During the shooting process, an absent soul is not able to protect a person from negative influence from the outside. Bad energy unhinderedly envelops him and is fraught with trouble.

Young children are especially susceptible to this effect. This is where the belief spread why you should not photograph sleeping people. The information hidden in such a photo can be used against the person posing while sleeping.

How to damage a photo

For magicians and sorcerers, the moment the first photos appeared was extremely joyful. Now they were provided limitless possibilities causing damage only with its help. At the same time, images with sleeping people were more welcome for use in magical rituals. In this case, why expose yourself to a certain risk once again? Even in modern world In many cities there are sorcerers and fortune tellers who can cause harm and damage from photos. Although we live in an age of information and technological progress, general enlightenment in various previously unexplainable phenomena.

How to take energy through a photo

It is known that all photographs are endowed with certain information and store human energy. The presence of superpowers in some people allows them, with the help of one such image, to tell you what was in you past life, what events are happening in the present and even what awaits in the future. And more than half of the world's population believes in this.

Any, even the most unsightly or low-quality photograph, absorbs the bioenergy of the person depicted on it. And even a small particle of it can cause significant harm to health or life. As we already know, the sleeper is more susceptible bad influence, and, therefore, a photo with him can bring considerable trouble.

People in the modern world, of course, are not as superstitious as their distant ancestors. But, nevertheless, not many people allow themselves to be photographed while sleeping. The perception of circumstances and the subsequent reaction to them is different for everyone. That is why, from different categories of respondents, you will receive a different answer to the question why you cannot photograph sleeping people.

Fear: how to protect a child

Most often, they cannot combine two concepts such as a sleeping baby and a photo shoot.

The main reasons why it is not recommended to photograph children:

  • Loud sounds can not only wake up a child, but also greatly frighten him, he will cry and be capricious.
  • Their biofield and energy have not yet been formed. And signs indicate that these two things are the weakest and most defenseless in the hands of ill-wishers.
  • If you try to capture your little one in an interesting pose, you will only wake him up and scare him. And the bright light from the flash and loud sounds will make you cry for a long time. Do you need such a frame?

You can deal with these consequences for another hour or two. It is absolutely certain that your child will wake up not in the mood, and, on top of that, he will be too scared and get a fright.

How to protect Fate

You may not be superstitious or believe in various predictions, but omens are a very powerful thing. They do not arise on empty space and for a reason. They are passed down to us from generation to generation, based on certain facts and events that happened in life. different people. You should not be indifferent to your fate or the fate of your loved ones, so worry about it at least as much as you can.

This is especially true for those surrounded by envious, evil and unkind people who can cause significant damage and inflict a curse or evil eye. You can refuse to take photographs while sleeping or not follow these stereotypes - as you wish. But think, be a little more careful and use simple tips. In this case, you will not regret in the future about problems that arose as a result of simple negligence or too pronounced skepticism.

It is absolutely not necessary to completely deprive yourself of joy and stop taking photographs. Do it. Do it with pleasure. But maybe just listen to reason and avoid certain shots that show you sleeping. Still, there is some grain of truth in the reasons. Study them carefully and decide for yourself what is more important - losing one successful shot or bitterly regretting the incident.

Without looking away we look at the cute sleeping child, we just want to capture this moment, but mothers and grandmothers whisper sternly, dissuading us from a dubious undertaking. Why is it forbidden to photograph sleeping people, we ask - my mother’s answer: “It’s a bad omen” makes the prohibition more severe and we put the camera aside.

What does this hide? Bad sign and is she really that bad? Magicians, religious followers and even psychologists have the answer.

Mysticism and magic

It is believed that the energy field of a sleeping person is similar to the energy field of a dead person. By photographing a sleeping person, we fix the state of his field in reality, which can lead to illness or death. It is a common belief that while someone is sleeping, his soul goes to other dimensions. With natural awakening, it returns, but if the sound of the shutter or a sharp flash of the camera wakes a person, then the soul will not have time to return to the body, which can lead to inevitable death.

Healers, magicians and sorcerers claim that the photographs display the human energy field, which contains all the information about the owner. During sleep, this field weakens, which is also displayed in the picture, so it is easier to cast damage, the evil eye or curses from the photograph of the sleeping person.

For the same reason, sleeping children, especially infants, are not photographed; their biofield is initially weak and highly susceptible to the evil eye. It is believed that an energy vampire can also harm the baby in the photo. Often people themselves do not realize that they are energy thieves or have the evil eye, which is why photographs of children should not be shown to strangers.

You should not photograph a pregnant woman in her sleep; it is believed that the child may not be born. The origin and veracity of this belief are unknown.


Many people note that in the photographs sleeping people resemble dead people, such associations make superstitious people assume that the photograph brings death to the person depicted. The basis for this superstition was laid in the 19th century, along with the invention of photography.

The process of photographing in those days took about 30 minutes, during which time it was difficult for an adult, and especially a child, to sit still. Only wealthy people could afford the services of a photographer.

Appeared in Europe terrible custom- photographing the dead. The dead were prepared for the process - dressed, combed, washed. To take photographs, the dead were seated at a table, depicted drinking tea or given a newspaper in their hands, children were seated in their arms or next to living relatives. In the photograph the deceased was different only eyes closed. This type of photography was used until the 1960s; some families collected albums with similar photographs. Fortunately, the custom is a thing of the past, but the association is alive and now only the dead have their eyes closed in photos.


Medical and psychological factors

Why you shouldn't photograph sleeping babies, children and adults

  1. Fright. The sound and flash of a camera can be frightening. Physically, fear is associated with impaired breathing and heart rate, therefore it can lead to heart disease. Young children are especially sensitive to extraneous sounds in their sleep; fright from a working camera can lead to stuttering.
  2. Sleep disorders. During sleep, the human body produces melatonin. This hormone is responsible for restoring strength and energy, activates the immune system, and protects against stress. Melatonin is produced in complete darkness, the camera flash disrupts the production of the hormone, the body does not fully recover during sleep - the result is fatigue, lethargy, and nervous disorders.
  3. Is it possible to photograph a sleeping child? “No,” some ophthalmologists will answer with complete confidence. Doctors' opinions were divided. Some do not see this as a negative impact. Others claim that a camera's flash can damage the retina of the eye, so how are u infants vision is not fully formed.
  4. Aesthetics. During sleep, a person's muscles are relaxed, and the sleeper is unable to control the position of his body and facial expression. The photo may turn out unattractive.
  5. Each person has his own personal space, which should not be violated without his knowledge. The state can be equated to defenseless. From the point of view of the law, it would be wrong to carry out any actions with a defenseless person without his consent - that’s why you can’t take a picture of a sleeping person.

Positive moments in sleepy photos

If you do not indulge in superstitions and speculation, then in photographs of a sleeping person, and especially a child, you can note pleasant moments.

They look at the photography process completely differently. Anna Efthymiye and Adele Enersen. For these mothers, the question “Why can’t you photograph sleeping children?” simply doesn't exist. By photographing sleeping children in homemade decorations, they created new round in this direction. Photos with their babies turn out unusual and funny. Shooting your babies in such a creative way is becoming fashionable among young mothers.

Is it possible to photograph a sleeping person? The question remains open for everyone. The consent of the subject and your personal intuition will be the only correct answer to the question.

There are a number of specific reasons why can't you take pictures of people sleeping?:

  • this may cause problems in life or health;
  • the person being photographed may fall asleep forever;
  • upon sudden awakening from sleep, a person may experience severe fright;
  • the person being photographed will not get enough sleep and will look tired;
  • the person who is photographed sleeping looks like a dead person;
  • a sleeping person does not look good in a photo;
  • a sleeping person risks becoming the object of damage to him;
  • You can push the guardian angel away from a sleeping person forever.

Mystical reasons why you shouldn’t take pictures of sleeping people

  1. The onset of health problems.
    Some experts believe that the energy field of a sleeping person is similar to the energy field of the deceased. While photographing a sleeping person, this hypothesis may become reality; the person may be attacked sudden illness with subsequent death.
  2. Sudden death.
    There is also an opinion that the soul of a person who is in a dream goes into a parallel world, and when the time comes to wake up, it returns to the body. Therefore, if a person suddenly awakens from a camera flash, the soul may not have time to return, and the person’s body will have no choice but to die.
    Another superstition says that the expressions on faces with their eyes closed in photos have external resemblance with the dead, so it is believed that this kind of association can lead to the attraction of death to the sleeping person depicted in the photograph.
  3. Damage or evil eye.
    People related to magic, as well as healers and bioenergy therapists, unanimously claim that along with the image of a person in the photo, his energy field also remains. Taking into account the fact that the energy field of a person when he is sleeping is weaker than when he is in a waking state. An ill-wisher has every chance of successfully casting a spell or evil eye on a sleeping person.
    You should also not take pictures of sleeping babies, because their biofield is not yet fully formed, it is weaker than that of adults, and there is a risk of falling under the influence of the “evil eye.” They say that it is easy to put the evil eye on a baby who is simply sleeping in a crib.
  4. Losing a guardian angel.
    Why can't you take pictures of sleeping people? For religious reasons. A guardian angel may turn away from a person who was photographed while sleeping, he will get scared and leave the person irrevocably.

Explanations that are more realistic

The appearance of fear upon sudden awakening.
Without a doubt, there is a logical basis for the following reason why you should not take pictures of sleeping people. A person may be frightened by a sudden awakening, especially if he is still a child.
A person may lose sleep if photographed while sleeping. A person will not rest and will feel exhausted if he is woken up by a camera flash. Complete darkness is required for the production of melatonin - necessary condition for complete rest of a person, which will be impossible during an outbreak.

Once a photograph was popular on the Internet, which depicted a sleeping person and the caption - my beloved took a photo while I was sleeping, I love her. This photo seemed very cute and many wanted to capture their significant other while sleeping. They couldn’t even think that they couldn’t do this. For what reasons there is such a ban, I decided to find out.

When a person died, they called an artist, he drew a picture of the deceased, and completed the eyes and it turned out as if a photograph was taken during life. However, everyone understood that if a person is transferred to paper with his eyes closed, then he is already dead; whether you finish drawing his eyes or not, the situation cannot be corrected.

With the advent of the camera, the tradition of depicting the deceased on paper was preserved. They began to photograph dead people and distinctive feature such photographs had closed eyes. A dead person or a sleeping person in a photograph looks the same and this is a kind of signal from the universe. Heaven will see man dead in your photo and they will take it away. Superstitious people they believe in this theory and that is why they avoid the habit of taking pictures of people while they sleep.

A photograph is like a copy of a person for virtual world. In the Harry Potter film, the people in the photographs could move, talk, and blink. It is believed that photography depicts not only a person’s body, but also his soul. And ancient people believed that at the moment of sleep the soul flies away for a walk, so a person looks like lifeless. It was impossible to wake up a sleeping person, otherwise the soul might not have time to return to the body and then the person would die. If you take a photograph of a person sleeping, then there will be no soul in the photograph, otherwise it will turn out not emotional, boring, and it can also become a real weapon against the person. After all, black magicians will be able to transfer energy from a photograph to real world and then the soul will leave the hero of the photo for real.

Don't forget about everyone's personal life. When a person smiles while looking into the lens of your camera, he seems to agree with what is happening and through his actions expresses his desire to be in your collection of photographs. A sleeping person does not know that he is being photographed and has not given consent, and in general may not look very good, to put it mildly. Oh, these people with their tongues hanging out and their mouths open while sleeping... Such a photo can offend a person and give him unpleasant sensations.

For example, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev once dozed off at an important event, and was immediately captured by photo and video cameras. The photo spread across the Internet and caused a storm of emotions. But sleep is difficult to control. It comes unexpectedly and makes us funny during it. Therefore, photographing a person in such a helpless state is not very good.

Photographing a person sleeping at work is the most dangerous thing. The photo may get to the authorities, because modern technologies, social networks and instant messengers can easily leak all information to third parties without our knowledge, then expect trouble. Deprivation of the bonus will definitely happen. And without any superstitions, taking a photograph of a sleeping person can cause trouble, so don't risk it!

All sleeping people, children, adults look so cute, charming and defenseless. Involuntarily, the hand reaches for a camera or a camera in a mobile phone to capture a loved one at such a moment. Why can’t you take pictures of sleeping people, children or a child?

There is an unwritten rule that you cannot take photographs of those who are sleeping. Moreover, if you dig deeply and seriously, you will find many reasons that explain this taboo, for example (short answer):

  • a ban on photographing people sleeping for religious reasons;
  • a flash can interfere with sleep;
  • taboo on photos associated with mysticism (damage, stealing energy);
  • psychological (a person’s fear, an ugly photo, associations with photographs of dead people);
  • ethical (photography without consent).

Let's try to consider in more detail the reasons listed in the list.

Reasons of a religious nature

First of all, they relate to Islam. According to Muslim teachings, there is a prohibition against reproducing any images of humans or animals. The list of prohibited items includes the creation of features of a person’s appearance, including sculptures and man-made images, including:

  • drawings;
  • works of decorative and applied art;
  • photos.

The creation of any images by a person, representatives of the Muslim faith say, can lead to polytheism, to the worship of gods other than Allah. If we continue this reasoning, then photographing a sleeping person is creating a portrait of a person.

Clergy and representatives of Christian teachings are also against photographing someone who is sleeping in a sweet dream. But they have other explanations - they believe that this is how you can scare the angel who protects a person (even when he is in a state of sleep). An angel can disappear from fright and leave a person without protection.

Mystical explanations

There are several various options explanations why it is undesirable to film or digitally film the sleeping person. All of them are associated with such concepts as “aura”, “energy field”, “soul”. Everyone decides for himself whether there is some truth in these statements.

Taking photographs means illness

One of the mystical versions explains the ban on filming for the following reasons. The energy field of a sleeping living person and a dead person are identical. By photographing someone in a dream, you can consolidate this state and confirm it in reality. The consequences can be dire - from severe illness to death.

Soul and body

The second mystical explanation is based on the idea that during sleep a person's soul travels through different dimensions. Its return to the physical body occurs only at the moment of awakening. The click of a camera shutter or a bright flash leads to a person waking up too suddenly, when the soul does not have time to return, which again leads to a tragic ending.

There is no answer to the question if the shooting is done with a camera mobile phone, without a loud click and flash, can this lead to dire consequences.

How not to jinx it!

Many bioenergy therapists are confident that any photograph reflects the energy field. When a person is in a state of sleep, he is weaker and more unprotected. Therefore, with the help of a photograph of someone not awake, but at rest, black sorcerers or magicians can cause damage more quickly.

As for kids, not only should they not be photographed. Knowledgeable people They say that it’s better not to admire your beloved child for a long time (as many mothers like to do). For the same reason, the child is not shown to adults until the child is forty days old, so as not to be jinxed, but small children are specially called together and the newborn is shown to them.

Reasoning logically...

There are a number of quite logical explanations why photographing a sleeping person is wrong, ugly, and to what negative consequences it can lead.

Don't be scared!

The very first and simplest is fear, in fact, a sleeping person in in a certain sense becomes defenseless, he does not adequately assess the situation even in a state of awakening. Therefore, any sharp sound, for example, a shutter click or a lens moving out, as well as a sharp, blinding flash light, can frighten a person.

The consequences can be the most unpredictable and severe, this is especially true for fear in children. In the future, problems will arise with falling asleep, nightmares, nervous excitability, tears, hysterics, and stuttering are possible.

Full sleep

The second explanation is physiological, it is based on the statement of doctors that a person needs complete darkness when he is resting. This is the only way the body synthesizes melatonin, an important chemical substance, which is responsible for regulating circadian rhythms.

Bright flashlights can have Negative influence to a state of rest, will interfere with the restoration of strength. Therefore, after waking up, a person will still feel broken.

Beauty is power!

The next reason is quite real - the photographer thinks that his loved one in a dream looks funny, touching, and this moment is worthy of being captured for centuries. But cute does not mean beautiful for the subject. In general, you may not like the result.

It’s rare that a person looks handsome at rest, because at this time the muscles are relaxed, facial expressions and poses are funny. Therefore, if a photo session has already taken place, then the person who was photographed should have the right to choose whether to leave the photographs for family album or immediately delete it from all media.

Sleep is a little death

Many have noticed that when a person is at rest, he looks like a dead person. IN XIX century In Europe, the practice of fixing a person “post-mortem” has become widespread, that is, there is enough a large number of photographs depicting deceased people next to living relatives, and in natural, relaxed poses - at the table, with a book or toy.

Modern photographs of sleeping people, to a certain extent, resemble the same action or can evoke similar associations. By the way, this practice was widespread in Western Europe, in countries of Eastern Europe carried out photographic recording real funeral. These rather creepy photographs are still kept in dusty old albums today.

The bad habit of photographing sleeping people, which can be associated with the “post-mortem” photo session, common in previous centuries, is also associated with mysticism. Superstitious people who clearly remember pictures from the ceremonial procession. Then, not only traditions, rituals, acquaintances and relatives seeing off in last way deceased.

The focus of the photographer was the deceased himself, who was photographed, naturally, with his eyes closed, in a coffin, but from different angles. Mystically minded people are afraid of associations between a sleeping person and a deceased person; they believe that they can attract and attract negativity to a living person.

Ethics category

The simplest and most realistic reason is ethical. Famous saying states that your rights end where the rights of another person begin. It is clear that the photographer and the subject are in this case are a priori in different positions. The sleeper cannot adequately assess the situation, control himself, or influence the course of events; he is absolutely defenseless in front of the outside world and the photographer photographing him.

It is the latter who, in this case, is entrusted with the responsibility and making an important decision - whether to capture as a souvenir the cute person sleeping next to him loved one or try to save this image in your memory. And for a “memory” photo shoot, choose a different time, different interiors and, most importantly, give the subject of photography the right to become a full-fledged participant in the filming process!