State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics named after Tsiolkovsky. Museum of the History of Cosmonautics

State Museum history of cosmonautics (Kaluga, Russia) - expositions, opening hours, address, phone numbers, official website.

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The State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky is rightfully one of the few reasons to buy tickets for the Kaluga - Moscow train. After all, the first stone of this museum was laid personally by Yuri Gagarin, but that’s not all, because other cosmonauts participated in the creation of this remarkable building. If you look at most of the souvenirs from Kaluga, you will notice that the duplicate copy of the Vostok 1 rocket, which is displayed on a pedestal at the back of the museum, is a common image for magnets with the inscription "Kaluga".

The State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky holds meetings with cosmonaut pilots, organizes photo exhibitions that tell about space, and in addition offers a look at watercolors by famous artists.

The museum opened in 1976, and this moment it is rightfully considered the place where the entire history of aeronautics and space exploration is most fully represented. Everything you wanted to know about space is here, even models of the Mir station are presented.

In total, the museum has 40,000 exhibits, which are exhibited as the main fund; 20,000 remain in storage. What is noteworthy is that all lovers of stars and space are inspired by the newest planetarium, which was kindly provided to the museum by the Carl Zeiss company. In it you can attend a lecture that will be equally interesting to people of any age. In addition, the State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky holds meetings with cosmonaut pilots, organizes photo exhibitions that tell about space, and in addition offers a look at watercolors by famous artists.

Reports are made about the museum not only in Russia, but also abroad: for example, the New York Imagine Science Film Festival recently created a video sketch.

In 2014, the State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky announced the construction of a new, underground level. The area in front of the building is used for launch balloons and various competitions. The museum is widely known for its enormous popularization activities, thanks to which people look with interest at how space was first explored. Completion of construction is planned for 2017.

Opening hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - from 9:30 to 17:30, Saturday, Sunday - from 10:00 to 18:00, Wednesday - from 11:00 to 21:00, Monday - day off.

You can get to the museum from the railway station by minibus No. 1 - to the Tsiolkovsky Park stop; for minibuses No. 29, 31 you need to go to the 6th school stop. Entrance: 250 RUB.

The State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky has its own VKontakte page, where up-to-date information is posted.

Prices on the page are as of August 2018.

This museum is located on territory belonging to the North-Eastern administrative district Moscow city, in the basement famous monument, which is called “Conquerors of Space”. This monument was erected according to the design of architects M.O. Barshcha and A.N. Kolchin, engineer L.N. Shchipakin and sculptor A.P. Faydysh-Krandievsky.

The grand opening of this monument took place on October 4, 1964 - on this day they celebrated the seventh anniversary of the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite.

History of the Museum of Cosmonautics

Subsequently, according to the plan of S.P. Korolev, an outstanding figure of the 20th century in the field of space rocket science and shipbuilding, in the stylobate of the monument to the “Conquerors of Space,” a museum dedicated to the history of astronautics began to receive visitors. Documented decision to open memorial museum in the basement of the monument was adopted in 1967.

In 1969, the museum premises were transferred from Mosgorstroy to the balance of the Moscow Main Directorate of Culture. After this, over the next twelve years, additional construction work was carried out to correct the detected defects.

The grand opening of this institution was timed to coincide with the twentieth anniversary of the flight of cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin into outer space and occurred on April 10, 1981.

For many years, the institution was faced with a shortage of exhibition space, which is why the museum had to display only a small part of the exhibits collected in it. This circumstance affected the fact that after the opening of the museum, projects for its reconstruction were put forward from time to time. In particular, in 1988, the Executive Committee of the Moscow City Council formulated a plan for the reconstruction and development of the museum, but it was not implemented due to the perestroika processes that were taking place at that time. There were other projects that involved modernizing the institution, which, however, were also not implemented. However, after the then mayor of Moscow Yu.M. visited the institution in March 2006. Luzhkov and a conversation took place with the participation of government officials and prominent figures in the field of astronautics, there were shifts towards changing the situation.

The Moscow authorities decided to reconstruct the institution and the surrounding area. It is curious that in restoration work A.N. took part Kolchin, who was among the creators of the original project.

In May 2006, the institution was closed for reconstruction, and a new exhibition was opened on April 11, 2009.

Exhibits and halls of the museum

The list of exhibits presented in the museum is quite extensive and varied. Samples of rocket and space technology located in this place allow excursionists to expand their understanding of the devices with the help of which space exploration was carried out and is being carried out. Of interest are material relics, among which you can find objects related to specific figures, various types of equipment, tools and other things related to the theme of the institution. Trace the history of development outer space You can also use the newspapers in the museum that contain publications on various issues of astronautics.

The documents stored in the institution are varied - from materials from the personal archives of prominent figures in the field of astronautics to papers related to flights. The photographs and negatives collected in the museum, video and audio materials related to the theme of the institution, allow you to get acquainted with various details of the events that took place throughout the history of space exploration. The books present in this place belong to various groups: here you can see sci-fi, science-technical and historical literature, as well as publications of other kinds. Collections of paintings, graphics, sculptures, posters, and examples of decorative and applied art demonstrate the reflection of the museum's themes in creativity. Thematic exhibits related to various types collecting: numismatics, philately and philocarty.

The institution has various halls in which exhibits are grouped according to certain topics. In particular, in the exhibition hall called “Morning space age» you can see a number of exhibits that allow you to better get acquainted with the initial steps in the field of astronautics. This place attracts attention large statue Yu.A. Gagarin. Here visitors are given the opportunity to get acquainted with some of the personal belongings of the great cosmonaut, which allow them to enrich their understanding of this man. The bright orange SK-1 training suit stands out - Gagarin used it for training before his space flight.

Also of interest are the models of the first artificial Earth satellite (it was named PS-1, i.e. “The simplest satellite-1”). These models can be seen here in two versions: in general and in disassembled form. There are also exhibits related to the flight of the Voskhod-2 spacecraft: the airlock chamber of the device; a spacesuit called "Berkut" used by the ship's crew in 1965; crew work schedule on pre-launch and start days.

Morning of the space age

In the “Morning of the Space Age” hall, tourists can also see, for example, an authentic ejection container, near which are the famous dogs Belka and Strelka, represented as stuffed animals. As you know, these dogs became the first animals that managed to make an orbital space flight and then return to planet Earth unharmed. This place also contains other unique exhibits that can arouse the curiosity of tourists.

Creators of the Space Age

The hall called “Creators of the Space Age” is dedicated, as you might guess, to the design scientists who created various aircrafts. Individual installations demonstrate the conditions under which prominent figures in the field of astronautics worked: here you can see the office of S.P. Korolev and the workshop of K.E. Tsiolkovsky in village house. In addition, here you can see drawings, manuscripts and various things related to the life and work of scientists. The atmosphere of this place is complemented by figures of famous figures made of plaster.

Space house in orbit

In the hall called “Space House in Orbit,” tourists have the opportunity to get acquainted with modern manned space housing. Among other exhibits here you can see spaceships called “Soyuz-4” and “Soyuz-5”, famous topics that in 1969, for the first time in the history of space flights, these devices performed automatic rendezvous, manual mooring and docking. In the same room there are spacesuits "Orlan-D" and "Yastreb", designed for spacewalks.

Interesting exhibits that allow you to better understand the living conditions on spaceships are the dental equipment and the on-board refrigerator BKh-2.

Dental kit is a set of items that allow you to provide emergency dental care directly on board the ISS: medical instruments made of titanium alloys, toothpastes and special products. BH-2 is a refrigerator that was used to store food during flight in outer space at stations called "Salyut" and "Mir".

The model of the base unit of the Mir orbital complex deserves special attention in the “Space House in Orbit” hall. This object was made on a full scale and allows people who find themselves in it to get acquainted with the environment in which astronauts can live. Here, excursionists can explore the wardroom, individual cabins for astronauts, and a sealed working compartment in which the central control unit is located. Visitors may be interested in the recreated instrument panels, various details demonstrating the organization of life: for example, a space toilet, sleeping bags, a table where you can see food and heating elements used to heat food, as well as other exhibits.

Research of the Moon and planets of the solar system

In the room called “Research of the Moon and Planets” solar system» excursionists can get acquainted with exhibits related to the study of various cosmic bodies. Here you can see, for example, the automatic station “Luna-16”, the self-propelled vehicle “Lunokhod-1” - thanks to these devices, humanity managed to obtain new information about the Moon. Interesting exhibits presented here also include the descent module of the automatic interplanetary station called "Venera-4", which in 1967, for the first time in the history of space exploration, carried out a smooth descent in the atmosphere of Venus, as well as the descent module belonging to the automatic interplanetary station called "Mars-3". This device is notable for the fact that in 1971 it made the first soft landing on Mars and transmitted to Earth a series of data on the characteristics of conditions on Mars and several photographs depicting the surface of this planet. Among the interesting exhibits presented in this hall, it is also worth noting the Krechet spacesuit, which was designed to go into outer space and work on the surface of the Moon.

Cosmonautics for humanity

One of the halls of the institution is called “Cosmonautics for Humanity.” A notable exhibit here is the artificial Earth satellite called Glonass-M. This satellite belongs to the second generation of spacecraft of the global navigation satellite system (GLONASS).

International cooperation in space

In the hall called " The international cooperation in space”, collected exhibits displaying joint activities different states in the field of space exploration. Thus, one of the exhibits here depicts the docking of spacecraft called Soyuz and Apollo, which took place in July 1975. Experimental flight of the Soviet spaceship called Soyuz-19 and the American Apollo spacecraft, which from a symbolic point of view reflected the unity of representatives of various states in outer space, also allowed for the verification of certain technical issues.

International Space Park

In the so-called “International Space Park” you can see various examples of the results of the activities of the Russian rocket and space industry and devices of other countries. Here you have the opportunity to see, for example, launch vehicles called “Long March-2F” (China), “Saturn-5” (USA). The Proton launch vehicle presented at this place is known for launching various spacecraft (Rainbow, Horizon, etc.) into low-Earth orbits. Of interest is the rocket and space complex called “Sea Launch” - international project, in the implementation of which four states took part: the USA, Russia, Norway, Ukraine. This complex was created to launch spacecraft from the Pacific Ocean.

For example, here you can see the launch complexes of the American reusable space transport system called the Space Shuttle and Baikonur, the world's first cosmodrome, with the Soyuz launch vehicle.

There are models of launch complexes related to various objects. You can also see here the reusable transport space system "Energia-Buran", which was created according to a project that was a response to a similar American program"Space Shuttle". There is also a model of the International space station(ISS) - a well-known international project.

History and culture of the space age

In part museum exhibition entitled “History and Culture of the Space Age,” visitors to the institution can see how the museum’s themes are displayed in various examples of creativity. For example, here you can see a painting by V.A. Dzhanibekov entitled “Gagarin before the start”. It is curious that the author of the picture is himself an astronaut.

Memorial House-Museum of Academician S.P. Queen

The museum's fund also includes a collection of exhibits located in Memorial House-Museum Academician S.P. Queen. This institution is located not far from the monument to the Conquerors of Space, on 1st Ostankinskaya Street. It was opened at this location on August 1, 1975. The spacecraft designer lived in this building from 1959 to 1966. In the home of S.P. Korolev preserved the atmosphere that could be observed here during the life of an outstanding figure in the field of astronautics. There are many exhibits stored here, including documents, letters, photographs, household items and other things that preserve the memory of that period.