How television programs about travel have changed. How TV travel programs have changed American travel programs

When choosing a place for our next trip, we all want to find out as much information as possible about the country, cities, local residents, traditions of peoples, get to know nature and local attractions. We often receive this information from the lips of our friends, we often fall in love with pictures on postcards, and then in every possible way we try to find out where the beauty we saw is located.

Blogs and websites, including our website, are good helpers. Also important role in the journey Every tourist is occupied with programs and films, some make them their hobby, and for some it is a lifestyle. Travel around the world and tell how great it is, or, conversely, in this or that corner of our amazing planet. In this regard, we have prepared a list of the most remarkable and interesting programs and films about travel, which will inspire even those who do not like to travel, although there are probably no such people at all.

National Geographic.

This documentary will introduce travelers to exactly how it was formed our planet. How the continents changed, how glaciers, deserts, oceans, seas and all the nature surrounding us were formed.

This film has incredible filming because it involved not only National Geographic and the US Geological Survey, but also NASA.

Travel ChannelAndrew Zimmern.

There are many similar TV channels nowadays, and the Travel channel broadcasts many travel programs, since 1980. The program about bizarre products, hosted by a colorful, moderately well-fed good fellow, is impossible to miss. It is especially worth considering the fact that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

This program, which may have put the beginning of gastronomic tourism, because after watching it, you will definitely get up from the couch and go try out the traveler’s diet.

Discovery Channel

Think bigger is the motto of this educational film. It is hard to imagine imagine the vastness of the universe, and it is even more difficult to imagine how many processes occur in it.

If you have long dreamed of traveling back in time and did not know how to do it, watching the film will be a real adventure. Moreover, going to travel on planet earth, you can feel what a small part of the Galaxy it is.

This simpleton's name is Karl Pilkington and he is ready to do all the most incredible things. traveler wishes and not only. Watching this program, many recognize themselves in the simpleton, especially in a new and unfamiliar place. One gets the impression that Karl came to our planet from space and is sincerely surprised by every sight.

Undoubtedly, this will help you take a fresh look not only at your city, but also plunge into the world from the other side.

Several films have been shot on this topic, namely “The Great Voyage Deep into the Oceans: The Return”, “Oceans”, “Secrets of the Pacific Ocean”. The first film was shot in several countries, including Austria, Germany and the UK.

Underwater filming will not only awaken your imagination, but will also introduce an understanding of what happens in the world of water. Now, any cruise will be perceived not as a visit to many ports, but as a real adventure and participation in the mysterious life under water.

Hikers or Backpackers.

It is difficult to dispute the fact that Australian residents are the most grateful and at the same time demanding tourists. And all this is due to the fact that they homeland is on the edge of the earth and when going on a trip, they take the maximum.

In particular, they talk about Europe deeply and subtly, looking into the most unpopular and non-tourist places. They are the ones who can breathe new life into an already experienced traveler.

A series of documentaries about different countries of the world was created for those. Who without virtual travel doesn't start packing his bags.

The films depict in detail the most important attractions, iconic places and describe the culture of the countries and the traditions of the local population. So after watching, you can confidently hit the road and leave your mark in every corner of the earth.

The Traveler Who Drinks or The Thirsty Traveler.

It’s not just food tours that are popular. It is difficult to count how many different alcoholic drinks have been invented. But Kevin Braunch knows almost everything about them, as he devoted his life to studying alcoholic drinks of different nations.

So, if you are used to bringing an unusual bottle with an even more unusual drink as a souvenir from your travels, this program is what you need. She will tell you where, when, how and how much to buy the best booze.

BBC: By any means.

And this program was created for real extreme sports enthusiasts and those whose life is the road. In fact, airplanes and advance reservations were invented by lazy people. The program “Any Way” shows how you can get from Ireland to Sydney only by public transport, using cars, ferries, catamarans, etc. And this is just one example.

In fact, the hero of the show used more than 100 types of transport, so don’t limit yourself to the most common ones, make your trip colorful and vibrant.

All these programs and travel films they simply cannot help but inspire. Having watched at least one of them, you immediately want to follow in the footsteps of the main character, see everything at once and preferably quickly, so that you have time to watch another film and get ready for your next trip.

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Although TV cannot replace one’s own impressions, it is still able to broaden one’s horizons, lift one’s spirits and maintain a keen interest in everything in the world.

Some of our nominees can be seen on air this week, while others can only be seen online. Domestic and foreign, educational and funny, calm and trashy - we chose programs not based on ratings, but so that they had something new, even about places known to any schoolchild.

We also decided to remember the most, most interesting programs, which, if they don’t tell anything new about their hometown, will certainly awaken a powerful wave of emotions in the soul: sometimes pride, and sometimes indignation. We’re not talking about “Health” by Elena Malysheva, don’t be scared. At the end of the article, we will talk about programs in the “Russia through the eyes of a foreigner” format and find out what we are like from the outside.

"Survive at Any Cost", Discovery Channel

The legendary personality, Bear Grylls, inspires people from the screens to the most dangerous and adventurous adventures. “Survive at any cost” is, of course, not travel notes. First of all, we will see instructions for survival in the most difficult conditions of harsh natural landscapes: from the tundra to the Sahara.

One episode was even filmed in Siberia, but our expert, a game warden from the Krasnoyarsk Territory, had a number of questions for the author. And the main one is HOW Bear can run for an hour in the taiga without a hat at -25°C.

"Behind the Scenes", Russia 2

The author and host of the program is professional photographer Mark Podrabinek. With such a profession, it’s simply criminal to produce an ugly picture, but, fortunately, the visuals in Mark’s projects are always done at the highest level.

But the main thing in the program is its concept. Mark's task is to go to a place and take 10 photographs that best describe what he saw. To do this, the presenter has to change hundreds of locations, process gigabytes of information and secretly delve into local life.

“Cord around the world”, NTV

A simple, sincere and cheerful program, like the music of the Leningrad group. Sergey Shnurov travels around the world and talks about his impressions. True, they relate more and more to everyday life and everyday problems of ordinary people, albeit against the backdrop of famous sights.

The idea of ​​the program is very simple; Sergei himself accidentally voiced it in an episode about New York:

Skyscrapers, skyscrapers,
I'm not little anymore.
You need to see the man
Both as a banker and as a homeless person.

Projects about the travels of Posner and Urgant, Channel One

The first joint work of the masters of television - the series of programs “One-Storey America” - received recognition and ratings not at all because of the monopoly position of Channel One. If it hadn’t worked out, then the next two travel series, “Tour de France” and “Their Italy,” would never have been published.

It’s just that Vladimir and Ivan were able to talk so professionally about everything they learned, saw, tried, about what they drove and where they went, that it was impossible to tear yourself away from the screen. And, of course, the colorful description is supported by interesting facts, accurate intelligent observations and subtle humor.

“Heads and Tails”, MTV, Friday

The program is already almost a cult, we cannot help but say about it. Just in case, we remind you: two presenters travel the world and in each city they give their fate for the coming weekend into the hands of fortune - tossing a coin. The winner receives an unlimited supply of money and can show off as much as the program's producers and common sense will allow. And those who are unlucky are forced to exist for two days in a foreign country on $100. Without housing, food or transportation.

During the entire time of the program, not a single presenter was injured, although they had to get into various not very pleasant stories. Overall, it was a great show with a great idea.

"Simp Abroad", Discovery Channel

Probably, the original title, even without translation, will better reflect the essence of the program - “An idiot abroad”. The meaning is this: two friends and at the same time British comedy directors sent their unlucky acquaintance Carl Pinkington on a trip. Karl is a typical homebody and whiner, which the authors of the program could not help but take advantage of, setting up ridiculous, embarrassing situations for him.

This is perhaps the only travel project where the presenter does not talk with passion about ruins, jungles or attractions, but constantly grumbles and asks to go home. All in all, a killer dose of irresistible British humor for everyone.

"Around the World", Russia

This program, like the previous cycle “In Search of Adventure,” is detailed and detailed stories. There is no extreme sports or night adventures here, but you can learn in detail about the life, traditions and crafts of many countries.

Mikhail Yuryevich and his trainees go on trips to gain knowledge and experience, which they are happy to share with attentive television viewers. Most of the places visited by the film crew cannot be called exotic, so you can watch certain episodes right before your vacation and then interrupt everyone with phrases like “by the way, an interesting fact...”.

"Restless Night", My Planet

A dynamic program unique to our television about the nightlife of different cities. Charming and always cheerful Artem Khvorostukhin every time goes to a new place to spend only one, but unforgettable night there.

Luckily, the adventure isn't just limited to the clubs and bars that are similar around the world. Artyom went on ominous excursions through the dark streets of Stockholm, and at a biker rally in Baku, and God knows where else. All programs are united only by the optimism and friendliness of the presenter - the events are always new.

Well, now for the promised bonus, a special “us and them” section.

“Vinnie Jones: Real about Russia”, National Geographic

A former footballer, and now one of the most recognizable British actors, went to Russia. But not to the Hermitage or to Poklonnaya Hill. Vinnie, who became famous thanks to the film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, uses the image of a tough guy in documentaries.

In Kamchatka, the Arctic and Vladivostok, Big Chris helps people in the most severe professions. He protects polar bears from poachers, fishes in icy waters, works with bodyguards, protecting a client from bandits - in general, the realities of our lives have never been told like this.

“30 days in Russia”, My Planet

If you hear the word “Finn” and close your eyes, this guy will 100% be in front of your eyes - Ville Haapsalo, the same one from “Peculiarities of the National Hunt” and a bunch of other Russian films.

So, he rightly assumed that Russia is not limited to the film sets of Moscow and St. Petersburg, and decided to travel all the way to the Pacific Ocean using the classic and, in fact, the only possible route - along the Trans-Siberian Railway.

The project turned out to be fun, educational, and in many ways naive in a European way, but without too much irony. It is immediately clear that Ville sincerely loves our country and wants to tell all the most interesting things about it, albeit sometimes with minor blunders and factual errors.


A humorous slogan of the late Soviet era called for people to stop looking at the world through their eyes. The point was, of course, not about refusing to watch the popular program “The Travelers Club,” which was hosted by a doctor by profession and traveler Yuri Senkevich. The meaning was revealed in the first part - “I want to travel, but not on TV, but in person!”; in fact, the USSR authorities were required to allow free exit from the country - without numerous checks from trade union committees and special services, with the opportunity to have foreign passports in hand and, of course, exchange rubles for the currency of the destination country without absurd restrictions. In principle, over the past time this requirement has been fulfilled - without going into details, now traveling anywhere is available to anyone. Nevertheless, television programs about travel to remote corners of the world have not gone away and are not going to go away.

Tendency to change places

Tim Laman/

Travel books appeared long before the advent of cinema and, especially, television. They were varied in genres; for example, Mark Twain wrote his travel notes (“Simps Abroad, or the Path of New Pilgrims”) (essays on trips, including those around the Russian Empire); the humorous story “Three in a Boat and a Dog” by Jerome K. Jerome was conceived as an account of a boating holiday on the Thames (and who hasn’t dreamed of repeating the path of his heroes - even without all the misadventures that befell them?).

In the 1910s, travelogues—short films about various places and countries—came into fashion.

One of the first to use this format was the American photographer, director and traveler Burton Holmes (it is believed that it was he who coined the term “travelogue” - in the original travelogue), who for more than half a century traveled around the world in the summer and gave lectures in US cities in the winter, illustrated with their own films. This is roughly the type of travel that came to television.

They still exist today - thanks to the abundance of cable channels and good digital equipment, which allows you to show the beauty of the Earth in proper quality. The development of IMAX cinemas in the 70-80s brought a new wave of popularity for travelogues, which were somewhat lost in new genres, but in fact IMAX and travelogues advertised each other - and you can still see a visual film in good resolution in such cinemas.

Sienkiewicz and three boats

Yuri Senkevich and Thor Heyerdahl during a trip on the papyrus boat "Ra", 1969

TASS photo chronicle

The “Cinema Travel Club” appeared on Soviet television in 1960, and was entrusted to the director, the author of Soviet travelogues (for example, the series of popular science films “Travels around the USSR”). True, the program became a household name in 1973 - it was renamed (to the “Travelers Club”), and the host was the same Sienkiewicz, who by that time had already sailed with Thor Heyerdahl on two “Ra” boats.

The topics of the “Club” episodes were very different - the presenter could talk about the scuba diving center in Jordan, about the protected areas of Donbass, about Chukotka and about Sri Lanka and Thailand, meet with Heyerdahl (during his visit to the USSR) and show a film about swimming "Tigris". In general, the program turned out to be a record holder - it closed in 2003, when Yuri Senkevich died, after 44 years on air and more than 2 thousand episodes.

Around the planet with a Cord

A still from the British show “An Idiot Abroad”


Currently, television travel has become more of an author's style (the style that Yuri Senkevich pursued throughout his career) or entertainment. The British (and part-time directors) Ricky Gervais not so long ago sent his friend Karl Pilkington abroad, who does not want to travel around the world at all and asks to go home in every episode; the show is called appropriately - “An Idiot Abroad” (in a decent translation “A Fool Abroad”).

In Russia on the channel “Friday!” “Heads and Tails” comes out, the hosts of which determine by tossing a coin who will live in the chosen city with unlimited credit, and who will receive one hundred dollars for life and entertainment.

Since 1991 he has been traveling all over the world; Since 1996, his “Bad Notes” have been published on the First Channel weekly. In the 2000s, Rossiya 1 aired the program Around the World, part of a franchise started back in Soviet times by the magazine of the same name. Domestic musicians were no strangers to television travel - for three years, in parallel with “Smak,” he introduced viewers to the inhabitants of the underwater world,

and the founder of the Leningrad group showed 15 episodes of the Cord Around the World program.

The First also releases (albeit irregularly) films made after their trips - “One-Storey America”, “Their Italy”, “Jewish Happiness” and others.

But, in principle, now for those who still prefer to watch exotics “through the eyes of Sienkiewicz”, the choice is much greater than in Soviet times - and not because different channels offer hour-long shows on this topic. There are specialized channels in the world - for example, Travel Channel, Discovery Channel or. There is also “My Planet,” which showed, for example, the documentary project of Finnish actor Ville Haapasalo “Across Russia in 30 Days” (this cycle is part of a whole series of films); this channel, by the way, overtook its Western counterparts a few years ago - perhaps due to better knowledge of the Russian audience and the legacy of Yuri Senkevich.

  • Sergey Dolya is one of the most interesting people, who has long been loved by fans of virtual travel. On the main page there is a list of countries visited with reports.
  • Ilya Varlamov - has an original hairstyle and the same approach to writing reports about countries visited. The blog consists of different sections, including criticism of Russian cities, visits to other countries and some interesting notes about urbanization.
  • Alexander Cheban has visited more than 55 countries.
  • Sergei Vitko is a traveler who never plans which country he will fly to next and what he will write about it.
  • Eduard Gaviler is our compatriot who now lives in Germany. Often visits small European cities.
  • Alexander Belenky is a relatively young blogger (since 2011). Publishes reports on travel, countries and cities.
  • Arthur Shigapov - writes posts about residents of different countries. Interesting notes, easy to read, no analytical articles or politics.
  • Kitya Karlson - lives in Japan, but travels all over the world. His blog is notes about ordinary things that happen among us.
  • Petr Lovygin is an artist who designs his travel reports in an original way.
  • Fyodor Konyukhov is a priest-traveler, the most famous bearded man in the Russian land.
  • Olga Kostyuk is a girl who visited many Asian countries, including India.
  • Elena Bass - writes about Italy and European cities. Works as a guide.
  • Paul - lives in Germany. He writes mainly about European cities.
  • Yulia Buruleva - traveler, photographer, party organizer.
  • kuzulka - amazing Instagram photos. The blog is designed for a female audience.
  • Vlad Karavaev - interesting reports from Russia and neighboring countries.
  • Alexander Savchenko - traveled throughout our vast country, visited China and the Philippines.
  • Alexey Nasedkin - illustrated virtual travel magazine.
  • Ivan Dementievsky is a journalist who travels mainly in Russian latitudes.
  • Dmitry Malov - traveled to many countries, described many rare and exotic places.
  • bravebeaver - travel notes.
  • Denis Frantsuzov - travels around Russia in an all-wheel drive SUV. Prefers abandoned places.
  • Vadim Nardin - likes to travel a lot and photograph girls on these travels.
  • AL-31F - writes a lot on various topics, travels often, and only visits interesting places.
  • Dmitry Islentyev is a married couple who shares their impressions with readers.
  • Ashblacklad is a professional photographer, lover of nature and cozy towns.
  • Alexander Chernykh is a professional blogger who publishes notes from different countries.
  • Igor Vinogradov - travels to exotic places and talks about the life of their inhabitants.
  • Sergey Nagorny - maintains a video blog, films reviews of different countries.
  • Alexey Pevnev is a Kaliningrad blogger who publishes fascinating travel reports.
  • Enia Kulish - a lot of interesting things about different countries, there are some good posts about diving.

What does a perfect morning look like? Cup of coffee with croissant and fresh fruit. All this on the terrace overlooking the sea. Behind are the mountains, ahead are adventures... Okay, we can afford this several times a year, but what to do the rest of the time? That's right - plan a new vacation!) We have made a selection of the best TV shows about travel that will help you choose a direction and navigate the area.

1. Heads and tails - 14 seasons, 11 leading and more than two hundred cities.

The idea is this: the hosts throw a coin and a lot determines who gets a gold card and who gets a hundred dollars for the weekend. The program proves that even in expensive places on the planet you can relax on a budget, and shows how the richest people on the planet relax. Luxury in contrast to poverty is not the only feature. For example, the holder of a gold card is obliged to try out the most extreme entertainment.

The author of the idea is Zhanna Badoeva (actress and TV presenter). She hosted the first season together with her husband Alan Badoev (director and music video director). After them, many lineups changed, there were thematic seasons, the program “Heads and Tails” was released. Shopping." The show is currently hosted by Lesya Nikityuk and Regina Todorenko. If you have never watched it, it is better to start with the first or last season, or choose cities and countries of interest. (Friday, Belarus 2).

2. Travels of Posner and Urgant.

Vladimir Pozner and Ivan Urgant are probably the most stellar presenting duo on Russian TV. Together they have been producing a series of documentaries about countries since 2006. The first season - “One-Story America”, is a must watch. Even if you never plan to go to the USA, it will be exciting. This is not a guide to the sights, but rather a study of mentality and lifestyle. The authors are trying to understand what the “American Dream” is and overseas life is becoming closer. Vladimir Pozner’s interviews with both famous people and ordinary people are very good. The presenters' remarks and their discussions of what they saw while driving the car are inimitable. The show was filmed professionally and, at the same time, modernly. After the USA, films about France, Great Britain, Italy, Germany, Israel and Spain were also released, filming continues. (First channel)

The Ukrainian educational program about travel will captivate the most demanding viewers. Each of the 9 seasons is dedicated to one region or country. The film crew consists of 2 people - a presenter and a cameraman. They go on an expedition for several months and bring back a huge amount of material from their trips. The original program tells not about the sights, but about the everyday life of people from different countries. National characteristics are sometimes shown so well that you can prepare for exams in geography and history based on the releases. If you love hiking, kayaking and real manly adventures, this is your choice. (Friday, Belarus 2)

4. Behind the scenes with Mark Podrabinek.

The concept of the project is that the author must take 10 photographs that ideally characterize a place. A professional photographer goes on an expedition for a week. During this time he must find points, heroes and actions that are typical of the country and at the same time expressive and unique. At the same time, the presenter talks about his journey and impressions. The original concept and charismatic presenter will especially appeal to fans of photo shoots and backstage. The show is produced by the My Planet TV channel; it has already surpassed Discovery’s ratings in the CIS and is rapidly gaining popularity. Broadcasts around the clock especially for lovers of educational programs. (Russia 2, My Planet)

5. Bad Notes- this is a home video about a vacation, which is partly understandable, because Dmitry Krylov films his program in partnership with his wife. It seems that traditional information about countries and customs is presented in a very friendly manner. It seems that the author is talking about the trip to his loved ones, sitting on a deck chair during a siesta. It looks easy and relaxed, as it should be when it comes to relaxation. The show has been filmed since 2002 - this is one of the oldest projects on Russian television. (First channel)

6. Their morals.

A geographical project in the classic TV magazine format is dedicated to the life, way of life, traditions and national characteristics of the peoples of the planet. Modern and ancient cities, palaces and slums, professions, recreation and religious cults - all this interests the program’s journalists. Every week there are 4 stories about different countries. (NTV)

7. Around the world. Places of power.

The author's show by Denis Grebenyuk combines elements of detective and adventure with the pretension of a thriller. The presenter goes on expeditions to mysterious and mystical places. The targets are points where miracles, strange or mysterious events occurred. Denis Grebenyuk experiences the power of legendary places and shares his feelings. Somewhere the myths do not stand up to scrutiny, and somewhere what happens surprises the film crew. Worth a watch for anyone who loves the supernatural. (TV 3)

After watching, don't forget to turn off the TV and pack your suitcase. And for a ticket to your best vacation in 2017, come to Sea tickets, visas or a complete package - we will make your vacation at sea (or anywhere) worthy of a separate reality show.