Proverb: whoever remembers the old. “Whoever remembers the old is out of sight, and whoever forgets is both.”

(from last. "Whoever remembers the old, look out" - about reluctance to remember past grievances, troubles, etc.)

1) original value;

2) the need to remember old grievances.

  • - see to to the same /...

    Dictionary-reference book on punctuation

  • - See LOVE -...
  • - Don. About smb. uncertain. SDG 1, 25...

    Big dictionary Russian sayings

  • - =...

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - /,...

    Together. Apart. Hyphenated. Dictionary-reference book

  • - besides, it’s colloquial. union...

    Dictionary Efremova

  • - ...

    Spelling dictionary-reference book

  • - to that "...

    Russian orthographic dictionary

  • - about the benefits, the advantage of cunning over simplicity It is interesting to remember that in England, under Queen Elizabeth, the right to wear furs and tails of furs of various animals depended on the rank of persons: for example, for the lower classes...
  • - “Whoever remembers the old things will be punished by the devil.” Wed. “Basta,” said the uncle, “,” and extended his hand to him. Grigorovich. My uncle Bandurin...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - He who is simple has a cow's tail, and he who is cunning is all about the benefits, the advantage of cunning over simplicity...
  • - Whoever remembers the old things, look out. “Whoever remembers the old will be punished by the devil.” Wed. Basta, said the uncle - whoever remembers the old things, look away - and extended his hand to him. Grigorovich...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - See WEALTH -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See ABUSE -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See PRAISE -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See Grief -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

“Whoever remembers the old is out of sight, and whoever forgets is both” in books

65 A person's worth should be determined by what he gives, not by what he receives

From the book Rules of Life from Albert Einstein by Percy Allan

65 A person's worth should be determined by what he gives, not by what he receives. From the perspective of a materialistic society in which everyone wants to have and few share with others, charity is something dear to the heart.

Rule 72. Who will remember the old...

From the book Rules of Love by Templar Richard

Rule 72. Who will remember the old... I know one woman whose husband abandoned her and her children twenty years ago and ran away with another. She never forgave him, she still feels bitterness from this betrayal and is tormented because of it. And by the way, remember the rule of 70, it still counts

Who will remember the old...

From the book Literary Newspaper 6256 (No. 52 2010) author Literary Newspaper

Who will remember the old... Club of 12 chairs Who will remember the old... MEMOIRS OF THE “DS CLUB” In the middle of 1967 in life “ Literary newspaper“an incredible event occurred: in the Central Committee of the CPSU, which today we, with complete impunity, are lovingly watering “with hundreds of thousands of batteries,”

Stanislav Kunyaev WHO WILL REMEMBER THE OLD... (Open letter to Vladimir BUSHIN)

From the book Newspaper Day of Literature # 58 (2001 7) author Literature Day Newspaper

Stanislav Kunyaev WHO WILL REMEMBER THE OLD... ( Open letter Vladimir BUSHIN) Volodya Bushin called me in February of this year and said: - Congratulations to you, Stanislav, on the publication of your mother’s diaries in the magazine. She is a real Soviet person. Not like you.

III From the same to the same,

From the book Emil of the 19th century author Esquiros Alphonse

III From the same to the same, January 15, 185...I didn’t tell you anything, but to me? should I have told you? so much. That's why I'm writing to you? It was two o'clock when I called yesterday at the gates of your prison. After talking for a few minutes with the director, the guard with a bunch of keys led me into

IV Same to same

From the book Emil of the 19th century author Esquiros Alphonse

IV Same to the same April 3rd 185...Finally I received news about you? from M. What he told me calmed me down a little. Don’t think that I forgot your instructions regarding Emil. I try as much as possible to put it in direct contact with the objects around it. At


by Dorofey Avva

Moreover, do not be surprised, my son, if, being on the path that leads to grief, you fall into thorns and mud; smooth places will happen again: for those who are in a feat sometimes fall, and sometimes (themselves) overthrow (their opponents). The Great Job said: Is not the life of man on earth a temptation (Job


From the book Soulful Teachings by Dorofey Avva

In addition, just as shadows follow bodies, so temptations follow the fulfillment of commandments, for no one, said the Great Anthony, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven without temptations. So, do not be surprised, my son, that, while caring for your salvation, you encounter temptations and sorrows. But endure without


From the book Soulful Teachings by Dorofey Avva

Moreover, We are the creation and work of a good and humane God, who said: As I live, says the Lord, I do not want the sinner to die, but to turn and live to him (Ezek. 33:11). Also: For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance (Matthew 9:13). So if this is true, and


From the book Soulful Teachings by Dorofey Avva

In addition, Abba Pimen judged well that the saying commanding not to worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6:34) was spoken to a person who is in temptation. And the saying: cast your sorrow upon the Lord (Psalm 54:23) also applies here. So, leave, my son, human


From the book Soulful Teachings by Dorofey Avva

Moreover, do not be surprised, my son, if, being on the path that leads to grief, you fall into thorns and mud; smooth places will happen again: for those who are in a feat sometimes fall, and sometimes they themselves overthrow their opponents. The great Job said: is not man’s life on earth a temptation (Job 7:1).

author Lopukhin Alexander

4. He who watches the wind must not sow; and whoever looks at the clouds will not reap. When doing good, a person should not show excessive prudence, caution and suspiciousness, so as not to be left without any harvest, like one who too diligently watches the wind and

9. Woe to him who quarrels with his Creator, shard of earthly shards! Will the clay say to the potter, “What are you doing?” and will your work say of you, “He has no hands?” 10. Woe to the one who says to his father: “Why did you bring me into the world?”, and to his mother: “Why did you give birth to me?”

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 5 author Lopukhin Alexander

9. Woe to him who quarrels with his Creator, shard of earthly shards! Will the clay say to the potter, “What are you doing?” and will your work say of you, “He has no hands?” 10. Woe to the one who says to his father: “Why did you bring me into the world?”, and to his mother: “Why did you give birth to me?” From 9-13

10. Just as rain and snow come down from heaven and do not return there, but water the earth and make it capable of giving birth and growing, so that it gives seed to the one who sows, and bread to the one who eats - 11. so is my word, which comes from My mouth - it does not return to Me empty, but fulfills what I want

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 5 author Lopukhin Alexander

10. Just as rain and snow come down from heaven and do not return there, but water the earth and make it capable of giving birth and growing, so that it gives seed to the one who sows, and bread to the one who eats - 11. so is my word, which comes from My mouth - it does not return to Me void, but

Chapter 273: He who forgets to pray should pray when he remembers it.

From the book of Mukhtasar “Sahih” (collection of hadiths) by al-Bukhari

Chapter 273: He who forgets to pray should pray when he remembers it. 346 (597). Anas bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “If anyone forgets to pray, let him pray when

Information about the installation of a monument to the first builders of BAM.

It is known that its author was Chairman of the Election Commission of the Amur Region Nikolai Nevedomsky (pictured), who is responsible for the monument to the Cossack pioneers near Blagoveshchensk and the bronze trinity (a dog, a magpie and an imperturbable cat) on the Amur embankment in Blagoveshchensk.

The monument to the first builders of the BAM is a composition of a wheelbarrow with soil, working tools, and builders’ hats. There is a similar one already at the Bamovskaya station in Panyoryaninskaya - where the highway originates. But to the Tynda version they will add a guitar and a student’s jacket. According to Nikolai Alekseevich’s plan, the memorial composition in Tynda should symbolize the connection of times - BAM was built not only by young people who arrived in the 70s of the last century from all over the USSR, but also by prisoners.

As is known, the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline in the impassable taiga began long before the All-Union Komsomol shock construction project, which in the 70s and 80s of the last century was dubbed the construction of the century. Since school, I know that the first steam locomotive passed along the BAM - Tynda branch in 1937 (this year marks the 80th anniversary of this event!). The road, which gave a second life to the small village of Tyndinsky, was built by BAMlag prisoners. And during the Great Patriotic War, the rails of the mainline were removed and sent for the construction of the Volga Rockade, which played vital role in the battle on the Volga. And it is precisely this significant period of history in the fate of not only Tynda, but the entire country that they want to dedicate a monument to.

IN in social networks and on local websites the news about the appearance of the monument and its significance caused real hysteria. The virtual public is divided into two camps: some ask to abandon this idea, others, who, alas, are a minority, do not see anything unusual or strange in the new monument. I won’t retell what people write. But in all the comments the refrain is the idea that BAM was built in the 70s and 80s, this event should be proud, the heroes of that time should be glorified, and it is better to forget that the very first rails in the terrible 30s were built by prisoners. Some even call this period of our lives a black spot.

But erase those from history terrible events impossible. People who respect their country, their history, know how many innocent people were killed in that harsh time. Entire families were taken away to an unknown destination simply because they had an opinion different from the authorities. Or someone wanted to take possession of someone else’s apartment, property, or take a better position. Some died in the camps from cold and hunger, others from slave labor. Last year, in the Murtygita area, while removing soil from one of the quarries, we came across human bones- our hills have become graves for many.

Unfortunately, many of us still have a Soviet complex inside us. For many decades we have been taught that the Great Patriotic War is a ceremonial uniform, and BAM is the stern and thoughtful faces of the heroes of that time, Ivan Varshavsky and Alexander Bondar. We have not even fully developed the need to restore historical justice in the date of Tynda’s birth.

Maybe that politician has not yet been born, but it is regrettable how we have absurdly forgotten that before the arrival of the “big” BAM, people lived here, a newspaper was published, a school and a hospital operated. During the war, the residents of the village forged victory in the rear with the whole country, many went to the front, the names of the dead are forever carved on the monument to their fellow countrymen. My nephews have long believed that before November 1975, when the village of Tyndinsky was given the status of a city, there was an endless green plain here. But there are still people alive whose passports indicate that they were born in the village of Tyndinsky in the Dzheltulak (now Tyndinsky) district.

You should not be afraid of monuments that carry a difficult meaning. Our life consists of different, sometimes contradictory events, facts, reasoning, and assessments. And the work of everyone is worthy of respect - both those who built the BAM in the 30s, and those who built the road, cities and towns in the 70s... I don’t want to seem banal, but our proverbs are always very accurate: “Whoever remembers the old will keep an eye out, and whoever forgets, both will deserve it.”

Did you know true values proverbs and sayings that we often use in Everyday life? For example, “Business has time, but fun has time”? We talked with a teacher of Russian language and speech culture, Evgenia Borisovna Yalymova, and found out what meaning was actually put into modern idioms our ancestors.

“The first pancake is lumpy”​

“The first damn thing is lumpy,” we say when something doesn’t work out the first time. It turns out that the proverb acquired such a meaning only over time: initially the phrase sounded completely different: “The first pancake is for the comatose, the second pancake is for acquaintances, the third pancake is for distant relatives, and the fourth pancake is for me.” “Kom” among the ancient Slavs is a bear, and it was to him, according to custom, that the first pancake should have been given, says Evgenia Borisovna.

There are proverbs that are now not fully used: we use only part of them, accordingly, narrowing the meaning. “The first pancake is lumpy” - good example narrowing the meaning by shortening the phrase. Initially, the proverb spoke about how a person should behave towards guests, loved ones, and society. Now we are not talking about behavioral traditions, but about the failure that can befall a person when he starts a business

Evgenia Borisovna Yalymova

“Whoever remembers the old is out of sight”

Another proverb, which in abbreviated form has found new meaning. The current meaning of the saying is that there is no need to remind others of their mistakes. However, this is what the proverb was originally: “Whoever remembers the old will be out of sight, and whoever forgets will be both.”

“Initially, the meaning of the proverb was that there is no need to reproach a person for past misdeeds, but there is no need to consign the past to oblivion,” comments Evgenia Borisovna.

"In a healthy body healthy mind"

All lovers healthy image life knows this catchphrase well. “A healthy mind in a healthy body,” we say, meaning that by keeping the body in excellent shape, a person protects and mental health. The ancestors were more skeptical: they said that “it would be good for a healthy body and a healthy spirit.” In other words, the second does not follow from the first, but if everything in a person was beautiful, it would be much better.

We have turned the meaning of the popular expression around, giving it the exact opposite. In fact, the author of the saying meant this: in Roman society (and the saying came to us from that era) it was given great importance physical culture, and the passion for it was so great that, according to the author, people paid little attention to the development of the soul. That is, only the beauty of the body was valued. But the author of the expression considered it necessary to have harmony of both body and soul

Evgenia Borisovna Yalymova

teacher of Russian language and speech culture

"On the topic of the day"​

The expression we use when something is said or done at the right time is borrowed from the Bible. The word "malice" originally meant "caring." “The Bible says that “every day his evil is sufficient,” that is, every day his worries are enough,” says Evgenia Borisovna.

Some popular expressions, proverbs and sayings that came to us from the Bible or from Latin change their meaning due to the fact that the meaning of a particular word changes with the development of language

Evgenia Borisovna Yalymova

teacher of Russian language and speech culture

Original taken from slovenorus14 c Russian refugees from Azerbaijan, like no one else, know what pogroms are.

Russian remember...

Russian refugees from Azerbaijan, like no one else, know what pogroms are. Few people know about the Baku pogroms of 1990. Due to various circumstances, this is kept silent. Although if such facts are made public, many will look differently at guests from the Caucasus.
Of all the Caucasian republics (not counting Chechnya), the Azerbaijanis were the most cruel to Russians. In Baku in January 1990, Russians were killed simply because they were Russians. One of the reasons for the aggression was the weakening state power and the collapse of the country. On January 13, the bloodbath began.
Refugee N.I. T-va:
“Something unimaginable was happening there. On January 13, 1990, pogroms began, and my child, clinging to me, said: “Mom, they’re going to kill us now!” And after the entry of troops, the director of the school where I worked (this is not a bazaar!), an Azerbaijani, an intelligent woman, said: “Nothing, the troops will leave - and here there will be a Russian hanging on every tree.” They fled, leaving their apartments, property, furniture... But I was born in Azerbaijan, and not only me: my grandmother was also born there!..”

Yes, Baku in 1990 was seething with hatred towards the “Russian occupiers”. The mountaineers created Azerbaijan for the Azerbaijanis: “a crowd of thugs is operating on the streets and in the houses, and at the same time the protesters are walking around with mocking slogans: “Russians, don’t leave, we need slaves and prostitutes!” How many hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Russian people survived dozens of pogroms and “Holocausts” in order, in the end, to be convinced that there is no friendship of peoples? “The woman from Zagorsk turned out to be a Russian refugee from Baku. Outwardly she looks like a suddenly aged teenage girl, pale, her hands are shaking, she speaks with a strong stutter - so much so that it is sometimes difficult to understand her speech. The problem is simple: under what clause of which legal document should they be considered refugees? they are not registered, and they are not accepted for work without a registration (“though I earn extra money by sewing, I clean the floors in the entrances”), they are deprived of refugee status, and they are not given the money required in this case. Galina Ilyinichna began to explain... The refugee took out a sheet of paper and a fountain pen, but could not write anything down - her hands were shaking so much that the pen left only jumping scribbles on the sheet. I took it upon myself to help.
“Why is this so with you?..” “Oh, it’s almost gone now! I’ve become better at speaking now (And I, it’s a sin, thought that things couldn’t get any worse!) But then, when they killed us...” “Where were you killed?” “Yes, in Baku, where we lived. They broke down the door, hit my husband on the head, he lay unconscious all this time, they beat me. Then they tied me to the bed and began to rape the eldest girl - Olga, she was twelve years old. Six of us. It’s good that four-year-old Marinka was locked in the kitchen, I didn’t see it... Then they beat everything in the apartment, raked out what they needed, untied me and told me to clean up until the evening. When we were running to the airport, a girl almost fell at my feet - they threw her out of the upper floors somewhere. Blast! Her blood splattered all over my dress...
We ran to the airport, and there they said that there were no places for Moscow. On the third day they just flew away. And all the time, like a flight to Moscow, dozens of cardboard boxes with flowers were loaded onto each flight... At the airport they mocked me, they promised to kill everyone. That's when I started stuttering. I couldn't speak at all. And now,” something like a smile appeared on her lips, “I speak much better now.” And my hands don’t shake so much...”

Like this. Do you have some questions for the joyfully smiling Azeri people who are abundant in our markets? Remember, looking at them: IT IS THEY who raped twelve-year-old Olga, IT IS THEY who threw Russian children out of the windows, IT IS THEY who robbed and humiliated our brothers!

Another story - “Today there are tanks on the streets of Baku, houses are dressed in black mourning flags.

— On many houses there are inscriptions: “Russians are occupiers!”, “Russians are pigs!” My mother came on assignment from Kursk to a remote mountainous Azerbaijani village to teach children Russian. This was thirty years ago. Now she is a pensioner. I worked at school as a teacher for the second year... I came to school a week ago, and in the corridor there was a sign: “Russian teachers, go to the cleaners!” I say: “What are you guys doing?” And they spit at me... I taught them the alphabet. Now here my mother and I are here /in Russia/. We have no relatives in Russia. No money, no work... Where? How? After all, my homeland is Baku. Women teachers, with
with whom I talked in a small room, every now and then they wiped away involuntary tears of resentment.

“I ran away with my daughter with one bag in three minutes.” A terrible insult! I’m not a politician, I taught children and I’m not to blame for the troubles that happened in the republic. I didn’t see Aliyev’s name on the slogans of the Popular Front. But they did not represent Gorbachev at its best. It's a shame, because I know these people, I have friends there, my whole life is there.

— The extremists are well organized, which cannot be said about the local authorities. Late last year, housing agencies across the city required everyone to fill out forms, supposedly to receive food stamps. The application form also had to indicate nationality. When the pogroms began, the exact addresses were in the hands of extremists: where the Armenians live, where the Russians live, where the mixed families are, etc. It was a well-thought-out nationalist action.

The next victims according to the plan of the pogromists were to be Russian officers and their families. In the first days it was captured kindergarten, however, quickly repulsed by our military, then in the Caspian Sea they tried to scuttle ships with refugees, the attack on which was miraculously repelled. Alexander Safarov recalls: “The third day of the massacre, January 15, began with a terrible roar. First there was a sound reminiscent of an explosion, then a roar, and the new flotilla headquarters building on the Bailovskaya cone disappeared in clouds of dust. The headquarters slid down the slope, destroying and covering with debris the canteen of the coastal base of the OVR brigade.

Over the next months, Russians were evicted from their apartments en masse. In the courts, all claims were answered frankly: “Who seized? Azerbaijanis? They did it right! Go to your own Russia and rule there, but here we are the masters!!!” But Russian military personnel received the heaviest blow after the collapse of the State Emergency Committee. Having come to power, Boris Yeltsin declared the flotilla based in Baku Russian, and transferred the Russian military personnel under the jurisdiction of Azerbaijan. This act was rightly regarded by the military as a betrayal. “It was at this time,” writes A. Safarov, “taking advantage of this situation, the Azerbaijani court
sentenced the lieutenant of the general military school, who used weapons to repel an armed attack at the school checkpoint and killed several bandits, to death.

The guy spent more than a year on death row, awaiting execution, while under pressure public opinion in Russia (mainly newspapers " Soviet Russia") Heydar Aliyev was forced to hand it over to the Russian side.

And how many others like him were betrayed and did not return to their homeland? All this remained a mystery, including the number of victims of the massacre. You can’t tell about everyone...”

According to the report of the chairman of the Russian community of Azerbaijan, Mikhail Zabelin, in 2004 there were about 168 thousand Russians left in the country, while on January 1, 1979, about 476 thousand citizens of Russian nationality lived in Azerbaijan, in 22 regions of the republic there were about 70 Russians settlements and settlements. In 1989, 392 thousand Russians lived in Azerbaijan (not counting other Russian speakers), in 1999 - 176 thousand...

Against this background, a lot of Azerbaijanis successfully settled in Russia, in Moscow. But this seemed not enough, and in January 2007, the Organization for the Liberation of Karabakh issued a threat against the Russians remaining in Azerbaijan. Threat
was motivated by imaginary discrimination against their compatriots in Russia: “The situation of Azerbaijanis in all regions of Russia, and in particular in central cities, deplorable. Retail outlets owned by our compatriots are closed, those who try to open new ones are subject to inspections, fines are imposed on them, searches are carried out in the homes of Azerbaijanis, and violence is used.

Who will remember the old...

Whoever remembers the old, look out. Holding grudges for past grievances is more expensive for yourself: your character becomes shallower, your soul becomes thinner, your health suffers. Instead of harboring bad thoughts about long-standing humiliations, slaps in the face, betrayals, you need to try to forgive and forget them, because we are all not without sin

To forgive does not mean to say: I forgive, but to take out of the heart the annoyance, the unkind feeling against the offender (Leo Tolstoy)

But this proverb has a continuation “... and whoever forgets, keep both eyes out!”, which contradicts its first part. And go figure out which half to choose as your life credo. Apparently, it all depends on the circumstances. The Anglo-Saxons also think the same: “Dwell on the past and you may lose an eye; forget the past and you will“lose both eyes” (remember the past - lose an eye; forget the past - lose both eyes)

He who takes revenge sometimes regrets what he did; he who forgives never regrets it(Alexandr Duma)

Synonyms of the expression “Whoever remembers the old, look out”

  • Whoever remembers the old will be punished by the devil
  • You can't wash away blood and blood
  • Forgive for stupidity, don't judge for simplicity
  • Forgive me three times, and on the fourth I'm sick
  • Forgiveness is a sign of strength
  • Man makes mistakes, God forgives
  • Forgiveness is easy. It's harder to forget why you forgive

Learn to forgive

Learn to forgive... Pray for those who offend,
Conquer evil with a ray of good.
Go without hesitation to the camp of those who forgive,
While the Golgotha ​​star is burning.

Learn to forgive when your soul is offended,
And the heart is like a cup of bitter tears,
And it seems that all kindness is burned out,
Remember how Christ forgave.

Learn to forgive, forgive not only with words,
But with all my soul, with all my essence.
Forgiveness is born of love
In the creation of prayer nights.

Learn to forgive. Joy is hidden in forgiveness.
Generosity heals like a balm.
The blood on the Cross was shed for everyone.
Learn to forgive so that you yourself can be forgiven (Boris Pasternak)

Application of proverbs in literature

“Her lips trembled. - Whoever remembers the old, look out. Do you know this proverb?(Irina Muravyova “The Bourgeois in the Nobility”)
“A couple of years later, he also unexpectedly restored his relationship with me and even gave me his book with the inscription “Who will remember the old ...”(Alexander Gorodnitsky “And still live in hope”)
“What stood, what was hidden behind this magnanimous - emphatically magnanimous! - a gesture of oblivion (who will remember the old...)? Thirst for self-justification?(Alexander Arkhangelsky "Alexander I")
“And the fact that earlier the same Grishin almost closed the theater and Lyubimov was already sitting in his waiting room, waiting for the call to expel him from the party, preparing, not foreseeing his further fate - so whoever remembers the old will lose his eye out"(G. Ya. Baklanov “Life Given Twice”)