Play the board game culinary duel. Cooking duel technology game


For 5th grade.


Hello guys

Please take your seats

Today I will spend

This is your lesson

which will be dedicated

One interesting person

Listen to me carefully

Answer the questions

Don't forget anything


For team number 1.


What does the word sandwich mean?

(bread and butter)

For team No. 2.

(plants and animals)

(vitamin A)

(3 minutes)

(tea, coffee, cocoa)


1. The green house is a bit cramped:

Narrow, long, smooth.

They sit side by side in the house

Round guys.

In the autumn trouble came -

The smooth house is cracked,

We galloped in all directions

Round guys. (Peas)


Luke's brother. (Garlic)

3.Cheeks are pink, nose is white,

I sit in the dark all day.

And the shirt is green.

4.Ugly, knobby,

And she will come to the table,

The guys will say cheerfully:

5.The lady sat down in the garden bed,

Dressed in noisy silks.

We are preparing tubs for her

6.Our piglets

Grew up in the garden

Sideways towards the sun,

Crochet ponytails.

These little pigs

7.For a curly tuft

I dragged the fox out of the hole.

To the touch - very smooth,

8.Like in our garden bed

Mysteries have grown -

Juicy and large,

They're so round.

In summer they turn green,

By autumn they turn red. (Tomatoes)

9. Although I am called sugar,

But I didn't get wet from the rain,

Large, round,

Sweet to the taste.

Did you recognize it? I...(Beets)

10.Round side, yellow side,

A bun is sitting on a garden bed.

Rooted firmly into the ground.

What is this? (Turnip)


Technology teacher: Volkova G.Yu.


Lesson topic: Repeating and generalizing lesson on the section “Cooking”

For 5th grade.

GOAL: testing knowledge, developing students’ interest in the subject being studied, logical thinking, attention, memory, ingenuity.


Hello guys

Please take your seats

Today I will spend

This is your lesson

which will be dedicated

One interesting person

Listen to me carefully

Answer the questions

Don't forget anything

What kind of person is this? You are all already familiar with her. Which section of Technology did you study? "Cooking." This is the person our lesson will be dedicated to. The lesson will not be quite ordinary; today we will have a competition game. What do you need for the competition? Correct commands. To form teams.


The teacher takes turns asking the teams questions that they must answer quickly. For each correct answer, one point is awarded; if the team answers poorly, the right to answer passes to the opponent.

For team number 1.

What is the name of the room for preparing and eating food?

What nutrients are in the food?

(fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins)

What is the name for the method of boiling an egg when both the white and the yolk become hard?


What does the word sandwich mean?

(bread and butter)

What is the profession of a person who prepares food?

What is the name of a dish made from finely chopped vegetables?

For team No. 2.

What two groups are all products divided into?

(plants and animals)

What vitamin is called growth vitamin?

(vitamin A)

What heating devices are used for cooking?

(gas and electric stoves, microwave)

How long does it take to cook a soft-boiled egg?

(3 minutes)

Name the main hot drinks.

(tea, coffee, cocoa)

Can you name carrots, potatoes, beets in one word?


1. The green house is a bit cramped:

Narrow, long, smooth.

They sit side by side in the house

Round guys.

In the autumn trouble came -

The smooth house is cracked,

We galloped in all directions

Round guys. (Peas)


Luke's brother. (Garlic)

3.Cheeks are pink, nose is white,

I sit in the dark all day.

And the shirt is green.

She's all in the sun. (Radish)

4.Ugly, knobby,

And she will come to the table,

The guys will say cheerfully:

“Well, crumbly, delicious!” (Potato)

5.The lady sat down in the garden bed,

Dressed in noisy silks.

We are preparing tubs for her

And half a bag of coarse salt. (Cabbage)

6.Our piglets

Grew up in the garden

Sideways towards the sun,

Crochet ponytails.

These little pigs

They play hide and seek with us. (Cucumbers)

7.For a curly tuft

I dragged the fox out of the hole.

To the touch - very smooth,

It tastes like sweet sugar. (Carrot)

8.Like in our garden bed

Mysteries have grown -

Juicy and large,

They're so round.

In summer they turn green,

By autumn they turn red. (Tomatoes)

9. Although I am called sugar,

But I didn't get wet from the rain,

Large, round,

Sweet to the taste.

Did you recognize it? I...(Beets)

10.Round side, yellow side,

A bun is sitting on a garden bed.

Rooted firmly into the ground.

What is this? (Turnip)


Each team is offered three puzzles on the topic of cooking, the team deliberates and writes the answers on a piece of paper. The jury checks for accuracy. For each correct answer, the team receives two points.



Teams are offered two cards with words, one of which falls out of the logical series. Teams must find superfluous word and explain why they think so. Behind right choice the team gets 4 points for words and explanation, 2 points for word choice only.

A) SPOON, FORK, PAN, KNIFE (cutlery)

B) SOFT-WOOD, IN A BAG, IN A ROLL, OMELETE. (methods of boiling eggs)




Teams draw cards on which they must restore the sequence. Behind correct execution the team earns 5 points.

A) Primary processing of vegetables





B) Washing dishes.






Teams draw a card with the beginning of the proverbs they must complete. For a correctly completed proverb, the team receives two points.

Cabbage soup and porridge …….(our food) SEVENTH WATER ON …………..(jelly). AS YOU DROP ………………(that’s what you’ll dig up) WHAT YOU SOW……………..(that’s what you’ll reap). "BLACK BOX" COMPETITION.

The teacher verbally gives a description of what is in the box. If the team guesses from the first clue, then it gets 5 points, if from the second, then - 3 points, if from the last - then 1 point.

Translated from German language, it means "damn apple". Because of its bizarre shape, it was considered the creation of the devil and the church imposed a ban on it. This is a very valuable and nutritious product. It is called the second bread. Not only people and animals love it, but it is the main treat for the Colorado potato beetle. Starch is produced from it.



The game is over but don't be sad

Whether you lost or won now

There will be successes in your life

And victories more than once

The main thing is not to forget

To become a seamstress, fashion designer

Or become a chef

First of all, you need to know the technology!

Did you like today's lesson? What did you especially like? Were there any moments you didn’t like?

Show your mood at the end of the lesson.



Find the extra word and explain why you think so.



Restore the correct sequence

A) Primary processing of vegetables





B) Washing dishes.






Restore the correct sequence.

A) Primary processing of vegetables





B) Washing dishes.






Complete the proverbs.

Cabbage soup and porridge…….


Complete the proverbs.



Competitive show program of cheerful cooks. Scenario for junior schoolchildren

(2-4 teams, consisting of both boys and girls, can participate.)

Decor: layout cookbook, on the board there are competitive wall newspapers, drawings of vegetables and fruits.

Progress of the event

I. Discovery.

Leading. The topic of our today's competition is very interesting. You probably already guessed that we will devote our evening to nutrition issues - a cooking competition. We all love to eat plentifully and deliciously, but who cares about cooking ourselves and treating others? This is what we will check.

We invite you today, guys, to the culinary kingdom for an hour,

Where carrots, potatoes and cabbage live, they all welcome you;

Where cucumbers, zucchini and tomatoes live in beautiful gardens.

And believe me, friends, it’s not in vain that you’ll linger here for an hour.

II. Competition "Team Presentation".

Team "Merry Cooks".

Reader 1.

We, cheerful cooks,

We want to tell you a secret,

The most important thing in the house is dinner.

Reader 2.

You have to cook deliciously -

And you won't be sad.

Reader 3.

And if we add to the dish

And a joke and a cheerful laugh,

Then you will save the figures

For 115 years, maybe.

They perform a song based on the song “There is no better color than this.”

There is no better color

When the apple tree blooms.

There is no better moment

How victory will come to us.

We, the jury, love you very much

And we count on you.

And the jury won't judge us

After all, it is not against us.

The "Miracle Chef" team.

Reader 1. And where can I get these lines?

Find such words for us,

So that from hot jokes, laughter

Did you feel dizzy?

Reader 2.

Our team can do this

Slice the bread, butter the sandwich,

To call such a miracle so beautiful,

Whatever you want to eat, everything, everything, everything.

They perform a song based on the song “We are going, we are going, we are going.”

On this stage again

And you, and he, and me!

We are a friendly team

We are miracle cooks.

Now we will tell you

In detail, without embellishment,

That we can perform

We will show you the highest class.

III. Relay competition “Cooking borscht”.


Oh, what vegetables should I choose?

For salad, vinaigrette and cabbage soup?

How can I figure it out and understand

What should I choose for lunch?

Cards with product names (the same for all teams) are laid out on the tables. The first participant in the relay takes a card with the required ingredient for borscht, runs back and puts it in the pan. Then the next participant does the same. The winner is the team that is the first to correctly collect all the ingredients for the borscht.

Instead of cards, you can also use natural products.

IV. Competition "Did you know?"

Questions(assigned to the teams one by one):

What are meatballs? (Food in the form of a ball of minced meat or fish - fried.)

What are meatballs? (A food in the form of balls of minced meat or fish, boiled in broth.)

What is beef stroganoff? (A dish made from small pieces of meat stewed in sour cream.)

What is azu? (A dish of small pieces of meat in a spicy sauce.)

What is kulebyaka? (An oblong pie filled with meat, rice, cabbage, fish, porridge.)

What is a sandwich? (A sandwich covered with a slice of bread.)

V. Sweet tooth competition.

Leading. We all love sweets very much. That’s why we decided to give our teams homework: prepare some sweet dish. They can advertise it, offer to taste it, etc.

Please note that additional points are awarded for treats.

The "Miracle Chef" team.

1) We decided, chose, sweets and goodies.

Good jam, buns, cakes, donuts, cheesecakes.

2) But shortbread cookies are simply delicious.

There are fish, mushrooms, flowers, bears and circles.

3) Our fragrant cookies will improve your mood.

Help yourself! Try it!

Team "Merry Cooks".

1) Good people! Honest souls! Keep your eyes and ears focused here!

The tasting begins! Here, here you are invited!

2) Hot donuts! Piping hot,

Steamed with powdered sugar!

Both lush and sweet! Very good with tea and coffee!

Eat, eat to your heart's content!

VI. Competition "Let's decorate the cake."

Decoration is applied to the cardboard base (“cake”) using a syringe. The syringe can be filled with toothpaste, clay, putty mixture, semolina. The originality of the design is assessed.

VII. Song and dance performances.

Performers' costumes. Students wear chef's jackets and chef's hats, dark trousers or skirts with belts. In their hands are ladles and large (souvenir) spoons, which children tuck into their belts when performing the dance.


Words and music by V. V. Kholkin

We are preparing lunch for you,

Fry, steam, boil.

We'll cook anything

If only we want.


So, so and like this. (3 times)

If only we want.

Let's make soup, fry cutlets -

We won't smoke the frying pan.

And we’ll brew some fragrant tea,

If only we want.


Let's wash all the dishes

We'll put everything in place,

Let's sweep anywhere and everywhere

If only we want.


Description of dance movements.

Musical introduction (playing chorus). Exit of performers from behind the right wings (when performing on stage). The dancers come out simple step, soft, on the balls of the feet, with a slight squat to the beat of the music. At 7-8 bars, the dancers turn to face the audience.

Performing the first verse. The performance of the verses is accompanied by facial expressions depending on the leader’s imagination. The chorus is accompanied by dance.

Start of the dance. All eight bars of the dance to the music of the chorus are performed by movement 1 (triple move with a kick):

1st measure:

- “one” - starting from the right foot, take a small diagonal step on your half toes (forward and to the right), while simultaneously turning your body slightly to the right (left shoulder slightly forward);

- “and” - pause;

- “two” - the same step in the same direction with the left foot;

- “and” - pause.

2nd measure:

- “one” - while continuing to walk, take a step with your right foot;

- “and” - pause;

- “two” - kick with the ball of the left foot in front of the right;

- “and” - as if getting burned, move your left leg to the left in a semicircle in front of you, getting ready for the first step of the 3rd beat.

3rd measure: Starting with the left foot, perform a triple move to the left forward with a kick.

4th measure:

- “one” - a similar movement to the left forward, starting with the left foot;

- “and” - pause;

“two” - kick with the ball of the right foot in front of the left;

- “and” - the right leg goes back in a semicircle.

5-6th measures: triple move to the right back with a kick.

7-8 bars: triple move to the left back, take the starting position.

After the second verse of the song:

Movement 2 (accordion with movement to the left by 2 measures and with movement to the right by 2 measures).

1st measure(moving to the left):

“one” - transfer the weight of the body to the ball of the left foot and the heel of the right foot, bringing the toes together and spreading the heels to the sides, and squat slightly;

“two” - transfer the weight of the body to the heel of the left foot and the ball of the right, spreading the toes to the sides and connecting the heels, slightly straighten the knees.

2nd measure: repetition of movements of the 1st measure.

3rd-4th bars: changing the order of transferring the weight of the body, repeat the movements of the 1st-2nd measures, moving to the right;

Starting position: legs in first position, arms at the waist.

5th measure:

- “one” - step forward right leg put on the heel;

- “and” - pause;

- “two” - place the left foot on the heel next to the right (while trying to keep the body straight, although it will be at a slight angle to the vertical);

- “and” - pause.

6th measure:

- “one” - step back (passing through the starting position) place your right foot on your toes;

- “and” - pause;

- “two” - place the left foot on the toe next to the right (while trying to keep the body straight, although it will also be at an angle to the vertical, but in the other direction);

- “and” - pause.

7th measure: repeat the movements of the 1st measure.

8th measure:

- “one” - stamp your right foot, putting it in its original position;

- “and” - stamp your left foot, putting it in its original position;

- “two” - stamp in place with your right foot;

- “and” - pause.

After the third verse of the song:

Movement 4 (sub-bass for 4 measures):

Starting position: legs in first position, hands on the waist.

Because of the tact: rising on the toe of the left foot (as if preparing for a slight push), we send the right foot forward in a circular motion from left to right,

1st measure:

- “one” - lightly jump onto the ball of the right foot, which has gone a small step forward, while we spread our arms to the sides at shoulder level;

- “and” - the left leg is placed on the toe in a circular motion in front of the right;

- “two” - we step on the right leg, put our hands on the waist;

- “and” - the left leg moves forward in a circular motion from right to left, the right leg prepares for a slight push.

2nd measure:

- “one” - lightly jump onto the ball of the foot of the left foot, while spreading our arms to the sides;

- “and” - the right leg is placed on the toe in a circular motion in front of the left;

- “two” - we step on the left leg, put our hands on the waist;

- “and” - the right leg moves in a circular motion to the right.

3rd measure: repetition of movements of the 1st measure.

4th measure:“one and two” - repetition of the movements of the 2nd measure;

- “and” - the right leg moves in a circular motion to the right and back;

Movement 5 (Russian move back 2 measures).

Starting position: legs in first position, arms down.

Because of the beat: repetition of the movements of the 4th measure of the subbass.

5th measure:

- “one” - step back with the right foot (perform softly);

- “two” - step back with your left foot.

6th measure:

- “one” - step back with your right foot;

- “two” - step back with the left foot (the legs should then be in the third position), we place our hands on the waist;

Movement 6 (pick with stomp and ending in 2 bars).

Starting position: legs in third position, hands on the waist.

7th measure(Fig. 1-4):

- “one” - lightly jump on the ball of the left foot, bend the right knee with an eversion (near the knee of the left leg), while the right shoulder goes slightly forward /

- “and” - lower your right leg with your toe hitting the floor...

VIII. Competition "What's in the bag?"

One member from each team tries to guess the contents of the bag by touch: saucer, slotted spoon, spoon, fork, mug, knife, garlic press, etc.

The winner is the one who named the most items.

IX. Relay competition.

Leading. I announce a competition of agility and dexterity!

Whoever is strong in what, work hard - a prize awaits the winners!

1st stage. The first team member puts on an apron, puts an egg (boiled) in a tablespoon and, trying not to drop it, runs to the table, leaves the egg and spoon on it, returns to the team, passes the apron to the second member.

2nd stage. The relay participant, putting on an apron, takes a glass filled to the top with water and carries it to the table, trying not to spill it. Returning to the team, he takes off his apron and passes it to the next player.

3rd stage. The third player puts on an apron, runs up to the table and pours 100 g of water from the glass brought earlier into a measuring glass, returns to the team, and passes the apron to the next player.

4th stage. The next relay participant, wearing an apron, scoops up flour with a tablespoon and tries to bring it to the table without spilling it.

X. Summing up the pro show.


How many craftsmen we have in our school!

You showed the highest class in cooking!

Let's welcome the winners of the pro show,

The best players are honored with applause and prizes.

Lesson-game on technology " Culinary duel» 5-6 grade
Goal: 1. To consolidate knowledge, skills in the section “Cooking”; 2. contribute to the generalization and systematization of students’ knowledge and skills in processing technology food products. (Cereals and dishes made from them. Pasta and dishes made from them
3. Develop interest in the subject “Technology”, the ability to work in a group; promote the development of memory, attention, speech, creative thinking (the ability to think logically when solving situational problems).
4. Cultivate hard work, accuracy, and the ability to listen to another person
Equipment: presentation with questions and tasks, projector, screen, leaves, pens, serving dishes, tablecloth, black box. Participants: two teams, jury.
Lesson type: non-traditional, lesson-game.

During the classes.
1. Organizational moment.
1. Greeting.
2. Check.
2. Report the topic of the lesson.
Word to the teacher: Our lesson today is unusual. We will hold it in the form of a competition. This lesson is a game. We also have a real jury, these are our guests, labor education teachers. We will see the types and tasks of competitions on big screen.
Our goal is to repeat and consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in cooking lessons. Teams should not compete with each other, but score as many points as possible. I hope that at the end of the game we will not have any losers, because each of you will have fun and, most importantly, knowledge that will always be useful to you in the future. Like any cooking class, we start by putting on our uniform. Now we’ll see how the girls quickly learned to wear special clothes. clothes.
So let's start the game! What do you need for the competition? Correct commands.
The girls are divided into two teams. This is how two teams are formed. They sit down at the tables and come up with a fun culinary name and choose a captain. Introducing teams to each other. (Team name and captain). Team – “Povoryata” and “Housewives”
3.Competition part.
game using the “Cooking Duel” technology, grades 5-6
1 competition "Warm-up"
Guessing riddles

2nd competition "Anagrams"
From the proposed anagrams, teams are asked to make as many as possible more words behind certain period time. For each the right word 1 point
Esvrivoak ukilaniryaPaepitt avkraUteshine erazhenIsorp mstenaarebroubdt
Check yourself.
Serving cooking
Appetite cooking
stewing roasting
Sour cream syrup

3 competition "Find the odd one out"
Teams are offered two cards with words, one of which falls out of the logical series. Teams must find the extra word and explain why they think so. For the correct choice of word and explanation, the team receives 4 points, only for the choice of word 2 points.
A) SPOON, FORK, PAN, KNIFE (cutlery)
B) SOFT-WOOD, IN A BAG, IN A ROLL, OMELETE. (methods of boiling eggs)
D) PAN, FRYING PAN, SAUCER, ROASTER (kitchen utensils)

4th competition "Competent housewife"
You need to insert the missing vowels into the words. One team member writes on the sheet, the whole team controls

M- K- R- N - K – L – N – R - Y
- DR -C- G –RK –L -S
P –RL –VK - PR –D -L
- VS –NK - M –RK -V
S –RN –K - TV –R -G
B – T – RBR - D - ML - T
SK –V –R –D - S –NDV -CH
S –RV –R –VK - M –L –K –

The highest score is 16 points. For each correct answer 1 point.
Check yourself.
5th competition "Do you agree"
If the team agrees with the proposed statement, then put the following sign “+” on a piece of paper; if they do not agree, such a “-” 1. Milk should be stored in enamel and glass containers
2. Pasta is salted after the water boils.
3. Primary processing of pasta is very simple: they are sorted and washed.
4. Before preparing cheesecakes, the cottage cheese is rubbed or passed through a meat grinder.
5. Porridge can be cooked in water, milk, or broth.
6. Porridges can be viscous, crumbly or liquid.
7 Pasta contains many nutrients.
8. All cereals are washed before cooking.
for each correct answer 1 point.
6th competition "Captains" Identify the cereal by touch.
7th competition "Put everything in its place"
Match cereals to cereals

1. WHEAT a. semolina
correct answer: 1-a; 2- b,d; 3- c,; 4- g; 5- g, f; 6- and
8th competition "What's in the black box"
The teacher verbally gives a description of what is in the box. If the team guesses from the first clue, then it gets 5 points, if from the second, then - 3 points, if from the last - then 1 point.
Exercise 1
A) Translated from German, it means “devil’s apple.” Because of its bizarre shape, it was considered the creation of the devil and the church imposed a ban on it.
B) This is a very valuable and nutritious product. It is called the second bread. Not only people and animals love it, but it is the main treat for the Colorado potato beetle.
B) Starch is produced from it. (potato)
Task 2
This is an annual plant from the legume family. Since the Stone Age, it has entered into culture, and its ancestors grew in the Mediterranean region, in India and Tibet. In Russia, this plant has been known since time immemorial. Porridge is prepared from the fruits of this plant, soup is boiled, it is canned, and added to salads. (peas)

9th "Erudite" competition
A task for ingenuity and speed of reaction.
For each team in fast pace read riddle tasks, you need to answer as quickly as possible, and most importantly, answer correctly. The competition is judged by the number of correct answers. The number of tasks is 10. One correct answer - 1 point.

Task for the 1st team:

1) it is used to layer the cake (cream)
2) favorite salad of all children (Olivier)
3) a vegetable that makes you cry (onion)
4) monkeys’ favorite treat (banana)
5) that everything is the head (bread)
6) popcorn (corn) is made from it
7) the strongest porridge (rolled oats)
8) How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (one).
9) What is the name of the room for preparing and eating food? (kitchen)
10) What vitamin is called growth vitamin? (vitamin A)
Task for the 2nd team:
1) favorite delicacy of mice (cheese)
2) it is produced by bees (honey)
3) you can’t make cheese without…..(milk)
4) a fabulous vegetable that did not want to crawl out of the ground (turnip)
5) Italian, world famous dish (spaghetti or pizza)
6) tropical fruit with a luxurious tail (pineapple)
7) dried grapes are called (raisins)
8) What is not eaten raw, but boiled is thrown away. ( Bay leaf).
9) The profession of the person who prepares the food? (cook)
10) What is zucchini? (zucchini variety)

4. Lesson summary.
Summing up, grading.
Time flew by unnoticed, and our wonderful lesson has come to an end. I liked the way you worked in the lesson. I think our guests too. Let's sum it up.
Now let's give the floor to the jury.
I thank everyone for their efforts and demonstrated skill and imagination.

Team name/
competition 1 Competition "Warm-up"
2 Competition "Anagrams"
(1 point for each correct answer)
3 Competition “Find the odd one out”
(for word choice and explanation – 4 points, for word choice only – 2 points)

4 Competition “Competent Housewife”
(for the correct answer – 1 point)
5 Competition “Do you agree?” (for the correct answer – 1 point)
6 “Captains” competition
(For the task -5 points)
7 Competition “Put everything in its place” (for the correct answer – 1 point)
8 Black Box Competition
(from the first clue – 5 points;
from the second clue – 3 points;
from the third – 1 point)
9 “Erudite” competition (for the correct answer – 1 point)
First place
Second place
third place

Task for the 3rd team:
fresh, lightly salted, canned….. (cucumber)
without which you can’t cook fish soup
what Little Red Riding Hood brought to her grandmother (pies and a pot of butter)
what we call second bread (potatoes)
it can be different: black, red, squash..... (caviar)
nutmeg, walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts common name…. (nut)
medicine for sick Carlson (jam)
finish the proverb: “They meet by...” (clothes, escorted according to the mind)

12th competition "Taster Competition"
The cook must know herbs well, distinguish them by smell, in order to be able to create the aromatic composition of each dish. Can you recognize this or that spicy herb by its smell?
The player is blindfolded and allowed to smell chopped greens. The player must guess it.
Kinds herbs: dill, parsley, green onions, mint.
Should a chef be able to distinguish foods by taste? Certainly.
Types of drinks: tea with lemon, cocoa with milk, coffee

13 competition " Practical task"
Table setting for breakfast.
Given: tablecloth, cloth napkin, plates, tea utensils, forks, knives, spoons, paper napkins, napkin holder. Tasty, beautifully decorated and properly served food has big influence on human health, mood, and ability to work. From lesson to lesson, we learned how to set the table correctly and beautifully.
Now the girls have to use everything necessary tools, cutlery, dishes, napkins and other accessories prepare a table for breakfast for 1 person.
14th competition "What for"
This year, in cooking lessons, we studied “Fish, its processing and fish dishes” in great detail. Now let's see how the girls learned this topic.
Task: Determine the order of operations for cutting fish.

15 competition " Homework"
Homework was to find sayings and proverbs about bread and porridge. Each team names the proverb in turn.

5th competition "Make the proverb correctly"
Teams are given cards with the beginning of proverbs, which they must complete by picking up a card with the continuation of the proverb. For a correctly completed proverb, the team receives 1 point.
Drink tea, don't chop wood
Bread is good everywhere, both here and overseas
Dinner wouldn't need lunch
Lard is not tasty for a well-fed mouse
Good glory is better than soft pie
Dinner is not beautiful with pies but is beautiful with eaters
Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf. Stir sour cream and butter, you’ll wait
One with a bipod and seven with a spoon
8th competition "Etiquette Experts"

What etiquette rules were violated? How to behave correctly? See illustrations.
Highest score – 6

9th competition "Captains Competition"
“Oh, well, guess”
Identify the grain by touch.



  • expanding students' knowledge about cooking, repeating the material covered;
  • drawing up characteristics and highlighting the main thing;
  • identifying similarities and differences.


  • developing students' abilities comparative analysis in working with text and tables;
  • developing the skills to independently search for the necessary information;
  • continue formation general culture communication;
  • development creativity, the ability to find optimal solutions and apply them;
  • development of motivation for educational activities.


  • instilling in students respect for work;
  • upbringing careful attitude to food products;
  • fostering independent decision-making;
  • fostering cooperation, sociability, mutual assistance and communication;
  • improving the ability to work in a team, where everyone can count on the help of a classmate and the discovery of their abilities.

The game is played as final lesson on the topic “Cooking”.

Equipment: tape recorder, tables, food models, aromatic products, teaword matrices, plates with product names, tableware.

Progress of the game

Two teams of five people from among 5th grade students take part in the game.
Participants choose a team name, prepare a presentation and an emblem. Dishes are prepared for homework defense.

The guys get acquainted with the rules of participation in the game in advance. The game is played in the classroom, which is decorated with posters on the theme “Cooking”. Before the game starts, songs about food, dishes, etc. are played.

1. Introductory part

Leading. Hello dear hostesses. The science of cooking is a mysterious science of transformations. In technology lessons we learn to be wizards and today in the game “Culinary Duel” the girls will try to show their knowledge and skills.

Cooking is not easy
To comprehend it, we need to know a lot.
Remember one rule, but the golden one -
Cooking must be respected!

Today the following teams are participating in the game “Culinary Duel”: “Terochka” and “Vinaigrette”. We wish them success.

Competition 1. “Team Greetings”

The originality and validity of the name are assessed. Emblem

Competition 2. “The third wheel”

Terms are written on the board. Team members need to identify the extra term in the chain.

  • Cooking, frying, stewing, slicing. (Heat treatment)
  • Omelette, scrambled eggs, “in a bag”, casserole. (Egg dishes)
  • Tomatoes, eggplants, rutabaga, kiwi. (Vegetables)
  • Straws, sticks, slices, sorting. (Cutting vegetables)
  • Anise, cumin, mint, kohlrabi. (Spices)
  • Saucepan, casserole dish, frying pan, brush. (Kitchenware)

Competition 3. “Captains Competition”

Identify the product by smell. The task is performed blindfolded: coffee, apple, orange, mint, parsley, dill, garlic.

Competition 4. “Sandwich”

Students are asked to prepare a sandwich from the proposed products and give an organoleptic assessment of the opponent’s dish: color, smell, taste, appearance.

Competition 5. “Clean”

In one minute you need to remember the sanitary and hygienic requirements:

– to persons preparing food;
– for storing food and prepared meals.

Competition 6. “Chineword”

Fill out the Chinaword. Determine the main word written in the highlighted cells.

  1. Cartoon milk brand.
  2. 100 clothes and all without fasteners.
  3. A unique mineral that is most often added to dishes “to taste.”
  4. Biologically active substances necessary for the functioning of the body, obtained from food.
  5. Frying the product on baking sheets and frying pans in the oven.
  6. Slicing cabbage 2 by 2. The name reminds board game.
  7. Toothy kitchen utensils.
  8. Oil given to us by the fruits of sunflower, corn, olive.
  9. Method of boiling eggs.

Competition 7. “Homework”

Prepare a dish of the students' choice. Come up with a name for it. Execute colorfully decorated technological map to prepare this dish.

Competition 8. “Hello dear guests”

Using utensils, do:

– table setting for breakfast;
- setting the table for dinner.

Competition 9. “Next...”

Students are presented with questions that they answer without preparation. The one who gives the most answers wins.

1. This vitamin contains ascorbic acid. 1. A large number of This vitamin is found in liver, fish, milk, and eggs.
2. What should be on the head of those preparing food. 2. What you need to do when starting to cook.
3. What needs to be done with the products before they are cooked. 3. Where to store perishable foods.
4. Where can you find out about the shelf life of the product? 4. What is the name of the kitchen utensils needed for cutting vegetables?
5. What needs to be done after finishing working with an electrical appliance. 5. What kind of hands should you have when working with electrical appliances?
6. How many centimeters do not add to the edge of the pan when cooking. 6. How to remove the lid from a hot dish.
7. What to use when removing hot dishes from the stove. 7. How to correctly hand a knife to a neighbor.
8. What soups and broths are prepared in. 8. What are cutlets and pancakes fried on?
9. They are called deep, shallow, pie. 9. They are called large, dessert, tea.
10. Device necessary for washing dishes. 10. What kind of water is used to wash dishes that contained milk first?
11. To which group of vegetables do beets, carrots, radishes, parsnips, and turnips belong? 11. Which group of vegetables include peas, beans, beans, soybeans and groundnuts?
12. What indicator of product quality is determined by the nose. 12. What indicator of product quality is determined by the eyes.
13. A method of cutting vegetables taken from mathematics. 13. A method of cutting vegetables taken from a children's game.
14. This is a cold dish consisting of one or more types of vegetables. 14. What is the name for evaluating dishes by taste, color, smell, consistency, appearance.
15. How long can you store undressed salads in the refrigerator? 15. How long can you store dressed salads in the refrigerator?
16. What is the heat treatment of products called when they are heated in water, broth, or milk. 16. What is the name of the method of heat treatment in which the product is heated in fat, forming a golden crust.
17. Depending on the shelf life, they are divided into dietary and table 17. A dish that can be made from eggs.
18. What type of sandwiches require plastic skewers? 18. They come in hot, cold, canapés.

Competition 10. “Vkusnoteevo”

From the proposed cards, select those on which the products for cooking are written:

1st team: Omelette “French style”.
2nd team: Vegetable vinaigrette.

Product name cards

The jury sums up the results of the game and awards the winners.

Lesson-game using the “Cooking Duel” technology

Target: 1. Consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities in the “Cooking” section;
contribute to the generalization and systematization of students’ knowledge and skills in food processing technology. (Cereals and dishes made from them. Pasta and dishes made from them. Dairy products, cottage cheese and dishes from them).

3. Develop interest in the subject “Technology”, the ability to work in a group;
promote the development of memory, attention, speech, creative thinking (the ability to think logically when solving situational problems).

4.Cultivate hard work, accuracy, and the ability to listen to another person

Equipment : presentation with questions and tasks, projector, screen, leaves, pens, serving utensils, tablecloth, black box.

Participants: two teams, jury.

Lesson type : non-traditional, lesson-game.

During the classes.

    1. Organizational moment.

1. Greeting.

2. Check.

2. Report the topic of the lesson.

Word to the teacher: Today we have an unusual lesson. We will hold it in the form of a competition. This lesson is a game. We also have a real jury, these are our guests, labor education teachers. We will see the types and tasks of competitions on the big screen.

Our goal is to repeat and consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in cooking lessons. Teams should not compete with each other, but score as many points as possible. I hope that at the end of the game we will not have any losers, because each of you will have fun and, most importantly, knowledge that will always be useful to you in the future.

Like any cooking class, we start by putting on our uniform. Now we’ll see how the girls quickly learned to wear special clothes. clothes.

So let's start the game! What do you need for the competition? Correct commands.

The girls are divided into two teams. This is how two teams are formed. They sit down at the tables and come up with a fun culinary name and choose a captain. Introducing teams to each other. (Team name and captain). Team – “Povoryata” and “Housewives”

3.Competition part.

1 competition "Warm-up"

Guessing riddles

2nd competition "Anagrams"

From the given anagrams, teams are asked to make as many words as possible within a certain period of time. For each correct word 1 point.

Esvrivoak ukilanirya

Paepitt avkra

Comfort erazhen

Isorp mstenaa


Check yourself.

Serving cooking

Appetite cooking

stewing roasting

Sour cream syrup


3 competition "Find the odd one out"

Teams are offered two cards with words, one of which falls out of the logical series. Teams must find the extra word and explain why they think so. For the correct choice of word and explanation, the team receives 4 points, only for the choice of word 2 points.

A) SPOON, FORK, POT, KNIFE (cutlery)

B) soft-boiled, in a bag, in a cool, OMELETTE. (methods of boiling eggs)



4th competition "Competent housewife"

You need to insert the missing vowels into the words. One team member writes on the sheet, the whole team controls

M- K- R- N - K – L – N – R - Y

DR -C- G –RK –L -S

P –RL –VK - PR –D -L

VS –NK - M –RK -VB

S –RN –K - D TV –R -G

B – T – RBR - -ML -T

SK –V –R –D - S –NDV -CH

S –RV –R –VK - M –L –K –

The highest score is 16 points. For each correct answer 1 point.

Check yourself.


5th competition "Make the proverb correctly"

Teams are given cards with the beginning of proverbs, which they must complete by picking up a card with the continuation of the proverb. For a correctly completed proverb, the team receives 1 point.

To drink a tea

don't chop wood

Bread is good everywhere

both here and overseas

No need for dinner

it would be lunch

Well-fed mouse

and lard is not tasty

Good glory

better than a soft pie

Dinner with pies is not great

red with eaters

For someone else's loaf

don't open your mouth

Stir the sour cream

you'll have to wait for the oil

One with a bipod

and seven with a spoon

6th competition "Do you agree"

Graphic dictation.

If the team agrees with the proposed statement,
then on a piece of paper puts the following sign “+” if you do not agree with such a “-”

Milk should be stored in enamel and glass containers

Pasta is salted after the water boils.

The primary processing of pasta is very simple: they are sorted and

Before preparing cheesecakes, the cottage cheese is rubbed or skipped
through a meat grinder.

Porridge can be cooked in water, milk, or broth.

Porridges are viscous, crumbly and liquid.

Pasta contains many nutrients.

All grains are washed before cooking.

The highest score is 8 points, for each correct answer 1 point.

7th competition "Put everything in its place"

Match cereals to cereals

1. WHEAT a. semolina




correct answer: 1-a; 2- b,d; 3- in;

4-f; 5- g, f; 6- and

8th competition "Etiquette Experts"

What etiquette rules were violated? How to behave correctly? See illustrations.

Highest score – 6

9th competition "Captains Competition"

    “Oh, well, guess”

Identify the grain by touch.

    “One potato, two potatoes”, you have to peel one potato so that the skin has one strip.

Whoever has the longest potato peel wins the team.

For the competition – 5 points

10th competition "What's in the black box"

The teacher verbally gives a description of what is in the box. If the team guesses from the first clue, then it gets 5 points, if from the second, then - 3 points, if from the last - then 1 point.

Exercise 1

A) Translated from German, it means “devil’s apple.” Because of its bizarre shape, it was considered the creation of the devil and the church imposed a ban on it.

B) This is a very valuable and nutritious product. It is called the second bread. Not only people and animals love it, but it is the main treat for the Colorado potato beetle.

B) Starch is produced from it. (potato)

Task 2

This is an annual plant from the legume family. Since the Stone Age, it has entered into culture, and its ancestors grew in the Mediterranean region, in India and Tibet. In Russia, this plant has been known since time immemorial. Porridge is prepared from the fruits of this plant, soup is boiled, it is canned, and added to salads. . (peas)

11th "Erudite" competition

A task for ingenuity and speed of reaction.

For each team, riddle tasks are read at a fast pace; you need to answer as quickly as possible, and most importantly, answer correctly. The competition is judged by the number of correct answers. The number of tasks is 10. One correct answer - 1 point.

Task for the 1st team:

1) it is used to layer the cake (cream)

2) favorite salad of all children (Olivier)

3) a vegetable that makes you cry (onion)

4) monkeys’ favorite treat (banana)

5) that everything is the head (bread)

6) popcorn (corn) is made from it

8) How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (one).

9) What is the name of the room for preparing and eating food? (kitchen)

10) What vitamin is called growth vitamin? (vitamin A)

Task for the 2nd team:

1) favorite delicacy of mice (cheese)

2) it is produced by bees (honey)

3) you can’t make cheese without…..(milk)

4) a fabulous vegetable that did not want to crawl out of the ground (turnip)

5) Italian, world famous dish (spaghetti or pizza)

6) tropical fruit with a luxurious tail (pineapple)

7) dried grapes are called (raisins)

8) What is not eaten raw, but boiled is thrown away. (Bay leaf).

9) The profession of the person who prepares the food? (cook)

10) What is zucchini? (zucchini variety)

Task for the 3rd team:

    fresh, lightly salted, canned….. (cucumber)

    without which you can’t cook fish soup

    what Little Red Riding Hood brought to her grandmother (pies and a pot of butter)

    what we call second bread (potatoes)

    it can be different: black, red, squash..... (caviar)

    nutmeg, walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts - common name... (nut)

    medicine for sick Carlson (jam)

    finish the proverb: “They meet by...” (clothes, escorted according to the mind)

12th competition "Taster Competition"

    The cook must know herbs well, distinguish them by smell, in order to be able to create the aromatic composition of each dish. Can you recognize this or that spicy herb by its smell?

The player is blindfolded and allowed to smell chopped greens. The player must guess it.

Types of herbs: dill, parsley, green onions, mint.

    Should a chef be able to distinguish foods by taste? Certainly.

Types of drinks: tea with lemon, cocoa with milk, coffee

13th competition "Practical task"

Table setting for breakfast.

Given: tablecloth, cloth napkin, plates, teaware, forks, knives, spoons, paper napkins, napkin holder.

Tasty, beautifully presented and properly served food has a great impact on a person’s health, mood, and ability to work. From lesson to lesson, we learned how to set the table correctly and beautifully.

Now the girls have to use all the necessary tools, cutlery, dishes, napkins and other supplies to prepare a table for breakfast for 1 person.

14th competition "What for"

This year, in cooking lessons, we studied “Fish, its processing and fish dishes” in great detail. Now let's see how the girls learned this topic.

Task: Determine the order of operations for cutting fish.

15th competition "Homework"

Homework was to find sayings and proverbs about bread and porridge. Each team names the proverb in turn.

4. Lesson summary.

Summing up, grading.

Time flew by unnoticed, and our wonderful lesson has come to an end. I liked the way you worked in the lesson. I think our guests too. Let's sum it up.

Now let's give the floor to the jury.

I thank everyone for their efforts and demonstrated skill and imagination.


Competition name



1 Competition "Warm-up"

2 Competition "Anagrams"

(1 point for each correct answer)

3 Competition “Find the odd one out”

(for word choice and explanation – 4 points, for word choice only – 2 points)

4 Competition “Competent Housewife”

5 Competition “Make the proverb correctly”

(for each proverb 1 point)

6 Competition “Do you agree?”(for the correct answer – 1 point)

7 Competition “Put everything in its place”

8 Competition “Etiquette Experts”

9 Competition “Captains Competition”

(For the task -5 points)

10 Black Box Competition

(from the first clue – 5 points;

from the second clue – 3 points;

from the third – 1 point)

11 “Erudite” Competition(for the correct answer – 1 point)

12 “Tasters” competition(for the correct answer – 1 point)

13 Competition “Practical task”

14 “What for?”(for correct execution – 5 points)